Newspaper Page Text
I mkmiii h or thh wKirra kohtiiwmt U*iil K OK **»«!• SfKH.*. ftwvlr* »f lh# I hIInI I'rm AiwrklUn fcl»w(l at lh. poM.rrior tralll*. *«•!> »• rtaaa mmttrr 1">,M1.1..d hi Tti« mar I'aMUhlaa Catapanr rtwj vwalaf Hivp4 aumlaF. Mothers at Large MARY HARVEY. Baltimore's first policewoman. has been on her job lf> month*. The other day she a Massa chusetts audience what she had been doing. Much of her work i« j»t night. Accompanied by a plain clothes man, «he visits hotel- and restaurants to see if liquor is sold to young girls or if girls are taken to rooms nbove. When she finds that this is being done, -lie gets the names and addresses of the girls. tell* their parents if they have parents; tries to point out to the girls the mischief they are inviting ami then pets a warrant for the hotel man, summoning the girls as witnesses. Another branch of her work is to arrange with women s clubs to supply volunteers for a careful study of moving pic ture films, with a view to cutting out those which arc ol>jec tionable. She goes to public dance balls to see how they are being conducted; investigates the cases of little children left as foundlings at public institutions; keeps in touch with the women in the underworld, both to be of help when she can and also to turn back those who will listen to timely counsel; and acts as an arm of the judges in their dealings with wom en and girls. She makes few arrests. Mainly her purpose is to be the friend in need and to prevent the beginner in evil from becoming hardened. So well has the experiment of a police woman succeeded in Baltimore that the city now has four women "cops" and is soon to hire a fifth When we get further away from the folly of force as a deterrent of mischief, and learn the better rule of kindness, policewomen will be plentiful. SAYS BILLiE BURKE: "I have great sympathy with t: >" womm who Mid orange® should be eaten In a bat*» tub." So have we, Blllls; so have we This eating of orangee right out In the open air hss got to be put down, and there'e nothing like putting one'a neck down Into a bath tub to aat fruit. It's Different YOUNG MR. HARRIMAN enters a shop, saying he is desirous of learning the practical side of the business, .with hopes of becoming as great a railroad man as his father was. Perhaps the yotmg man has made a mistake. Mis father entered the business through Wall st. and knew much more about manipulation of stocks than he did al>out practical railroading. Since the elder 11arriman made his record, there have been some tremendous changes. The federal police have put an eye on stock manipulation and even raided one of the late boss manipulator's biggest deals. Still, a machine shop may be a good entrance to a high place for young Harriman. We hope so. but it is certain that he will have to learn a lot and make a lot of struggles that his father dida't. The going isn't the same. • For instance, suckers aren't biting as they were and the law has put some restrictions on the fishing. MANY MORE chaplains, My* Navy Secretary Denleie, la the cry tut need of th» navy. The pay la better than the average for preach era. and there * no question about tha field of alnner* being an arable •na. DETROIT, MICH„ I* going ahead of Its fall (hooting record. Two 111 ana day. on main atreet, recently. IF HOLIDAYS keep on Increasing, we'll have to mark the day* of warfc In red on the calendar*. IF TURKEYS coat any more ChrUtmae Mm* than they did on Tbankeglvlng, we won't have cold turkey, turkey haeh and turkey *oup December 2«, 27 and 28, anyhow. ANYHOW, NOW we know the KanM* climate In eplte of real es late agent*. John Do tan ha* eued for damagee becauae hie farm waa Mown away after the brush waa burnt off It by eparka from a loco motive. 1 FEEL HEADACHY, DIZZY, BILIOUS? CLEAN YOUR LIVER! A DIME A BOX flick headache*! Always trace ffcem to laxy liver; delayed, fer asenting food In the bo»ela or a ■tck stomach Poisonous, consti pated matter, gases and bile geaer atsd la the bowels. Instead of be tag carried out of the system. Is reabsorbed into the blood When this poison reaches tho delicate Wain tissue It cause* congestion sad that dull, sickening headache 10 CENT BOXES-ANY ORUfi STORE i-ryr Do Your Christmas Shopping at Seattle's Si Big Credit House Ton can mention nothin* In women'a wear that cannot b« bought her* on credit and at reas onable prlcea. Ilnro'a your c.hanco to thoroughly teat out our eaay payment plan. The cholceat fab 1 rlca correctly tailored In the pre vailing atyle* will be found In both i Hulta and Coats, and our large v atook of fine Fura offer* a nplendld Jv opportunity for making a choice B }J] " selection In Fur Hefa and Kur Gar lnkjH|t;'XX£w mcnt*. Remember thla on your next (bopping tour. C 1332-34 .S«corid Av«„ N«nr Union St Seattle's Reliable Credit House EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE STAR Caeca ret a will remove the ran ae by stimulating the liver. making th» bile and constipation poison move on aad out of the bowela Ore tak/'n tonight atraighten* yov out by morning—a 10-cent box win ke«r your bead clear, stomach swnet, liver and bowel* regular, and make you feel bright and cheerful for months. Chlldraa need ( as carets, too. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE In Editor's Mail About Prlc* of Egg* Editor The Star I don't think the public would object to paying the price for atrlctly fresh eggs, but there I* no other food *o badly mlsbrauded There I* a law pro tecting other food*, but none for egg*. Winter eggs cannot be pro duced for 36 cents a doaen with the prevailing prioe of grain. I bare 100 or more bene, half of them not laying, because they are moulting The other half are young pullet* Keed co*t* to cent* a day and then, besides, there la the work of clean lng and disinfecting houses. fe«d- Ing. watering, supplying grit, shell and charcoal, and numerous other duttea which only a poultryman can res Use. And I get from none to *lx egg* per day 7044 11th av. N TV. MRS. JAM KM WRIGHT. Y**, W*'ve Seen Th«m Kdltor Star: As one who Is compelled to take the early car In the morning*. I would tike to pro test with many other* against hu man hogs occupying the whole of the aisle apace with their abnor mally large and muddy feet. Theae semi-human belnga ought to hare an Krerett True to teach them that all of apace |a not their*. It I* Im possible for a lady lo pass down the aisle* of ihese car* when th« weather la good, and these would be signboards are dry and fairly clean, but. In thta muddy weather It I* almost enough to give one hys teria. Thanking you for the many good things you have been able lo bring about through the column* of your valuable paper. I subscribe myself, one of your faithful r« ader*. MARY C. STEWART. 340* Aurora av. Dance* at Playfl«ldt Kdltor Star: Dear Sir: In la*t night'* paper. I *ee that J. H. Stlne, director of playflelda, would like to experiment with other people * chil dren a hit aa to what effect danc ing In the playfleld houaes would have upon them. I would suggest that Mr. Pttne had better experiment with hto own children, and. If he ha* none, he had better get the opinion of the children's parents first A TAXPAYER THE MARKETS I PrW« paid for ttfid fruit : <r*orr*M*4 dally hy J W Ondwtn * r*o ) Appl»a. loral rooking 7* O lIS Tnklrna potato#* . ...I*oo u2*• 10 Whlta rlvar {K>ti!o«« . II 00 4/ 22 00 < >nl'»na 02 •« ft ft? 14 rmlona. «r»an ?l H'juaah. lfuM»ard 01 H Pumpkin OlVfc r**bhMr« 01 t* 9 Of \ ''ufumhffi 71 ft I 2 IWJI. »<»rk .71 O • Itu'nl **«• ... , 1(0 '"'arrot* 7ft ft tr, I'arantpa 100 O IIS f'allfornli ln«ad |a»»u*a rr»'« 100 o ::t fl«ad Mine* IS 0 10 KadlihM ............ 10 Y*l)«rw turnip* 1 76 N«*«l poUtMl 02 Whit* turnip" *1* ff 1 f -* Cimnrrlii hifwl iooo 911 to I'rliM iwl'l |ir<n|nrff» fur butter, r||« poultry. »r>»l tirid |»i»rk : If'orr*Nt#«l dally hf parry flroa 1 V.Mf 4? ft|>rln*a. rivar 2 I'* . . 10 HrolUra. fm, 2 II • und»r 20 !(»*;• ov«r 3 !»■•. f"' 14 9 M Han* fat, I lha and un4ar II oM rooatar*. Ilva 10 •'l**a* 14 I Mick • * )4 Kprln* dtinkllnira . . 14 Turkaya, fat. ll** . . .10 Turkajrfl, old T'-ma, fat. Il*« 17 Iqutbl, *ood alia, do* ~ 100 'lulnH f"wl, lira, do* ... I oo r-ialan haraa . 0* '»id pl«»ona. rood alta, di • j do ■ y ■■■■ - It Would T Siu-h n charming huaband I | Mm I'lcklo ha*' Ho tender af ! ter ten y«'«r* of marriage! Quito natural! It would 1 make a rhlnoeeroa tender to I hi- kept In hot water tun yeara I • — -4 THE STAR—THURSDAY, DECEMRER 11, 19IS. SAD COLD? YOUR HEAD STUFFED? 'PAPfS COLO COMPOUNO* GIVES QUICK RELI IP CONTAINS NO QUININI Take "Papw'a Cold Compound" evary two hoora until you have taken three doa«o. then Oil grippe miaery gore and your mid will be broken. It promptly ope na your Clogged up noetrlla and tho air pa» •agea of the bead; atopa oaaty die charge or r.aoe running. relieve* tho haodache, dutlneoe. f.verleh naoa. aoro throat, eneetlng, .ore neoa and atlffcaao. l>nn t atay etuffod up' Qolt blowing ond snuffling P.«ae your throbbing head -nothing e|ae In the world gl*aa euch prompt relief aa Pape'a Cold Compound," which coot a only 26 canto at any drug •tore It arto without aoalatanoe taatoo nlco. and cauaea no lncun venlence Accept no aabatltnte J. Redelsheimer Sc Co. it 5 111 L w Wool Dresses Special $12.50 Practical MylM In «prir*a nnd wool rr»nf>fl In navy, f*op»n, brown, rnnhojruny nnd black Onn of would mak* a •»n»!l>la Chrlitman gift. Hp«- clally priced At 91 2 60. Dancing Frocks Special $18.50 dnlnly .tylo* In rhlffon, crepe ill' rb)n« Mini <'anti>n crop" fol or*. l,lue. pink, white, nml Nile An exr».,|lnarly nttrnettve • ugg«atlnn fur I'hrlmman glvln* Special at $18.50. niir S|>crial Values in Suits, Coats and Waists. J. Redelsheimer & Co. First and Columbia Hpuga Following Is tfin Mat of wnddlntf prawnta: lloyd Htanloy. hoc Mrs. A. V. Haying. all»or t«» apoomi and two plllown A K. lloyliiK, hot of lion bona mi<l ho« Mr and Mr» J t llrown, parlor lump niut liok Glasgow (Mo. I Ml* sonrlan. • • • Editor Moat Anything: Hilling ii"*t to nit' at thu liifu ll counter ypalnnlay »a* u Taeotna man who rumarkad "I Ilk" my «i»l ItiK. but 1 enn't ••• anything In res ttturiuitn (llvi< nm my homn «very time. How lan Joy my Sundays! I tak* off my rnat and v*»t. collar ami tin, union kl« my ball ami lulu off my ahoaa and go to tho dinner labia and enjoy myself."- It. C, J WHAT DID SHE MEANT "What became of that piece of mualc you oompoeed laat month?" "I doatroyd U." "Dootroyed It* Why. that waa the beet thing you over did'" • • • It'a a pity, with all thoae chancoo for war with MvllOO, that Joe Tinker and Oarry Herrmann ara In baaeball Inatead of lh« army • • a Why dent thay try to omofco out that bandit In I'tah by throwing a lighted Turklah ctgaret Into tho ml no? • a • Chlcago'a mayor hoa ordered the pollr* to put on tbo ltd New Year eve There timet be no horna. no confetti, no tl< klera. Nothing but bOOM. a • e Thue Saving the Shoo* Tho young men of thia village who gave the dance at tho Union houao laat Wedneaday evening would like to have U understood that thero were no daccoo aurh aa tango, and othera wero not allowed whatever.— Hurllngton till./ rroo Proaa e e e THANKFUL FOR SOMETHING "Well. thing* might have been worae; and. •( all eventa, my poor feel are having a rest!" • • • A man In teranton. Pa., wen a bat by drinking all glasnen of whlaky. but the vhlakr killed him Evi dently that man hadn't lived In Scranton lon* Ay man who ran *tan 4. Scranton can't be killed that •aallr. • • • Possibly you recall the atory of the eminent gentleman who cut two holea In the door, a larger hole through which the old cat could pan* and the atrial! one for th« kitten Anyway, the member* of the Hoadatde club, a Cleveland. O , society bunch, received the follow ing poetal card notices; ROADSIDE CLt'R Since the recent storm our Itell trtphnm la out of aenrlce Will memtiera please uae our Cuyahoga 'phone, calling Princeton IKS' .TAB. TOMUNHON. Steward loiter—The Hell Telephone Serv ice ha* been reatored. THINGS THE PRESS AGENTS PROMISE Everybody like* to aee the poor girl marry the rich man. It hua linen the favorite thnrne ever since King Cophetua married the beggar maid. Mr. Hroadhurat haa brought that atory up to date and la telling It In an Interesting way, with an ■'xcoptlonally fine company at the Moore thla week. "The Pink Lady," coming to the Metropolitan lonlgnt for a three daya' engagement, la deacrlhrd In general lerma na nn International musical comedy do hue. Thla apt [ill ra no hits It off well enough in n ineaaure, hilt It la really a play with tnualc In three act* and aa many acenea. Its haalc atory la an adap tation of the French farce. Sat J 1 re," and It represents n delight ful atory, humorously outlined and enhanced by a acoro of captivating qualities. AT THE THEATRES THIS WEEK Moor#—"Hought and Paid KV>r." Metropolitan—Thursday to Sat urday. "The Pink Lady." Seattle —Unllev A Mitchell atock in "The College Widow," Tlvoll—"Mra Temple's Tele grum." If aomabody would kidnap "Af flnlty" Karl*, and kenp him out of xlKlit, it would In- a reltnf to both Kurop* and America.—l'ltUburii t'oat. FLAME-COLORED CHARMEUSE, THEY SAY DRESS IS CALLED, BUT—WELL, ANYHOW, IT'S A BEAR Hfi%tlntimity apeaklng, th«r«* are more fiiilgurlan dreaaea worn In I' l «1 link, Wnili., and Oahkoah, Win, than In the whole of the Milken atntea I 'itt huliik tti« name Hue of re H'-mrh, It Ik mm Indmputnhle truth that more fo|k« In 1111 l«i old I Jot lot in antl the YVaahlngton hotel, dnnoe the Argentine tango than do In Ar gentine. And It I* a well known fart that |It la not the native Texan who ' made Immortal the Texa» Tommy, i hut It wu tlm native Kan Fran • taran on the llarbary roaat Taien Olrlla In Diractolra With which preface, we now ' .->rlHr> to remark that when a native ( Texan laaale, with flaxen treaaea iilid aiture eyea, and pearly teeth, nnd divine form when a Texan girlie an l>Hautlftll aa ahn la young, doe* In Hi'Uttln a dlrertolre kowii, faahloned from flame-colored char meuae, Imported from Drecol!, Kranr*, doea ahe leave anything open for argument? No, not even a allt. Hhe poaltlvely hna thoae Parisian dainea and grand damea faded to obamrlty And when, like dainty Myrtle Hoae I>e Ixiy, leading lady at the Tlvoll theatre, thla < hirmlug young laaale alngn It'a Nice to He In love on a lively l>ay." ran you help falling for the rharma of allt front dlre< tolra and the girl It em hod lea with aurh flaming rlchneaa? You can't. Thaf'a all. Thla la from the wardrobe mla trraa of the Tlvoll: "The tunic la of chiffon, embrold ered In hand-woven allver braid, nnd mounted with brllllanta. It la a allt-frrnt dlrectolrn model from I»recoll, FYanre." BH«'a Her* for fteaaon It'a attre aom« gown rich and red. And It'a aure aome girl. M 1«« ltelx»y la not altogether new to Heattle. She waa here on the Hulllvan A I'onaldlne circuit with her papa and mamma. The Three Imlxiya, In a alnglng and dancing art, not long ago Khe'a going to remain at the Tlvoll for tbo remainder of the aeaaon. MICHIGAN * ♦ 4 Flint: Ne»t year nherlff will have only three depntlen. Inning at* In tha county.—Jeaale ||nod nnd U liaaoott. miim»r of WMtern l Molt Co, are married Holland: former Conrreeaman (J. J Dlekrma lim been appointed member of arbitration board to eel tle difference Mwi*n conductor* and trainman of C. I! * Q It it Trovocoo CHy: r»oUlo enhlNt will b» held here November IS Potookay: Martlr, FH|y. for 3H vf»m resident of Rmmet roi'inty, and builder of flmt road through format, la dead lonia: Mary E Waldon and Sllaa W. Iftmnlng. betrothed In 18f.S> w»r» married |**t weok. Grand Rap Ida: F V. Nowman baa been olwted aerretary and troaaurwr of Michigan Independent Tel and Traffic Aaaorlation He' waa office boy 17 roara ago I — r . If It ., \ m \ Correct $15 and $18 " Suits, Overcoats\ » \ and Raincoats \ It's \ \ Correct. \ \ Finest product of modern tailoring, featuring new weaves and patterns, in latest models and styles from New York and London: clothes that carry the atmosphere of $25 and $.V> garments. Splendid showing of blue cheviots, serges, worsteds, fancy mixture tweeds, etc. Especially fine is the wonderful array of $15 and $18 overcoats and raincoats in our new Third Floor department. The style and finish of the new coats, belted backs, snappy lines, must be seen to be appreciated. Values that surprise you. Gift Certificates Applied in Clothing Department Make Christmas a Happy Time That's a splendid way to solve your gift problems. A gift certificate or mer chandise order is good in any part of the store, and lets the recipient choose just the gift desired. Neckwear and Hosiery Comfort Wear for Men Beautiful display in each department. Smoking Jackets. Bath Robes and Imported and domestic silks in the new Dressing Gowns range up from $5 00. neckwear, ranging tip from 50 cents. ' ajamas am! Night Robes may interest Silk and guaranteed hosiery, the former c/f' H l f° rni f r en . t at $1.50 up; latter $1.00 up. Suspenders 50 cents up per pair and the latter $1.40 in Christmas boxes, 50 cents and up. box of six pairs. Hosiery-Neckwear Cross (Ixmdon) Leather Purses and Sets are most acceptable gifts, $1.00 up. Pocketbooks as low as 50 cents and $1. Cheasty's Haberdashery SECOND AVE. AT SPRING ST. SOAP ON HAIR CAUSES DANDRUFF, SCALP GETS DRY, HAIR FALLS OUT OIRLtI OKT A ttCENT BOTTLE AND TRY A "DANDBRINB HAIR CLBANBE" After wetMrg your hair with •oap alwayt appfy a Uttle Dander- In* to the eealp lo Invigorate the hair and prevent dryneae Hetter •till. u»a aoap u •partngly a* i©a elhto, and Inataad bar* a 'Darder- Inc Hair Cleanae " jmt molaten a cloth with Danderlne and draw It carafully through your htlr, taking on* atrand at a time Thla wl»: ra tnoTe duat, dirt and excaaalve ol In • few momenta you will amaud, your balr will sot only ba clean. but It will ba wary, Duffy PHONES rates m %z: n . W32 Br mrrUr. tm "Mr. »•• • Myrtle Rom DaLoy and abundant. and poaaeaa an !•> oomparable aoftneea and luatra. Bealdaa cleaning and Ing the hair, one application of Dan darlaa dJatolrea every particle dan druff; atlmulatae the aealp, Mop ping Itching ted falling balr. Dan darlna la to tha hair what freah ahowara of rain and aunthlne are to vegetation. It gooa right to the root*, tnrlgoratee and etrangthene them. Ita eihllaratlag and life producing pro port lei cauae tha hair to (row long, atrong and beau tiful. Man! Lad lea! Ton can aurely hare lota of charming hair. Oet a JVcent bottle of Kbowlton'e Dan derlne from any drug atora or tollal counter and try It. Wi! »,V you v,h( e*t Irs* i'lea den