Newspaper Page Text
<1 At Fountains & Elsewltera Ask for "HORUCK'S Th» Original and Genulna MALTED MILK Th» Food««Jrink for All Ag»». Al rcttiiuiaiitv h.<rl\> six) tounUint. DeUriout invigorating ami *u»lainwg. keep il on yocr v*M>o*id at Don t tl «»rl witheul * A quick luiuh prrparrd in a rairwt*. Takr no uaiUtwa. Ju»t uj "llOKUtk i." Not in Any MILK Trust IROBERTSJ T\l> - OM I till I r xi\>i vi»im. niiMisti 111. > I IM'RV 3««V >1 H) II I v ft 111 Mv On« r«r«onftl I»*ntJ»»ry la g\K ng Ilk* wild flrr TtuHNi v|* UIM vrh • h*\* through »h» hantU f fDb ipniurit to h« f < uM In tnni •klv»rt!»i«r offlo#« Iti »r« thuwlrt* tbrlr appreciation of rojr » effort* to ■!v« ih<* * Mjuar* <I**l to Awtttatrv by hoMlni •trlctly to mr , *d«#rt}«*<i >»n« prtr«< f»«* for b**t d*nt*J work. dk. Konr.HTH ONF I'ldi I ri H#H>XAL HrRVIC K DENTI*T«V r*of»v» w* l MKIIM.» WOKK S.l «o I*l ATIH . . . SIS 0« Ml I IMi« KV «M)I l> I 11 I IM.« »- «> l:\ihti ix.. HI" iti vmm. mr.*: Wllh Olb»» M.«eli >J# Char** for KtftffltnalWMir I*hoiM» Klltotl ' !«*•. W M*r» f fehglmr I f Kjn I MMWiV «U«MM 1/ MIOMTI lOiUM «4V« I DENTIST] ■Hnrmre-ir-R rtnTrrm l ! A NIGHT IN LONDON DANCE AT DREAMLAND SEVENTH AND UNION TONIGHT Souvenirs Given to All Admission 25 Cents Including Five Dane* Ticket* LADIES FREE GREEN3ANK WHIDBY : ISLAND PARiVI LAND from which you can ret a good crop of anything that grow* In Western Washington. $14 Per Acre Up A few water front tract*. Send for maps and circular*. Caivin Philips & Co. I +*ry Bnlldtnf Main 7*ll. Patarda? rrfitini*. Wfvr Declared on Dental Prices Many of the people railing at our office tell uk that they had been told "beforrf romlnsc here that It *iu impossible for us to do dental •work no rbeaji." Wii will present $1,000 to any charitable Inxfittitlon In Heattle if w* Oi Dot do Just an we advertlio. Could we mal:<- thin r<- ai; aide offer if i: wait 1, t bona f.<J» CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES? Regular < xtra heavy 110 Cfl Gold Crowns Or one of our famous flj C no Never-.-!:.:. J'lauis for .. tjlUiUj And not only that but we pin a (Cuaranteo to every receipted bill that m«nnn something to you. It I* signed by the operator and man ager. R< gal Dental Offices Or. L. R. ClarK, D. D. 8. (Ulu. ager) 140? Third Ave., N W. Cor. Union. NOTE—Bring till* Ad with you. Yes, a Merciful Jtadrfe Roes Sometimes Make a Changed Man ARREST 7 MORE AS SMUGGLERS Federal sleuths have all Chinese In custody here today wbo were caught sneaking ashore from the Ureat Northern liner Minnesota, ut Smith cove. After catching the coolies, tho officers boarded u street car with their prisoners, and spotted Bert Stone, 23. an enslne room man from the Minnesota, on his way to town. He was followed to a hotel and arrested, where five three tael tins of opium were found In his possession. The liner will b» aubjected to an other thorough sear, h for opium today. This la the third batch of the drug to bo located since the liner arrived. TERMINAL FAKE IS DYING HARD Tho Pacific Terminal company, capitalised a! $500, «WU t!>» .nirt eoruml**loner* to take cogntaance of "condltlona on Wall *t .." and appreciate the difficulties of tbe company to finance the $j.000.000 Harbor Uland proposition. For that reason. K, F. Avers, former advertising agent for the Ituih Terminal* company, and pre». Ident of tho gigantic *yndicat»» which waa to put over the Harbor Island fake, ha* aaked the com mission to delay until May 15 tlw final abrogation of negotlatloa* The comml**lor. ha* already pi*»ed a re*olutlon calling off tbe Harbor liland deal, and will *tamp. seal and deliver the formal notlc* to that effect on April 16. MISSIONARY FOLK HOLD ANNUAL MEET The Hth annual meeting of the Sealtlo I'reitiyterlan Missionary Society was held at the Madrona Presbyterian church ye*terday. The morning »«-«*|on was given over to rejiort* The 21 *ocletle* gave more than $"!.454 to the ml*- Dion board this year, a 1900 In crease over la»t year. Tho board ha* sent l>r. Maah to China a* a medical missionary. She sailed March IS for Pekln Two ad dresses were a feature of the af ternoon. one on World Wide Mis sions." by Mr*. Geo. E. Jlryant. and one on "Bible Study" bv Rev. Prsnklln S. Connor of the Ttrlghton Presbyterian church. The evening eesslon «ai devoted to the work of the young people. THE BLOCK SYSTEM 6 Feet Tall, Must Wear Short Skirt I Iljr t'l\ll#«1 l'r*M l^>n»•«! Wlrs (i ST. t.OUS, Aiirll 10 The report iof Chan Nichols to the police i that his daughter Fannin. 16. had 1 run nway rrom hornn. revealed a "trailer situation In th« Nichols • household. A nurrled sister said the girl ran away because »hn was compelled to wear kneo dresses to school "Fannie t* almost si* feet tall."J shi» drrltrtd, "and It Is rmbarra'S I Ing for h«r to bo to *thool wllh drvmiri that coma only trt her ktie. » Shu has Im- ««'d her mother to a! I low her to wear longer skirts, but. ln-r mother Insists shn Is 100 youug ' || COWLES COMMANDS THE PACIFIC FLEET |lf t'nttM W r# BRKMRRTON, wa*h. April JO — Rear Admiral Co»Im assumed >om uiand o( lh« l*aclflc fleet on April 7. with tli>> cminfr California an fiairnhlp. according to a radiogram l>lck«'il up horn today The messag.i rami* from Capt. Klllcott. of the cruiser Maryland. but the latter did oo( glvr the location of either *e» > sel. t'ntlM MMMdI Hoar Admiral! Southerlaiu! who ban been detached , for duty at Washington. LONG $4 A.OO COATS . . IL Mad* of your ov»n material. Fit guaranteed. 801 Union St. Open Evening* 7:30 Gall Stones Removed Without an Operation Aftar auff«rln« for on* raar »tth •t-n*« I m fold by a frl«n4 to try Aw amp ftoot t t «c*" <rt(h tha ftfty •nt alt* and af'ar u«ln« fur 1-m* *• found ih«t I «u muh Utur Th«n b**an uair.g th* larger » fc ttlaa anJ aftar Ukh( thraa boKIM I km carvd That h«a t>««n wv#n )«ai« tfn thia rafti m«r and I has a »•*•» b««n »4<-k ain<a that tlma from thta dia^aaa t '*n chwrfuilf r»f f>r Kit* mrr'a «t»mp Kwrt In any »n« for k!4- n#y and bladdar trm*Maa hoping it may do a a much f xwfl for many pa-opla a■ tt did f«»r ma. Youra truly. Mlwn RMWA mounter. 20 N' rih Th'»rpa Ht . kanaaa City. Kan "f VI Mfl M »inf y ( f Ja. ka* n • n if-* 11th d%r of Aoctii* Itof j.«r«'»naJly ar>p«ar»d hafora ma. a Votary I'uMlc In and fir a*:d (' unty and fftat* vim lloldaf*" #10 rnhfrtHAd [th# within atatam*nt and mad* '«afh that ! tho aath* la trua In aut-atai <-a and In fa*rt HK.vnr c r.MKJtr Notary Pobllg to I»r Hllmrr A Co, IHtifhamlnn, V T. I'r«n» Hhit lt»«t Will lw» fr»r Tan P»#nd »o I>r Kllmor A f*o . flfnghamton. N* V . for a aampla bot»|* It will con win*** myina T"'j will atao ra<-*l*«» a hnofelat of valuahla lnfnrm»'!"n, tilting ail about kidnara and hladd*r Wh»n writing. ha aura and mansion I»#pt 11 It'-Kular '■ « ant and 11 00 alaa b"ttl»a for aala at all drug at or a a The Dentist to Go lo Br F.dwln J. Ilrown. I> t> 1. 711 Plrat A v., I'nlnn HWk Whim a •P»n«le hit Mm* Atvl mon»r fcnorkin* othar dafiMata It • lgr>lfl»a that ha It utterly I*'kin* In r.r<.e*>««tnnal •kill ' Mtnary ln'»*rlty an«t all lh« ffifltll *'t bonaaly | In tha i w»lve \ y*nra thai I ha*s l'—»n jwar>n*!ly ron •1 »rf i tig thm iarir*«t duntal practice In ftri'iln «f 713 Flr»t ivrntu Jn tha T*nlon Mo*|< not la** t nn My f#%th»r 1»rnln»'1. grafting «li>nila'« f th* alanrinrlnjr lyp*. hn-o op*n«<9 n»1 •artlilng »I»ntnl of fl<*B In tn< 1 «»Art*«l tbrt quark faking gr* ft of *' * n<l#rlnr nil oth*»r who advar •■» T!.> y nil tr» k» t ah-ml g fnir their i • r »onal a*rv|r*. whlla otto«r dantlafa r•- ... .] n«v»r build up a danlal pratlra ■ hnt would raqulro r il donllata a* j *p»' latlaia, hr »'.«'» If they will linork ' • thar dent l»t • In lh«»lf »ff' r t to pull you | 'hair off'* they will pull «• ur lar j *f?*r they 'i In lh*lr offlre, and J whin tl.*ro **re no »n"r<* «u«kar» who inn i > m raught l-v th«*lr rough Bluff and rank n<f II" jr #11 nv>% * fn pnmuraa green, » # M > r • * '1 C'ttun i n not known When mi r«"iulr» n d»rt'»t. •!*» Mo Kr> • < f nllafa In nlw r/i l*nv» town Mttlfk f tnd t'l-lr patient* llien realize »)>at Ihey wiif •'» A b"i* kanilth i of ti d*ntlat. <They got atunic by u k nv ker , r -riivrv r nnr -vv t» ' r» .h . 7u ;■ i t ./v f"*NKim ■ m K r maul M ffM an<l nil w>rk IMfftßttid f.t 12 yea r*. and voiir work la done under my pMi'innl ■ » j - rvlalon. hy d*ntlata who rre > >f Wltata an'l • hnan ability .«nd In ♦'•J • <• ' ' •■&*' I"I • I efropt I> v ■•Mil" , f. . i| •». I -'f. fv i Iff)Mlf b) Nlin4#inß bis •• ip#t ■"* iui I thua salting hlmaalf r*rognl*ad for a mi rt "I wl.iif ha inukna Itla clcau-up and gat-a vajr. TUB STAR -THURSDAY, AF'RII. I % 101.1. MISSED HIS GUESS I ll> t'nlt-1 rrsss Uhm4 win DRNVEIt. April !0. despite his | liellef that the spirits of his anc st i..ra would keep him allva until he was 9a, Alonso Thompson, auditor 'of Missouri during the civil war, and millionaire spiritualist, la d«ad here today at th age of RI. Phona Main 991. Eyres Transfer Co. Offles 114 Jscksan a* rTjyr-Twi. jiig/.aiifui WATCH SPECIAL Wn have for (he next few day* *onie very excep. (tonal bargain* In high grade American made watrhe*. COME IN TODAY No doubt you have been wanting a watch, and If ao now la your opportunity to r- t a high grade watch at a very reasonable price. Graham & Victor 821 SECOND AVE. DO YOU KNOW HIM? Roslyn, Wash., Sept. 27, 191J In July of the present year 1 win ! -uddetily taken with a severe cough unil cold on my lungH and gradually gTow worse Mil I could not work or sleep M night, was forced to sit up In a chair all night. was coughing and wheerlng all the time and had night sweats, no appetite. I tried nil sort* of remedies with no relief till 1 heard of NATURE'S CfIKA TION I have taken nix bottles and I am feeling well and can work bet ter than I have for months, have lout my wheoslntt cough, can sleep and eat with the great en t of pleas ure now. "That'U:i to Naiture's Creiv tlon." You are at liberty to use my letter If It can help some other poor sufferer an It did mo. Yours very truly. WII-I.IAM NICIIKTjSON. A letter such a* the above from a man of Mr. Nicholson's standing in our own Innllitt neighborhood carries conviction with It, ami 1b ! proof beyond question that Nature's ' Crutlon rloea all that It la claimed to do In the treatment of Lung Trouble*, Catarrh, AMhm.i, etc. Nature'* Creation In not a stltn ulant. and carries a low per cent of j alcohol. It Is a body builder, blood jrcni'wer and health producer. fall or write for full particular*. ; NATURE"* CREATION 814-Bir, People's Savings Hank Illdg. ZuU Avo. and Pike St., Soattlo, Wu. 3,000 SEE DOGS UPON FIRST DAY The opening day of the Heattla Kennel club'a annual bench show, on the fifth floor of the Hon Man-he yesterday waa a pronounced sue ceas. (lose to 3,t>00 persons at tended Awards were made In the after noon, when T. I' MWomiell Judged the pointers and Kugllsh and (lor don setters Society night, held laat night, resulted In keen compe tition among the toy breeds Awards were made for Molteae terMera. Ja|>- aii.-ae siianlela, Pomeranlana and French bulldogs Thla morning the work of Judging all puppies entered was commenc ed. The entire day will be devoted to distributing prlrea for the beat pupa. Tonight will be Iriah terrier night, and Irish terriers will be Judged TMK 80CIKTY of rrtmlllve , ChrUlian* hold* It* regul»r Sut> i day evening meeting. 104 W.-tahlng i lon Anno*, at H o'clock. l>r H von i 1 8 Mlggln* Will apeak. < Isn't It an Odd World? in two day* 11.0*4 Immlitranta landed on Kill* laland. • • • • • Kin* Nlchola* of Montenegro *moked too many cigarette* and they knocked him out Sow Vienna hear* tie la going to abdicate. The ; Turkish "rigs" are more deadly than their guna. • • • • • A letter from St lxiul* addre**ed to "the Divorce Judge in Camden" I baa reached Vice chancellor learning of New Jersey It reads "I>e*r i Judge Please send me a divorce at once t will need It. aa lam about to n ovo and want lo marry again I waa married In Camden and hope you *111 aend (ho divorce right away." • t • • • Of the 7,490 tnaane In New Jeraey Institutions 1.65T are foreign ; born and (ba ulate official* are making effort* Ui have thera deported. • • • • • lunar William*, a negro at Nutley. N. J . wn* given money to buy file* by two men, who. he *»y*. planned with him to rob a bank. Me spent the money for beer and aa he grew mellow told of the plot, t hat 1 ' * Van Vllet and Marry Mater of Monroe, hi* alleged pal*, are wltb htm In the Nutley Jail. • • • • • Mr* Cecelia Natkln*. wife of a real e*ta'e broker. I* being lued In the supreme emir: for 110.000 on a charge of falae arr<**t bv Mar* Umlee liutler her washwoman It appear* that Mr* Natkln* had deposited 141 In 1< r ' ! ank." (hen forgo( It, and (he bank" wen( ln(o the »a*h tub It *a* found (hero, but the 945 wium'L Then sh® had the waah ! woman arrested. • • • • • Joseph A. Cohalen. (he Boston Marathon runner, known (o »nrireon* af Ito*(on and New York a* the grlt(le*t patient on earth because he in i|.t» -it n( leaat 1* operations a* a re*ult of Injuries due to exertions ii. » id. «-r ha* ««n leallh and a bride Me will marry Ml** Margaret Klltaheth Fltigerald of Ashmont, a member of the Hoeton Opera com pany, about April IS. • • • • • Ira I. l>avts. arr< *ted a* a bigamist at Atlanta, admit* having three wive*, but ha* puwled the court by tht* defense Ml* flr*t wife wa* alhe when he married hi* *erond. *o the second wn* void. The first •*lfe wn* dead when he married the third *o the third wa* legal YouCanWin Try It FIRST PRIZE $250.00 SECOND PRIZE $200.00 THIRD PRIZE $150.00 To the next twenty (20) best, a prize of $50 each. To earn these handsome premiums, see how many times you can write the following words: "AMERI CAN MORTGAGE AND BUILDING CO. SELL HOMES. TERMS LIKE RENT," on one side of a standard size postal card. Don't Be a Chronic Rent Payer To help you pay for a home, and to open up our building operation* in our newly acquired Cowen's University Park Addition, where we are building 100 new homes, we offer the above handsome cash pre miums, which, when earned, will be applied like cash towards the purchase of your home. RULES OF CONTEST I—Tho1 —Tho words, "American Mortgage nnd Hullillng Co. sell homes, terms like rent," must bo written clearly in full, no abbreviations or writing across lines already written. 2 Bach contestant to correctly specify how many times tho lines have been written on his card. 3—CONTEST CLOSES IN A FEW DAYS—HURRY. 4 None but 3V«xri\4 postcards to be used. 5- All successful competitors will be notified by mall. JUDGES The Judges will be selected from the advertising depart ments of the dally papers, their decisions to bo final. Addreßs reply Desk l>, AMERICAN MORTGAGE & BUILDING COMPANY "Seattle Ho&e Builders" Uldfj Ground Floor Fourth and Union Girls Can Smoke, Judge Declares !•> **»••• Wlrfk DKNVKH. Anrtl 1o do on ai.d ' smoke, ye Iniilrr maid* For the ,ourt ha* dotard (hat smoking la ' not degrading. Ju<i«r« John A Perry of the dls i riot court handm) down the decla lon The court MplttMd, however, ihat personally he thought amoklrig unwomanly. Judge Perry's decUlon *aa made during the hearing of an lnaurano* ault growing out of (he death of Mini <°andar« Wheeler. daughler of a New York literary man. who waa drowned In Itowle'i lake, near I**n vrr. laat June. "Woman la better today than ah« ever wm," be aaya "I am not on«> of those who regret woman'* ad vaniement, crying out that It ha* robbed her of her womanllne**. It haa robbed her of nolhlng and haa given her a greal deal When you a«k my opinion of the modern wom an. romiiared with the old fashioned i woman. I muat confe** I admire the woman of today more." PUTS A SNAKE IN HER STOVE fly |*r»*■ WtM I'OTTHTOWN, I'tt . April 10 Mrs David (ireah. who In over 70 y<ars old. built a fire In the kitchen range at her hom< a , preparatory to baking* When tha fire wan well kindled th<? aged woman toaaed on a lancer piece of wood, and an she picked tip ] a small, hollow piece, ahe did not j suspect thai It contained anything. lienult* came noon There win a i creaky nol»<> In tite firs bol, unlike the crackling of burning wood. Mr* (Sresh removed one of the lop platen . of th" atore, and aaw a blackanake wriggling Ita bead out of the hole, J but too weak to Jump from the fire liefore ahe could remove It from the stove the anake died. GIVES LIFE FOR A PET KITTEN HAI.TIMORE. Md , April 10 — Harry Mtansfleid, of Klliott City, wag killed while trying i" nave hi* chil dren'* pet cat. The children begged their father to rescue the cat. which had climbed a pole carrying electric light wire* Htanafleld laughingly remarked that be waa not a pole climber and that It waa dangerous, among the wir<-a on the pole, but he yielded to the children's entrea- Ue* III* wife watched him ascend *he pole. cautioning fclrn to be careful. When he had nearly reached the top and waa trying to catch the cat ; he allppe<l. and In trying to recover hi* hold touched a h' lvlly charted , wire and fell to tiie grouni dead. MEAT PRICES CUT AGAIN EOR FRIDAY | The Middlemen Eliminated at I FRYE & CO.'S MARKETS Tomorrow < Friday) ti;«- following I>l* apeclala will be offewlM al our market*: Mutton 1 C« Sirloin 4Q. H Chop* I JO Steak IOC ■ Anchor Brand 1 0 1 « Freah California 9C« I Bacon I t.?G Butler vwv [I Pork C _ Strictly Preah Ranch E??s H Liver JL j 2 dozen for ... 45* l f Th* rr»' "• mil prevail at th« following mtntu: ■ "I mi'ir ft+e«t»4 mmA rike. ■ M *111 i: MUIHKT, Orrl.leoinl mnA Vf.lfr Way. I \% K*TI %KR MK4T CO. UrafUkf nad VMtf. If C A*ti:illi 4\ MK4T (O, Tklrd and .trffnaoa. I *IMI N MTAT < O . rairrn % * And >pr lr»c I < %»< \l'» M\liK» I 1 x>«rr n<M»r » M |laVi> MorkH. W r •Mil \M»» »MRKrr. tla'lnr d K\rnnr. ■ ' Ol It Mt»TTOi • f'r -rn pn« klri(r >■' ua« to niumtf " ■ " OOVKit N M FNT•INKPKCTKP MEAT I -ool: for tfc« U. P toll g !i I'rrsf m runty and <j«a]!tjr fthopa op*a until 6t# p. *.[ » Hotel Baden First and Pine THE GERMAN AMERICAN HOTEL CO. Extends to yourself and ladies their most cordial invitation to the Grand Opening Of the Hotel Baden Grill This Evening We have spared no means in making our Grill the most attractive on the Coast, which is announced by all to he a credit to our great City. RICHARD WI'NTZ, Manager of Grill. CONCERT 1 JONAS JAXCSI, Director. t THF. CHARM OF ISr SWEET MUSIC ' A 1 -i' " tlio iti-tvtimf'. flßoek Jl > hAt * «In h--\ l'ond pi*'" ln> m ;!i\ <inccrc ad 11 t' l thf ~ . I'^ i! \?J fecti >n . i musical exprC* P « a^'^ |ioa lf i: - ,I,c r ro,!uct . 01 year-* «-i experience, *' '!a '• J *'^' c thought and skill' u —~~ mecliatiisfcn. WAAK-BAKER PIANO CO. DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE PIANOS. PLAYER PIANC3 Tuning, Repairing and Refinlihlng i Specialty 1-»06 FIRST AVE. l'limo Cl7*>4 Main SEATTLE. W" Word, by StUtf, "!"L CohJo JAPANESE BABY WINS Hr fnUM l'r»M Wlr*. VKNICJS, f'al . April 1< ■taudlnx two ««-«ki In th' ->mmg the Venlco rxplotutloo ■ . l>< # r&i<ibuUUor by th#!*^, IO Ui« flrnt baby born In 'Swefyw claimed l ■d«y by Yari-k'.r.ij® Z day old »on of K Tar*lu,4j»jj£ M«. The yellow baby' tfatt lnv> th« world la without r snm> n tt» [»ar»-nta Ixrauti of *<• • n*» to V«-ri|r«"-born bab«a b aaw^,., THE MANHATTAN BRIWj h the (cri-an-at kftgft j, the world. Special Values « Tailored Suits MT at $25 And a Week Paya the Bill E^H The neweat YI^H from the W J] In ev«ry way, and alteratlona are made without ex tra charge. See Our Dlaplay of StytM Spring Millinery at P»pwi* Pricea. [NATIONAL r outfitting ca tr>i& srGONOAVENU H eot the tha