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Suppr*tilon of truth out of consideration Is the first stsp toward Ita auppreaalon for a consideration.—Edwin Bjorhman. For the Little Folks-a Bon Marche Sample Sale of Children's Coals A SALE OF INFANTS* SAMPLE DRESSES AT ONE-THIRD LESS AND LIKE THE SAMPLE COATS there i* only one of a tort—sample* for the coming season—bought at one-third If*»-hecause we were able to take all the man had- and Day him ca»h for them. ... INFANT'S $3.00 DRESS AND SKIRT SETS priced J2.00 *NFANT'S $4.00 DRESS AND SKIRT SETS priced *0,67 $5.00 DRESS AND SKIRT SETS tor Infanta going $3.33 $7.00 DRESS AND SKIRT SETS for Infanta going $4.67 TUESDAY ECONOMIES IN TBE DRAPERY STORE Of Vital Interest to Everyone Who Has a Home to Keep Famished 7Se WILTON CARPET SAMPLES AT Cholf* Httto Ru*». !" Inche. lon*, tn factory of Axmln.ter and reWet carpet., with JIJIP nicely frln«e<l end., ml Mc each WINDOW SHADES WORTH TO 50c Factory clean-up nale of heaty quality Win ab dow Shade*. 31 and 3« Inche. wide. 7 feet long. 'IL A mounted on pawnt aprln* roller.. roo«tly groen and blue. Me WiITE TABLE OIL CLOTI ISc A YARD 20c Table OH Cloth. 1H yard* wtdn. In mIU length*. at 15c a yard. Nle* quality, In whlta only, that will gIT» aatlafactlon at thla prtrc WOMEN'S $1 ELBOW LENGTH SILK GLOVES, SIZES 5Va TO 8 79c pr.— Women'* full 16-button or elbow length Silk Gloves with double tipped fingers and Paris point hacks. Sec onds of $1.00 value, but the imperfections are very alight. They are white only, in sizes to 8. for Tues day's selling at 79c a pair. Lower Main Floor. JUST FOR TUESDAY Thttc Unusually Good Domsatle Bargains. 7 l-2c APRON GINGHAMS U 27 INCUS WIRE, A YARR ™ 2.000 yarda of Apron Olnchama. 27 Inch"* vMt, In full bolt*: T%e »alu*. In rad and whlta and brown and whlta rhacka. priced at 4c a yard. 15c y RESS PERCALES 19c YARR Draaa Parcalaa In mill anda, lanftha to 12 yarda X Inchaa wlda. Ilflht and dark color*. In naat flaruraa and atrlpaa. Homa ara Punjab quality 121-2 c RRESS l INGHAMS 8 l-2c Draaa Olnithama In mill anda. 21 Inchaa wlda. lan«tha to 20 yarda R»d H..*i and Rata* Olnaham* In chacka, ■trip** and plalda, at i%r. * yard 12 l-2e GALATEA CLOTH 9c YD. Oalataa Cloth. 2* Inchaa wlda. good walnht. that will waar wall. Mill anda and full bolta. In flvuraa. atrlpaa and plain ahadaa. at »c a yard —taw«r Mala riaar. Ready lor "BARGAIN TUESDAY" in the Grocery —18 POUNDS OF CANE GRANULATED SUGAR FOR 89c— WITH tIM GROCERY ORDER. ROT INCLUDING SVGAR OR FLOUR—LIMIT It lh. Let the Big Daylight Bakery Do Your Baking BON MARCHE BREAD 3 FOR 25c Whlta raisin, plain whlta, whole wheat, graham. bran, sweet rye. Oar man rye. plain rya. crimp, ralaln rya, French, milk. Para l.arit. on« of »h» best brands. No. 10 |C> pall 11.40. No. I pall Tl%c; No. a pall *»9C (ialll Tonfk f'lrka, tha beet quality, about IF, SO In a package lUG Par* fatanp. one of th« brat brande; 4 M _ aplendld quality; pint bottle |1C Parr CNrr Vinegar, Town Talk branil, tha lAI. v»ry bant grade, bottla I CIC Ammonia, Mayflower brand, ni)n» battar, 4A|. priced, bottla I C' 1 C IllMlng, vary high a r«<1« q*iallty, | A|. Tueaday, bottla | CtG I annrd I'rars, lar«r» all* No. 2H cane; Rood 4 J . -I'lll y California n*rtlett pears; ran I *?U <aaaed Aaparagiie, l/irge size No can«, splendid quality: tbla year'* park; 20c Rr4 aalmoa nelllea, tha vary beat quality, AA. priced. a pound CUC Car Tirhmim tar Hair oa ihr ffnla Floor, Traaafrr Ilrak. OMARCHC thioa NTitacvr «kcojvv> avi:\i k—— i*iki. itkbbt at V 2 Pricc AND EVERY ONE A NEW AUTUMN STYLE — only one of a kind for they are sample* of the new full atylea that we aecnred at half price after the maker* had finished inking their winter order*. CHILDREN'S WOO COATS, pretty aam plea, priced at *p"» 1/1/ CHILDREN'S W W COATS, MmplM. re- j» * yr duced to half, or CHILDREN'S 19.00 COATS, neat anmplea. { J rfk special at $H.DU CHILDREN'S »10.00 COATS, pretly little f\A sample*, at fD.VU CHILDREN'S $11.00 SAMPLE COATS. Ap £/l • pedal at tPJ.OV CHILDREN'S $12.00 SAMPLE COATS, QQ CHILDREN'S $13.80 SAMPLE COATS, +c *7C priced at fO, i D CHILDREN'S $14.00 SAMPLE COATS, QQ Infant'a 75c Short RHo Draaaaa, apeclal at UUw Infant'a $1.80 Short M rtfl Drtaua going at # I lUW Infant'a $200 Short 90 Draaaaa, apaetal at... I t«l*l Infant'a $2.80 Short tl C 7 Draaaaa. apectal at #I»Q » PAY YOUR CITY LIGHT and WATER BILLS HERE WE HAVE A CONVENIENT OFFICE JUST FOR THE PURPOSE THIRD FLOOR PIKE •T. SIDE. Vaallla Wafers, fresh shipment received dally from one of tha largest IQ. bakeries,. lb. I 9 C Infant'a 75« Long Draaaaa. Cft have been r<>dur««d to wUw Infant'a $1.00 Long Draaaaa ar» reduced 67c Infant'a $1.60 Long AH Draaaaa priced at # I lUU $2 50 Long Draaaaa for *4 C 7 for Infanta priced at. <piiOl —Sacond Floor. 12 l-2e FIGURED SCRIMS PRICED 8 I k Yd Oood quality figured flrrlm*. h>m wtth *ld« border, oth»r» with allover dealmi*. for either long or ahort window curtain*, priced at I 1 Jc a yard Tu*«day. —Third Floor. WOMEN'S 2-CLASP s«c WHITE SILK GLOVES, SIZES S>/3 TO 8 —39c pr.— Women's 2-claap Silk Gloves with double tipped fingers and embroidered backs. Seconds of Ameri ca's best silk glove* with very slight imperfections; worth 50c. They come in white only, in sizes from to 8, at 39c a pair Tues day. Lower Main Floor. FOR TUESDAY MORNING From 9to 11 a. m. only. No tolophons ordor* takan. REAVY TAFFETA SILK OCa* WORTH 59c A YARR Ar «DC SO pl»c«« of pur« Hlik. hnvy and lustrou*. fin# line of eolora. on ml# from t to 11 a m at Jlc a yard !n«tc n .l Of »»C I pp+T Mala flaor. 19c HANDKERCHIEFS AT 5c EA. Dainty lawn aatln ainpad Ikndkar chlara In parfact condition, ragutar 10c valua* at *<• aach Tuaaday. from t to 11 a m. I>ht Mala rixr. 19c TOILET PAPER 5c A ROLL Flna Crana Tollat Papar. Ur*a alia roll* 10c alia, from • to 11 a m to a roll Not ovar > rolla to rarh; none dallvarad l.owar Main Floor. ENDS OF SCRIM TO 25c, EA. 5c Bamplaa of flna Hcrlma, Marqulaatlaa Volla* and Bobblnat. % to 1 yard lone' worth to 2Sc. till 11 ». rn Sc rach Third Flan. LAYER CAKES 25c AND 35c EA. layer ClkM—J lirtri, Ho; I layare. !!><■ None hatter baked In Nrattlr Tour rholre of chocolate, mapla, rara mel. rocoannt or nut. Navr *ala< Mrraaln*. quality Kiiaranteed; refund of 2r for return of empty bottlea « A _ bottla | QQ Bberbet f«p Mnalar*. amall aherhet cupa Ca filled with atrlctly pure rnuatard. earh 3 C Java and Morba alrl" t miter, freehly ar . roaated. II pounda $100. pound . VwC Purr lifana RitraO, *'■'„! grade. 4-ounra ?Ea bottlea Iflr. t-ounce t.'ittla IvC Ham aalait. made from Hwlft'a Premium n « _ linrri an'l the heat ina yi.nnalae, pound CUC I* naliai* Hrrnkfaat 1>», our raieilar 3r,<- nr. *r ada. pound #9C (ream Cbeeee, fancy (Mallty, priced . Tuaaday. pound cUC roraaaal, freah rut aplandld quality, prlcad, pound IMC < kip Reef. *ood quality, all H'lrarnmant 1 A. Inapected, pound *vUC —Konrtb Plaor. THE SEATTLE STAR if 4- Am** > * Tears. I rrinmmrm in n»w fall prliail. A a yard <(JC Dear lady of my heart's desire, I love your lithe and aplender grace, Your rhythmic ease I much admire, I like the dancing steps you pace; Your every move is my delight, So dainty and so brisk and free You are a most entrancing sight— Oh, won't you trot through life with me? With love the fiddler for the dance And hearts a* merry as a rhyme We'll turkey trot a glad romance In syncopated two-s*ep time, Though care should tread upon our toes And rough and bumpy be the floor, We'd laugh at troubles such aa those And gayly turkey trot some morel Come then, my love, and be my wife And take the fate that fortune tend*; We'll tango pleasantly through life And one-step till the music ends; Well buy a rag-time gramophone With syncopated melody, If you will only be my own And turkey-trot through life with me I TRY TO FORCE U. S. INTO WAR BY QILOON GARDNER. WARHINGTON, Aug ll—President Wilson says be Is convinced there Is more or less organised effort to force the t'nlted State* Into war with Mexico. Why should there b* any such »rfortT Hrletly, here la the answer; Wall at 'a apeculatlve Interests tn Mexico have no assurance that they would find protection or perpetuation at the hands of the revolutionary party One thin* the revolution been fougbt for Is relief from eiploltatlon of the common people by foreign and domestic Kraft era. The common people want a chance to live They want the land holdings broken up and want a chance to stop paying tribute to the great horde of foreign holders of concessions who have capitalized their holdings and distributed huge profits In endless dividends on watered stock Huerta stands for a continuation of this system He has promised to pay all American and foreign claims If recognised Wall sL favors rocognltlon of the lluerta government, or, aa an alternative, armed Intervention by the United Statee. PASTOR RAPS FLAG HEROICS Attacking the bigots, the scoffers of religion, and opinionated hobbyists. I»r. M A Matthews, of the Plrat Presbyterian church. In a sermon Sunday, scored the herolca displayed by certain fteittleltes with reference to the American flag, demanded to know why the same treatment as accorded Dr llajiard Is not given to thoae who refuse to call physicians when their children are dying, and deprecated the decline of female propriety and the advance of masculine boldness There are those who hav# a hobby of dwelling continually on flags. tb«» social evil and the I. W. W , until we are sick with their social vomit ings. aald the doctor. "It la our duty to put the msn who violates the constitution and defames the flag In Jail, bat make It an Incident, and not a matter for heroics." FORGOTTEN, NOW HE MUST DIE BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. I*.—Convicted of tnurder 1n the ttrst de gree. sentenced to die. and then forgotten for nine yearn, la the unique experience of August Oeber. who haa been re-sentenced to be hanged No vember 14. by Superior Judge Dunne Oeber waa sent to San guentln to await execution for the killing of Oeo. Hart man On an appeal the conviction waa upheld, but the records In the caae were destroyed In the big fire of Ifo4. • reher realised that any word from himself would only hasten his death, and he had remained forgotten In Han Quentln until -elatlves of the murdered man recently called the caae to the attention of District Attorney Flckert here. MRS. HAZZARD IS LOCKED UP Dr l.lnda Ourfleld Haxtard, whose manslaughter sentence of two years waa affirmed by the supreme court, was arrested Saturday after noon by Sheriff Shattuck of Kitsap county and taken to the King county Jail, where she will be held, pending disposition of a petition for a re hearing before the supreme court. Iler bondsman, the Southwest Surety Insurance company of Okla homa. surrendered her. If her petition Is denied, she will be taken to Walla Walla within the nest 30 days. In the mesntlme. she la required to raise 110,000 bond to secure her release pending the rehearing. CHARGES MURDER AT GRAVE CALT'MET, Mich., Aug IS—Standing by the graves of Stephen Pntrlch and D Taian, striking copper miners killed at the I'lalnsdale mine. In a battle between strikers and deputies, at the funeral Sunday. Jos. Cannon. an organlier for the Western Federation of Miners, charged the state officers by name and the copper mine owners with responsi bility for the unlawful killing of the men. The two deputies alleged to have been Implicated In the killings had not been apprehended today, but two local officers have been ar rested and charged with murder. STRENGTHEN BORDER GUARD NOOAI.ES, Aug 18 —Orders hare been Issued by the stnto depart ment at Washington that strict guard must be maintained along the Mexican border to prevent further exportation of arms nnd ammunition, In violation of the neutrality laws. It Is reported that the department Is Informed that large ahlpments of contraband have been smuggled across the line here recently WANTS WOMA CINCINNATI. O, Aug. 1* —Bd win Mitchell. giving hla address as the National Miliary Horn*. Dayton, and styling himself "• handy thing to have around." wants some woman to adopt him. People have adopted cats and dogs, but here Is a man 44 years old who says he loves his pipe and tobacco, and who wants to be adopted by a wife Peculiar propositions are received by news papers every day, but this one Is so far out of the ordinary that It boara repeating The letter Is as follows: Dear Mr. Editor: Will you please publish thla letter In your valuable paper. I wish to give some woman who can af- HE WANTS TO BE LET ALONE A E. Flagg wants the council to quit "klekln' him aroun." Hepeatedly, certain council members have designated him as Mayor Cotterlll's mouthpiece, and recently he was mentioned as a man for whom the mayor was trying to create a position In the garbage di vision. Klagg emphatically denies that he Is seeking a city Job, or that the mayor Is trying to get him one, in a statement Issued today, tie deprecates the "venomous, stubborn fight between Mayor Cotlorill and I Councilman Urlfflths, two Christian geutlouiou,'' Tbctter ODIrkNE TO ADOPT HIM ford It an opportunity to adopt a man. I would like some wom an to adopt me Just to alt down In the evenings and listen to me relate some of my experiences at sea and In foreign countries, my three days' battle at Han Juan Hill, Cuba, and then, I'm a very handy article to have around Can adapt myself to most anything, and I do not wish any salary. But tho lady who ndopts me must give In re turn for my docility and faith fulnos* enough to eat and a place to sleep. Now, who wants to adopt this wonderful animal tho first rom«, tho first served. FREDERICK & NELSON Store Opens at 8:30 —Closes at 5:30 Daily Autumn Suit Modes arc faithfully reflected in the new showing of demi-trimmed and tailored effects now in read iness. Some of the smartest models arc devel oped in Damasse, Matclasse, Eponge and Vel our—Serge, Wool Poplins, Wool Bedford and Novelty Suitings arc also given good represen tation. New designs and novel trimming ideas heighten the interest in this advance showing, which features Suits at $25.00, $2830, $32.50, $38.50, $45.00 and upward. NEW SEPARATE COATS— Afternoon Coats, Outing Cnats, Sport Coats, Traveling Coats and Business Coat* arc well represented in the new Fall assortments and illustrate the tendency toward rough and pile materials. Prices $19.75, $25.00, $28.50, $35.00, $45.00 and upward. WOMEN'S ONE-PIECE DRESSES— Street and Httsiness Presses of Serge, Bedford Cord, Damasse, Kponge and Veiour in these new assortments; also Dresses for afternoon and evening wear, in silk crepe, poplin, crepe meteor, charmeuse, silk eponge and fine challis. Moderately priced at $14 50, $19.75, $25.00, $28.50, $32.50, $45.00 and upward. tocood Door. Special Prices on Made-up Rugs THF.SE Rug* were made up in our workroom from surplus lengths of carpeting and border. They are all in the light colorings suitable for bedrooms (pink, blue, mulberry and gray), and are exceptional values at the prices quoted. BODY BRUSSELS 5x5 special 93.50. 5-9x6, special 95.00. 6x9. special 97.50. <<%/, special 98.150. 6-6x7, special 96.50. 6-9xlo, special 90-50. 7-6xß-6, special 90.50. Linen Table Cloths $1.65 and $1.95 AT 91-05— Hemstitched Silver-bleached Clotha, free from dress ing, size 62x62 inches. Hemmed Clotha of heavy linen, 59x59 inches. Bleached German Linen Cloths, hemmed, 60x60 inches. Bleached Irish Linen Pattern Clotha, 68x68 inches. AT 91.05- Scalloped Silver-bleached Linen Clotha, measuring 57x75 inches. Hemstitched Half-bleached German Linen Cloths, 62x78 inches. Hemstitched Austrian Linen Clotha, splendid wear ing quality, 66x80 inches. Bleached Irish Linen Pattern Cloths, 68x86 inches. —laittroom Clearance Prices on Summer Millinery ABOUT 100 Trimmed Hat.* in an assortment that features the summer's favorite trimming ideas, spccial at ©s*. Untrimmed Hats in Hemp, Milan and Tuscan, spe cial 25*, 05* and 05*. Flower Trimmings, including Large Silk and Linen Hoses. June Roses, Lilacs, Dahlias, Hyacinths, Gerani ums and Crush Roses, special 25*. —BsMmsnt Siluroom Lace Curtains, Special $1.95 Pair INTERESTING special values in this assortment of 100 pairs of Scotch-weave and Cable Net Curtains. They are in Cluny and Duchess lace effects, Filet designs and plain centcrs with wide borders; ecru-color and white, 2yi yards long. Good-looking, durable Curtains and exceptional values at 91*05 pair. —Ft rut Floor. Ask for a Transfer Slip When Purchasing—lt Facilitates Shopping The New Bead Necklaces T) 15AD NF.( KLACES in the brightest of colors and in the new 27-inch length are u among recent jewelry arrivals. Roth plain and cnt effects are noted, and some are in graduated Style. I hey may be had in red, dark-blue, green, coral and amber, as well as jot "effects, 1 and are moderately priccd from 50c to $2.25. —First riov —„ WofT ,. n ~m conv ,„o«d t v . „ !. h#y C ' B '• wIM •• men."—H. O. W«tl» " Th * N,w Mj<:hl * v * l 7-3xBA special 90.50. 7-6xll-6, special 914.50. 8-3x9, special 913.50. 9x9, special 914.00. 9xlOA special 914.50. 9-9xlo-6, special 915.00. 9-9xll, special 915.00. 9-9xlo-8, special $15.00. 9-9x12, special $17.50. 9x12. special $16.50. WILTON VELVET 9x9-9, special $12.50. 9-7 x 10-6, special $16.50. 9-9x12, special $18.50. 10-6x12-8, special $18.00 —rirM fUoc Tumblers Special 50c Set of Six THIN-BLOWN Tumblers in the attractive bell shape—choice of engraved wheat design or cut star pat tern. Special, the set of six, 50< —Third Floor Silk-Boot Hosiery 50c Pair WOMEN'S Silk-boot Hos iery in black, white, tan and gray; sizes B>S to 10; the pair, 50<*. —Dwmai kIMTMa Back Combs, 25c BACK Combs, Side Combs and Barrettes of shell. and amber, in a wide variety of styles, 25f. —Hm.-m.nt l.l.irttom Patent Leather Belts 50c WOMEN'S Wide Patent Leather Belts, black only, all sizes, 50f. -Binmwl Salesroom Aluminum Kitchen Sets, Special 95c Aluminum Kitchen Set, consisting of one mixing spoon, one basting spoon, one tea strainer, six table-spoons and six tea-spoons, special ttf. —Hountfurnlatilnffs Section.