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These are only eoma of the Clean Sweep Bargains al Our Overstock Furniture Sale 1 Vt 1 Vr'i Bedsteads at \ . Gas Pistes at $1.50 [M 95c J-j J. \T3 Metsl He.t»tesd« In t 'XiUjj Tw „ . hl|rß . r graen. blue or white w V, enamel K-gulsr M '* fjstr. re« »l *0. .... I Mill 1 k I !*»' r fit . I>n ,. - ,#ll <l:l ft W0 1' r ItT.M fumed *ak Hof- I Metsl M l lis frlncess l»r#»«'r fet fur *t» So Mes.t. I Ma l>*ra.<ln! : edui Il« a* !«> »t frfi I II if \ft oak IMslnv) fUn4*»i:ia nl•k »I- «M «ak Hooker. ®*n i (ritnm«'l "Msgio Km- ulna leather ««»at and Cbalrt are a ana|» at : p r#|n steel It » j back. no* i»rl»+>\ .*« cnlj •i.rftl rrK Ui for. livw I*** S. H. POYNOR FURNITURE CO. IS2I-23 Fourth Avenue. Between Pike and Pin#. MEDINA FOLK TO GET CLUB HOUSE j Ferotisalou to build an Improve menl club house on the port row %il»at<>ns property at Medina, on Uk« Washington. *aa granted b> tit* commission. Wednesday. Com manitv clubs wtll hold their meet logs in the new building. The commission let a contract to! ttk* J. A. McKachern 00.. to build lbe substructure of the Wilt Se- 1 »tMe Kerry landing at the foot of, Slarlon St.. the bid beinK $7,289 JO 1 1332-34 Second Ave. and 211 Union St. t Clever Clothes Use FOR SUMMER „ wear Your tRADBURY Credit '•ten A<| A Ami Take advan .ih,.sZU u» XZS Our a bowing of Cngllah ,em "Hj* * r " odals for the youn*er men r ° m m ° ° n all tha» can be expected <•"*'» you noth le model* are neat and ln * y * T "• *• i>an-cut. and we are showing s °",f* T. n large variety of fabrica. ,m * n or r„?: h,y FURNISHINGS A SURE HIT! Boys' Clothes dum A large assortment of fab rlc»—Ju»t the thin* for Sum- Si A JVf mer. Neat little Norfolk* and f\ Ujf business-like double-breasted 'fX / /g models with two pairs of SHOES AND MATS FOR M THE LITTLE FELLOWS •• Low Rates East —Via California== [ ( (OGOCN&SHASTAI I I I ROUTES I I XCjfX NOW ON SALE DAILY, GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 31 THIS YEAR'S ATTRACTIONS Panama-Pacific Panama-California Exposition Exposition Mount Shasta Lake Tahoe Yosemite Valley King's River Canyon Del Monte Paso Robles Hot Spring Santa Barbara Riverside Los Angeles San Diego Ask the Southern Pacific 720 Second Ave. C. G. CHIBHOLM, District Freight snd Passenger Agent Phone Elliott 1256. Seattle, Wash. Vm of th« Holl at wharf olmnr ration roof for July < a*rvlc«« wa» *rant«*l th» Council of Swlil AB«nct«>« Traffic Manager III* itajr r*comm» , nil»tl thai <00-jrar<l ri> j>aritjr tcravt-l tmnWrm tw> built n( Smith l'o*e BERLIN ADMITS LOSS OF ONE SHIP BERLIN, June 10 The Gorman admiralty admit* thai a Ruaalan aubmarlne aank a German colCoi and damaged a torp»<l» boat do atroyer In tha Baltic. That three veaaela h«d boon torpedoed and atink aa claimed by Patrotjrad. waa M'BRIDE MILK BILL TO BE AMENDED TO GIVE FOLKS RAW MILK IF THEY WANT IT Mayor Gill Declares He Will Veto Amended Ordinance and Start Referendum in Favor of Original Bill; Health CommiMioner Mc- Bride Discouraged by Council's Attitude; Erickson Joins Enemies of Bill. "I shall help redraft the ordl nance. If I am naadad. But I will take no responsibility for tho consequences. Thla amend ment dafaata tha purpcaa of the ordinance. "The amended bill may final ly pass If It doae, lam going to aak the aid of the news papers, and I ehall atart a cam paign of publicity, warning the people against impure milk. Publicity will hurt the milk bualnaee In Seattle. "»UT I AM GOING TO QlVf THIS CITY CLIAN MILK 1 " Thla was the «!•»« larnllon of Health Commissioner M> llride Int. Wednesday afternoon, In ronversa Hon with The Star at ih» cloae of the department efflclenc) and pub lip Hitfeti committer meeting of tin rouudl. Vote to Amend Ordinance Fallowing a stormy session of two hour* over thn proposed milk ordinance, the committee |>aaaed a resolution to amend the measure tr Include the provision that alt milk sold In Heattle he labeled, and that "raw." aa well aa pasteurlied and tuberculin leeted milk be sold It was signed by Counrllmen Marble. !>ale and Roiton t'ounrllman llanna, chairman of the committee, waa the only one toting no. Mayor OKI declares he will veto the ordinance If It la paaaed with the proposed amendment, and If the council passes It over his veto he will start a referendum for the or iginal ordinance. Committee Clerk Bhrader was In atrurted to redraft the ordinance with the aid of the health depart ment. to Include the amendment. "You will do It on your own re apooslMllty," warned Health Com mlsstoner McHrlde, gloomily. "I irannot help you It would be con jtrary to my conaclence." An Csclting Session Intense eirltement prevailed thniout the session Practically all the councllmen were present, be sl<le« a large delegation of milkman Notable anion* the eventa of the afternoon waa an attack made by Councilman Erickson agalnat Mr Kride a bill "I want the bntllee labeled." he said, hta voice vibrant with feeling "ao t may avoid tuberculin 'estsd or paateurtied milk. I don't want it I want to Ret away from It t think there ar* thousands who would b« opposed to using milk of this kind!" Molt.m came to bat with a linn of comedy similar to that emploied last week. Including a reply to The Ktnr s challenge Milkman Cheer Dale t»«le got a hand fiw the milk men rooters when he sild In mar tyr like tones that, altho ally he was against pasteurised or tested milk, he would vote for the ordinance If he could be convinced COUPLE ARE MARRIED BY WEIRD »ITE» OF THEIR OWN INVENTION; BY OEREMONV OF EARTH JURHRE AND WATER Mrs. Henry B. Mongss. Jr. BERKELEY. Cat., June 10.— Probably the world his wit nessed no stranger wedding ceremony than that which uni ted Professor Henry Monges. jr.. snd Miss Madsllne Brack enrldge In this city rscently. When the profeeeor, who Is the heed of the dep»rtment of architecture at the Univerelty of California here, decided to take unto hlmeelf a wife, he evolved out of a weird myatl- clsm of hie own a contract of marriage far removed from . conventional, recognized rit "With r-iirth. flri», air and wnt«r wr will affllla t r> oufMdve* In wed lock." li«t confided to hln fUncen. "We *111 unite our phyalcsl hclnca. our mind* tnd mini* »* well. and «p will clinch It all afterward wlili the uaual orthodox ceremony; then the K'xmlplrix to 11 k'"■* of the talk ative will not whk In Idle prattle. J-frat thev took earth from tw*l aeparate urna and with their rlitlit and left hand*, alternately, drop ped It Into a third raoaptarln. Thua they united their phyilral beluga. STAR—THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1915. PACK 2. majority Replying to ,ne of tlii* naming attacka. Pr Mcllrlde aald Practically all Cilia* In tha I'nltad Stltoa inir or uliar of Iheae provlaUtia California litir Juat paaaail a atatr lm providing for It He tho | ,ii*i — |iai ,ila. and th • foreigner* who go out and liny l>ot tlea of milk from :h« flrat mill man who cotwa aloiiit. that thla ordinance alma to protoct Try to Protect People Thay don't top to luvcatlg:>te nhalhar the milk la good or bad If there la lnf<>< tiim In the milk, aoonar or latar aotua member of tha farnlh may ba attacked l»v It. And then ha la a chanca «<n tha city. "If It only mama tlm anvlng of una llttl* olillil a life, I alionld think It a all worth while If It can't harm any ona. and It la not going to roat anybody much uf anything, and It la to th" lommon Intaraat. why not paaa It*" Mrllrlda'a volie al.ook with emo tion Than up and apaka Bolton. Pr otaat From Bolton "I. aa an Individual. proteat -igainat »ou aa a doctor, tailing >-a w lftit I'm going to eat.' ha aald Von haven't that right. I ttilnh there ahoull l>e three claaaea of milk, ao the people rot Id < noo»e Much rrltlrlaij haa been dlra« tod «K-ilnat ma for thla atand I am not a father. da The <t «r haa told you lltit I'll abo-< »»i 4 i>alr of twtna neat do <r, who drink pure — not raw milk, and who ara get ting along nlceiy " Bolton here Introduced a utirned Intonrlow with Mra loaaph Moraan, mother of Jeaale. tuberculoma vie tlm, at tha Flrlanda aanltarlura. mentioned ro<-ontly In Tha Star Ac- It «ta for tha beat Inteieat of tha cording to tha lnt»rvl"«. tha moth »r darlarad th*' Inami'ic'i tha famllr haa been deaporatah poor for ae»eral lltl'a 'evale lua had no freab milk to drlnl:, for th<» family haa uaoj orly c ndeu»e.l milk. Haaa Fa/ored •111 Councilman Maaa. an ei milk man. hlmaelf. auld "For mora than a *aar I have Itoon drinking milk, tiitiercuHn taat ed tam not afraid of It. nor of paatatirlaed milk I tblnk thay ere tha only aafa mat'M/da I have had a lot of pooiila compliment m« on thla atand the t>a»t *ew daya ' Krtckann boiled o*«r a«aln at thla point H» «all • l»t <1 had railed him . asking lilro to aupport th» ordl ianr* "I don't ihltik dM rtlllnit up of people that war al*nlfl»<i roach." he •aid "Three reputable doctor* ha*e protested agitfal Ita i A aror* of laymen ha*o a»l>ed ;ue to oppoM It t have had. nn the other hand, a half doien letter* from loaiiranre asitn «. nil Inaplred by one man. barlttil by lh« Munlrt- Then came the union of minds The man and the woman each took a flask of water. They poured the liquid Into a third flask slowly. The splrllusl uniting wa* nccom pllshcd by the lighting of two can dl«'H, sytnbidlcnl of the "fire* of the home." and holding the two to gethei until the . flaming wax slick* became one The while the couple went thru th»*c three rite*, they repented a service of words, Up* close to aether, thereby m*klnic the hresth of one the breath and life of the other. TW« stranKe ceremony took plsce In the bride's home The parents of the pclrl. Mr. nnd Mr* K T Mreckenrldgc. wealthy and well known resident* of Toledo, were pre*ent, having come from Ohio to attend the marriage. At thf> conclusion of the service conceived *nd written by Professor Monro*, an orthodox ceremony «m performed by Judge Win. H. Waste of Berkeley. The couple met at h natjir#» cure nfinatorhim In Chicago aevoral yeare a no. MAYOR GILL AND FORTY DOUGHTY TILKS DESCEND ON PORTLAND WITH A WHOOP; ROSE CARNIVAL HAS A "SEATTLE DAY" PORTLAND. Juno 10 Mayor HI 011 l and 40 Tlllknnia ol Klttuea, led b> George A Simple and e» Sen ator Allen of Seattle. dropped from the train here at il o'clock tnla morning, and doltal their hgta to the beautiful Port'ar ! Roae Thla la Seattte-T llktun day at the annual Roae f-Mhul The He attla delegation wna mot at the train by a committer of Koeirlan*. loaded Into roaa ledecked automo bllea and e»cort«*l to earlv bieat faat at the Commercial Club. Mayor (5111 and other member* of tha Hejttle crowd too 1 : pirt 13 a program of spoochoTi at tha noon pal league, urging Ita paaaage Wanta to Take a Chanca "Some people 'bin* that If you don't join the Methodlat church, you'll alt go to hell. I think you ahould lie left free !•> ulie the chanca If you want ! >'" T K Whit*. father of i'ra*f<»rd. who la • veterinary from Mlnwul. got up, and. In a lon* upMch. »at<l among other thing* when lie «>■ threatened with I'lbttmNh he drank whlaky every day for a whlla, and rame out htwky iov* Pasteurisation In a Humbug." lio declared MAYOR HI RAPS DE GINK HOTEL EVKRKTT, June 10 Conaldnr ahle excitement wa* stirred up dur Ing Wednesday a aea»lon of the charltlea conference here, when Henry Pauly. manager of Seattle's Motel !>• Clnk, bitterly arraigned atatementa made by Mayor Gill of Seattle, who preceded hlra on the ■ peaker'a platform Pauly look exception lo the may or'a remark that Inmate* of lha Hotel lie (Sink were buma who went there 10 "sober up He alao objected lo thf mayor's plan for the building of a large bunkhouse outside the city, where the unemployed could get work grubbing aiumpa HELD UP AND THEN PUT UNDER ARREST There la no fan tan game at Nee Wah'a "Joint." at 620 Hlxth ave. 8.. today, most of the habitues being lodged In Jail, pending trial, while Mike Matlck. Is In the hospital, recovering from n bullet wound In the leg Alatlck. It la aald, and two other foreigner* tiled to hold up »he game Wednesday afternoon Matlck waa ahot. The othera earaped with con alderahle loot. Ah IjOW. 47. In chained with con ducting the game ABREE ON FERRY Kltaap roiintr commlaalonera have agreed with thoae of Kliik county upon a plan to build a ferrv from Olalla or Colby to Vaahon ialand. ECZEMA %Leo Tailed Teller, *ali llhpmu, rriirtlnn, Milk One I. Walrr Pnlawn, U frplHg akin. ale. V l»fllf*f pfTinn ran b* cured i«» ■tar* I me4n luat whet I «»»>• O-U-R-FJ-D nod Not merely patched up t«» return nanln Hemetnh»r. 1 make thin Mtatement nfter handling nearly a tmlf million caaea of eraema and devoting 13 yearn of my llfi» to Its treatment. 1 don't cure what nil you hava need nor how many doctor* have told you that you could not t>a cured. mII I MMk I* luat a chance to prove my clalma. If you write ma TODAY. I will Mend you n nil.i: TRI %I. of mild, a «odthlnK. guaranteed treatment that will aurely convince yon nn If linn ui<* If you urn d| a - aunted and dlacoura Red, 1 dare you io give me n diancc to prove my i talma. fly writing me today I he Have you will rnloy more r*«Ml com fort than you really thought thlM world held for you. Juat try It. and 1 feel atire you will i"*rrc with me. MM. J. K. « \\ \ %M% V, 14A < »nrl lllork, *e«lalla. Mo. Referenda: Third National Hunk Hedn Um . Mo. Send tble notl<« to loma eczema aufferer. day luncheon at the Portland hotel. The big •v.-nt of tha ftatlvil will be tonight a Mlaa B>toll Maker i|Uoen if I'.a fea' «111 lead tha parage Mlaa Hiker, who won ottr 20 it her candidate* In lh< blt:e-»at right aver held In thla city, |a hav ing the time of her l.fe The Tlllkupit will a.ipear la forco In tho roao parade, In gar landed autoa Mora than 2 MO chlUron'a volcea trlllad in aong, *»■ hen tha fnativM opened Wednesday. A crowd of 20,0'»0 applauded REPLIES TO BE CONCILIATORY WASHINGTON. Jun<> l" —Infor mation received today at the >tata dejiartment lodlcatea that the im plies of <i*n Carra:tr.a and Villa to President Wilson's note on the Mexican question wilt be concilia tory, but Indefinite The admlnlatratlon ta ar tiling (ha outcome In the fight In Central Mexico before taking another ete|i toward tha M*\tran troub'e* It la understood 'hat t'onul Hllllinan haa r»iM>rted that Car rant* will ho resgionMble for him self and hi* party. tCgc«pt for the dlatributlon of a few railoada of food, the Red PtMi has tv»i»n no action, hut la await ing **aurim.-*a from the lenleri lhat they «;|| not commandeer the lellrf Mi|i;.ll« a. 2 MEXICANS SHOT WASHINGTON. Jun- 10 — Two Mexicans were ahot and killed Tuesday night at Mex ico <"ltv by W. P. Moat*. an American, according to advlcaa received todav by the «-tule de partment The Mexican* were attempting to break 'nto Moat a' realdence EXPECT EMBARGO ON ARMS Kl» PABO, June 10.—That inoth er embargo on the shipment of arms and ammunition Into Mexico will he neclarnd June 15, «vas the opinion expressed today by Mexi can officials at Juarez. It may be postponed aa a rea'ilt of the visit to Washington of Itonlla. representative of Villa, <vho passed thru here yesterday with Villa's renlv to President Wtlson'a note, urging Mexican lender* to 'get together." Tin* anawer will he made public when it hait been delivered to the president. BUTTERWORTH IS NEAR DEATH K. R Hutterworth. prealdent of the undertaking flrtii of K 11. (tut terworth & Son*, collapaed at the hreakfaat table, In hla home, oil Olympic place, Wednesday morn luk. and Ih reported lo Ue in a rrlt Iqal condition Tlmraday Huttcrworth, who seemed to be in excellent health, had Jtiat nrlaen from hla nielli \»lien he waa felled by a atroke of paralyala Hla entire rlalit aide. It la aald. la paralyted. DESTROYER SUNK BY ITALIAN "SUB" M?GANO, .June 10- An Austrian, torpedo boat .leitroyer hna boon atinU In the Gulf f*f Trleate l»y an Italian aubmnrim*. no« to dlHpatchcH recelvMd 11or«* t« (fay. The crew of the deal oyer perished. Aberdeen It after Reginald Thonmon to take charge of work on Wynooehe canyon power and water nlte. Rear Admiral Mayo appointed vice admiral of the navy. You Need the Shoes I Need the Money / was too optimistic in making my spring and summer pur chases. Now I've too big a stock of high grade men's shoes. To turn shoes into dollars quickly. I am sacrificing profits and making prices SO low that it will be a real big Mving for you to buy your footwear here and now. Sale Begins Friday June 11th The finest mni'i *hoes made—styli«h, foot fitting, long wearing. J. &■ M. (Johnston & Murphy), Strong & < >arfield, J. H. lilt, Stacy-Adams and other well known brand*, -elling regularly for $4.50 to All «elling during thi* limited time sale at $3.35 $4.15 $5.35 $5.85 And a few of the very expensive lasts at $6.90 and $7.55. t»»WlA>OOeiO l X»'> COME EARLY THE MEN'S SHOE STORE In W. Hick. 814 First Ave. Oppoaite Colman Bldg. Entrance. BIG CONVENTION BE6INS JUNE 14 Thousand* of roses —of the Crlm •on Rambler variety, and pink onea of tbe Dorothy Perklna type —ara needed for decorative purpose* by committees preparing for the enter tainment of delegates to the nation al convention of the National Aaso rlatton for the Study snd Prevention of Tuberculosis, to be held here June 14. IS and It The committees la»ued s call for roae contribution* Thursday morn ing All Crimean Ramblera are to be left st Plymouth Congregational church. Sixth ave and Cniverslty at . before 10 o'clock Monday morn ing All pink blossoms are to be taken to the Antl-Tuberruloels building. st Fourth ave and Cnlver slty St.. sa early a* poealble on Monday morning. Further Information may be had by ratlins telephone number* Main 10; ft or Main 15«4 A reception wilt be held Monda*' In Plymouth church from 2 to o o'clock All peraona Intereated In antl-tuberculoala work are Invited. In the evening a dinner will be Itlven. Pome 2<M> guests from the Eaat are expected. The convention. the first ever heH outaide of Washington. O. C, *111 be under the ausptcea of the Waahlngton Association for the Pre vention and Relief of Tuberculosis 'SUB' VICTIMS DRIFT 62 HOURS ON OCEAN IiONOON. June 10 —After drifting f>2 hours in a small boat, without food or water, the crew of the email Grimsby trawler Velocity waa land ed st Msrlpool today. The vessel was shelled and aunk by a German submarine. Attacked without warning, the men were forced to take to the small boat without Mopping for any of their belongings, and were then left to their fate on the open «ea All were half dead from hunger and exposure when found. BINYON OPTICAL C 0.—1116 PIRBT AVENUE, NEAR SENECA < f , Special All This Week = ■ v Gold Filled Spectacles and J - E \ Eye Glasses. Fitted With o • F \ Spherical Lenses— ? 1I W1 $2.50 f "Z Including arlpntlftc examination by Or ad- -* uata Optnm«trlat and Eyesight 8|»«cla!l»t. It • w Examination Free -» W BINYON OPTICAL CO. I £ J. R BIN'VOM. JR. Ill* FIRST AVE., NEAR ME NEC A HT. > £ < • INVON OPTICAL CO.—IIIS FIRST AVENUE, NEAR SENECA' AMUSEMENTS METROPOLITAN TOMIUNT. rrHsy MtlUc* Elsie Ferguson In "OI TI APT" Nlfhtt. B>op to 12; Mat. RGr to $1 ftO PANTAGES GEORGE PRIMROSE A CO. Thf Famout MlnntrH Orjanlmtlon RHODA AND CRAMPTON Popular Opera f» Insert 10c and 20e BERLIN INSISTS ON PRIZE COURT WASHINGTON. Jun» in.—.4 not# from tbe German foreign of fice regarding :ae slnklrg of the American ahlp Ww. P. Prye. rearfc ed tbe state department today It contains (bout I,'KkO words. The note bss not .ret :,een made iwbllf, but ta understood to Inklit that the esse l»e nettled 'ief>>re a pri*e court. The Frye was miiiiU by the -on verted cruiser Prim Kltel Filed erich. She carriod • cargo of • heat, which the captain of the Kltel raid he regarded as contra band. THE WIFE Is often the money saver of the family. We have hundred* of them among our depositors. Interest 4 Per Cent UNION 8 A VINOS A TRUST CO. OF SEATTLE Capital and Surplus, $811,000 JAMES D. HOGE, President N. B. SOLNER. Vice fcresi dent and Trust Officer HOGE BUILDING In the Heart of the Financial District Moore PAVLOWA __ Price® 50c to $2.50 MME. JOMELLI Tha Famous Opera Star The Master Mote l»ew Wells end Otlisr Aels Mallaee 10# Brealuffs 10c mmd ise *