Newspaper Page Text
CAN we elect our NEXT U. S. SENATOR? LAWYERS PUZZLED ' \rvtlier tho itato of \Vu*hlngt< i, W ||K -ut 111 I'l" ,»KtV. I %» authority to elect * Vnlted State* »ena:or. now that the federal hM 1 eon nmen.fed to provide fl,r d'rect •tectl >n». In a ntvltd question among the lending )i* vrrs of Seattle. tisn John T, Condon. of th« Vnl tsrslty of W«-ill .;t<<ii law n-hool. <h r opinion of Ri p. Tlomai T. Hurphtne. the progressive fUnir fcsder of tho last legislature. that Washington la today without any aathc-lly to elect a sonator On the other hand, Judge William H. Moor®, formerly of tho superior court and a loading candidate for tb» federal bench. takes tho view ttat our presort statutes. calling for CHANGE IN S,P. ROAD BOSSES IiOTM9\ni.UK. Ky.. April 10 In tho one-room shac!; In Heechmont, n«ar here, where all of It* animal meetings are held, tho Souther* I'aclflo Kail* ay company director ate has today shifted Its personnel •oraewhat. and has transacted other bustness contingent on the yearly session. The names of Mortimer Bclilff. Wm. Hockefeller and llay •rd t*uttlns are missing from the new directorate. The U25.000.000 worth of T'nlon Tadflc stock, lavatldated for the time being by the government, was not voted. There were 1.046.309 •hares of Southern Pacific stock voted. WAITRESS ONION ; GIVEN A HOME Ka 14-room residence at ISJ7 50th N. vai yesterday given to the Sml Waitresses' union by Mr and Krs F. W. Keen. Mr Keen, a !um- Krman, lives at 1504 l?th av. ■ During the past few years the waitresses" union. through dances fled entertainments, has been rats- JhK money to build such a home fur Its sick and needy members. This tnoney will now be used to furnish the new home, the gift of which came as a complete surprise The house will accommodate from to to 30 girls. Mr Keen's gardener Is now fixing up the grounds. The house Is expected to be ready for or eupancy In about two week a. MAN DYING ON NORTHERN ISLE NOME. Alaska, April I#.—Every effort Is being made today bv na tives In boats to rescue William Bchroeder. survivor of the wreck of the Diomedes. which was crushed In tho Ice by the same floes which crushed the whaler Morrts and ex ploring schooner Klttlewak. Schro-> der, whose hands and feet were frozen, was left on an Island In the Bering sea. and an Esquimaux who mushed over the floes Urtngs word Bat he has nothing to live on but and sugar. and that his hands Ond feet are sloughing off. Pete Bernard Is waiting with a dog aled Jftt Wales to bring Schroeder to Ptome, but he cannot be brought Serosa the strait until the Ice goes pnt. ; OX FRIDAY. April 25, at th» Ar jnory. the Seattle companies of 'he Va'lonal Guard of Washington will tiv» their final dance for this sea- My Corns Don't Hurt a Bit Tlr*d. Iwllf. Hw**ty Fead, Cnrna, Pal- I «»uwa and Bixrla»« Cof«l l»7 TIZ. tend at Our* for a Free Trial I'arfcaga. P%j good to ynnr rumm the v*ry f»r«- tlma pu «»• TIZ Y-»u will r»«v«r Mow you have a 'orn, bunl-.n or r»|. | ■*». or awMtr, ilrad. iw<>i:nn. MbtfiC §•• »r.y r rn It's Ju»t wmUrfiil th« Way th« pain vMl«h«* flub the corn — fcamm*r It with > ur fl»t If y<«i wlih — .fca moro pmin »fi*r TIZ f>o"«n't that jr/cnd to you? Duun't It 7 Then rhla I •*TL» furnt on *lll.rr r>t mf Iftf* »rm I ft* Ur|# •»»* ful»l»t« > u m»hr In Mr- t»i#m Today thar# *• »»o M«n of |#»ru» < n Hth«* r t «>t nod no aorrnftoa. It • *n tip-1«-«inl«' gnlwnd I(Mi> A. |Iftovrr, Fr<»*r»»aa. v. f. Lfatt a*«» TIZ I' ■ r»"t llkft anr'bln* !?* ' ' «• *ha nJjr foot ramady avr m«da m ■ *11 tha |K>liMon« n wJill'-ni whi^h «'»r« f«<t I'owdara and oth#f '•• elo* up tha i ~r«» TIZ Bfta> th-m out ftn I k **;•• ? » >an ■ Works ri*h* off You will faal hotter »»ry ft rat tin •» It'a Mild l*«a It a »r.d y».i can f rfct yotj #*•-r hud ■»« f' • Tfc a «r*» «v i od m« ny HkM*r*»l'« of '» I/. »t - haln* mftda \>y r * , ' **4 »' * l 7*l * . i t ir »li ''fat tiff ■ •fc* ati* *t. . r « d«-j artmant » r;>l ' i |»«*r I' «. y.jfc** If . Hon-, hack If J} 7 ' t do •) K . . J- r a f r*a MM H "*• t ' WaJtar ■ 2ii" ' A ' **"• 1,1 MEET ME AT THE . BAKERS' BALL fkurjay Evening, Letchi Pavilion. ftOO worth qf fln«; cake* wllJ be tu * wa * •* do or prUcs. i< f r. nttal priinai «• an I f.-r r i oral state election of "all officers," • ill b<* mffirtrnt to luknniM a direct election In conformity with tfce constitution. Jud«o Moor-'a opinion I* (hiireil by former Hupe rtor Court Judge W M. »>»y The t»cw amendment declare* that "tlio tin*, the plaies an 1 the niitunn of election'* shall l>o detei mln« 1 by tho several loglslsturee. The laat legislature fallnj to do so. although Rop, Murphlne had a Mil pending on tbe subject, which would have cleared all doubt* Should It bo determined that new legislation la required, either a spe rial si .* lon of the legislature will have to be called or an Initiative pe tition. calling for a special election, i will have to be adopted. AMERICAN GIP.L TRUE TO CAUSE LONDON*. April 10.- The pr la bility of being he-lrtdden for the rest of her life from a shattered constitution, the result of Inntltut- Ing a hunger strike in prl- m. was faced w|tb a smile today by Miss '/ell* Kmerson, the American suf. fragotte. "The cause Is worth any sort of sacrifice," was the statement attrib uted to Miss Emerson. At suffraKctte headquarter* It was alleged that Miss Kmorson's nose was fractured while being for cibly fed at llolloway prls >n. and that sha probably will be disfigured for life. Imedtately after her re lease she was removed to a private hospital. THAW IS TAKEN BEFORE JURORS NEW YORK. At ril JO Marry K 'Thaw, slayer of Stanford Whit . ar rived here today, accompanied by two attendants from Mates* mi. to appear before the grand Jury which la probing alleged bribery In con nection with efforts to r»IU' htm. Justice Seabury Instructed the grand Jury not to allow Thaw to make any statements Invol-. liik blm s<if in wrosgiolng He said: "In the yea of the law, Thaw Is Insane. and can do no wrong. Any testimony ho given must be corroborated by other wit' n esses,' * TWO CHILDREN HURT AT PLAY Clara Smith, IS, la at the Seattle Qeneral hospital In a critical condli tlon today, and Joseph laicas, 1< . Is at the Providence hospital with a broken leg. as the result of acct dents brought about by over-en thuslaatlc play. The Smith girl w»s playing "hide and-aeek." when she Jumped off the wooden platform tn front of her home. 4028 Rainier av.. about 9 o'clock last nltcht. In front of a Se attle. Kenton St Southern car Her skull Is fractured, the physlclana •ay.. The Lucas boy was playing hall on the street, "muffed" a catch, started after It and ran In front cf A. P. Linden's auto. The front wheel passed over his leg. WORKMEN NAME MOON MASTER D K Moon, of Seattle, was chosen grand master workman at the Men nlal el Ttlon of the Grand !.'xlr« of Washlrston, Ancient Order of roll ed Workmen, which Is winding up a two-day sesalon with a n-ceptlon at the aWshlngton Annex tonight. Election of the I>egre« of Honor, the ladles' auxiliary, took place this morning. The convention was attended by about 260 delegates The report, showing that the order own* real estate In Washington valued at $400,000, wu received with great enthusiasm The order ha* a mem bership of 6.000 In the state. MONTENEGRIN BLOCKADE ON ANTIVARI, Montenegro, April 10 Formal blockade nf thla i>ort began till:* morning, Auatrlan, llrltlah, French, German and Italian war ship h participating. Hereafter no vessel of any sort will bn permitted to ienve or approach the Montene grin coast until such time an King Nicholas agrees to suspend the at tempts to take Scutari by storm. Austrian soldiers are holding up all trains en route to Montenegro, and the kingdom is practically Iso lated. ! PUBLIC MARKETS Hi;m V.AKK ' All brand* flour at rut prlcea; i cant I milk. 2ftc, with pur'ha*«. % rana pe«e, ri-rn or tomat /ea. 2"" . # Iba. beat k"' > |M i r || :, 4 It a 1.1 in a t ■> - .a. ||i; ♦ i'« l»-at rlre 2D' .1 pkgo Jello, 7'-' i '■.in* • f 1 ' • a plr. an ri. i 2 i ana red aalmon. 2&* , 10 I nra I laundry aoap, 2Sr; 60r good brooms et ,t lOr tan* a".jp, ft • '>a or j hla-k pepper, 2R<*. I lha s*u»rkraut, l r >- , '< I!<a rfiolre prune* 2&r. 15s h< ' tla pun CldSf vlnrgar. I#6J tsl CTMHI of Wheat. 15c; 100 rana splca. . for 1I» . irrape Julf". '<t . .S,, 10 flour, t&r.; INo 10 corn meal. 2&c. » \.\l l \KI | Halibut. 3 lha 2 , fr« ah shad. 2 Iba f§i t#n4«rlolii o.' mm, lbs Iloi ffesli ij? i h lf»' Jb . 10': '«n ''»<'»*, I.'- hoiiin ma'." p|«a I'm- >-u,rb, Zl' -r '■ iik' ' TOc >■ • frwh Xart-toga nhlpa, pkg . I no hr.T-d f.« ma. |0« p* . : ' *ia h> r.t f k. I (,i , Norway mackerel, 4 for 2'-' . Al herrln*. 3 for 10«t; * for "if.r . pickled pigs' fiet, IOC lb , pure appla cldsr. 50a gal. iOH*KR |?ed anapper, lOr lb . ''olumMi river sb'i 12' lb . freah hulliOJ li> II t>> i( rod. loe lb ; ahiltnp*, lOr lb . allvrr porch, 10c lb ; '*olumbl» river amelta, I ll.a. 'is-, f.'olumbl* river saln-on, 17 *<> |fi ; €0o Japan tea, 2'»< lb.; White !,•• ■.- horn baby rhbks, rsrh. turk-yi otfga for hale hi nf, 260 each, cabbage j i a » »«? ■ mt>v.m• tim » m • • i it ii " '•* litlhl. «S •• , I big [ •*»*• |n»« u*m, ft. •*iKr. jmaiMM* I-. i it** ««.i i it»« » - I h«ll> . he. *• |0r i mbifc rt«et • ii>«*lt* It# Jl >lt*n •i' I I f. 1; , r Hi r»»»% f««i I j' <itv mil perti. 1 ? H«• • EC t IQN*T Nt t•mi l »• ii » « 11«.* ro tui i iti «• si» I h» A « Klli'»*| Srlt U • <«>llatft I * • ha»a fha iritwn m» ■-! tfc* in n*r j • ||.M • •»' <• <» (I I l»ITo|(* (HI IM » fit N I % i Hnn. !n« AM Hit -1« ><f . ;*!»»■• qwirfctr fn||«rl»<l tlalnif tt>4 nie. inn j If* ll#* • i (|« e| l « u* Nn r l!»* | » » r'XDfiilKllilft RllillllllitNl I *' * ii Mb \# w» «in\ niif H ii«>\ <u «• I \ « 11 I •v MORTUARY DEPT. ?st " inrTTKRWOKIfI * SON'S j' rr maforir. t'•*lunibarium iii>l M«u»< l»utn IfiftnmiM'in «.<i4 illii»u»l««| h<>)il«t «n «i<i>: .aii n fhon«< Uftln - ' i •» ill l*!l r«rtf A> 71—Of.ATHt i lll**>«|inr t, IHuiim* U. SI yta llti tl IVluml 1* »t r«|»"ttrr|, !* »«•» 1) f UK linllff »"•<t j Ut M*rjr I 41 >t» If .I\|.l. ti. « h< «|*li«l Mm n— Itifiuie *11 r«K<rth V | I lm|. M |vt M« U ti-th •« | Mminlnc, liunlmi I*•# • )it 7111 N Mo lima, Aaitl# St yrt iVlfli h* H«•♦»«|«»»», (>lla l|lt ■* h"«|»!l«l I no*. X •i - »lr - h • •!«! U isa»n Ma I I' * t ♦•'h •* r 1 U rIORISTt ''" I 4» %I> '\ H'»HI" • : I Mil N "I II It' ll 9PI np«« lalijr. funvral wurk. <*tit fl..i»«r« 74 ruNEUAC niRfCIORS iTTi sT"iTirn mm 11. r .MIHI I O NVw • i»m --r»» •!? Kl h"U("e •• it.-M - •• • h 1H I III» V K I >1)1 HI \k|Mi 111 N| II KM or* to llotoiiburi; «V, 141 •» Mnlh at |'h«tf « V in lftT «rl l: |.»»t 47*« j HUTTEHWC >RTH & SONS i>?i AV Th* moti r«>rtipl*la » r •afubliah m«m In ih» world l*K Mi n an 1 K " ft I#, I i .•»<.. M m < . . «.l « I All S K S«r»h M? w r r-fkh'f r. I MIITI I HI Ihl I Ml|Ht IKI II •al aniial'mi ITM Mtrhil 111 I'h Hallar**. i«J PANTAGES QUALITY SHOWS AND TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING EX PLAIN PANTAGES POPULARITY Every evening two box scat tickets to I'antaijc* theatre are ifiven away free! Read The Star's clusifietl column*. Your name may appear at any time l -tT'TY"TTl'Trr»>_ »c. r •' j'■ 'Hc^rs Ih« d«:« ><uf t« «ii | til* ttfdr«M iohnl of *<•«•» pnpor tthm th«t trr'tti ti r"<*r •«!»• rl| i !»■*• not tfAin » •••» j«M In nl«*n* ' yovf n*m« !• taken fir» lb* >-•< A thmr gm of |ti« »* ih« «MI 1« • r«reip< Mute* f r THE IT Alt tf IB *11 I moMh !i« t inuntha J♦« I *0 'Mh« II tt * month* II *• 1 * *«r I | tor «h«» <'nv:ii»ft(f ..f »ur r««4«ri wo i «v« Ihe l •(•b'iU «l ill* fnll9W| g % .« ittOT.a :i» I *1.. with i. %»nl- an 4 curl » 01 >p I't ft • Ril lot | 14 I* II Mtlim. M:» |l> if J •« fh n« t:»n*;fir.| A 4 lUta» fTftMMM I c#nii t»«r ;it»o for rhnr«r« Mi •» * time* for tho prten of 1 7 iin i>«f lint for rftoll «di. n * t'w • r ||| l-ft'-n of I Pb • • K «•:! 44 Of U* . Mil lu:i«-4 r« AJi m»» Irft •• U ffin'tiM • h-r* Mm« r*c*o will »>• gtvoa no •! main «ff!<*# NEW Tnr)AY~ i"O J) f§fc $'2>'o RVK<.U**K<I. niMtvir* riTTrn »l' v . • phrrlcaJ !•;,»*■ ■ i • #to. f.r | |! 11. inoiudinir omrnlmilnn IdioifU I (>ptom«!t rl«t. sir K(>lir li' jrk ftr >k#n lini»i dupii. »■ | j$- J§V 4* liOmi no riri\r«r MflHC'i*r in All Klr.d, <jf : « . 'i ■ v. 11 r. IK 8.c0i.1 A. f I- - ruhlni 1. at flltlU, Wuh Mr No J. htMN lM|vui|i n»'»r to <»•».* w • r > Cilolc K hhi.t. "mV : |* I t . Padere Hil - >M*rn llohm Kltr Ml*lr o» 4 *. v. U K rit IT*.; < ifrtt\F.i« <11 \m i> \m# rii in ii r. also r*p«|rr I. Brit ' i 1 N®»l nal I'M » n»r Hw»[i •■ : ; r. ■ • • « | i".i iii AVII (ii »\ i. \< hy h»v % >o ir h <*• ripe- ,| wo ran clean your old i»»; «r and mak« II l» k hk» now? National Wall J_'« P• - il.mlnr I'., rriloll <„v UNCALLEOF-On CCOrHINO UNCALI.KIJ KuII dUI fS ANf) overcoatt. 12 00 ar.* ot Hrlng tlila ad with you and get > per cent discount. 1017 Ilk" at. IXIIMO -no thin* «•:! M il U at e i i ri • ir 'in i» "C 7 ■' '"ft V' <>;■', .. I'.. .» ■ |' J; » Vr+m I ->k!»t K k dav*. ;» "»n *r»jr sisa ,j i I'M • • m>op i' i _____ Stevens' Academy PJ I north, IMno In 4 Private Leesons jrjylF I'Riv vri ii wri (Evory I»ay and K "in#) a * i Tn. si ways fr"« W if I'nrirr* IVrd nnl Httftirdir ■*» a9VjF 3 SPECIAL NOTICES .IOIIN Hi \ I Jit V\ OKJIV I OHM - Ml diurn. will I.# nt li"d Mtti ■ hal! Koiirlh n< mr Pine. on Thuradav night. At»rll 10. and Friday night, April II <t ® o'clock, to )* < ture and j'lv- up!'lt rn«s«4g»»s. Mr F*jt"r pr>ph*al«d tha Han Fran ri» i «tir'hquakf. th«» revolution In M**- Icci, th» of Mndor »(• h«* man d'-rnonfltra*»»d l>l* payt-hi'" p* at# h»f klfig*. r|U"*r» ari'l JUTi>m -»f lh«» world Hln< »« bring in Hraitl*. durlnr four nlirhtn that i • v orked. ho plrka<l out hun drada of rt ran gar*, told thorn their full 11* ..m. *h»! thev w»ib horn the names of dtpurtad parent*. *l*t*r«, troth»ir« children, tin* to|.| others th« amount of they had, and con* isatloriN th'it they had befura com ing to trf* hall at night Theeo mrftlna* are Rltr-n under the ana p|r«« -.f fh« Temple of f,lar It t < Mplrlt*« lal f*athfdr»l). R«v A J Kp*« k *rt, pnator tjor-d mualo and Ringlnr Kvrry i,rhi 'laneral admlaalon, J6c. i \ \n,»i .ri i i.i Hi'it % 4 ist ia <S It g.iflollno englna by «>peti man I In Hard B!JIL 1) E RS, CO N TRACTORS. SUPPLIES g K M.f'lf iii . repair* niiMiti'in* ni-.r ri«t•. • • k r . i •• r'nott "i'i K.ti''- nriM'fit«r tepw.ra M 1170 wTT..- ,".;,i7~~r^Tn"i>'T ii PArrtKN MAKERS 4« • A ' HV rt * ' BUSINESS DEPT. ~ U7i'" Moirman F r^i ar n. ichi.m ho mr onlv n» M ' 00 ,11S Horond H I IV SlNraa OPI'OPTtJNITIi *1 II %It I It I lOH K.VI I. OK It I >r. (hi V • •it* In fllv. *• ">t fi• «1 • A t'arMalrt f • r I«li I Mum M>;»< hav» n • >iipla • f 1. lr»«I «1 ••11 at > A<t<llfia A 1 »U 4. «ai • mar # I II "I M'li'.u tint i II i 'in rurnlahad, l* *• r** |mi >rovad. I. v • J . > 'i» " * «.<»* . !.i. *« • g. t"., , * fl|r *• plgri i i n i J I-'* boat* W \V il«4TtOri. N*ab«< W. t Uff II.M -r I mil I. tMIII A ss\ll AMI >1 * I or H(Hi ' ' *' < *"> I' »• 111 movini io (urt |h ax< *llattl lu« j ! J ,OH _ *' lis Wf * r l«»K »AI f. IllarkamNh tool* m 4 ato k «haap at nr. Wmli abop -iil*. rent |l" ou i««i in wth 1 I Oil *Vl K sioi K Ml lit II IMHnI . \ul hi I-, bulUlli.g f«T i ■ • • i »d . ■ nrr, no litdia M \V l,iMr*iu'». Ail burn. ________________ nio< k * ami linMh noj 11»Ta l«ni«a In«'«»rI"»t <»i'l f<>r ira ftoaanhaum * «'•. (93 lUlfht lltdit |ml » «l fin* 14a Df TFCTIVC AGENCIES tim niiii ri\r to km v. isi . At. t Ar<ada |lld« «'rliulnal and « IvtJ or: v«i« «nrh • I'- ||of| IIT) 1411 GOLD. GLASS AND fNAMCL SIGNS « I•• M•• f f MACHINERY FOR SALE |»l\Mt»M • x. IN I MAM KAtTI it" ln| ro . fifth fl ">r Kt «->ianga I»M* , o*«ld*at*i Mm! Kin* linr cutting g*n*rai inachlnlai*. In \, w - . | ' i», m.. V «11 I*7 4 «C PRINTERS ii*t. ■ - ; ; k r ! Employment dept. j 1« AGENTS WANTED t •' lUihh a ai i* a II •» « ♦. r < «»•••! tpa I Hon i*Kl*t« f»»» "i all «lr»i»*i»t* 17 F 1 MAI r nr I P WANT! D 4.1M1. MIH I MINT IIO! -I.MOKU V«l» tak* tar* vf 7-ya*r-o|d tain alrt* lift | p*r month Call at 791 Halcnt flldg . • . - «c» .»iA . i .1 iMaa |.A|||K4' NAMt'l r. N\ I IM IO *:o I >aio«a for |1 to I- I adi*a" iwmpla • p ira ovar Pai taa*a rhaotra U tM l|» 4al It I IO A«M»IHT Willi light h-iar« .tk I* J a !'rl .. v T. '1*» ■ H iMr.ii iomi i i.iui " loit g'i t *ral h"ua*w »th Tr*a K'4lf Km piovm*nl IVirMiu. tftl l.lbafly Hid# Ti Ird and t nton Wltll i K i » 111 •»:; i n<« HOI II •ltd aoi).«i< v ant«d f«>r A'wlum •t%* a up?t I trie Tbaatra >t \NII tl "(iiHI I 111 l U9.\ KVAT m»w« rk. muat t>* tmpatanl »til piy K .. 1 <•*?: I*l' V •• nor roi\T IH4INI. Ufta tlu»r**>?**d Ift TT*ar« y • •• " '"f-t a* nI'OHT II AM» IMI ' II rvITW HlTINo". r mpla'a In ?» I*aa< ->m 4*ll Art-ad# Y«ld«r Main *7)1 IIK i.o II HI i • mi' w »■ Halill.iMui'l. '» nittft' r »«mi h*lp K** h*f to4*y tlftft r«»artb a* Qvt«« f>rrvr*'» laUst »»tflt» Rtu n«k I ,»!••• I*tl J"* »»*a ia FEMALC SITUATIONS WANTCO •II l< • IIMIHIu II IM. \H.II t ■nrl r-«.l in: itilfu Mi VI IfSKT ll* f*f adw.iv and 4"4 » a*, *«r llnrrl* *t • hUdr*i- und«r 7 y*ora »•'! laba«i rar* > t »i» th* -I** | VI IMI l> 1 W]Mi 111 I HI! l>%\ Main IHQ «> «u f Mr* f 1» MAt t HFLP WANTFO RATION W It 4 KItKM COI IH2I Waota fr»n ond w »mr« t« loom tho f-af \*■ 1 rod* wogoo ;.wld whll* teaming « a vrIM If!', c .ft*Ml (TltOOi WmNiiyiM X )*r H %t %V]l |» II.) I Him It 111 19 4pt>» 4J* >l»* O* t* HI N or IHO A* V«i ■»! I I MIIM* % m ; » If • t . • • • if 0 <>r Aoiary If »o|»«Mo H»» 'i '' 4 ' Potont All Ilhrrt Wul> IWll 04M»|t «Vl I«MrS W INfl ll TO ••II illfdH to l*iv«| 'if|* nom " n oo- • •• • Ttn \*mt QtMoo f*o t* Af-odo H it 44 4 >tl i» »lit - i I \ H4' 111 \ r n*n <9 *»poroto «• onl working n >* etnory W*«t«tn C Co , IIXT r.« -1 H V KHI tl> MA> It I tl| %*4\| 1M plon- f m h<-n# In * »»w t *n. «1 «oo t-. K«aul« »4tn » «rt«in »4 drwoo <1 A toro f Th« Hint M'tM. to ikl JlMfnn WllliK m«»rt n«i tnd » »nin|» In *i 1 ir|» fi-r ) "k«. i'»t n*ry bim! Ino-ruction. In Wl'o « Vhtofnooo •' H» 111 t r.l»—lSnltlK nIM.I ft It rt *;*. rji? hot und rt% l«i »»i»f Wth Hy wo*lt ?>>• 11l Ifd * Wo* to* l>*«rntti ro HsnofortoHog <*o . !Hi (IIAI rin H %«.» t ni l N inn ro* •«i! own r««wk!r» Will f«>wM4or • nyC'ini moot K»'« *»fk rtiint m »i » ii »« \HnKft fOIIJMK W«n»i rn»n on<| o«m»n to >00ITII tti» lI%F --t»«* tr« lo »«l|i i|il«fn »f hn- i|n th« vt<*r|4 IJcomoM Inotractar# <*olv iio!,rn :i it Kit r^t.r.Koi It* flrrlitcnl*! An ill V « •'« mI i i » h ; -i i, ' •It 4n Hull fth'tp '*«»f A>» ?0J »nw TklM II Ml INI I I V.MJI h) lilt* -111 !" • t« » ft i > t\ <—r. tiif T UK 1.1, THKH I'IHTAI" I !M A lr«««(*r f\pm ?Vlo»4t»i mil* o Oitf •# ooMT \Jfe IM * ll* Kft Of . TfcAfA iM HA I • . 1 r»* r •> IM M .•<- *«> ■ f-» r • I.W »' i«0 MALE SITUATIONS WANTED It %HI H ; VI I lt«M Ml M %N, t.V 14.\ H* jo loof » Q>i ■nAf'■ ":4 . T For KII I %1111 i\\\s HUIM K HI i *lrl % .« r« • •» i •- It M n«tr» *. or». Hftlr. • T4l r l 0 and T i ' A • • • l(« •% \ 4VH I •. \t «TilK • nil rll ov«<| ti|f f oil h !»»«»• 4' ♦ lumhio •< ©r 3411 Thlr«l n* Elliott IITIW i nti i m i k nrnitM r <i»ri mt, r f* r f !• • KnM *I'* 22 SALESMEN WANTED M \> I fcO M 110 \H* M* H inir r • "1 now «fil »iah »<• Improva fh*!r oppor?unity. I «an ahow >< u h»w > -u run in >k<* rr. •-n mor«y tl. <n vm ara P"w making If y-.ij n < a g • ■-d aal*a tran l»"-»rt Kr»»»r Milling Agency, »)« Arp^rlfin H»fi> I'm Ullng FARM 'FCFSHTIFS Llvi Armorer^ MBEBAMOMAIES Ff f aala. gr#»al ar. »p In intrM «nd gal ding*. w»!gh l.lio up fo i,4oft; mv< rtl cl Mp farm mm Frtw *a i«w aa US and up lataral will i - f»r |i»S and Thar* *'« 1* h«a-1 of mnr<i and aHdlng* t'» pick frfitn r» thta lot li> #»« I • t !<1 ' I* . ■ •• » i» ht f« mi w»«»n 6 lugglra I •i-rlf.. a* ;>« ai <1 »«Mr»l acta of harnvaa CIS Waatla&a ar N IW«) linn i. I \ < i>\\ - 4iii Chartaa at , corner 31st I'hona H« a ' i. ?4«* iwo • (ti -ii .i» HM \ (Olfn i: 11 Charloa at , corner Slat |*li >na ftaa con 34*1 POULTRY FOR SALE WHIM IlKl'l liioN »!.«.> IOK NAI.R I" I. Willi 3 HOIK *«.«.*» |ft I < •«.-* $1 Ml fl Ilhalnland'r. n«uad'>alar. ia|* FU at n\ nruv I" i n at i'OOK UItMIM IA HANK* II l'h rnnolli If-- U. I r-.wn ami Whlt<i j<gh<rn, Mark Vfli."!'•»*• tn-nnaa. llii:, 11, 7&' par »«Mlnr ''all momint* r»r .»V» nga tl(>4 T .!rd « *. \\ Mull <>n\ ra filled Mm *h> • '.*•'» <\ IM ( HA I till* ' Old Tr uaty. Ita.l r«t Prlr* A If '! • , I iM r FINANCIAf. DEPT. y\AA^A/\z\A/\A/Vfc/V\/>^^^^A/W\A/V i>9 BANKS 111 I. ( \l| \ > MAN k Ol I II V| Ul IM I 11 <a* -1 .f « > i«i In <ar»>U. »ir i '*n al hanking toialnnaa fnt treat allowed m|| •»vinc« nnA time di*poaite Mnt h (I V Holt, Mrr T9n i*4i St.* n \lt ic <IH i . \» i n \\ ! »'•• \ i II ~ 1.1.l VVurrptiia I .ml •.. ■* k • •?'» ' •tabllah •d 20 yeara Oil Italiay Hid* T nOOriFKI !ow A HON 30- -CM ATT f I A SALARY LOANS *n. \u\ Mi \\n liiAiri ToTTs T<»' CAN OiH i : i' i■ ■ $10 to I.'"), | lo w mtra. n»-«v >'*mpany; no ml i twe no d*la\ fall *nd ami wa BCATTLH I.MAN CM 111 Haller Mlili . ftuM-ml and f'olmnbii. HAI.AH 1 ' I.MA:. IgI I • »1 ' t > Hill, oui a».-u.lty. win fui iitwre In reaidcnrea. K(til«>rii brokerage Co 207 l Northern Jlulldln*. I(h and Plka. THF, STAR—THURSDAY. APRTT. 10. 1013. 32 COLLATERAL LOANS ui'mi'l < i ihi i i'\< i in imitirow money tut rtlnmonda nri<l Jatvln . l o.y rm<i prhni* offli»na Anurli'ttri Jew • rv «*'• w «- i.d iv i' i I I.' : If k»d«t| 1-1 n; ru - fti.r C»iut«rni loan* i»wn*t iiiitiN ( j '*• I a*i • •»!* n» i>iifni« '"i lad'*V .14—RTAl. I UTATC LOANS no toi m.KII nl \\ ( I*ll - iw»\r> motif* I" li'iiii «'ti tlly or out ■ ai<l* |>r* v. Improvad or unfmpi '»»*d *i m!ta ti iiv*i with u«. a K. Wyld». 411 Saw VmH lllk PJlll'ilt Ro«' II ANT TO iHlfiKO\\ M«'NM Wm i \n i• lii*i»i w*nl » « i'"» $9,f tio fnf 3 « nei <• t 7 i" ' ■ '"t>t on » w«ll furni worth tfl 'infl A It NKW'W.I 120 MriUNtl «T MO >1 \ I O 1.0 A S 7% And inon«y, VArunt or Improved pr«|>#rty H»«* u* in nwwt t. * MDiifftnn ■V, c< i|,MAW IH.IMf tlfi 1M) ( 111 NTHV I 's ■ on lnipr<»vrd • » if » ' pr<-i»*r' «nv tmniir.i It® to ?'>©•. I«»»ir r »h«»rt tlin-i. »«»y paymwi* mo d^ l »y Wturti'- v« i,i A P.» . 31 ' l«'»p|.in litV VIMTI n f,i m i M« ■•-r burli i- «>r I uMdtnv a vtttrrn f f TM OFr"f ift J,, «II • I I 4-. r ' » ■!••• I I"I Ar#>.i|* ||i«i Will' Hid* J£~ VV I* I I ' Ml •I• » I H l>Q 3? CHIROPRACTORS I>>i in-l 111 u-• * M l-r, UK mm: |i|.ful M« •' HM to* " *Jn fT ' ♦ \ 111 lIHM HOI ■: lt» ft. BIU-C \ • *.! •• Miln I »lf VVI 1)1(1- « M\M'»|«o. >«» AKt A l»K. ft ml miit. 51!4 M A FS ACE t\ \ MOl I 0111 l l \IIIN » r itATll'i »n<l rimiist » AfC*4» h"t"J Ifl4 M»c «-ii ! »v t'tom I «"l"«»1 Fundav* IIIt > Io vi f.ft AMI t 111 sil MM i«r« • ' rvatmviil 7 Airid# 1i<il«l. mi i» _ _ | \Oi» • \ Nl» LI -II HH. V M\%lt 111 Ing fp»** niß»«ng« ond a'**'!' *■ ••'lallat; V*nrta a' *du»t« 51ft IR«« Third 40 OPTIC! ANH J W KlniuMi Mf»l 1» trod uotod Op » rr> «!>«' • - H l.ftftr* H'» V! "174 t*#ra • I ' nil •' 1 42 PHYSICIAN® AND SURGEONS Mr*'* Nf-MI.U.I«T DOCTOR W D WALK EH t»l Eplor Bit-k HI «•">»<<! Af Ckronle ond !• f«. i' uo f>l Coßrallftllon Kroo •t01.7 to • IVBdiy, 10 to I. R. T frwllostl, hi D M P —Offlei ?aa T \la l»n IJI.U XjH Tr'l i-iOUSEHOI D NECES SITIFS ~~rcrercr<rtf n *wq?rroar~~ 41 I MARt* AM) «• • %K%Mvri» J A.-th !(•.»» n. room 117 Hinckley IWk | Whilst >41* 45—COAL />NO WOOO Ol ALE R~S P»(*nt dull par. with fll «< !<•*<! coot A. Ml 1 i*h«oa l? 14 4S— FURNITURE FOR SALE IIKMIMII IOH MAI I 14 r«»<-mo f• < '0. ■f. •>• dI d location In povod «!!■(:! t Hoo o«Mr. with OA IIP*. 40* • ArrOd# 47 FURNITURE WANTEO in i owl. «»i \ot it Hum tirr r.n -h« odloo flat l rn. r%J| ! J1« e t Oil Wo pay ih« ' .«»■•••« I'fl rill Mo* r . Am •' n lt<ro*o <*o. 1M l*r«(ot»l fM \V •' I r. .< .o* A • ' «■ ' • •ft• f< 2 • !• Piko \l ITIT 4Ti MuSiCAL C*Al»l. a ~\\i* i»7 ». TTfc f.ibortr Itldg I* ono »«i 4 «r>4 r* ti»»r |rr«n«»il 4?b PHOTOOn APHCWS • i•' pio oo JIIO *<Ud» oi | I.lkortr t dr '• »t Pali# .1 Instruction Dept. | Point in# irai||| IH Mf * a P "_*L LANOUAGE TEACHER > » . •Of LOST AND FOUND * TT_„ <11 I» \v »t 11 I 111 I I IIItt( | i K l It IN I d'ft I Iftfr* »••••: '>r« l>n<-k ond 000 ftldo :#f I Ith '«"» yoor» tot. Rgar or d Phono lUUord X4II 1141 I N Tith o* —— H| |f 4111 I ICf V tun I "ii Kl f l ♦;< I of rivtng >tr-kol ongln* No 1141 Holt drho .Notify ftiilolt U»f , - • . . ■ I I I »'• ' ' 1 ''MM •*•* Tiy Ornnfta. oo*« tonoy and j if • • • * -t I! 00 molnaj •t% *•. » * ?• • * i' t (ii « io »' n f r | 100 16* Plk" owj pfvii ai«r» MISCELLANEOUS DFPARTMFNT 111ß <11 I M« \N|> Iri CIMI IMMI t "on an t p »♦ 111 »« -1 T«»' *9 and howling oll«3 a and o«*cwoo«rloo; har fit'oroo of •!! kltida ooav t>oy*nonia "«r MM NHWirK HAf.KH O'M.rV • - 4 Plrot av O «»»*• III*- « |Tki nI H IV 111 H H?*l. s i"«'»t», ft «• iftr-T. pi>«»; .'f d plno^hlo to' —a :tght aod oir7 14»"*T •% Flr*t ir. w 4 CAvrr.H, ikro nrrrvcT roor Ifafl. *14 Jof for am »t Co '"•t ploro J io town \|tt 411 I «H l» M I II I M\ »:K --•lty at . 000 Toylor. Prop. •trolght rVM t oat tt'itoi In lowrn 61 MI S ULAN tOU S FOR SA l E I (111 IMNO UtMIl lOallS fa*' fill • li 'a«in<*h. will rarr» 10 paaaangarg a'«*"i'l'tg ar in«an> i»t • 9 MOIIM *» « g r.<vru, *aflna Mini, gallay and i llat, 4' hnraa powaf ' nlon angina, •p* *<\ 10 r»ii*a an h"jr. h«a*y oak frama. » ui ' for rough »*athar. fully •« u.i •«Kl • "at 97.100 to hulld Will a*II f -r |9 a it siwytit. it# ipihiw w. Naa plgn**a lor rant. rant Mpllai «• liurrhac M***f I »n»t *14 t n'"»i 69« — TRUNKS AND TRAVELING GOODS fun it «k n.n- Cor <d A* and spring SI It - ■ -ifi PERSONALS " icrcKi I 114 CIYEM! : f » FOR $25 yf\ Cuarrh. J / - . *> "v. 1 ' /*4iL. j«•>">■«* j |r>f P'o.4f»ag owns a*>d »«r*«nallr , mitdurt m hla afflra. mMlilim • trva ilr»m.» and stand* i-arannallr i J h«hlrd •• h and avory promta« and i [ guarantaa. Call or nilta. • : DR. BRODNAX i 111 Tt'lrd *». J I ftatwaan o«>hnulila and Mnrl<»n Sta i • I"ura t a tn la 0 p. in. ( So n<tara 10 a in to 11 HAM I.M) Cvary Wadnaadi*> "vanlng at f.Oo !S?1 h »ur»h » Mawftlo _ %ili«» \S l» I 14. I. »| AN. N M* I %lvl •ml Mnl'i »l I ik» t»- I' MM i will curt rahttmallano And a»i Mrvoua Tr*-atni>'nta alvin .it homo i»y uppolnt if., t R|o Faopla a Hank flldg lilll.. 110 1 111- II II l it#ll II KMMI ll.itha; tlo y ra »: • i, b«ko ovan iraal n.rnta. |l uo 1400 {''ourth av. Your fr I • I John. id i i iii. ri KKf. parmanant. no upamit >ii or datantSui flr>>io labor, v>*r vu r« paat two yaura. ages 1 to It Harvard Hyatam. 11? 1 * » STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 34 MEN Contlnuorl I < .« . iTr. i-> • 11. It I Oil I - iri <1 a \ •+ [ ci.' iAi ii- i'» MP: |ti el Ai'iualt." H -11 ■|• | . nil »«l i dt'-**> « 7«'» I'll-" •• I «di*» f•• y'> WOMEN |ii|ip<i4iiiiiii a■ -' • iiiy Imn mt/ t«u«hl It j i» »»• I*- > "pi • " • v* "i io \niiii • mi ii\in • irk ■ r»old ■ «" irtv« o-f- i 0 i' tJll Hlnr f'nl"»i ___ i'EAI. FSTATF. DEPT. Hfl- ACRtAQP IAtII If r. I I Ml - I'l I I I It III! Vl tVI «rn iv. ' llKill. *4N' M' Flv«-nor« tm«l nurtli "f «4lf, only 16 mlt-'it»«' iid« on car; r"Ar at Minn. fi "1 » luy anil <an lw hotijfht f'-r 1150 i llmt liiiv «>»i ilm niark^i III'"It MA S Hi llltoKtlßß l|» l.ll.fty flldv Third and l/nlnn. in A< ill .h I-OKI olti MUll) II ulf rlaarad; qunrttr mil* to wator urtall hntia* Only 1100 raih. Prloa 11,100. AOAMM t ADAM* 42 ? ' 'i I maw pldg f|U IH) l A< It I All or pat' «»r |.2*« tnrji ~f flrnt rj*«B land: rt» h ah«»t rl«v loam. nSI tlllaM*. 7o (j 'i plllna. »•!©■• I'» a f">d tiwii Faw propagation* iikr thla on* ar* laft in • tiihw**' Waahlnfion An lnv»atroanl t!-nt will hrlna ln>iiia<ttfit« pi-ifn H'il THWUHT WASH INt IT' »N (.AND CO l('"»m l* Oowna illdr 7f>s» ytmond Ay JIM HOI til Of IIHK.M KK'I ON I a'r*« with tlmbar and fr«ah w»,t*r at-ram; a«»od "'I!. n»ar mill nnd a ■ faririlna olfftfirti r'.o** !■» baH iMlktt on I'uaat »<>und f>nly ona hour to la attla. • 'rlj-a dally rnira i7r.o iso CA«n cur Will* M XAS AHttllAfJE, In«. Main Offlra 101 • Thlid Av Hmnrliri WaaM!.*'<• ii l'-t : • '• M«!n ot niitoitv %mi I a<r*a rlili. •tnlinpr«iv»'l lund. «!<•• t" t"*n \nd acbool, only |124. on t«rmn of »:r down. I a)ari> n monthly pay » mil Intnraal lr.< !udc«l Hou*« and 4 nl'-a lota nil In f«rd*n and flower*. In to**n. »»nl) |iOO. on l»rmi iri dowtt. 110 par month, Intaraat in clitdad. |l A NK Pill Unflpy. Wnoh _ I •' * I N r IIK < ITI it H'r#» too tf \ ft' tu r "<l Ifvo i"*n: nil bottom Inntl And nil uitder cultSvo llotli ••room HottM. 2 4*34 I'om; f#r»rrd ond trffftj I-!* Itvin* Muter on fhn ptoro; flno r«»i»d. *ir« tr? light•. pho««; tnllk d»ll«.*ry of gr'Mrrif». loundrr. »t' ; good mw : MfH with Ihn Ploro »m« tftftrii, <*«r >n kHMft pl«*i itIfNV ftj.'l euiUvilorg. *1) fnrni lory for fimtni, HNlckooa and h"um+\ d if ">dft Thtft la "no of Ihf t'«at tlolry In the »to<« WUI t«ko In »>m» g »'»d city l>iot»ortr \n port pojrmont Prlco #1.000. I: ofio • tuih •Of'THWIUIT WAftll f V(JT< »N UND CO Horn 1« !» • »»• II <!»r "0» A* >*ond Av rillVK «•) lAM A 1 ION \ I'KK ». b o<r«M». I*4 south o? «'!!>' llmila: •moll hot oo IX fruit fr»oa. *•ro r:*oro4 nod f«nood: s« mil* from Uk« Hurtan cor lit.n Prt o 13.110; t»rmi imcah j*n»hn a ro >1- N*"f (!) '-rr. k ! 'r 4' h ftnd IMkft lt»' , It UK* VVA'IKK 1 MOVT Orty 9#oo. tioa klcO «.»« , rich Mil! n«» •tnno «>r «r» o . . otrooi t <>t fr»nh wotor. « d r -«d lo fln« morkrl I, J H A WWU A ■ iro THIRD AV t! 1 .1 \i \ I .ill \ i HOP Ton ncr«ft d«»p. rich. Mtu;k •»!). ol! lov»| a I -»n g«K»l r-»Od. cl'O# lo • ?.<»< • ail ! otor««#. only ft d >* n »-nd II * month «»no go »d cr"p will poy 1 r It 11• < o MUtftltM hftwy ni.d Fruit <irt*w®rft O l*lngro«. 1111 A»norloon H«r.V ffldg < i I. % Kftll 4AIJ-KV lAM. Tun O* f m dw |» rl« h Mo<-k «•'!!. o« g»>'>d rood, clooo i'» othool aiid atoroa «>n» I * ••■•i rr«p will joy for It Itooy t»rma I: A I h'ln 111? Amofiroit Bonk llidg ili.w \( K1.A1.1: AllJ4)|nin4*M .\i II.i: ''M VKRV K.UIT TKItMH irfti-to too• than • riiio fr •m Imm V« uahfn* • on. at f T » , - , * r h. aoll flr.» view. Idool 1« •o- Hon f>■ t a homo, with iningh *rrrog* • ral»«» hvrrico frv .jo vog*>tobloa or.d <)lrk»na T»*rrna Ir f- •ul f par month A«c<i|i> that la an lnt»»tm»tit tir.d will tnrr*«o« tn voiu«* with th«« oponlng of th<» tftf.%l Whrn thla wotor «*»y la oi »ned Ktrklond forr> ws»l do. k ot th«» now otto n o T'nlon. wit bin w&jfttn* Uiofor ® of th« bni!> r' n 4Uolfi of Mftfttt'.ft l>»n ' y i w*nt o homooHo or at KlrV land' f '#mo oror ond lot ua ahow yo*t Ktrkiond T«k« o Hndtoon "or ond rouoty f«rrv or Andoriwi l>oot ill trip* dolly* t> Hurk* ft rorr»r*a offiro In Klrk!«nd "r • all n' I'Hfrrr 111 IM'-HoMtl) !<«'%( 11. t lITKMIS 10 ft ro 1 iO' * f •" )• " 1 . all OO* r. 1 s mitt.* plrtw*»<i fruit tr«»oa l'»rri»»; h t on* bungolow. rhirk«*r> houao rabhlt h »uoo. .»4 shod oil fonr-od. clooo t<> r 1 town otorti and hit*j <»nl* I!."' -ath It A VnIAN, IIU Arn»rifon lionk Illdr HlliM *.« »lf«» «>l t»4lO!) I4N |l *.*1 f. • in.i rn.ft IX.:» IU 4'rlftntai II Ik V\i»ii«N iol-AN O 1# AlftftA Highly 'i-oo to wator: n!i at • krd with horooa. poul try. »t« prlco I*. :&o ADA Wr 941111* A ADAMS _ 4?X <* man Hldg I 11 %< it*.* %i.i PU>W4.i». iti \< k I"orr, |XC ♦ on m* t», «saoy torrr.o <>w NKI» _: : A MKHK'AN it ANK HI.DO MAKt: VOI R (iIKIIKN IIICRK Two largo trocta of rich, —' Whlto rlvor valloy lor.d for |- i —J |JSO. $10 roah |b4 14 por !—; m<>nth. All rioorod f#nr«»d ond I rowdy for aprlng gordon Clooo | -i to Hoot tlo-Toco mo Intorurbon •lotion [— 111 HKft ft Y (KRAI, 100. 101 Chorry It. A At Itr.H roil 9H5 A Mar Jane!, lairira.) f f nr.! : irnad ov»r. aaalty Improved f'.'fc «-a*h. ff> mnnthlr PUOBT FARM* <t» «O* ird AV ! Ii I ! r. 1 \KM I<* It *1 • . TKKM.4 »JS CASH 110 A MONTH Cloaa to« Washington; larga lo\al tract of acrcac**. improved with n<»»- S atory houa«* kHull, chicken houa*. 1 pai • * Fronting on go»d road. In u ii. ■■»c dlatanm of l.aka Waal lngt<>n and tn«» boat landing Thaaa frinl tan vary aagy. and now la ll© tlma * » bur your homt Inquire for V. Hlr» nut office on Anderson's dock. a' Ma i'* n park. 10 \(' H K I I AK44 AIN Half AM" I! »*OTT« »M balance good I r-nrh lund. all nearly level. nice craak. «|.«a to ac all town; 24 cants to 8a- ICfcO; half caah K«!liiijf country propaity our gpaclalty. r»i:kbt m m thy —O— 1010 Alaakiw Building. 110 -f I \|» 111 HO \t HI H HOI Ml lit u, . inllaa from tnwn and railroad. 4'» a< rt a In millvatlon. 2 horaaa. wagon, I iggy and fnrm Implamauta. hmiaehold g Frloa J«oo &-r- mi l»ungal<>u. H« n Air Stutlon, Alkl 1 int. or lagard ground: r»nt. «Ala or t»«d« I'rlea $SRO King *' »iarty Trad m 14 Hallar Itldg I 1M.4,1 |l O. I 1. VNO 100 A• - f l.and for 11.200. Th ■ «• a < 1.-dca lnvaatm*>nt I*o n r»i of i I l<»gg.»d ff land. ? inlloa from i i! -«a<l at itlon. uu| fronting on rlvor. • ollrnt trout atrratn A It SKWII.I l i; i ■ : r \ *NAt* I tilt I AMI 4'"> a r»*« |Mf( WMI "f In the 1 *%i arrtlou - f the Pu£et aound country. *h« ra prlcea am l><>und t«» ft<lv.tnrt i • <»*r itsveatc 1 on Heattle wat- r from will rnhan«a tha valua "f thla p- ; er» Tract la coo 4 deep anil, with running water, and adjolna well lm. t>m\«d ran ii PRIi'K $** P*H Ai'Htt Adfotnlnit land eold for mora than $100 t or acre CI .1 Fk ■ >Hl> •% VAN' ARPtiAI.R. Inc. Main t »fflco 101» Third \v lit • > *vi nHt lrtrt Mntn St. I I i»M. IN rill I I It« I %KM FIVH A'lti; r -1 level land, acres « crpd. i>« arli i. orchard. half acr« atiawlnn! - inr i < • >rn < 1 t 'I- * <■< ,d ITalO; ala i HO-fnot hcatod broodor, h* - . It F. 1». and tolnphona Price |. -»00. Hfllinf country fH-operty our tptclaUy. itonrri M.\i/n;v .J I » Huildlnc. ~ 1U \i HI .1 I <111 #H(M» All i ' <• .i, i from th»' I n( landing at lUnx r Good a<>ll and of t ill V !l N I'WCU* l-'» nPliINd PT ftAllti: IK \l I »l II KUII \. M.AK tit 4 ia* »t..| fqi 1 la f 1..i1l tVnt! >' at* call »«' tho I' iMHIIV !»bu <• ♦oi 111 <ii ro\ |10 *• < aahe<!. rich ' hot dn\ rd! v.cll al ipt -d f>r poultry, fruit and pArdcn truiW, V boata dally. 19c fair; ml < iinty 1 -ad, S tnlln from achool, haa It 1 li., phono and dellvary from atoraa. PNICB $100. $?» CASYf Cl.irroltn a. VAN MUiIiAI.K. Ino. 0 Main I »fflra 1019 Third Av. ftfa a a. Waahinitun ht , IHO Main St B9 .* • ACREAGE . CONTINUED t inn. i<» iin ifnis i m Why live In (h« rlly when jrou e«n hu^ • " • •• ' '' I ' *. i ■** lfit»: '•! II! 1 :-»!• • I . r j ■ • .«•fI ft '• Town fi'«ir«• vrfttl a }■>'* I 9M fi 111 r«fl. !(.>'#'!•<! off f 3' |0 ail"!, uJI Ir I cultivation |2 If arre*, highly Improved . .fS.ftOQ ♦0 »n«, worth $:• '. Mf » ~ -fJ ' Hfiifl.ll emah pivm«B( put* yon In your hinie Hl'» "Bf Ifirirt i.n »arth Up to ilut* rsmmii iiy, Alih k'" "1 roada, *•»!#» i phonee an<l Seattle nel^hbora IM.AXI) IN \ » :.M I. NT COM PANT 1 I'* n*l»V \7 •.nil h\Al' UAflTOr I.AM. YVAHIf IN'ITON 40 A'Mt! rntt I .0 THIH f■: i»NI II 7f. J lilt A'HB On • ounty r«>nd: llmi well, ?"• erree of «C" »d •' 'I «Hli 10 IffM i-.lder f "ffofn flee thl* A It NKWF!I,I, I'l rfftivrr 111 Alll/l vll II .. »«IK i.A 7# Com* In and talk tu ua «*!»• • ' ;r «ld*r land with living wttat |3& Of up. Ac c rdln* to location. Owntri 7> 4 m #mt< ..«* 10 41 It f * t.OOI) I.A Nl» «» I / 111 Rll ml '• ' • Mound; a«*h#»ol. '"i '■'muty i nd; a' I*vi*' ri. It - f• ' A nr •» Ittl 88 CITY R&AL rSTATE :»i « r ii o a. JT li HANI! WIWI.It Nil Ml' I'l l.f i n Can he aa*r> -t II W Traet'a ; !*'•- . t Jl«!cht« Tak" l»u..ard I'.rach car **ee W. J. Fltip vtr\< k, Waih Apt® . f->attl§. I - * >i» IIONKV 11.1. \«H 'I %i. I I mi» an offer hi thla f-room modern hufital'iw. complatalr farol*h*4; all I etre't Improvaotent* in and paid; mu«t ?•» thla week I'hona owner, Kanwo'Xl ( __ ?4 M.H n l:.»'»M IHltnK; lIAh"|;MK\T; i«ftn; f nweraj variety frui? rhlik'-n tiouae. yard*, atr ; 2 lar*e )• ta, 10<t*J'3; cloee t•; 'ir; 'hohe loratlon. Jl.fif.O; e? ay tr mm f»li M 111 ual Life Rid* H:MiJ» t.\h¥ ri:KMw4.ju>(lM "K»ll fii'Mlarn <»tta*« In H I" Ke«ttie. 2 !.,<>« k* from achooJ arid rar; lot r.'j«lo2 to *allay; dlarount f>r raah. KUlott 1.20 A H HTL.ANO, IH Am«rl<an Panic Hid* ArnntN *--*o«— Inv##tir#f# Auburn If fiu tr« tinar quafntel I»on't rtmbl* yoar Mm lugs <>n pcepectlva tovna in lb« wlderno#* Auburn 18 NOW. Ur** 1#\«1 lot# rlfht tn I'ltn, 1250 We believe Auburn *: J b»<«m« & minu factoring center. It I# bound to OLE HAN HOX A CO. • ■ Third Floor N r ftlk Ill.M 111 i J. I \jv 4. • I * \ IEH LOT •{ : • • I Overlooking Lake Washington ' • I• j and ih» new bAulvvvd, for j• n • only 117' fie >«vn and J?» • i# I V* e rn«.mh Within ?o nlttntN' ! • • ] ear rid* of I'lonaar «|tiara, I• j I '*1 with city wat#r. urn. lUUwtSkl * .• 1 an ! e:# »r:< ll*M« Bit tMUT • •I gain in Iht cjr> You ahould I• j • a#e this at on * • • • fit RliE A lAit It Ml, Inc. • 104 Cherry St. • ui * a mi .*»i m.i.j viiiitmiT; ji- 's«*rn t room I urjulo*. ( ,n n iirg" ; ! unnhatructlHi vU* of F*attle har bor arul ntour'alna; pfped far furnace, eleMrlf light ft«tur«*e. <ablne* kitchen. U/|« Mt h t room#, cement abasement, laundry Pr!r« |2.7t>0. caah •?«•. IW>na owner. fte.iaxd 1202, or caii #r lTth N W ' C IlLArtlT IOTH IN CITY Flvt lota In Pottary W rka Addition 1600. | 2o lota block 11. Chautauqua Jleach. MORRISON A I>HKI.MAN ItOt Alaaha Pldy ; SalhK roi LTkL \ LOLT All LES AND FRITT ON TfUS LIT TL* FARM t«> Lake WaiMr.Rlon <1 firry d"ok Jarae. level tract of alder !and;j wirtlf Improved; n«w hou»« chl< ken l.'>ui «» ard irarden. all f»r I*oo. <»ti *«**>• I pa>m#nta. only 160 raah 110 p»-r, month Clae# to achool an>l atore An hom« fur an old c»uplo or n man vho worha In Seattie "... J. Hrena#- drug aiore Kirk>an»l Waablnaton. j LAKt it A II IN . I<»\ JOlVil f \HI KINK VIEW NEAR TMK LAKE I A fine !#v#l tract <>f arreaa> . Itnpro-ed. or. th# rountjr road. ]"«>* than half! mil# from th« f*rry dock at Klrklanil; a»w | • • m < tta##. »-<rUen. wall, ••t'- Price 11.150; tern » caah #nd 910 per month A h »rn«« farm for the man v. ho w<>rka In foattin and want# to ltv# vhert h# can rataa ptullff, fruit# j a!id vejetat lea for th# ua# and •eii aurplua to hl» fellow workman. 1% v-it# 45 mlnutaa from S«*ror.d and Madlaon. fare <S cent# !>y tlck#t ( ail and let u# show you thla place Hurka A j'arrar 104 Ch#rry AI LI RN -—a-— Auburn. II you are unac quainter Hal!rr\d atartlnpc and ra md hour# nest weak Oar lota aro I r'.'ht In t >wt» Mart your boy earing money by buylnjr a lot or two In a live town with a future Plica S2SO 00. terma eaay. OLE HANSON Jt CO. i Third rioor N- Y Plk toxiio ior CHRRRY ST NEAR I4TH i-.000 SITI*ATEI> r-n Cherry, between f?rd an^ :4tb. «iv.«r]oc>ka playirround. pavlnir and all aaaesamonta paid. (1IOO) WLUT A UHLF.I.ER folmin Block HOME VEKV"it! VSO.XAHI.E 4-room fm :v4> : 1 oMi**e, I'hlnney av.. I*' *102-ft ; In fine shape, water, grade. walk* and ll«ht In Price $1,100 OiW'AR JENSEN A CO. 513 N' rihn , llank B'dg . 4th an<l I'lke. ii 91ft I* KM MONTH Beautiful new bungalow, very modern, 4 large roi'ma, bath, pantry. close's, fireplace porches. cllnkar brick finish; ! stand view when timber la cut. Big lot. F*»y walking distance to car. Take Fauntlsroy car to Juneau S. See B- A T"urg OUU «\\sfl i'VVMh.M DOWN Will bundle tit!* dandy 4-r >m on a c rncr lot. a full baeemcnt. bath, electric fixtures: ratine; pantry; 2 btd • norn*; *trcet« graded a payment as low a* 9100. with ea»r monthly Install ments. will hsn.lle this \ lace CADWELI. r.K AI. EST ATR CO. 4J4_ Walker Pldg lihACON HILL PIiATTI N< I PROPOSITION TO acras .>n »o,it h l.e.i >-»n city pi pa lltie fir •» vl»w ov»r und and city. $560 per acre. Thla Is a fine bnrgntn. A n NKWET.T*. i:n prnivo ST a-KOOM lil \GAI-OW TRACI 7«l*109 PIIICE $SOO Tarma *2ft 00 < iah. ) .»lanca $10.00 per month. In \Yeat Seattle; city water A ana p. •1011 \ 11. WIIITF CO. 4PT Oriental )'•' > A SNAr—MOUKIt.N llOr'f; IHfIT beailng orchard, lartf-* ynr«l, close to two cur lines; nil improViQttntl In. Will Mil nt a McrlftM for ewh of on l«rms <! W. Webster. 6f*33 Walllngford av '-i ' OWN IK | IVIMi <>l I t>l illll N ; Ml I sell home In llallard nt once; 7-room h< use; let ooxluo. good locution. $2.&oo for parilculata too J II McQraw. 435 ri.'near \n \\ I'M. loo* 100. » i iO H2 vanna jiark. very . heap Very sensible Invest rr it—lo nice level lots, on thr-e streets, right tvrass from Oood ibiphird homa. Kayat on • i l ' " 1' mis- i. cli iicc . .Trice 1 H iIIS lu (iico p :\AI I • c«: N V HI.K i.i \ < KM id (Oi l* i \N • ' f ci, with iu ! evening service. actes; ona mllo from n.ilt water bench; good deep, level land and easy to Improve; cloaa to school. ! , iti« , r: $500; $:,o CASH CLII'POHO \ VAN AHHOAI.I3. Inc. Office Mill ihlld Av ltrai- >a ' h Wn 'hliu on m I'in Mntn St M \lt t "Mi l \K I » 5 A. Hi :s y ». }• f, CASH Thtn tr-.ct ia Id. a 1 r • : rics . : potiltry. and Is easy to Improve, with delivery from storos, and g:ood neighbors; handy to Seattle or Tucoma tnnrkula. CIJI i oUl» A VAN A!;."il»Al.R. I no. Main office 1019 Thlnl Av I branches S8 Washln|Mu . . 100 Main St M EXCHANGE *OH KXt HANfIV. J ' m At f " ' ' -/'• rii iio »«, and lot J' 1»» the iir»«rn Uk* diet riot, ' '• 11 ioi an< e I'rlc* |4 fOO. iam for cootf <*h<t4» land '• with « wall, pra f* " • H [11-wfc A M< f. , M Kfc I lI.M T "f *hi' n"> j.' •» j. j2 f. fruit treeei '■ im outbulldlr.**, all *" ■ u *.» • l»ir hft-iM and l'#i. dtf, . ''Alt f-Tl, M I.TV rr, 41 / Amd* »* h*r»*« -v*r>thJr»* tv«rynri«(i al any tlm#. if th* prh» i, r )*ht ' l '"IfA,* 'IB CO r i r 1 i: .if «»» «I• vT '• ' '■!! h' •• Up t« I '' '■ r. 17 Marl'.n Hid* " I* I IH \ f>l II'»i r MK AND i<' - !»#•#, i,i. m a' r*agm fnr K"rd i»uio« " II • i'hono *v«mlr>ir* f Jrr»nt t7t 00- PAR MS AND FARM LAND® hi hi is a (t»ioi> »»rv ■'"I'TI A I n»«r iier.'; nirl (»o4 •"11, 20 Mrn In tf- .d piuttur*; rile# rr»«k ♦*- • ih to Irrlgmf whol« pi«'-o. tntiit |«« «'.J4 m onc«. P»ic« r«- d'i<*«d l".780; it-rma. 'if t'.unfry prop rty our nOHKgf MALTBT —o — A luck* Hulldln* 4 f| Mlt f - I \UM 111 no MX ' m a I.'/-it i I. ir ®' r'<!•» frotn Ko«ttltj b««( f noli. 1C «r-r«i« il»nrod, 10 avrM mor« '• g >4 hoiiM; n«tr l>«rt». : poultry bwiMf;* t'-nrlnr a-; a;: for $4,000; t»rmi J H,Janc« f» »ult. ninjf ' u/itry pr'-pTty our *p4»rlftlt^« bobkkt Walt fir • i 10|f) AlA»k» Hulldlnr M r - i i ft n i * NADA '* J (Jrl#r», ('«i.iuS!an lrnr:jlgrj*,tl©t> «r«m| •' !; k«fi «V ' hfth., will h* *t Th» . J]*r J. 't«l I-'ridity and Saturday, thl* w*«k. t » m»ot pfcril«» lnt#r«at«d la V, I* , I : ' I 1 ■ »!• > '111 It*; ■ x ',n <,unty road. hl(f h' ■' outi .lldln** wa*on toola; or® cl rd ar. . 1 I.l* currant and h#rry '..Mly IS.LOO. t#rtn* Phona owner »vn* lnr». 'Irant 271 »IT > l HMIN IWITHI? r, im* Ijiki . M*h rradu •■■II; work for OOT ■#-ttl#n». • Io«'» to »<-hAolfl; «p'»r.di4 l '*h»i!<; raai r.nhla prh«wi; th»- twr - T» *>•«! arc » >m« of th* atrong f'Bturrn 1 km »ff«rln* you If r I'trrX! H. 0»n«r f.OOO Arra* 110 I'olumbla Ht Siititu ii akin, Montana. 'ii~kkk| ui »■,'-■£ 1 fnrm op; oilun'.'.iM llHi*- tracrd literature l anner lni«rttmant Co 217 Itoaton H k ___ »M\K HO Mr. I IVB i AIHTAVIH FO|| ••l« In upp»r * k a*l t valley, firtt rlaa* •-11 Prl • f:*. to 140 r»*r arre H. J. Conrrtt#, Waiti Ml A»£ ► l HllAlirii 1(> MM ATK sr V r . *rel r' 1 I miti'idi Ir. i )r»r"n. 2tt rvntral H:d* Phone Main 2277 91 HOMESTEADS I HKK IIIIMI -I r MIS—. wTatkSC IVimlkl land#. I t i |40 r-»adj f r plowing yleide ?£ to 00 btufcela flrteet Inlar d cllrnat•. low v ex care < one Writ# for 1 literature Immigration Bureau C. M. A St r Ry Hrafjrl#- Wul 94 LEASE Oh FOR RENT. CALX. AT ovrr.; WILL BKX'T « A''RK<| ■rt I y Irni» * ved. with - *-vr ho »«- fr>f Imp? vine aame, or will a«H cheap » 3 r.»f tf. ,j.t m• it f ••n+' "0!" Met ro* pole Illdg . corntr Second and Yealer. WATERFRONT ' I U'A ' i.TON 1 111 f*KAI Of TIIL NEXT 810 MOVr.MKNT ISLAND THE CREAM OF TUB LAKE DISTRICT E!rM choice lota In Eut Heattl* with 100 f«-t wattr front: parked wl'b thiul* tree#; tea-h In front Thl# is a #hel ter*d Utile bay On# of th# beaut? •p"t# of tMe 's'and PRICE 11.000; % CASH A daisy little wr-.ter front tract on aide of the I aland and clo#e to foofl dock Wllh b'-ard walk €« foot atre«t !n r. \r #!t# 70x200 fr*t with beach; lev#! go .1 acrf!. tree# and freah v ;*ter eprlng PRICE $7*o; »100 CAHH —<*— A bui'dlny alt#, to Her#na r,.M. rk. :10 Tr»: d#«p. mlth fln« t«ach; water piped to lot; icradod atio#t. Th!a la at — $2.00t. TEKMS | CI.IIfORII A \A\ ARBDALE. ha Main Office lOlt Third Av Hrtnrhe# <t W«>»h«nrton .«» !«0 Main I IKE FRONT ; Nl<-« llttl# p'.i. • of 14 «rrM. o« a fin# frrrh waf»r Ink#, 12 mllca from SeattUi no ./l location. nire water ffnt roads; runr.lnf water; fine flahinff. 11.25 c on M nthly Payment*. A. H NEWEI T, i;o SPRfNfI ST. * WAI KH * 1"» MV, 1 . i»il :. i\ » 'T, 4•r• » f *n hi .«•; fine place for boat | Urnlinc 91,400 COAST RRAI.TT CO. ' J St* Plr*t IV _ |*| 99—WANTED—REAL EBTATB • i"i it >>mi nirKin® farm* with me HOOI) DEVAN'D A H HORTO-;, 41* Mutia! Rldg.' '-.I \ W \ I , ■: M...M j? large or •mall tracts, freah or aalf eater • A B NKWEI,L mjPIUN-O PT P>"l AI PFPT. " VOS * Copland t*ourt. l»t» Minor $ MmSTBRu Vain 4!14 ICS HO! SC • ■ P NISNED J AMI .".-lt'MlM MItDKIIN lIOISK.S. WondlMd park. J14.00 OwnW* !>«>• «*l«r. R R AS*. «09J Ft*.' m«M tr • •V IK MINI II (TTi! _ IV i,oot> COVDITIdIC 111 p«r Ttionth. i:*.: TlllllXlHiiiM M.<[>rt(V rOTTAOK !ak* vie* Beacon 290*. hmt, snap '-room, full rement tatfM* • rrjent. nrw. modern: 23rd -nil Madlsoa. Call HM 21rd av j 1? a rri n»• ♦<• • ''''* -■ '*• <* f* 110 ROOMS—HOUSEKEEPING " rt « Ms.i i,» if «ii *KK 1.1:1' l sti ROOMS. ntwir renovated. cheap heat, light and prns Included Phone Queen Anna !««*. Ft HNWHKIi AND I'NU HMSHED i housekeeping roorna at very low prlcea. alto single and doubla sleeping room a. ?010 W >wt * rn av Cheap. well furnished transient I housekeeping rooms. steam he* ted. at •!§ Nswrtl | 112—STORES FOR RENT ArAnTvrvrs, storks, lofts, WAREHOUSES. BASEMENTS. ETC. Wa spe~tallce In rioae-ln proper!lea HENRY BRODRRICK. I3fC. Hove Rulldln* Main JO*T. LEGAL DEPT. ; fl rt LAW Y E RT" **"• , ~ Ai'Mii: i KKI; Joseph Allen. 406 40$ Kllsra Muale Rld». All m:' -»-ts «"onsultatlon frea. | « . w : s;>. UAii rv itr i 7 Consultation free; husband, wife, prop *rtv rlirhts. collections. bankr«mtcv 111 BSKI.I K. I ARKKI.I., <111 N \ . UVA. (.ieneral practlc e»tat*a. law*, husband and wlf»: cflnsuitit' -n freo KMi.->t< Mii.i.UiA.N «v ivi " t •. vi i Til > -rebate practice specialty. SOMSIKII. 10.1 :M» > (ONSHTATIOV free. ; Tl7 PATENT ATTORNEYS " ii. i in . Mti n- •; i i \t<* i> i i j. . ■ te? , ; \ H!r.-*k* ink Main 17ftt. Idens I i I.OIIIV I' \ I KM' ATTORNEY, OM^ ganlzai developer; patent* that tell. *'• > N Y. Chicago experience. 731 ('cnt nl HMg •nt Att'neys 500 Central Bnlldlntr 11 II V>K 1 vS, I \IINI % I'I'OKNKI^ tit New York Bid* Main »if 7. mason". I I NViU iv. I.AWKKNrir. ia Hi"-' • "• ? 128 LEQAL NOTICES NOTICE TO fUDDKM $560,000 PORT OF SKATTLaE, WASinNOTON GOLD 4H* BONDS * The underrlgned •will receive sealed blda until 2 V M APRIL 17. ltlS. at tta office 543 Central Building. Seattle, \V hlngton. for the purohaae of $550.- of c . binds of the port of •.ittie District. p> « «h!s to be used fna harbor davelopment, vie.t Hniith s » "ve Improvement $200,000 £ust Waterway Improvement ... 350.000' Total $560,000 Full partlculara furnished on application. THE PORT COMMISSION OF THE POUT OP SEATTLE By H. M OIIITTENDRV. President. | C. K. RI3MSBIJRG, Secretary. 6 1