Newspaper Page Text
pas Pills HndKlwi. BJUottux*. JJ Constipation. hm'trvf- Apr* rut*. Ajw'l P«h. • «itf doctor »ys this is all LSJH&: •■HS-!a3wTTi ' Henweoit tt* I FVtcher Brothers I Her. •""" , '" 1 . 1- • - Urn* ana ■WL--! ('MI sM Wut'i r,. irpr IwWOOftOMI. SKATTLK'SI I JtW OANCINO PAL ACS I I mik and University. I I I CUTS gOLLBROS. jilt Printers 1019 THIRD AVENUE JllN 1043 IND 52Q0 fSuSphurro Baths I I FOR RHEUMATISM I I —READ BOOKLET— I J Ail Pruggwts | OHIO g& DENTISTS 1 lICSSd Av. and University St. Qppaaitt Stone-Fisher Co. ikmiß Bid or OIR work ; m 11 IKARt EBW MRTTAI WORK P KATK PRICK# lata' Ohio Cut Rata ■ laay PsrwMßta Ftlcm af Teeth — "J"'™. $5: '•Sofia Gold or hn+ki Crown IB Gold or Porcelain sr. S3, $4 m m ms, $i up Aw Hags, 50c Up nme writtrn oi*a ha ntk.k tm OK ALL WORK The Busy Man's Hume—Because it's only 15 minote*' car ride from your work. . By City lights for streets ami Cor your home now * foing in City water and i»ood street* ready for yoa to build. Low taxes, clo«e-in property. A district of pretty homes for people that must , be close to their work. Wn' ■ |p Building lots grubbed an<l level, ready for the !i flow Soil rich and black for your garden. I Priced to Sell on terms within reach of all— $250 and $300 Terms— $5 00 cash and $5.00 monthly. You can buy your lumber on term* and build your house on kttns that your rent will pay for it. Call at the office and I will see that you get Jour lot now. David P. Eastman 505 Lowman Bldg. GOMPERS'LIEUTENANT TURNS UPON HIS CHIEF »Y MAX B. HAVES ROCIIKBTR*. N Y. No*. I« — Former Oeneral Organiser Jacob Taielaar has *tra>ed from the ad ministration reservation, dud up hie little hatchet. ut.ered several aad warwhixipa and fired a few retiolu tiona Into the hopper that are going to create trouble. Taaelaar up to a short time ago was one of Campers' tight bower*; •as stationed In the Middle Went s« general organiser. Then. sud detily. he waa dismissed He saya when he demanded In writing to know the cause. he waa anul>l>ed Now he chilium State Ijtbor Com missioner William* of New York Influenced hla dlacharge because bo charged Williams with being too easy with employer* who break the tabor Itwi. CABINET JOB FOR PORTLAND MAN WASHINGTON. Nov. IS Presl dent-elect Wilson haa under con alderatlon for the office of secre tary of agriculture t'harlea 8 llar rett of Union City. Georgia. Joseph N Teal of Cortland, Ore . and Clar ence H foe of Raleigh, N C. All three are democrat*. ttarrelt I* prealdent of the Farmers' Industrial and Cooperative union Joeeph N Teal of Portland la chairman of the Oregon Conserva tive commission. He Is a lawyer by profeaaioa. but I* an expert on all farm quest lun* BAD DREAMS LAND MAN BEHIND BARS BAN FRANCISCO. Nov IS.—Hal luclnatlons of being held up In a saloon became so vivid la the mind of Fred Fallon that be bounced out of bed and visited a atartled and drowsy desk sergeant of the lluah st police station here at I o'clock thla morning. Eighth and Market ata.. that's the place." cried Felloe The sergeant called up the South ern station tie learned the same report was received there A de scription of the man waa exchanged They tallied. "The bug ward for yon," exclaim ed the Huah et sergeant, as be hur ried Fallon Into a evil FOURTEEN-INCH GUN'S THE THING NKW YORK. Nov. IS—War de pertment expert* who are at the Bandy Hook proving grounds for a aeries of teeta of a new 14 Inch coast defense gna. believe that the larger weapon la destined rapidly to supersede (he IS Inch cannon The 14-Inch type, !t la expected. will he placed in the Panama Canal. In Honolulu and In Manila Harbor, as well as throughout the New York harbor defease. FIND MASTERPIECE IN JUNK SHOP MONROVIA. C«l. Nor. !«.— Drawn b> idle curiottlj to • )«»k •hop auction In Loo Annelea rwnllj, 1 f>r F M Pottewer of Moerriirta, II la ala'ed. bounht for $100 * txtintlnje which plruwl hlii Imcj »nd which later wti pnimuncnl hjr ronnola aeurs a Verboerkboven muttrplM* 1 worth at leaat $2#.0«0. William* denlea the accusation. Taxelaar declare* he will carry the fight to the floor of the convention next week Taaelaar not only will attark ttampera In a resolution demanding that the power of appointing organ laer* be taken from he prealdent and lodged In the memberahlp. but he also will demand all declalont of the executive counsel be placed on record and pitbllahed. abollnhlng • tar chamber aeaatons. Taaelaar la a member of the big painter*' delegation He la well barked up by hi* colleagues and other delegate*. J. Mahlon llarnea. a member of the claarmakera' deleKatlon. with (tamper*, and manager of the ao elallat par y national rami>alKn, will lead the fight aaalnat endor* lug the paat artlon of (tamper*. HORSETHIEF ENTERS CELL ON OWN HOOK HIOGINSVILUC, Mo. Nov IS.- A hoy giving hi* name a* "Dutch"" Mann, wanted In Clay county, acci dentally arree ed himself her* Mann rode Into town harebacli, ex plaining that hla aaddle and bridle had been stolen After putting the borae In a livery barn he asked per mission to sleep In the city jail. Aa Johu Truestlale, a constable, re ceived a card from Blierlff Thomaa of Clay county desirlbliia Mann and hla horse aayltig they were wanted In Liberty, Mann la In jail KAISER KNOWS THE CIRCUS BUSINESS PORTI.AND. Or. Noy. l« —In dlaruaalng tb« (treat IntTtuHloqal yiuht r*ft lob* held it the Cam ■»» !'»■ (ponttion In Han rr*a- CHICAOO. Nov. U.-Wh.l b- ItaJ »er \V . m .! r * nM ' of ,h « parrel of " Alfnn>n *1.1 w•' ' itreenbarka that dlaai>i>*ar*d from m.«£t! C f.n .-•••* ra»« „f the Chicago ss&r-ssa .sutts s-'uiirs " fojs T iiLZ teller, from whoa* < a«< the money dro|i|»d out of *lKbt. and who will probably «o on trial Mon day before I'nlieJ Hlam Jndi* Ijutdl*. charged With embejtle ment. AMERICAN WOMEN WHO WORK Mlaa Lulu Charlotte Eddy, a Pert land, Or#., beauty, who >• a depart, mant otore clarfc. PALZER WINS PHItJIDEI.PHIA. Nov. !•.—AI I'alxer, Now York bea>ywei«ht la another rows up the rh<»mpion*hlp ladder here today, follow! m hla de feat of Tony Hon* of Pittsburg after all rounda of one-aided lulilmi I'alxer eaally won the decision Ro*a waa rompletelv elhrowted. tnd aelxed every opportunity to han* on THIEVES GET HOLY RELICS OF CHURCH GENOA, Not. 1«. Robber* have stolen from the aanotuary Delia Ouardla. on Monte ftlaaijno, thr relic* of four *alnta. which were enclo«e<l In canon heavily atudded with Jewel* and preclou* atone*. Aa attempt aI no w»i made to carry away the altar of the Madon na. covered alao wfch Jewel* and predoua atones. The nhrlne la one of the mo«it fumou* In Italy. GREAT, THE RECALL FOR CIRCULATORS When the council gets the report from Comptroller Carroll next Mon day on the recall petition, »howlng thousand* of names short, It will be officially recorded that diver* and sundry dtljsens of the commu nity have been handed one great, big, Juicy, lemon Kach of the 1,147 sheets In the petition waa supposed to have con tained 25 name* M»»st of them did Hut they weren't Ihe Wimes of reg Istered. qualified voter*. That's weher the rub comes For the profeaslonal petition circulators were paid 10, 15 and as high as 25 cents a name. When the Seattle cltlien* showed Indifference to the recall, these <lr culators were not to be denl'-a. Ho, It appears, they them*elv«-s wrote In natui-s at random. And they col lected, too. SHEETS, $47.25 PER, ON GOVERNOR'S BED ALBANY. N. V., Nov. 16 I've fitted out the executive mansion nicely for my successor," said Gov ernor I>lx. when ask ml about criti cism* of the coat of linen sheets and napery purchased for the man alon. Within the la*t few montha |2,r>00 worth of table and bed linen ha* been bought, some of the sheet* cottllhk |47.25 each Then, too, It coat fit to mark each of them. The governor denied the price whs extravagant THE STAR— NOVEMBER 16, 1912. MUST STAND TRIAL FOR EMBEZZLING $173,000-BUT WHERE IS MONEY? Ft>r five years federal alentha hare dogged tlligerald'a font atepa Tbe amarteat and brainiest Culted Htates secret service men have kept him under surveillance ( They watched hla houae and hla office They tried to keep track of •vary cent ba spent Itay after day for five years he hardly moved without a detective trailing bltti, and they watched hla wife on her BREAKS A COLD IN A FEW HOURS Pirat doae of Pape'a Cold Coin* pound relieve* all gripp« ! misery — Contains no Quinine After the very flr*t (ot» of Tape * Cold Compound" you die itnctly feel the cold breaking and all the dleagreeable grippe •ymptom* leaving It la a pnaitlve fact that a duee of l*apei Cold Compound taken aeery two hour* until three con secutive doaee are t*ken will cure Orlppe or break up the moat *evere cold, either In the bead, cheat, hack, •tonsach i# limb* It promptly end* the mo«i ml* arable h«*d*rh*. dulln«»« head and nooe stuffed up. f*verl*bn*** »n«-e*. Inc. aora throat, running of ilia miw. mucous catarrhal discharge*, •wanes*. gtlffneag and rh.-nraatto twinge* Take thla wonderful Compound with the knowledge that there la nothing elee In the worid which will cure your eold or end Orlppa tnleery aa promptly and without any other aa*l*tanca or bad after effect* a« a 16-cent package of Papa's fold Compound, which any drugglat can aupply—lt contain* no quHln* - be aure you get what you aak foi - accept no aubatltute belong* In every hum* Taatea nice—act* gently. MtiUKItN 'leganil) fninlahad room* at lowe*t rate* at Hotel Vlr glnu*. Ktghtb and Virginia, near Weatlake Klllott *01. ••• SAFES *"STaST DOORS \ BB_ fir* flunUr Vr*+9 |K/^ Furniture wCy Fixtures K* PURCELL SAFE CO. Ihlhlh A*eel tmt Ike OXNtlllll MALI.'* *At K I'hon* Main HI MM Srg Ave. Everett-Seattle Interurban Railway BF.ATTI.K TO KVKItKTT 1,1rn1t..« train* 10:10 a m. and 6:16 p m. Local Traine d 10. 7 10. » 10. » 10, 10 10 11. II 30 a m , 12 10. 1:30 If 2 10. 1 30. 4 10. 6.10 11. r. 30 7 1 30. » 46, 11:46 p. m dully. Extra train Saturday and Sin day at 10 46 P m. Ticket (ifflc**- Seattle. 6th a*., near We*tieke; Qreenwood. AJax Drug Store. 86th and Oreenwood. EVKKETT TO SEATTI.E l.imlled train* 0 00 a. ni and 4.00 p m. Ixx al train* —6 to, 4 00, 7 00, 8 n0 tOl 11. 10 00, 1 1 00 * ro.; 1100 noon H. 1 00. l 00, 3 00. 401 it, 6 00, 4 00. 7:00, H 00, 10 16 p m. dalty Extra train Saturday and Hunduy at I 0U p. m. II Indicate* baggage train*. 1- might train i'-avea freight abed at Muaaai huantta St at « p. m. PACII' IC-NOItTIIWKST Tit ACTION COMPANY Everett-Snohomiah Interurban ICVKRKTT TO SNOHomnH—|:«l, , .in. 1.10, 10:10 *. m.. 12.16, I 11, 2 r.O. 4 05. » 80, « 40. 7:10, 10 00, II 20 p m. UNOHOMIHH TO RVBHRTT—I 4». 1:10. »:I*. 1110 *. m, 1 00. 2:10, I 25, 4:45.' 110 7:11, I 10. 10:11. II :lfi p. m. ■bopping tour* Ilia Intimate friend* w«r« cloaely eyed and given (bird degree examinations Hut not a mbi of the evaporated money baa been found Attaches of th» district Mint- Mr'l office dwlirt that wilier the money dropped out of the treas ury ■ r*Hh hot, Flttgerald has done Hip following thinga; Moved from a modest flat to a $10,000 mansion. nblcli be paid for and tarnished expensively. Organised the Illinois Holt. Nut and Forging Co.. with a large plant In 4*b'»*ago Urgnnlted the Illinois Car Martu fa< lurinw <"0.. with a fbO.OOO plant at tjammoud. Ind. 1> alt extensively In slocks and botwle Uved In costly style and enter talaed friends lavishly. Cops Don't Pay Fare*; Mutt Stand PORTLAND. Or. Nov 1« All tart land policemen are today In ■tnt'ted that they muat give up thalr seats to pasaengera who pay thftr fares on the atreet cars, as tbe result of many complaints that "tfce < ops sit and make others stand on crowded cars " Phone Main Ml. fyrcslransferCo. Off»ct 114 Jackten St. Title Insurance \\ hen you buy Real Estate, what is it that you really want ? The lain! itself repre sents only so much noil which may he bought (or a dollar or less a load. But the title—that's the thing. The title is what gives you the right to occupy without molestation, the right to mortgage, to sell, to transfer and devise by will in other words the to possession, enjoy ment and alienation. J It must be a good title vr your possession may aot continue. , It must be a market able title or no buyer will Accept it. • The best title of all and the most marketable title of all is the GUARAN TEED title. lK>n't ever permit your self to be talked into any thing less. Washington Title Insurance Company George W. Fitzgerald and the 910,000 reeidenca ha bought after the 1173,000 vaniahad. KlU*iral<l aajra be ban priwpered In th« Inanranre bualneaa. wblrh he | «ntor«d aflcr behiK dlai-hawd from tbe ttovernment'a aervlc#, and that ho itoi money for hi* enter prlaea tbrouKh lurky Jnveatmenu. At noon February 10, 1907, Flta gerald, a aeven year, trusted em ploye of the Chicago stibtreaaury, locked tbe cag<- In which he worked, leaving the |!73.00t> there. No ona but he had a key for that lock, and he rarrled hla key with him. When 'lie returned from lunch be opened | his cage door Hoon afterward# he ! went Into Hubtreasurer William Itoldenweck'a office and told of the money'a disappearance. His repu tatlon and asaurance carried him easily through re(ieated rigid exatn Inatlona to wblrh ne was subjected, but he was dismissed (mm the treasury'a service—-and was watch •d. for three yaiara thla ran along Then on February 17, ISIO, three Hays before the atatute of limita tions would have ended the case, an Indictment againat Fltigerald was voted by the federal grand Jury, but atlll nothing was done toward ar resting him For six months the warrants lay Idle, and Flugerald waa given the Itnpreaslon by the government that the case was end ed—but atlll be waa watched. Then on Hridrtiiber 14, ftlO, be waa ar rested And still b«* waa watt-bed | Me pleaded aa a defense tbe stat ute of limitations. OH! KING GEORGE IS SUPERSTITIOUS IwOKDON.sNov. 16.—King George sbarea the superstition about the number 13, While bunting at Woolley, tbe king and seven other bun em were Joined at luncheon by five ladiea of a (tarty at Chilton The king, noticing the unlucky number, would not sit down ufltll Itonald Harding, the acting agent on the estate, waa called In *o make the number 14. DIAMOND BELT GOES TO WOLGAST lit) I Blled l*w«« Hlrel 1/W ANQKMM. Not. M — liefore U-nviiiK h«ro for Sun Kraticlaco, where he I* lo owl Willi* Ritchie on Thankaglvlng day. I.lghtwelght Champion Art Wolfram wit* present «1 with a diamond belt by Promoter Tom Mri'irtf. In presenting the belt, which Wolgaat won when he beai Jr*> Hlver* liere July 4, Mi- Clffif I'.iid a high tribute to the lit tie champion "If every rlaaa were repreaented bj a man of your caliber," McCarey Mid. It would be the na\ iiik of the MOie." THE MARKETS Tim loth-wing ere »>'• average Drier* pei'l by '"'el comraleelon mer chant* to the oroducer* and price* paid by th* r«t*ll*r to the coinmi*- ■ tonet*. The prlree paid the farmer* rem* under "buying price." end the *«m paid by the retailer under "*at|.| Ing price." Price* In all ra*e* are auhlect to variation according to freshne** and «• nerai excellence, hut Iheae price*, unlr** otherwl*#- ln.ll rated, are for *tr!ctly flr*t grade* t '««• — I'rtee. lEgg*. ranch .44® .47 yruil—«»ll»f Trie*. New apple* .*oe 1-71 Valencia orange* .... 4 It Peer* - I »• I 71 |tre««ed Meet* — *elll«« I'rtee fh». k» . ....... ,0»H l.otn* No 1. full cut.. .14 l!ll>*. No. 1 Cow*. N.. 1 1»H0.1I Hind*. *leer .14 lore *teer .10 itound* . 11 H Ox longue. fr*»! .... .US I.lver .O lleart .01 M niton — Kw** «*• W<tbera .10 Lamb .1® Pork— liree*ed hn** ■•■••••• .13 Trimmed «lde* ■ I * <A Short loin pork ...... .1* Shoulder* ............ .1* Pigs f>»l -04 <nare rib* .13 14 pork »au*aae .1* I.lver aaunage .10 tloliuina .1* 101.4 II \ amokeil Meata —Settles Price. Itam» •»» Pec on 1)9 -11 llwlled bam .17 Ox tongue, each .71 Dried beef . ,U Poultry, t.ncal—llnrta* I'rtee. Sni in K broiler* ...... .144# ,16 lien* -l«e .14 Turkey*, live .12 Itooater*. live, lb .0* Spring duckling* lit; .16 Ducks, old. live. lb. .. .11 <le**e U ; uuaba, do* 1 19 Vraelahtee —Selling I'rtee. .Onion*, lb .01 potatoes, new, ton ...14 00Q16 oo Carrol*, local 75© .85 lleetn, local 1.00 Turnip* 1.00 drape* I ll® 1.75 Hquaah • .01 Cranherrle*. barrel .. 10.75 t'ranberrl**. box .... 3.7S Pumpkin .01 Paraiey. do*. Tomato**. < al. Lug* , 60 II- box 2.25 Cuullflower, do* 1.25 tlothou** t*ttuc*. crte . 150 1.00 Head lettuce, do* .... .25 Celery, do*. (0O .40 Keed. Sellle« I'rlre. Eastern Wa*hlngton timothy 17.00«1#.00 Puki i Hound timothy. 14 .00A 15 00 Aifaiia 13 00014 00 Wheat hay 17.00# I* oo Bran 34.00«25.00 Short* 26 . on <u' ~<i. 00 Whole corn 84 00© 37.00 Cracked corn 87.00 Middling* 16.00 Hoi led oat* and barley mixed 10 00 "HI" TEAMS FACE CRUCIAL GAMES The football rareera of the I,ln coin and Queen Anne high *'hool eleven* for the preaent ae;i*on reach their climax thla afternoon. when the two team* ela*h agalnat their dendlleat enemies, Everett and 'J"a coma Lincoln Koea agalnat Kvor I'tt thla afternoon, a team tlial heat. Lincoln In a dedalvn fight for the state I,l*l, achool champlonahlp. Lincoln wit] make the trip with a weakened backfleld, both Wlllard, the regular half, and llurch, a crack auhalltute, being out of the game. Cochran, a line man ha* Wen placed Into the gap left by Willi,rd, one of Lincoln'* beat ground gainer*. A | special cur, carrying 60 l.lriaolti root era, left HeHttle for Kverett at 10 o i lock thl* morning. Kluted over laat Haturday'a de feat of Itroadway. the Taroma Mali a< hool eleven ta in trim today to turn the name trick on Q>h» n Anne thl* afternoon at the Hladium. Have for one < hange, Queen Anne haltlea with her full regular line up THE DIVORCE EVIL SHOCKS KAISERIN HKHI.IN, No*. IS.- Tbe kalaerln, who la Intanaely rellgloiia and moat doOK-atic, waa ahoc-ked the other day In reading that 14.540 were dl voned In t'ruHsla laat year. The etnpreaa baa derided to rail on a number of churchmen and others, men and women, to find way* and mean* to atop the divorce ißCrMura, TO PUT $5,000,000 IN TIMBER BONDS PORTLAND, Or . Nov. If Kre<l erlrk A. Hrewer, head of the f. A Hrewer company, Chicago. whose specialty la placing timber land bonds, Is here for a few daya to place at leaat t&.OOO.OOO on Oregon timber and lumber manufacturing planta. WAGES OF DEATH SENT TO WIDOW TKKNTON, N. J., Nov. i«.- The Intentta e fair aasoclation of this city today aenl to Mm Cbaa. Walsh of Kan Diego, Cat., the balanre of an amount due Walsh. who «m killed here while giving a danger ous exhibit Jon flight In carr>lng out hla contract STEAMER WASP IS ON HER WAY IN SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. I«.—Al though report**! by wireleax to have aunk off (iriyi Harbor, the steamer Wasp the mouth of the Co lumbia river Friday, and Kbould ar rive In Puget sound thia afternoon, according to a message received by the Merchants' E*< hang« here to day from fort land. JAPS NOT AFTER BASE, IS CLAIM WASHINGTON, Nov. 1« — Of ficial denial of the report that Japan la aeekiug or had aecured a naval baae at Mantanillo. Max . waa fade a atate department offi. lal here yeaterday. COIN OF NICK AND JOE DIDNT HELP WASHINGTON. Nov If. — R P .; port of campaign oxpen**!) r«clveti ,)l«»r« by the clerk of the liouho to- j d«y alio* that (Vmgrtwstnan Nichol ! an I .on* worth. beaten for re-elec-, Uon. apent |1.5«K Former Speaker! Can no 11 «pent |3.2»9. and frank UHalr. hl» opponent. spent nothing J ICtfrrlln OrlnWr l?lb. Ill], IftyilSl "S. S. PRINCE RUPERT' Sfattlr Waah.. Sunday at 12 o'clock, fc IMUvI J midnight. for Victoria. Vancouver ami Prince ffiff!lift " "S. S. PRINCE JOHN" ■ Leave* Prince Hupert Wednesday at 11 a. m , ■ Oflotwr 10th, November 6th and 20th, I)w*m* bar 4th and Ilth, for Weanhy liay. Klncollth. Pt Klmpaon find Stewart, B. C. Friday at 12 o'clock, midnight. Novem ber >lh and 22nd, IWember Mh and 20th, for Maaaett and Naden Har bor. Sunday at 10 p m. November 10th and 24t1», December Ith and 22nd, for Itefuge ltay, Skldegate, Cumahewa. Pacofl, Lock port, Jed way and Ik Ada. H C. (.HOD TRI'NK PACIFIC R4ILWIT Pa**enger train* leave Prince Hupert Wedneaday and Saturday at 10 a in for South llaxelton. B C. <I#6 mile*). Returning leave South Ifazelton Sunday and Thursday at 10 a. m, arriving Prince Hupert at & p. m. unnn tri*k railway ryitkm (Ooablr Track H**te.) Chicago to New York and other Atlantic Seaport*. Through PCLLJfAN STANDARD and TOCRIBT cam. J. 11. (.ooiler, f. P. 41 T. A. J. H. H«r*ta. Utaeral A seal Phone Main S7of. Passenger Department. 4'Hjr Office, Flral Av. aa4 Yealer Way, Seattle. Waak. AgeatM far All Traa«allaa(le «t(eamalilp l.laea. NATURE'S REMEDY CURES WHILE YOU SLEEP To people who . M V^f *uf fe r from \ If - 7 j\ rhronlc trou- \ \ 1 a MkbZXyA idea of any V \ V I 7 / kind, rheum* - \ V \ ' J / , tin in inn mil \ 1 f / 7a r /'.' ; l"' , .'.V .omplalnt". 10-t V. \ i V 1 f WSI--^4, atrengtdetdl- \ \ I / u prl. .• Within _ I V T''-!' 01 1,11. We 111 \ }J\K \\W M \X*' to Y j i lim *-• atu' rel \ It la Impos sible to cure any chronic ailment by doping the nerve* and vital* with atlmulantH or poison*. Your body need* new life and strength. Our Klectra-Vltu Rive* that. It help* nature cure by restoring the energy and activity of every ailing. »lugglsh organ of the body. Klectrn-Vlta I* a scientific device for saturating the nerve* and vital* with a steady, unbroken current of electric life for hour* at a time while you sleep, without the leaat shock or unpleasant *ensatloi. Klectra Vita builds up vitality and strength, and give* to every Inact ive organ the power to do it* work properly as nature Intended When your body has sufficient electric energy to satisfy the demands of nature, disease cannot exist. Klectra-Vlta Is different from electric belts, faradlc batteries and other contrivances you may have seen or used. It makes Its own power and I* always charged ready for use. It 1 curing men and women every day after all other method* of treatment fail. Andrew drove. Cottage Drove. Or., says: According to your request I will let you km»w how I am getting along I am certainly well pleased with your appliance. After two weeks" use of Klectra-Vita the rheu matism has left me and my nerves are getting stronger. I feel like a new man. C. Damn, Silver Bow. Mont., says: 1 received your letter of Inquiry and In reply will say that my stomach trouble I* entirely cured. I can not say more In praise of Klectra-Vita, for 1 suffered for a long time and made many attempts to get relief from other treatment* A month * application of your remedy was all that was needed to *tart me on the road to health. FREE TO YOU j— — — Juki put your name and atldresn Tjlp rip/ fra Ulja Pa on tlitw l oiipun nnil mull It to uh If I ll\» tlvvll U VIIU W. von can't OHII. We'll aend you our I)KI*T 4. iilK free book (eltiaely sealed I. no t Kmiireaa Theater lliilltllaa. vvliU'li tella all about Blectra-Vita. tKATTI.K, how It cure* and what It coat* tMaaae aend mo uranatd Thl* book la finely llluMrated and vo „ r f »0-page, (Hurtrated explains many tlilna* }ou ahould h„„u 11 n- 11 know regarding the dl&eaatta of "• 11-ie-H men and women. Name Call, If poaalble, and conault our * doctor free of charge. Office Street hnurn: 9 a. ill. to 6 p. m ; Wed and Sal evening* until 8; Sun- ' "*" day, 10 to 12. ——. They Make Goob who keep themselves in fine physical condition. Regular bowels, active kidneys and liver, good digestion, and a greater natural vigor follow the timely use of the reliable BEECHAM'S Morphine Habit Cured Prominent Seattle Physician Takes Neal Treatment Used Drug for Years A prominent Seattle physi cian whose name and address will be furnished to any one in good faith interested, recent ly completed the Neal Treat ment for drug addictions, and makes the following state ment : "I had been addicted to th« use of morphine for six years and was taking ten grains hypodermirally daily when I entered the Neal Institute. I had taken several other 'cures,' suffering a great deal thereby, but was unable to rid myself of the habit. Within two weeks after entering the Neal Insti tute I was eating well, sleeping well and feeling better than I had felt for years, and, best of all, I had no further craving •r desire for morphine. The most remarkable effect of the treatment is the fact that there is tittle or no suffering attach ed-to the withdrawal of the drug While at the Institute I had ample opportunity to ob serve the effect of the treat ment upon both alcohol and morphine addtctees, and have no hesitancy in saying that it is unquestionably the best that has yet been discovered." We make the positive asser tion that the above expresses the sentiment of all Neal Cure patients. Call, write or phone The Neal Institute, 1735 16th Ave., Seattle. Wash. Phone East 4381.