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COLORADO GUNMEN SOLDIERS LO!OT THE STRIKERS' BURNED TENT COLONY WHILE THEIR COMMANDER CURSES PREACHERS By Edward A. Evans TRINIDAD, Colo. April JO.- Scoreg of murdormi* mine guard*, nun men. dressed In corduroy*, overall* 01 ragged civilian'* clothing. ar« with Oen. John Chase* Colorado *tate mili- Cha»* called th* R*v Randolph Cook, E«iwArd A Evanj Christian minister, and th* Rev. J. O. Ferrl*. Eplicopal rector, "damned llara"! The two minister*, with reporter and doctors, hnd gone to Ludlow on an errand of mercy'. They wanted to »earrh the mined tent colony for more l>odles. Women and cktldrA of the strik er* are still miMlng. and It thought that the gunmen mlicht have buried bodies near the col ony' THE MINISTERS OF THE COS PEL WERE BARRED. ON OR OERS FROM CHASE. On* of th* reporter* and two doctor* mad* a frultl*** «*arch. In the meantime Ch**e had In tuited the two minuter*. b*cau**. We are featuring stylish suits for young men—made just right fm $25 Up,ard We are showing a fine se lection of summer suitings. Sec our assortment of checks and stripe*. Shulack & Co. 323 Pike Street Seattle's Leading Tailor*. When tlit Children Couch Use MUSTEROLE! No telling how soon the symp toms may develop Into croup. And then'* when you're glsd you have a jar of MCBTERQI.K at hand to give prompt, sure TrTTef. It posi tively doss not blister ths tsndsr sst skin. As first aid and a certain reme dy there's nothing like MUSTER OLE. Thousands of mothers know should keep a Jar In the house. It Is the remedy for adults, too. Relieves Sore Throat. Bronchitis. Tonsilltls. Croup. Stiff Neck. Asth ma. Neuralgia. Headache. Conges tion, Pleurisy. Rheumatism. Lum bago. Pains and Aches of Hark or Joints, Sprains. Sore Muscles, Chil blains. Frosted feet ard Colds of the Chest lit prevents Pneumonia> At your druggist's lo 25c and &0c jars, and a apsclal large hospital sizs for $2.50. Accept no substitute. If your druggist, cannot supply you. send 25c or 60c to the MI'S TEROI.K Company, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will mail you a jar, postage prepaid. 156) Mr* J Hnrlteb. W«M ph!lM«lr>M». Pa . ■ays. "My -old eon had mv«ta bfflnchltl". I f«un«t Mueterole the beet thing I e*er ueed" GMj DR. L. R. CLARK, D. O. S. Honest Dentistry We make good every promise to every patient, following business as well as professional principles. All our work is barked by a guaran tee which means money bark with out argument If you are not satis fied. Our four great features are: PAINLESS EXTRACTION. All the proverbial horrors are gpne. NO PLATE SYSTEM. For replacing missing teeth. PERFECT FITTING PLATEB That fill out sunken cheeks and restore the youthful contour of the face. CUT RATES. Regular 110 Extra Heavy Oold Crowns $4.00 Regular 110 Never Slip Plates $5.00 WE GIVE GAS Regal Dental Offices Or. L. R- Clark, Msnagsr. 1406 Third Av., N. W. Corner Union. Not«: Urine this ad with you. tia at Ludlow, where the atrlkera' lent colony burned and women and children were slain by liockefeller's militiamen 7 THESE GUNMEN ARE NOT MEM BERS OF THE MILITIA. THEY ARE SIMPLY HIRED THUQS OF JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERS COLORADO FUEL AND IRON CO. PAID BY THE COM PANY. BUT ACTING UNDER CHASE. They have banded together and have chrls tened their organisation Company Many of I hem are better ahot* than the regular militiamen, and if Chase get* more order* from the coal mine operator* to massacre women and children of the striking miner*, these thug* will be very useful? They wer* lined up In the militia camp at Ludlow, waiting to be fed at th* ex panse of th* *tate of Colorado, when rka>. a.11.J ak. - t»_. »-» «. .. he said, they had c«m* to Ludlow under a Red Cross flag when tech nically they had no right to use one. Chases own militiamen admit that the general Is absolutely In sane on the subject of mllltlarlsin snd that UK WUX NOT IIKMI TATK TO ORDKH A KEI'ETI HON OK THE LI'DU>W MAS -BACRK If his own peculiar Idea of "law enforcement" calls for one. Striker* la Trinidad have start ed to build a new tent colon r a mile from Trinidad, near San Rafael hoxpltal, on (round where formerly the militia rami. w*a lo cated Groups of striker*. hilly armed, walk through the street* of Trlni dad to thla ramp Chase's militiamen have abso lutely looted the burne4 Ludlow colony. I *aw two of them carrying off an Iron bed. unhurt by the firs. to their own quarter*. Militiamen kicked open unburned trunk* and the content* were scat tered. Colorado'* citixen eoldlere went through the ruin*. "WHERE WAS THE CASH REGISTER IN THE LITTLE STORE THAT BURNED?" ONE OF THEM ASKED ME. Physician Tells How To Grow Hair A Well-Known Physician and News paper Correspondent Tell* How to Promote the Growth of the Hair. A well-known physician who has made a careful *tudy of the hair recently macto the following state ment: "It is comparatively easy to stop the hair from falling out. promote Ita growth and banish dan druff by ths following simple reci pe, which can be made at home To 7 oa. of water add a small hot of llftrbo Compound. 1 os. of bay mm and *4 01 nf glycerine. ply it to th« scalp with the finger tips two or three* times per week. It not only la excellent as a scalp and hair tonic but It darkens* faded, streaked, gray hair and make* It soft and glossy I use It myself snd have no hesitancy In recom mending It to my patlenta. These ingredients ran he bought at any dnig store at very little cost."—Ad vertisement- DAJTO AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT I»*tw4!ac I Dmmf* TVfcete IAIHEW mwr HATS REBLOCKED Hat* your Milan*. hfmp, f'tnamaa. chip* flex and hair cleaned. dy«d. r*Mw«d and £* r"h!o«*ked with th* lat«>»i nhape. Wa trim. also. Stb Mo«f F«*pt*'e flnnk. f«f •' Pike. fur flpcfrlf WlgW ) BARGAINS Ir * In Used Machines J New Machine* rented tVMIT# *rWIMW MACIIINF CO. I«t4 Third (Wear five) H«tn tuts Oetonfl* I SWEATERS I WhnlMtl* and He tell. Made by I rH-rOXKK KNITTINO CO I m In lon *t , Ceraer riffh *e I MEAT PRICES CUT TOMORROW, FRIDAY, AT FRYE & CO/S MARKETS AS FOLLOWS: Choice Loin Pork 0fl»» Chops tUC Choice Rib and Loin IE. Mutton Chops I wU Choice Pork Back Bones, HC. 10 lbs. for CUC Sweet Pickled Bssf IRn Tongue I Uu Pork Llvsr, 4 ft _ 3 !bs. for IUU American Full 0flf» Cream Cheese fcUw Look for U. 8. Purple Stamp It signifies purity snd quality Shops open until 6:20 p. m. Mrt. Angelina Petragon, Who Lfty, With Hsr Two Llttls Girl*, In Hsr T*nt Collar Whllo Gunmen Soldier* Woro Shooting Up Lud low. Photographed at th* Funeral of Hor low . Photographed at the Funeral of Her Bablee. CYNTHIA GREY'S LETTERS AND ANSWERS Q. — I am In troubls, snd I wish you would hslp ms by tail ing whether I am right or wrong, snd If I sm In ths wrong I wilt gisdy do what Is ths right thing. My parents objsct to my see ing any young msn friends, snd thsy expect ms to *11 at homs evenlnga and rssd ths paper. Thsy say it is not ths right thing to go out with young msn. Now, Miss Grsy I havs nsvsr dons snything that la ths Isaat out of ths wsy, snd I hsvs always snd can truthfully •ay thst I havs besn strslght, and when I go out with s young man frlsnd I slwsys set liks s perfect lady, and am highly rs *pect*d by th-m. At hon* thsy r*f*r to ths young msn ss "bsaus," ''your fellow" snd all such name* a* that. Now, what I want to know is. hss not any girl ths Hght to sasociats with msn friends as wsll ss womsn, snd ars msn such vis lous animal* that wt must hsvs ■n Iron cags around us to keep safsT Why did God crests men! Why dldnt hs create all womsn so that wo may not sss msn or assoolats with hiraT Isn't It psrfsctly natural for young msn snd womsn to mtngls to gsthsr snd hsvs good tlmss. or ars thsy to stay Mparato? I am 21 ysars of sgs, snd I think If I •tsy st homs whsrs I cannot avsr msst s frlsnd ones In s whlls I would soon fade away for want of companionahlp. Plsaas tall ms whst you tftlnk on this subjsct, snd publish It In your pspsr, that all may sss It. I thank you for your time any kindness in hslplng ms out of my difficulty. "A BELIEVER." A. —Boys and men were created as pure as girls and women. It Is perfectly natural that they should associate to the betterment of bgth. Safety lies In Instilling Into young minds the right Ideas; not In build ing a wall around a child. When a mother rears a daughter to think men bad. *he condemn* her own husband, father and brother*. When a father reara a girl to believe men bad. he Includes himself. Children can but wonder how their parenta ever married. Personally, I think the custom of lightly referring to every male ac quaintance a girl baa as "beau" and "fellow" is disgusting and low minded. There Is no reason why a girl and a man should not be just good friends, and parenta In their Ignorance bring about the very thing they wish to avoid. On the other hand, tf young people expect to be trusted they must show themselves worthy of trust, not bo silly about boys, and discourage silliness In their men friends. Q-—There ha* bean much **ld of work. Just what is work? Ml** Grey, do you thing Mary Plckford hs* anything to b* proud of In esrnlng $30,000 a year from moving In front of a camera? Do you call that work? Don't you think you would bs ashamsd to tsks that ■ mount for nothing? No valus received. I ws* rsl*ed In *ordld poverty in my early life, but sven now such a salary would drive ms crazy. Don't you think It Is bet ter to use a talent for human ity'* bsnsflt than thslr foolish pleaaure and selfish motiv**? Don't you think when ths peopls pay taxes thsy expect s msn who spends thslr money to do thslr duty? Don't you think a msn who drsws s big salary for nothing Is worss than a hobo? M. A.—lf you think an actor's or actress' work easy, Just apply for a position and try It out for a few months. Good, (lean amusement Is a pnrt of every man's and woman's true lieing, and Mary lickford, In doing her work well, Is doing Just as much for her country as you or I I do not believe In monoply, but I do believe In each getting what he deserves Mod has enough for each and everyone. I havp known |><iv«rtjr myaolf, but for all that 1 do not li«Krti<lK>< Mary Plckford )i«>r well-earned $.111.1100 a year. May ho ahe doe» more good with It than I would. Who knows? Q.—l, being a dally reader of your column*, and knowing your ability to advise, shall ap peal to you for help. I am determined to do the THE STAR—THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1914. Mary (7), Lsadora (10) snd Cscslla (3) Ansyo—Childrsn of Ludlow Strikers right thing whon advised whst to do. I have a sweetheart In a far-off stats, whom I m*t Isst fsll snd who, sssmlngly. Is s rssl gentlsman. He haa stssdy work snd dossnt wlah to lay off until fall to coma to Me ms. snd asks that I corns to sss him and will sand ms s paaa. Now ha wlahea ma to know mors of him, and In a way It atoms ths propsr thing, ss ws sapsct to msrry ssms dsy. He hss a half alstar there and lives with hsr. It sssms hs must bs a good man or he wouldn't wish ms to lesrn mors of him. I sm not a slip of a girl; I am a widow and am abls to properly cars for myaslf. Hop ing to bs advlasd for ths bstt. and whers should I stop thould I bs advised to gof Could It bs consltfsrsd I was running aftsr him? If so, I wouldn't Quick Home Cure for Piles Trial Pscksgs Absolutely Free- Will You Spsnd a Post-Csrd for Itf If you are a sufferer from piles. Instant relief Is yours for the aak Ing, and a speedy, permanent cure will follow. The Pyramid I>rug Co. 471 Pyra mid Hldg. Marshall. Mich., will send you free. In a plain wrapper,, • trial parksge of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the wonderful, sure and certain cure for the torture* of this dread disease. Thousands have al ready taken advantage of this of fer, thousands know for the first time In yeara what It la to lie free from the pains, the Itching, the awful agony of piles Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the pain and Itching Immediately. The Inflammation goes down, the swelling Is reduced snd soon the disease Is gone absolutely. No matter how desperate you think your caw I*. write In today for the free trial treatment. Then, when you have used It In the privacy of your own home and found out for yourself how effica cious It Is. you can get the full site package st any drug store for 60 cents Every day you suffer after reading this notice you suf fer needlessly Simply fill out free I coupon and mail today. FREE PACKAOE COUPON PYRAMID DRUO COMPANY, 471 Pyramid Hldg. Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a sam ple of Pyramid Pile Remedy, at once by mail, FREE, In plain wrapper Name Street City State Boston Dentists 1420 Second Avsnus. Opposite Bon Msrchs. r/os* True-to-Nature Teeth The Finest Production of Dentsl Art Examination and advice Free Gold Crowns (22-k. and extra heavy) $5.00 BridßcworW (strictly first class), per Tooth $5.00 Gold Fillings $1.50 Up True-to-Nature Teeth, per set $r>.oo to 915.00 IFinest Teetli In the world.) Alt Work Guaranteed 19 Yssrs. Kndorscd iby leading bualuesa men and the dental profession J geueiftlly. ; Mra. Jot Domlnlakl and Mn. W. H. Thomaf, Who Trampad Savan Mllea Under Fire of Gunmen's Mi china Quna. to Carry Water to Thalr Husbands, Who Ware Hiding In the Black Hill.. go. Would only stay a short tlms If I do go. I will thank you In advancs for all advlcs you msy bs abls to lend ms. VERY ANXIOUS. A It seems to inn rather un necessary to make auch a long trip to see your sweetheart, but there la do Impropriety In visiting the sister with with whom he lives, providing she sends an Invi tation It would hardly be the thing to visit her home without It, and I would not advise you to visit him in any other way. Q.—Kindly tsll m* whst will tak* ths spots out of s blsck COURTS CLOSE FOR FUNERAL OF "WAR-HORSE BILL" WHITE All nine branches of the superior court will adjourn on the day of the funeral of Judge William It. White, known ft* "War Horse Hill.* the vet eran champion of many of the pro gressive fights In which the city and state were Interested Judge White died at the age of 72 at Providence hospital Wednesday. Ills life ass replete with action Horn In Virginia In IM2. he joined 1 the Crdon forces In Ohio when the Civil War broke ouL rose to the; rank of first sergeants was wounded, > captured by the rebels, recaptured by the Union army and whs mus tered out after the fall of Richmond under the last order signed by Pres ident Lincoln. Cams Hsrs In IS7I ; j _$litckU f 1 518-519-520 NORTHERN BANK BLDG. Corner Westlakc and Pike 'J \ \ l|H i . Special Inducement VuM As a special inducement to visit our new quarters the following reductions will prevail the remainder of this f f | * $55 Suits Reduced to $45 . M.hl 1. i inv-rh .ill <1 "" 1 -!. I>Mi m >'|M'.IIK-I^ 518-519-520 NORTHERN BANK BLDG. !•'<•: • • d I M'» Kast Milih tan wet In rain. Your kindly Information will greatly be appreciated. A READER. A. —Try running a* moderately heated Iron over n few of the spots and aee If It doesn l "pan" It attain. Q-—Will you pleaaa tell me If rabblta breed with cate? Some aay they are not fit to eat. We are anxloua to know all about them. M. A W. A. —Animal* In their nantlre state n» v »r won hrM. I cannot say what man In hla puny wisdom may have done with the domesticated one*. In IMS he waa admitted to the [bar. waa el*efd pmbate judge of Itr<Kike county, Va„ In I*7o. resigned and < aine to Seattle, a town of 1.200. In 1171. In !R7< he waa elected proaecut In* attorney of the Third judicial district aa a democrat. He re malm d a democrat until 1912, when he came out for Koosevolt. In ISTR JudKP \Vhlt«- wan a WBber of th«- territorial leglala- NAVY YARD ROUTE lltAUiira 11. B KtnnMljr, TourtM io4 Athlon !-••*• Colmao lv»rii « is (»*. r«p« NundATl. • 11. 10 It • m , 1 SI. | It Hun.lav Nunrtajr I 111. I || p m »miurd*r. U 41 p m Tim* Tmtolm subject to rhnn#« vltbnul MttcC VUnnr M-Wi "lO| »-e* ft#« Trip KNTABIJftVIfcO IN7A fjouthwick t* MwuriM mil* JAMKS McCRf .I:HY M. CO, #» Tar* SfcCONIt AV and l-IKf. »( Slant «t»n S ■ m to • |. m ■ —.—J The Most Popular of All Are the Naiad Dress Shields Naiad Dress Hhlelds may be had In every style, and each la fully guaranteed, and for the p»< *erit-day dreaa yotir wants may be fully gratified. Friday and Saturday it demoriMrator will be pleased to ex plain lhn good Qualities of the Naiad Dress Shield. They are esteemed for their whiteness and hygienic quali ties; also absence of rubber odor. Naiad Brassiere $1.00 A perfert fitting bust supporter and garment shield com bined, In sizes 32 to 4K Naiad Dress Hhlelds, regular shapes, |H m'> *«<* '° » o <*- qß&fcS*' • Naiad Separate Dress Hhlelds. '40t v?' rr~zr— >. u > v"T TP Naiad High Front Dress Hhlelda, jt—ii s «° too. Naiad Hhlrt Waist Hhlelds, plain or f jf trimmed 20< to SO#. Naiad ('oat Shields, and tot. \\V \ f ! Naiad itolero Hhlelds for wearing WiXtl/ryJ w"b kimono and set-In sleeves, rMt f V and / NAlt> \ Naiad Hllk Hhlelds. |Of and 45#. / noucvo' Naiad Hklrt Protectors, for w ear l u, l*'T wiib sheerest gowns, large, ."JO# and First Moor. PNEU FORM * The Pneumatic Dress Form f 7 Have you seen it in oar store? This 'J!^ derful Dressmaking Assistant, which will r» in fi,-J»n|iT.niiii <»■ produce every curve and line of your body, including tki hips. wH There are several reasons *hy you should «y- YOUT thoroughly know the uses of this valuable assistant. 4 It eliminates tiresome dress fittings. Simplifies home dressmaking, and can also be made to fit the exact figure of every < — —« member of the family. He aure and see the Pneu Form at our Notion Counter, $|5.4Mt. First Floor. MacDougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pike SL ture, and .In 1895 wan appointed United State* attorney for Wash ington. In 1900 he was appointed Judge of the supreme court by Gov. Rogers. hi* term expiring 1902. Called "War Horae Bill" Standing over six feet in height, ter of the Masons of Washington well built, eloquent and masterful, territory and his funeral will l>« Judge"While earned the designation. under Masonic auspice*. RHEUMATISM HAVE you ever stopped to think that every part of your body Is dependent on the blood supply; that If the blood la crowded with Impurities, "uric add" and germa of dis ease. these will bo carried to every p«rt of your eystem and will result In diseases sncb as Rheumatism, with the resulting Inflam mation and pain? To cure Rheumatism, aud other ailments, purify the blood. Get the Stomach and Rowels In good condition to keep the blood normal, then Nature can heal and build. The Rheumatism and other troubles will disappear and the entire system will be bene fited. SITLPHI'RRO Is an antiseptic and Rermiclde, which enter* directly Into the blood and Is carried to every part of the system, clean Rink It of impurities and sr-rms of disease. allaying inflam mation and restoring health. BI*L«PHI'RRO ia in a claaa by Itself in the treatment of Rheumatism. It GBTS RESULTS. Thoti aanda of cures prove ita merit. Hn II ft E N THE shoe repair man WwW»■ wm 216 Union St.—2 Shops—llo Madison |of "War Home Bill" by his whirl wind campaigning, and even In the campaign of two years ago be proved a tower of strength to th« progressives Judge White was past grand mas- s