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DIRECTORY LOZIER —ivi AXWCLI— PATHFINDER VAN BRUNT MOTOR CAR CO. T(lt phon« E..t 1128- Bro.dw.y STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO. | B J| |f Narthwrii Distributer*.| «1T THE CAR THAT MADE GOOD IN A DAY. Hie Sears Motor t - ar Co * A « rnc y . TTty 1509 Broadway ujomobHe It I" 't« Cliia t*« Brat Car In th* World ™ " up PHONE f. 48# gl CKS MILLER AUTO CO. rjut pike. M A Mil.l. Kit, Manager w. H. Barnes & Son Guaranteed Continuous Service Covers Every Truck Hold. Gt*ags and Salesroom 610 Ssnsca St. Phona Main 6504. fiDTFDfAD WAS r R Bir cO CAR - Iftn I Lntrtii •^°£ D s yx, 10 W Imperial Automobile Agency —— — — — i I Mtii i Waller A a -lllcn mnprm i Distributor. ■UlrwA IMA ttt K.%.« m# I rhon* r.ot 4it4 Hn WNrw mo 4«!& pfi-*) from ft Ift lo If Itt f • t •«*!((• Hudson - Paige c »°v fEDERAL TRUCKS Studebaker w.t«rho„,« Tiding Co. r m _ , Auto Department Uartord Touring Car* and Motor Iprf-Slewart Trucl " IF 111 T Merrurr Motor c ** p | § m I 111 I St) 1*303 Kast Pike At. L I H I BUI I Phone Miiott linn. Ia la ale 1 a Michigan i »««niwi»T»««« ° lt3A Tratli IMkr m_ I ill \ Jnlf* P. C\ tf l*n f'.l I*. Hgr otor vUI J iSome People Say: "There is no use sav-, :ng until I can save a ?rtat deal," so they never btgin to lay the founda tion of their fortunes, "id remain poor. Other* aay, "I will *ve SOMETHING, and to it regularly," and |th«e people get the A* the habit grow* and they find they CAN save a little, they •I*o find they can save I more. Once you get your sav lng» habit in full swing 11 the Dexter Horton Trutt & Savings Bank, y°u will find your pow- Wl of economy on the !nciea *e, and substantia! Pfofit will result. Dextf.r Horton Ikust and Savings Bank A** 1 « 'H» KM , ALONG AUTO ROW PIERGE-ARROW HAS NEW TRUCK After an exhaustive period of ex perlmentatlon, the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car company la now prppared to Introduce (o Ita patron* a two ton, worm-driven motor Ir;i<... th" first deliveries of which will be ; made In September The Reneral de*lnn of this new Cipro*-Arrow product I* along pi artly the same line* as thai </ the five-ton truck which ha* proved ho successful. Minor refinement* and Improvements which the pjiwrlence of the la*t thrpp year* ha* demon strated aa neces*ary or desirable have been Incorporated but there are no radical chanire* or depart - ure* from present method* of either design or manufacture and tht* smaller edition of the large truck 1* Introduced with every con fidence that It will *ucce#«fully per form those dutlea for whlrh It I* designed. DRIVEN TO FOOD. An Ohio man who had the liquor i habit wa* told he would help hltn *p|f toward sobriety If Ik- would cat a meal every time he felt. Ihe ; craving for liquor. Me quit drink ing and tried It tine night when he wa» away | frprn honip. Stoppln« at a koML • man In the next room killed hltn •lelf In a particularly rnussy man ner. The reformed drinker heard ! the noise and went Into Hip room Then he dashed downstair* and | yelled to the hotel clerk: "(Hmtna an order of ham ami <-ggs and a «ack of doughnuts ' quick!" Ml iTiiiini^ f VENICE ON BAINBRIDOE ISLAND d NEWS OF THE AUTO WORLD 1914 IMPERIALS CAUSECOMMENT titration 4 Waller, Ibr Imperial dealera here, are illttpluyli>k aotue I «>f the 11> 14 Imperial Tbey 'are attraction considerable atten- Hon by renaon of their marked ail vanceuieut In itiechuulcal eouatruo- Hon ami hotly ilmliu. Stiatton A Waller (.lit* blfctfeat yt'iir In i their bualueaa lilatory Til" 11*14 li>ortut aerloa conalat of tt four cylinder roadster or tour iiik car al Jl.&ou, u four cylinder of niiuic tl«'«iKu al $ 1.860. a al* c> Under, 1 flte |<anMtiger (ourln* car at II.Oi'O and n Klmit au <•> Under, eeveii pirn | touring car. at 12.500. All the Imperial* thlw >ear are electrically Marled anil lighted The proven convenient center control . haa been adopted The body lint** are lonit and a weeping "I expect a heavy demand for Im perial '34' nnd our new and power ful Sl*. aelllUK lit IJ.oOO," auld Mail a«er Waller "Ttw former hn* been a favorite for aeverftl year* and the 1914 Improvement* will enhance It* l»opularlty The new si*, by It* distinctive motor Improvement*, makea a powerful, yet e« oimmlrul, I car." A one ton Kelly recently won a strenuous test at l>etrolt lit* different makes of trucks were entered In the testa conducted by the !>etmJt board of education, ; preliminary to the purchase of a one-ton truck for general work. The testa were hard, but that I* the kind Ki-lly trucks like, and It won by a wide margin The tests were conducted over two and one-half mile* of sandy roads The sand wa* six tnche* deep on all the road, with the c« ceptlon of one stretch of about 100 tarda, which wa* the real Waterloo of the teat. Thl* stretch wa* up a aeven j>er cent grade, with loose ■and al>out one foot deep. The real test rant# l , of course, on the grade with th« deep sand Truck No 1 waa the first to try It This truck, carrying 1,000 pound* leaa than the Kelly. muck In the deep *and aeveral times hut finally pulled through after a hard a'rurg The other three negotiated the j level atretches fairly well, but were unable to get up the grade at all The harder their motor* worked. the deeper the wheel* went Into the ■and. The Kelly wn the last one to try The official* offered to fli up the road, a* the other truck* had lorn It all to plecru The Kellv rep reeentatlve* aald that the road wna Rood enough Away they went' The |e*e| *tretch wn« eaay There wa* aome hard pulling on the irrade hut It never fared the sturdy Kelly even If !he sand came up to the huh* at time* The Kelly went straight through the entire tejt with only two atop*, and could have negotiated even harder going without anv trouble The teat wa* witnessed by three member* of the Detroit board of education, who «ald that the Kelly wa* the heat motor truck they had ever Been The Waahlnston Tarter Car Co lias charged management. Mr J II Prescott la now manager and president Mr F're*cott ha* for the p*st seven year* been con nected wl'h the Carter car In the Northwest and for aome time past wa* manager of the Spokane office GOSSIP PICKED UP AROUND LOBBIES "Bob Roy" at Alhambra "Kob Hoy," from the stlrnnic novai of S. iit eh life by Sir Walter Scott, I* a thro'- rppl feature at the Alhainbra until Sunday nlnhf Hob Hoy. Ih«> hero, I* a farmer who Ih oppressed by th«* KnKllsh, and hi* farm taken from him. He becomes the leader of a band of Scotch patriots. Hla adventure* j.ft*'r thla resolve form the story. IT'S GREAT TO BE QUEEN It moan* aomethlnic to be queen of the Coney Inland Mardl Ora* Ulllan Walker nay*. »lnce the has been crowned, ahe realizes the truth of the naylnc. "I'noany Ilea the bead that, wear* a crown," let ters from love-»l«:k Kentletlien of nil aßca arc pourlnx In to Iwr, offer- IriK to make her their queen for life, nri'l th<' bappleat woman In the world One rorreapondent stated that he had Jut ooinc Into the pon Konilon of 12U0.000, and he would tie Kind to have her ahare It with him. "High Treason" at Clemmer, "High Treason," a mannlflcent spectacular atory of the' betrayal of a nation Into war, la the two-part special feature on .Sunday* new hill at the riemmer "Mlich Trea*on" tell* of a gov eminent wlrele** operator who wan bribed by ■ apMUKtIM hanker to change the wording of an Import ant tne*Haite Thl* hrouiht about a declaration of war, and resulted In the hanker fwnaaaln* a large for tune. while llh' people mid" f>r«-|» hration* to advance on a neighbor ItiK nation. At the mime time, how ever, the Hon of the wlrelcHH oper ator it* one of the officer* In the army and wna one of the flrat to lie aent Into the field II" was 111 no the fir*! to give up hi* life In the utrupKle which hnd been forced on the p> ->ple by a man'* Kreed for r tin The climax cornea when the plot 'f the banker la dlacovered and lie la mailed to prUou to Have hint fioui the mob. • . t, THE SEPTEMBER 20. 1013. Mr A S Kldrtdffo, tnanHjc«<r nf lh« Hulck \titomobllo <'o. hoattlo, dlntrlbutorn for tho lluick Una lu Wanhlnicton, returned to M«»n«lt%>. after mi uhnem'o of out month lit tho Kant Wnltlui thu lluick factory and various din trlbutltift contera throughout the* Mlddlo Went lit* In grout 1) elated ovnr tho 1914 lluick line. and nayu that I' In tho Kt *at«nt tniked of ami •ought after lltio of iiutntuoblliHi liHiik matiufac tured tn America lie attended a nicotinic at the Hutch factory, where tuna* 2no doalem from all part* nf (tie United Htaton wero prenetit, and In 'ulklntf over ih«* bunimnn condition* with thin larK«« body of huiiim'Nii men of the country. he mm delighted In know ina that bUMIn«-n» condition* throughout the I'nlted Statin toda> l»M»k e&ropt louaii) K'*od. Mid all dealera wt'ri' of the* Imprenilon that tin* dfuauti of 1914 would b«* th« boat In the automobile line Th«* production of Hutek earn for ttaa pant year was 30.000. which were all cleaned up early In July The production for 11* 14 will t>o 40,000 cam. cotnprlnlmc a lltia of two roadntem. two & pa»n«*uti**r cam of the four cylinder t > |»«* cm 1 on* 5 or 7 pannenaer 6 cylinder type The complete lit*•• will bo equipped with tIM I *elco electrb n»artliiK. lighting and Ignition nyntem. and hnn the loft-hand drive and center control, and In uptodato In ovory way. There It no lino flnlnh«*d In any bettor tnanuer or with better mat*- rial, for tho price, mid Mr Kldrldm la very enthusiastic over the pros |»" ii fur the coming aeaaon While at the fsctory h>» *p«nt (•*» day* going through the differ ent [lortl 'ii* of the plant, and •ay* that If he had atayed a full month he believe* that he would have com® away »lth Mine part* of the factory at 111 unexplored 'Hie factory coyer* 147 acre* of ground, and I* ao laid out that each differ ent part or building la planned to lake rare of a certain part of an automobile, and all rotate about an aasembly building. In which ell car* are assembled. and from which all ear* are (hipped it la Intereatlng to watch the va rloua part* being a«»emblel from the different department* to thla one central assembling building. In Juat aufflclent quantities to in*>et th« demand* nf each and every day'a work Thla la carried on l>y train serv|re and automobile truck* In auch a systematic manner that there la absolutely no confdslon or I oat time in waiting for »ny tart of a car. hut all come together lual at the rUcht time to he a**emh«ed. and •Ah'-n a car onre starts from the twglnnlng of the assembly roam, It la turned out at the other end. a complete automobile One of (he Interesting parta of the factory la the forging depart ment. wherein the greater portion of tho metal part* of the .vutomo hlle are made They are forged out hy htlfe machlnr-ry In auch n per feet ar.d auhatantlal way aa tn naaure the hullder that each part la made In the very l>e*t and a-ihatan tlal manner Thou* and* of dollar* hare t>«-«>n expended In putting In the lateat and Iwat machinery that rould he aecured. and In going through the factory one ran ace va rloti* place* where new machinery la conatantly helng Inatalled In or der to Improve and lietter manufac. turlng condition* In the great motor hulldlne. where 2IH> motor* can he hnl.t dally, one can ea*lly follow the con*tru<-. tl< n from one end of the hulldlng to the other from raw material to the flnlahed and tested motor. Thla la Scene From "Rob Roy," Three-Reel Feature Film at Alhambra; Rob Roy Overhears Plot Against Him "SAVED BY THE ENEMY." TliouKh a Civil War drama, this film Is far from the ordinary run of such films. It Is a tab- of Jenl -011 .> (km wen two Confederate sol tilers, one a captain and the other a private. The story centers about the ef forts of the private's sweetheart ' to free her .lover after he has been | condemned to die for strlkltiK tho \ captain, his superior oflcer. The telegraph plays a big part In ; the story, and the New York Kdl j «on company was engaged to erect a special set of poles and wires for ! the scene and line men were em ployed is the I'nlon men who. after capturing the line, climb the |H*le and tap the wires The realism of the scenes In question more that Justifies the expense which these measures Incurred, for they carry with them absolute conviction. This film will be shown Sunday at the Droni* Ith® lurgeHt motor hulldlng tn the ' world, iiinl cover* 7 acre* of ground The liiHpectlon department. 11l thla liillldlng. I* ciperlallv Interi-Htlng Kvery part of the motor iiiuhl paaa through thla department to he tcated llundreUa of men tire etti ployed for thla purpose only, and lifter each Individual part h i* been tented at |eii*t three time*, in order to nvotd error, the motor la nsKctublod, and la then teate<! on the block for 4X houra, after Whtok It !■ 'examined thoroughly for d«fectg, and. If paaaed. la uKaln tested on the road In the chaaal*. In which It 11* uaed, from 40 to 50 tnllea After ithe machine I* entirely complete and ready for shipment, the whole car Is again tested before being loaded anil a hipped away. No factory glv. a more careful at tentlon to the Inspection of Its car than does the lluick. and In talk Ing with the hundreds of agents a* Sell) bind at the factory, all ex pressed the greatest satisfaction that no line of cars were better built than the Hulck. Thu great parts department, which Is otm of the largest build tngs at the plant and »hleb curries parta of every automobile since the first Itulck car was built. Is a won der In Itself, the value of the parts In this building amounting to up warda of $1,000.000. Orders for spare parts recelr«d on any certain da> are shipped the same day These are constantly being replenished In order to maintain a certain »tock at all tlmea, and the system with which this work la being carried on Is certainly Interesting, as It shows great study and organlratloti From the manager * office to the farthest end of the plant, every man seema to perform hta duty with the least possHle delay, and with the beat possible results No loat energy Is apparent an** her- They all seem to be working with the same nlm, to carry out the well eatahllshed axiom, 'When lietter automobile* are btillt, Itulfk will build them " At the preaent time 75 automo biles are twins manufactured dally and shipped from the lluick plant, and this, at the time Mr Kldrldge was there did not In any way sat j Isfy the demand* of the dealers for ears for show places However, the factory Is constantly Increasing the output, adding at the rate of too men per day to their already enor mous army of men now employed fly the first of the month the fac tory will be shipping cars at the rate of 10" per day. and even that will not satisfy th" demand* Itulck car* throughout the whole t'nlted States are In great demand, and at the present time dealers are clam oring to get them In order to sat isfy the Inquiries from their cus tomers for deliveries Mr Kldrldge visited the I'ence \uto Co, MlnncaiKills. one of the Hulcks largest distributor* tn the Middle West He also visited the branch house* of the Hulck at Chi cngo. lietrolt and lienver and many other distributing point* In various • mailer cities on hi* trip. In the en deavor to get Idea# to be carried out In the new t.itUdln* which Is being erected on the corner of liar vard av and like st . the new home of the Hulck In Heattle On hi* trip he was accompanied b> hl» wife and son*. *ho vln|t«il Yellowstone park and the wonderful '•rand Canyon of Colorado, hut says that the only place that appealed to them. In all their travels, a* a place to live, for the present and future. Is Seattle We are plased to hear Mr Kldrldge say this, aa we believe rhnt Seattle Is the best place to live, as well as the be*t business town, |In a business way, at the present i time. WHATS ON AT THE SEATTLE HOUSES Alhambra Until Sunday Night "Roy Roy," three reel feature; j "The Pearl of the Golden West," comedy; "Stockholm," scenic. • « • Clans A, Sunday Until Werinetday Night "The Redemption of Railroad lack," Hellg drama; "Sunny, or the Cuttle Thief." Vltitnph Atni; Or Turner Turnn the rabies," and "The H.'fVnessed Kails of the Northwest," spill reel Edison; "The Hreath of Scandal," Kalem drama • * • Clemmer, Sunday Until Wednesday Night "High Tfeason," two-part Klelne; "Mrs. Norton's Ulrthday/' I'athu DALITZ HAS A NEW INVENTION Hurry Dalltx, malinger of the liulltx Manufacturing Co of Cleve lund, O , urid Seattle, will have an other new Invention that will be ready for thu public In u few weeks Mr. Dulltx bus gained much promt hence In thu lunt few years on the uutomoblle Invention* be has turned out. among thu most re cent of which I* thu Oallu spark plug tester ami terminal This lit tle deylco was welcomed by many of the automobile world and proved to he very satisfactory. Dniltr. claim* that the new one he I* about to put on the market Is by far the best of anything he has ever put out and that means a lot, as many Improvements to automo bile efficiency are due to hi* efforts A 11. Mclntyre, for five years a prominent figure in the an'otnoblle accessory business, has entered the car selling field. He ha» been ap pointed general sales manager for New Kngland by the J I Handlei Co of Indianapolis, the selling com puny which Is marketing Marlon and American Cnderslung car* Mr Mclntyre will represent both car* In his district, which comprises nil of New Kngland He Iris established hend'juar'ers In Huston The RapM Transit company of Phoenix. Arizona, has placed In I service a Kissel car. 25 passenger j tiu* and Is contemplating the pur chase of *everal more Tho city seriously considers abandoning It* trolley system as fast as suitable pavement* for busses are provided Tbls I* In line with agitation now going on In several American cities where It Is realised that electric rail car* are an unnecessary noise and eyesore and therefore an af ; front to aesthetlclsm Mr O H Waller of the Imperial Automobile agency has Just return ill from Tacoma Mr Waller sue cessfully placed an agency for both the Lincoln truck and the Imperial and says that the new people are surely going to lie very auccesaful Several locations are now being ! considered and a* *oon as one I* obtained the new branch will be oj»en for business The city of Seattle light depart ment recently purchased a Krtt motorcar, which they are now using to advantage In their meter depart ment The car Is very attractive and Is probably the most perfect meter car ever built The city de signed and built the top to suit the meter work and everything w-a* car rled out to the smallest detail. Mr P K Sands manager of the Wsterheu*e Trading (V>, left the 16th of this month for the Ka*t He will first go to the Studebaker f*ctori and then take In Chicago, Buffalo ami New York Mr Sands wants to keep In touch with the latest automobile activities, so that the Waterbotise Co here can make use of them. Mr C C Kvans. a very active member of the Carter car sales force, has been In Hell Ingham for the past week Mr Kvnns Is ex liectedIiected bnck tomorrow' and Is sure to bring some nice prospects with j htm for Carter cars. The manager nf the Met* Motor 'Car Co reports that business Is keeping tip to the usual gait. Mr Scharce and his sales force has sold I several Met* cars In the past week drama; "Cornwall, the British Rl verla," iwl »pllt; "The Coined ian's Downfall." • • • Drum, Sunday Until Wednesday Night "Saved by tho Enemy," two-reel Edison; "For the Son of the House," . ilograph drama, "lllt* He ward," and "Iter Present," split l,ul)ln drama • • » Colonial, Sunday Until Wednesday Night "The Scarlet Letter," three-reel Klnemacolor feature; ' Pathe's Weekly," world's news; ' The Is land of Perversity," Edition com edy. * • • Grand, Sunday* Until Wednesday Nlpht "The Clown's Daughter." two reel Reliance drama; "For Mis Loved One," Majestic drama; "Nel lie'# Klrst Cttkc," aud "Wou l)j' ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES BALI OU & WRIGHI Automobile Huppllim. O. A J. Tire* and Tubes —a Boy. 117 K.»r» J"k« I .. IB '•* « : 1 AUTO PAINTERS I H. POYNTER & SON Monniniiiia un<l I ritrrlnf 711 Itrotiilwaf l'h«#n* K«»t I VKMYTIIINO ft flt Till: A' T< t MAN AN If IIJS (.'AH" FHE WASHINGTON AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY k'.mmt 617 ll* K«»t l*lk# *t MOTORCYCLES BALLOU & WRIGHT %fOTOIt< V« II.H 4 >li IIM W 1.1.1 Kerlhtifst IM» I r 11* it (*» ra litdlmi nnd Kflttflein llolnrrjrlrt *■17 I ul I'lkt- Hirr» i I'h'im I »■! ITI. A. L. HALL MotorryHlryclfn, Repairing. Gunsmith, I/ocki and Kojtb. Bj<ortlnK (ioodM. KvcrythliiK In Accenßorlf-*. Phone Elliott 1311. 1021 Fln» Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS MOTORCYCLE FOOT OF MT. RAINIER G The Minneapolis Motorcycle Agency, 1023 Pike St., started May 1 by Parr * Hlair. with the agency of the popular Minneapolis two speed motorcycles and for" cars, which have proven one of most |K>pular motorcycles and fore car quick delivery cars on the market Mr Hlalr hat had ten years ex perience in the motorcycle busi ness In California. and has in his employ Mr Harry Cogburn, that redheaded speed demon who makes them Just a little faster than any mechanic on the Coast — Strategy," split reel comedy comic. • • • Tlllkum. Sunday Until Wedrcsday "Our Wives," two-reel Vltagraph drama, "The Stolen Treaty," Bio graph drama; "Jerusnleta, the Holy City," scenic Pdlson. • * • Olympian Tonight "The Punter Brothers." Melles drama. "Tandjong Prick, Hirbor of Hatavla. Java's Capital"; "One Can't Always Tell," Vita graph comedy; "If lireams Came True," Vltagraph comedy; "Love and War In Mexico," I.ubln two-part fea ture. • • • At The Yesler Until Sunday. "The Flying Switch,' The Man sion of Misery," "Dregs," "Sur prise for Potir Pickwicks," "Baby Elephant." FORCE SENTENCE OLYMPIA, Sept. 20.—The su pretne court, through the Issue pf an alternative writ of mandate, has ordered Judge J. T. Honald, of the superior court of King county to sentence Peter Miller, convicted of second degree burglary last May, on or before October 17, or to ap pear at Olynipia and show cause why he has not done so. The writ was Issued upon the application of Prosecuting Attorney Murphy, who wants Miller sentenc ed before the beginning of his trial for the murder of Hugh McMahon. Throw That Parrot Out! "Mother," said an exasper ated young lady. "I wish you would not hang that old parrot up in the parlor." "Why not. my dear?" asked the mother. "Why, I think fco must have belonged to a /treetcar con ductor before y/m bought him. Kvery two or tljree minutes, when Kdwln Is here, he chirps out, Sit closer, please,' It Is too embarrassing for any thing" at least hp has won all buTimer—• and is always ready to defend hi* title. Mr. Blair Is just installing, one of the most up-to-dato and equipment of machine fools of) any shop 011 the Coast, and stands; ready to make any and all parts ofl a.i.v motorcycle. The repa'r shop! Is open from 7:30 a. m. till 10 p.| m., and Sunday mornings. Slayer of White Slaver at Seattle Theatre Goes Free Agnes Burton, a character In ons( of N'lnno Sacco'a resorts, is declared! not guilty of the murder of Vl®i Conners, a vicious character of thdj underworld, who sought to drag th*i younger sister of Agnes Into Ji life of shame after having accora-' pllshed that purpose with the elde* rister. This scene is one of tbe many), "thrillers" enacted In "The Traffic,**' at the Seattle Theatre this week,' The play truthfully illustrates hovr, unscrupulous men and women the employ of such men as Saccou who have a "pull" with the polltW cal powers and men in office, cure girls and women for a miser able existence in the underworld. ! "The TrAfflc" has filled tha< Seattle Thentre every night this week. It will continue Saturday and Sunday matinee and night. It Is intensely Interesting from start to finish and holds the attention of the audience every moment during the four acts. Students of socio logical conditions as they exist In any big city declare the story told true to life. The breeding places of vice are more often crowded tene ments and factories, where em ployes eke out a bare existence tin starvation wages. than are places' of amusement, those students de-' clare. amusement, these students declare," Whether or not Agnes Burtoa. la Justified In revenging herself for the wrongs done her and her sister by Conners Is a question left to the audience—but the Jury in the play holds that her act 1* justifiable. ' ... i A.a » 3 AT LACIER