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PRESIDENT WILSON CALLS UPON PEOPLE TO GIVE THANKS TO GOD FOR THIS NATION'S GOOD FORTUNE WABIUNOTON. Oct 21 rail Inn upon the nation to oheerve Thankstlvlng day. Nov JR. I'rea Ident Wltaon today Issued a proc tarnation characteriiln* the paat M>ir one of speolal blessings In which the country had maintain e.l peaoe and averted Ita rights without a breach of friendship. Ilia proclamation follow*: "It has lon* been the honored cuatom of our people to turn In the fruitful autumn of the year in praise and thanksgiving to KODAKERS— "In at one, at five they're done" JACOBS PHOTO SHOP l-'lrtor I*.-I. Hide. Union Dye Works (Inc.) C( KM % I 111 \U in CIK«M>U »>i> final Ittrw ISIII tn: ami ». i MO* Save Money by Shopping at Frye's QUALITY Markets Friday's Specials: Washington Full Cream Cheese . v Choice Veal « Chops V Choice Loin 4Q. Pork Chops .... 0 Choice Mutton • Chops Choice Steer Sir loin Steak 0 Sugar Cured Aa Picnics Jl" Choice Steer *Tf m Round Steak ... I** AT rOLLO« I<IO M l HKETII OI.IKI'II HIHKCT ll* Pike <11. ANKHM % N NIHKrr MS Third Wr«r»:K> MARKKT I lon Wealera Ave. WUTUHR HIRKKT C*r. W Mllake l«4 I*l aa. • r.vrri.r. *«MKirr IC9 Ori'tdmtal It#. B 11.1. A HII IIIKhET 1 144.1 nallara Ave. Look for U. a. .'urpla Stamp. It •tQ»»lfl«» purity and quality. • hop* Open Until •:20 •M. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Look yeara younger! Lite Grand mother's recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur and nobody will know The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates bark to grand mother's time. She used It to keep her hslr beautifully dark, glossy •nd abundant. Whenever her hair fell o>it or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this aim pie mixture was applied with won derful effect. Rtit brewing at home is mussy •nd out-of-date Nowadays, by ask ing at any drug store for a 50-cent Jtaftle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul pnur Compound," you will get this famous old recipe which can be de pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, fever lah. Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so natural ly and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time By morning the gray hair disappears, and a#er another application or two It become* beautifully dark, glossy, and abundant. Resinol will stop that ugly itching rash The moment that Resinol Oint ment touches itching skin the itch ing stops arid healing begin*. That is why doctor* have prescribed it so successfully for twenty years in even the severest cases of n /ema, ringworm, rashes, and many other tormenting, disfiguring skin dis eases. Aided by warm hatha with Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment makes a S' k skin or scalp healthy, quickly, easily and at little cost. frtirol OinliMnt V•* "fl V»»p • rScar i*«r p MflM, bUd^MftAl S<, 1 >, y ail > ; I r,r tf»«l fr " *"»'« lO fie. , 1* I'V » ■» M<i ■4531E STAI MSJT MS M SESULTg Almighty (Jtul for many hies" Inga and mercies to us us n na tion. The venr that la now drawing to a close has been, while » >enr of discipline because of the mighty forces of war and change* which disturbed the world, also a year of s|>ei lal blessing for tia. Another \ear of poacn bna been vouchsafed us; another >i ar In which not only to lake thought of our duty to ourselves WOMAN TELLS OF 'DOPE' HABIT Under Arrest With Doctor, She Tells How They Fell SAYS THEY ARE "PALS" At the clt> I*ll are ii man and woman. nerve lorn by the ravages of drug*. Three year* ago both were glowing with health and filled with ambitions. Today they aye Porter Charlton and wlf# he mur. dared who, before her marriage 10 Charlton, was Mary Scott Caatle. beautiful divorcee and actress Sketches show the aventa leading up to and after the murder In a villa at Lake Como, Italy. wreck*. Mm. Alice San ford. arrested laat Friday with Dr II O Gtlllssle, who la accused of looting the Swift pharmacy for drugs. met the doctor in Vancouver. B. C . <julte by accl dent, as she waa walking atonic a street Two men insulted her I»r, UUllasle caiqe to her rnrut They have (>#«n *|>ala slnc«> She waa a domestic Ui«*n In a Van couver home, and be w.n chief aur geon for a ratlroad They hegan using dope, and both loat their positions They became human derelicts, driven from place to place by the police. A few days ago they came to Se attle, penniless, and suffering tor tures because they could get no drugs Krlday night Dr Ollllsele dlsap peared He returned the next morning with a suit case full of drugs, stolen from the Swift store. He »nrl Mrs. Sanford then sails fled their cravings. but they took an overdose, and the proprietor of the apartments where thev were staylnK became alarmed and noti fied the police. • "Please tell the young people about our rases, said Mrs. San ford today ' I-et them take warn ing by the example we have set." An attempt will b» made to cure the woman. Dr Cllllssle Is facing a charge of grand larceny. He Is In a critical condition. OPENS A NEW TRACT W. W. Beck, the man who bought Ravenna park for next to nothing and who later sold It for 1132,000 has purchased 175 acres in the Du warn lah river valley, and has open ed the tract for sale. *» "Eureka Acres." 'CASCARETS' SET YOUR LIVER AND BOWELS RIGHT They're Fine! Don't Remain Bilious, Sick. Headachy and Constipated. Best for Colds. Bad Breath, Sour Stomach —Children Love Them. Get a 10-cent box now He cheerful' ' lean up Inside to night and feel fine Take Cascv rets to liven your liver and clean the bowels and stop headaches, a tad cold, biliousness offensive breath, coated tongue, sallowness, sour stomach and gases Tonight take f'ascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest, liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake tip feeling grand Everybody's doing It. Cascareta best laxative for children also. bisuraTCD MAONesia FV»r IniHdfullori. h*«rt burn bsl< hlnv. iour », •••■ t!(k «• tltfl|M)oilfut ot BlivlllAa mff♦*r t«. rifutrallx# tlt«» #•*• #•*«» »r|il will hl* 'hi' ' i us* of nfv'-rv utornM- 1 <Ilnor I«t Im mrdlHtp rrllrf i plciiM.nit i ri* * i»wn»l v«-. at mll flruifffffltft ''vrvwhtri, In Hthar powder or tablet form. ami mankind, tint alao to adjnat ourselves t" many responsibltl tlr«H thrust upon its by the war. wlili h him Involved utmost the whole of Rurope. "We have been able to assert our right* and the rlKhta of man kind yithout a breach of friend ahl(i with Ihr great natlona with which we have had to deal: and while we have asserted our rights, w« have been able alao to perform duties, and enerclse privileges of auccor and hrlpfnt CHARLTON AND WIFE HE MURDERED! STORY OF THE CRIME IN SKETCHES EXPECT VERDICT BY NEXT WEEK IN CHARLTON TRIAL BY ALICE ROME COMO, Italy. Oct. 21.—-The Illness of Micaell Picardi, Por ter Charlton's counsel, is un derstood to be so Improved that it was believed today he can resume his work In the case against the young American charged with slaying his wife, the former Mar/ Castle. 50 HURT IN N. Y. FERRY SMASHUP NEW YORK, Oct. 21—Up wards of 50 persons w»rs In jured today when ths Lacks wanna railroad ferry Nether lands crashed Into the pier head of the Christopher at. dock in a fog. More than 1,000 passengers, en route to offices and atores In the metropolis, were aboard. Most of them were women. The women. In panic, became hysterical. Automobiles and wagons heaped up together on the lower deck. Finally the passengers were landed, screaming with fear. ICEMEN DANCE AT EAGLES' TONIGHT "How'd you like to be the Ice man?" The Icemen of Seattle, with their wives, ar.d sisters, and sweet hearts, are going to dance at Kagles' hall, Thursday night. And the event, will be neither Icy nor n frost. The Icemen, on the contrary, promise Ml who attend a warm tlrn«. The only Ice that will be In evidence will be the ice In the punch. It's to he the fourth nnnuai ball of the Icemen's union, local No 102. C'avanaugh's orchestra will fur nlsh the music. SHOT IN HIP; SUES WKNATC'IIKK. Oct 21. Rec»il»e Tony lohn, deptiltxed by tbe sheriff nn'l Klven a revolver to apprehend an e»<aped word of the M'dlril l,ali« acylum, *e17,0d upon hi* rlufton with mich exc««* enthu*laKm thnt he nhot thru a Honff] door In a I oral hotel and hit Ml** Sylvia from, a wnltre«», In the hip. « »ult n today on file aKaln*t Sheriff t'ha* Kenvon Ml** <'ro*» link* $2,600 damage*. HUSTED IS ON STAND KVKKKTT. Oct. 21 Karl J. Mil* tod, democrat!<• candidate for <on croHH ln*t fall, and a member of the boird, toow tbe land to day In hi* own dofenno In tbe dl* barment case BKfln*t him Hunted I* accused of misappropriating funda of client* STAR-THURSDAY. OCT. 21, 1915. PAGE 5., nesa which ahould servo to dent oiistrste our desire |o make of flee* of friendship the means of a truly disinterested and utisulf Ish service "Our ability to serve nil who could sva 11 themselves of our services In the midst of crises haa been Increased by a gracious Providence, by more and more abundant crops, our ample ,fl nancial resources have enabled us to steady the nmrketa of the world and In fncllltate nei essary tonjorrow. A verdict Is expected this week Attendants reported Charlton still very nervous, but as he has already told his own story of hammering the woman to death, he will be questioned only Incidentally hereafter, and it Is hoped he will not break down, as was feared Tuesday. SHE DARKENED HER GRAY HAIR A Kinin City Lady Darkened Her Gray Hair and Stimulated It* Growth by a Simple Home Procrai SHe Telle How She D<d It A well known realdent of Kan aaa City. Mo, who darkened her gray hair hv a almple home proc eaa. made the following Ulatcment: Any lady or gentleman ran darken 'their gray or faded hair, atlmulale It* growth and make It itoft and gloaiy with thla almple recipe, which they ran ml* at home To half pint of water add 1 07. of hay rum, I email hoi of Rarho Com jmund and '4 or. of glvcerlne Theae Ingredients ran hp purchaa ed at any drug atore at very little* rn*f Apply to the hair every olh er <la> until the gray hair I* dark ened sufficiently, then every two week* Thl* mixture relieves aralp troubles and la excellent for dandruff and falling hair. It doe* not Main the a-alp, Ik not atlrky or greasy and does not ruh off. It will make a gray haired person look 10 to 20 year* younner."—Ad vertisement. It Takes Character to avoid unnecessary ex penditures, and to save money, but it pay* —the price is not too high —think hard about saving some thing NOW when you are making money. Interest 4 per Cen * UNION SA VINGS & TRUST CO. OF SEATTLE Capital and Surplus $800,000 JAMES D. HOGE, President J. D. SOLNER, Vice President and Trust Offlct7 IIOGL 3UILDINO In the Heart of the Financial district movements of commerce, which the war might otherwise have rendered Impossible, and our people have come more and more lo n sober leall/.atloifr of the part they have been called upon to play in a time when all the world la shaken by unparalleled ills tresses and disaster*. "We have had prosperity while other peoples were nt war, but our prosperity ha* been vouch safed ik we believe, only that we inlghl heller perform functions GERMANS TURN ON FOE IN EAST Russia Feeling the Might of New Teutonic Offensive PRESS TOWARD RIGA IjONDON, on 21 (intherlnn new MttniiKtli. Teutonic Invader* are prenHln* aharply their fluinlrm In the Ulrh ronton Itiiaala In fenl IriK attain Ihf might of the German offenalve unci foara It The I'ctrograri official Ntatement here early today siild llihl fighting "continues" In the region of Iho Milan road *> uthweat from Riga, while on the tivlniiU front, southeast of lllga, the fjermans were on the offensive. SAY ATTACK FAILS P\HIB, Oct 21 Tim Herman*' tretnendou* i»ffort to pierce the French lines east of Hhelms fulled pitifully, the war offl< — mulfmrnl today declared RADUJEVATZ TAKEN PAtllH, Oct II. —tlulgir* h*ve orrapM lt><lu)r«*u. and Ita Inhab itant* *re taking refuge In Ku mania Itadujevati la close I- the Junction of Herbla. Hutgarla am! Ilumanli. USE JAPANESE ARMS VIENNA. Oct 21 That Japan has heeded the Russian plea for ■upplylng her with munition* wa* Indicated today by a war cfflce •tatement which re|»>rted the cap ture of Japanese firearm* end em munition In the (iallcla at niggle. Thl* aeliure wa* Incidental to destruction of an armored train In the Putllovka river region. DR. PARKER INJURED l»r Maud Parker. 419 ftoylston ave . wss suffering Thursday from slight Injuries sustained when her automotille collide.l wltti that of Frank A Conn el, TK4O 2?nd ave., Wednesday Her f»c« wa* cut by shattered k!bss Corns and Calloutes I'"-' « '■ • « f» II»r« l« *fwl *ur*«t r«m"b hn«*n "T»» I jwv»»» # 'i "t nf f»n»|M«nil In *»rm fool t<al h " Thl« i »■ Initkh* r«ll+f rorni »f"l ■ « an bm right • •ff K.utiif #ff* f«.f a< hing or i*ui> frfi and #■•»* hurt I It thrnufh !h» |h*'M nmnv- In# »h» I .•»*• Hoi "f r|d« fii» rmii at any drug or f«r<«ral »l»f» Prepared at M#«iir«i F'ifmula laboratorlMi. l»«>u*n, ♦ »hio "Dear. !* the Coffee like mother uaed to nHkn''' "Yea. Dick " "Well, give me tea. then; mother never could make good coffee" "But, Dink, tlila la 111-Uradn Cof fee Company's Coffee. A rhlld could make Rood coffee from If "Another cup of coffee, plea»e' That aure la coffee with a fine flavor." 100 Feet North of Pike St. at 1515 SECOND AVE. A lot of coffee aatlafartlon for a little trouble. Hle»t-C>rade Mend by the cup, 2c and 3c. Bring your luncheon TODAY'S BEAUTY AIDS To clear up and whiten the skin and secure that charm of pink and white youthful freshness so much desired hv all women you will find It far safer to rely upon a gcod face lotion rather than powder To get rid of that shiny and muddy ap pearance In your complexion, dls solve four ounces of spurmax In one half pint hot water, and add two teaspoonfuls glycerin. Apply this to your face, neck and arms, rubbing gently until dry. This lo tion does not show or rub off like powder and Is much better. It Is splendid for removing tan, freckles, pimples and sallowness You can make a delightful sham poo for a very trifling cost If yon get from your druggist a package of canthrox and dissolve n tea spoonful In a clip of hot water, l'our a little at a time on the scalp and rub briskly. This creates an abundance of thick, white lather that thoroughly dissolves and re moves all dandruff, excess oil and dirt After rinsing, the hair dries quickly, With a flufflness that makes It seem heavier than It Is, and takes on a rich luster and a softness that makes arranging it a pleasure Advertisement. which war rendered It lni|>oßstb|e for (hem to perform Now, thnfefore, 1. Wood row Wilson, president of the I'nlted Mates of America, do hereby des ignate Thursday, the twenty fifth of November unit, H* a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and in vile people Ihruout the Innd to real* from thr wonted ormpit lions, and ill I heir several homes and place* of worship, reudnr thanks to Almighty God." FIND SCANDAL IN B. C. INQUIRY Great Sums Paid Member* of Cabinet, Evidence Shows CALL IT REPTILE FUND' VICTORIA, Oct. 21 A fiirthfr atartllnK turn In tho I'aclflr Coast Coal Mine* Inquiry hern Involves tin* whiild Mrllrlde cabinet In the acatidal which la belntr u»i«-artl»*-d aa to the aettlng aalda ol a largo auni of money by directors ,>f the company, to b* applied to payment of aervlcea rendered, or to be ren dered. by the government. A* «n Industrial corporation deal ing with one of the natural re source* of (he province under; license from the crown, the I'aclflc Coast Coal Mines and ll* directors came In touch with administrative authority at many points A friendly provlnclcl government was worth money to It. In one parllrultr ln*tanre that haa already come to light. thl* frlendllnes* was con»ld«r«"l ao *al liable by director* that they ap propriated $105,000 an a ti can* of demon*!rating to mem.icr* ->f the M'Mrlde rablnet that gratitude sonietlmea eilata In amities* corpo ration*. Thl* feature «>• stranrely brought out ye*terday In the testi mony of Charles C. Mlchener of New York, who I* attempting to ret the *tork of the company [■ooled. lie related Inalde Information which bore dearly on the ao-called reptile fund " Mb hener stated that the fund wa* Intended to be ufed for i>ollttcat purpose*. l»r, H. K. Young. mlnl*ter of a«rl culture and education. «n the re cipient. be raid. MAY IRWIN TO LEAD A PARADE May Irwin I* organizing an army of 8.000 voluntoora to march In the woman'* nuffraßp parade In New York Oct 23. 1 It will b« rallcil "Tho Women Who Watch and Walt" army. CHILD MARVEL'S MOTHER COMING Mr* Winifred Sackvlllc Stotier, (if Plttuhurß. whoae 12->«ar-old daughter apeak*. writes and reads eight languages and rides horse back, drives an auto, m»n, cooks an<l plays several musical Instruments. will lecture nn "Nat ural Education" at the H roadway. high school at 2:.10 o'clock Satur day afternoon. The public Is In vlted Mr*. Sinner haw PHtnblliihnd 39 nrhociln In llilb country and 11 abroad. Y. M. C. A. BLOWOUT The monthly blowout of the Midget data of tha v m. C. a. , hoys' department. tho younger high school members. was hold Wednes day night, with a feed and good time. Paul Fung, the young Chi nese c irtoonlst of Franklin high school, cartooned many of those present, and a cup was presented to tleorge Shield for the best class sour. The cup was a beautiful tin j affair. STEEL COMMON IS UP NKW YOrtK, Oct 21. On two sales, Bethlehem steel common ad vanced "O' H points, selllnK up to r>9!* 7 n tod a; Raymond R. Frailer, University of Wisconsin, '00, was elected pres ident of tho College club unanl-l tnously, at the annual banquet I Wednesday night. 1 yVY-cDoUSall Wbulliwick Good Things Reduced for Tomorrow One Big 85c Day $1.25 FANCY SILKS 85c Thirty-six-inch popular Fancy Silks, including hairline, chalkline and Pekin stripes, suitable for street and house dresses, tomorrow, 85c yard. 85c for $1.25 Black Satin de Qiine, 36 inches wide. 85c for 5t.25 Black Satin Duchesse, 36 inches wide. 85c for $1.00 Black Wool Crepe, 40 inches wide. 85c for 5t.25 Black Satin Messaline, 36 inches W ldC. —Flr»t Floor. 85c Specials From the Art Shop Car<l Table Covers, stamped on white canvas weave i>r ecru linen. Novelty Handkerchief Bags, tinted on tan cloth with *elf color top, or Laundry Hags to match the above. 36-inch Canters of honey comb net. stamped. Pierrot I'mbroidered Runners stamped for sim ple outline stitch. — Fourth Floor 85c for Boys' Corduroy Knickers If the boy reads this his mother will be out 85c, for every boy likes Corduroy Knickers. These are a heavy weight and rich brown color. Tomorrow, only 85<\ -Third Floor. 85c for Women's Hand Bags That Were $1.25, $1.50. $2.00, $2.50 Good staple styles in all sort* of shapes, including some of the top-strap Purses that are *o popular at the present time. One day only, Bf»C. —Klr»t Floor. MEN! For 85c You Can Buy $1.50 Union Suits For this day we will have 12 dozen heavy weight Ribbed Cotton Union Suits in sizes 34 to 4<>. You had better come early. Men's Fiber Silk Socks 4 Pairs for 85c Sizes 9' 2 to 11 J. j, in black, gray, navy or tan. c—Mrn'a 'Imp. W here \ nines are Ile» ter-—First Floor. Flowers for Trimmings and Bouquets 85c Fur Flowers with metal stems and leaves; Velvet Roses in rich shades; clusters of small Pink Roses with foliage; Caincl ias. All are very suitable for dainty hat trimmings or corsage bouquets. One day only, 85<*. —Second Floor. 85c for Women's Over-Gaiters And you know how pop ular over-gaiters arc These are black, and sell regu larly at $1.00 and $1.25. Tomorrow only, 85r. —Second Floor. $1.25 and $1.50 Silk Lace AUovers, 85c Yard The most of these arc all •■ilk, attractive designs for yokes, sleeves, blouses and cxetiing dresses; ,V> inches wide. One day only, 85C —First Floor. IUII AHJIAHKf* 117 ft Colonial Glass Water Set 85c This set includes a two quart "Colonial" fire pol ished glass Water Pitcher and six Water Classes to match, 85<*. Fourth Floor Pattern Veils 85c That Should Be $1.50 and $1.75 These are Novelty Veils in Filet and other meshes, some with chenille dotted borders in black, brown or white. Tomorrow, only 85<S —Flr»t Floor. 85c for German Silverjflesh Bags Six and 7-inch Mesh Rags with narrow en graved frame* and long chain handles. This is an extraordinary value. Two Tone Silk * Hosiery 85c Fancy Hose in many popular combinations, in cluding black and purple; preen and black; tan and white ; black and red ; navy and black. These Silk Hose have deep double garter tops, high spliced heels and double toes. Spe cial 85C. —First Floor. 85c for $1 Cotton Sheet Blankets Size 60x74; Gray With Borders 35c Turkish Towels, 3 for 85C. I-arge size and hemmed. $1.10 Tea Cloths, all linen, hemstitched. $1.00 Hemmed Sheets, extra quality ; 72x90 inches. 10c White Outing Flan nel, 10 yards 85C. 27 inches wide. $1.00 Fmbroidered Crepe dc Chine, 3f> inches wide; pink, blue, maize or reseda. Again we say that these items may be had tomor row only at 85C. —Third Floor. 2 Yards for 85c Heavy Grade Print Linoleum An important one-day item. Your choice of seven different designs. Bring your room measurements along. 2 yards, 85<*. •—Fourth Floor. 85c for a Self-Filling and Safety Fountain Pen Just for this one day, a • fully guaranteed Fountain Pen, with 14-kt. gold pen, slot type, self filler. Pen in several sizes, 85<*. 85c for Hurds' Fine Stationery Hurds' New Linen Lawn in all shape and styles, with beveled gold edges; 24 sheets and 24 envel opes in fancy box. Spe cial 85C • First Floor. —Plrat Floor. — Ftr»t Floor.