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BREAKS A COLD, NEEDS NO HELP Pape's Cold Compound cures cold* and Rrippe in a few hours —Tastes nice- Acts gently It la a positive fact that .1 doae of Tape's Cold Cominxind, taken every two hour* until three e«>nae<Mttlv« dose* are taken, will end thetirlppe and break up the moat severe cold, either In the head, chest. buck, stomarh, limbs or any part of the body. It promptly relieves t h<- mo»t miserable heada> he. dwllneaa. head and nose stuffed up. feverlahnaaa. sneezing, aor* thront, running <»f the nose. mux'in catarrhal dls charge*. miiviimi, stiffness and rhaumntlr twinge* Take this »onderful Compound a* directed. with the knowledge that there ta nothing elae In the world, which will cure your «>ld or end t.rlppe misery «s promptly ami without any other aaalMtanre or bad aftar*ft*ta aa a Si-tent pac ka* > of PaiK-i Cold Compound. which «ny druggist can aupply— no substitute contains no quinine Belongs In every home. Tastes nice—acta gently. Dr. L. ft. Clark. D. O. S. WE SATISFY EVERY PATIENT Do you know why? Simply be cause we use only A-l material* In •or work. Every man on our staff has had year* of actual experience rtnee graduation from America's foremost dental col lege* All work la very carefully done and there t* only on* result to be had. namely: Our work pleases and satisfies ev ery patient we have. Don't forget that all our work I* backed up by a written pfuarantee Our "price* are so low that they can't help but please you. Just think we will Bake you a reftular extra heavy $10 Itold crown for 14.00. or one of our famous $10 Never-Sllp plates for 95.00. Can you beat It? Regal Dental Offices Or. L. ft. Clark, O. O. S. (Ma«sg*r> 1405 Third Av*„ N. W. Car. Union NOTE—Bring this Ad with you CRLEL_PILES True Cases Never Self-Cured — Or. Van Vleck Found Genuine Relief which la Healing Thousands. Scads $1 Package to Try Free W yon have Pitm, or the ttcMng. burn '\M* irritation Vhlcti la Uieir •wre warning. let us t«*nd 7« Or. V»n V lack's 3-fold Absorption Remedy for all rectal trouble* at once. It la a\ dreadful mis take to allow tbla malignan." disease to make unhindered progress, for It mar lead to the deadly torture of fistula and rancer. No matter at what stage your rase. aend this cou pon today, Thr Keme<!y will be eent you by return poet Then after] Uln(. If you are aatlafled With the 1 prompt relief and comfort It bridge you. as It has done for many thou-; mnil* of others. nend n« One Dollar ! If not It <-->«t« you nothing. \\r take y«:ir r»nr A "TkflM Mr lief In Every rartair." ing expensive' and painful «n»ern*lona, had fall»-l 1 You can »e» that l.r Sari Vie. k * u»aet be a successful remedy !•. i.. sold on thla approval plan Ho write today :,..w I- Dr. *an V leek l-h 'A. »la|eellr HMf Mleh. Send us no nvney )>im the coupon j-FREE $1 COUPON—. Cjoo'l for Si I'a. kasfe ..f Van Vleck'a I «.i..plrie Trraf <■•*■l to lie went Kree on Appro val, a* explained above, to Name .. Addreas Mall thla coupon today lo lir Van Vl*< k Co.. I.K t# lildK. Jmthmmn, Mleb. Iteturn poet will brin* the )1 Package n Trial Noted Woman to Lecture Again at Y. M. C. A. Ml*. O. K Fowler-Chiimoa. wld'.w "t tho fa mom au thor. Prof 0 H. Fowler "t New Vork. will «C Iv a he r 1h I r<l Ja c - lure on ' I, I f « ' i Ditpilt l.a»«' at U>e Y M. C. A hall, fourth ;iv. and Ma<l lnon at . at t o'clock to nlght, tak ing an her tubltc t, Klectrldty. >■. .. . , '!'» Or* a t hL.i"' Ell *.r of ' Life." Theae lecture* are fro*. Mra. Kowlcr-Ohuuioa, In conjunc tion with the lectured, will hold rradln*e anil health o.naulUtlona dully from !) it in. to ;i pro «( thu l.lncoln hotel until I >c. . lit Klectrldty t-> cum ,11*.will |,« taught In claaacx l><-»lnnln(r Tuea day, December ]o. Nt 2 ::u un<l 7:30 «» AT THE THEATRES THIS WEEK. Moore— Holbmok Hllnn In "A Humane.- of Ihp Cnderworld" Seattle—Heat tie Stock Co. In ' Gulnc Home." Metropolitan — Curtis Indian Picture Opera. Alhamfcra — Photoplay* and vaudeville Orpheum Vaudf villa. Emprtaa—\ niiderllle. Pantagaa Vaudf villa. Grand —Vaudeville and mottos pictures Climmtr —Pbotopiiys and vaa devjla. Melbourne—Photoplays and van Seville. •»***»***•«*•*»«»* * AT THE EMMREB * a***************** A big dramatic production, with Harry Hurkhardt ui<l IS other*, entitled ' virvuroatanilal K»ld»nc«- • 111 headline the coming •wka i bill al the Kmtirxan theatre Krod and Kva Moaart bare a »bow*b>» danre John Neff, "tb« bralr storm romedian." baa aa MX full of *tn«rr The Quaker Malda will offer a none cycle Tbe Mlmfcu* arc acrobats and Kd and Minnie ; Foster are mined} musicians ****************** * AT THE MOORE ****************** Tti« Viennese operetta, "The Kom of Panama." cnmM to the Moor* theatre tomorrow night tor a four ntfthta' stay. There will be a matinee on Wedneaday. John Cort ha* on tour the complete original production. Including cos tumes and elaborate scenery Mint of the prluclpal singera and come dlana bare also been retained and the production ahould, In every ea sentlal particular, be on a par with that which made poaalble the low? run at baly'a theatre. New York. Cbaplne. the petite Frenchwom an. to whom New York capitu lated In a single night, will be htard In the prima donna role. The Moore's patron* enjoyed the vl*lt of the Lambardl opera com pany no thoroughly that the com pany will return on Thursday to finish the week which "The Roae of Panama" begins "Carmen will be given Thursday, "Travlata" Krl day, "Klgoletto" Saturday matinee and "Salome" will be repeated Sat urday night. ****************** * AT THE SEATTLE * ****************** We have' thousand* of j letters from' people a I II over the world i who wry« u« that they have I been cured ' even after Hi and 40 year* of pain, nfter every! hlnjf elae, Includ- Bailey * Mitchell will present at the Seattle theatre next week, be ginning Monday night, "David Harum," a clever, homely story, aa all know who have read the book from which the play was dramat lied. ****************** * AT THE ORPHEUM * A laughing hill may lie expected at th<- Orpheuro next week Ixmlse (•alio* ay and Joseph Kaufman will present Kdward Allen Woolf's "Little Mother" aa th« headline attraction Mr and Mra. .11 nun If Harry will be won In ".The Rube."i C'brla Richards la funny In a way an hla own. The O'Hrlen-llavel company bring a sketch called Monday," The Schmettana are classical poser* Ruby Raymond and Hobby Heath have a singing novelty, "In the (iood Old Hum mertlme." Frank and Truman Rice are acrobats. * AT r-ANTAGES * ****************** The Hlx Caatllllona. Cuban ath letes. who admit they are the world's fastest acrobats, will head the bill at i'antHKfß theatre next week with a large repertoire of difficult and hazardous stunt* The Two Worths—Haynes and Kitty Montgomery—will present a nau tical sketch, "Nancy !,ee. the Sec SON S BLOOD CAN'T SAVE HIS FATHER MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dm. 7.-De splte the sacrifice made by his son, who submitted to an operation by which a pint of blood was trans fused from his velmi Into those ;.f his father. Hiram O. McOIII. super intendent of the Western division of the I'ostal Telegraph ('<>.. died al the Milwaukee hospital. Iln rallied aft<ir the transfusion operation, bu» had not sufficient strength lo with stand tho ordeal. The Week at the Theatres ond " Thr Ktmr Musical AvolUta. lylophonlsta. are uiuslckanerv (rotti t'other aide Eckert ami Kraulcla are • bracr of coiiihl) Teutons. lltlllar la a talkative f trickster. DO YOU USE MILK? If mi, why not get ih« tHMt? cKir milk *hr l»r«nt« m»d«J pn««> *th« lnt*rnalion»l ttalry HI *»«r »t v«»i«• • v«)i•« l««i In cowpfililon with *mhtbt(» from tb« t'nttoU HUtv* »(id Ckn«<Sai Klr«t prl»«* «»t I'orV>*n«l. *11 th# Urf* 'I* in** of W«9hlft||(Qn, or#- K«»n »n<) raltfnrnia rompriini If you «r» not our mifc. you «r* not c«tlln| Iho b»i( Fboot u» »n oravr PURE MILK DAIRY, INC 1514 Seventh Av. Main 2545, Elliott 4344. Clemmer Theatre Seattle's Beat Photoplay House 1,200 SCAT*—IO CENTS "RANCH MATES" THE SUPREME TEST Ix)ve and Daring in the How One Man Learned to Cow Country. Love His Wife. 2 CLEVER ENTERTAINING COMEDIES—2 MATT DENNIS. Soloi«t. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY QUARTET. OLIVER G. WALLACE. Organist AT THE MOVING PICTURE HOUSES You'll Find Interesting Features at the Theatres Listed Below ____ m— _ _ . "■'» "«e Mine. , BOURN E Keystone laughmuk >-r*. l'ar» n«> off "HomeofGlnef uilaln" » V «f I . . a - - 1 ' 1K '' '■ ili• ■ ■! I ; ■ T '"' hl«Ke«t " odbeet 10-rent thuw In the Nerth- DA\lr\ T""' H ''-V , " 1 p ® m blnallon Hundm Mn (l|l/\ II I The Campbells. Irlrk *1 an.l novelty muKt.lnriii .t„.k l,ave r c. the venlrllo. 3d anil ( hrrrv ? u i! witti n large family I'rrnllee ami Cornell, a peculiarity. 4 ~h..t»|.lav.. fl| lITT ' Ko . r ,h " r » u *" Uttrrlnw military drama of fr..n --| Ikl 111 I V' ''" y " ' Th " at the window , Ml .la* VlllVeUl ■ drama of great [low., and dfn sentiment A 3C and Mad..,.n «lm' H "" A ""' t " L "" rly -" " ,U ""'| OHpon Thpafrp V/U VVII I I ICUII JC> reel I'hol". plH\ Saturday mid Mon day. First time shown In Keuttle riltHT AT I'IKIO 1 >on't miss It ______ J I 'l»y today to are A teller to I I 1 - -- ,l '." ' rllli-aa. being the flflli alory of I I Ifllflll I nPflrrP whH ' I'uppenrd in Mary, diaiim x/ 111 11 ■ 11% l v Alkali Ike's Clone Hhave Western I «, „ comedy. Ilattle In the Virginia Mills. T»lr< Af. ■« Pal—. —r r. o. t| „ „ ory of m fw||i| rijv Thprifrp A ioc >h °w for 5C V.11.7 ■ I Ituil v LATEST PHOTOPLAYS I2M Seeond Av. e* _ C» rATI!r/a wi:«:ki,v-i: v ..rv Hnt mwn.. urday. The Utile Mil.,lff Knaanay V"T II v. dramii The Kunawayn. I.uliln com od y Klral A B«t. M«rfl«on anil HprNg Al HAMRRA " '"u^ he W " M - ~0v,,' • t llf 1 I ti** SarriHiltHn of Cooper'* Ti'iinnnnt." ■ii. anf « »a/_- «| .a Krleml In Hwn Koiarla "HMplnic llarlwy." Alhamhra Quartptt®, THE SEATTLE STAR 1. Winnie Worth Pantagee Z- Nlabe Howard Seattle 1. John R. Phillipe Moor* 4. Marry Burkhardt Cmpraaa ft. Louie* Galloway ~.. . .Orpheum I I Yon and your friend* are «*#• dlallr Incited to attend a I'NCK I.tMTI MM ON Christian Science by Dr. Francis J. Fluno, C S. D. MnnUr of lb# of lur# ■hip «»f Tfi* M»th«r cltttirl, Tt\m Klr«M «"hurrli **t '*hrW Ha t «>rt( i*(. In tMton. tot#> MKIsl AI Itlf MOORE THEATHf KittwUiy. D»c»ftih»r f. Itlf. |t : 9# « in lh« T*h» lecture t« irU'B uiml* r in* nf Klr*t of n»rl»l ( KdPhllvt Tli« old Intia worn L>i<'Mnnnt In dixH'lea gmit* ny, Hut Juki at the prevent There'a nmin nf Ihein nlfth, When travel wna rougher Theae tnna hits<>tl mil wall, llul NOW We innal »uffer The Hiuall Town llntell When, wayworu and duaty We land at the door, The rooma are all muaty, There* mould on the floor. Ah, ptty the drummer Who inuat atay a apetl Both winter and aiimmer At thta ahlne hotel! YOU'LL FIND IT HERE News of the Day Condensed for Busy People rU»«m to Th* Ht»r nil! * favor by notifyio* (Ma office •( Mn<« *'( »f*y fall* u>9 in •*« ur« (>r> tui>i an*l »»*- umi «1 •!|% rI y th» P«|>«r. or • «>> attempt to miiMllul* *•' oth»r paper for TH« Hltt It in tftr* 6e«lr* of *** miri»i*iiirnt to MfVft ft * !••** •ortirt for all ftiiit r«f»l»Ui't'W «tf g|v«h <-4>iirl«AH* prompt n< If your 9*P*r f*l»» t«» arrive hvi) nlcM I* J ' oY|«H*k klttdO phMf IM» "ffj« * At OIK* M»lr> »!•« A«h («" Ote Circulation Olympic.—Supreme caurt haa r«- nrwd (be devlalon of Judge tiay. of King county auperlor court. Iti ib* caae of J. C. Purnktß. |1&» for aolllns milk not up lo »tandard. Michigan alumni tandarad a ban quel laat nl*i«t at the College Huh to Judge Howard. i»f tha federal court, aod Judge Main of tha au prema court. Naw Orleana.—Or. 0. W. Par haqn hae completed an opera tlon wheraby ha made a new lower jaw for a patient from other pacta of tha man'a body. Whitt and dancing will be enjoyed Wedti»aday nlghl by the Knlghta .•f Cotumbua In the dining room «' the lion Man he for-the benefV of the Parental Homo on Mervar laland Nome —A rich gold etrika wa* made claim on ibe Koffa claim. The •■tike la four feel thick and run* 4 centa to the pan. THE USUAL WAY Huw did Jonea manage to get the upper baud In (hat n»i deal?" "I guess be muni have dealt It from the bottom of Ihe deck." Walla Walla.—Convention of the Bricklayers' union ban adjourned to meet ncit year In Helltngham Spokane.—lnland club and Bpo kan«- club were cautioned by Com tuiasloner llayden to observa the Hunday ban on liquor selling Olympla.—M la unofficially stat ed here that Uov.-Elect Mater ban appointed P. M. Lamborn. of TV ronia. to succeed K 1.. Hoard man aa public printer. North Yakima.—Two banquets are held here tonight, one for U» ter and the other for falconer, to celebrate the progrcastva victory In Yakima county. Victoria. B C.—». 8- Strathdans la not seriously damaged. Bhe la waiting for orders from I.ondon whether to obtain here temporary or permanent repalra. Bba will sail for Calcutta. "Guilty." said tha Jury. J. C. Mill had buncoed a Monroe farmer at the Meadows. Thraa Parslan rugt ara sxhibltsd by N. J Bteetn at !»2« Union at It Is said they were the prtd« of the shah's kingdom. Weet Seattle Congragationallata will open their new church tumor row. He*. H. C. Mniton will preach the opening sermon. New York.—Kneeling In pray er at the edge of an "L" plat form, Frank Heaa loet hie bal ance. fell in front of a train and wae killed. The pulpit of the Woodland Park Presbyterian church will Im occu pied tomorrow by Hev John W. Hainan, of Chippewa Falls,"Wis., recently called as pastor. Carl Anderaon, of Montroae, Colo., has went a box of choice Jon athans to the ktnK of Kngland. More work for the court jeater In NupplyhiK sauce for the occasion of their reception. Morris, lll.—Mlaa Ethel Keene and Mm II W. Harper, aoclety leader* of Jollet, 111., opened a new JIO.OiiO moving picture houae and were compelled to clone It IB mln tiles later because they failed to comply with a city ordinance. Eldorado, Kaa. —The flrat jury compoaed entirely of women which ever sat In a Kansas court of rec ord began consideration of the tes timony with prayer. Hoboken, N. J.—Five boya admit ted lo Chief of Pollco 11 ayes that they started a fire that ttaturday tlircutcuud all of Uobokvu ami The It* li'-il* *re alt bumpy «liiftit««iilly (Irani, ltd imldiml In lumpy, I(a llicti (« kiTfiwim; I(a "Ilium" la apattered, Ita dining room* aint-11 It'a bloway am) battered The Small Town Hot'-l. Whatever you eat there la aure to l>e fried; The landlord >ou meet there In weakened and dried; There'* no one to hop «' The ring of your bell; ft'a awful to atop at Tlmi Hinitll Town Hotel < t*«*rly $300,000 diuiiie to m># th«* run " Thlrtt«n tp««ker« w«r# chc»en ypil»rd«f to roUij#|H In Ibf final tryout to plrk vur»ity d<-b»ti«ri for tlu» University of WmihlfiKton Tli« ftlUtfU* 111 qtlPKtlol) In tb« fttibject for d«*b«l«. 8i» hundred editor* of newa papara will vlalt Oanvar ne*t June, For once they will hava their namea In tha paper. Or. Clamant B. Shaw of Chicago. • ell known u> Hwfilluli people through bin iranalMtlou* of the cla* ■!«•» nave an llluatraled dramatic reading at tha benefit entertain ment In the Hwedlch llaptlat church laat night Thomaa Chrletophar, a reildant of Waahlngtou for the paat &4 year*, died yeaterday at Auburn. Chrlato l her cauie from Norwaj to Han Franclaco lo and all year* lat er came to Keattle Garfield, N. J.—Ten-year-old Julia Ken wae returned l.oma by kidnaper* who enticad her away, thinking a*ie wn the daughter of a rich man. New of Mr*. Tar e*a Klamlratio polaoned by a dlo ner ihat l>egan with epaghettl and ended with Ice cream, pick lea, cu cumber* and I'heni nu(a Barile*vi|le. Ok la.—WHlnm Cat tlebury, W. will ai>end hie declining >eam rocking a baby A daughter liae been born to hi* wife. Mr* C*a tie bury. 38 year* old Oh, the (tarry enowflake, Dropping rrom who know*— Uh! *«« there'* It'a melted, It hit a man'* red no*e. New York —Pour men, locked by mlatake In the Jury room of the an pre me court, trkpd to attract the at tenllon of three women and ware •corned a* maahera. A newaboy came to their re»rue. Albany, N. Y,—Tha Hale hospital commission reports thai New York aaved over a million dolUi* In a year bjr deporting 2.SVS defective persons. N#w Yor*.—Morn* Sch.llsr. 11 vear old. has bwn engaged lu do de tectlv# work for the city at a salary of 26 c«nu per day. White Plains. N. V.—lnstead of Indicting Joseph Vanderloot, a ' ripple, for rarrylng a revolver, the grand Jury look up • collection to send him to bla borne In Grand Kaplda, Ml. h Madrid. — Nicodemus Mender, chief executioner of Hpaln. died of grieving for hla daughter, who died of a broken heart because hfc- fath er's calling estranged her fiance. The Duwamlah Valley Commer cial club last night advocatad the setting aalde of one day every month aa official election day. Con stitutional amendment of the Initla live and referendum will bring a flood of elections, they expect. Pending the trial of McNamee, December H, I-eshe Pepper, prose ctitlng witness In the assault case against the city detective, whs yes terday put In the county jail for safe keeping. Upland, Cal.—Fire that threaten od to sweep the business section of Cpland. was controlled early today. The losa 1* estimated at H<\ooo. IKE SCHOOL OP SKIIL Practical, theoretical courses In stenm and gas engine and electrical work, covering just what YOU waul- the particu lar points upon which YOU want to perfect or improve yourself One-month, 3-month, 6 month and one-year courses, night or (lay, with moderate rates to suit. This Is a practical training school, fully equipped with standard machinery in opera tion, In charge of practical en gineers. Kull Information on request. Telephone Q. A. 254. Seattle Engineering School, Inc. Flrat Av. W. and Roy St. AMUSEMENTS , I" 11 11 ■| ft uj|i fiirJi Se «nfi ft iI9I I I I H Uadia| [_ " , M \ T Theatre Four Nights, Beginning Tomorrow Night POPULAR PRICED MATINEE WEDNESDAY JOHN CORT OFFERS Hit Big Musical Comedy Succen* from Daly'* Theatre. New York City ™ "The Rose of Panama" with — CMAPiINE The Charming French Prima Donna from the Open Comique, Paris. COMPANY'OF 65 ORCHESTRA OF 20 Pi ices—Evening, 50c to $1.50; Matinee, 25c to $1.00. RETURN ENGAGEMENT Three Nights, Starting Thursday, December 12 Lambardi Grand Opera Co. In the following well-known repertoire: Thursday, Mme Tarquini in CARMEN. Friday, Mme Percira in Traviata. Saturday Matinee, Mine. Pcreira in Rigtoletto. Saturday Night, Mme Tarquini in Salome, prices -Evening, 50c to $2XJO. Matinee, 50c to $1 50. BA/LEY&. MITCHELL MG/tS 'S"*™" THREE TIMES MORE TONIGHT. TOMORROW MATINEE AND NIGHT Going Some Week Commencing Monday Night, December 9 BAILEY A MITCHELL Present DAVID MARUM A Bright, Rur«l Comedy Drama by Edward Noy«» WmcolL Evening Prlcaa, aaccpt Monday SCfc, JCe, 2k Matlnaca— Thuraday, Saturday and Sunday 2tc Spacial Bargain Night Monday 25c (Mfc Both Phones 5106 m Vl Advanced Vaudeville \Wn Pricti: 3ftc.soc.rsc.nk 'The Perfect Th®*tr» w ■" lUU I 1 Louise Galloway AND """* Joseph Kaufman & Co. S "Little Mother" MR ami MRS JIMMIE BARRY Present "THB RUBT CHRIS RICHARDS The Eccentric English Cb«p O'BRIEN. HAVEL & CO. Present "MONDAY" By Will M. Cressy. THE SCHMETTANS Classic Pomct RUBY RAYMOND and BOBBY HEATH .'••••; "In the Good Old Sumrocrtgjg_ FRANK and TRUMAN RICE Talkative Tumbtaf NEXT WEEK—WiII M. Cressy and Blanche Daj» A Drama tie Triumph— "Circumstantial Evidence" Wltli mitltv ttl HHHAHIH mm\ <2 nUtlniwtnlifiMW^^ Two Prrtty - Ed and Minnie Foster THE QUAKER MAIDS € Anirdy Mg*lrl«o«. in niff rrri ,t Soay wnd The r«n:rdU« A « <MIIIO<4IM<I Original 4 ouplr _ _ . ... ~r r r> THE BIMBOS S„. , EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION! „ Fred—MOZARTS— Eva Present "Snowed In. *Trn^"^wTnT?TnTTn^r^rnrrrtr»r*7»r M ii?«^i«p«r*^rr''*" ,M " MW '' * * PANTAGES Unequaled Vaudeville Meant Pantagee Vaudeville Beginning Monday Matinee "The Six Castillions" World's Fastest Acrobat*. . ALL-FEATURE BILL lOc AND 20c