OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, September 20, 1913, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1913-09-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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IJtliil I or M,>Hr*riKH T*lr«r«|»h Kawa
»*rv«*a sf iha | nlimt Prra* Wrl iltnn
•( th* Vatll*. Wnah . mi
*!««• matter rubtUhari by TUa Mmf Vubttehlee
CiMiipanr avary rtantng
001-PS AIIK HHOWN to be
Infection* by tb« tncl thnt thoy
mo 'nnuklly. •omntinm* bin'ily.
contcntloim Whan w«> h»*<» a Mv»r« cold *• «*" *'*• It to othrr*
•who «rt> CMMptfMfe ,
A National Telephone Monopoly
AN elaborate defense of the Bell telephone system. by Its
president, Theo. N. Vail, appeared in th® advertising
columns a few days ago.
Th# pith thereof is the contention that the telephone is
i ■ natural monopoly, that private ownership is better than
i frovernme.ntal ownership, and that monopoly and private
make for efficiency.
Do monopoly and private ownership make for efficiency
and is efficiency the only thing to b« considered?
The New Haven railroad system is an answer. It rep
resents a monopoly of the transportation business of New
England. It is an example, also, of private ownership.
Not content with its own railroad business, the
New Haven system absorsbed all other railroads in New
England and bargained to keep out the Grand Trunk, a pos
sible competitor from Canada.
The New Haven also took over the steamship and trolley
The plan was not conceived and executed by tyros or
weaklings. Pierpont Morgan. Mellen and their associates
represented the best brains of the financial and Big Business
What more lamentable failure?
The New Haven proved itself wasteful of both life and |
capital. It has been inefficient and expensive. And, as is
always the case with monopoly sooner or later, it became
indifferent to public opinion and to the performance of its
public duties.
The recent disclosures and occurrence® are merely the
'bursting of the boil which has been coming to a head for a
long time.
And the same tendencies are apparent In the Bell tele
phone system.
Not content with absorbing independent telephone lines,
it has reached out in other directions.
It went into the business of manufacturing telephone and
supplies. The Western Electric Company is one
icf its subsidiaries.
And, if you want to have a modern instance of the aim
iand methods of monopoly, study how it sought to put an
lend to the competition of the Kellogg Switchboard Company,
Ws disclosed in the litigation in Illinois.
Then the Bell system cast covetous eyes on the tele
graph business and took over the Western Union Telegraph
! Company.
But the most vital thing is the fact that private monopoly
is not content with managing business—it also insists upon
managing the government. The trusts reached out and se
cured control of the republican party.
Tammany in New York and Quay and Penrose In Penn
sylvania are illustrations of monopolistic control of public
The Southern Pacific railway became the government of
In many cities we see utilities which ought to be regu
lated by the government seeking to control the government.
And the Bell telephone system is not free from attempt
ing to control government. Judge Ben Lindsey, in his bat
tles with the "Beast" in Denver, found E. B. Field (president
of the Bell telephone system's Colorado subsidiary), the head
,and front of the forces that preyed upon the public and made
•representative government a farce.
Public ownership and operation may not at once
be all that its advocates expect, but its short-comings
will have to be very grat indeed if it does not make
a better record in efficiency than private ownership
of public utility monopolies has made in this country.
GEN. JESUS MORALES wit sura correctly called "The Croas
eyed." He gave Huerta 600 follower* laat March, turned rebel, and
now has got killed while fighting hie nobl* 800. But Croaa-eyed Jeeua
[Morale* lan't the only Mexican who la falling to look two way* at
-«nc* and keep hla head on, these day*.
WHY SHOULDN'T there be an alliance between the rich employ
er* of the state and the church, aa charged by Rev. O. H. MrOIII, at
Olympla Friday? Surely no one needa religion more than the em
ployer, and the church must have the money whll* there remain eo
many un-Chrfatlanlzed people In foreign landal
JOY FOR Prince Arthur of Cortnaughtl Artie la to marry the
Duchea* of Fife, who la engaged In a hot lawault with her ma. Juat
think of marrying a rich duche*a, with mother-in-law effect* taboo I
GUESS THE fact that we have a grape Juice eecretary of et*te
who can't make both ends meet on 11,000 a month la proof of the high
co*t of living, all right.
WE WONDER If Messr*. Pelrce, Ooddsrd, Marbls and Bruakevlth
ttill of the opinion that they must protect the people against them-
Boston Inclined to criticise daughter of a distinguished New England
house because she smoked after-illnner cigars on deck of returning
MURDER BCHIMIDT tame Juet In tlma to rallava ua of tha tedious
vralt until activities again begin In tha Thaw caaa.
Weak, Inactive Kidneys Cause
•is® hps
Backache, rheumatism and all kidney and bladder disorder*
are caused from weak, inactive kidneyw, which fail to filter out
the poisona, and keep the blood pure. The only way to pos
itively and permanently cure such troubles is to remove the
cause. The reason why Foley Kidney Pills are the bent
medicine for kidney and bladder troubles is because they are
made wholly of those healing, strengthening and restorative
ingredients that nature need* to build up and renew these
important and vital organs. See that you get Foley Kidney
Pilfc for your kidney and bladder troubles. They are tonic in
action, quick to give good results, and contain no harmful
drugs. For sale by Barbell Drug States,
Th# world'* a rott#« hoi#.
It la. upon my soul.
No plac# lo live In;
Ther#'# no ons on th# aquar#
And people everywhere
By gretd are drlvan.
I haven't any vim or raal ambition
And all my plana ara going to
The w*athar"a on the bum,
The future'e looking glum,
Tate crowds and ahovea me,
A pall of gloom daacende,
I haven't any friends.
Nobody lovaa me.
If eome one said "Cheer up"—well,
I'd waylay him
And grab a heavy blodgeon— and
I'd alay hlml
The cheerfuleet of man
Oeta Ilka thla. now and than,
And bile and choler,
When life Juat makes him tore,
And he will kick and roar
A Seattle man aay* h# always
supposed that a chicken had but
on# ne<k until he started In order
ing chicken plea In restaurants.
Why la It. aaka aomcbody, that
divorce la the cauae of so many
crimes? The main reason, we
ahould aay. Is that It lan'L
e • e
G#nlua la a fin# aiclalln# If you
hav# a steady meal ticket
• • •
Our first achoolhoua# story for
th# term: Urn dlac iver«d, where
upon the teacher played upon the
piano and the children went out.
then came the firemen snd played
upon the fire and that went out.
• # #
Wh#n an Old man msrrlt# th#
paper* will sp« ak of him as "well
preserved" Which after all is
more pleaalng than to refer to him
ss "well pickled."
a a #
But He Didn't Bit* Him. i
"Well, did he pay you'"i
asked the wife of a dentist i
who hart t) en to cnllect a i
bill for a full »et of false i
teeth that he had made for 1
a man almost a year before. 1
"I'ay »•?" growled the den- i
tlst. "Not only did he refuse i
to pay me. but he actually had i
the effrontery to gnash at me i
The world la divided Into two
clnases: th<>M> who want to R< t
their pictures In the paper*, and
those who want to keep them out;
and we may add that In each class
there are those who tell the troth
and thos* who don't
• e •
What's the uae of losing sleep
over other peoplo'a trouble* when
your own keep you awake?
e e e
A surgeon recommend* separate
th'atcr* for men and women. Oood
Idea. Then perhaps a mnn can K>'t
u place to sit. down without cramp
infC hi* knrtcK against tlio chair
hark In front, of him.
# • •
Astronomical Sentiment.
"I wish 1 wer» a star," he sighed,
amlllng at hla own pontic fancy,
"I would rather you wera a
cotnnt," sh« said dreamily.
"And why?" hn asked tenderly,
at the aamo time Uklftl lit un
resisting little haliil lu his own.
"Oh." she nald. with a brooding
earnestness that fell freezing upon
hla soul, "because then you would
coma around only orlce In fifteen
And he took hi* hnf, und went
out Into the shimmering moonlight.
Ll« I
Our Precise Artist
he w/v5 proud or mu
And awear and holler;
So let me rage and anort with tem
per fearful,
And when the fit la over I'll be
• e •
Beauty Notes
Red were her cheeke—aye. roey
Moat beautiful her golden hair.
And of them both ahe always took
Th# moat exacting kind of care
Each night ahe waahed the former
The latter ahe hung on a chair.
Could Stand It.
I.ady lat piano): They aay you
lore good tnualc.
Youth Oh, that d<»ean't matter"
I'rsy go on.
Get a lft-cent ho* now
You men and women who can't
get feeling right- who have head
ache, coated tongue, foul taste and
foul breath, dUilneas, can't sleep,
am bilious, nervoua and upaet,
bothered with a sick, tnur, dis
ordered stomach, or have backache
and feel worn out
Are you keeping your howela
clean with Cascarets. or merely
forcing a i aaaagi way every /#w
dsya with aalta, cathartic pllla or
ca*tor oil?
Cascarets work while you sleepf
cleans* the stomarh. remove the
sour, undigested, fermenting food
and foul gsaes; take the excess bile
from th(> liver and c»rry nut of the
system alt the constipated waste
matter and poison In the bowels
A Ca*car#t tonight will
straighten yon out by morning a
lOcent box from any drug store
will keep your stomach iwrnt; liver
and bowels regular. and head clear
for months. Don't forget the
children They love Cucinli bo
cause they taut* Rood —never gripe
or alrken.
OHIO gft
Amalgam Filling 50c Up
Gold Crowns $3 and Up
Bridgework $3 and Up
full Sets Teeth $5 a L n P d
We have thouaands of fi«-nttln pa
ttanta wlio will toll you that they
never knew that plates could tie fit
ted so perfoctly until they had us do
ths work.
Any work that doesn't prove ant
lafnrtory wilt be repaired fres of
chsrK« at any. tlma.
Come In BOON—today. If you wlah
for FRER eznmlnatlon and esti
12-Year Guarantee to All
Free Examination
► .
207 V'nltrnslly *#.. 2«l nn«l Unlvfrall;
It, Om. FtMtr-l'a(«|auu Cm.
System Discovered
Fortune Teller You arn aelf-
Ish anil of a very Jealous dispo
Ui r | —o. I see your scheme
Whan tin' card la spades you
give iui> a dig
• a a
"My desr, my left foot
la becoming paralysed."
exclaimed an absent mind
ed profeasor to hla wife
• My right foot la normally
waim while the left la cold
and atlff
A doctor waa railed and
It »ae discovered that the
professor had two socl:a on
lila right foot snd none on
hla left
ft I<*TTFR
An elderly man stopped Geo M
Cohan In «3rd at. Mr. Cohan."
aald ho, "I merely wleh to Intro,
duce myself aa a veteran song
*rlt«r and to congratulate you on
a discovery that you made early In
your career."
Dlai-overy *" queried Cohan
What dlacovery?"
The discovery, air.** replied the
other, "that there la In th« Kngllah
language a rhyme to the word
baby' QOlsr »ong writers had al
ways rhymed It with lady'— S moat
dlatressing proceeding—until. In
your song. '1 Ouoas I'll Have to
Telegraph My llaby," you made an
actual rhyme with maybe ' "
Thank >ou," rescinded Cohan,
"la that all you had ou yonr
No. air." aald the veteran. "1
rould iiae al2 hill If yoti had one
to apare "
"Here you are," anawered Co
han. passing over th# dealred cur
rency, 'and you dea<Tve more
credit than I do."
"How so?"
"Why. j >u aeem to have made
baby' rhyme with 12"
Should Church B« Tassd?
Kdltor Star: 1 have read with
great Interest a communication in
The Star of laat FYlday by "Citi
zen," headed. "Churches I'ay
Taxes" Now, without following
hla line of argument. I wlah to
anawer the question with an un
qualified "yea" I believe that all
property should be held subjei t to
ita proportionate share of taxation
The only exception 1 would malte
would be public property.
It la a fundamental principle of
our government that church and
atate must be kept separate. The
present policy ol the state to ex
empt church property from taxa
tion I believe to be n mistake and
an Injustice to the people To
exempt church property from tax
atlon Is an Indirect way of requir
ing the people to pay tho taxea of
that property, or. In other words. It
la taxing the peoplo for the sup
port of that church.
.1113 King Bt.
• • •
She's In Soma Fix
Kdltor Tho Star: I am another
California woman who la not al
lowed to vote, owing to my hav
ing married a Itrltlsh subject.
If the ronatltutlon of the I'nlted
States la still In force and every
person horn here la a citizen, who
has tho right to pass Inwa auditing
the constitution? Has It been done
really? Would It be possible to
obtain Mrs. Mackenrlo Gordon's ad
dress? I do want to write to her
and encourage her, and perhaps, by
other women protesting against
tho rank Injustice, wo may have
Justice done us.
A BunscmnEß.
A letter addressed to Mrs. Mac
kenzie Gordon, San Francisco, will
reach her.—Ed.
Two women worn' mutually con
fiding th«>lr troubles.
"Vou can't think how thin high
rout of living nffects us," confessed
one. "Why. my bills for OlOttM*
ulone are mono than Iwlco as much
n« they worn I«*t year."
"Merry!" gasped the other. "I
ilon't sec how your husband can
afford It!"
"That's the answer—he can't."
nald the fl "Hut ho, couldn't af
ford It hiat year. So what's the
difference?"—Pittsburg Chronicle
This clever little girl la only 1.1
yenia old!
Il<-r niime la Alice McConaughey
What do you suppose aim la and
what do you suppoao she has In
her l oaaeaalou?
Why, she la s wlr'leaa operator!
Him haa Juat received the flrat
I.AKKB, under the new federal
Hbe made lier own wlreleaa ap
paratua and learned to run It by
herself, too
When the terrible floods were
carrying nway homea and cattle
and killing many people In Ohio,
this bravy young girl ant before
her wireless In the kitchen of her
home receiving messages from the
flood bound jieople.
Now, Mlaa Alice haa the right
I I take ii position on a lIKAIi ahlp
on the great lakea'
You know wireless operatora on
■fhlpa have to be VEHY, VEIIY
IJKAVK, because they are the ones
who i ill for help to other ships In
<a»e of accMent.
They lire the ones who usually
atay right a» their post to the last
Alice McConaughey la the
daugliter of It C. McConaughey,
national bank examiner of Cin
Peat ii red by the keeneat lilnd of
competition. The Star Circle's draw
Ing contest came to s doae Friday
afternoon. There wero forty eon
testanta entered In the competlon
Harold Kuthruff, whose pOSt of
fice address Is K. K. I). No. 2.
Arlington, Waah , won the grand
caah price The contest was for the j
beet drawing by a Clrclette of hi*
or her school building The winner.
Harold Kuthruff, sketched tlt ■
school house shlch he attended at
Th# contest waa decidedly Inter
eating f >r the reason that many of
the drawlnga were duplicated
Harold Kuthruff'a was one of tint
several of the schools at Arlington
He la a new member of the Circle
and hla drawing was very merit
orious. especially when It Is real
l»ed that thla was his flrat compe
tlon In thla kind of a contest At)
the drawings were good, which waa
the raui-e for cloae eomi>etlon.
The following buys and girls were
awarded honorable mention: Joe
I.ucaa, Agnus McDonald, Floyd.
Monroe, Emagln# llullen. Tteatrlce
Monroe. Arthur Heawell, George
Snap, Pauline Humphrey, Arnold
Templeton, Donald Kensle, Ruth
I,uater, Grace Seacroarh. Harriet
Hamilton. Marths Harrington, Ruth
I'sppln, Cecil llempel. Carl Hlmp
eon, Thomas Hnnson, Dalay Green
well, Cecelia Green, Gladys Mun
They wrrn going along tb«> ptrollr
highway al a leisurely rate of forty
miles per hour when a decrepit hen
and rooster started to do the
cblck'n specialty -cr>ss the road
The front and hind wliwli on 'he
right side struck the poor, old. stiff
Jointed rooster amidships and with
one squak be succumbed.
Immediately the man at the steer
ing wheel started to alow down
and to look about for a place to
His solicitous wife turned to her
seatmate and aald:
"lan't that Just like hta tender
heart? He won't be aatlafled unleaa
he goes back and settles for that
rooater. He Juat can't bear to feel
he haa Injured any on« or any
Thin, louder to her huaband ahe
"George, remember that appoint
ment. We haven't any time tc go
back for anything."
Glancing at the clock near hta
feet and at the speedometer near
by, he sighed and aald:
"You're right, Jennie; but I Juat
know If I had turned back I could
have killed that old hen Juat na
casv aa 1 did the rooster'"—Maga
zine of Kiin.
Kaiser Wllhelm owns and
run* a porcelain factory for
which he makes designs and
from which ho makee $00,000
annual profit.
Prince of I.lppe-Detmold Is
a dealer In butter and eggs,
while he has as a side line a
busy brick factory that adds
to hla Income
King of Wurtemberg Is the
proprietor of two hotels re
ported to be worth $45,000 an
nually to him.
Emperor of Austria- Hung
ary, like the kaiser, operates
a china factory. This estab
lishment, situated near the
Austrian capital, eniptovß
more than one thousand skil
led workmen. King of Saxony,
too, has business Interests of
this character.
Tho king of Servla. In ad
dition to several shops doing
general trade, Is said to pro
mote the sale of a patent
medicine and to run a motor
car agency. —Ton Notch
INSUHAKCt CO.^ — " Oid | .. ~:-'-; ' v, "."t-
M .. «»i»i p»»
■ * ..•••■ Wbll* l']d»-
* * S«itl»
* " Phon. >
A yotinif lady at Hath Beach had
occasion to complain about one of
the bathhouae attendant*, an old
fellow who, in the hurry of clean
ing up, would aometime* burnt In
upon her bathhouae without knock-
One morning, after thl* had hap
pened for the *lxth or aeventh time,
the younr l»dy took the old fellow
to ta*k
I* the matter of flrat Importaace In aelectlng an Inatitulloo wit*
which to place four (avion
Strict Btate *upervl*lon, combined with a board of dlreetonk
cor.i!»tlr.it of well known banker* anil bu*lne»* men. ln*ure* abso
lute aafaty when you place your money with thla aeaoclatioa.
We have newer paid leae than 8 per cent on eavtnga.
J H 81/OBDEU President HEVRT C FWTWO. _
Pr«»d't Bl »d»i Donovan I*br S»c'y A Tr»a*. Calbeaa, ZMBBf
Mill* A Ewlnr
riH l»r«ata»at RtiliHi City Beak
A- ». ANDBHUOI*. <«» n t and Treaa.
e'TnTiiriiPLL I. w muwkll,
A»t Ca*hSnal City Bank. rr " 4 t »*•«<>«> «** «uk
— . Prop'r Index Granite Weita.
Aia't Poftrntfttr, fWX»TT QALHOUH, CounMl
Paget Sound Savings and Loan Associate
"A Mutual Striata Society." Eatabllshed IHL
In doing this you enable the manufacturer to ifr
create his output, and compel him to employ mow
help. REMEMBER, the greater the weekly paym|
the greater Seattle.
Case a Caae, 514 Fifth Ave. W.
f) 0 11 TamaleGrotto
K /L M Chili Con Cante
!/•%* III* Qij^
Main 5306. We Deliver.
1511 Third Avenue
Wholesale and Retail.
"Centennial Best"
Washington Brand
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli,
Alphabets, Elbow Cuts,
Egg Noodle*.
Manufactured by
kV« AJ S(V
\ Established 190S
Empire Bldg. Main 6324
* -
D A 7TQ m«n. *n» munih In *a
l\/\ I LMJ JtAri •«> •».*.« «l M, jJJJ
fir rjirrW, b rll f, MU a mnvif))
"Hod here, Peter*," *ha tiK,
"there'* no lock on my bathhowt,
a* you know, and I mu*t innlat ej
your kocklng before you enter. K
haxn't happened yet, hut It mljte
very well happen that you'd ng
In "n me when I wan all undreaaat"
I'etern, with a chuckle, haiteuf
to r»-a**ure the younic lady oa thla
No f< ar of that. mi**." be uil
"No f< ar of that. There'* a knot
hoi#- In the door what 1 alw&yi loot
thronith before I venture in."—S«t
Orle&na State*.
Portable Houses
_ »'<tMUIUI. llok
Cotta*«*a. Bungalows Oaraga* Etc
All atsea and atylaa.
Mad# In SBATTI.B and abtppal
*atl»fl#d owner* ar« our ref*r«Mat
tire—Hrrtlrenhlf— RromnM
'•♦•t our prtr*a bafora you buy or balU
AMERICAN roKTiltr.fr: HOI SI ro.
jlwln a»ai. MM I Arm4p Rt4g
Rattan /• urniture
Rttttn Furniture Mfg. Co.
Makers of all kinds of
Wo Do Repairing.
?845 Sixteenth Avenue Weft
Phono Queen Anne 474.
Sal,id Drrssing
Mil. Porter'i Peanut Butter
all grades for exoellencfc
It la made here In Seattle
And Its output la immense.
Soda Water
Distributers of
Bottled Coca Cola, Cherry
Cheer, Wys» Celery Phosphsti
and all carbonated bever»«*
Phone Sidney 69..

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