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The Week at the Theatres AT THE THEATRES THIS WEEK. Moor* —fUlnav African Hunt Motion Picture*. Metropolitan—Mac kirn Ar buckle In "lit* Round-up." Seattle startle Stock com pany In "The Olrl In the Ta*L" Alhambra — Photoplay* and vaudeville Orpheum—Vaudeville. Empress—Vaudeville. PantaQe*--Vsudevllla, Grand —Vaudeville and moUoa pioturea. Clemmer —Photo[Uy* and vaa ddvtlle. Melbourne—Photoplay* and ra» davllla. AT THE MOORS Paul J. Ralney's remarkable mo tion pictures. taken to British Kant Africa, will remain at the Moor* 'theatre another week, with a spe cial matinee on Thursday for school children. AT THE SEATTLE "Seven Day*," • bright comedy \J Arary Hop wood, will be the or- Mil at the Seattle theatre next WMk, beginning Monday Bight. The at«t7 deals with a party of young people, a grouchy ?ld aunt, a •nrglar and a police loan —all quar antined for seven day*. AT THE METROPOLITAN "The Round-Tp." with th» popu lar Maclyn Arbuckle aa "Slim Hoover," will conclude Ita engage ment at the Metropolitan theatre tomorrow night. The playhouse Will be dark six nights, reopening a "77" VOB GRIP&COLDS Everybody ssys that Colds hang on most teuaclously this (all. eap» clally for so early in the season, before the bad westher sets In. This Is the best reason in the world for keeping the remedy at hand. It I* well known that I>r. Hum phreya' "Seventy-seven" taken at the first feeling of Isssltude, the first chill or shiver, will break up a Cold without delay. Don't wait till you begin to cough and sneeze or It may take longer. A small vial of pleasant pellets fits the vest pocket. At your Drug gist 26c or mailed. Humphrey*' Homw Mftdlcfn* Co,, Cor. William and Ann St*. N> w York —Advtrli»«m«nt Clemmer Theatre Seattle's Best Photoplay House—l,2oo Beata—lo Cent* SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY "A Trip Up Mt. Rainier" Showing the moat picturesque spots of thin Interna ting Journey from the foot of the mountain to the beautiful Mirror l,ake "SAVED BY FIRE" "THE COUNTRY SCHOOL A deal to oil wells. TEACHER" ———— ———m A story of love and law. "MR. UPS TRIP TRIPPED UP" "THE PINEAPPLE" luctdeuta of a vacation visit. A study of lusclousues*. MATT DENNIS, Soloist. OLIVER Q. WALLACE, Organist I—Jsrs Qrsdy Orphsum 2—Bertls Herron Empress 3—Margaret Bird Pinltgti 4—J. Harrington Seattle * rrU from Monday nlgKt with Zu« Harnett In "The Red Roae." AT THE EMPRESS The Inevitable ha* happened O* tag to ihe big aria which have been coming to the Km press the atre. It haa been necessary to raise price* at the Kmpresa theetre— a nickel. The new price*—l 6 and 21 ceota—wlll go Into effect Monday afternoon. The Steven Plrrhlanla, a troupe of aero ha ta who held the hoard* at the New York Hippodrome for two consecutive year*, will top the Km press hill. Bonnie Gey lord and Uertte Herron are ' female black face comedienne*.". Mad la a fe male Impersonstnr Oertrtide Oebest. a mimic and a local favor Ite. h»* just returned from Austrs Ha. Mill Armaman la a cornelian with an unusual volte. The Three Loretiaa are muet clans AT THE PANTAGES An unusual attraction comes to the Paatages theatre next week— "The Travelers," a musical e*trav aganta and a Blake A l,ewi» pro duction. which carries 18 girls se lected for thnlr beauty In stag" setting and In costuming, at least, this act hi above the level of vaude vtlle turns In addition to "The Traveler*" there will be an ade quate bill. AT THE ORPHEUM The Mikado's Royal Troupe of Jape- -18 wrestlers, acrobats and Jiti Jltsu eiperta- will top the hill at the Orpheum theatre nest week. They have a remarkable cat. as those who saw Barnum * Bailey's circus the laat time here will re member. Little Billy, a tiny comedian, ulngs and dances Mignonette Kokln. the "original turkey hopr girl," will hop a la Parisian. Jere Grady Rnd com pany will present a comedy sketch, "The Butterfly." Stella Maye and Gertie Addis sre a brace of rlever comediennes. Caesar Ktvolt l» a rapid-change artl* 1 known as "the man of 100 roles." "A I>ay at the Circus" should delight the young sters. The performers will be Oa lettl's monkeys. AT THE VAUDEVILLE Good bills at the Orpheum. Pan ages and Kinpress this week. HERE, FIGURE THIS FAMILY TANGLE PORTLAND, Or.. \ov. Hi Her father Is his father-in-law and step father, as well an her own father in-law, and hla mother Is his moth er-in-law as well aa her stepmother and mother-in-law. All this happened when Otto F"oh ter, 18. married Mae Belongta, 16. Mother and father recently mar ried, too. MAYOR EXPOSES FAKE OF THE VICE GANG Hear Admiral Reynold* of the Hrt'inertun navy yard baa written Mayor Cotterlll, thanking him fur the prompt U»ve*l lent 100 of the complaint made by two aallor* against the women police pro tective officer*. Th«- admiral, la hi* letter, sgrees with the mayor thai the caie waa probably started by the vice element In Wealth*. The mayor's letter to Rear Ad miral Reynold*, containing a com plete atatement of the facta, fol Iowa: Mayer's Letter "I am •Tiding you the original* of all theae documents. with actual signatures of ait parties concerned, for your Inspection and for your record*, with the understanding that, If It ahould at any time be ner eaaary. these original* will be avail able for our city purposee in the meantime 1 have copies of the same "While theee documents of them ■elves form a ct)mpl«>!e answer, ei planat lon and Justification of the entire occurrence. I feel that I should rmpbaalte the vital polota of t "erence to the statement sub m to you 1 the men and the fa of our police record, aa con firmed by the young ladles them aelve* and their guardiana Had Not Met Paranta "First—The statement of the men In paragraphs I and I. to the effect, or with the decided Inference, that they had escorted tha young ladle* from their home to the theatre, and were there with knowledge end con sent of tbelr parents, la not aua talned Apparently they have never yet met either of the parents and only met the aunt and uncle upon their return with the young ladlea to their home after the theatre "Second--As 1 Indicated In my letter of the 12th. the protective officers made no use of such lan guage or statementa or orders such as the men stated In paragraph 2 of the complaint, nor was there sny crowd, nor humiliation, nor embar rassment to any one concerned, all evidently taking the matter In good part. "Third the vital point of the en tire complaint; that the man left the young Indies at the demand of the protective officers. Is certainly a wilful and Ineicnssble misstate ment. Far from discriminating against men In uniform, the women protective officers believed thalr statement and that of the young ladles snd permitted them to pro < eed as tbey did. unhindered, to as wirt the young ladles to their home The statement of the young ladles innd of their uncle and aunt Is unanl ; mous on this essential fact. Work of Vice Element "I feel certain, my dear admiral, that whew you read this record and compare It with the complaint, you will agree with me. and with the aunt of the two young ladies. In her ••xpreeslon of thanks for the Inter ust shown by these protective of- YOU THINK YOU HAVE GOOD EYESIGHT? LOOK AT THIS, THEN THINK ONCE MORE Pipe ua not In tuneful song, Life's a* crooked •• the day la long. You think that "L" is fearfully wobbly, don't you? And that the "1" and all the other lettera arc a bit off their haao? You have concluded, probably, that the artlat who doped it out must have been out late the night before. 'Tuln't so. Your eye may tell you all this, but your eye'g ti liar. 'Jet a ruler, and meaaure 'em up. You'll find tho lettera are all straight, aud parallel. A'b tbu funny, twisted lln eg that make you think they aren't. THE SEATTLE STAR TAFT'S VOTE JOST HALF OF 1908'S WASIIINOTON, Nov. 16 ~l*taat figures on the total vole polled by the Hire* principal presidential candidates In Uio rtcnnt o|*> were announced hero Unlay aa hi I Iowa: Wilson MM,009, Kooaevelt 4,316. 000. Tafl a,JbO.OOO year* ago 7|87tt,000 vote a VESSELS IMPERILED BY PACIFIC GALES Tuesday night a gale haa brought many report* of delayed aliipplng The Panama Maru. whlrh ar rived In Victoria yealrrday from Yokohama, reported that the entlrr crossing was unusually rough, hut that on Tuesday night and Wednr* dnv morning the heavy aaas threat isiiad at iimea to awanp hat Mbe spoke the Chicago Maru by wlrv leaa on har way ov*r, that sblp re porting much dsmag* from tna gale The Oerman bark R C Kick mere arrived Ip Astoria yesterday aflar 35 days of l>ad weather from lltogo, Japan The bark ran Into a ty phoon that Inst<<l three daya aud tore her aalla off MORNINGSTAR MAKES RECORD CUE RUN (■» I «!•«< I'rrM Wlrn NEW YOMK. Not l« In the I*2 balk line billiard* championship tournament laal ulgbt lloppe. lbs tltl« holder, defeated Mloaaon fU>O to 134. running out In tha 31 ai In ning after making Ml la the tilth, eetenlh and eighth lu'tinga. the tournament'* record run Morning atar defeated Mutton " f, O to 404 la to Innlnga. and 1*• ma real beat Taylor (00 to 497. (Mmareat'a high run wan 111. NORTHWEST LAND SHOW ON MONDAY PORTLAND, Or. No* II Workmen am today buoy on a mm •trr display to Im* made by llt» Ore (on Agricultural eollegu lo lb<- Nor(h»»»t land show to open Mon day Tha roll"*'- display will o« cup) the entlra baaeuieut In the M blhhloo building | flcar* for tha welfara of th«w >"un* girl*, and of gladnaea that 'tha ;o<ing girl* of our city are be Ing ao well protected I think alai j it wilt be to you. aa It la tc ma. a ■otirca of Indignation to reallM that man under your command have hem made tha ln*!run>"Ma. wllUag "T unwilling, of a campaign of rtll flcatlon and mlarepra*entatlwi of u«r effort* for clean *<>«<• rnntati' which the Saattla Tlmea baa bawn leading (or month* In the laterast ! vice and vice promotara aed for the | breaking down of effort* to protaet Irlriua. • • • A Matter of N*gr«« The publication In tha Tltnaa of tbl* evafilng, November 14, conald errd In connection with all tha clr cum*t*nca*. daroonatrata* to my trrtnd claarly that the entire prop<> ultton waa framed up' from tbl* end Including the dlatortad <!i» patch from Waablngton. the wbole ■nattar having been apparaatly planned for a aanaatioiial public* •lon In aid of the raoall movement. • hlrh wa* already at the point of • baoluta collapae It waa gvittontly hoped that thl* d*aper*t* and etaepiogbl* oaa of man In uniform, with Ita appeal ta tha patrtatic aanaa of our peepl*. would ha a trump cant In tha Time*' campaign for tha restoration of vie* control In th* government af thl* oity. * * * "I nder ordinary clrcumeiancaa I | would not have given any of tbseo matter* to fhe preaa. but I am aure ' you will *gra« that the false state ment* and misrepresentations In , the Time* warranted and de*arve*l | a prompt publication of the record aa tbe Mat anawar. "Again assuring you. aa I have done In peraon and by latter on pre j vioua oocaalons. that th* men In ! uniform are welcome In our city and that no discrimination of any ' kind will be permitted or practiced against Ihem In any aph«re of In fluence where my official powers can raarh, and aafurlng you of ray continued ragard and respect. I am. sir. Respectfully, "UKO F COTTKIUIX. "Mayor." FORESTER'S REPORT SHOWS FEWER FIRES The report of State FWeater and Fire Warden Welty for the eeaaon of 1911 ahowa a entailer number of flree, hut a larger aoreacu of ttm ber deetroyed than laat year. In the period covered by the re port there were 70,171 acrea of cut over land burned. f>3o acrea of tlm ber not yet merchantable, 9,1120 acrea of merchantable timber burned, ahowln* a total of H0.421 acrea burned over by foreat fire*. There were several bad fire* d«r Ing May. but during the next three months there were frequent show era. and fires were acnrce. la Sep tember (here were many more, thai month being unusually dry. In alt, there were 180 fire* reported The Compendium JQZOWIGdgG WuALKY M. — LI .t. k... M> In thai ttnrld I bought it cyclopedia (Ten volmiN, bound In csifl. Unlit I, Mr resdlng's been 100 Hnhf; All froth snd itarlee* chaff; I'm t #ully Ignorant, !'»• b*«n Too frivolous, by half!" Tatt roeelvwl Upon the «*li«"lf I placed ihe set And »M«I on II with W"" l *' And I was awed to thtnk how much Of wisdom *aa Inalda; What harseetlitgg ot wondroua lor*. That came from far and wid*. Upon that aelfaara* ahalf It atanda, And It will linger there; For, though I *tudl*d patiently, Than wept and tore my hair. At laat 1 g*** the problem up. In angulah and deapalr. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE ] New. of the Day Coadoneed for Biuy People J SubacrlMr* lo TM MeatUs Star will ««tif*r • favor by »*«* tM* <>rrlc« at ""ce fcn t urs «»• prf«n»l and reg ular d*ll**'y °f pai>*r. or ant *«t*mpt l«> ntMr i.«i»r far TM •**«'•• Mla* ft l* the management to th * ''•?! aervt' f fur all. and ••• gl**n luufiwut *«<» prompt «tl««unn If your Mf«' to »trl» »"> o'rlwk kindly pliaa* tbl* »'"■ * >1 «nr. Main *«•# A.k f«r th* l*tr<ulaiton t>*perlmont WaaMngton. —In the eenatorlal rank* of t'olorado, IWatafi. Kan ut. Nevada. New Jersey, Montana and Orwoa. democrat* will replace republican*. »WI« In Main* and Wast Virginia the democrat* loae two In oath atat*. Taooma —Local eltUana who came fr»m the Haiku, or Austro Hungarian statee have organlied to ralae IS.OOO for tha Had Croaa. Stockton, C*l.—The HuhlOoodsil Hardware Co. Ml Webar a*.. Waa destroyed by flra aarly today. Ix>aa. HOO.OOC. Th* cigermsk*r* of Beattla will give their s*cot»d annual ball at Kaglee hall Tuesday night -The Sliver Thread." by *ercy Mackaye. wa* preee«t«-d laat right In Arrsd* hall under the direction of Mr*, Ilailay William*, for the benefit of the l*y noraary Frederick K. •truv*. vice pra*l dant of the Haa'tle National bank, laft iaat night to attend the flrat annual convention of tha lnva*t man-. Mankera - Aaaortatlon of Amar lea, in New York. Novambar II and It She—^Tha girl who can alng and won't alng lan't as bad aa— Ha—The girl who can't alng, but ln*l*t* upon singing anyway. Tha Seattle Real Batata aaaoaia tlon will M hoat. Monday, to Thoa Ingeraoll. ciecutlve secretary of the National Real Mtata aaatx-la tlon. with headquarters In Mlnne apolla. A luncheon will be given at the Arctic club A new blll-poetlng concern, tc be known aa the Independent BUI I'oetln* Co. will bo Incorporated, With a capital stock of $36,000. The Kalleton club of the Ballard ("hrlatlan church, aaatated hy aev era! talented artlata. will *l*« an entertainment under direction of Mr* Harriet Haunderaon. at Junc tion hall, Tneaday nliebt. Official return* from all but 10 counties give l.lster, 97.239; Hay, 9fl,«10; Hodge. 77,748 Rooaevelt'a plurality over Wllaoa la more than 15,000. ' Architect A. Warren Oould ha* been lnatmc«e<l to draw plan* for the new court home at Third and James, for whlrh he will receive a fee of 945,125. Robt. H. Evanq today aucceed* Hugh M. Caldwell as chief deputy prosecuting attorney. Caldwell re signs to enter the law firm of Wright & Kellehcr. The junior class of the univer sity last night held It* annual jinx In the^gymnaslum. County Auditor Case haa refused to Issue a certificate of election to George W. Rampson, who wa» elected superior court judge for a two months' term by IS votes. J. T. Trlvett wa* found guilty of murder In the second degree yes terday In the superior court. Trl vett, who w»k a conductor on the I\nllard Heach car, killed Oliver Kanford nnd his aon, Oils Hanford, following an argument. A room at the Panama hotel, Sixth av. and Main at., was enter ed last night while Its occupant, Yodo Fujll, slept. A gold watch, gold nugget chain and gold nugget charm, valued at t156, were miss ing this morning. Portland, Nov. 16.—Official re turm from Oregon show the follow HI PiNIhHKD IT Kor every highbrow In the world 11*4 writ of wloui things, "Of ships and snap and •»"»»«« wsi, And cabbsgss and kings " I couldn't understand s word. And •till my poor hsad Hngs They wrote In ««*<•" syllables, Willi formulae abstruse. They wallowed deep In Delphic word*. Which *<-arad ma like *»• deur* Among their rurves and diagrams, 1 rauttsred, "Whats the <«*7 From out It* <ielf that act of book*, liook* down wlih aspect grand. And. gating at It, I rsmark. "la there n« aoul at hand, To write a cyclopia Whlrh folks can gnderstandr In* vote Wilson. ««.#«»; Rooaa *•11, 37,M1; Taft. 11,*75; Chlllt, 6,061. Th* Unlv*r*lty of low* Alumni association was organU«td last night ■t a meeting of II graduates. In the I log* building Portland. Nov. I«—Th. Pacific Hl*c till Co «•> reorganised today with Morlti Thompson prwaldaat, and Jam«*e Ooldamith and K<ib»H R Klrt-nrrr Of Seattle *» director* Thompson control* 70 per c#nl of ■lock Lo* Angela*. Nov. IS.—Gan. Homer Lea, who wa* ao power ful in Chit.* left at> c*tate of only H.'fW. three-seventh* of whlcb wa* left to hi* widow ai»l tha rest to his slater, who Urea In Heattle. Aubrey WMt*. th* IS-yeerold boy part>l<*d from Monr«« a *hort time ago la bark In the city Jail, bavin* violated hla parole. White wa* chant ad In Portland with robbery. Etl*nsburg, Nov. IS.-—A gsng <* ft# wan began work jrMtwdt) on the distributing «y*tem for Kllens burg's I ISO .000 waierworka. Athena, Nov. IS.—Official reeog nltioti of the Oreek occupation of (talonika waa mad* by the Russian government today. Washington, Nov, I#.—Senator taadore Itaynar of Maryland, aeri otialy 111 at hi* apartmen * bar* from neurit la. la »ll«htly Improved today. Mvrtla Chapter. Na. «*. Ordar of tha Kaatern Star, will hold It* laat mar-ting of the vear with it* praaan' corp* of officer*. Monday night, at the Maaonlc Temple Dp graa* will be conferred on five or alx candidate* Fr**no, CaU Nov. IS.—Mrs. C. Nalxin and her daughter were In •tantly killed when tbelr auto wa* •truck by a train. Port Townaand, Nov. IS.— Revenue cutter Taboma reports that the strait from Dungencea to Naah Hay I* covered with drift wood, making navigation dangerous. New York, Nov. 16.—Preeminent women have darted the Society for the Prevention of I'aelee* Hiving Mra August Helmont ia In charge Poeeee of men are eeaeehlng the ee»t abore of Balnbrtdfe laland for L. It Welto. wbo lefi the home of Wtai Alexander laat Sunday. Spokane, Nov. I*.—ln the annual conclave of the National Orann* her* reaolutlona were Introduced advocaltuK tlx- crop reportln* ser vice of tba department of aurlcul ture b« vc»t«<l In the weather bu reau. Waahington, Nov. 1(. — The I'nlted (laughter* of the Confed eracy have voted to Itold the 1913 convention In New Orleans. New York, Nov. Li—Modern aurgery ia doing atrange thinge. at Mt. Slnal Hoapital today • aheep haa loat Ita leg and a man hae the bone In hie arm In place of a decayed eectlon of bone whloh waa taken out. At a meeting In the Waahington Annex yeaterday afternoon called by the Automobile club of Seattle. Rood road* men from all over the atate dl»cu»aed mean* of pecurlng belter and more roada for the atate A petition bearing 265 signature* waa filed with the county auditor yesterday. nominating Port Com missioner C. K tlemaberg a* n can didate to succeed himself for three years The election for port com mlssloner will be hold December 2. Kate—When you wore having that row with Tessle 1 thought you were going to pull hor hnlr Kittle- What's the use? It wouldn't hurt to pull her hair, and I'd only have to hand It back to her. The Transportation club of Seat tie entertained Claude Moldrum, new assistant general pan*en«er agent; J. J. Moore, new city agent, awl 3. W. Jones, new city pasaen agent of the (Irent Northern, at a luuctuvin at the Kathskellcr yes terday noon. Archie Qordon, 35, of Seattle, died in the Tacoina General hos pital last night from Injuries re ceived b) a falling telephone pole. Bills Introduced by Councilman Marble last week for the purchase of two lots In tho Magnolia Bluff district for park purposes and for the condemnation of land between 23rd and 24th aves., for a park and library site, were approved yester day by the finance committee. Portland, Or. —A veritable eea of seasonal and other blossom*, the annual flower show for Portland, Is helng visited by admiring thou sands today. I'liona KM*o«d month •ic*tm-r. I.i mki.n io, -n». «»•.. _ rard an-i rmtr*. tin r. nr-„. i«*|iitwr l.umb«r. f«th an 4 Hblnflaa W» mafca a niiarUlt* ,2 m,— KlriUhlna l.umli«r "•fi STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULR I » I|T 11 II U 111 f 111 |T| few lUlMlli! MM SUNDAY A WpEK V EX R C V tmw^' Everybody It Talking About Paul J. Rainey's African hi Thm M*«t %f*r«rlo«ia Vwilna l*lrlnrr« K»«r I akr», Mval >w*rl T«»«*H««r l:«lrrlalaniral Km %|M« a g^jgJ NO NATURE FAKING OR POSING IN TW3| PICTURES to lha fart (hat thouaanda ha** crowded lb* ™-tn TVlj_ tha paat waalt, and baeauaa of tha JtmKad number of f tbra* rvmarkablo fllma ar* balo* hold over for tb« w*«k Special School Children's Matinee Thursday, Nov. 21, 3:30 P. M. «rfco«l Ctllirra I adrr t•» Yarns ut *(• /v 9( PRICES: 25c to 50c. EVERY SEAT REBERVKD Seats Selling Now for All Performance* CEATTLE THEATRF Phone—Main 43 Third and Cherry Thre* Time* Mora TONIGHT, TOMORROW MATINEE AND NIOMT The Girl in the Taxi Week Commencing Monday, November 11, BAILEY A MITCHELL PRESENT "SEVEN DAYS" A Bright, Snappy Comedy By AVERY HOPWOOD. Evening Prices (except Monday) Me, Be«atß Matinee Prlcea— Thursday. Saturday and Sunday 4b Special Bargain Night MONDAY A Both Phones SIM m tl Advanced Vaedevil V3tttaw> Pricn: »sc, soc. 75c. The Perfect TVibV DIRECT FROM TOKIO THE MIKADO'S ROYAL JAPS 18—Of THEM—IB LITTLE BILLY VAUDEVILLS'e TINIEST HEADLINER . J ERE GRADY * CO. Prvavat "TBI 111 TIEIU'LI" '.-.a ... MIGNONETTE KOKIN CAESAR RIVOII Tke Mas W IN Ka S IUb Tarkrr H«f Ulrl ———— Stella A tfy at tba Hrrw bj MAYF A ***** GALETTI'S MONKEYS >, WORLD'S EVENTS IN MOTION MOW® THE HIT OF THE NEW YORK HIPPOOHOHI 7—PICCHIAINI TROUPE-' Kara,*'. »*—«l-a A Mlr ,|,r.l ™ E < 3 > LOf^' *f'.OOQ Art T»lnlf4 BONMEGAYLORD mYiY - AW®®- & BERTIE HERRON MAT|N^3 GERTRUDE GEBEST "'""" T "*'"**'■*- B<"«» in 00^ pAINTAGEg Unequaled Vaudeville Mean* Pantajje* Vaudeville Beginning Monday Matinee LEWIS A BLAKE'S BIG PRODUCTION "THE TRAVELERS" WITH 18 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS » 10c AND 20c. "8E ASON'B MOBT PQPUI** AMUSEMENTS