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IF t?iclay B'a r c» a i 11 1; Speci a l s K ) _ 1 _ i WA-xitl " -i" *w «i- I ll—r'tf) BARGAIN DAY AT THE BON MARCHE'S APRIL SALE OF HOUSEWARES MEANS MONEY SAVED TO YOU IF YOU'LL ONLY ATTEND m «« 15*. * with 14- ! , . . , |IV. cuttlMir blftdri, I *W- W«ll (lolWa Urjer, with 1 ton* « \%'rlM«rr«. N-W I arm* an<l will fold up compactly. I'ricrJ ..... jfcßs.£» j iL ! k .»>.'' *■'»:) • U /iW? 1 "*V USSrft'yi "" ":"'V pr'Ml for'rrl'l.r | rt J. 'I'..', *p" .1 "rT ! *t *»«•• V | Y x 4 ■ r ' «■»'<«" it. n g— A V\ M r.arkr. I. P»»*. I'iirit whHf «fi • rrsrr*l«« '\j*h °f hM " «i-i..|« : -r I'» 1 l-.rl.rnr y i, ~. " ITI I j . . t . I \\ t 1 ■ 1 111 . 11l 11 • » ' J«p»nn»J tin. | with tllf »l>< cov»r ~r K m «r « v lUB'IM l«p Wi.ilni , prion! ■( •*■-. ami wtr« hall r.. -it Mr. »I*> ITr. M—k«, T«-. I —— Very Low Prices, Indeed, on 4,009 Remnants of Embroidery—!o Gel Rid oi Them AH in a Day The residue of the many itirring Embroidery Sales we have been eni iyinjj lately—shi>rt piecen—lots of them, for they accumulate in *pitc of everything. l.cni;th« from yard up to 4 yard*, in S\vi««c« atvl N'ainvwtk fmhr«»iderv. hamU ind e»l:;c* —corset covers and flouncing*. galloons and a Hovers in many different width* and patterns—pretty floral ami eyelet effects, dainty shadow designs ami many other pretty thing-. For your convenience we have divided them into four l>;g heaps and priced them this way— Embroidery Rem- Embroidery i!em- Embroidery Rem- Embroidery Rem nants, north to 4Sc nants. worth to 25c nanls, worth to 19c nants, worth to !0c yard, and in widths >ard. and in widths >ard. and in widths yard, anil In widths to 18 ins., on sale at to 22 Ins.. on sale at to IS ins., on sale at to 9 ins., on sale at yd 25c yd 15c yd 10c yd 5c LENGTHS FROM 1»« LENGTHS FROM % LENGTHS FROM ITO LENGTHS FROM 2TO TO 3'/, YARDS. TO 3 YARDS. 4 YARDS <• YARDS. DON T A/I's S THE DOG SHOW ADMISSION fl\l V 10 CENTS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 O'CLOCK. EXHIBITION HALL, HUH FLOOR — UNION STREET STORE — IN THE CAFE FROM 12 to 2 P.M. LES BOHEMIENNES LADIES' ORCHESTRA will render a delightful program of popular and classical music come and enjoy a dainty and Inexpensive luti'hf while listening to thcs« tlever rnu4- cl&ns. —Slwth Floor. 7c CALICOES. PRICED, YARD, 4 l-2c 6,000 yards Simpson's Calicoes; 2S wide and in lengths from 3 to 10 yards, and they corn® In medium and dark shades In neat patterns. 25c WASH GOODS, YARD, 12 l-2c 1,800 yards Wash Ooods In mill ends, Kepps, Jacqnarda, Pongees, silk and cotton mixed goods; 27 Inches In -width. Come In lengths to 5 yards. Friday, a yard 12>£c. BUY YOUR TABLE SUPPLIES AT SEATTLE'S BEST GROCERY AND BE SURE OE GETTING FRESH FOODS ANO FILL WEIGHT MT. VERNON MILK, CAN 7c I>ari;<! size ran* of Mount Vernon Milk, lint standard, well known brand of rondenned milk; guaranteed absolutely pure. Large n\r.n ran*, Krlday, a can, 7c. Klpp *r+A *inlrtioi». *x?ra fan'-*/ Columbia Hiv«-r FUr.. prlrad f»>r Krldajr, 1 C p a pound .• • ♦ Iwv rinnril a#il»»io»». No. 1 full -hi ' *xtra quality pink flah Op Friday, a can Ol# (nnn"l Oyatera. S< ? f • wc;i fill#*'! with Kaaf»rn ' Oyatars Friday, 17 r a can Ill# I %\rv nor; roM.tft* 4Mi l»o»i Ullfl**—roiHTll rf.ooii UJIION Juir KU KKI IIXD HVKKI'R I'lKlti •THna>. * l.s\ tfc* v' ,vft^• $r F JSI rt - - i; \ //•/ f \ h \ v«- *,% v. yi> W -A-ma ff ft lj V <•: \W J W* v Friday Bargains ir. Pretty Neckwear DAINTY 25c NECKWEAR 15c Dainty new Spring Neckwear. lnrlmllnn cheml*ette» In shadow ni't. plain Jabot* In plaited effect* and trimmed with Irtnh crochet, Imtrh collar* Id embroidered and plain effect». embroidered atlff Robespierre collar*. tailored *tockr, and embroldnred *tlff lln« n Collar*. Regular 2Sc quality, pried for Friday at ISc each $1.98 CHIFFON VEILS FOR $1.25 Waahabl* ('hlffon Veils; full twn yard* In length and '»• yard wide. Finished with wide bemstlt<hed border. Ctmw In Alice, lied. Navy. Hky. White. Champagne. I'lnk and Hlack. Friday's price, each 11.2 J. Don't overlook th« sc. $1.50 to $1.75 DRAPES at $1.00 Dainty Lam and Shetland Drapes; 14 yard* long; fin ished with plain and acalloped edges with acroll Designs. Colors ar» white, navy, brown, purple and black. Your choice of any II ">0 to $1.75 lace or Shetland drapo for 11.00. 5c NECK LENGTHS OF RUCHING 2c Ncck length* of Kuchlng Come In chiffon, aatln fold*, plaiting and the cord*, and aw to b© had In all color*. W« have priced these regular 6c ruchlnga at 2c for Friday * selling. 20c FANCY CREPES, YARD, 12 l-2c 2,000 yard* Windsor Fancy ('rc|M>» In lengths tip to 7 yard*; 26 and SO inches In width; the IdtMl materia! for making kimonos, summer undergar ments or waists for summer wear. 25c FANCY CREPES, A YARD, 15c 3.000 yards fine Crepai; 30 lnrh«'s In width, and come In either the plain or figured styles, and In all the most wanted shades; lengths to 7 yards. For underwear, kimonos and waists. ROASTED COFFEE, LB. 22c Krenhly roa*te<l Coffee, our regular V)c grade, e»|><-< lally priced a' i!2c n pound for Friday' . *ejl|np'. Correctly blended, and make* n dell- Clou* cup of coffee. fHarlmpn* No. I rnrm, th» r»»Kula t 1 ' dza. I'j r I» r I'l for Krlflri V. r. rrn III# llnriflr«« ( oilflih, Wtilf* Alfi»'<a Boiiilmi Codflth; No. 2 bricks, i No 1 »>r k* 1 Hi I UO *filuiOa, Jin"' fjn ''y frMl \y tn»"k td < !olumbli Rh «r flab. !•'r i'lft ft 0 o'^ p" m't .. .. c c u < rrrtnnn \\ brni fink**, th" »'-r uliir lOr *!/»• parku •«. for ft Friday, n j.U aiirlmp r , In from »»r-« t Iturntirla Nhrlmpa atil |»ur.-at O a pound £ C « Hallfna** llrand I'm*. • m". ri kitl .t r 1 1 . k ; ,mli 4 i rl-'a a 'an iU o THE SEATTLE STAR Burglar Who Likes to Rob the Rich Gets into the Wrong Flat "I'npii, |>it|m! What'* tliMt.. lightf" A nudge lii thn rlba from lila wife awakened A. Kosa, 324 Howard at.. 111 tbu < arly huflra of llila iii m iiliik I'oaa raised up In b>d and mm a limn with n flashlight slipping thrniiKh tii" d■ > i of the bedroom Into tliaa kitchen. Ito turned ou the ulectflo Unlit. The bureau drawer bad bum pull I'd opi'ti. ' Turn off tbnt light or I will Kill you." called n voice from th« kitchen. FVma, having read n lot it bout burglars, turne It off. EXPECT EARLY RELEASE OF SUFFRAGETTE CHIEF LONDON. April 10. Expecting that the hunger strike conducted by Mr*. Pankhurtt, the noted militant suffragetts leader sentenced to three yeara imprisonment recently, would reault in her releaee, H.COO persons gathered about Molloway prlaon today hoping to aee her leave. The police, however, dlaperaed them. BETTER BUY A VAULT MM J.HHOltOt'till. Cat, April 10 One hundred thousand dollars worth of Jewels are ••trod from burglars by tb« bravery of Mtna Vera Da Habla. a leader In the younger society act here. 8b« call«vl the watchman and lie fired on the Intruders as they wire attempting to secure the Hems In a room adjoining her own In the l>e Babla mansion hero. HOLD GIRL AS SLAYER AN<iKI,KH, April 10. Jim. Kstell# Moor* U h«-l<l '"day *I"limit hall rharit«*d Jointly with Ja.mes Murphy with the murder of Mm Irene Mattla Smith. Her brother, Morrla Itohanon. with » horn Mr». rtmlth waa playltitc card* when ab« waa abut, la held under liuo bonda aa a uiaterlal witness. TOO MUCH SUNSHINE? LOS ANGELES. A aril 10.—Bright sunlight reflected from a plata glass window blinded George Wayland, auto truck drlvar, who turned into an open garage door Inatead of an allay. His company muat aettla for three e'ectrlc machines that were In the way. VANCOUVER AWAKE TOO VANCOt'VEIt. B C, April 10 Thla city plana to bold an ui posit lon In 191 & which will eeltpaA anything ever h<ld in Canada, and la ex pected to attract trail' *laltors to the I'ai.ama Pacific riporillrg and Han rranclnct) The rlty. province and donlulon are ospecttd to make large appropriations for tbe carrying out of the scheme. LISTER GOES TO PRISON VANCOL'VKK. Wash, April K> After visiting the atat« schools for tbe deaf and blind In thla city. Governor l.leter. It T. Janes, chair mar and \ K <aie > In, of |L<> state board of control ;ar> J f<.r alia Walla, where the ko> i-rnor will meet with tbe state board of pardons In In the penitentiary today. FA VOR SIMPLE DRESS School glrla ahould observe S'mpHclty In drtss, la the recom mendation to Superintendent Cooper by the Federation of Women'a Club*, to whom tha question waa referred. Tha club, however, doea not favor uniform drees. By a narrow margin, tha club also voted agalnet Increaalng tha number of school hours. WOMEN TO STRIKE BACK NEW YORK, April 10,—One hundred and fifteen thousand New York suffragettes ara planning a boycott of Ffth a». shops If the anti-parade ordinance passes the city council. The Fifth av. associa tion la behind the ordinance. 'CALLED'ON WAY TO WORK CHICAGO, April 10. After having put aside hla fortune to become a missionary. Urn W liorden, a l&-ye»r-old Chi. ago multi-millionaire, !« dead in Cairo. Kgypt, according to a telegram received by hla re!a live*, ito «a> on hla way to China when tho fatal illness overtook him HURT ON SM/T// SCRAPER John Tipalkoff. 36. at the City hoapitnl tcdr.* U lh«> vlr(!m of firat ■rrl'iun accident In connection «lth the building of the 4-story Smith aky scraper lie •»«» hit by u de*<-«ndinK elevator Wednesday and sua , tallied a fractured skull. TlpslloTf *n ; i waiting f"r x <*w;e. *ben he leaned over. and »aa (truck by the elevator. NAVY IS AFTER STUDENTS HRE.MKRTON, Wa»h.. April 10 Jliojr students. over I*. at i>il ■tat" colleti a and technical iclwoli rati > end their aumma* vacations In l'n<!« Ham* crnrli ;• t• !«•?• hli>n and crulaera without enllaUn;: In th«< navy, under an armngeinent im« being made by the navy ilepar'mer.!. The plan I* to Increase the number of per? ona »ho have had training In naval service The roat, *hich will have to be met by :he studenta until other aFranitonwnta ran bo made, la 122 for uniform and outfit, and 4<> rcnli per day for Imard. Training be given In Hie engi neer*. eleetrlral and navigation departments, a* well a* gunnery. STINGING THE "DRIVERS" CHK'AQO. April 10. — FV>r violating the law prohibiting the vorking of employe.* more than 1»> consecutive Lour the Chicago k Kastern Illinois railroad I* fined 110.000 today by rnltq) States Judge Carpenter. The company confessed to 100 offenaes of brc&king tlila law. by driving their men to work overtime. It'a pleaiant on the upper deck Where ocean breezes blow To laiy In a steamer chair And watch the wavca that flow; it'a pleaiant on the upper dcck, But mighty hot below. There'a fun upon the upper deck There'a mirtti and laughter free, There'a music on the upper deck Aa gay aa it can be, But It a the boilers down below That drlvca her through the sea. it'a fine upon the upper deck Whilo downward, near the keel, The blaze will make you nearly blind, The heat will make you reel, But we're the boys who make the steam That drlvea the Bhaft of ateel. The people on the upper deck, They only pays their way; We stokers In the boiler room, We envies such as they, But we—we drives the bloomln' ahlp, Willie thry -thry only playl "How much money hsv»> jim ** dstnsod*# tli# wkn "Vim aro In lhi» wrong li«iu«"," mild Kim*. "Wit havo no iiiim «•>, «xo»pt it dollar In iny pnn<» pocket. You mn mk» that If II will do you miy Hood " I (hoiiKlit rich i»>o|il» lived In till* flat," went on th« bur glar, (juoreloiisljf "No. wo are not rich." ' I don't wsnt your dollar," said iliii burglar "I only rob rich people. (iood nl<lit Tliuro on* » scraping no1s« an till! roh*t he-rich burglar clambered out of Hi" bathroom window. FREDERICK & NELSON The Special Seliing of Women's New Spring Suits at $23.75 AM IMPORTANT opportunity for the Woman who can wear size 36 or 38, for moat of the Suits in the purchase are of these sizes. Finely-tailored Suits in a variety of dc mi-trimmed models, nia<|e up in excelled shepherd's dink suiting*, gray Hedford cords, two-tone diagonals and plain k"rges »n# worsted*. Thanks to a favorable purchase, ihrve Suil* are <jttotc<] at $2175. Their sctuaj values range considerably higher. . rnai n The Summer Style Book Now Ready, Price 5c IGHTY-ONE pages, illustrating and describing Ladies' Home Journal P^. tern*. Brimful of interesting information regarding authentic Spri* and Summer Fashions, for women, misses and children. Secure your coff at the Pattern Section, Fir»t Floor—only sc. Linen Clearance: Odd Lots and Remnants tint Floor REMNANTS of Bleached Tabic Dama'ks in u«eful lengths, at sharp redactioM quick disposal. Napkin* in half dozen lots, varioti desirable grades, priced for clearance. Pattern Table Cloths, soiled from dis play, priced for clearance. Odd lots of Huck Towels in hemmed and hemstitched styles, several hundred in all, to close, 15c each. Small Domestic Rugs Specially Priced Saxony Axminstef 2~x54, special 51.45. Ardahan Axminster Kutfs, 27x?4, special $2.50. Body Brussels Hugs, 2~x54, special S?-. 50. Bundhar Wilton Rugs, 2~x54, special ?:5.r»0. Women's Silk Petticoats, $3.95 SM \RT nrin soft Taffeta and Messaline Petticoats, in slender, close-fl^B style, finished with <!<ep plaited flounce or shirred edge. Plain street shades M# n \ city combination colorings. Price $3.05. Women's Silk Hosiery at $1.00 Pair WOMKN'S Hlack Silk Hosiery with 8-inch lisle top, lisle sole and low heel, and high heel splicing of reinforced silk, $1.00 pair. Women's Black Flare-top Silk Hosiery of Rood weight, with liMe top and sole, $1.00 pair. Direct-Action Gas Ranges j'|f§?>. | THE great popularity of Divect-Acticn Gas 1 Ranges in Seattle homes is a recogni- J .. . "J tion of the uniform success enioyed by users j| |L Bypqgpqgpjraji^^ of these ranges in baking and all other cook- r " 1 ing operations, as well as of the fact that ** J-T -»y|l these ranges do save the gas. ; Several models of Direct-Action C.ns Ranges iL. .' arc displayed in our Stove Scction, Third Floor. Jr 1 Supply Your Furniture Needs at a Saving while we are closing out odd patterns in various lines in order to make room for new purchases that are constantly arriving. There are many exceptional values in odd pieces for the Dining-room, Living-!!® and Bedroom. Check up your Furniture needs and see if you cannot find what J* want in this clcaranci. If you can, it will he at a saving worth the while. n Hose and Ree! , \ Combination |ji 1 Special $5.50 HI NATION' consists of Reel » v of finished hardwood with iron wheels. V 'AJfrll nozzle holder and attachment to prevent // n '<'l ff°m revolving after hose is reeled; with fifty feet of Cotfrin covered llosc, 1( - h, •*jps mi li. cntnplete #ith coupling* and tf-'/'.e. d U'J 'vl/ Special. Keel and llose complete, 55.50. —l!ouMfurni«hlnc* H#ctUm Fine grades of Linen Huck Towel* jg odd patterns, to clr>se, 50c each. Odd Cluny Lace Doilies pricfd for clear ance at 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c each. Remnants of White Linens, priced for clearance. Hard wick Wilton Rugs, 27x54, special $4.50. Velvet Rug*. 3Gx72, special >1.95. Wilton Velvet Rugs, 36xG3, spccialj 9.1.25. Axminster Rugs, 36x72, special and 92.85. _S*e*nd Door, >■— Women's Silk Hosiery in navy, cm, pnld, lavender, white, with lisle top, Sli® pair. —First Fleet. Wall Burlap Special 15c a Yard 11 ii; 11 invade W ail l ,ur " lap witli patented process sized back. admirably adapted tor dining-rooS and halls, or (or the sum mer home. Three colors —red. yellow and lig«- brown. Special, Lx ) ,lf t#> t I'l'Hir.. Ann**-