Newspaper Page Text
TOT MAKES SNOW FORSANTACLAUS AND HIS SLEIGH •How can Sunt* drive hi* alelgh ■*,-n Uw * nv • no *' T ' Littla Carrol liad ford .» f ri out of the window .4i the Erinandlc apart menta, and woo , sh« haa Juet OOUie from F-".- Maine. where the snow ZTtklck on the ground Aa ahe sJi,j,T.'d ahe began to tear up lit a. ahlte aw*!'* pa par and {True out of the window to J^ kp , »njwj path for S»nU • The people ,M th * apartraenta Adit like it They told Carrol to ZI The Uttla girl burnt Into 2*. Ttvo atory waa told the fath ■t u<t he •' ««ce decided thai Zup in the t'aacA.lea. where .Tr» jf KWttJj"- Santa m|j will I Itttl* strl ,| rr h» makea hla trip Chrtatmaa Burning He'a going to take her »** WHAT CHRISTMAS MEAL IS COSTING t*te ahoppera tomorrow evening, eve. will pay is centa g. pound for their Chr tniaa tur r. Chriatroaa • >(• «ill coat from toti cettta a d <t«n Cranberrlea. |i gtfk* the feaat oomplete, can be MMeaMxl it the rate of two quart* J* "two-bit i> DIDNT KILL HIM. CHICAGO. IVc 23 -Captain of BlUrtl*'* Hatpin I* convinced to fey ti>*' the fou» mm and four muni *uape<'« are Innocent of |fc» Buntrr of J P l o«w the dla ■nd m<-r h«i:' found dc«d In hta ~ t/Bet The police now believe that genii' Prfctblo. jl notorioua Chiracs her former ** ifth.-art ■MM TkfT. an alleged »»fr blower. mi two as*oc(&te* of Taft may la** «mrdered I oviir Christmas Specials at /Ma mZMr Open Tuesday night Pike Place TiS 10 o'clock and Fir*t Air. Sanitary Public Market Really Fresh Butter WE CHURN IT OURSELVES DAILY * FRESH BUTTERMILK. TOO Edgerly-Fitz Co. AT FIRST AVENUE ENTRANCE SANITARY MARKET HOLSUM BREAD n« Big Loaf—Two Pound* for 10 Cents Md at Mall 124 and at Mr*. Carr't, Stall 120. Best Yakima Gem Po tatoes 80c Sack Oaloo*. T IM » Rif, pi.nt. lb.. la* iar J' f Upanlnh | Uproot*. S lb«.. OftfoM, Murh fw- ! lit* Nnwi, 4 lb* ........ tie FREE DELIVERY Stall 20 Kendl* tnnminrn that kai 'Irjubttd help for the vßrlet«ri*» ra/1 <■ » n <t will • nd'ar wto Bart pi*i and 1l«ff and QMUa I'lm to «i,r,ply alt pat r*n» tomorrow. BOOTH IU If yon want the Freshest and 7**' Vegetables for yonr Xmaa ®WMT, We have Uiem. Togo Vegetable Co. *«H L 7—Phone Elliott 244» Old Pike Placc Market 8 lb. Sack Standard White SUGAR 42c BOOTHS 201, 54, 40 7* Ar> Never Out of It. The rate every day Is aa low as for a at wholesale It'a the same sugar you always use Why do yoa pay >1.00 for IS pounds and lose 20 cents? lru,'L ***'"« atwt H.m. r, 3*»- Hi It off™ ; W#Kn«r» a'nl I(otn<- fleautlea »ft«- ho*. <t«ll»«Tort Holoff 0-H4 ' r,, " r * TO* 'It Kli>p«r«-<J Herring. 2 It.* 2Hr fisherman ffi?** " ">» IVj Kwe»t I'otatoee, » lbs. U.<- l>. * C 45 jwern Baron. I«f |I, Hound View MM—l7 iCIi." Apulee, Dtr, <l«ltv«red Kronfleld. 4* und 49 t«v "• u * rl "'»Mt, ler qt Jacob I— 62 a».*? y A '"rn f*<! from our own ranch, .vtr lb Kaadorf and US* Prang* «. Ilk dps Martin—2lo ~ Xmus and New Year's bnrgalna In Meat, Mutter, I"Kg* and vaeete, tome to stalls 10 42 PIKE PLACE PUBLIC MARKET North End Down Stairs BJfc , H. H. MATHE CONFESSES TO MURDER; SAYS GIRL INNOCENT By tlnllMl Fr«M Wlrft POMONA, I>«h- S3 Conatable Frank O. Hlanker atated today that l.evl Khreatnan, arreated Snturday In Santa Itarbara, haa n de a full confeaalun to htm of killing J. P. Nli holaon and tiumlng the hody In the Itaynham barn, near Uirdtbari, on the awning of Dacembar » Khreaman. who la a married man and the father of five children, ctaluia that 111 gtrl. Nannie Schowlver. who waa with him and waa brought back to her home at Hau IMiua*. knew nothing about the crime. "She waa aa pure a girl aa ever lived," aaya Khreaman. "until J ruined her lift- No other man la to blame >h.- ,4ii inii.i.i-at rgun try girt and I made her what ahe la 1 aent her to Arltona that we might forget our U>»» for each oth er. but ahe kept correHpondlng and I did. too It aeeincd that we could not live apart." HIS HONOR TALKS In a talk to the young bora at the T. M C. A Saturday afternoon. Mayor Cotterlll apoke of their re aponalblllty to Seattle In the future. "The young men of 10 and 20 years hence." he aald. "will have to bear their ahare of the reaKinalhll- Ity to make the people of Seattle happy, contented and great in com meroe. Induatry. morality and In good cltlaenahlp." GETS $30,000 FOR DARNING SOCKS I-OS ANOKI.KS. Dec. SS, —B®- cauae ahe darned hi* aock* and per formed otb.-r friendly ner *!<-«•» fur him. Mrs (Catherine Oilleaple will receive ihn entire 1.10.000 rotate of Peter P TrmrDM. an old plonnnr. who died last week. Extra Specials 4 lb*. Seeded Ralaln*. OC _ beat grade. full weigh fcwC 31b*. Cluatar Ralalna, AH _ e*tr» fancy "HIC 31b*. Seed lea* OC _ Kalalua fc3C AT STALL 122 IHf VEGETARIAN STORE Mi-«ea«h-Ul* FRUIT CAKE, 35c lb. Ur|« aaar>rtm>nt of *•»<■» and r».l(ta l'l«. and all htn<l* of apprtixlnir Naked Good* for tha Chrlatmaa table. «r<. rrKfinsti srti.rrr A*l» HI (NTirt BAKKMV tSI.I »*lra< Ave. Very H*«t Butter, Egg* and Cheese At LowMt PrltM. K. C. KW%191 Form#rljr Plk# T'lar* Market Wow at fltall 41* M«rhH Plants and Flowers Cyclamen 40c up Primroses 25c up Fern* 35c up Palms 75c up Sanitary Flower Stand 1523 First Av. OLE HANSON HITS LUSTY BLOW FOR PROGRESSIVISM Ola llanaon made a progreindvo apeeeh at the club luncheon Saturday. Me waa Invited to talk on non partlaanahlp While ha apoke fur non partlaauahlp In ct unty and atale, he made a anting argument for national nonpartlaan ahlp that the majority <4 the pao |ue might gulr. control of the go* eminent. Mia ape«ch waa well re ceived In iiplte of the atrong l»ar tlaanahlp of the gathering, the ma Jorlty of thoae preaent appeared to be In favor of non-pnrtlaan alectlon for county and atata. Manaou aald; "1 will never »u|> fiort a party bmaua.- of It* party label. Whenever a parly abandon* the principle* In ffhlch I believe I will leavu that party, to th« good of the country li a greater virtue than loyalty to any party. I aui a progreealve, and will continue a pmgreaalve aa long a* the pmgreaalve party advocatea progreaalve principles. Whenever It become reactionary. It will be time to leave It. aa many of ua dM, the republican party." RAILROAD HEADS ARE INDICTED ON TRUST CHARGES tir r»it*d i*t<wi wir* NKW YORK. Dec 33—Indict rnenta charging criminal r«atraini of trad* were returned by th« I'lll ed Statu* grand Jurr h«-re today agalnat President Mrllen of the Maw York. New Ha»en * Hartford: Praw Ident Chamberlain of th« Orand Trunk railroad, and Alfred tfmtth era. chairman of the liraud Trunk board of director!. The Indictment* are the reault of an Investigation which nhownd aa alleged traffic ggm-inenl bwtweea the Or and Trunk and the New Ilk- Ten llnea tloth Mellon and Chamberlain wanted to teatlfy before the grand 'Jury, but the re<)ueat waa denied, on the ground that they would gain Im munity by ao doing BUSY BURGLARS IN TWELVE MORE JOBS Saturday night and Sunday burg- I arte* totaled up to the uaual stand ard aet and maintained by Seattle'* buay burglar brigade. They were: Mlm Ald«-n. Htanwo<>d. puree and 119. Mrs Carroll. 1430 Itorl.ion ar . 91 cash and t-*3 In checka; «'arl Hlangneth Alpha hotel. rlothea; ("bar!** l.urdeii, same nddreea. eult and atlckpln; March Jurennwt. 8t Krancla hotel. |:S; Joe McTk>riaid. 1130. taken oy man he took to bed at the Alp* hotel: meat market of J D. Well*. Slat a*, and K Jamee at. two turkey*; lack Hiley St. Ctiarlen hotel, gold watch and trouaers; "Hole-Is the-Wall" randy *tore. 134; Norman Mcleod. 140 ruh and check for ITS SO: Charte* llrakpng*. Ala* ka hotel. tW: I» P. Morton, Hotel j Krtjl, *ult and *nlt cane CHRISTMAS GIFT OF • FREEDOM FOR 3 SACRAMENTO. Dee. 11—War ilen John* ton of Kblaoet priaon |ulm4 the "R«! Stocking*'' nlnht, »h<>ti he beatowrd I the Klft of parol* upon shrw frlendles* convict* The n»nm of the men were not |tmi out A* i re««ilt. the (hroß men, who h»n been In prtM>n IT. 11 and IhfM rear*. re»f>ert Irely, will leave (be penitentiary tomorrow, cherishing * t>ran<l new Chrtalmaa outlook upon life. "$4 A WEEK" GIRL WORTH A MILLION KINGSTON, Ont . Dec 11 —Aftrr working in a cigar factory l»*r» for the paat year at M per week Mi*a Rather fttelght, l». today waa pre paring to leete nett week for Van couver. fl. C . to claim a leiMcy left her In the will of Mra rharle* Van dewater. Tha eaute la aald 'o lie worth aaver*! million* Ml*» Sleight met Mra. Van dewater while employ - I'd In an Atlantic City hotel, two Tear* ago. SCHOONERS GO DOWN WITH CREWS fly Rtittd tAMumA Wlra MOHII.E. Ala., I»ec IS—That the miitlre crew* of the Brltiah #hcooners Cartegena and OeorSi ana, including U>« family at Capt. Wood* of the latter ve*ael. number log In all 22 peraon*. perished In the recent hurricane which swept over the Gulf of Me*ioo, dcatroylng many Lowna In the Went lndl>'«, l» the report received here today. 200 JAPANESE MINERS KILLED TOKIO. Dec. 23 —A* a result of th" terrible explosion In the I hart colliery at Happoro, on the Island of llokkaldo, today, more than 200 Japanese coal miner* wre en tombed, and all are believed to b» dead. Only three men working In the galleries cf the pit when the explosion occurred were brought to the surface. JUMPS 200 FEET TO HIS DEATH BT. I,OUIB. Dm 23 —Unable to "beat" hla way from Atlantic City, N. J., to lx»a Angeles to be with hla wife on Christmas day, Albert Ter ney jumped 200 feet to hla death here, plunging to the bottom of an abandoned quarry, "I (Mod an ua*y death," Terney wrote In a farewell message to Mra. Terney. "I hope you net some con solation out of that." REBELS OETTtNO BOLDER WASIUN|3TtVf, fu Dec. 23. Htat* department dlspaU lus today Indi cate an alarming renewal of rebel activities In the states of Morelos and Puebla, Mexico. Rebel depre dations In the states of Durango and Jtacatecas are alao reported bolder. LEAPED FROM BURNING HOTEL U)H ANOBMCS, Dec. 23,—Mrs. Pearl Well and Mrs. Ethel Hherwln are suffering from painful Injuries today, the result of a flry that par tially destroyed the Haxonla hotel here. Mrs. Well leaped from a sec oud story window, THR BTAR—MONDAY, DJCCEMHER 23, 1012. SHORT NEWS Mr*. Jannls L. Plsroe, who al iened Injurlea received In March, 1911, when the closing galea of a ali-vot tar cauKht an.l dra«Kad h«r, received a verdict of 17,900 Friday. COTTAOK lIHOVK. Or -A. H McKlntiay loft Inwn for a apeil, ami In tlia mrantlitta Ills friends. without hla knowledge, nominated him for mayor. St 111 tillaafully ignorant of tita nom ination or (ha election, he i»- turned to find himself beaten by but (aw voles. "CIVIG IPKAI.B" was the subject of an adtliMaa by Mayor Cotlerlll In*- for* the Methodist preacher* at tba Klr*t Methodtat church thla worn lug. W r superintendent of tbn Tuiinia division of Urn North ern Pacific, addressed iralntuau at t"o rasters' hall Humlay afternoon. HAN FRANCISCO lleliaved to ba tba victim of dMpondencjr, Wm. K. Hinall. secretary ami tmalneas a*, nf of the 11. .mi,.,' V, a union, waa found dead In hi* •• with a bullet through bla brad. HAN niANCIHCO—AfUr being exposed to tha merry of lb* aaa for <• hours, tba sieamar City of Topeka. carrying 141 passengers. ar rlvad In tow of tbe steamer Maver ick. which picked her up after aha had loat a rudder cruaaing tba Kurw ka bar t-oH ANOKIJKrt —l«uc>rauc* (bat the ItalianTurkiah war la over «av« OuKltalmo Tnrravl bla frrodora (■•tlajr t'«Ubiatiu« icliirluue Italian victor!** In red wine. he ran af«ml of an Irtah cop. He baa overcome tb* Jot* of victory. CALLS WITNESS A "WILLFUL PERJURER" INIHAKAHOt.ia, !>»<- IJ—fl* fenee Attorney* lh»i»i*l H#*»ll and Clifford l<anK*dala of Kanaaa City, A. tl. tleha.h uf Ovtluid. and W. N. Harding uf lndlanapolia, each ar gued fur mi hour and >0 mlnutaa to flay for uoiuo m«n on trial bar* for illegally transporting dynamite !.ang*dale declared there waa no evldenc* that llrown and Mi-t'aln knew of lha alleged conspiracy. Ma chararterlaod Okarl*a Brown. a bar lx»r. (ha principal wltneaa agalnet UU cllanta. a« a "willful p*rjur*r." CIPRIANO CASTRO ON WAY TO N. Y. HAVRE, •■"ranee. t»ec. SI Korv mer Prealdeot of flpri ft ao Caatro k* today ea route lo N*w York, abowrd tbe »i»amirr 1a Tour tlM. Caalm eneafed a waiter at tb« Cafa Rlche aa hta valwt. ll* la )«»• •tins under the name of Hult. bav ins abandoned bla fortmir paoudo nyra of Qatntara Qsitent JDRALCY U'a ImU it. t>> tr«vi-l Around (r-Mii piac« to plJui«, To wtlrk tb« r«u) Th« nninirr chang* lu far*; It'* fun to tx • n>v»r, A pilgrim, bow and (h«o. Hut wkon tb» )rmnM , x'» o»*r I ra (lad I'm home Again. To »l«lt frUnd* la ploanur* Wh«r«T«r thay may l»«; Sunh )oy« I alwaya trwtaure And bold la mutnorr And yat—somehow—whjr la It T No matlvr wham 1 tn bona. When flnlabad la toy rialt I'm glad I'm homo again. Ham*, whara I can h# a»!flah And lacy-Ilka aa wall. WKbdrav Ilka any aballflah Within my comfy ahall To ahun tha aid* world'a tournay And loaf around my dan —■ I ra bad a plaaaant Journ«y I'm glad I'm bom* again. Prof. Steven* explain* that It I* no una to *pen<l month* to learn the simple art of dancing when It ran be learned In a few private lessons, when properly taiiKtit In private halls, and finished at the uvenlng dance*. He ha* his own copyrighted sys tem, known aa "Dancing Ouaran teed In 4 Private Lesson*," copy righted In Washington, D. C., Feb. 28, 1908. ills daix es are not like other dance*. They are stnrted early and quit early, so the people can gut home, and come again. A Homelike Place People cime t»« though they were going to house for a short visit. If you don't, dance well, there Is always someone who la willing to help you. Will Qlve Masquerade One can musk or not at the mas querade Christmas night. Just as he likes. I.adles admitted free He has two private halls where teaching Is done every day and evening: and a large hall where dance* are hold every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening* at liU <tuudcmy at 4th uud Pine, • , NAME STATIONS IN SEATTLE FOR NEW PARCEL POST Ritra man have boon employed, sub stations named, and alt la In h'fdlness for tbe InauguVal of tba |M>at Jan. 1 FoaUnanttr ki/asell und hla assistants hava b«<«i working out a system for th« handling of tba eitra matter, nnd have tha city and outlying dto Irlrla covered completely WkH the parcel post talfn i«f fact fourth clasn postage will b« ahollahi-d and nil mall of that na turn will be sent under 'he uew rata Thla will Include also any package weighing not over II pounds and m*aanrlng. total length and broad! h. not ovar si* feet Tha special parcels pout mailing stations established for Heattle are: llallatd, Columbia. Georgetown, Oreen l,aVe, Nlppotl, Taylor'a Mill, University; A, 23rd and Jackmin; n. 14th and K line; F, 3422 Kr*. inont av ; I, 304# 15th av W.; M, TIO Adam* at ; P. Qiiaen Anne and llueton; H. <331 IWlas av.; W, California and W lloigatu; l>, 3koi 34th av W ; K. 7023 California av.; T, Fauntleroy Park $1,000,000,000 AT THIS GIRL'S DEBUT HT. I.OUIB. Dec Jtt About 30 town gnrats arrived today for l-ols Campbell's "billion dollar" coming out parties Tbo drbut la thus styled because It Is estimated tbe wealth rrpreaented at Uie func tion will total that sum. Friends think Miss Campbell's In troduction to society will cost every bit of |to Ooi), tha sun said to have been ai>ent recently at the d<-btit of MiS» Marie Itusch. granddaugh tar of Adolphua Husch. ths- brewer. Miss Campbell, who la the sole heir to James Campbell's •tio.ftofl,- •00, mad" har bow to society In her father's palatial home last night. INDiCT OFFICERS IN GRAFT CASE SKW YORK. P*c. 23 -The apo dal grand jury •n»|iat»*l'»d U> lnv«a- Ugat* *11.-r*<l pollc* grafting from women of tba underworld returned iß'tlrtrnnntu today a«atnat I'atiol men John Bkelly, *<>l<vini»t» Wolff, a th|4lor dealer. and Kwianuel Maaa. a bottle manufacturer The lndlat 'Wtita alleged bribery n~JTh* man indicted today wr* nit in <-<l by Mra Mary Oo«.de. k<-e|>*r ui, ■ dlaord. fly bona*, lu a ooro rafattit to Dtatrlet Attorney Whit- I mm. It f* r»i">t»4 that Msiit* Ddvii. Mra. Good* « n«*ro maid, awpre that aha aa* Mra Ch>od* par W.«lff |JS to arrange with Bkelly to protect her houaa A New SPRICKELS BABY j'AHADtNA. I**, sar-—Clans la tba father of another >«sm today. and the bab* and his i mother »r« at a I'aaadena hoapltal. i aiticr* tba condition of la r» I ported as aatlafactory The rhlld la 1 the eecond boo born lo the Wt*itßib' j eta. 54.000.000 'WAS IN OANOER. I/)H ANUKI.KM. I>w- 3J than >*.000,000 worth of <k>cuin«n!a, raah and ar« aaf# ttwlay |aftar Mm In daniter -f d«*»tt»i<t!'>n In a ftr* that threatened lo gut the city ball F-ir an hour flrrman f»u«ht the flame*. co4>q<i«rln« them only after a atuhborn flsbt PUBLIC MARKETS u r.m.iki: t IHa rolM ottli, tSr, iDe ma«k •r«l, l#o; ft h««M (oo(hp)rka. k,! flour $1 •*< k . ln>tHir(»d siiuahrooma. t eana pea* fir; 4 cana aalrrvn. fs< . • •n» mitli, tjc. )(k r 4ktit iiic«4 ftnMppiii. IN; ISc ritiM. (ks; lOc prt»n<re, SUr c«ni pump kin. tic. I Ibe t>< mfno auger 4!»c. •i r ).»M» and portar hou#« at#*k. lftc lb . round et**k. 14c lb; I eana of»««r*, 2le. balk coeoanut. 20c lb. MMT4HT c*«»rn f«4 lurk<sy«. 2So «nd Jtc Ib.j! JOc end lie lb ;*4 ninnlhi'i«la fruit • afc«v JSr lb ftnuln* Kni'iali plum podding. Sic lb . g< nuJr»« noma made Kngllah mlnr#inr*t, |0« ll> , (r«nb*rrlM, tic lb.. I Ibe Ik. mii«H Aula. t&C lb . I 10c loavae &om«i m«<lA lrf»4. llo; Appl* elder, 40c I gat . full cream cheeee. S0« lb Steven*' Academy H vi>of«k *»•» n«» t)aael»* l.nirßMtvrd 4 Private Lessons Vg lit I\\ I » IhlM AMIR iK\+ry I>ajr an<t Kvenlng) ■fISI Trial always free Wh*a EIH othara fall, coma to ua. Jlußff Oa»ce^tW«i^Krti4er^Jl«l^^rviJrJ|' THE SEATTLE STAR 90 Mill. lI'RM'RIHKIIt The data your aubacrlotlon axplrea la on the addreaa label of your paper Whan Iftlt arrive* if > >r ' •tibaoi iption haa not airaln been pal I In advance. your nama la Tak»rt from tha llat. A change of data on tha eddreaa labal la a re- _ for the coneeniance <»f our readers, w«* hava «-«tabiiahad agenda* at the following locations we I »i«»« *•.. with h-»iivanlr and r'irl" HKi-p I'lf-ria Klllott 44 f. 11. tlMlira. f»409 Mallard av. Ptione Ha Hard SO4 ,Ade may ha left at thaaa branches, b wh«»re earn* rates will ba given aa f al main office % Tranaient rates I are 10c per line or <1 tlmaa for tha prbe of S for raah ada - ■ '* New Today 4 ltuy Instruments at the factory; everything wholesale. Bee Knut sen, 1100 Htewart ami Minor at*. 26 solos free with every In strument All kind* of repairing done. SPECIAL $SJO Holiday Week - Will fit Torlc lensfV frjrfp Clirv*> spheres, mounted vv'HL rfhgiirsprliiqi eyeglnssee, leather &•/**» 4 p»iupl«te for 00. Inciudlh'g examination. Broken leneea replaced. Hrhwarts, 237 Kpler Hlock, Optometrist. I" 'N I (J IST \\ KT When you ran get uncalludfor suite and overcoat* for 12 00 and up. Prlng ad and net 10 per cent dis count. Mil K roll KM, 1017 Pike St. Nu linn" (•orsntn. «iiiii iiili'iil it'll in hipiik, runt or tnko a pnrinannnt li.nd. $i!.f»o up. 400 Arotdt. Koilnh developing. 10. roll, mijr •lav. Jacobs I'liulu .>li«ip, t'.-l Hid —PAINTAGES= QUALITY SHOWS AND TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING EXPLAIN PANTAGES POPULARITY STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS The following ad inserted 3 times in the classified columns of The Star rented the room: Tw<» furnlah«d hou»<>k**pln* rooms, r"ar Itlh Ami I ftin-int, )lu ui». Nwrlh UK. Funeral Directors. Unlvetalty Undertaking farlore. 4114 Mil. N K North >11. W U. Fork aer. K |L "Vl'mfiWiiiflf * 90HK )»M Flret < v Main • t K! t«» Tfitt'liTi. tut Thji* «r«. rutt»r»l u>w*t rntoll SIC 4 lilt feoconO- Gr»«»- howl# D»«t'Ol) t7| Hl'ltV: I I • l!Al. ■ ' *»i'> ''til f!'W»H Mt'U Personal. BUITUIiK CUItKU. permanent. no operation or det»ntl>n (ton lat>or; over 100 rura<l paet two yaata, *«»* I t» 71 Harvatd Hye (am. ill JJiiai lildg- S**nia. ffl >n|a At*<l«m> I r, •1n jf t«u|M In two laaeooe, private or < laaa Apply offl<» ______ ifimtrt and trai'par b»ot fur market l« E»arrtt. C, H«riiiNii. Everett, Weah . tfJIXKYfI". WT.A TVkS elierpanaJ T§* H»"t« »lt 1401 4th ev. Bal'Xoi iTloted K07(.-t, Heme* an J rtlHim tat fiw at. Aey 1 aaw It In" Tli« ftar " Help Wanted—Male WANTKI»~-M<-B and woman t* Kara the harkar trade. w*4raa paid while laarnma Call or write. NATIONAL. HARHKR COLI.EUK ll a' drada School. (I Waohln«t<n St WIIV doee i nniulet •» '. |li -una for III* IIM'AUH* UK KKt.IJI Tit KM UI»BTAIHK Ho«m 104 Bm pr<-«» Tha*tra I'ilWM lit' iu-«cii • Native ilerb" for con alipKt.'-b. I# la Male for llts. All drwaalata Laara f - b« a «»0d Farter at m<ji.ek nAHitVin cotxku> lje Orel'lantal Av ___ lla»«n * Ttamlt* ptano r»aer!)i naw. upright. al'Kant Inotrumant. bar caln tjr ce»h X-111. "'*r HaSX.IIBT m«»ti t# Hvh»« Mualo Hrhoos. HI P«n>|>U > tUnk Bl4| _| Wmtti<»nrt * tfc-oir!T km* «itd %11 tn<|utr« proprietor. liiT King PI. «-Mr" _ ~" f"l »• iint' • ■ Situation Wanted — Male (WntAl work w»ni#4 »• port p*y inrnl on A«w ptnno or pUytr! Wp awq X'TII |<tor ; un»t"n« usald. ownor (un«l»b m* t e i X 4 It ' I'atnttny kn ■> mining I Help Wanted —Female rHOUCW HKIfIT PAHI/>R*.. Itl-l a road* M4|.. epeclaity. reedy-to w«-ir iklrta pettlcoata Mllllntrf and rvmodtllrift pari ore In connec tion -—nnrTßirsT rnf.Mfl tin — Ounr*nieH 10 Twn fto'tpd r.lactric Co, 1010 flrwt Ay. Situations Wtd. Female v»t Wnti Laundry Qm**" Wanted—Miscellaneous^ Roll top <l»ak wsnt*d. wxchanga on new piano or player piano at w hokMi* X -Ttf, Hiaf. WWnt»4—To bur" hoiTy" hlghMt prh-M paid I prune traa*. Smith. M«h!W Lost and Found. Lit -On Oreen Uko car, between Washington and SOth eta., on Thureday evening gold watch, e*- tra haavy hunting raso. initial* VV II W on be< k reward offarad i v' u< ' 2<M Washington at P.»rty la known wh» "k brown pocketbook containing It.oo. jew elry and return ticket to Oak Har bor from owner Baturday, Decam har 21 It*ward for return and no <juestlons aakad Quean Anne 1104. BESrllng alt\ er t Iml • • atari Ing stiver match boiea. ft 00. Llttla J«*welry Mtore that sella for laaa. 1417 Third. ! Wrdnaadav w 'Id !uin\lng »»«<• watch, Klgln mnvament, allk fob. I (at nrn \V A Owan. I*eopla a Ha V -1 n JL* • r ® WII Olbaon i»eao acarf pin. with dla monda In hair, either In atraat or Ihrl. liberal reward. Phone Main House* for Rent S-rooin houaa. water In, no ga* or electric light*, one block from Oreen Uki> car line, on 71 wt at.. $5 00 per month, you i»ay water Furnished Hou*e» YounK»<"w». 2-ro»m furnl»h»d cot -1 I W « i ■f f, A 1.1 <1! < ."I Housekeeping Rooms Furnished huuß«k( , i < plii)c rooms, newly r«nov*ted, «'heap. Meat, light ami gas Included. yue»»n Anne 1098 Til A Mll< A I'TH.2O It) VV vateru »v.~ Hlnglo jooini, >1 bo up: suite. $1.00 up Near j.nhllc market. Cheap, wp'i furnished nmm lent ||| !tou«< U <oplhk i oolite, steam hosted. At kip Howrllu _______ i i Ji 1 1 ' 1 > Hotels & Lodging Houses A^WVN/WVS/vv/vAAA/y\AA/WV/W\A Yet ok Hotel, J Sft4*y 'WPmli. Now m«n iiKfinonl, ''lent) riMmi*, night. 11.00 wt'Bk. "•< 1 J R\>rafj oxKtatn into i*t »v„ «no.i". «■ in . rate" $ ! p-m w • "U aml up i f : \ up Furnished Rooms <iUAmr^PACIMC~Hi IT PCIUTH Apartments tor Rent Copelam) Court. 1009 Minor, 3 rooimi. furnished. >20: phone. 11 *r 1»t M i"in K*i rialor Apia Furnished un fwrnlshud, 9th and Tlkv. Main 2861 . Board and Room IPlrat ritM board »n4 room In imttl family, with no other botrdtra. Qlvt r.r*»r*»t atreet car Una A-100, r«r« HUr. _____ STiiTTdrah boarOT. priviU liomi HiY nay 111 I. IkMit of '«r», day, w«*k or month. w «41 >■ Business Chances K HAND POWER STUMP PULLER Demonstration iriven Dm. tl. 2f, ST, I* It. at 170! Or«inwood av Tali# f'hlnney av car to and of Una fl«t>rr»«ritatlva. Waltar J. Pltspat rtcfc, Waihlrifton Apt» Partnar wanted who tha poultry bualnaaa and haa aomt iii«at * Addraaa Box 111. Balling ham. Wa»t Homesteads Ilomaataad or daaartclatqn raltnqalvh* merit, F.aatarn Washington fruit hall. (Jiaataat bargain aver of* Exchange—Real Estate A t horeepower naeollne launch to trade for piano I lota, valued HO# each, to trade for furniture or anything of equal value Will trade one or all of the lata Phono C Wllott mow. ). « ' tr r w~t i per! pay men t on new plan" or player; ex<e!leot « X .It. Star Will trade" »0 atreli, ti~ TmprovjJ, with «to< k and Implemenle for ► lr ■ 'Be'»' 4''t *r ale Acreage A KIi<KI*ANI> RANCH For a man who works dally In Beat tie, It !• near the lake Fine, level tract of acreage. Improved hovee. well, chtaken houae and yarda Fruit treee. berry buahM. etc.. chicken*. cow, hay. etc.; all for II.UO Raay term* Fart caah and |1C a month Bettvr lerlda to eee thl> place Immediately. Take Madlaon <ar and county tarry or Andere II t>»at (II trip* dally) to llurk' * Karrar'e Klrkland offica or call at IM Hurry eL AUBURN toxl*t tn alley, rlearad, level lot. t-T It-.OMP Thla lot la within t minute*' walk of the center of town, wfth new houaea soma up all around |10 »« oaeh and It 0\ per month, an.! NO INTBRBBT. OLE HANSON & CO. N T. Blk. ' WMID BT ISLAND FARM 4* arree all <t<H>d aoll, land that will produce 10 t»oa apude to the acre houee. t.arn. other bulldlnira. etivk nnd tool* * rne fine timber Price 14. e## Trade for hrattle broo erty. Herman Schroeder, 111 lib erty BMn oOTtw Want a ranch t 1 have a fine place for I*6o. At Klrkland llouee. chicken houee and yard Eaay walk to ferry land ing My terme are ITI aih and 110 a month. Come over and I will ■how toil a bararaln Ask for Mr Hackworth. at Klrkland hotel Farm Land* IMPROVKP FARM Ea*t of I*ake Washington. on the Stat• Hlghwir 10 acres of fine, rich aldar and maple land, over half cleared New house. harn. chicken house, all fenced, fine tront stream A bargain at $2,000. On easy terms Burke & Farrar. MMMMMMLhhsmhhhhmmskm City Real Estate BARGAIN—SNAP -BARGAIN I2,TI»~OrT TO IS.lO# l-poom modem cottage. half Mock of Phlnney a▼. car I must have money and will sacrifice my home, so have cut my price to $2 100. with terms of 1250 cash It has half cement basement. laundry trays, piped for furnace, buffet kitchen, paneled dining room, plate rail, flreplare. mlsiilon fin ish; has unobstructlhle view of lake and mountains. I must sell this before Wednesday. Bee my Aft«-nt nt WOOl>l,ANl> TAUK UFNGAIAJW CO. stth and I'hlnney Av. Vink TTrw iloml N#»w house, barn, chicken house, etc.. on 3 eicept lonally fine view lots At Klrklnnd. Only si*.blocks from l*uk* w tahlßfion Prfea I too. on very easy terms. Call at Hurke A Karrar's off Ire In Kirk land. "2ft minutes from S« it tie"* room Ixiukhlow, on lot 40x129, Halnler li« ach. fioo.oo cash* bal ance for 2*4 years, fftto.oo. Ad dross 450* Myrtle nt Wor farms and city property soe Springle-llooper llealty Co.. 228 Cont ral Hblg riiotie Mm In 2177. 3 fine view lots on flfcth st . near l«a --tona. Pl»«»n*» Kenwood 3094. Fine "lot on Whitman av.. 4&xllt. H.2QO. terms F N Hird. North 207 For Sale—Livestock. For Hale- 4 fine rows, 15 head of horses, all kinds of wagon** and harness"* South Seattle Stables. Phone Sidney 455 f fine cowa, 4 heifers, with calf. Take Knvenna car to end line, E f.&th and 41st N. K. U. V. Howe _ Fresh milch cow. Jersey, first calf Price ITS.OO. H Daniels, Man . j . \Yaljl For fresh cows. Sill For Sale—Wood and Coal For Salo Wood and coal, mill wood. $2 load. Beacon 1809. Halnler Btiflh. « Patent dust pan with first load coal WalnwilKht A Mcl.eod Plume I>lß ■NMMBMMHHMHMMBI %«■ -«■■■■■■■ Wanted to Buy—Furniture Want house A office furniture, cash (iltiM.Hi v 'handler. f> I 0 Plk«> M Modern l urn Co.. 416 Pike. SOHt For Sale—Poultry If Mi h Mll«*a Morgan. >09 K. 67»h et , will (ill at Th« Mtar Ifran< h of fice, 220 Union at eh* will receive two boi e*«it tl<k«*te to Vante#** theatre I IIKK p A few thoroughbred White leghorn rooatera, a Farrls ntrain. 2016 W. liarrMt et Money to Loan HI %l. KVIAII'. |,OA* * ciTr ast' country ijoaum On Improved or vacant property, any amount. $50 to fr«oo, lon# or whorl time; *a*y payment*, no delay. Hturtevant a < 0.. 212 Boa ton B k. Kirm tlmt»- r <:'y iomi» 'money ready qul'-k action. 20!# Mthlhorn. KJllott 2fi9 MONRV TO I/) Alt' Geo It Or*en ( 204 Ar'«d* Hulldlnj. * it yn Ki, a* ii roi i. <%'i Kit 41. ftwaptM ia f fT* pin/VTS" on diamond* arid Jewelry, low rale*,<- offbea American Jtwlfy Co., — |#ci|4. IK YOU Ufa Kit MoNBf" Loan* on houeel.old good*. plaroe or pera nal notee to employee. inrml and k*yment reaaonahl*. Com a».'t - f|R KAHTKHS nrtOKKTtAOR CO. ' 1 I).. >;k i J." A Pike For Sale — Miscellaneous On* diamond fin*, worth $476, on# 1171. on® 1210, »»n« with two dlt* monda. and on* ruby $176, on* ruby 4ltinori<l atl<k pin $175, on# rluattr ■ tick pin 91 (0. will aell r*aaombl«. No broker or Jobber n«*ed tniwvr. Main 1217, We Uv« ■ large n»nortrn+nt ot bath tu»H» Rink! and r.». ftunfad/n, IIS Hccori'l 8. For Km i»> I ( , n<• r ~ • < .. -i. #..j , 4C . rifle# if taken at out*. 1305 Rut- Ink • iY, Kjfifil r.t >,# * f, Vf :•.,!» . . » from fiu tory, AX< i-lirni cham • cash X«7fl, Wtar. Hinall wood and < o*J ran** with coll. |IS; nearly new. ill Yaknnt tr. X rnae !rr<-» deliver*']. Sic tnd an *»hon«* Knet <171 l-DUMr.f«r iuio, $1,100; will tflil . for lot K N Bird, North 207. New pianoi for rent, rnnt applied on purchaee Meyr -Toner. 114 Union. Classified Directory ' vvvvw,> ' vv wwvvvwvvvwyyMV OAXK9 of XlomtamrSfZl Head of flea. Toronto, Canada (lit brar.he® In Canada; ate.) General banking bualnaaa intaraat allowad on aavinas and tlrna dapoalta 503 i™ 5F&JH5550558H FOR BAI.E—NBW AND bECOND HAND Carom and Pocket BllllaM labia* ana bowling allay* and a«- caaeorlee. bar fixture* of all kind*. •MT paymenta. THE BKujif wjck haLke-cou.endeh CO »00-28;-;q« Plr*t >v H Seattle. M*PK \JIJWI * Call ■ahclman, carpenter. repel ra Main JKS '*<*4 tuHnf. bMik maker y B 8"HI. Ilil It K. ar. clallat. tit Arcade UIJ« . formerly WAlkar Jllrt* ri.CO per moiflHC X. W. Kline, *6w rnrwrr BLlx; HOUB3—IO to I MalnJTli A. lee l.kWla Souri T la t HI Hitm r. PIT* (rfiin — K n 'un'-- Huaon. room 117 Hinckley. Elliott Free delivery. COLXBCTIOXI Liberty Building- oppoatte poet offlca. Phone Elliott Hit We collect every wh.r« We have tha * S«t the inon»y H«*e four blfia collected. North ..Co ■ <»» N. T. ma roiTi HKK nry-rmb »»c'amced. 1017 Plk» Main (Ml bi ii< nvi k.i m t Arcade Bid* Criminal and clTll Srlvate work; conauliatlon confl entlal Elliott 3471. ll* I MIM lis LAWYER* ATwrrTrn??: Joseph Alien, «nS-40« Kller* Made Rl<l* All lr*al aubject*. Conaul- tatlon free RUBBBIX R. FARRRU. 43* New Tork Block. General practice. •»- tales, lair* husband ami wife; con sultation free Elliott 2S» Corwln To w mend, Hal ley Bide.— Consultation free: buahand. wife property rlghta, collection*, bank ruptcy. Minium. * kuhn. Lawyer*. 11l New York Hlk Probate pjra. tlae nprclalty Bommer. Uwyir. ioi lad & ConstD • tall 011 f VI KICAI. tm uslc. l Oce nt h . vo<-al *' t mom," Spanish waltx none "Av Maria" from "Cavallerla ftustl cana "Beauty*# Ryes," "Queen of th* Earth." Mall orders carefullv filled. Fry Music Co.. 4£« Walker Hl'lc OPTICIAN - * ,T~vC Optometrist, 701-70S Leary Build- J. n * 11 IILJSJLL 4 v ■ U !!' IMTKAT % TTOH \ RVH ORC.AXIZKH. PKVE LOP ER; PAT KNTS THAT SELL 20 year® New York. Chicago experience. 731 Central Bldg. Adams A Brook®, registered Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys; ?l years In S«* i• 1 '•■ •••■ <' •" i! ltwt;." v.g. C P ft ASK INS I'ATKNT \TTOR. ney. 718 Now York Hl.l Main 3627. Mason. Fenwlck, Lawrence, TSI Burkt Bldg %M» South. Best equipped shop. Main «06* |*MO ro«;M U'lll it * f^tu»to» >,/ YlTaT k ' pTe » JOHNSON'S Liberty INg.. 3rd and Union. IMIYSK n\s ; ■! • i ' !' ' M ''; ''■ '» I*HIN I'FitH ffefTer^l*'lnl Ift£S ♦' n o >j» \> P irruttrtt vr oii'< STOII tl.r: %\l> I i n « o sf . muyPSMOMO William Jolly 307 Pine st. HOI K %NH W %T«'tl llKlVilltltUn Ws/v>vs/N'^wrv^vv^yyv^- / V N^N^<'^^ /s Old Country Watchmaker- -Main • springs; .lewela. 75c each; glasses. 20c. Jacobaon. First and Stewart 7