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*HE SEATTLE STAR ""IBS'. rfwit« K«<h«n«* m«I» »*&». ■ftwiilw «r" tmk li-MiTi'o mffwitif C7«ui k W mcxvSiml'Vh* 0»lr mlltf pmpmr katiat fVlt Iraarrf ntr* w«( wrilrt •( li» I sM«4 . _£55« i» 4a«»»iaiu— Knt«rad at Nrnni« W»ah,p»stoffl'«- *■ <w»r»t»iT.<*i«»• null" rfy n>»n, out of flty. »c p»r MM up to >U nv~« »r« mj>i ft >> yaar I* >' Dally by Tt« Hot 1'.k11.k1.. I o rfcaaai K«.-fc«»a» M«l«»«*» This Wonderful Period There ner#r wan auch a wonderful period! W» never before knew an much or rnuld do ao much We never experienced an age of equal romfort No part of yeaterday »»i " glorloua »» (hli hour. A RH-re hundred year* ago evan a aclneil»t thought tne aimoa phare *u almply apace- that gaa wa« only a aniell. Tha first microbe hadn't dlacloaed hla Identity. Matchnlkofrs announcement of battling hoata tn every drop of hit man blood would have earned hint a padded call. . Tha boat Illumination Oeorga Washington could secure came nom tallow dlpa. lighted by striking a apark from Hint and sleet. Kvary place of fabric waa woven by hand. Tha only horse-power waa fouHegged and wora % tall. The steam boat waa atill building on tha waya of Pulton a hralß. and tha wheels of tha steam engine had moved only In Stephenson I '""h took lleiijamln Pranklln two weeks to send a letter from Hoeton and gat a raply from llaltlroore. Abraham lJncoln'a angular frame never reposed In a Pullman berth Uarftald called a twenty-day Hner" an "ocean greyhound. Flactrtc light, trolley car*, bleyclaa. automobiles, department store*, •kyacrapara. ten-cent collar*, tinned •alnion. airships. penny newspapera. appendicitis and power cranaa ara still Infant Ideas ' Thirty years ago electricity had never been hitched to a wheel, gunpowder waa tha moat powarful eiptoslee; aubwaya waran t con aldcred wlthlu r*nn» of possibility. . ... K- , "JapoaalblUty" la now an old-fashioned w..rd with a definition bat not a meaning A 1 moat every draam of the pa*i la • reality U *)W The magic cities and tha fairy klftitdoma of your grandmother aran't half ao wonderful as tha world In which you live. The wUards. alvaa. plsles. gnomaa and djlns of lagand. lumped to gather, never did a* much In all their hl.toriad years aa wa re acoum -1 llahed In the laat decade. Plan It Early, Woodrow Mr, Eugene Deb*, whose party seems to be about the only one that can honcatly brag of making hear? gain*. aa>«. —. ,„ "If the democrats attempt radical tariff revision. Bl* lluslnsas will be heard from In a war to make the democratlc and adm lutratlon hesitate If the democrata per*!*; In their efforta. the aama Interest* will precipitate a panic which will paralyse the country and .b, MM «* future ** doe* Mr Date and the flrat duly of the trio racy la to study out plan, by which to meet the poUtloalrevengaof »l« Business and render It Ineffectual aa regarda uatlonal RW 'certain It la that the democracy muat attempt radical tariff refnrms if It would not stultify Itself before the world The ao-called panic of IW>7 waa cleverly engineered by the money •mat In behalf of Big Bualoeaa. Uncle Sam relieved the pinch on cred flora and bank* all o#er the country, by taking million* awJ* Mr Morgan'* New York shop nnd permitting him to loan It out at vsry fcrofltililf interest It waa a very profitable panic to lllg Ru»tn« , *s, ftthlch «wallowed Tasnessee Coal * iron, and to the I money_trn*t. which ■ wallowed the profit on loan*, and It cost the profiting l* l^1 nothing A similar panic would be good bualne*a for Big Business and Ilb* trust, at any time, and the temptation to give that part of the d democracy which I* radical and that part which 1* desirous of holding ou to the spoil* » warning lasson mu*t be strong. . Hut a panic, to whatever cauae or Influence dne really doe* pinch creditor*. Investor*. bank* and businesses all over the country. 4nrelv Woodrow Wilton and hla congre** can devhie *ome plan to prevent or stop that pinching other than taking a bagful of mtlllona °T 11"".' I **- •- - ■ —«■>» "™ rt is f ssy .u b. rt-.rt.BT tng of the preaent victorious democracy. However, he la a hit PV*" l ' tut*. "All right ap to the pre»ent time'" a* that sublime optimist •boated. *» he *hot past the *econd story In hi* fall from the seventh story of the building Chance to Punch Mr Taft's state department has stuck It* none Into " ,n ternal sad personal affair*. In the Internal of the Standard Otl Co. and > What Germany propose* to do In oil la to beat out tba Standard Vy nssilm Ita peopta with oil. That la to say, It *111 fight corporation taoaopoly with government monopoly. . , . . Mr. Taft seen I* this Intention of the German* a precedent of hot- Mhla significance to American interests abroad, and ao be * going a MM n bit aa heavyweight protector. ... .. Doubtless our foreign trade I* of high Importance and doubt lea* an*ch of it Is entitled to diplomatic coddling and protection, but our Cwpts have been learning thing* about "our foreign trnde recent l» Itta going to be mlghtly hard to stir up much Jingoism In behalf of that taft of onr.foreign trade which goes to tb.» foreigner cheaper than It floes to u* for Instance. When It comes to the arrogant, corrupt and Impregnable Standard monopoly, the American people will surely aide artth the people of German? la their struggle with the etperlment of oil Snfl themselves without outside help. Later figures skew that the respective prrstdentlal candidates ■Oiled Wilson. t.JM.OO®: Rooeerelt. 4J1VOOO; Taft. 3.1 M.OOO. The Taft Tote four yearn ago *u 7.«7#,0ft0. Tsfrs vole Hi the receat elec Uoo was a combination of reactionary* and regular party republicans. M>e Wilson role was a combination of regular democrats and progrvs Urea. The Roosevelt Tote waa one hand red per cent progressives. BETWEEN Jan. 1 and Oct. » Uncle 3am took In «61,12« Imml fnata. BUTCHERS In Oermanr are Mrilng doc meat. Germany haa klgb tariff agatssf sneet and also meat trust. Heef for the 6 per cant; dog for the »o. "QIVE us red-blooded men!" roars Cheater Rowel I. donating editor of California Outlook. What's eatln' ye. CbetT Wssn't moose blood hot enough for ft! WOMEN'S suffrage movement is almost world wide, says Mrs. Carrie Catt. president of '.be International Suffrage Alliance. Wonder what Mrs. Carrie's husband's name Is! WICKERSHAM is eager to dis solve the Rttgar trust before hp goes But And, oonxlderfng Tobacco and Standard dissolutions, Sugar ought to be right eager, too. MAYBE Lister won't make sweep Ing changes In state appointees But Just the same, the tax commis sioner* aren't feeling all fired com fortable right now. n. nov 13—Alas, what a feller has to glTe up for the aake of ar{! thlnka of poor tony acotty acotty la a barrytone with the srand opry co. that ainga here In |he winter time C>u got to be aome alnger to be ng to thla trovpe, they charge 6 dollars for a aeat In the ork'stry, gnd for ft dollar they give you a chair In >he 6th balkeny, about twlct aa far from the stage n» teddy rosefelt la from the white hnuae well, acotty la there with the vo kal goods, he can rattle a few chunks of plantar off the celling any time he feela like letting him self out a bit but hla shape was beginning to bother him • singing glvea a person a a good ftpp«tlte when they get, 1,000 dol lars a night for It, and acotty bad had bis card in the platter polish ers' union for a good many years the more he eat, the fatter he cot, till he began to see trouble tbaftd tiarrytonoß alnt a* romantlk an tanners, in opry, still they are some roraantl'k, and they alnt suposed to look Ilka • baJloon tbat'a borrow- M a pair of leg* and started out to |m the world 1 Tkt Vote Observations NO, dear reader. thay bfM'l movwl The to tb« Balkans. Not r«t. OONT throw uppercofs at glass eyea. Patrolman brulaed hla fingers on the piece*, when he ■truck a one-eyed man. PITY 'he rhapa who bet on the California reaulta. Just think how often the lump rose la their throats during the week. PENNSYLVANIA man saved from gallows because he's cigaret fiend. My. what an advertising op portunity lor that life-saving brand. OR. CRICHTON saem o take the proposition of heating Seattle stre«t cars in an exceedingly cold manner. IT'S a cinch the new president won't ask Will Taft to give hlrn pointers gain<>d from previous ex perience with special tariff sessions. FIRST plan of the new court house has been agreed upon. It provides a 145.000 fee «o the archi tect. ao when wotty went back to frame laat summer, he wasent aure whether be would have hla Job again this fall, If he dld<nt get ao he could aee hla ahoea without look ing In ft looking glaaa a few daya ago he come back and hardly anybody would have knowed him If they dld'-nt look at hla face hla stummlck la nearly ail disap peared, he could play romeo and Juliet or any of that aoft atuff and get away with It fine evryboddy gave him their con gratyoulatlona, but scotty alnt happy when one of hla frenda asked Mm what he waa eating, be let out a howl of mlzzery no bread and butter he aaya. no potatoes, and spaggetil only one# a week witch being the caae, all hla Ital yen Irends thlnka hla aackrlfloe for art la the gratoat In hlatery, and I gee* 1. ia going aome Johny A Whitman, Mass., man loat hla pocketbook, n girl found It and re turned It to him, and tucy're to be married thta woek, It won't make much difference hereafter whether he ban a pocketbook or not. Nothing' Serious T. ./¥oj»I £n Agyrhitg? It will coat II(o run New York'* municipal buala*** Id the fiscal rear |>U. • • • Only Tolerable Coplou* Copious rain l» falling In this k»clion la adjoining counties rain ia not ao copious.—Brighton (111.) News. • * • The farm l»n<3* and building* of the South arr v*itc,i at tOTi.MO,- 000, an Inrreaae of |S,00«.»00.000 in I# f*r« Thr increase alone la about five titu»* the rental of all the national bank* la the I'iiHwl State*. • • • Jack John •on tin an offer to go to Hum ia. but the I'nttvd State* district attomot In Chicago won't let him The V. 8. d a. roust be a Ruaalan. • • • The American apple brings high er prvea In Karopean restaurants than homegrown fruit doea. • • • Only four year* more till the negt presidential election. • • • New York Telephone Co. aa an Inducement :o operator* to remain In Ita euiplojr. offer* a bonua of »I 5 at the end of two years service, the amount Increaalng each year until the tenth, when the bonua la 1100 for that rear and each there after. e e • The Greek army* full dresa uni form. we aee by the picture*. In clude* a abort aklrt. The fatigue uniform. we take If, consists prin cipally of tlghta OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE HIS FRENCH Dlobbs—How did you get along In -Paris? Hlobba —Not very well. Blobba—Don't you apeak French? Hlobbs Only enough to make myself misunderstood Philadelphia Record. • OTHER WAY ABOUT • "I s'pose I've known 10,000 mothers in my time." "But I never knew but ono mother who bad the courage to go to the matlnoo whllo her daughter did the housework " THE STAR--SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1913. "Why don't men and women dame alone?" oak a Dr. J D. Jone# of the u-lutol board We'll bite, doctor. Why don't they? a a a "Marriage," aaya Kdna Goodrich. 1 who la one of th« et Mr*. Nat (Ju >d I »tn», ' aeent* to be a fame of glee and take'" Kdna J««t can't keep [tier mini off alimony • * * * JOSH WIS! SAYS: "T own Marahal Hickory Bludgeon a kepi ao buey >ret»ctin' railroad jroperty Itvtt lh' leaioyeeort farm •r»" Sank gHa rot ted regular every no weak*." Mutdlrwrtfil energy— Kimld* a girl 'on her photo graph" Trying lo n-arw men from klnk- In* girl* Trying lo acare girt* from letting m«n ktaa em Trying to dodge a life Insurance igetit Plajing a banjo * • • f«a*t year Canada built S3* ve* *«•!». measuring V.7J4 ton* and valued at fl.t t • • There ar« lug* on the Oreat take* that are larg.-r than ioim of the rapn ol war In I'erry* f)«M»t In 1811. • • • A Seattle promoter 4row from bla pocket a doieti nugg<-t* which hr dl*pl*y<d to a man to whom he waa trying to aell gold wine mock "We ve got aeveral tona of gold )«*• like thla, already wlu"d,' be aald j "Then wbat do you want with money f* aaked tbe other man Why. wo need money lo puf Italian* to load thla lo wheelbar row* and put It on railroad care." replied tbe promoter. | ' Ilon 't you bother about Italian*." •aid the other. "CM re me the Job lid' loading It la wheelharr »wa. I'll ,4n It for nothing." Ia a a One Seattle ttreek baa decided ■to remain here and get married, aa jone might aay, Inatead of going to j Turkey to fight • • • Home fellow ont In Waahlngtoo 1 haa Invented a reedteea prune. Thla knock* out all our efforta lo give tbla i own try prmeiee% board lag houa*a. • • • What ha* become of the old fa*b iorwd pnllti< lan who didn't return the big contribution** a a a Two hundred • yearn ago there were It* taken la the canton of Zurich, Swltaerland. Today there are only 7(. a a e There are 2.1&1.&70 mile# of pub' He road In the rutted Htatea. K« ferta figure that the toe* lb rough light load*, due to poor conditio* of the mad*, la more than $1,000,-; 000 a day • a a There are 17JS1 Tale graduate* living New York o4ty» ha* the freatret number. 1.45 J, New lla ven la eecond. with 1.300, add Chi cago third, with til a a a The Bulgarian cheer la "Oorah." So far aa can be teamed there lan't any Turklah cheer, a a a Speaking of namea. you'd think W W Toot waa a mueivlan. wouldn't you* Well, he iau't. He'a a mover. a a a A* Good Natured a* Taft Marry Moreland haa been hob bling about on crutche* A few day* after he had balled hi* left •bin wttn a hammer, caualng a knot about the irte or a fool ball, a row kicked him on the aatne tender «poi The whole affair alttroal made llarry m*d.—Little River 1 Kant Monitor. a a a A Little Olrl'a Perpleally A little girl climbed on her fath er'* knee and tald: ' I'ape, wit It a wtae peraon who •aid: 'The good die young'?" "Yea," be replied. "1 auppoae he mm<t have been very wlae. " "Well," the child replied, after thinking It over for a lime, "I'm not *o much *iirprl«ed about you, but I don't *eo how mature managed to get growed up."— Kuoxvlllo Journal. Mother W»* in Aunt I.lxa came up the walk and •altl to her small nephew: Hood morning, Willi*, la your unther In?" Hure she la," replied Wltlla titK-u lenity. "D'you s'pose I'd l>e wt»rkln" In the garden on Saturday f morning If she wasn't?"— Ladies' lln run Journal. • • • Ruinous Ttiat talk la cheap she used to think, IMit now she »e«>* l| put a a kink In one's bank roll: Kor she. poor aoiil! Ohrf met u friend aud stopped to gnb While riding In a Uxlcab —Judge. • • • True There lan't a doubt that thla fart la true, It mil* for a lot of grit. To stick, sometimes, till the battle'a through, Hut any old dub can quit. —Detroit Free Press. • • • Some Unusual "Ads" "If you like your vitals well sea soned. try us," advertises a New York ifstaurant keeper. Ad. offering a motorcar: "This machine Is being disposed of on ac count of bad health." In the Mexican Herald; "Nice room to let, beautifully decorated with Herman couple." Milwaukee ad: "Promising In vestment for a man who can afford to lose $2,*)0." A Chlcngo jeweler advertises: "Hpoous and forks are now consUl ered an Important factor In one's table appointments."-—Boston Trail script. CHILDREN! WANT A THANKSGIVING TURKEY' GET IN THE CONTET. WRITE AN ESSAY. MAYBE YOU'LL WIN k PRIZE A The lilK«o«t contest of tli« yar. the Thanksgiving Turkey cunt ft. baa beeti in progri>sa lint one irtmrt *«ik ( and already 54 I utters have (••••n received lijr the Circle. Out of the UK letters, 23 of tbera will be In the batch to b« decided upon neat Krlday afternoon. to mnttlii over 160 word* From the flood of lettera received by the I Cirri# tbla wefk, Curie Jack la of the opinion there will be an abund ance of hot competition The Cirri* ag«- limit la Id. So boy or girl over that axe can com pete. Bora and glrla who have not al ready written for a C-lrrle m*fnb»r ahlp card should do no The c»mM of those wh«a« leftera will be paased Upon next Krlday are prist' ed herewith. It the winner of (be conteal *honld bap|ien> to Hve out of town. • check. wlitch would purchaae a fat, ten tiouttd turkey, wiU be uiiiliHt to the boy or girt. letter* uim! r«clt Tlw Star of fice before I o'clock nut Urtday afternoon Tbe cont**t eltteea th«*n The winner will be announce In the Saturday Circle column. ELEVEN JOIN Tbe fidlowlng »l»*'o boya and girt* have written to Hie t!ircie. re lug memberahlp certificate*. The card* bar* be»-n mailed to ttw<m Tell your frieude about tbe Circle and get ihem to write t'nfle Jack for a rant If yon haven't a card, write for one. Addreea let ter* to t'ncle Jack, lo car* of The Star office. Margucnta Holland 4fl 2Stht IsutH Charlea Naea. 1100 JOth South. Ina HifMew*r, Sedro Woolley, Bo» IN. Marguerite bollock. 2HI Jlrd kMk. Helen Conroy. 106 22nd South. Chart** Canfield, till North 4Stf> at. Nellie Wateen. MM Mth South. lugeee Card. Maryavllle. Sea 70. Mary Lee. MIS 11th N. W. Make) Olaen. Monroe, Waeh. Jewel Ktderien. Say View, Waah. r ► To Marian Meaker — Tbe t drawing of «h« little girt waa i the beat In my opinion ► I'NCIJC JACK. Kill or Tbe Star: Why did Tbe Star chooee IVib Hodge gover nor In preference to John C. tjaw renee? Mr laiwrei ce wooid have carried the ata>e eaattjr. He waa the flrat man In the atate to de clare h'rnaelf a ITowreealre after the Chlrago convention. and he la ope of the beet pouted men on *tate affair* we have. If The Star had given more space to Roooetelt. the head of the ticket, and lee* lo Hodge, In my estimation It would have helped the Pro gre*alve party Infinitely more. DM The Star think It could throw the harpoon Into the heed of the ticket and mill elect a Progreaalve gov ernor* I think The Star ha* done more harm than good for the Pro gre**lve cauae. W. C. KI.ANUKR. Editor The Star: Why bother about T. R any more? The people are with the duty he haa done for hla country Such fel lowa a* George Cre*acy »eem to think It la a man * duly to lie king If :hl» happened, then- would be no chance left for any other mgn to do hi* duly. A SCnaCßliifiß elao ela eta eta etao Ml tor The Star: I wlah to take exception to ihp principle expressed in the cartoon that tppvind In your paper on Nov. IS, depict Inn a loan shark holding In hl» band papers hearing Interest at 100 per cent. The loan ahark la after bin reaulta In abort time. Why la he more despicable, however, than hi* next door neighbor, the hanker, who charge* le*» Interest and bide* hla time, but geta the antue resulta? What la the difference between the former, who charge* 100 per cent, and ihe latter, who charge* 10 per cent for ten year*? One play* the game a* the other, but play a It more ctowly. Both these men are riding the Imck of tho wealth producer, the common workman. One cnn't blame them. becaus«rof th<> present social ayatem, whose slogan Is "eat or be eaten." Change condi tions ao the majority need not de pend u|>on tffe aun rolling minor ity for livelihood and theae two non-prodneera will disappear. Col lective ownership of currency and the hanking ayatem will do the work. JOHN HKKARKC, Editor The Star: The following resolutions were adopted by the University Community club at Hs meeting last Wednesday: RKSOI.VKD, That the i'niverslty Community Improvement club en dorses the action of the &1 students of the University of Washington in making tho protest they did make against the acceptance of the Hlethen chimes; RKBOLVKD, That we endorse the ie|K>rted action of the faculty of <hu University of WaMhliiKton to the effect that they refused to In flict tiny penalty upon the said 61 students for the course they adopt ml In the mutter of the protest and it* publication; He It FURTHER RKSOLVKO, That we regret the action of the Hoard of Regents of the University The contest la open to every boy and girl retul«r of The War, regard less of whether or not they bold a meinlfrahlp cer tificate. Howe lucky Circle boy or girl gets a bin fat ten-pound tur key for writing an fnaay ou ThankHKlvlrig, not Th* following are the boya and girl* who** eaaaya will be cooald ered In the "Turkey Conteet": Irene Pynrheon, Marguerit* Pol lock. (sra< e FUuleton. Agnea Miller, Minna Mortu*. Ilarold Smith. Iton aid Smith. Harry Pinfold. Ruth I'lnkham. D« hlia I'liiKharo. Arthur Seawall. Kloyd Heaketh. Milton Albemarle, Helen Duncan. Keneth llrowu, Harriet HonnHly, Catherine Morrta. Margaret Jonea. Kdward Hooker, Jamea I'erklna, Hazel Kenn. Indiana? It waa many year* hack when that word aent a chill up folk* - •pine*, bat now thine* have changed . I aa*ii re yon the Indian* in the above picture are perfectly tame one* They wouldn't acaJp a aoul The little hoy and girl ar<* tClnie May and her three year-old brother Klate baa been a member of the Circle for mae time. She aaya a* aoon aa her brother geta old enough he'* going to Join too. Mlaa Klale la quite an art kit Bbe ha* acnt many pretty little draw irnta to t'nrle Jack. She live* In ' luaaquah. The Editor's Mail or Washington In accepting (be IDeihen chimes for the reasons In the students' protest. Editor The Star: Aunt Carrie had a birthday at the Kins County hospital last mon h. We all had a good time. Hut on the next day. one of the nurses came with a basket and took away all the eat ables. which would h*ve been a Itreat treat for the paMenta. The food at this hospital la very l>oor. sometimes even rank. If the bread haa any butler on It at all. one la very lucky. There la no sugar for the morning much and coffee. Dr. Corson is very rude and harsh If I could talk to you personalty. I Auburn, Wash. TM6 RULES Contaat—An eaaay on Thanka giving. Prllt—A tan-pound turkey. Rule*—Manuacnpta muat b« written naatly In ink on one aid* of the paper. The wort) limit la IM. Name, age and ad dreaa muat be written plainly at the bottom of the letter. Cloeee—The Turkey Centeet cloeee neat Friday afternoon, at I o'clock. Announcement will be made next Saturday, INDIANS! C W NICHOLS, Pre* JOSEPH P. TOTXKN. Becy Royal BanngPowdbi Aids Healthful Oaalrtlcsloftel&oil Prof. Prescott, of the Univers ity of Michigan, explains why Royal Baking Powder adds healthful qualities to the food. Testifying before the Pure Food Com mittee of Congress, the Professor stated that fruit acids were excellent articles of food and that of these cream of tap* tar, the acid of grapes, held rank with the highest both in itself and its effect in the process of leavening and baking. He regarded the results from cream of tartar baking powder as favor able to health. Scientists and hygiene ists are in accord with this opinions Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar, One Turkey Letter "BABY'S PLEA" Utile Ilobby Ur«-g raised btatt aelf feebly from hla pillow. Thsfcy after tomorrow waa Thaakaglyiag IMy, and. aa be ei(>resaed It, "The hospital waa to have no turktr » no nolhln,." The nurse's eyes tllt«4 wla, iw, when she heard thla, for bad shs mi been ssylnn <hl* verv thing to her. self every day for a lon* Mat*. J way# f.-ar(ul lest the little crianUa In th« Orphan*' Home ihooM Had It out U*> soon? Hl»e, Ilka ||,tj. Hobby, wished and wished that they could bare a gou<j Thiaks. gUrliiß feast "Morale," uld Hobby. "I gwu scbemo I know II work just ft#,, Usien now: I'm noing la writ* |» the mayor, and thai big kind maa what hHi*-d na Uut year. Do*! you think that'll be a norfctr scheme?" And. indeed, how the mayor tad hat bin kind man did help ost' Ttter<- wai to be a dinner party g| the mayor * bouie, but they m every thing to the orphan*. mt thp xuesta went ne*t door t* tit biK. kind man* home for dl«g*r. At er dinner <h<- mayor read fg a alow, faltering voice the note But by bad written: "l»ear Mayor: I am a ortag at the home, an' I am crippled, aa* j ken never get well. WV ala't got -io turkey nor nothln'. Won't you !<»a*e help im agin? Mebbe that big. kind man wiU -no." KKIXIK WATSOX. »««> Sith Sooth. "THANK SCI VINO" Johnnie bad waited long aai snxlon*ly for Thanktglvlog Dag, and now It waa near. He waa tlrvd of aaylng hla piece for Thankagtv- Ing over and over again, but la *tead he would have liked to km been hunting wild turkey* with th« , Pilgrim*. He leaned back and In faacy k* Imagined he onuld aee theca )o*t a* they looked when (bey landed. The darV foreat in the back ground. with the wave* ngalnot the rock*, which w«ra formidable object* indeed. The men were *tern fared, with Hav ing eyea full of the love «f fr*» dom —freedom to worahip aa tlMg t pleaaed; and with them (he bravt •oiii<-n who had dared to coma oa tbla long Journey to tbla uakaowg land. How different It all vu gap, Johnny thought, not to be ifrawaf being peraecwed for believtag la aotue other form of religion thaa that of the Church of England. MAGGIK K KRiCKSOX, «, 1»20 Sth Av. would cell you a lot of I blags him that 1 don't Ilk* to put to * In*. ■ummer. after I M covered from an lllncea. 1 «M «a ceremoniously dismissed by Dr.Oor son', although he knew very W«U I bad no money and no place to ft. Mr. and Mrs. Dearborn an two good, bard-working atteadaato, n4 If permitted, would do raaajf ktofr nesses than Mi ax Butt aad Or. oon In their meanneaa wo*M Ml allow. Now. Mr. Editor. I know yoa'oalf through your paper, but I do tli you would ascertain the true tattt concerning this deplorable cowMj tlon at the Kin* Cowntjr beaptta) and make your discovery public. # everyone may know how Inhtr—a» Ijr the county's old people *14 treated. A SYMPATHISER.