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HUNS PLAN DEFENSIVE FRONT BEYOND RHINE FLU REGULATIONS ARE PULLED TIGHT gmUlr nnHintrd iwtlfwirt >irr drtail-«l by (lilrf WMTrn iimrtun* •» palrul nil UIM « in th« i-rnlril hm-lloh <»f Hir rtl> *"•' "'"I 1 *" »lrwt rar- J,! 1)11 |n( »' »ni> third o |, r "I" '" "•> •' *'«'••• an Influriit* |>rrcau OHt. XU trafft- - po!l<-emen were alao In gtiwtot to atop cars with too many [MI [ windows before they wm al !oww | |o niwwl were out early Satur mornm* In the Industrial dls Iftft to see that shipyard worker* 0/ not com* to their employment In closed cara ■■We're doing everything In our sower to enforce the regulations." „>d the Chief. Just before ijolng Into OMifrrence with the mayor to report pn the effect of atepa being taken * check the epldemlc SP More Ifaath* Twenty additional deaths and SS2 new Influenaa caaea have been re ported to tha city health authorttlea 4„r* noon Friday. Of these five gmths were reported Saturday ■prnieg. and »» caa»s Tha follow by men. Industrial workers. were Byartad dead of pneumonia Satur day- Thomas Cunningham. St. A. H kotrl Charlea Ecker l». addresa un known: Sac Arraa, 'l9. JU King at. juj J. Gugtch. lilt Mairoae a\e John C. Young. asai'tant general Manager of tha Skinner A Eddy cor poration. of S»IJ E. Harrison at . <Sl(d In the Minor private hoapttal late Friday of Spanish lnfluenxa Deplete Mask Supply Mating lhat the exc*sil\e call fur iaflyeiuu pn««nuv< ttuikA h.<« Je pitted the linl Cross supply. w that M ,i*»inu<- Instructions (or certain classes of employe* to w»*r tlirra can be issued. Commissioner Mc Bride stated that, beginning Mon da). it may b* compulsory 'or wait m In restaurants and eating place* to wear gauze masks. Dr. Mcß urged restaurant pro prtetors to go to the lied Cross ksadquarurs. at IIS University St.. and obtatr. for their employ** *uch ■tasks as remain, the masks to be pressed Into service at one*. Clminunt that the antitoxin ssrum being manufactured by city physicians I* successful, and. If taken before lUness. 1* practically a certain preventive for Influenaa. Dr. Mcßnde Saturday urged every per son in the city to obtain two Injec tions within 41 hours from some prl rat* physician. Don't Reallie Peril do not seem to realise the seriousness of Spanish Infljenza or the pneumonia that results from It." Dr. Mcßnde said. 'Pneumonia that results frcm the flu is of the most virulent aad dangerous char aeter known, and ther* 1* a very mat possibility of a person dying when the Influenza has passed Into complication* or pneumonia -Whenever a person feel* sick. he should hasten to secure medical care, sad take every safeguard." Another point emphasised by Ur M'-Bride It that there I* room In the old courthouse emergency hospital for I*4 additional patient*, and that the** who are not In circumstance* to be taken to a private hospital, should all the city ambulance at one* and place themaelve* In the hand* of the dtjr doctor* for treat ment. Parentage I* Lew 'W« have an efficient and reliable asip* of nurses and the best doctors and facilities in the city." Dr. Mr Bride stated. "Everything possible IS done for our patients, and the f«Nstitage of fatalities among rases trsated at the emergency hospitals Is very low. It ha* been called to ■T attention that there are men without relative* or families living I* ITV ventilated hotel rooms In the ssuthem section of the city, who have contracted Influenza, and who wilt until It 1* too lata to send for help. I wish to point oat that they can At* their live* by calling the dty anbulanre in time " He stressed the following warn Star at home. Keep the home well ventilated. Avoid crowds. De not sneeze or expectorate prisdiiiuovsly If well, keep In the open sir. If sick, keep warm ami If ■■(111 fresh air. "Seattle people would do more than all the doctors toward stopping the spread of Influenza." say* Dr. Hfcßride. If they would stay at koine for two day*. There I* abso lutely no sxrune for any one being on the downtown atrsets Hunday. ■are those who have essential busi- Folic* t era Saturday Instructed to prevent anything resembling eontestion In department stores and ■alas establishment* downtown, and t* arrest proprietors who did not «s«perate. Get 8.000 Masks Applicants from every line of en deavor, representing every industry In the dty. received more than 1.000 gauze masks of the variety now popular among our barbers from the l°®*l Red Cross chapter Friday, fol lowing press notices that Ban Fran* ciseo was adopting this precaution M the request of the board of health. This precaution Is unnecessary In ■tattle for the average Individual, •wording to Dr. J. 8. McHride. city health commissioner, who r«.com mends, however, that all clerks, par ttcularly those wbo sell or serve food, wear gauze t •»':*, 15 More lle*thii Itftaen additional death* and 222 Influ'-nsa r,anes w<-re reported the health department Friday •"•rnoon. Death* reported were: '• !■ Uhrlch, aged 2», 403 Dewey Ihet. Andrew Middleman, aged 2t, Old Court House hospital. Emma J. Davis. aifcd J5, 1014 »dison at. Kukahama, n(t"'l 20, Hotel Frjre. ■W at Iteliance hospital. Johana* Johnson, aged 71, 92(1 ■tewett at. Kendall, a«ed 47, 1219 N. ASTHMA IBSZAMTLV RELIEVED WITH •waotIUHD askanymkmist FIGHT THE FLU IIY Kt'I'KKT 111 .I K Hurtonn (imrral of llh> 11. K. I'iilillc llnUlli Nmlra Moat of Iho tnfluenui pntlenta couith up ronaldernhle mueua; In aome, there la much mucua ilia charged from the noae ami throat. Thla material almuld not t>« nollet-ted In bandkerchlafa, Iml rather on bit* of old rasa, or toilet |«|M-r. or on paper napklna. Aa aoon aa uaed. thrae ra«a or yapera ahould be placed In a |m per bug kept braidn Iht bed Pockat handkerchief* are out of ptac* In tha alck room and ahould not Iw uaed by patlenta Thn rtuta or paper* In tha paper bag ahould tie burned. 4Kth at. Joseph J I-anr. aged 24. Il( Bast Columbia at. Krancla K I'hllbhn, aged 10, 1»04 11th live. H Olaf llrraiwn. >t»l 31. 117 !3rd •v». 8. «ir.»nt Conrad. u*<l 41. ltlO Thin] »v» W. Harold MKillllouddy. a«e,l 2«. 1431 Jarkaon at (JeoritU A. Purrell, aged 34. 1733 Melroae avenue M.I.Up Yank, axed 33. SSIS S2od ave. 8. Nick TUffoa. n«ed 34. 1341 N 4»th M. Pete (Waller, aired 17, 711 Sixth ave 8 Portland in Grip of New Flu Wave PORTLAND. Oct J«.—With a rec ord of 1,771 Influenia cases and »0 deaths, and with the epldcnlc still on the upgrade. Mayor {taker today threatened to rlote all store* If they to disobey the restriction* now in force. The city will not at present force alt person* to wear mask*, but It I* watching the effectiveness of thl* measure In ether cities. The mayor ha* asked all depart ment ■ teres to limit their advertla ing to essentials. Ho do away with special bargains. and requested the general public to stay at home The city health' officer has ordered the removal of all side windows In street car* If street car blinds are pulled down, arrests will follow. Flu Create* Open Air Funeral Rite* Health restrictions will necessitate the funeral services for Florence A Day. university graduate and Georgetown teacher, to be held at the orave In I«k* View cemetery. Sunday morning, October 17, at 10 (■'clorid llev. J. H. William*, pas tor of the Pilgrim Congregational church, will official* Miss Day died of pneumonia following an attack of Influenza. Flu Nurse Dies as Martyr to Disease EVERETT. Oct. I« Mis* Maym> T. Down*, volunteer nurse at the Providence hospital, died at that In stitution Friday afternoon from blood poisoning, contracted from a patient she was treating for in fluenza. Adams Trial Set for November 11 In the superior court. Friday. Judge Mitchell Glltlam announced that Health Commissioner Mnßrlde would permit the trial of Alvln II Adams, charged with the murder of M R. iUymer. last July, to take plane next Thursday, a* scheduled, provided Influenza mask* were worn by Judge. Jury and all present. The Judge stated that he preferred to postpone the trial until November 11. and by that time he hoped that the epidemic would be over. 100,000 Flu Cases on Pacific Coast BAN FRANCISCO, Oct 2* —With approximately 100.000 ca*e* of Bpan Ish influenza reported in the three Pacific Coast states, and hundreds more being reported hourly In the larger cities, the epidemic has not yet reached Its crest, according to statistics gathered today by the United Press. The number of death* I* varloualy estimated in Washington. Oregon and California between 2.000 and 3,000. Exact figures are not avail able. » California has approximately 11, 000 case* and Washington state 21.000. Prisoners Nearly Flew When Jailer Falls With "Flu" BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 21 - Pris oners In the city Jaijl this morning started to leave thflr cells when Thomas J. Feeny, turnkey, collapsed in a heap from an attack of Spanish Influenza, after unlocking the cell doors. Police officers arrived In time to drive the men back to their cells M DF.ATHS IN RAN FRANCISCO HAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2« Nine tyslx deaths and 2.007 Influenza cases were reported within the last 24 hours. 44 UKATHB IN IMi ANOKIJCH I/) 8 ANOBLKH. Oct. 2« Forty four deaths and NO* Influenra were reported within the last 24 hour*. NO HPICCTATORH AT OAMK CHICAGO, Oct. 26 No spectator* will be allowed today at the Camp flrant-I'nlverslty of Wisconsin foot hill tilt at Madison, nor at the Ne lirwska• Nebraska Wesleyan moles, be cause of the flu epidemic. KIOIIT DIK AT FORT WOBDKN Kluht deaths from Influenza have occurred at Fort Worden since the ließlnnlne of the epidemic, two trien dying Friday. Two hundred are 111. OJCRKH NOW WF.AK MAHKfI PORTUND, Oct. 2«. All clerks In stores, and all person* entering stores are required to wear gauze In fluenzal masks. They may bu remov ed In the >pen olr. FRENCH SAVANT I PRAISES TANKS PAItIS, Oct J«. M. Ilenrl Welarhlnger. a French Academician, historian and patriot, in spite of his advanced age. made a special trip from hi* home In the suburb* to de liver a sjieech. lauding Amerlc* be for* the Academy of Moral and Po litical Sciences. The triumph of American arms," ha said, "is not only In the gain of ground. • great moral victory also was gained, l'eopie of the invaded region the Americans hav* restored to Francs hav* cruelly suffrred. IVncli blood was given ther* dur ing the past few years and once bo fore. in ISJO. "I cannot fully expce*« my ad miration for that great savanl, thai marvelous idealist, supreme patriot of his country—l*re*l dent Wilson! He will remain in history as an example to future generations and his nsme will be revered ss Is the name of Washington." Need Glad-Handers for the "Y" to Do Sunday Service If you can promote the spirit of fek- lowshlp. And strike out the devils bad branders. Or establish the basis for men * good friendship. You're in line for the T. M glad handers. Arn S. Allen, secretary of the Seat tie Toung Men's Christian Associa tion. has Issued a call for volunteers to take up the work of the winter'* Hunday club program. He has sys tematically divided his expected quo ta of 100 volunteer* Into groups of workers Ten glad handers, II or more or rhestra men, three platform men. 10 usher*, nine leader* of dl*cu*aion group*. 40 booster* for the discussion groups. 11 hosts for the friendship supper and five usher* for the fire side hour are needed. Candidate* for thene positions must qualify. RABY TAILORING CO. Headquarters for Suits, Coats and One-Piece Dresses 425 Union Street >■ P con. rmrr avis. pikh »t. I'honr Main -lOU3 ♦'IF I HURT YOU, DON'T PAY ME." This Is my message of dellTsr ance to you from the fear that ac companies Dental operations. I KXTRACT, Fit,l* CROWN and TREAT Teeth absolutely without pain In all rases but acuta abscessed conditions. Dowest prices In your city for high-class. guaranteed STERLING DENTISTRY TIIK SKATTI.K ST Alt SATURDAY, OCTOP.F.R 2«;, 1918. READ JT AND WEEP, BILL! NEED RED CROSS WORKERS TO MAKE MORE FLU MASKS With So.on« gauxe influenza preventive masks mail* »nd du trlbutad. the lo« «1 Knl Crosa chapter oalla for volunteer* to help make a new supply Several hundred women are wanted at once, aa the force In wholly inadequate to ropo with th« emergency, The lird Cross headquarter* la at SIS University at. I Far and Near j 5 News by Telegraph ! J and Telephone I IIM.IJM.iI \M—Following a lung illness, L M lialdy, ploimr and leading business man of thla city, died Frlilay afternoon at hi* hom® State Chairman Samuel %. Walk'r of the republican central commit!** la conferring rtdlurdajr with Con gressman Lindley 11 Hadley, Sec ond congresalonal district, who ha* arrived from Washington, l». C, to meet party leader* I .lent William A. Ilatisman, for mer Seattle boy. ha* been appointed aviation Instructor at Kelly field. Texa*. according to word received by his mother. Mr* Kmma A Halts man. of <213 Greenwood av« Toung, who la but {0 year* old, l» the younge*t aviation instructor In the United states. !le I* a grud uate of Broadway high school. lor the purpose of formally or ganixlng the I'niled Lutheran • hurch In America, representative* of more than three quartern of a million of confirmed Lutheran* will meet In New York Thursday. No vember 14. TACOMA.—I Jeut. Rojral Mingln*. who left here with the Hist division, has been severely wounded, accord lug to word received by hla sister Mlngtns was a former atudent of the University of Washington NRIIIUI WINH.LKI A warrant charging I>r. Montgomery, of Seattle, with practicing without a license hits been Issued. Sheriff Stevenson Is looking for the doctor, who came here recently to act a* assistant to l)r James A. Ghent. Kergt N. Killer has been found not guilty In Ixindon on a charge of shooting a bank clerk who, evidence showed, tried to alienate the affec tions of the soldier's wife while he waa on duty. Orders Munitions Men to Speed Up BRIIXJEPOKT. Conn, Oct 26 Mil J. B. A. Franklin. I' H. A., produc tion manager of the Brldicei»ort dis trict, Issued a statement to the muni tions manufacturer* of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts here Fri day, to the effect that government contract* were r*>t properly fulfilled. He attributed thin lack of efficiency to a feollnfc that peace 1* near. SHOP EARLY Why don't YOU AM. start off at onco And Christmas shop In theso (wo months? You'll help the war—avoid the crush, I'reventln* that December rush Thi« Day in the War OT. 2fl t 1917 Austro-Oermami on Germany. OCT. 26, 19H -Germans lannch violent attacks on Verdun work*. (XT. 2ft —1915 HerbH iiltnost en tirely out of Serbia. OCT. 21, 1914 Great battle In progress In Russian Poland. Iltlllullnn of old tmrtlon riiclimi for the purpose of peddling hot water to the iM»or In everv town In Knifluiid him been suggested. FIRE AT POWER STATION STOPS TRACTION CARS ► Ire which swept thru Ihe power substation of (Im» I'uget Hound Traction, l.l*li( I Power Co.. at Seventh and Jefferson. be tween 1 aud 7:30 a. in. Saturday, tied up every line of the traction company for t.'i minute*. Officials of the company estimated Saturday noon that the damage to the power station would run Into the hundred* of thouaands of dollar*. The outburst of fUme which mark'd the atari of the conflagxa lion la believed to have reaulted from an explosion of oil gaa. Nothing but the ahell of the build Ing and twisted machinery now re mains of the structure which w«j on* of the most Important In the power distributing system of the traction company. L P. Heath. SISI Eighth ave . vm the only one In the building at the time of the outbreak. He waa thrown on hi* f.ir4 on th® floor, but escaped uninjured thru a sea of flame by almost a miracle. Hl* hair anl clothe* were singed. Everything was rtmnlne at normal on the car system at 7, JO when power from other station* waa dl verted. ] mring the let tip In aervlce thou sands of worker* on their way to em ployment were held fretting ami fuming at *üburbtin way Blatlon* Hundred* were accomodated In JH ney*. motor trucks and private auto*. Hold Service in Home, Is Advice Altho health authorities have been forced to forbid congregated worship. In the opinion of Itev. C. It. dale, superintendent of the Heat tie Congregational Church Kxten tion society, there is no reason why those at home cannot carry on a brief devotional service Sunday mornings. Aa a guide, he suggest* the follow Ing order of service: Piano or Vlctrola prelude—Some fa vorlte piece. A hymn that you all like to sing, such as 'America." Scripture lesson Matt, xxv., 81-46 read by mother. Prayer. Hymn—"What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Harmon Head by the father, offprint To be taken by onr of the children for Homo charitable ob ject. Another hymn tftich »* "Faith of Our Fat hare." Benediction Num. vl.. 24 26, to be read In unison, IMano or Vletrola postlude. "Ood Have Our Splendid Men.'* tfiP® HEALTfI %I\^ Nuxated Iron Increase® strength and endurance of delicate, ner vous, run-down people In two weeks* time In many Instances It ha* been used and Indorsed by such men as Hon. 1/eslle M Hhaw, former secretary of the treasury and rx-K°vernor of Iowa; former United States Senator and Vic® !• Dl lal Nomln 'has. A. Towne, Gen. John i*. Clem (re tired), the drummer boy of Shtloh. who was sergeant In the U. H army when only 12 years of atfe; also United Ktates Judge (I \v Atkinson, of the court of claims of Washington, nnd others. A*k your doctor or druggist about It. —-Advertisement. REICHSTAG IS DISTURBED BY FREEDOM TALK lly United /'rr«« I*nA*4 WirtJ IHtrrt to Thr Htar p— a WAHHINUTON. Oct 21 Turbu (•fit n* *"ii**n wer#» being crii< trd In Ilin r«l< hataff thin ww-k whrre I'ol Intl. lianlah and Alwitl'in deputiea ar* <l«-rv»;Aii*llriir freislom from Prua hUrjiHfn, According t»» diplomatic cable* Taking the cue from the out Rpoken C**rh« and Jugo Klavn of Atjtttrin, the Of>pre*ae<l pmplea of (irrtnany arr joining In a campaign agalnat the domination of th#» can trnl emplrtc. Violent apeafhea are bring made In both the raichatAft and th* relcbarath, cable* declare Deputy BIvoIh*!, i« 1*ol«, rlalrri«d ths right of PruMtlan Poland fo lnd«< p^ndnnn*. "Th« Otnntn formula that whfrf thf t;*rtnan Mtnk*« In In (i«rmun ground rnuMt I** put i4h!<le\" h* mild. "Wilton la humanity'* benefactor arid l« moved by the atrornrent fool Inx of Juatire which Ilea Ir# men'a heart* I immn rule ha« not been ao admlnlatered aa to allow the f'olea to live there in comfort." Deputy Man won, a Dane, mid the northern Kehleawi* queatlon ahould be aettled according to the wlahea of the lianlnh people there Dfputjr lUckefi, Alarttlan. crea te<l the ifrfntMit the «bl«i declared. Bj**eklnif for the Alsatian deputlea, he aald "AlaaM Lorraine deputlea conaMer that the rl>anc« of obtaining for th*ir country complete autonomy haa, owinir to th« courae of eventa, become fttiauffjclent." REORGANIZING ALL SIBERIA It? J«s HIIAPIKN 17. P. KUff « orrewpondont WASHINGTON. Oct. :« Reor gantxatlon of the whole of Siberia, ! the upp**r Volga rfCfan *n<l North i liuaala. all of which are now re deemed from the tyranny of the 80l ; shevlkl. I» proceeding rapidly, cables received by the Russian cmbamy Indicated today. The all Russian government re I cently formed nt I'ffa, ha* trnns ferred It* Beat to Omsk where It la availing Itaelf of the govern mortal I machinery put at Ita disposal by the ' Siberian government The vartou* mlnl»trle« of the Siberian govern ment have been tranafurmed Into ministries of the all Russian admin latratlon, thua solving the very dlf flcult question of organtxatlon of de partvnenta. They exercise undisputed author -1 |ty over all the reglona freed from ' Itolahevtk rule. The moat encouraging new* re celved by the embaaay from the all- KuaaUti government la the au<-cea» , ful organisation and training of the tirw Russian army. Camp Lewi# Major Revolver Victim; Son of General TAOOMA. Oct. 21 —Officer* at Camp 1/ewls expressed (treat re*ret today over the ileath of MaJ. Alexan der P. Cronkhlte, who accidentally •hot himself thru the heart while at target practice yesterday Death came almoat Immediately after the bullet from an automatic platol en tere.l hi* breast- The major, who wa* a son of Ma) (ton. A Cronkhlte. commander of the *oth dlvi*lon. In Franc*, came here October 9. from Camp Forrest. Gl, wltti the 213 th engineers. He gradu aletl from West Point In I>ls, and hail won rapid promotion* while serv Ing a* an Instructor In the four of ficera' training camp* He waa 24 year* old. Hl* mother Uvea In Waah- Ington. D. C. Probably Will Not Complete Liberty Yards at Alameda OAKLAND, Cat., Oct, 26—He sumption of work on the Liberty shipyards In Alameda Is not likely, said Itear Adrqlnil H. H Rousseau. IT. 8. N . who Is here today on an inspection trip. Work on the ship yards, which were designed to build army transports, was stopped aev< eral days ago after the government had spent $2,500,000. Seattle Is the first city ,l« conduct a drive for more hctafs for Its workers, according to an editorial In the American Lumberman, In the Oct. 19 issue of the magaxlne PREVENT Spanish Influenza Infections Spray and Gargle With Ze PYROL STEARNS* A Household Preparation to Prevent Infections Another VITAL safeguard—VOl R TEETH. Had Teeth furnish opportunities for infection in all na-sal and oral (mouth) cavities. CONSULT YOUR DEN TIST AT ONCE FOR SUCH CONDITIONS. MOST DENTISTS PRESCRIBE ZE PYROI STEARNS' J-4 in co-operation with their practice FOU HAlrfi by AM, DKKHiISTS and K\ liltY JOHIIKK OF Dill (iS in the I'NITEI) STATES on I «•■«< Here'. It* Isfcel ———i—M If^STXARNS'^^i MILLION SLAVES ARE TOILING FOR GERMANS IIV A I (,1X1)1101 f\Var I.«lil4»r of Ihf N. K. A.) WAHHINOTON. Oct. •2d Here Iff the A It-C* of ih** war altuatlon today, hm I grt them frttni an army offli i'i high alii"! «'Ounf« Ik: A—'lit*- llolini/ollrriiH %% ill not now Abdicate or l>c overthrown, and the (icrmm will not submit to democratization. I hey will f lie lit till tliey arr eruahed. li—l (icrman « llhdraw ;il from llHkluiii iind Northern I ran##* U In accord hIHi Cirri nan pin rift, aiul the "|Mnnf" offer** arc mere Mimotjflagr to conceal their militar> purpose*. C—(iermany me»n» to wagr a fcihlu m»r bf-liind the ICliine, and In thr spring her force* will naili tliU line, whhli » million ICiinnLan prisoner* and HhiuhnimU of French and Iteligiaii forced labor«*rn have prepared. ll—Tlii* IClilnr front U **-11 nigh IrnprrKnablf, not onl> bftiUM* the fort* *»r»* Nlrorix, hut ilmi bfwau** of tli#* ImrnrgifM* iitjrnl»«T *>f Irmipt ron crnlritMl on n abort cJff'-nnhf lln«» K—Therefore, Ihe war mint be won by Mrllilrig <>i-rmany at the n-Mr, lliru AuMria and the Haitian*. The rallt|iw of liitniany, jarid r-jil Mirrrndrr, not a fake peine offer, Will follow. Kiprrl New Offer* There will be further "pear*" feel era from Germany, thla officer be lievea, but Ihey will lie 1.1 rrvnifl;i;;e like the laat: the real purpose la to oonccul the Herman plana from the allien * DR. E. J. BROWN TALKS TO SHIPYARD MEN Edwin J. Brown, democratic can didate for prosecuting attorney of Kin* county, spent hi» day Friday campaigning In Ballard. meeting hla old friends and supporters. At the Alien shipyards, where Brown made the Lltierty day ad dress last spring, he said: "Can any one give a good and valid reason why the office of prosecuting attor ney should not be organized as a nonpartisan office to correspond with our nonpartisan Judiciary?" "The county attorney's office Is the legal department of all the peo pie of King county, and adviser of all county officials. The prosecut lng attorney has authority to Issue warrants and file complaints for vio lators of the law; he can refuse to Issue warrants, and he can Ignore crime and graft and lawlessness, he osn persecute his enemies, and smile when his friends and cronies violate the law. he ran hinder or help our city and national administration In law enforcement. I will Join hands with the city and national govern ment and do all within my power to aid In the malntainnlg of a gov ernment of Just and equal law. \ (dory Awtumd "An I told >ou on Liberty day. we. the people, are building ships to win the wnr. but today there la no question about who *lll win the war. That question la settled by the American people, but who is go ing to own the phipn the people have built and are building. Is a grave question for serious consider atlon. "If our government at Washing ton is sustained and the people by their vote sanction the diplomacy of our peerles* leader and the world's foremost democrat, Wood row Wil son. and a democratic victor*- Is given on election day. the German P<«ple will compel the kdixtr u> »ur- Millions Use It For Colds Because 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves cold or gTippe misery in a few hours—Really wonderful! Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit Wowing and snuffling! A dose of "Tape's Cold Compound," taken every two hours until throe doses arc taken, will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the lieud, chest, body or limbs. | It promptly opens clogged-up I nostrils and air passages; stops | nasty discharge or nose running; Kvtn under condition* of an irm l*tl<«\ It would take at l<iuit two rnontha for the 3.000,000 men in the <herman army to eva/niata Kranoa and Heliclum. Ah Hi-" allied officer point* out. It would P 'lulrr J,Ob't railway train* to move 111* Kun* bark to the Khlna, and I.iiOO mor/■ train* to move their *uppl|e« and Run*. 10,uh train would carry about 1,000 Herman* could ojierat* a train every hour, that would inmn moving U train* and 24,000 men a day. It * • my to flicure at that rate that It would require more than four month* to move 1,000,000 men. iiut there are more than one rail road th>- Hun* could u»e; there are at lea*t three. If we axaume that lbey can move 24 train* a day over the*e three road*, that permit* them to move 72.000 men a day. At that rate It would take a month and a half to move the German army out of Itrlirlum. and another month and a half to move 1U (tuna and «iup pUaa. Tliene flirure* would hold under >n armletlce, when there would b« no liiitiah, French and Americana Inter ferlnic. How much longer will It take them with I-och hammering every whfri' lit their rear? It wool<l seem that their retreat will extend well Into th<> new year. and there always In the possibility that Koch, bjr a »urprl*« attack, may wreck their plans by cutting olf the retreat of many thousands of their men. render within ten days, as they will know In their hearts that- we are a united people for democracy, but If the interests wlio want to own our ships privately and who are now (■peaking to the American people thru their mouthpiece#, because they want to retain the private ownership of all ships and other in stitutions. are successful. the prof- Iteers will control, and our men. now fully employed, law abiding and happy, will be out of work, miser able and compelled to commit crime In order to live. I<et us keep on building ships democratically, and own and operate them collectively f"r use to the world, and not In the Interest of the profiteers." rtrown also spoke ts> the men aa they came from M ear ham ft Bab cock's and the Sandstrom Shipping company's office crew and aarored them that there will be many appli cations for positions in the ship yards by men who are now selling boose, If he Is elected. Jail Chorus Girls PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 21.—Two chorus girls and a chorus man. stranded by the influenza epidemic, today occupy free room* In th* county jail. The Kirln —Glady# Valks and Mil dred Fitx-Henry—are charged with robbing Mike Mnrklch of $l,OOO worth of postal saving certificates. Hteve Vallanie is charged with fail- Ing to register. The girls admitted taking Mar kich's suitcase from a room adjoin ing theirs In a hotel and cutting it open. They said they did it to get money to send Vallanie to San Francisco. New York has 53.333 September registered enemy aliens. relieves sick headache, dullness, fc-verlshness. sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Tape's Cold Compound" U the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Incon venience. Don't accept a substi tute. Insist on "Tape's"—nothing else. TAHE K