Newspaper Page Text
aSftASCARETS" ' ff CONSTIPATED V fr clean your liver bowels ,r|u)e you sleep. 1 * Cfcecaret ,o,,lKht * n<l I vfcy cleanf*' your I Jver. y?' .„,1 Howeta. snd y"» *>'' iSKiLI gre*t tr morning ou ?sv.j son*'" h' u ' ■J* ~L,,„i tongue r«l\l sleep, aervou» upset "I.t-* with * *!»*. *•»>■>•. •»'»«'> JBiJomjch. or baeknche KL,I ait tto-a otf keeping rour bowel. ' with < * I» p*»«dK"*» * v '* x ' 1 1 ' r * Ittfc .a* TVI >» >"'i" gIU Hantedlale * ' _HI ( ih« -totntch i«i w JT ur ,i rf'wd I "'' *** " ' ''' tag fiv> a the l»v. '1 >'■'» •I*'««»"> gpg fruiu 1 end i ■Sfttrn yOU Kt bP\ ' kf«!tt!> '" wad snd k |)Nt the hlldteß I BBEfc Your Hats Mf» tnr rvH<«-k yew' *•***• |ik|iif«r. wloui*. «ftun .1 Btkf latttt *'**• lIODEL MILLINERY i* HU« floor Dr. l_ R Clark. Q D S 5 Why vbosld anyone miff*r with thi Mn*-r»rktag. o:d fashioned MM of dentistry. when ojr lb ataMtr pat•!»<> tnetbo<l« are at I If it' - w« rag flit, crown or mtrm say tooth yoa hi»« without gOte prlesa •'* lb* towml that ftam **tr bMa offere.l la tfeattlc |Rr DM MglKtx* • work w >l«'h we Mg Jwtt tklnk of g*tttn« .to e*trt %m |I»9S Gold Crown for SI 00. |«r«*«f oor famo'K lIOGO N#v«*r- M| Hun for $S 90' Ar.n not only SaL** kta a guarantee la every MtoMd Mil that mean* etmething *' Icfal Dental Office# Ik t. ft. Clark. 0. 0 S. (Manager) HSTWrtf Ave- N. W Car. Union ■#Tt—lriftfl ttit* Ad with you ■MM TO ORDER LADIES' » SUITS II «OJ» TO M 2.50 H U*a»" Tailored Suit SHsp. JW*OlMn>|ia»r Hl«l« I HEAR BETTER AUDIPMO IN E htm i ■■ A4JaaHn« It* voMfrUi till* ft? l« Nrf nrtff p»n«tr«f» iit'l •»**•<■> th« Mr M th« r«*M»n ik» M«r of 01 j r q»>ri nc<mm«n4 It (ay Ml «vest iv* power !.■■■ o«Im ••A# w Ji; to in it*t* •< hlghif 9+* f • « I « 4 H««rir.f in. y ir ewn \ bom* m p U r-'h%«#, «•h • « • •'I A pi An Wh« f • b « §***&?"• - WLi. gjjs aa Aa4!»h«». r«r * »«. P*r»»B' >>f m small rontal la a»vtl~t on ih« ITZJ 1 ""} AiMllptMM «n«t *> In «*ehai>s* «•* iHIL- Il'i*. J** m «» "oti* eg . Z HOrHOHK - • **• '"*»« >»MI. NMttl«. PMM OHIO Dentists tnd University St. Stone- Fisher Co. "'Vol 4 !,' 1 j* °t K WORK - "t H IK4HI M*UMe DKNTAI. WORK d^L Katk I ' hick ' ( tl»t« ohlo Cut • KaMy Parm«M». |»rlcea. J* 3* of Teeth Q B««t !|>o £°.. s^, T « ,h $5 tt&cZZ $4 01 Porcelain Er.Sa, $4 W fillings, $1 Up iui fillings, 50r. Dp OOAHANTEa . »•*** ON ALI, WOHK Letters to Cynthia Grey NOTICE, BACHELORS! Here's a chance for the men to get II bark om the Rlrlw. t h«> h'atou wh> bachelors don't w««d are funny unit ud, a* the iaw may be t'yuthla tlrey wants the bachelor readers to aend her their reason s for not marry lug. It l» not necenNary to sign your names, aa no real name will be printed. It in a »;iiinfrn tiou to all i>n. 1 opinion* ml that thousands of girls will rend. alut im.>l>t*l>ly profit Motheis Mill lie enlightened. aud a ■ encral spirit of fun will prevail. riii- answers must not contain mora than .\'i words, Send them to t'ynthia tlrey. LITTERS FOR BCTTINA Letter* of sympathy ami assurance for Itettlua are (till coming In. and are being i«ved for her It does uiy heart good to know the people are so Ms hearted, aud broad minded, and are willing to reeelve the girl into their famlllea as a member of the home. I Mow are a few <Itracts from letters received ONE FROM A MOTHER IVar Mis* tirey My heart aehea for the child. lam a mother, nnd will alndly take her aud her baby and care for them, and no one will ever know. MKB . FROM A CIRC • • • If you see her, will you ask her to write to me* Please co not think lam Inquisitive I only want to help, and maybe she would like a sister as well as I." A. A SISTER LESS BOY WRITES IVrar Ml** tlrey lam a young man of 2*. and want to express a few words of encouragement and sympathy for Itettlna. I'oor little Innocent girl! As a man. I am at a loss to see how !i> man with n heart can be »o mean ax to take advantage of a poor ittle lonely girl after she had put faith In him. I have no staters and • rothers mvnclf, and am an orphan, but If I had a little sister and she should the m •fortune to fall* a victim to a w/eteh like this I Jon t think I could eat or sleep until 1 had hunted him down and turned him mer to Justice Hut. Beltlua, your life Is not mined You have all the good, pure minded people on your side You are in no way to blame, and lam sure that some day you will be happy. As tar n the man who tried to bring dt»«rare on you Is concerned, tome day he will repent and hla heart will torture him I'leaee try to forget II alt and just think that you have friends everywhere All men are not bad With ato art full of sympathy, KDWAHO strikes the right note I>»ar Mm* Orwy: Just a Itacb elor" Invite* correspondence on tilrl* lodine fellow* astray " My opinion la that. aa a rule. th# boy la to blam*. and girl offenders are eatlrely out of proportion to girl victim* I ain g lw>rh*!or of 33. and have seen th* worst of both »»»►», but I •till b» I•*v* ttikt the Instances where tb> girl lead* th* fellow tvack to d«c«iwy or help* him to hewp atralvtil far outweigh th* case* on which lbs fair on* la mor ally responsible for hi* downfall. So many of th# boys e*p«ct to be romp*n»a'.*d by lb# gtrla In aotn» form or other If ahe refus*s to give trading atami t In th# form of klaae*. the boy <gl!a her a prude, »nd will have nothing lo do with her Not satisfied with that, he (landers h#r conduct to frt#nda It mutt be hard for any girl to loa# popularity Juat for having tried to Ik* th kind of girl wiU» whom any »#lf re»i ••ctlo* young man would b# glad lo aaaoclat# That's where "Just a Harh#lor" o'lgkt lo take notice. If Ihe young mcti would ahow a Illtl# mor* «*tf rcspect wh»n d#allng with Ih# op pnolte gas. bo fellow* woaild be led i»tray by girls. Th* Idea' Now, I wish "Jast a Bachelor' to answer my statements, also I would be glad If you. Mt*a tlrey. would l#« us luce th# benefit of your <.|.lnlon In to* matter NANHA. A —Young aa you arw. yoo ba*e .truck «h# right keynote tf •»#*> >n«« would b# s#lf respectlhg. the vi.tfbK wottW br »t»d th# coaaparat ;vely few cases wher* the boy la led astray by th# girl wottid be eliminated. pawnbroker laws Dear MUi Orey Some time ago. being to ne»-d o' money and out of work, I made a loan on my diamond ring In the contract I aliened It stales that hr ma) sell the ring J« day* sfter dale If I ha»s not rapald «n« ; annum' of the loan with interest. | iiiikrt! itx*ut thti nod h* 1 iMtldl #• long aa I paid the Internal t could k"*v the ring thera aa king aa I wi»Ued What la thf lawful rate of ia . t * r ' ~,t for this kind of a loan? «. 1 have paid $& for Interest within two months on $100, how lonr doaa that entitle roe to hold the ring there? The contract states [no amount of Interest. Thank!** ■ you In advance. iqjjoRANCE. \ —|>>Kal Ir.tereat for t>awn ahoi.H In thla state la 3 per cent a 3. Charging anything ««r that mak»a the pawnbroker liable to arreat and fine The law also states tbat* the ar ticle m.i.t I* held *> days after the • xpiration of the contract P»» n t : i,rok«rs msy make contracta but (they don't make the lawa. and the I uw la what counts UNJUST LAWS. Dear Mlas Orey Doe* a woman who la an American cltlien lose her cltlwinoblp by marrying « aon cltl z<*n? Pieaift *b4 olm#*, UiOKINCi FOR INFORMATION. A Yes. and If an alien marries sn American. *he become, a full fI. deed HtWen, even If she cannot Mt.*ak a word of Efißtlffe» ana doesn't know when America was dlscoyered. And if she Is divorced, she again becomes an alien What a prestige It gives a woman Juat to bo married' Hera's another sequence. " «" Inu lilgert American woman . mar ries a Scotchman, an Engllsliman, or any rJ her alien who haunt taken out his papers, *hc lose* her cltl zenahlp; and If she Is married to an American who takes out papers In another country (no matter how much she OhJ#cta to It) she thereby becomes an alien, too. To my mind, there Is no more unjtit* laV, and only one other that mat' lies It. and that Is the right of parent* to Mrlke a child on the h»ad or face, the *atne offense for which a teacher la fln®d It Is high time women were wak Inx up, and using their Influence <o efface lhe*n blots from thin glorious, free (?) America, I AM A WIDOW. Dear Ml** drey. I am a widow at 35 yearn of »K", and have been keeping company with a m«n for nearly a year. He la a good man and I think a whole lot of him He ha* one great fault, and that 1* he la very Jealoua. Would you please tell me. la It heat to keep company with blm any longer or not? ANXiOim TO KNOW. A.—if he la not trying to conquer thla jealoua dlaeaae, and it la mak ing you unhappy, by all mi an* drop blm. A SILLY BOV. n*ar Ml*« Orey.- I ain a Klrl of 17 and have been going with a boy of l# for a abort tim«. I Iov« him and ! think he love* m«, but he Hald that I have bceu keeping com-. pany wllh another boy. but I bav# not. Would you go with that hind i of a boy or not? ANXIOUSLY WAITING A - Certainty got A young girl'a happiness dots* not lie In b«ing "owned'" by on* boy Kb* ahould have many friends. but no lover Thin boy U Ritupljf worMig you to m«k«* yoti think you love tiits* and nm wIU »ot go with any |Olh»T. t>rop hiu) a! ot»r« for all. FOR TWO GIRLS. I want ill* l*<i ilrla *kn wtn(« of ciperlenc* Similar lu IWtttna »- the one whow father tout . hi* money and who *«nl lo work In • ramp; the other who left school loll*** with her brother In law, to «#nd their Nothing will he w«ilf public. and 1 waul vgry much lo hrl|> them lloth are Innocent, and no ain la 4 larhro to their children I will be wailing for your repllew - CYNTHIA ORBT. thi girl is right l>#ar Miss <!t»j: lam a young man 24 year* of **r and am deep ly in love wltb a young lady her# who *~«w>a to lor did) think • lot of m* I took her horn* otw> night, and aha tot iw klaa her good night and ah* I*l DM' put m» arm* around her »*i»t, and since th«n ah* wmt • peak to m* W hat (hall I do to win her hark* A MHOKKN IIKAHTKII LJDVKR A -To win tirt b* a num. and not a mftjf What right had you to klaa bft* 0 B*li flub ahouM alwajra br aoal. r <l with U>« akin »M* i»t> UPStI STOMACH AND HDKifSTION "Pipe's Diapcpain" Cure* Sour, Ga—y Stomachs in Five Minutes. Time It' In five minute* all atonv Mb distress will go Mo Indignation, heartburn. aoumesa or belching of gaa. acid or aructatlona of undigest ed food. SO dlialneaa. bloating, foul breath or headache. Taps a IMapepsin la noted for Its speed In regulating upset aiomaeha It la the surest, quickest and most certain remedy In the whole world and besides It Is hantileaa Millions of fbeti and women now a*t their farorlie foods without fear —they know now It Is needless to have a bad stomach. Please, for yoor Mk/ get a large fifty cent case of Paifc'a Dlapepeln from any drug stors and put your atomaeh right. Don't keep on tielng miserable-lit* Is too short you are not here long, ao make your stay agreeable. Rat what you like; and dlgnst It: enjoy It, without dread of rebellion In the atomaeh LMapepetn belongs In your home anyway It should be kept handy, should one of tbe family sat some thing which doesn't agree with them or In case of an attack of In dlgsatton. dyspepsls. gastritis or atomsch dersngement at daytime or during the nlgbt It Is thsre to give the quickest, aureat relief known. {IJTJXJL^ I $7.50 I H T ■ Thfe w»ek we nffr-r you a flr*t <lae* ael of teelh for (7.10 ■ AMI'l.Ka miiiWN We offer you flrat < lu«« dental work at a moderate prlre. and would like to have you eonault ua regarding the condition of your muuth. fnir ronaultlng aperlallat I'.aa had yea ra of aiperlence, and hla oplnlnn of your condition will be valuable to you. With the aid of flrat claaa malarial and a modern equip inent, we are able to aerve you well, and having cor'ldanca In our ability to prodik-e laatlng raaulta In all branrhea of de<it latry, wa offer you a 11-year gnarante*. All work done palnleaaly by modern electrical devlcee. INVESTIGATE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Eiamlnatlon free. Office Hour* 110 a. rn to ( p m Nuiidava. t till I p m. I.ady Att»l»l Union Dentists nr. Kraak O. Hfcaada, Mar. Third aad Pike. Pkaae Mala laui Over Owl Drx a tare. Ralraaee. HOAMi Pike ■«. • ■ 'f \ THE STAK—MONDAY. «MQV KM HER 18. 1912. ► WHITE HOUSE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES TO BE > HER SPECIAL WORK. Mia* Mary Bayltai. PriVat* Secretary to Mr*. Woodrow WHion. Miu Mary Ha>)«**, We# l-nion, Ohio, baa bwn choaen U> flit the ttit> r(atti aoclal position of private secretary to Mr* Woodrow Wtlaon wife of lbe ( president elect of the t'nlted HlatM l> !» nut Mix.million for realdent* of Ihe Ituckeye ataie to mu«« Into MENUS EV Menu*, menua everywhere, and not • bite to eat! tf the menu editor'* appetite In creaae* with the number of menua. he will have to spend Thankagivlng day from early dawn till late at night treating on turkey, or maylW he will hear an much about turkei beforehand that be will not be able to took one in the face on Thank*- giving day. Only a few of the menus receiv ed can be printed each day. but alt have an equal chance, (or each will be handed over to the three Judge* - Mlm Hopkina. Itmadway high. Mlaa Hlnehart New Ktanklln. and Mlea Walker. Queen Anne, all do mestic science teacher*, who will decide who will wtn the big, fat turkey The Htar offer* for the beat menu at reaaonable onat. Hend your menua to the menu editor, care of The Htar. by Sat urday. Sovember 22. Cynthia's Answers to Many Questions Seattle »an CI year* old No vember 13. The atate flower of Idaho I* the syringe Of Waahington, the rho dodendron. It la better lo kM>)i apple* In the cellar than tn thr ground. for they ••fit" 11 lul« of lh« lattei when bur la*. Kllk or linen handkerchief. a lit of bta favorite color, a hai marker nod deak calendar arc suitable presents for a man It I* proposed to celebrate. In ItH IS, (he renleunlal of the treaty of Ohent, making 100 years of peace between Ureal llrltaio and the I'nlted States Neither huaband nor wife haa any right, before or after death. to property acquired before marriage, or to property acquired after mar "lane by gift or Inheritance. For a red compleilon. remove tha rauac. which \\ uaually In a dla turbed stat* of mind, haahfulneaa. excitement. anger and profuae Joy. Cultivate quietness and level bead edneaa. NOTICE TO READERS All letters cannot be an swered In the paper, and many are without name or addreas A stamped, self addressed en velope always brings a prompt reply. CYNTHIA QREf. THE STERILIZED BOY. ■y Psrcy Shaw. Hay. I would like to breathe some air That waan't ao refined; And have a chance to run and hop With no one near lo mind. And eat an apple 'fore It's peeled, And own some dirty toys. And be 100 poor to have a nurse, And play like other boys. Why, every time thst Columbine Comes off the street with me Hho has to change her clothes and ■nine For fear of germs, you see. And If I grab a alone or touch A post along the walk. You'd think It was a crocodile To hear her line of talk. And kissing. I can't kiss a soul Without an awful row, And mother saying: "Well, for sure, He'll gel the measles now." 1 can't pet est* or dog*, and when A sLranger pats my head I get It washed with smelly stuff, Just as the doctor salff. So If you know a re»l bad germ Too slrong to sterilize. That you can catch and send around As sort of a surprise, I might, get slek snd have some fun 4 And maybe then they'd see It wasn't any use to make A germicide of me fl»t round bit** are of vol vet, yluxh, or fur, to match tli<> gown. 1 the apotllghl of political favor. Hut it la worthy of aowe «pecl*l note «hen the ffrat lady In the land chooaea h« r aorlal aide de camp and | nv*te atalatant from tho central ► t ilea. Mian lUiiletn will l>e«ln h« r du Ilea at the White Houee next , March. RY WHERE! Ideal Thanksgiving Dinner for 111. tjaiu nectar. cracker* 10.10 'Tuiitey with bread dreaalng. currant Jell) I *0 Browned aweet potato**. ' mantled Iriah potatoes It Creamed cauliflower JO Toffibinatlon aalad. r«malet|ng of celery. furunil>era. «Mred tOmaioea. served on lettuce leaf, wlih naiad dressing... .It Itread and Mutter .10 PwifopMß pie. mince pie ...... .20 Tea a wee; cider ........ v ... .15 Total »2 75 HI«ACKKYKf> HI HAN, City. Wrlctly home cooked. I render my own lard, rlean my clam* and *u to a card club, too Seed Thankagivlng Dinner for Si*. Oyster cocktail $0 30 Cream of tomato aoup .16 Ollvea. plcklea. celery JO Creamed cod 15 Itoaai turkey, plain dreaalng. Cranberry aauce S it Itaked aweet potaloea, maahed yellow turnlpa .25 Hot mince pie, Nablaco wafer* .30 Kouquefort cheeae. cracker*. ••sorted nuta. ralalna 55 I'einl IMN —coffee .20 Total It.jt MH> 1. 1). City. THANK>OIVINO MENU Celery Olives < ream Tomato Soup Roast Turke> Orator Drraalni Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes (llblet liravy Turnip rroqurtUii Haked B*f«t Potatoes Chestnut and Orape Frtili Ha lad I'liwlc Hilled Wafers Pumpkin Pie RaJaln Tie. Hon lions Coffee Raited Nuta. K. O. IH'EKKH. City MODERN ' eleganMj f irn'ahed room* at lowed rate* at Motel Vtr flnua. Ktgbth and Virginia, near Weatlak*. Klllott (OS. ••• LESS BOWEL TROUBLE IN SEATTLE Seattle people have found out that A SINGLE IKISK of simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc. aa compounded In Adler-l-ka, the tier man appendlcltla remedy, rellevea conatlpatlon. aotir stomach or gas on the atomach INSTANTLY. Thl* almple mixture the digestive organs* and drawa off tlit Impurities and It la aurprlalng how QUICKLY It helps Sulffa Phar macy. Snd av. and I'lke at. —Adver- tisement. m I ■lw Some of tht diseases that Dr. Lydla A. Lathrop successfully treats are: Asthma, Heart Trouble, Dys pepsia, Diabetes, La Grippe, Female Trouble. Constipation, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Liver Trouble, Rheuma tism, Appendicitis, Headaches, Bright'a Disease, Paralysis, Kidney Trouble and Stomach Trouble. Office, 213 People's Bank Bldg., Second and Pike. BULL BROS. Just Printers 1013 THIRD AVENUE MAIN 1043 IND. 9200 Shoes Lh<ll<!«' Otin metal button or l»e« Hlkm-h, 13.26 v» I u «•, Tiiem<t .i y, u |mlr • {2.49 SEATTLE 2 BIG STORES T A C O M A $1400 Hlack Caracul Coatn, full <£Q CO .AjMt length am! /nil lined, at «o«JiilU $600 Silk Waists, all seasonable; various flir $2.49 00 Dress Skirts. Series M Q0 f dNovelties vOiJU I Handkerchiefa, VeiU, Neckwear. $1.25 i/J Charming Velvet Hows, neatly 25c I M Colored llorder ilanelker- Q_ BB' chiefs, Tuesday wu BIG BLOCKADE SALE WEEK Men's Store Men'* and Young Mm a 120 00 SX $11.89 Men'a $S 50 I'nlon made I'anla Headlight #0 JO Brand - Men'a $100 C*»»l f1 00 mere I'anta liJU Mro « |3 M) M PQ Macklnawa .. ffciOw Men'a 1100 Wool M 00 Hw««tm .. vliJu Men'a 35c Wool 4Q. Jan and itray. a pair.. 131 Men'a (I 50 t'olon #4 1Q Suit*. all «tie« # I • I J Men'a $1 00 Heavy Wool U<i der«ear, Hhlitu and Hrawer* all alte&: a garment, 7Qr Tueada) I »»w OUR BUSY CENTER AISLE 12 a pair Lace Curtain UmplM. 9C r Tuesday. 2 tor fl.oo. Each JWb 12Hc 17-Inch llurk fl'p I Toweling. a yard . . . W3w j 50c a yard Table Damaak, 5k Inche* wide; mercerized; 9Q|» good pattern. Tueaday. a yard A«lu A II 28 10-yard piece of Itird *eye Cotton. 27 Inchea wide. BQf* In Sanitary P*ck*«e Tueaday. a piece OilW TALKS BY THE STAR DOCTOR DO YOU WANT TO BE "Oh. If 1 oould only be aa thin aa you are!" a round, chubby worn an aaya to her tall, alltn friend. "I wtah my arma were nol ao aklnny and that my neck would fill out." a palnfuly alight woman con fides to her *hort. thickset ac qualntance. And the men aay the aame thing, though In a different way. perhaps. Ilut, aa a rul*. It In to *•>' thai a man or a woman ia at thin or aa fat aa h>- or she really wants to be The fat man. who only lalka about wanting to be thinner, tn a good-natured, indolent aort of way. will probably continue on hia fat r THE ROSE OF , ANCIENT EGYPT The lot us was the rose of ancient Egypt—the favorite flower of the country. It was often made Into wreaths or garland* and placed on tfie forehead* of women, or held In their hand* and smarted for Its delicious fragrance. It frequently appeared In the helroglyphlcs and entered largely Into the works of art It synibodlited the Meru. or residence of the gods It was especially sacred to the Egyp tian god and goikless Oalris and Iris, The lotus also enters Into the mythology of the Hindus and Chinese. Among the Chinese It sympollxes female beauty; the small feet of their women being called "kin leen" or "golden lilies." Training for Young Girls A branch of the Camp Fire Girls, which is organized along the lines of the Hoy Hcouts. ban been founded In Cambridge, Ma»s. Kach member must learn how i.o cook, darn stock ings, save money and mend clothes. First the girl must be a wood gnth erer, and then learn to make fires, and then a torchbearer. To arrive at this stage she must know how to hem towels, keep family accounts, learn how to tie a square knot five times In succession and devote some time to tjio prevention of Infant mortality In some one neighbor boot!. Peeled Onion Style The new Pari* style of wearing hair Is ably described as flat headed. Everything down tight and plastered and slicked, and anchored with hea\-y. flat hairpins after it's been plart'ered. Every body looking like a nice little peel ed onion. Many dresßy blouses are carried out In two shades of clilffon, with metallic trimmings and embroid eries. The Store THat Saves You Money r Second Av. at James Hosiery M I * * /./ wool Hoac, i "" made with ' 25<\ heavy \ %/ ton ribbed How Ttie*- a pair heavy f! r-«-< < fr •Iter, Tuc*- day 48c Women's all-wool Ve*t* and f'antx. natural Kray and white; II >» QO. alue, Tueaday. a garment . 301 FATTER OR THINNER? way, growing fatter year by year. And the thin woman who sighs for round arms and a pretty neck will probably have lo continue envying ber more purposeful sister If she doesn't get up the energy to do anything more practical than sighing The man and woman who would be as they upeak must act In ac cordance. This meanii the change of habits, perhaps, and a long, per sistent effort to reach the desired BO II TAM ALES Hmt - I X- Cllll.t « «>« AH*K. (TC. rm Drllvrrr tmln I ■VV IVI 1411 rird A v.. b*f. l uloa and Plk*. Mrlh KMC. I at thiT moving PICTURE HOUSES You'll Find Interesting Features at the Theatres Listed Below B 1 r*W /"V ■ ir\a|r- Sunday f.'iture extraordinary. "The Mrl r€f II 11/|\lr Purity Squad," a photoplay that should If ILLUv will I|_ liitrreat everybody l.otila Hlmond. pian ist A. Ollhert Shaw, ormuilM H Ed "Mom* of (>ln« t urtaln" y—. » k| rv H'K Sun .In \ program. "The Tribal I-aw." rnl |||/(lra| 1 niion \V<Mem. Avery * Taylor, minstrel men. VJII/ 11 "" Jami'K MiNally. tramp juggler. Ourvn & Melle. 3d and Cherry comedians I|"f SEATTLE'S LEADING 5c THEATRE V.lfCv.V/l I ALL PHOTOPLAYS NEW AND SHOWN HERE a«l and Madison EXCLUSIVELY TOMORROW Odeon Theatre new pictures today FIHIT AT PIKIC ■ ■ - " ■* „.j t Union Theatre 2—"Poet and Peasant." Third AT., .a- f. o. S—"Th. Musketoers of Pi ß Allsy." rji-t/ Theatre A 10c show for 5c \_I«.J ■ ■ ,tUII *-> LATEST PHOTOPLAYS 1200 Secoad Av. sc~Crown~sc Aa ££? OF Virmi Av h Bel. Mn<II»«»m nml Spring m ■ j g • m m * "On the Firing: 1.1ne." "McShanf, Watch- A I II /\R/Ii11« A makor." 'Juan and Juanlta." 'Victims of nLI iniflUliri Kate.'' "Dlrlico. th© Oypay.'* sth and Wcatlnke TIIR HAWAIIAN m \UTKTTK TELEPHONE Main 1525 90 flfl PER MONTH will rent a new sewing $4IUU MACHINE. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Main Store —1424 Third Ave., Near Pike—Main Store 100 M>-»«alln* Hi Ik l>ttlco«t», all col or*, 12.00 val u*, Tu«-«<Jay— $1.19 WE THANK YOU There arc but four remain ing <1 ays of our 810 IIUM'K AUK SALB, and we wish to lake tbla opportunity of thanking the many who vis ited tbls aWire from Seattle and out of town point*, for your splendid response* to our apical and for your pat ronage to freely given. We shall endeavor ever to be worthy of yonr bunineM and esteem. and should ever any misunderstanding ariae we boi«- you will unhesitat ingly put the matter before iik. ao that we can adjnat it to your personal satisfaction. We are pleased with our rapidly increaaiag patronage and we are anxious our cub toutrra should be pleased with our store In the next four days we shall make many new reduc tions of prices a* quickly aa we can place our pencil upon tickets of broken lines or lines that are In the way of our regular Holiday Business. These will be Ip many inter esting small lots which we would not care to advertise, as It would cause much dis appointment to those who cam;; late. Thwe grotls will be placed out In full view, marked ami ticketed, ao that vou may find many interest ing Items yon had not thought of while doing your regular buying Again we thank you. .McCORMACK HKOS. B"al Work and eating, exercise ul general habits will ail have to come in for change. The individ ual who would reduce weight must learn what food la necessary to Ms actual well being and how much of what he is eating is only adding unnecessary flesh. lie must find out how much mora exercise he should lake to hardea the muscles and work off the su perfluous fat. lie most. In short, stick to * system of living which will keep him at the weight he wants. This Is not play. It is work. Hat It If like anything else Hy prac tice it may become a habit, caey to follow. 3