OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, February 13, 1920, Image 10

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1920-02-13/ed-1/seq-10/

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Optical (ompan/'
Stmt floor. Joshua Gr»«\Bldq
No phyalcal ailment tnako* a per
■on f»*| nlii <julte h» ttiut'h an pr<»
■Mtuiviy impalrrd eyesight. with dif
Acuity In aeelng and reading A mid
dle-ag<sl m»n or woman with the
poor eyealght of advanced ymri la
to bo pitted.
I.*>t ua Mnmlnii your ftt< NOW.
325Pvxc Stmm
Near F&vhtm.
I A Watch Repaired by
Jones U Always Right
TWephone Flllott :M1
int rotKTU A\ KM K
fa- Biliousness
U Headache, Soar Stomach. Bloat
|M, Oae. Cotutipatioa—all these die
iNMbg anaarqiirnrTT of iodijcetioa are
guilt ill if the bowek are keep ope»
ami Nfabt.
Ml Meaptly, without pain or nsuaea.
Ikqr dear the boweli, aweeteo (ha
tMMk and tooe up tha liref.
a a TTlhiti ri- It. r. D. I. Nortat, Vaj
Tatlw aa aoia
t'p f-\j^l
■ would be considered a stirau- 1j x '3 jl fl
I lant compared with the deadly V fir' - ' it 1, I I
I poison caused by a decayed I
. I tooth. Your stomach is the re- I
■ ceptacle and your life is th<> I
I target of that poison when you I
I allow your teeth to go unat- HV lfcW I
I A tooth must be pretty far ■■ mm I
I gone when we can't crown it ™ W ■
I —and save it. I
■ You'll be delighted with our HV I
E1 -Gold s £|
I Crown C
If you were to pay $25 you wouldn't |
get a better one. I
lj^* r Best Rubber Plates I
Bridgework $5.00 a Tooth I
ML beid *• ____= I
Have your teeth put in perfect .shape at once! They hold the key I
■ to your health and so long as you neglect them you are robbing H
■ yourself of just that many years of the precious life that you're H
■ working your head off to keep atove the ground. B
I of the teeth is yours for the asking. It's part of our service to keep I
■ you posted as to the true condition of your teeth and well be more H
■ than pleased to have you avail yourself of it at any time you find a B
I , moment's time. H
■ OUT-OF-TOWN Patients are given Sterilized Dental Iratru- H
I prompt attention and it is a rare ments and cleanliness from H
B exception that we are not able to every standpoint are matters ■
B finish your work the same day you that we are vet-y, very partic- I
B come in. ular aliout. ' J
Our dentists are graduates of leading dental colleges and
men of years of practical experience; men who, if engaged in
private practice, could charge you three times that which we
are able to do your work for, and yovtd gladly pay it.
B Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings B
I Crown Dental Offices= I
B DR. REID, President fl
B Above the Palace Hip—Empress Building—Second at Spring B
■ Corner 13th and Broadway Tacoma B
Lodge and Hitchcock Arc
Now Sidestepping
It\ L. C. M\ltTl\
(XtUlr-l l're** Staff (."orreepondent.)
to you," wild Honnlor l.odtre to Sena
lor Hitchcock. and "It'* up to you."
Srimior Hitchcock rrp!l«sl to Senator
1 .odgv.
Thus opposing leaden In the treaty
fight today were passing to thr
other aide the responsibility for mil
rtuiUon or failure of the treaty when
It ivrnm up In the open aenata next
Hitchcock said he la going to let
I-odg» do all the leading. but gave
no itwunuu'wi that ilemwrut* will
follow. Lodge aakl he an.l il other
republican* are ready with a pro
grant. Including a reservation on
Article 10, and If the democrat* will
provide some rotea. the treaty can bo
I.odge neemed aeltled that the
comprotnUe innervation on Article 10
submitted by mild reaervatlouUt* to
l«dn« and the democrat* will not be
the liaxl* of an agreement.
Six of 1-odgVa Ji supporters will
not vote for It.
Thirty five democratic Tote* would
be required to put It thru and they
are uot to be had.
Men Hair-Dressers
Want More Change
johannkswuo. «. a. »>b. »
Men hairdreaaers here work $i
hour* a week for sf-S a month.
They threaten to strike (or higher
wagea. It la aald that aeveral have
recently starved to death.
The bawkweed. Introduced from
Kuropa Into and the New
Kngland state*. boa become one of
the moat troubleeome weed* of
He's a 'Trouble Shooter'
Y •¥■ * Y** * * *
Motorcycle Policeman'a Job l» a Tough One
y** * * * * * *
Rides Gas Bike for City
HotufT) rir OlIMf A. J. lint
—Crtnu D«l« photo
Riding a motorcycle for tha Pa.
attla police department la anything
but poetic. In fact. It ta on* of
the moat dt*Mgreeai>l* )oha In the
K. J I hill for Instance, on# of
the department'* handy lo have
•round headquarter* men In c*»e
of an emeritoncy. rouche* that It
lant nil pink tru unit aofa cushions
for th* tn*n wlu> pu»h th* twu
w heeled motor*.
Hill. Ilk* all othsr pool motor
cycle rider*. such aa Frederick
Mill*. IU F. Ilarrman. N. P. Ander
■on. (ieorg* lleynold*. Walter
I tench and a scors of othej r««l
men. crabs a Mt now and then
whan an eicltshle old lady out In
lh* Mount llaker Park district see*
a "suspicious clt*ru. ter. with
whl»ker*" prowling around on a
rainy 'Jay. Ilut Hill always goea,
•kidding or no aklddlng and a Mils
factory report la alw*ys forthoom
HllTa pant training has stood
hlra In good *tead for tlia gruelling
•train of boulevard boun< log for
•Ight hour* of every working day.
Ila flrwt t*«m« uaed to l.ardahlpa
up In Alaska whan ha drove lha
flrat mall Jltnejr from Valdai u>
Kolrhunka. This wu governmental
a*p»iimant work.
11111 nutda rood try taking hi*
flrat load of mall thru In 41 hour*
lit) »iit«aaquant trips ha <nu a week
on tlia nam* trip, so treacherous
waa lh* going. Th*r* war* no
roads and the automoMla waa
driven o*ar tha snowy overland.
Hill returned to Wa*hlngton fol
lowing hla Alaakan trip and an
ll*ta<l In tha nary In 1»1T. ll* I>*
ram* chl»f engineer on an Allan
Uc *uhchaaar and had many novel
e*r>erl*nc«s during th* nation'* en
llatmailt In th* world war. Hill's
vensel win *jw><med to th* Atlantic
fleet during It* annua] southern
rrulss ll* *>• discharged In 1>I)
wh«i h* joined tha local police de
part m*nt.
1(111 wit* horn In Kverett In 1*»I
nn-l l« married. ll* Urea at ill
Yat* av*. N.
Constitution Requires Resi-
dence in U. S. 14 Years
WAHHTNOTON, D C, Feb. tl.—l*
constitution a* a candidal* for pre*|.
dent of the United H tales?
The qualification* for president
preocrlbed by the eonatltutlon are:
"No |>er*on, except a natural born
cltl*en, or a citlnen of the United
Stale* at the time of the adoption of
thla constitution. *hall be eligible to
the office of the president; neither
■hall any pernon tie e|iKil>|* to that
bfflc* who ahall not have attained
to the age of 3T> ynirn and been 14
year* a realdent within the United
The quefftlon of Hoover'* eligibility
artnea under the provl*li\n for 14
year*' residence within the United
Htate* I>oo* thl* mean that the
candidate for president mu*t hive re
*lded In the United Htate* for 14
year* Immediately pr< i edlng his
nomination? Doe* It mean that
the** 14 year* of rexldencn *hall
have been after he reached manhood
or will residence a* minor lie count
ed? The constitution 1* not explicit
on these point* and there ha* never
been a decision of the supreme court
covering them.
Herbert Hoover wa* a resident of
the United Htate* from the date of
hi* birth In 1874 until 1897 when he
went to Au*tralla a* a mining en
gineer. He ha* nl*o been a resident
*lnc« h« returned to the United
suite* In 1917 to take charm of the
food administration Service abroad
a* an official of the government I*
held try all authorltle* to bo equiv
alent to residence. Between these
two period* of residence. Hoover wa*
a mining engineer, employed prin-
■| Nhw n
■ Am now lorntcd nt .11R Kit H
bourne «t., Jimt two blocks H
went of my OLD locution. |K
■ Thop« who havn ha<l oc- E{
I . n " to UM ll>. Illoltl I
H Hrrvlc* havn fouml It r»-
M flm'd. courtaoua ami oom- WB
M fortune In tlniw of li'>ranvn
mi nt.
Hr Thoughtful, aympathrtln II
H fcttantton I« aynuuyiiioua
■ With lIUIU Hurvke. H
Demonstrating Our Ability
To Save You Money
Overcoat 15r
Windows showing "all- J
wool" OVERCOATS— M- sJfoJM ,/% M
Full belt, half belt and
Our Upstairs Price ! fll rfe
$3O Mfl
Others of equal value, $2O to $5O TPfra i
Young Men's Jj lu /| jL
Unusual Values ■
Upstairs at lO yOU
Wonderful All-Wool Materials, Beautifully Tailored
Tailored Ready Co.
Seattle's Largest Upstairs Clothes Shop
■ 401-403 Pike Street
clpnlly by Hrltlnh companlea oper
ating thruout the world.
The poll Ileal algnlflcance of tht*
technical queatlon regarding Hoover"*
eligibility lira In the fact that the de.
cialon regarding the qualification* of
A president elcct r«-st*. In the flritt
Instance at least. with c«ngTe*a. The
& A
A rrww« Huin I
l'pf>«in i* ■ combination of
aimplo laxntivn licrh* with
pcp*in that quickly relieve* the
congestion of food and
poiaoaotM w»«tn mailer, and re
store* the normal regularity of
natural action. It doc* not (tripe
or crnmp and in a* anfe and pleas
ant for children no it effective on
even llm strongest cnn-.titiiUon.
"* I>r. Caldwell'* Svni(> IVpain i»
the indi*|>ciifuililn family remedy
in thouannd* of hom< « and ia sold
in drug store* every*bore.
In ifile of the fact that Dr. CdU-
Srru/' fVfmn is tlxe Li'gf «tselling
li.juiJ laXiUicr in the uorld, there
bring oorr 6 millio* bottles told eath
year, many who need Us benefits hast
not yet used if. If you hue not, send
your name and address for a free triul
bottle to Dr. W. J). CmUuvll, 311
U'.iWun.ton St., lllinois.
When acid-distressed,
relieve the indigestion
with .
Dissolve easily on
tongue—as pleasant
to take as candy.
Keep your stomach
sweet, try Ki-moids.
preaent «in*rw« t which would decide
the question, In overwhelmingly re
publican. If Hocrver should be elect
ed on the democratic ticket tfir re
publican* would undoubtedly take a.I
vantage of thin (n Initial objection to
hold him disqualified. If hi- WW*
elected a* it third party candidate,
the democrat* might Join with re
publican* In aupportlni; thl* conatl
tullonal Imr
Kven if congre** should decide thla
con*tltutlon*l queatlon In lloovw'i
favor It would all!) be poaalble for a
defeated candidate to carry the case
to the court*.
Don't ask for
tnd Uh*l*n mO # m l ™
r.cß.pKODucTs from the Oven
Afmie \jmrb Short Err ad
Arrowroot Hiarutt
§ES£L Crisp, light, daintily delicious
Coi<«nal Wafer* « «. j • , «
crackers—salted just enough—
in other words--SNOW FLAKES!
A lirar»r originally KM t mrtal
irmtlni: or *plk« f*nc» with upright
Ht'lkr* for th« reception of candles
for illumination or the hnnrlnic of
decorative drapertn* around a tomb
or at u gateway.
Doctors Recommend
Boi-Opto for the Eyes
Phyalclan* and eye *peclall*t* pre
acrlhe lton-Opto aa a safe home
remedy in the treatment of eye
trouble* and to atrensthen eye
■iKht. Sold under money refund
guarantee by all drusrlvta.
1726-7 L. C Smith Bldf.]
Elliott 4M3
Business Location*

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