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*■■■ WOODHOU»E GRUNBAUM FURNITURI CO.. INC VOUR CR bOl T—WE CMARO* NO INTC REST S- Hii Ruffat In Dr«aior In tha *oi M or fumod flntah ha» l*rf« Im ftnlah ha* 2 l«r|« and 3 drawer and iw- •mall 4raw*r* with woo 4 ■ 4nw»r«, <*n« llnad for tllvtr, knoba. an<l |oo4*«Ii(mI b*v«l»d H at><t large douM* (omMrtmtni Plata mirror your • Koit« of for Ilah»a and ahalf f r plate fund <i a«juarr paltrm nth rail Urg iAr prl< CO 1 7C * r pidra 115 ■ $51,16 Ppeclml 1•i %3 -ip#rlal Tu*a.lay Jg H 9x12 Smith • S#aml*»«« A* |H mlti«t«r Run In «»rlartal and 7J*«4 wool ftnlah*d H!ank#ta ■ Madalllon pattern* all brand ha*vy quality bottar ■ n#w color* aid i'*it"*rn« ciira . .... ■ hee.r qualtir Ju.t the Hue «** u <> * nur bedding *upply. ■ H you want for baM m«f« for the.* cold night* are with H ■ ttlar price lis SO {Special us to at ay Mp»--lel ••} « f H H Tu»«d»y $19 75 '° f Tu ** dalr OB 'l r Wvalw H I Four-picce Bedroom Suite, consisting of Bed, H I Dresser, Chiffonier and Rocker, Special Price. . I ■ $39.50 H I $1.00 Down, $1.00 per Week. I H See It In Our Window. H ■ Eight-piece Dining Room Suite, consisting of I I Buffet, Table and Six Chairs, in Fumed Oak, ■ I Special for the Suite $39.75 ■ I $1.00 Down, $1.00 per Week. I ■ 9*s In Our Window. H I \fedhouse-(jriiiibc3um I I Furniture Gbiss- I ■416 t0 424 • Pik.c iPtrecC* I IARNS SEATTLE AUDIENCE AGAINST DESIGNING SPIRITS Beware of designing spirits' Dr. Oeorge B. Warn*, of Chicago, president of the National Associa tion of gptritualtsta, in convention. Dandruff Soon Ruin* the Hair Girl*—tf yen want plenty of thick '•autlfui. glossy, silky hair, do by al means get rid of dandruff. for It will starve your ha!r and ruin It If yon don't tf doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash It out. Ths only sure way tn get rid of dandruff is to dis solve It. then you dsatroy It entirely Tft do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid srvon. apply It at light when retiring. us* "B'lUth to moisten the scalp and rub it la gently with the fit iger tips fir mornlnr If not all. of "■iir dandruff will t>e gone, *nd three or four more applications will ••ompietsly dissolve and entirely de stroy every single sign and trace of It. Tou will flrd. too that all It'hlng end digging of the s.-alp will stop and your r alr will look and feel s hundred times hotter Vou can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive and four ounce* Is all you will need no matter how much dandruff y i have This simple remedy never fall*—Advertisement. SALMON AND CODFISH —* % I.TBD— u* hav« your ord#r now %STOS Jfltf*AO*, Richmond B W«»h ALWAYS WHAT YOU WANT AT Frye's QUALITY Markets Tuesday's Special* Fancy April Qf|#t Eggs (storage) .VV Sugar Cured lAft Picnics Choice Shoulderl Pork Steak. . . . 14m% Choice ' C* Mutton Chops. . . W Choice Steer ' "1 Round Steak ... |** Choice Loin ' Qf% Pork Chops .... 0 Choice Steer 4 Alsi Shoulder Steak | fcl Anchor Brand lAm Bacon IU C at roixowmn m ihkF.Tai Of.VMPIC >f A HKgT PflM *». AHr.RIC'W MAItKKT Mil Third \>* WFVrF.IIN MtNKKT IUW Wnlfrn A re. Wl> lI.A KI . M \iinr. i < fir. U >«l|«kr nnrf I'lne. «« VTIIK VfMtKf l li,U OrrMfNlal s+r RAI.UIiI) MUIKI.T "H l.'J 11 nll nr 11 Al «. Look for U. B. -urpla Stamp It algnlflaa purity and quality • hopa Open Until 6:20 *». M. i aald. addrnestnit a maaa meeting at Moose hail, Sunday night, that "there are many spirit* who merely go about doing harm, and we need to go deeper into roedlumshlp Au thorities have repeatedly warned agalnat designing spirit Intelll gence." Before a crowded assemblage In Moose hall, Saturday afternoon. M " lalda Brown Kate*, of Washington. D. C., performed marvelous feat# In delivering message* to persons In the audience from relatives long dead. I have a message from a man." she *ald. "It la for either the lady down there with the blue hat or the woman alttlng next ber. It la from a man who *hot himself H'andlng before a mirror, he put the pistol to his head and killed himself. The world thought It was suicide He wants me to assure you that It was not a milcide. The man was tempo rarily Insane." Another message came from a man killed In an elevator accident, and still another from a woman burned to death. "I see the flames creeping around her skirt." *ald Mr* Kates A wom an in the audience said that waa the way It happened. Many more message*, of a wide [variety, were delivered. CARTOONIST FALLS FROM WINDOW; DIES CHICAGO, Oct. 4. —Policemen stumbling over a body beside De Jongheu's hotel discovered Stewart R. Carothers, well-lmown cartoonist and originator of the "Charley Chap lin" comics. He had fallen to his death from hi* window in the hotel. DAGGETT ELECTED Floyd L. IMggett, chairman of the state Industrial commission, was elected president of the National Association of Industrial Insurance Board* and Commissions at the close of a week's session Saturday FAIR BREAKS EVEN TAI'OMA, Oct t Despite unfa vorable weather the Puyallup fair broke even this year, according to President W. H. I'auihamus Fully 15,000 attended the closing da\* exhibition Sunday. WANT LAW CHANGED OLYMPTA, Oct. 1 With Judge Kenneth Mackintosh of Seattle n« chairman, a special committee of prosecuting attorneys and Judges recommended for passage by the next legislature a law fixing mln I mum as well as maximum sen tences in criminal cases. OPEN MONDAY EVE Public iilktit achoola will open Monday night with 1,512 ntudenta enrolled. BULBAR PREMIER EXPLAINS MOVE Telia Unitnl Press Why His Nation Mas Mobili/eil Fighting Forces. INSISTS UPON RIGHTS I.ONnOV. Oct 4.—-The obattns'e ! refusal of Herbls sncl drfw* to rocognUe rtulgsrls's right* In Mace donia forced the mobilisation thst 'has brought Tliilgurla to the brink of *nr. Premier Kadoalavoff declared In i»n escluaty* statement tele graphed today to the t'nlted Preaa III* statement, *ent In reply to ■ request fur «n announcement of llulcarlaii Intention*, declared "I can only amplify my recent declaration of reaeona why the Uni tarian government ha* adopted an attitude of armed neutrality similar to that which Hwliierland and Hol land assumed at the beginning of the war. "Theae reasons are both of a rail Itary and political characl/r Krents were hsppenlng In the different theatres of war. bringing about the near approach of a conflagration In [the Italkans. "The resumption of the Auatro Herman offensive against Serbia, ; with a movement of troops In nel«h boring •! were matters to which the Bulgarian government con Ift no longer ramaln Indifferent * Moreover, change* In the polit ical attnatlon follow Ins the refusal lof tierhla and Oreece to recognlie Bulgaria's rlrhts In Macedonia, i even after clear, egpllclt r»cognl It lon tberwof by all of the jMiwer*. 'called for a new policy on the part of Bulgaria. Moblllta'lon waa. therefore, forced upon tia from (every point of vl«w." FRENCH CONTINUE THEIR ADVANCES PARIS. Oct 4.—The !"Vench con tlnue their progress north of Arras, today's offUlal communique an nounced. While (he atatement did not claim Important successes In the Chum pacnH. It a«*erted that (ianuan at tkrks there had been repulsed. "We have made further pronreaa In the t)|ven>hy wood*, weet of Vlniv. and have occupied Important 'Ton mada on Hill 119.'' said the communique "The battle from trench to trench •round Quennevlerea and Nou*ron continued )p*irrit»)r and lam nl*ht Near the Navaran fa nit. In the I'hatnpairno. there wee heavy l<om bardmenl on both aldea Attacks aialnat our newly won poeltlona north of Meant) were repulsed "Th* French air fleet threw 40 bomb* on the Bablons railway ata< Uod at Met*." AVIATORS BOMBARD GERMAN NAVAL BASE AMSTERDAM, Oct. 4—« li aviator* bombarded the German naval base of Zaebrugge Sun day. One waa ahot down and another waa forced to land at Nleuvllet. Holland. The damage at Zeebrugga haa not bean ascertained. Previous word from official and unofficial sources reported extreme aerial activity hjr the allies Hun day Luxembourg *ai attacked, a* well aa other place*, by a squadron of wore tbaa 70 airships. GERMANS REPULSED IN DVINSK BATTLE LONDON, Oct ♦. —The struggle for Dvlnsk I* turning to the advant age of the Russians, according to the Petrograd official «tateroent re ceived here early today. The German drive for tbl* highly Important point apparently lack* th« forceftilne** which marked the earlier stage* of the fight, after the Hu**lan* *llpped out between the Jaw* of the Teuton machine around Vllna. The statement claimed repulse of a Teuton offensive In the Dvlnsk region about the railway* southwest of Illoukst. ITALIANS FIGHT IN ZERO TEMPERATURE ROME, Oct 4 Italian troops are battling amid the snow and Ice at the head of the Geneva valley and In the f'arnac Alps. Winter ha* set In among the higher peak*, hut de*plte below tsro weather at some points, the Italians are maintaining their struggle against the Austrians FRANCE WILL HOLD BULGAR RESERVISTS RKRMN, by Wireless to Tuck etron, N Y . Oct. \ France ha* ordered that no Bulgarian reservist* he permitted to leave the country, according to a Vienna dispatch to day. MINNEAPOLIS VOTES ON PROHIBITION MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. I—Wets and dry* lined up today In a sharp contest which will determine con tinuance of the saloon tn It* last great stronghold In Minnesota. FOR ONE-MAN RULE following Out contentions made for a long time by J. 1.. Mcpherson, secretary of the Alnska bureau of th«*" Chamber of Commerce, John A Hlelcher. In the current Issue of l,e*l|e'*, suggests the adinlnlstra lion of Alaska's nffalrs l»» vested in an assistant *ecretary of the In terior, with headquarters In Alnska. REALTY MEN COMING The Washington Stale Realty aa aolntlon will meet here October 13 In ttn fourth annual convention, and delegate from all over the Htate will be on hand. They will be welcomed to the city in an addreaa by Judgn Thomas Burke. Hon. John A. Rea of the unlveralty board of regerUa will respond. STAR—MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915. PAGE 5. One of Paul Fung's Free-Hand Sketches WANT PASTOR ON SCHOOL BOARD Many Organization* Favor Candidacy of Rev. Oscar H. McGill. FRIEND OF THE LOGGER The "loan erpreacher" of th«< «*ate, Rft <>»rar H McGIII, Indus trial secrrtary of the Methodist rhurch of Ihla district. who Is known and liked thmnut the Dm b«r regions as a friend of the log «er, has been Indorsed a* a meml>er of the school hoard by orasnlted la bor of Seattle His lnaor»ement nm« after a mmralttoe had reported (hat such' action was favorable lo the social , l»t party, the Women's (iood Oovarn-j ment league. lbs North End Worn >n's rlub. th« Women'* federated] cluhs sod others 5,000 MACHINISTS DEOURE A STRIKE PCHEVECTADY. N . Y . Ort 4 Ketween 4.000 and &.000 workers In the marhtr.e shops of the mammoth General Electric work* here went on strtke today The strikers Included organl/ed and unorggnUed machinists. BIG LUMBER EXPORTS Puget sound lumber export* for Auguat totalled 20,132.124 board feet. 2,55*.105 of which were han dled over the port comml**lon'a Smith core terminal. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Don't Stay Oray! Nobody Can Tall When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Tea and Bulphur. Grandmother kept her hair beau tifully darkened, glossy and abun dant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, thla simple mixture was applied with wonder ful effect My aaklng at anv drug store for "Wyeth a Huge and Sul phur Compound." you will get a large bottle of thla old time recipe, ready to use, for about 50 centa. This simple mixture ran be de pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy acalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied -It's so easy to use. too. Yon simply dampen a comb or soft brush nnd draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two. It Is re stored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. Tooth*; ALKSp>] Hr KOVVfV J BROW* J D, i>. i* w- • t.rnitlriK W ■ Dcattet tub «» Tin rint .%»•„ nlun nm| \\ nvhlnjtfon fl Hp'Vl' J Of fire fta» r World. >lnnf, Kqiialrif f Konr. SHHBH My unsocial* rlflntlst* nri special ist* In pnlnteaa extracting, iirtlflrliil teeth making, crown ii n(I luicla*- work, gold, synthetic ami alloy fill- In#* Call and sen sample* nf work, lenrn prion nml have nxamlnatlon made without rhargru. My price* are lii" I »» ' rh«iKi,i| I'M Mali i 1«*« dental work Iti the world. Tim* lias provrn iriv k iih in lit**- y-.ort Offl. ru .-nlabllahe'l vi-hik \ I'll ra uniter my control. i:iiui\ j. niton ii. ii. «, -or. !•> Tin llml Atr. I lilon null W italilnalon Hlnckn. iipni nvftnll1k n iiiiHl K ami HnrnlitfjM until i for peupln who work. Phone Main :lo4<i My Helllnnham office Is at Klk and | Holly sta. CHINESE BOY IS A REAL ARTIST Franklin High Youth En gaged to Draw Cartoons for Theatr«. CONSIDINE "FINDS" HIM Art will never go unrewarded At lea*t thl* I* true In the caae of Paul Fung. a young Cblneae boy of IS. now attending Franklin high acboo!. Thla young t'hlneae began to draw cartoon* for hi* fellow crhool- Paul Fung mates, the most of whom recog nized the talent bark of his pen. John W. Consldlne, Jr., was given one of these Utile cartoons Prob ably inherited theatrical knowledge gave him a cue. for he took young Fung down to the Kmpress theatre and presented him to Manager Itronson, who, hy patient direction, following hia long career as a show man, has brought forth a finished product In the shape of a cartoon Ist. The result of the work Is shown In the lobby of the Kmpress. where the cartoons of the youngster ftre now the most talked of objects on display there Already Paul ha* been asked to accept a l»o<»kInk. bill hi* resolution to finish lilkli school I* final, and he has signified hi* desire to re main with the Empress until he finishes hi* studies at Franklin. Paul Fun* I* the son of the fa mous Fuiik C'hak. a venerable Chinese, who was educated In the University of California Finishing hi* education he took it upon himself to translate all the American hymn* Into the Chinese laiiKUHKe, which he completed Just prior to his death. HUSBAND SCORED IN DIVORCE CASE In granting a divorce to Mrs. Sa rah Cameron, Judge Pykeman *e v*erely scored her husband, lajo J. Cameron, formerly a bartender In a Ballard snloon and Inter entangled with the lnw In Oregon Mrs Cam eron fe ii Seattle horn girl I am surprised that any girl born here would marry such a man." said the Juilkc "There Is small hope for society when girls are not more careful than to marry men tending bar In 'such Joint*.' " Mim Cameron tins been employed In local stores arid she charged that her husband failed to support her. 'A PAIR OF SIXES' ONE LONG RIOT Oscar Figman Gets Laughs in Comedy at Moore; Mere a Week VAUDEVILLE IS GOOD With Oacar Flgman In the role of the luckleaa partner who played an unhappy hand of poker and thereby became buUer In hi* partner * houae for a year, "A Pair of Sixes'* I* twice a* funny a* It wa* !a*t year— and ln*t year It wa* a m ream It oiiened Sunday night at tthe Moore theatre for a week. Flgman last year played the role of the law- i et of th» firm of pill manufactur er*. the two owner* of which were alway* quarreling He wa* a good lawyer, but he I* far funnier a* T. Hogg* John*, the hapleaa loaer of the poker game. The Inwyer, to *ettle the differ encen of the warrlnie pair. *ugge*la that they play thl* poker match, 4ii<l (hat lh« loiter become butler In the other"* hou*« for « year. the winner to have full control of the bualne** Startllngly fnnny compllcatlona arlae aa the agreement begin* to be fulfilled The *weethe*rt of the butler-partner come* to vl»lt w|th | the wife of ihi* other man. nnd T. Hogg* John* hai" a terrible time ex plaining why he I* what he la. Of course, It nil en<l« well, • • • ORPHEUM Hilly Fognrty I* a *cream. No. that doean't really tell the j •tory Hilly mike* the audlenre arream. That begin* to tell It. Ju*t begin* Hilly I* funny. He* real, lion e*t to-goodne** FUNNY. You laugh till your *lde* *rhe and then you begin all over again You laugh out loud -loae all dignity or re *erve He patter* with the able a»- ctKtanre of Kthel Kirk, who al*o *lng* Hilly furnlahe* the crack number of the Orpheum bill thl* week. Next come, tied for second plare, Jed sod Kthel Hooley. In d*n< Ing, hi rycle riding lariat throwing, and bit* of bright talk b> Jed. Mlgnon ette Kokln. a (liable >oung lady who give* dance Imitation*, chat* entertainingly, and alng*. the Prlmroae Four. the fat men * quar tet Nina Morrl* and company pre *ent a thrilling act In which a gun n**h*» con*lder*bly without ever going off Kuth Kllbourn and Adolph Hlome o[»n the bill with a graceful dance act Kuth I* pretty to look at OateUt'a baboon* fur nl*h a lot of fun. • • • EMPRESS Seldom may one hear In vaude 'v|He *uch mualc aa la *ung by the Frolicsome Friar*, a sextet of men heading the Kmpre** bill thl* week !>■•% often atlll doea one find ao • iron* a contender for headline hon 'on on the aatne hill aa tha comedy 'art of K»pe and I>utton, acrobata land Juggler*, Ten Weatherford make* you laugh when he mlmlca a railroad train and Imitate* the twittering of the little bird on Nellie'* hat. The Kemp Sister* offer a good alngtng and dancing novelty. The De Mar* Juggle water. <«ed man e *hadowgraph* are laughl*h 1 .enter and Hlne* have a good talk- Ing singing *tunt. and Ray Monde' I* clever In *ex impersonation*. • • • LOIS "The Honeymoon Olr!*" are at the Ix)l* for the week. They're pret ty. Kach one haa her own apeclal ty act. Lee Zimmerman, the whlatler, la • hit. Ml*e Von I» and Drew appear In a good dance hit. "The Traveling Man'a Troubles" It a sketch well presented by the two Shultics Wrestling and acro batic stunts are shown by L. K Ire land and a company of six houskles A good two-reel drama, "Un founded Jealousy," completes the I bill. ALLIES LAND FORGE TO ASSIST GREECE ATHENS, Oct. 4.—The govern ment permitted It to berome known today that Anglo-French troops have landed near Salonika to asMst Greece In repelling any Bulgarian attack. IN FIVE MINUTES NOSICK STOMACH, INDIGESTION, GAS 'Pape's Diapepsin" Is the Quickest and Surest Stomach Relief. If what you Just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undi gested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nau sea, bad taste in mouth and stom ach headache, you can surely got relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to *how you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's Pla pepsln, then you will understand why dyspeptic troubles of all kinds must'go. and'why It relieves sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indiges tion In five minutes "Pape's 1)11 pepsin" 1h harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimilation Into the blood all the food you eat; be side*. It makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and In testines lire clean and fro#li. and you will not need to resort to laxa tives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will iinve many "Pape's Plapepsln" crnnTcs, as •onie people will call them, but you will be en thusiastic about this splendid stum ach preparation, too, If you ever take It for Indigestion, gases, heart bum, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery. (Jot some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery and Indigestion In five minute*. EMI A HI.INM P*f> 141 ft Fill Your Work Basket lust the lime to buy these little things. Look over the list and see how much you can save. Drew Fasteners j j 5c Co Id Medal Hook* and F.yes, I<V P«t'. Hooks %'■ • P" k 'g' r-- ]fj r De Long's H'.nkv and Fyes, white or black, card 7<^ 10c Wilson's Dress Fasteners, white or black, card TTT.T6* Spool Silk, Etc. Sewing Silk, white, black and colors, 100-yard spools. 3 ior lCk* Barbour's Linen Thread, all hzcs, spool 5c John J. ( lark's Spool Cotton, assorted sizes, 200- yard spools 3t Kerr's Luster Twist, white or black, all sizes.. 5c Aunt Lydia's Linen Finish Thread, white, black, etc 2'jC Clark's O. N. T. Darning Cotton; white, black, etc., 3 for 5t Sanitary Belts, Hoie Supporters, Etc. Sanitary Belts, several styles 18^ 15c Children's H<>se Supporters, several sizes, pr.lOc IQi I)r»-s>- Shields, a very good Shield, pair 5^ 15c Sew-On Hose Supporters, extra wide elastic, pair 8< 25c Sanitary Aprons, excellent quality, large size 15c Bias Tape, Etc. 1«K Bias Tape, 12-yard pieces, widths Ito 5 5^ 12 ! _c Acinc Tape Packages, 8 rolls, assorted widths 8<? 10c Lingerie Tape, with Bodkin .... 5* 15c and 20c Rick-Rack Braids, odd colors, bolt. 5C 10c Knglish Twilled Tape, 12-vard rolls Pins, Hair Pins, Etc. 5c Paper Pins, excellent quality, full count 10c "Lox" Safety Pins, size 1, 2 and 3, dozen 5C 5c Delender Safety Pins, rust proof, sizes 1, 2 and 3, 3 for 5t 10c Cube Pins, best quality, jet heads 5^ Dolly Yarden Hair Pin Cabinets, 100 pins loe Hair Pins, several styles, card 5<J 15c Metal Hair Pin Cabinets, 200 assorted pins.. 10^ —Klr»t Moor. Join Our Dress Form Club Every woman should own a Dress Form, whether she has a sewing machine or not; saves time and patience and you have f-th) clothes that fit. V&/ Hall-Borchert or Acme Dress Forms for $2.00 Down and $1.00 a Week. l l Hall-Borchert Dress Forms, j I RpV* l $15.00, $17.50, $19.50 rjjj|--fl| They are very easy to adjust 1 and can not get out of order; I if / constructed so that the waist, ( l>u-t and hips may be separately I Hfr Acme Dress Forms, T k] $16.50, $18.00 Many women prefer the Acme V Collapsible Dress Form. It em bodies every necessary adjustment. Guaranteed to be adjustable to any woman's size, style or shape. —first Floor. The MacDougall-Southwick Co. Scond and Pike. SCHOONER GOES DOWN WITH CARGO WORTH HALF MILLION Wireless messages picked up by the local office of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., In the Smith building, stated Sunday that the liner HUonhtn of the Mataon Navigation Co.. was proceeding dow ti the Coast to San Francisco, following her failure to save the steum schooner Uraywood, swamp ed by heavy seas, off I'matilla reef, In the gale of Friday and Saturday. The (iraywood sank off Neuh bay, at midnight, Saturday, accord ing to dispatches here, after the hawser, with which the Hilonian was towing her to this port, parted under the strain of terrific seas. A small crew, which had been left on the Oray wood, was rescued with difficulty. The steam schooner, formerly the Harold Dollar, which was pro ceeding from San Francisco to Van couver. H, C , with a cargo of ore AD GLUB HEARS TALK Herbert S. Houston, president of tho Associated Ad clubs of the world, addressed the Seattle Ad club at the Butler Monday noon. and lumber valued at $600,000, sum oned tho Hllonlan by distress whistles Friday, after the heavy sens had put out her fires. HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK Untonm you say HOfUIOK S" you may got m SubmtH^f SEND A SALMON EAST 1-et the folk* bark Kant eujov so inn of your Puget sound luxuries. W«• will ship one flue, fresh salmon, weighing from ; to 9 pounds, nicely dressed, carefully packed In Ice, for- *!.:«. All Kmrru < harara I'repal,! He-Iced in exprt«M« company iiallv. We positively guarantee H to arrive In prime condition. Semi or bring us th« Older—we'll do the rest NOHTH PACIFIC FISH CO. TRI Ittnart Bids., Seattle, WiO,