Newspaper Page Text
TOirV* heard thin** "bout the ÜbM Sta,< * * u P reme courl « of Everybody lw» About the ffutf ftoon." »nd « 11 th *' Hl " «*> kK)W a bout what it i* doing to Übor? Seepage?. lAND MARINES IN TURK CAPITAL MOSLEM TROOPS MAKING LAST DITCH STAND 5 MINERS HAULED TO ? COURT; FURTH THINKS 1 THEY ARE DANGEROUS On Saturday. November 30. 2o Rmton coal mine striker* -a h* hauled up before Federal Judge Cinlmun for contempt ■ 'ißßjieY ire cited on the complaint of Jakey Furth. charged Sk htviu been 'violent" towards the *trikc-break«rs im :K| fey Jparth from all parts of the country when he dis- Rentt>n miners had orjjanwcd a union. Wp* specific complaint against each of these 26 men is thcr *»ed "violence" by applying the wonl "scab" to Hlfclfr-breakrT* W; 5,000 I FOLK SHY to Comptroller Harry llpil, the recall petitions agalmt rjpr Cwtsriii fall short by [mm • The check was completed H ths AW same* on the petl |m SSly 11.614 were found valid check wade by Chief Ma Ctork Gsi»e» sad his corps ftarimis. The number nee**- m t> Ktvsfce th* recall election mwm. : Hi B«csll aaseriatton. of * hlch I ft. Kahaler. a former teamster, ft to "toauny prssldent. will iMMteyt is which to rile addl tmt amss to the petition In MllW—Hit, the original petitions ;J| |» lift aader lock In the ,-W<tthe comptroller >• NffirMt son)her of new fgfm in DM to iavoWe a recall BMm, th* petitions will become Ml yroperty nays Comptroller •M. If ant. they are to be re (H M private property. Car ifltMfc, tad will he returned to ■PMai MMtistiors l iUT IT WHEN |i LIGHTS FUCKER —-— •* *-» i I. Wo* I*.—Conimittlon IfcfctJ JBU« coatampiatea put- Mt tflM th» Um Anclr* tf Marias all light* In th« t| Richer tor a moment In ad >ti Hagta* the curfew bell at >• • sotlee to boye and tm thay mml go hone BMdi warnings I HOISTED ON COAST ordered dla-! ■HP*** Morning at all port* in' •*! Oregon A atorm j K yjjWW'lllM, the roaat, and will I ton '*' ,t or to 'j ttmSH ADMIRAL SENDS MARINES ASHORE TO GUARD AMERICAN EMBASSY K >IR ARCHIBALD BERKELEY MILNE •**!(»» Urltl*h Mediterranean squadron, and who Hfc it t,,., { be bid international fl*;et, U battleships, '12 crula : * ni ' l ftlu ' ,,ar, ' r *' Bl Constantinople to save 300,000 I Twiriah *o) IL t ' hrl *" lin * ,n that c 4, ,' ' rom and |Pt'ii«K * ow ' — Britl * h marlnee are guarding the United "•tr* Constantinople, according to a dispatch recelv- Mm i. MZr 2 1r '" n th « commander of the Britleh warships assem »nnl j porui ' **** *S efftM Amb """ dor w - w Rockhlll have 118 men to pro ' marines and blue jackets In all, from the war- Tlw vy<re l» n ded In Constantinople this after- U "NMIi tai»a JL-. h government was willing that the powers HH|||2gjy their 'orcea, but the marines ware moved Into the VOL. 14. NO. 225. Attorney tleorge II Kummens. for th* *trtk contend* that a strikebreaker Is a mb " Calls 'Cm Dangerous. Hut Jikef Furth* attorneys ar gue that the blanket injunction against the striker*. Issued by Judge Calhoun, rovers the wlde*t kind of possibilities where eon tempt iharci-s would lie. And the men caught saying "scab," accord ing to Furth's attorneys, are with, out question dangerous and "vio lent" . haraeters, as defined by the injunction Vartoos vague rh«r<i'i of other brand* of 'violence'" have l»<-n made by the Furth *<rnt* again*! the strikers. Hut these have been in general term* ami mode "on in formation and belief.** But the Cher** that th«r strikers ha«e been "violent." because they u»«-d the word "•cab" hi mad* s|>e» rtncally. and is wholly relied «po» to substantiate th* contempt case. DELAY SENTENCE OF DEFRAUDERS in? I *U*S rntm Urn—4 Wt»*> TACOMA, No* 1* —C. K Hous ton and John H. Bullock, convicts I at defrauding the goverrutserr on collnaive eosl bids, were not sen teaced In federal eoort this morn ing. their cases going ov*r null to night at « 30 A private agreement between the attorneys for Houston and B. II Townsend. government counsel, postponed th* appearance until this eveaing. PLAN EXHIBIT AT 1915 EXPOSITION (■r t»t«»« »•»«• !.»«■»< wiwi TACOMA Nov t«i »r )</• delegates. representing the various romnwrctal bod In of U»e state, will meet h»re Wednesday to dia<-uaa Washington* eihlbit at the Pana ran-Paciflc etpanltton In I9IS. J. E Ohllberg of the Heattle Chamber of Commerce. and president of the A.- Y.-P. fair In 1909, probably will be chosen chairman of the meeting Th* Seattla delegates ara support Ins a suggestion to rerororoend to the legislature an appropriation of ISOO.OOO. The Seattle Star THE ONLY PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER IN SEATTLE WAR IS'NT ALL TACTICS, TROOPS AND GLORIOUS BATTLES The Star presents today these first photograph* to reach Seattle showing lbs Turkish flight from homey ravaged by shot and shell snd torch. This photograph Is a rlassie. The artist who could havs psint it from his Imagination would bar* found himself famous, lis might have labeled it "War." But artists, like other people, both great and smalt, think thai •sr has to do only with maps, and plans, and tactics, and bodies of troops and glorious rorabat. They don't slop to think that ths common folks on both sides sre the bssls of all war. Just .is tfeey *»» the foundation of every other enterprise In the known world, in war It is not the great and the rich who suffer. Their suffer l«Mf. as well as thehr fui.ting. |« done for them by th* comnw n folks j * r ot Thrsie. for five dsys. plodded, ran. stum rs»ed snd died, old men. women and children, arid Turkish fighting men who had been torn fr«>m their h »mss st the word of Turkey's rulers, to fight for what* Cheer for lh.> iiul~ar* If >ou wish, but don't forget Ist ths Turks ar* human people their children human children, like your children tiod help us all when war comes our way! INVOLVED IN CLIQUE FOR BOYS' RUIN; TRIES TO DIE PORTLAND, Or. Nor 1»,-W H. All##, irar bilm) bwlarw man. la today dying frutn the effeeia of effloroform takm wlih suicidal In tan I on the nth floor of the V M C A. building. and Jack Rlgo gypsy vlollnM. C U. tironnsr N B Healay. II I. Row*. Karl Van tiulen. Karl Drown. Lionel {lean. Robert Ji.hi son K. Taylor are tin der 15.000 bonds each. a* the result of the unearthing of evidence con tt»~ tin* !tu rn with alleged Illicit conduct toward young boys The Investigation was started at the Instigation of Y MCA offl clals, evidence* of the practice bav in* bwn found In the dormitory of that building. All have <-onf<»s<-d with the exception of Rico, wbo la SANE ANSWERS TO FOOLISH QUESTIONS I am a rlrti Italian widow owning tour spaghetti factor!** A hanrf some padrone U paying m« violent attention rx. yaw think hi* Inten- Hon* ara Honorable t— Mrs. H«. «a« I apt Undoubtedly. his object l« mac aronl. Where can a poof- rrlpple with a wooden leg work '—fit Bmping Wave. If yonr pas ha* a good braaa ferrule on the and you mlKbt got a Job mashing potatoes Id a hotel. Kindly print a rei-lpe for scram bling oyster* —Mrs. f- H. II Remove the nalr from the oys tera and peel In the usual manner. I'arch In a alow oven, then cover with grease and scramble a* you would eggs. Plea** tell ma how I can acquire self-control.-—T. t>. R. Eat In a restaurant where there Is an orchestra. Whin you learn to eat without lotting your appetite you can conalder your aelf-control perfect. Kv«ry Mm* I comb my hair I lone a ban<lful of hair. What will pre vent It from coming out?—M D. It. Btop combing your hair. I have b*en keeping company two year* with a beautiful ami reflnt-.l yoitrix lady of 22 llor mother la a willow worth lIKB.OOO I hava pro posed to the young tarty at !«•«•! 20 time*, (nit «h«> has refused me every time What shall I do?—K. It. Propose to her mother. SPECIALS IN THE NEWS PREBIDENT TAFT HAS lost hi* amlle. tiout, not election. WESTMINSTER ABBEY HAS been burned out. Mr. Abbey kept a warehouse at No. 61 Pront at., New York, where he sold everything from a needle to an anchor. CAPT. CODY, THE English aviator, has been mulcted *100 for killing a cow with his aeroplane. A SUFFRAGETTE SCHOONER, manned by women, hut reached itoaton from Calais. Me GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE Mrs Kmma Miller of Elgin, 111., cut her huaband's hair and shaved him for four years. It la not ho who Is seeking the divorce. ORGANIZED SPOONING IS a new experiment at Wellealey. The front house has been thrown open to men callers. AFTER LOSING MONEY at poker ho had savrd to get married on, a young Catyden contractor bound and gagged himself and told his fiancee be had been robbed. He fooled the police, but not the young lady ELOPING COUPLE WHO won .ace from Mississippi, the bride's father reaching the pier juat In time to see them on a Hamburg liner pulling out. lost after all The old gentleman didn't want to make trouble, but did want U> give them $1,000 or so for expenses abroad. SEATTLE, WASH., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1912. 'notorious becsu** of his eseapsds with the famed Prtne*** t'htiuay several years agn. and Johnson who has not yet been eismlned. All sre prominent professionally. Tkr men contented to have h«tri ed a vice clique fnrtn«-<j far th<> pur i t*ise of ruining young bar* No officer or active roember of U»e Y. M V A was even rtraolflf t<m #k'hl with the practice. The cnnfesalons are unprintable Dr. Harry I. ttlort »>ml i»r K. ft llodgman were also arresie<| In i connection with the scandal. Nit llw llodgman was r«l«a*ed and Ur, Htart la twin* examined tbta »ll«r noon. Allen left * not* dcelartnu he »«« Innocent. but couldn't bear the tlUaraee PROGRESSIVES WILL ORGANIZE A permanent organ- rat. cm la j planned of procreaal. et In King ' county, and also an organisation j for the whole Rial*. Informal discussion of tha plan took place In the Henry building assembly hall Saturday night. and aa a result a maaa nwilni of pro gressives to form a permanent or- Habitation will b» called for n«xi Saturday. Thla organization la to t>e main talned on a dues paying baala, and will have for lia object to promote progressive legislation and ptogrea alve Ideals. TEACH LOGGING AT UNIVERSITY? All a result of the trip to the uni versity last w#ek of L. J. Donovan, (leotv H I-on* and K P Itinkv. prominent lumbermen of the North west representing the Pacific l/og- King congress, a movement has ttfi'n started to establish a chair of logging at the university. The men were eulhuslaatlc over the work of the school of forestry. #**#*###*#*#****** # Rain tonight and Tuesday, * # Increasing southeasterly winds * # becoming high tonight or * # Tuesday, Temperature at * # noon 51. * ONF PFNT thai** **» V "' t - M, H» H A.M>» Br CHARLEY, THE ONE-ARMED FOOTPAD, COMES TO TOWN BY FRED L. BOALT Any strong man can do It If h« takes great pains Half an Inch below and at one aide of tbe none It the base of the "eye" tooth A sharp blow at the has* of the "eye" tooth will Immediately render the victim unconscious, It la aa well to contrive to have the knuckle of the middle finger land with precision on the apot Indicated. Una mutt not blunder A miss of a fraction of an Inch will hurt the victim, but not dis able him. and will make hltu fighting mad. The one-srmed footpad never talsee* John llendrlckson, logger, catue In from csmp Saturday with a pocket full of money and a disiiosltlon to spend It. He never got a chance. At 1 o'clock Sunday he met a one-armed man at Washington si and Second sv. He didn't know the one-armed man was the notorious footpad The footpad asked for a match. It Is one of the rules of that free masonry which obtains In the street at 1 o'clock In the morning that when mm man asks for I» match, or even the "»nakln's," the other shall In stantly oldlge. Only a boor Would refuse. "Sure," said Hendrlckson, fumbling In a i>ocket. At that instant, when the logger's attention was else where, the one-armed footpad started the punch It was per fectly timed, adiuliably placed, and had exactly the right force. It was the punch of an artist. Ha Loses His Roll As Is often the case with one armed men, half the strength of the vanished arm seems to have gofle into the arm remain ing When lleiMlrlckson woke up, his roll $100 was gone. The one-armed footpad is a newcomer to these parts, but his fume got here before he HOME EDITION did The police of Raateni cities know biro well. They know bl|i partner better The partner la a peg-leg who pre tend* to sell shoe atringa. For several year* the one legged and the one-armed gy rated around Detroit, Cleve land. Buffalo. Pittsburg and Cincinnati. Peg-log ««a known aa tbe "king of the w«ga. and hi* partner was facetiously dubbed hla "print" minister." Hla real name la {'barley. The "king" I* a neat dresser and look* respectable lie has, also, tremendous shoul ders, powerful hands, aud a hypnotic eye. He halls you respectfully, and asks If you will please buy a pair of shoe strings from a one legged man. At the same time he lays a hairy paw on your shoulder, digs a stubby thumb into your collar bone until it hurts, and stabs yon with his hypnotic eye All this on a busy corner and In broad daylight. This Is general enough You give up 50 cents for a pair of strings of a kind not worth a nickel a gross. The "prime minister's" work In less classy, because hp uses violence. It Is. nevertheless, scientific violence, and the one armed man standi* high In ycgi? society. SICKELS CUTS OFF SIX HEADS With the discharge of Court Clerk Will Campbell. County Clerk l>. K Blckels has fired six deputies for political reasons since November 7, when he became assured his be queathal of the office to his son. Will K. nickel#, proved successful at tho election. Slckel* declared the county clerk's office Is strictly it repub lican party" office. So when he wus sure his son wua elected he Immediately discharged those he suspected had lost faith In the par ty of Aldrlch, Penrose and I .or I user. AUSTRIA BRISTLES AS AIDES PLAN TO SHUT HER OUT FROM SPOILS (By United Pre** Lrated Wirt.) VIKNNA, Nov. IH.—Turkish dispatcher from Constanti nople ileclarc the Moslem forces have repulsed the Bulgarian advance, but 2,000 sailors and marines have been landed in the tapital from the combined fdreign fleets to prevent a massacre when the Turkish rout, which seems inevitable, does come. Dispatches from Constantinople late today sav the foreign residents have appealed to the representatives of the powers not to permit either the Turkish or Bulgarian troops to enter the city while cholera is raging. An artillery duel which lasted nil day Munda> *»» followed by a bay onet charge, refilling Id greiit leases on both aides. Night stop l>ed <be attack, and under cover of darknenti the Bulgar regiment* withdrew. The thunder of gun* wan plainly heard tn t'onntanti nople all day, Sunday. and thou *and« nf wounded Turkish soldiers fill the public building* Must Win Quickly. Military e*perta here say If the Bulgarians are effectually cbeketd, tbe allien will be forced to modify their demands and make peace quickly. Bulgaria. Bervla and Montenegro, It Is pointed- out, have sent every available man lo tbe front and can not reinforce the trnops now storm ing Turkish points. Winter also Is approaching, adn If the Bulgarian* retreat they will have to wait until spring before renewing the attack, and this would give tbe Moslem j troops ample time to reorganise. Cholera Menace* Europe. Foreign phjalclan* at Constan tinople aay that all Europe I* threatened by the epidemic of cholera -u the vicinity of that city. It I* reported that 12.000 Turkiah soldier* died there last week. Aa a warning o Rervla, Auatrla t* believed tiiday to be preiMirlng a demon** ration at overwhelming military ctrength on the Hunga rian-Hervlau frontier. and a naval demon*) ration in the Italtlc. May Defy Austria. Sofia Intima'eK that Bulgaria has assured ServU of <itroii« sup port if Servla def'e* Austria to Interfere with the plans of the al lies fir the partition of Turkey. Ninety thousand Austrians are kr.ovn to be within striking dis tant© of Servla The situation is regard' rt as most ■> ruinous for the peace of Kurope. STICKER JUDGE DOESN'T GET JOB "Judge" George W Sampson did not convene court this morning. He did not appoint two bailiffs. He did not fit himself into a silk gown. You see, "Judge" Sampson didn't become Judge, after all. although to day was to have been the day. Deputy Proeecutor Kvans has given the county auditor an opin ion that Sampson was not duly elected for the two months' term Ull next January, because the spe cial election had not been pro claimed by the governor So there waa no election certificate for Sampson this morning. He will now bring mandamus proceedings against the auditor, and by the time the supreme court Is through witlj tf-e cane. Samp son's term will be up, but then, he may collect $666 for two months' salary. Edwin F. Meyer, on trial three weeks on the charge of having con spired with J. A Kcttlewell atid P. H Wheeler to defraud the govern ment In the purchase of supplies for the navy yard at Bremerton, was acquitted by a jury In the fed eral court Saturday night. Opportunity Offered by Well Known Dry Goods Store On page 6 in today's Star you will find an ad from the Panton and London Co. which is just full of special inducements for Tuesday shoppers. You will find merchandise that you want right now listed at most attractive reductions from reg ular prices. The advertising columns of The Star are filled daily with money saving opportunities which the frugal housewife will not overlook. Would you like to rent that room which you are not using? A Star want ad will find you a good tenant quickly and at the cost of only a few cents. Call Main 9400 or Elliott 44, or stop in at The Star's downtown Want Ad Office, 229 Union St., with the Souvenir and Curio Shop. HERE you, Mr. Bachelor, why have you never married? Have you an excuse? Cynthia Grev want* to know. She's inviting you and vour ooor, inin guided fellow* to write her all about it. See page 3. MESSAGE IN AIR; HE MURDERS On ether wave*, a wlreleaa me*- aage. flaahed from North Yakim* to Keattle. Saturday, telling Omv K Defoe lo come quickly and da fend the honor of bl« name The wlreleaa waa from Defoe'« brother. Defoe, a member of the crew of a boat plying between Heat lie and I Victoria, atepped ajtbore at tba ' Grand Trunk dock Saturday night, and a meanenger banded him th« wlreleaa He had juat 15 minn;e* to catch the Northern Pacific train ' No. 2. He aprlnted for the atatlon. The houra Defoe * peril on tb« train mere whlled away by hi* wife dancing at Wheeler** hall, la the Naehe* ralley, eight mile* from North Yakima. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning Mr*. Defoe and her eacort, John H. Hagerman a young farmer, ataried on the long drive home. at> com nan led by Georga Ogburn. aa olber young farmer, and a second woman. Defoe, watching from the bourn, la* the buggy (itop a block away and started for It He had cover ed half the distance when Mrs. De foe and Ogburn stepped to U»e ground Defoe began to shoot The first shot struck Ogburn !■ the leg, tnfllctlng a flesh wound. Hagerman whipped the horse into a gallop. A second bullet pierced his brain, and he died instantly, bia body faDlnc forward over the dash board. Although wounded. Ogburn climbed Into the buggy and drove to the police station with the dead body of Hagerman. Forgives Hi« Wife. After the shooting Defoe return ed to the house, and to him later crept his wife. It is said that, in the tragic hour they spent alone together, the woman begged the man's forgiveness, and that they were reconciled. police went to the house a little At any rate, when Sheriff Day and the police went to the house, a tittle later, it was the wife who answered the knock at the door. "George isn't here," she (old the officers. Hut they searched the house and found Defoe under a lied, the re volver still In his hand. At the hospital Ogburi) said he and Hagerman met the women a week ago. that they called them selves Flora and Cherry Delmore, and that they represented them selves as unmarried. An inquest on the body of Hager man will be held at North Yakima this afternoon. Hagerman was only 19 years old. which is also Og burn's age. Defoe Opens Fire.