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PASTOR IIDC DDCIIf DRUG I lUIP charges ilAro DntU BOOZE LAIVo J&A. •' _ r tOtather im ■e? VOLUME 21 AS IT SEEM i» IK DANA SLEETH Hl* TOT country I <l«rtr» MMtdorabS* amu«*NM< (rw mulltit mcrtrultui M vtfttorUta written by <u»v urban r»-nu«cai who may know what a fr«ah com w»ra. but who can hardly bna»t\ of « irMtfr sturr of wlwrt«> lan than thta. X doubt if •Ithee the tMiaw a. ar the agricultural prcfemora. or the *our*y aMii*. <> r the expert writ era for the farm maitaalnee really know where American tannine in today, and certainly If theaa men do not. the editorial writer* of the dally pre** do not. But I have yet to rand a dally paper that doe* not f»e| competent to advlae. admonlah. bkttrui-t and enlighten the farmer*. •M the nation generally, aa to ev ery phaa* of the food-production question. The mora one atudlee the farm- In* problem, the mora he learn*, and the leaa certain he la of hi* de duction*. Recently I talked with the be*t tnfni mad ma* In thia county. H* baa been county aaaeaaor, ]ud*e, aberiff and banker. He know* the Standin* of every farmer In thla Chimin* country, and the value of •very cleared acre. Summing it *ll *p. be Mid: "Tou ran count on yow ftn*er* the farm* In thi* county that laat year paid tax«a and I per cent a* the Investment-" •*ch * *tatement from the beet- Infai mid man in the county la Martßn*. If It were any bualneee kit terming that waa not payln* I *ar oant. titer* would be no bual- Ma*. or twnrwi would be aaked tor *a*en billion dollar*. * protee •va tariff and the backing of U>* toanapnr j* **y* Hi* day. Bat I to»w Wfßto th* farmer* to* WITHIN 41 hour* after I had been advlaed that there were not a dozen farmer* in thle county that made ] per cent laat year. 1 attended a farm aale. Bavsrai doaen typical farmer* of the county war* there, and the Brat thins I noticed waa that there ware 41 automobile*, one saddle ho»*a and two buggies, and that there were only half a doaan flfcr vers Intruded among tha autoa. / There were 75 head of dairy tat tle put on the block; few of them •ware of registered atock. and they ••Id for a boot tl 1.000. Tha u*ual starting bid for a cow waa SISO. One «*» aold for ISM; a young buM brought IT SO; yearling* were sold half a doaen at a time, at I*7 a head, and calve*, aome of which were not brought $5l each. It waa an event when a cow •old for ieaa (ban 1125, more *old for 1100 —good dairy cow*, but nothing phenomenal Poor year* ago I could gat a* good calve* given me by tha dairy men it I took them a few day* aft er birth, beraue* it co*t more to raJae a calf then than the calf waa worth. Now. theaa price* ware paid by local farmer*, average men. noma of them renter*, soma of them with only a few'acres. but all of them with cash In hand, or sufficient standing at the bank to pay 1200 for a cow, and to buy half a doxen I*s calve* If they felt so Inclined, and to drive to the sale In a II.I'M) ear. • a a a if what the beat In formed man In tha coun ty said about tha profit* from farming waa true, , how came It that a few ef these farmer* gathered around the auction block In an afternoon Mid disbursed somewhere between eleven and twelve thousand dol lars? Another Idea hlt'tne In watching this sal*; The man who wa* s»ll iltg, gnd wh« waa getting morn than (10,000 In cash, was a farm hand five years ago. In five years ha had cleared at least 110.000; probably considerable more, for ha doubtless had been making money wlfh his herd. With his two hand*, without capital, merely by waglcing day and night for five years, this young man had piled up, probably;, 115,000 Can the av erage professional man, or busi ness man, or skilled mechanic do the same In town? Not 2 per cent a year Income, but still scads of farmers with hales of greenbacks on their hips, riding to farm sale* In expensive cifrs, and thinking no mora of buy ing a 1500 cow than you would of buying a pair Of shoes. I think I have the answer to this riddle, and I believe I have a hunch for us city workers who are trying to pat ahead I I see where the average family can play the farmer's game and chop its expense 20 to 60 per cent. Ho tomorrow we'll consider thia mat ter further. Eat* Raw Cherries; Boy of 8 It Dead HPOKANK, July 27.—A heavy meal of raw cherrlea # cau*ed the death bare today of aaven yearold Clyde V. Brown. according to phyal dteoa attending the boy. RESOLUTE LEADS IN RACE MY VILLA OFFERS TO SWRBDBt Mexico City Report Declares Bandit Chief Wires Huerta He's Ready to Quit ANTONIO. Twm. My Ual«d*rran?4we Tile "hi!* Y*»w ky N*»l twin a* SaMnaa. ( oahaUa. today Da tail* wire larking. »T RALPH E mm MEXICO CITT. July IT.—rn* ciaco Villa haa teii*i**b»< PreeMMt D* U Huerta offering t* eurrender unconditionally. It wa* announced at the war mtotatry today. VOte had captured to th* tort* of Ooahotia. free* where b* I.i««m*a*i to* tM ■iiitob vtiia da clarad k* bad mueed front there and wlehed to anrrendar to CoahuUa. Villa notified D* La Huerta that railway traffic In Ccahulla had been Interrupted and aaked to whom be ■houkl aurrender. Da U HnMU rtp'H statin* Villa'* surrender waa acceptable on condition that ha rapalr tha railroad* ha had destroyed. Ha waa told to report to (lan. Euftnlo Martin** at Torraon. It waa declared today Villa had already reported to Martina* and had given assurance hla force waa raady to execute government order*. Villa Followers Deny New Reports El. PAMO. Tela*. July 17 ~ Declaring Villa ha* ntarted a reign of terror In the dlatrict *outh of Eagle I'axe and plan* to attack Mexican garrisons In bonier towns, follower* of the andit chief who formerly conducted hla local junta today denied Mexico City report* that Villa haa offered to surrender unconditionally. Bootlegger Pleads Guilty; Fined $lO Valentine Reynold*, alia* Montana Jack. c<mfeneed bootlegger, waa fined 110 by Federal Judge Frank 11. Rud kin In tha United State* dlatrict court Tuesday morning. Reynold* pleaded guilty to po**e«*|on of four gallon* of grape brandy. Ha had sold some of the liquor to police officer*. It la alleged. Reynolds had previous ly served 3.1 day* In tha county Jail for tha same offense. Police Didn't Want Alex's Fingerprints Alexander Hamilton. Bft. colored, ■tuck his finger In the inkwell at police station Tuesday and dubi>ad his face. Not until Alexander, who Is no descendant of tha famous statesman, started putting his fin gerprints on tha police "blotter" did officers object. Alexander was arrested In Georgetown and Is held for examination by alienist*. Secret? Not After Clerks Heard of It When Loretta Towers, 2002 Hroad way N., and Henry Robert Plro. au tomobile man of 431 Kastlake, were married, early this mornir)g and left for Vancouver at once, they thought not another soul knew about It. About sn hour later a\-ery one In .the city lighting department, where Mis* I'owirs 1* employed, had fleard that another war romance had ended In a plain band ring. They will reside In Seattle. Moral: Be Careful When You Fumigate o— — While the home ef F. Minor, 21* K. fJenny way. wm being fumi gated wllh ffulphur fume* Monday afternoon, *parkn 'mm a backyard >*»n»'ire nut the roo* on fir*. Dnin tisii tot.iled 11.'.0 v TI'BMMY FIMNftH for public of flee* Included the following: For «utc representative Harrlaon W. Ml mil, democrat, 41 Mf dlntrlct; char lea F. Maxwell, republican, 41 <1 dlntrict; Frank H. Manogue, republican, 44tii dutrlct, and C. C. Baa, republican, 40tb dlatrict The Seattle Star Kntarad M fttwl n>N MtlUr May I, III*. M Iba at Baaltla, Wutl, an<Je.- «ha Act af Con«raaa March >, Hit Tar Taar. hr Mail, II Is •• Band Concert 7:15 Tonight Seattle will have mid-week hand conwrtu In th* partoi thia year Th* flmt concert of the who win be played at I'owes park to ol* ht. be*tnnln* at fill p. m. A pro* ram of operatic and lighter mu»lc haa been announoad by Adam'* hand, which haa boon aaurtgned la fowen park. Taka Cowen l*ark or lUtwm «» r . FRAUD CHARGED TO LUMBER FIRM Oregon Company Is Facing Government Suit RORTLAWD. Or*. July IT.—Al le*tn* th* Oranda Bond* Lumber company attempted to defraud the government oat of approximately »0N acre* of public land In I'nion county. Ore*on. Aeaietaat United State* Dtatiict Attorney John C Vaatch filed *ult for HttBIH a*ain*t th* company In Ut* federal oourt her* to toy. Tk* i nmi*toi akargto ttt toatotr ulent entria* war* ai*li dpwr^W» • w■ ■ *— -a— akm**n unwni usnovr hmi uh■ til* "dummy entry" pmt»a* The flmt a lie* ad acheme to defraud th* government of th*ea land* la aald to have bean formed about November I. I tit. by Stephen C. Rlchardaon. Samuel C. Batman and L. C. Stan ley, prominent tlmbermen of Chippe wa Kalla. Wl*., all now deceaaed; Kred C. Stanley. William H. Stanley. Robert Nmith. Cornelia A. Stanley fdeceaaed), (>eor** W Dwlnnell. Jamee B. Love. J. S. Sherman and othera. The complaint filed today declares C. W. Nlhley and Alexander Nlblry. prominent sugar operators, and ►>*nk I. Murphy, all of Halt City, bought Into tha Grande Honda I.umber company about IMJ. and charge* them 'With having encour aged fraudulent entries upon tha part of their famllim and nnployea. HUNT SLAYER IN TRUNK MURDER CHICAOO. July 17 - fUarrh for E. supposed shipper of a trunk containing the nude body of a worn an. found In New Tork city, ahlfted back to, Chicago today. Hcoree of midwestern towna were being searched for a man. polloa here behave la He left Chicago rn route for Ixm Angelee, according to police Information. C. C. Klnlay, Pullman car condu% tor, told police last night of a pa*- ■anger on hi* train from Montreal Hunday night. He *ald tha man waa accompanied by a young woman and both.acted to arouae hi* suspicions FOUR MEN DIE IN AUTO WRECK HT. LOtnS. Mo . July 27.—Pour men were killed and a fifth escaped by Jumping when the automobile In which they were riding wa* struck by an electric train on a grade cross ing near Mitchell, 111., early today. 6IRL BOUND IN LODGING HOUSE OAKIjAND, Cal.. July 27. Eighteen year-old Ramona Santiago, of Centervlile, Cal., was found early today hound, gagged and uncon scious In a gas-filled room In an Oak land lodging houne. Hhe wa* rushed to the receiving hospital, but on recovering refuted to make any statement. When found, the girl's arm* and legs were tied with sheet* and her mouth gagged with a pillow case. TACOMANS PAY DIME CARFARE TACOMA. July 27.—Kffectlva to morrow, Tacomana will be obliged to pay a ID-cent fare on all city c*r linen, according to a dadalon of the Htate public aervloe nomml*Nlon, an nounced today, Tlcketa may ba pur nhaaart at Uie rate of 24 for 13 On the Issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise SEATTLE, WASH.. TU BOATS GET LATt START 1 HEW GO ChaNenger and Dafendar Sail at Fast Clip After "Calm" Delay at Una ABO AM) V. * UHBIIII ooumowMroA Mr 1 (Via WMinMNkH *T mkm t & k HTh ■ «M «• M tIM rvu m 4 liiiawg mm «lltNC9Mtai Hhamf«cfc forgo* bteNMIK wa* at Um, a bUt mli* i>« Roeoluto picked «f ft Iwwim hw end took the lead tot 404 for the ftret Urn*. The wind waa null vary light, and proapecta were that tha contact would not be cempkM. Reaolute tacked to pot and at to crooa Hhamrock a bow. but aa th» wind waa uncertain ah« again tnrkwl to lUrlmrt on Mhaiarork'a lea bow. yard. ahead At 4:11. the flrtt mark wma about four mllea away. Kaaolute etepped out from Hham rock 'a l« and cauna about at 4:31. Tbla time ahr minwW In croaalng tha Hhamrock'a bow. gaining tlx weather position. Rmk)liiii> than went about again. 1 having gained tha advantage In pool- Uon. Both yachta were holding tha * larboard tack at 4 >#. with the Amartran (loop Wall ahead. rLAo IN HAllJO) I (OWN Tha postponement flag wan hauled down at 1.10 and tha courac alg nailed, altbo tha breeze waa atlll alight. , Tha oouraa dgnallad waa aouth. eouthweet. A* preparation* were mad* to get under way. the breeae regUtered only about three knota and gave no promtee of holding. The yachta both aent up baby J'b topaalla In ntnpa end began their fight for poeltlon at the *tart- The official Ktartlng time waa the prime tor both boat*. the ofllcul fig urea «hewad, althe H ham rook ap peared to have bad the advantage. The time waa Z: 1 ? 00. Both yacht* hung hark at the 1 atartlng nlgnal and failed to reach the line before the handicap limit ex pired at the end of two mlnutaa. ( Hhamrock U> the weather of fleao lute Mood off on ntarhoard tack. .The actual time of the utart waa: Hhamrock. 2 17 06; Kenolute. 2 17:45. Moth boata being handicapped, the official *tart remain* at 2:17. Hhamrock tarked on Heaolute'* weather two minute* after tha *tart and the latter cama about Immedi ately. CHAI.IjKNfiKR TAKKS 1.K.A1) AT THK START The challenger wan In the best po ullton at the start for the first tlmo during the serlee, oltont r.O yards to tin- windward of the defender. Klfteen minutes after the start Hhumrork led by 100 yard* to weather and wiui constantly gaining. Kmotute tacked to starboard at 1 SO and held off-shore to avoid run ning Into a tow of barges. Hhaitl rock held on for the Jersey shore. Hhumrork wax trading by a quar ter of a mil* at 2:17. Resolute gradually worked to the windward of Hhamrock's wake, but the Upton rarer had a good lead. Moth yarhta at 2:45 were holding for the Jersey shore on port tack. The breer.e kept Increasing and shortly before S o'clock reached five knot*. Calm putche*. however, were visible over the course and there was considerable doubt as to whether there wax a possibility of a complet ed race. Hhamroek wan one-half mile ahead of ItesolMte at. 2:58. Hhamroek wns within a mlje of the chore at, 3:o* whin she swung about, tacking off shore. Hhe doused her Jib topsail aa she loo* the starboard tack. Ilesolule started to gain at 3:20, the American boat working out to the windward, while Hhamrock wus bclug pushed to liold Ibo load. ID AY, JULY 27, 1920. EXCLUSION! The Solution That Means Peace The burden of pro-Japanese argument, as presented to the congres sional committee in Seattle, seems to be that at present there are not enough Nipponese in the United States to cause any alarm. Even if tnis were the case, there still would remain the problem of the future. If their numbers are safe now, will they continue so under present immigration laws and under the so-called "gentlemen's agree ment?" • • It should be sufficiently disquieting to all concerned to know that even now—assuming that Japanese population is as small as pro-Jap anese claim—the question presents constant irritation. Looking at it in as conservative a light as possible, the situation demands strict,at tention and the exercise of intelligent precaution. f • Japanese numbers must not increase. If we-are to accept the ex pressions of the pro-Japanese at their face value, they, too/ recognize the need for checking further immigration of the little brown men. The peace of the United States and of Ja{>an lies in the graceful accept ance of this fact The "gentlemen's agreement" has not proved a sufficient check. Fig ures presented by a leading Japanese banker at the hearing yesterday demonstrated that between 1910 and 1920, during the life of the "gen tlemen's agreement," the Japanese population in Washington has doubled. It is idle for Dr. Matthews and Judge Burke to defend the good in tentions of the Japanese government. The unalterable fact remains that the "peaceful penetration" of the Japanese has not slackened in the past decade, but has increased. Sons otfeer remedy than the "gentlemen's agreement" must be found. Dr. Matthews, when pressed for a solution, debited to 'suggest one. This modesty on the part of the reverend gentleman, laudable as it may be, is valueless from a practical standpoint There is a solution—RlGlD EXCLUSION, as rigid as the Japanese apply to Chinese and Koreans in their own country. Economic necessity demands it Racial differences intensify the demand. We have imitated the ostrich long enough. We cannot hide from the issue any longer. We must face the future resolutely, for the peace and contentment of the American people. , wo VETERANS BACK ANTI-JAP WORK Chaplain Says Clergy Are Not for Japanization Roosevelt poet No. 14, Veteran* of Foreign Ware, laat night Indorsed the work of the Antt-Japaneee aaso rlatlon and raqueated the congres sional Investigating committee to make a thorn atudy of the Japaneae problem on the I'adfle coast. Major* Col*ln and Roaa and IJ«ut Philip Tlndall, who are conducting tbf examinations before the commit tee on behalf of the people of thin e^tjr. are all member* of thl* poet, ha are one-third of the trueteee of the Ant I-Japanese a*»o< iatlon. In cluding Chairman Clifford. Chaplain Oettjr. an Kplscopal min ister, announced that Rev. Hamuel CrowtHer, Rev. I!. CJ. Murphy and Dr. M. A. Matthew* did not repre sent the aentlment of the Protestant clergy on the Japanese question: that manjr Protestant clergyman were opposed to the Japonlzatlon of the Pacific coast. Councilman Tlndall, Philip Tworo- Iter, Commander Nelson and Vice t'ommander Newlove were elected delegate* to the national convention of Veteran* of Foreign War*, to bo held at Washington, D. C.. Septem ber 14. IK and K. The delegate* were Instructed to bring the 1821 encampment to Se attle. The Japanene questlun will be brought up at that time. SAYS SOLDIERS KIDNAPED HII ONTARIO. Cal., July 27.—Authori ties l/i all Southern California coun ties were asked today to Join In the search for three soldiers, who escaped from March Field. Riverside, early yesterday, taking with them Ignaclo Terevlno, sentry, who was overpowered by the men. Terevlno appeared at the police station early today, with a har rowing tale of having been held cap tive by the kidnapers. According to the police Terevlno esca|H>d from Ills captors early today and made his way here. The men being sought are Herbert Howell, 20; Warren Baldwin, 20, fugitives from the military prison at March field, and T. J. Coup, 111, ab sent williout luuve. TINDALL BILL IS ALLOWED TO DIE Only Special Session of the Council Can Revive It Councilman Philip TindnlJ'a gar hage ordinance, designed to eliminate the Jap hog raisers, ha* been killed by Mayor Caldwell's veto, unless a special session of the council in called before Auguat 1 to pas* on the mea sure. The Tindall bill, which would give the city power to collect and dispose of restaurant gnrlmge. would pro hibit any hut naturalized ranchers from bidding on garbage contract* It waa pu**ed by the council over a month ago, but wa* Hubnequently vetoed by the mayor. Monday's meeting of the council waa the Inet regular session before the SO day period expiree, during which the bill could be pawed over the mayor'a veto. Councllmen friend ly to the propoacd hill failed to force Tlnal action Monday, and the bill will die Saturday, unless a meeting la arranged In the meantime and the six vote* necessary for the paaaaxe of the measure secured. •• e • Japanese Fear Loss of Pacific Shipping TOKYO. July 27—"Unlet® the Japanese are extremely lndu*trloua, America will noon control the whip ping on the Pacific." Till* la the warning l**ued here by Ko*hlat*u Shlota. former Seattle manager of Mltaul Busaan Kaisha. Japs' Own Figures on Economic Penetration Japanese, by their own figures, reflected the economic penetration of their countrymen In Seattle, In a written report to congroaalonal Investigators as follows: Japanese operate 33* hotel* and apartment liousee. There are 70 Jap barber shops here. ►'orty -eight dye works are Jap operated. Japs own 80 grocery stores. Japs have 75 merchandise stores. There are SH Jap restauranta. Twentynine Jap Ullor shops here. Twelve laundries and 45 second-hand stores are Jap owned. Twenty Jap teacher* are employed In Seattle. Heattle Japs have Ave Protestant churches, and I,MM members. Seven Jap Sunday schools teach 715 children. Other. Protestunt enterprises curried on by Japs are: Three kinder gartens, two women's homes, three domestic science schools, two pre punitory schools. Japs publish five monthly religious magazines, and support 40 American church workers THKRR AUK THRKH BUDDHIST CHURCHES In thla state--one In Seattle, ono at Thomas and one at Tacoma. They tiava a member ship of 780. 7&m JAPAN SENDING PICTURE BRIDES Officials Connive in Issuing Fraudulent Passports KAOARARI, Japan, July ST-j-Jap sneite "pirture brides" are aw arming l» IM t'nitrd State*. Jap official* are winking, with both <->rn, at violations of the agree ment. "Picture hridn" are younj women whose photograph* are pent to Call fornla or other Pacific coa*t ataten, where thousand* of Japanese single men want wive*. A Jap selects a specimen that look* good to him, sends home the price and the bride la whipped, contrary to American Immi gration law* and American morala. I-ast winter, at Washington, a new convention waa negotiated between the two countries. Japan bound It self not to lmue pa**|>orta to "picture brides" after April 29. 1920, and the I'nlted States agreed to honor all paa*port* Issued up to that time. It waa stipulated that all passports be came Invalid six months after date of ln*ue. The plain Intent of the agreement win that no "picture brides" would ho allowed to enter the United Statea after A tin not 29. 1920. But that doesn't bother the offi cials at Tokyo. They keep right on merrily Issuing passports. A minor official "changes" the date, making It prior to February 29. and the bride starts for America. Hundred* of such fraudulent push porta have been lnniMd. TWO CENTS IN SEATTLE in BARS DOWN IS PLEA OF FARMER Employer of Nipponew Hm vors Horde of Million "Cut Cost of Living* ML The charge that JapHMjHg instead of being law-atMtavK desirable residents, ware fSm. grant violators of tew, twME made today by Rev. W. Jap Gettys, of St Luke's TVfi—iiiM church, a Spanish war Wllf: eran, before the al committee inveatigaMflH the Japanese problem. ..-J3 Rev. Mr. Gettys' directly opposed the Japanese picas advanced H other clergymen who Mp appeared before the wnmßm tee in its sessions in the nB eral building. Ma ThrMu people." Mil Bar. the japans* in m h thajr SeflKi been npranM to >i SMyagfiHjM taw* Hrf censing no Tillable. RmmMimißiß RfprwutttiTt laaM mm*L W] New York. wh« ku frequently la Iffflj questions sought to bring oat 'Ml'.j dence favorable to the Japanese, •ailed the testimony of Rev. Mr.Oafr 1 "Ton are telling us what la ka» I say and what the newspaper* prfeaC* | challenged SiegeL "I .am telling you what la a mat- 1 ter of record." was the rnapnaaa « M. T. Steven*, sanitary Mfluar of the health department, told the committee that tha Japanaaa Made : uw of Insanitary dwellings, and eea. «j ■Unt supervision was required tm! force them to abide by sanitary mlee. g! The first witness oslled was Rev. W. R Bawhill, of the Flmt ts\ United Presbyterian cburoh, ■feCH 1 presented a resolution adopted Srog the Seattle Ministerial union, oaai'Mp detnnlng the Jones Ml] and plaailaß M* for the naturalisation of AatatfcM i born in this country. Rev. If. Baw* « hill admitted, under questioning by Representative Ralcer, that ha ha 4 made no personal study at the Jay* neee problem. • i Rev. Mr. Gettys told* tha l-BWIWH a tee that Christian people ware aw*al 9 ; that the Japs were not lawillHagl Jj that the worst violators of the HfMr W laws, the drug lawa and other laws Si were Japa. JAP EMPLOYER TAIJUFORTHEM ] Frank Terrace, a farmer In the Wj White river valley, told the commit- ll tee that he had Japaneae winking J] for him for 15 years; that they work for standard wages: that they are re- a< liable workers. He has been a ratf- ij; dent of Washington for 39 yearn. j "If you would take the JapaSWfrajjj out of our valley today, this would be hungry by tomoeaMl -1 night." he said. "If you wouMgMKfl the trucks coming in with proHlß 1 you would find that they wen n J owned by Japs, Swlas and Italians ijfc J no Americans." m LKT DOWN BARS 1 IS HIS APPEAL. 9 "Instead of putting up tha bna l to Japanese. I believe the bars alloeWH be let down. I believe we *■*!■>* let In a million Japaneae to Clear att jfl our loggedoff lands." jl "Are you acquainted with tha tory of the old South?" asked RWpaß resentative Box, of Texas. v W "I lived in Texas," said TMiauaj fl "I'm glad to meet you." said tta%> congressman. "Do you know that, your argument was Used hy tha yi of the old South for bringlppMNQh l million negroes? "WORST TROC'SLR I'. & EVER HAD" "Do you know that WaahtaSMv ; and Jeffaraon oppoaed thla ptuL which nearly tore our country Ig pieces?" "This country Isn't the Heath." waft the only response of Terrace. "Your argument laid the tisda jg,,: the worst trouble thla country nfik/j had," said Representative Box. W||S was backed up by : "IJCT THEM COME IN V. 8. TO WORK" Representstive Johnson asked race whether he favored the forg|Mb> ■' tlon of a peon class. "Let them come In for a staMS ' time and work for wagea." aald Mm race. "Something must be Stag |a [0 solve tM* terrible gwaUon og (nan l*Pag*l.(MMa«