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Stop! Look! Listen! Make Your Income Tax Return Today! r■ ■ : jIM U LXUjM r S the dead line on your income tax returns. If you don't get under the wire by that time with your innermost financial secrets and make j 1 1 payment .number one of a series of four, then the penalties start to pile on. And they pile on fast—at the rate of one per cent per month of procrasti \ nation. Join the last grand rush of Seattleites and avoid the wrath of your Uncle Sammy. Payments are being 1 made in Room 22(J of the Federal building. tl'Honf mt«i« krf|» «»olimh- Altho wo win to h«Hr While day* grow and rntW wt'H nil Ik* licvrlm VOLUME 22. NO. ID TWO BILLIONS PAID! Today We Introduce Our New Friends—Joe and Annie r X f PLEASED I I ~~ ~ ) TO f-iter I »F y g fo L*n £P £■ ~*W r ~ „J-4 (-} t T V MH i S? I . j i i i #TT Yes, they arc comic people. I"hey perform II in a little playlet called Wedlocked, by Leo. The better you know them, the better you will like them. Today they join the Duffs, and Kvcrett True, and Balmy Benny, and our other funmakcrs, to help make The Bigger, Better, Brighter Seattle Star. Situation in Ireland Serious, States Lord Mayor of Dublin BV RALPH OH <•»» (Vnltwl HUiff Corrp*i">n<lrnt.> ICopyriKht. 19»».by thp United I'ifiw) KKW YORK, Mwrh IS.—htrr- M>rinc prnttblr Moody revolu tion, thf one public offlrliil In b lluMin who h«i thf <onfkl.iKi of all fnrllon* I* lr>ln K l<» mill'- thr rartam Irish polill<;il H«*- mrctl* In wmw' form <if <»loni;il homr rnlr. Thiit man Im l»ur<-nc« O'Nell, lord mayor of I'ublln. H« wan recently inaugurated for hi* third t'Tin Thin In ontMual, a* cuntorn lonn "K" < s " cm] that the lord mayor could serve hut one t<vin. t Altho I went to the mansion kou*< to Interview o*Neft. Jum| be fore leaving Dublin, a fortnight ago, J noon found that I wa« being in tervlcwed Instead "Is America against uw?" he asked HOMES FOR SALE City Homes, Country Homos, Suburban Homes, One Thousand Dollar Homes, Five Thousand J)ollar Homes, Ten Thou sand Dollar Homes. You cm find juxt the ho "it you want,. Turn to i the CUinxifir'l pages. immediately, "That'* the only in I ran put on the failure of l*r»»wld«*T»t VV'ilmon to ar-knowledge the invitation to eome to Ireland, which was extended to him on be half of the government." When a*ke<l to give his view of condition:* In Ireland, he said: Hit nation Serlou* "The situation 1m most wrlou*. Thf* fueling* of th'- people ar«' stirred by the continual pres«*tice here of thouiapdM of noldler*. No- Ixwly known what will happen, and WILL EXECUTE MAN WHO SHOT FRENCH CHIEF I'AKIH, March 15 Kmll Cottln. Under *entenc«* of death for shooting Premier Cle*nenceau, probably will be exeeuted within 15 day*, It wan announced today. The young anarchiftt wan convict Ed and aentemed lat" yesterday, after a trial (anting but a few ho urn. ll** wan pal* and nervoua. but de flared during bin examination that had ho e neaped, he might hflvo made another attempt on the prenlcr'n life. Ife admitted he wan "filled with emotion" th#- day of the nhooiing, Haying that only a lunatic would have failed to nhow emotion at Hiu-h time, "especially aa I what wan coming to me afterward." A Kf< " crowd :ithml' fl tin* trl-il. which tM'(an Nhortly nft»r noon, i Cot tin wim In rhiir£i; ot four rcpub rli< in gu.irdii. An American Paper That Fights for Americanism thf greatest daily circulation of as y papeii /.v rut-: pacific southwest I.i m H»c«n«f (.'ls mi Mmy i, fill, ml ih» m HmIIIi, W m*u , wider <ti«- Art «if Marrh », 1(79. everjbody f«*ar* th». worst "The military rule la never* Men ?»r" arretted an<) im primmed. often without trial. Nearly 100 are In Kngllnh prisons. (fteporti have since i»een received in thl* country that tin' prisoners wrw r^l^smcft.) "America, we ere hoping, will u<M her influence to help um better our condition. Itut If the Americana have loftt their sympathy for tw, 1 don't know what will happen." In ;»pp« ar am *•. O'Neil In not of all what Imagination picture* the wearer of the gold chain of a loihl mayor*# offien. if#- |m mhmll and tblrk wt, not big and pompou*. He «p"flk* with a nllght munleal brogti«- and there Im m continual look of wearine** In bin eye*. Ill* friend* way he work* longer bourn than any man In Dublin. Mr wornetlm»»« make* •lppolntment* hn early on 7 a rn VlfritorM are not Infrequent at tin* manaion hoime at night after dinner, to See O'Nell 1* credited with having mad-' the t>ifc yellow ina anion houae "the only tn v boUdlm? In Dublin " "My |K>f*itton lium been rtlffli tilt |n» • Mi 1 " I had to plense ho many ele mem*." he mild. "My Job ha* been one off 'injuring oil on troubbd (t'c.NT'h ns I'A(IK rotTRTKIBN) Korean Troubles Reported Quieted W'AHJI IN'iTON. M'iircli 11. <'<»n -firmiilon of unofficial reportn re- Harding a movement In Korea for Independence h»n been Riven the itate department. l>lnor{lern n-nult ed when %% Koroann, mostly *tu dent*, circulated an appeal for Inde IH'ndenco and ntaged a parade. HrnalJ |on.< at Ufa lentil ted, tha ad vice* M ild. I VITLK. WASH.. SATI'IiDAV. MAKCII 15. l'.lltl LANE SEEMS CHOICE OF COUNCIL City Dads Caucus This Aft ernoon on Reorganiza tion of the Body IT MAY BE 5 TO 4 VOTE Councilman W. D Lane probably will be ch(MN»n president «»f the city council Tbi« Iwrtm# apparent to day. after a ranv.**« of eounrllmvn who went Into mucua Haturday sift erniH/n to r«>nrianlli* commit lee* and tlwt Umt chief for the coming coun cil year. T H Bolton. the present roundl prealdent. in not **ektng reelection, but ha* lined up *a a barker of Formal election of the pre*J dent and new committee heed* will he held Monday l«ane. who opposed Mayor llan •oni vlgoroua proeerutlon of the j deal whereby the city acquire* the traction Itnai, la supported In hie 'umlkUi'V by Council men O. II Kr- Erickson W. H Moore, a. w, Cotterill mm 4 T. H. Bolton Tb» other council men are urging C. B. Fitzgerald fur roifn*tt rireetdent f **** *"*' Krlck*on. who <h>|xnNl the trac (lon deal, together with Lane, in •poking reelection a* chairman of the ut Utile* committee, which will have charge of the operation of the j traction aynbrn under the municipal J regime The city utilities committee ' atao will have aupervtalon over the j city a f 'i.OOQ.oftO power plant, to l>e erected off the Skagit river SHIPYARD MEN TO AIR PLAINTS AT JOINT MEET Keattle and TftCOtOA Metal Tthclm rounollfi will hold a Joint mwting In Tacoma Saturday night to dlactift* alleged unfair pnrtlcw used by shipyard owner** against the men re turning to work after the *trfk«*. One thou*and men have walked I out In Keattle on the claim that condition]! existing when the ship yard strike wa* called January 21 have not been re*tored. Notice* ihi*t«*d In come of the yard* are jmm id to prohibit the entrance of j bu*ine*M agent* during working j hour* and the e*tabll*hment of the j «hop *teward *y*tem, *u« h a* ha* developed In Kngland. Davftd Hodger*, general manager of the Hklnner A Eddy plant, to gether with other yard owners, d" eta re* that the men are being rein suited on the same term* exintlng before the strike, and that no dl* crimination Is l>etng *hown against men known to l»e active In the union* Yard owners state that they do not anticipate any serious trou ble. The Hklnner A ICddy plant, with the largest payroll of any shipyard on the Coast, I* reported to In- suf fering lews from friction between the management and worker* than any other yard. A few worker* have left thl* plant, according to l>avld Htnlg *rs, general manager, but the disaf fection does not seem to he general Fifty out of the fifi riveting Rangs have left the .1 K. Ihithle yard. ae fordlnK to tho worker*. The Amp* plant I* »hy 600 men. who were rein gtated, an orrilrtK to the name c*tl miit**, aim) done to 100 men have laid down their tool* In the Todd repair *hop*. Thf Henttle North Pacific worker* also are protesting, and a number have quit their slnee belntf reinstated. Tuesday morning. Moore Hurpiiaea Councilman William Hickman Moore'* position In th« council con* *ll tut!•* one of th«* *urprl*e* of the reorganization. • Moore, who was counted on to vote for Fitzgerald, and thua ln*ure the defeat of Lane. Is declared by Kit/nerald supporter* to have hacked down from hi* prevl ou* Mtand and *wun« over to the Lane camp. H'ormal voting on thf council and comlulltew changes Will I'D made Monday. iikmoiiii.l/.K I,II0,:IM(1 WAHHINOTON. March Ift lif mobilization of thf American army now stands at 1.419.JW1. thf office of thf chief of staff announced today. The 14 star • ci vice t\»K of the Uni versity Presfjytarlan church will be demobilized at a special service to Uc held Hui|dii> lllght. Yanks Are Watching Villistas KI, I'AHC), March IS -Amtrlcsin cavalrymen are wntrhini the inov" wnln of Vllllntai iu n»«« the bordtr fnim HaoHlU, N W . who captured ltu« k Ipcmwr. OiotUw Indian f«*re mail of an AmthOllKDWnMl ranch In Mexico Huperlntemtant H V. of (hf Warren eatate. Thrw <»uk» Mich., i.wfu-r of th« ranch, la r«»{mrt«l to be n«d> lo pay $&,000 d* imimlist by Ihe bandit* for of HgMncr and l»n M«xlCflDi atao h"ld raptive. Twkst l*foi* Bian<«r haa been lib ffaN by payment of a ranaom Thf cavalry |ittroi ii alao on ilm lookout to prevent amucgling of urn munition to the Vllliftm while Ihty •19 mar the border FRENCH AGAIN EXPRESS FAITH IN PRESIDENT n\ niu.iAM fwiiP «**» tUWIM " PfJfff" •^Wfwwtwwiietifl PA Hl*. March of the attacks to which he ha* been »uhj«rfrfl by certain Atwrrtitn* wh'>*« politics are exag-grratrd na ttonallsm, President Wilson comes bark to u« dearer to our heart* tlwii ever." This MDltrtM* from the pen «»f Aurlcede WalCr, editor of the NrN Midi, itlla In a nutshell the obvious opinion of the avvmit Frenchman Thun President Wilson enter* the third phase of the (WNftltar »tat us of his relatione aUli the French people Whose Utln temperament haa Riven full sway to thetr emotion* In the pa*t three 1 month* When Wilson arrived In December everybody lauded hi* wnw of June tlce, but many feared hi* scheme for the league of nation* wa* too t'to plan. However, he wa* considered the world'* super-thinker and wa* applauded. latter the lesgue ftp|»earwl to lie practical. but rnnny feared that name wnw of Justice they had prataed might lead him to be over-lenient with Germany. Hla popularity de* creased Today the French admit the neee* *lt\ of feeding Germany out of sheer aelf protection, while they demand formation of the league a* the only m«an* for an I vat lon of the world. Wilson** principle* have won out to vuch a degree that the French pre** dally defend* him from the at tack* of some of hi* own country men. The Temp* *ay* the French "re joice at President WllNon'i return" and flie Iliberie declare* "the of the people serve n* a reminder to President Wilson that Pari* 1* faith ful to her friends.** BAKER DUE AT LEWIS SUNDAY CAMP Lewis March 1' \ tele gram received Friday at camp head quarters from Newton D. Baker, sec* retary of war, stated that he and Gen. Peyton C. March, chief of staff, would arrive here Sunday to witness the demobilization of troop*. In arcorduncr with thl*. men will be illsrharued Sutulay who would ordinarily hf» relr.tflwd from aervice Monday. Uaker will aoe the proeeas of demobilization In every st/iK«'. Ho f.»r nothing else I* on the pro Rrnm for the entertainment of the ■ecretary of war. Secretary llukcr and (Jen. March are expected to reach San Krnncleco Tuesday mornlnpf. In continuation of their Western tour. They will leave that city Tueaday afternoon. accord- Inf? to an announcement today. N. Y, STRIKE IS COMING TO END NEW Vol tlv, March 15 The strike dwindled ripldly today, as thf boat owners nut thf men's demands for an fight hour day and higher pay. and operation* wore resumed. According to the entlln *te of I'i'sl dent Italahunty. of the Marine Workers' affiliation, 4men were Htlll on strike. This Is about 30 |irr cent of tho number that originally quit. BIG RUSH ON INCOME TAX RETURNS Many Stand in Line All Day to Get Under the Wire MIDNIGHT LAST CHANCE « \NHIN(iTO\, March 15. \t*|Mrt«%inial« l> S! .000,000.0(10 In fe«lerai Income taxe* will lie In the haiHU of rrienue collector* tonight, tri'Mun official* ex poet. \ltho payment I* believad certain. It dam not inran th* e«n eminent a 111 have thai mini In It* coffer*. Tbei^e uere in art 1 llum 5h00.000.000 In irrivMio certificate* of Iml btc«l ne-,% Untied, with the prl% liege of reiletnplkNt In tax payment*. Maii), and |»rrlui|h all. of tlir*e a 111 he turned hack to the treas ury, m*cording to offlrillv "If jrott luive riiletl out Pace t of the u< Hi >lmtl, |Om on to the < iJ Out "flight tbl* wa> ftir ftm*e imo h*\e an.l nworvt," |i<> wan a nix foot aoldier In a tiny Ofrri'eiif cap. Kike a |>ort In the at or in, he loomed ut» In the crowded hallway* near the revenue col lector'* office In the Keoeral build- In# Saturday morning ami pointed out the deviou* n»ut«« to the no tariff*' and the c.udiler'a de*kn. Bven the manly compilation of aweurlnji did not relieve the bored look of Heuttle'a breadwinner* a* they ptooil In line, for they knew thl* waa the laat day to pay their Income ui and wa* i:iim de termination on every countenance, lielnff the laat day, the place waa crowded all day. The ornlnou* alienee around the dc*k* finally ejected a myatifted quentlon from a portly newcomer. "Well, where do we iwtfwr A well-droaiwsd elderly woman turn ed around ahfcrpty and leveled " gold lorgnette. Numerous Question* "Two thouwand. If married. one thou*an«l. If you are Mingle, not con siderlng exemption*." became a cer emony with the deputy who stood in the outer hall, and hia frown deep*--ma! each time he said It. "My hu«band worked ho many places last year, I can't tell just how much he made," complained a slight little woman. pu sailing over a work wheel ut one of the table*. A man In working clothe* pjiehed hi* way up to the deputy in high excitement "Hay, bo**, can't I turn this In next week? Oot to make a train." "Go ahead, but you'll have to pay 50 per cent penalty if you don't leave your work *heet here now. You can pay your return Monday,** The crowd looked on sympathetic* ally, a* the mxin juiused dejectedly, then fell back Into the line*. "Ah don't have to fill till* out, do I? Ah don't make any thin'." A colored gemmun queried, timorously. "Well, what do you live on?" de m inded the deputy. "Oh, Ah'* been workln* for the railroad, *ah! Hut Ah don't have no Income, 'cause Ah don't nave anythln'." • Many a tired countenance lighted up hopefully when the deputy an nounced at Intervals: "Office open until 1U o'clock to night," FOUR MEN DIE; TRAIN HITS CAR RIODONDO lIKACir, C'al., March 15. Kour men were killed early to day, when a Hedondinbound Pacific lOlectrlc train from El struck an automobile in whieli five employes of tho l/os Angeles Ship building company were bound for work. The fifth member of the party ma\ die * UNDER ARREST AFTER SEARCH OF TWO YEARS SAN KItANCIHCO, March 15.- Hought for two yearn oy Idaho offl corn on n swindle charge, .1 amen Jtarrls Is held hy local police today, pending fMradltlnh. Harris was ar rested while attending a boxing bout last night, a policeman near the ringside recognising him an a much nought man. NIGHT EDITION f fV TWO CENTS IN SEATTLE j; || Iy i>, i * f# WORLD LEAGAE IS INCLUDED IN PEACE TREATY (ily ( i itcd l*rr*M Wire, iHrrrt to The Ntarj SIM YORK, March l r >. —The plenary council at Paris has definitely decided that the league of nations is to be IMirt of the peace treaty. Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary tc President Wilson, announced today. He declared the presi dent had so cabled him. Secretary Tumulty's statement was made with ref erence to reports that the league would not be included in the peace treaty. Tumulty's statement was: "1 cabled direct to the president, asking him if there wi any truth in these reports, and I am this morning in receipt of a cable from the president, stating that the plenary council has positively decided the league is to be par' of the peace treaty; that there is absolutely no truth in uny report to the contrary." ' Huns at Peak of Power Year Ago; Now Crushed l!\ FKfcl) S. 1 KK4.I HON (United Preen Staff Corre*j>ondent) PA It IS. March 15.—One > «ir a|o t'ttlajr |he world waited in Anticipation of the laum liinu of German.*'* master offensive of the war On March !t the blow wHn struck. Today the final u<»rk of the peace settlement waft well under nay, the terms cf which will bring Germany militarily to her knees. No greater picture of the triumph of right over might could be pre sent* d than the contrast of the presi dent of the world's greatest democ racy riding thru the streets of Parle today, on his the i*»aeo de liberations. and these same streets a year ago A brilliant moon will bathe the boulevards and beautiful Champs Klysscc with silvery light tonight. A year ago the same brilliance would meant terror and destruction, as the German airplanes were above. Sirens shrieked, the streets became deserted, and the city seemed scarce ly to breathe. Tonight laughing crowds will throng the streets. Hundreds of children played in the Champs Elya see this afternoon, beneath the w heels of long lines of German guns, which a year ago were hurling death In support of autocracy's last assault. Final Conditions In Germany, hunger and revolu tion have taken the place of Junkcr doni. Allied at Hrussela have presented final conditions to Germany, by which she Is forced to turn over her great merchant fleet a« payment for food from the lar ders of her enemies. Complete the picture. Part of theae aliipa will be used to carry home those thousands of American fijeht em which the general staff assured the German* would never reach these shores. A year uko America In France meant a scant four-mile line in the midHt of the mud north* went of Toul. which whs held by th«f First division. What America in DANIELS READY TO LEAVE U. S, NI'.W YIMIK, March 15. Secretary Daniel* (-alls for France on th« 9 transport I.evlatlmn, which is sched uled to depart from Hoboken at 5 p. m. today. Daniels' purpose In going abroad |h to study naval devices which have formerly been secret but which as a result of the ending of the war are now available for Ills Insertion. On the eve of sallini, Daniels Joined llomer S. Cummin**, chair man of the democratic national com mittee, In an attack on the repub licans for opposition to the league of nations. They spoke lit the Na tional Democratic club. The speeches were believed by some political obfervera to signify pructiciil acceptance of the league as a 11)20 campaign issue. r<>niKtii .in<l Sunday, mlo; m l. r ,to il> winda France now rwan«t is written in terms of Cbat«*au Thierry, the Veale, CiDtigny, St. Mihlel and the Aw gonne. Hut even more significant in the fact that now all Europeans turn to America an the arbiter. In the final negotiations to cote* ahe stands out as the only disinter ested party. Delegates come to the American representatives to present arguments and claims, expecting to get from them an unbiased "pinion. As the committees are winding up their work of final recommendations, the word every delegation was.* "We are now waiting for President Wilson." Numerous questions are awaiting hi?* final word. For instance, the matter of the disposition of the Ger man fleet will be presented to htm for his opinion. With France and Italy desiring a portion of those ves sels. it in apparent that a disagree ment also has developed between na val and civilian representatives on other delegations. The stage h is been set for speed ing the work of bringing about peace. If all moves on schedule, the. treaty will be ready and the Ger mans summoned 011 the anniversary «»f the very day when they began their last desperate attempt to con* quer the world. $5,000,000 PAYMENT CHICAGO. March 15.—A taxpayer today handed Internal Revenue Col lector Smietank a check for $5,000.- 000 as first payment on his income tax. The name of the payer was not divulged. jj Turn to Page ■ f? I>r. Crane's dully editorial; w v) Webster's dully cartoon; ■ letters to the editor; editori ■ «ls, observations and humor ig oils comments. ■ A lied Tinio Story for the A kiddies; Cynthia firey's ■ letters; Confessions of a Krlde, J and other Interesting articles g especially for women. Q lUpley's cartoon and sport K t' article, with nil the intcr e ting sport news of the day. PI And that funny little strip of 5 "Cat Tales." 8"" - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duff, F.verett True and Balmy ■ Benny. 9 Leo's comic entitled "Wed ■ locked." which makes Its inl- Jj tin 1 appearance in The Star H today, together with