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The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, January 11, 1922, Image 9

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Overconfidence Is Not Threatening Varsity Cagers
J7OR the first time in
years, a Washington
athletic team enters Coast
competition considered
one of the strong contend
ers for first honors.
That team is the Sun
Seattle Hockey Lineup Shifted for Vancouver
Mets Must
Halt Rush
of Champ
Forward Line Changes
and Jim Riley Will Be
Back at Defense Tonight
I'GR linn lli>*
Rickey. th» *ter-
Unc 4<' na* pia> -
•r. bu born on
11m bench with
hi« Injured knee*
th« hockey race
h» bwn a wrlM
o( Jolta (or the
M. u Tcuni Gor
don Knurr ha*
filled In <mpabl>
but he Isn't »i
to uti mn of a
r«ful*r )«t> yet.
Tonight Jim
Riley, th* bur forward, will be »h«vnl
bark to lb* ik-frnee and ArefeM Br I
den will taka Kllay's place at left
win*. It »aa thou«ht that ttlrkey
would be l»»< k on the )ob tonlsht. but
chances are that he won't be able tu
•tart the came.
Krank Foyaton will he bark at can
tar tontrht. and Bernle Morris will
be ahtfted to rleht win* Mnrrla
right- handed ahot ta beetled on the
Vancouver la back In atrlde again,
defeating Victoria 4 to 0 the other
right. and going back In flmt place.
A win tor the Seattle seven tonight
will Juat about knot the race again.
10* It will put ttirm even with Vic
toria and but a »lngle point from
the leader*. Vancouver'* lead b
•are after tonight'* same tempo
rarily. regardless of the outcome.
Vancouver'* players are all In
good condition for tonight'* tiff with
Ui« exception of LJoyd Cook. Mia ]
•y» waa slightly cut in the Monday 1
The team* are expected to line up
a.« follows for the faceoff at I 30. !
leallle raHle* Vaeenever
Ktimac Ooal Uhmfcn
Hrk*T D»f nil' Oaek I
Defenee t»»i>. an I
Wafker R»>« UeKer
Ruet IWt Wm* Harrft* I
Heme KlfHI Win* Skinner j
FerMfl* '"ertee ......... A dam* '
Kri'teft t'tllltr Ptriei
Oaeer... flllllr Tobln
"m -H—s#'' ishwow, Tldarte'l
bark»f lilt (hs
tabnfM? Aft#f pUjluf a fine
i*«it la her*
Johnson didn't i* ao «e>ll |r later
•*»«! l»# haa bwn ihlfled
h«'li la and Hmrrt Mf#hing
la rater. Mnwn's pohs
rhe<k la atlll nnrilng, Hat ha Im'l
•knling '•»! enough to ee»er the ka
M*«saar7 for • rater ta take rare of.
The penalty »hnt haa roma to atar. ••
|nnounr*d Hi Tha Utar wv»rtl
ago Tha diatan* a tor tha penalty rings
hi* been set at J4 feat haing mo*#<l
14 feet rlo*r than flrat plannM Ho far
three shots ha*a been r#,nvartad Ja*-k
Adams, Tommy I 'undardala and Wllf
Uooghlln ttrtjflng
C*a!gary Is at 111 heading tha Prairie
fsag'ie by a wide margin and unlets the
ath*r thraa laami In tha elr» ult epea»l
op tha t'algarlaaa will cop tha elitm
Tonight's game at Ih# Arena marks
tha opening of tha serssd half of
U»a ( oaat Iragae season.
Tha winner nf tha playoff ha*we#n the
Coeet rhamplons and tha Prairie lasgua
will have to start fcaat not later than
Mnr'h IS, heraoM moat of tha games In
tha N. H. A. ara played on natural lea
NKW YORK. Jan. 11.—Joe Dugan.
Athletic third lacker, and Frank
O'Rourk*. Washington gh«rt*top. go
to the Boston Had Hog; Hog«r l'*ck-
Inpaugh join* the Washington club
a* playing manager, and OutfleUW
Ed Miller and Acoata, pitcher, of
fh«* adopt th* livery of
th* Athletlca. mm a r**ult of a
three-cornered a'wording to an
announcement here today.
By a wore of 2f» to 21. the Knight*
®? Columbus took th>»ir fourth
gtralght win of their atate t«>ur last
Jilght, defeating the fa*t Hpokane
Athletic club five at. Hpokiine. wlr'-s
the Caaey manager. The game waa
fanl. fcatund l>y the close checking
of tioth team* and the nhootlng of
of the Knights.
iioor mown ijmitko
Attendance at the Washington-
Oregon basketball (tame, which will
open the ( conference hoop
Marathon In the university gym
Friday night, will I* limited to
2.000, according to announcement
HL Oarwln Metsneet, graduate man
Dodger basketball five,
which opens the season
with Oregon here Friday
and Saturday.
But, strong as the Wash
ington five is admitted to
be, there has not been one
symptom of overconfi
To Pilot Buckeyes
Butch Pixley, Giant Guard, Will Lead the Ohio
Statfe Football Team in the Big Ten Conference
Next Year
Yellow-Streak Is Not
Known to Carpentier
Georges Didn't Call Off Tommy Gibbon*' Match Be
cause He Was Afraid, but Because He Needs Easier
Tests Before Big Bout
EORGES CARPENTIER'S llth-hour decision
not to keep his date to meet Tommy Gib
bons in the United States this sprinjj for
the light-heavyweijrht championship ot this
planet, has brought a storm of criticism
from the class of rinjr critics who jump at
conclusions and are always ready to brand
any fighter as "yellow" on the slightest
Whatever the European champion's faults
may be, he has a record of nearly l. r > years
in the rinjr without the stain of a single fake, nor can he
ne accused of ever side-stepping the best men in his class.
Never has any fighter been a greater credit to the pro
fession than Carpentier.
He is not afraid to meet Gibbons. On the face of things,
it looks like he is. The evidence is against him; but this
conclusion is drawn from the fact that no man who could
fijfht as jjamely as the Frenchman did in his hopeless match
with Jack Dempsey. would
fear to meet a fighter ol
Gibbons' weight and record.
Th« probable explanation la that
Carpentier haa not fully re*-overed
from the battering tha champion j
nave him. an<l hla better Judgni»nt :
haa Influenced him to wait until he i
la again m the um<> auperb condl- j
tlon that he on la*t July.
In hla coming bouta with Oeorge |
Cook and T«l neither of,
whom la a ae*-up. aliho both »r» far
below the rlam of Carpentier In hla ,
normal fighting condition. the light* |
heavyweight chatnpton will teet him
■elf and «ee If he haa gone l»»rk a* ,
far a* the experta who have waU hed
him train aay h« haa.
If Carpentier la thru, he will then |
realize It and In all likelihood will ,
quit the ring If he flnda he lea«
good aa ever. It la a certainty that
T'immy (Jtbbona won't have to tarry
for la*:k of an opponent for long.
LONDON. J»n. 11.—George* far
pentler, heavyweight champion
of Kurope, will be an easy winner
In his 2»round fight with Oeorge
Cook, Australian champion, at Al
bert hall tomorrow night.
This will lx; < '.arpentler'* first
te*t since he wan defeated by .lack
Ixrapwy at Jprwy City, July 2,
1921, and the Frenchman la a big
favorite over hi* comparatively un
known opponent.
I recently predicted that Cook
would win, believing Citrpeiiller harf
been permanently hurt by Dernpany,
but after watching the Frenchman
In action at his training quarter*.
I believe him In better Khapu than
before the Dempstey ftght.
The fight will end when Carp'-n
--tler decide* to use hi* right.
Kin I,A BOSK AltltlVKS
Kid l,a Koee, who admit* that he
I* the Canadian bantamweight
champion. I* In town looking for
bout*. Ho may box In the next
*rnoker Tuesday night, If Clay Hlte
like* hi* look*.
dence among the players
or followers of the team—
the biggest bug-a-boo in
The Washington team
is probably the best bas
ketball outfit that the Uni
versity of Washington has
Carpentier and
Cook Are Ready
for Big Battle
Hrrtj'i how Otorff# ('nok, Ami
t rattan h**»vy weiirht contender,
ami (IfoffO i 'arp*ntl*r, world'*
l»*h» haa vy weight kin*, (ompire
haforn thalr 20 roun«J dnrialon bat
tla bo<>k*«l for Ixmdon tomorrow
Carpentier. Cook
SI A»s ?!
174 Weight . . II?
I ft II In .Height ft ft. 1«S in
7? In It«a«h 71 In
IIS In Hl<ap« 11% In.
II In. y»rrsrm I? In
!«H In .n># k it % la
40 In fhwt «norm«l» 4? In
<1 in '*he«t 'eipand i 41 In
II In Waist St In
22 In Thigh 2ft In
MS in f'alf 14 tn
i\ In . Ankle 19 in
Ja«k HrAlliff*. Murk hhaagh
R#w.f)'a h#m»wnf»il pmlfff, will
Imi *ia round* wllll trunk I mrm+T
In fortland tomorrow night. If llm
Auliffr In uf like th« mM h«
Ham l>r#n i»rr#m agrntod to ha, h«
ahonld win, aa Farmer has f on#
l«4li a long »•> In lh« Iwl yawr.
Johnny Wllann la a rrformad man. <liia
to rirfumiUn<M, «aya a Ntw Vork wlra.
"ftrokr" thru a lit«!•* fling on Wall at.,
and harrad from ail tha ■lata* whn»
th* »>i* ring monay flows, Wllaon la
pleading now for a rnatrh with Marry
Grah tha vrry man ha aids atappad a
waak or ao ago.
Ta* Hlrkard la angling for a mooting
of Hill Tata, tha nawly-erownsd king of
tha tiagro haavlas. and Fr«d Fulton, to
ntnufil at ona of hl« Madlaon Hquars
<;ard»n ahnwa in tha naar fulura.
Tha hnflt Wkwi f ha« k ll lgglna,
Indianapolia light haatywHght. and
Marty Fairy, formerly of T«r<iina,
haa horn |Hal|»wi«l. It waa alat#d
for 'laroday night at Now Orliaia,
flarry Wllta and Ham lanirrnrd a r#»
hi 11 ad to n i«at In Portland a«»matlma thia
month, feordifig to Wilis' rnanagrr.
"Tad" Jone*. head football conch
of Yale university, I* In town tht*
week renewing the acquaintances he
made while acting a* general man
ager for the Ame* shipyard here '
during the war.
ever turned out. The
squad is well balanced,
having speed, ability,
fight, brains and scoring
and defensive ability—ev
erything that goes to make
a winning team.
And, more than that, in
Get New
Clarence Twombley to Re
place Arnold Statz in
Center for Los Angeles
league aa far a a Benttle fana * **rr
concerned. Judging from tha vol* ha
poled In Tba star * All-Court tanuu
Hut tha 1 »* Ani'lri club |fU IK
other good mitrrfitld parformar
fr«'ra th«- Cuba In tirhtn|a for Hla'a
In ClarfDra Twombley. The «>•*
i txni-r la Mid to l>a feat. too, and a
pretty food flfrhawr and hitter.
Hall have to b« good to replac*
Hlnta. aa Arnold hiu] everything hut
power at tha plata. Ha made thla
up by hit fancy work In reaching
flrat baaa and ha waa about tba baat
lead off man In tha leegue.
Hilly Una la dua to aucoaad
' Brick" Kldred In centerfleld for
Seattle. aa Kidred la alatad to play
right field thla )aar lan>'> ir<«l
throwing arm ebnuld etrengthen
thla poaitlon for tha Indian* Kldrad'a
throwing la hla on* w*akne»* and
ha ahould work bat tar In right fir Id
Cortland* centetflelder la doubt
ful. but aithar Charley lllgh or Ika
Wolfar la alatad for tba poaitlon at
tha prenent writing Ona of tha
pair la dua to play left flald and
tha othar iwnter.
Oauda Cooper. the demon
of tha Owka. Pete Cotnpton of fine
ramanto. I'anl Htmnd of Halt I-nk*.
Chanter Cbndbourna of Vernon and
Kelly pt Han FYanrlaco ara all
pratty rertaln of ratumlng for their
old John lhla aprlng.
When Hill l>oak. Ht. Louie pitcher,
led the National )w<u» hurlefa In
•ffectivenaa* laat fteaaon with »
mark of 2.6* earned' run* per run#
aaainat him. It wu the aorond time
that he haa lead tho mound men of
the M»r»k>r major He wai In front
In ltl4. hii first year In lh* Na
tional leajpje. with f mark of ) 14.
The Cincinnati club la determined
It will not agree tn the aalary de
mand* of Itoihh Tha official* ie»m
pretty certain that Itouah will gtay
at home unleaa they do. That waa
the big rnaaon for Inalatlng on
fJeorge Burn* from Uj« tilaiita In
the trade for Oroh.
Two former I'enn Hlate atar* will
have a try-out with the New York
American* thia aprlng They are
fjlenn Kllllnger. the atar of I'enn
H lata'a 1921 foot hall team. »ml Illnky
lUlnea, who waa tha big nolae In
fjeorifla Tach la to have a place
on the Navy achedtfle for 1922. The
Houthern eleven, known oa tho Ool
defi T<»rnado. for aomo reason not yet
natlafartorlly will play at
Antutpolia October 2*.
Joe Judge In often overlooked when
rnnsiderlng the beet first ncktn In
the major leagues. Joe la faat. rain
hit. and Ik a grnat fielder. He Is
rather easily Injured. That la really
the only fault that can be found
with him.
Portland has added Frank Bruggy.
Philadelphia National catcher, to the
Ro»e city backstopplng squad. for a
cash consideration of lii.OOO, says a
Portland wire.
You can pay more for your dgart Ijy4|
but you can't buy a better cigar I an|
than John Ruskin
Bourn A New, lee., nt.lrfhulor* I
TOT llilrd Air., Seattle* Wub.
Large*! Independent Cigar Fsctory In the World.
Coach "Heck" Edmund
son the Sun Dodgers have
one of the best coaches
and trainers in the busi
ness. Not only is Edmund
son a real coach and train
er, but he is a regular fel
low, and his men will fight
When He Went Up
Coast Loop Lost
Best Flychaser
UK Coaat league
lo*t Ha boat oan
tai fielder wli'n
Arnold Hint*. the
•prcj merchant
of tha I>» An
galea ch»mplona.
mm turned ovar
to tha Chicago
Cuba The young
atar waa tha
moat popular out
fielder In tha
Thf bril rrnterfirldrr on Iti<" Coast
Ilast yrnr u-M haie kU ckanre in the
"»«>or» I Ala wrtio* Young Arnold
Stair. Ihr tpred demon of the lon
Anffetrt Const trap tie tlub. Aat Aw big
chanco utth the C'hUago Cub• (AM
Tha »f «o pn»-hrr in tha Amtn
<-aa or '> al ItlfW • • *
with #?••(•' Intaraat than tbat of tba
Naw 1 mtk at tr
ffnrt'a f»ntarJilMi fllfhlnf ta tha ItJt
•artaa ta tha rauM of all tba |tamo«r
thai a*« ««nt*ia arounj hlut.
?fo p«rfr>n on the tell field la In a
Mtttr [<wltlnii to Judft of the worth
of • pltrher than the umpire I worked
o number of |im»« heck of lloyt lu(
and »m on# of ih» Indlvldutla
who knew that Waita lloyt «u a frui,
not Juat a »»ry good. pitcher
1h doping out lb* world aartea I picked
lloyt to l« Ihi >Ur of the Vink»# etaff
I said I fwt t eura he would •»« two
gam»a and I hat ha might go over for
tfir** I alao laid emphaola on tha fart
that Hoyt muat roma Ihrti or the Tan
kt*i wouldn't bava murh of a chance.
Who! Itnyl did In the wriaa with
lb» (>UnU »• n«w n root tor of hh
tmry Oufflte to way (hot h» mado ma
laob lib# • wto* gn» lor w hit h
plae— 04 r»v! my IHtitba, VUila.
Oettlng hark to hla pttrhlnf m tha
••rir* lla won two lam** and loat on*
Mia defeat w»i Juat about (ha tougheat
troak avar handed out In a big aerie*
If la flmt ahutout el« lory wm a pitch
ing riaMlr that will go down in the rer
orda with the p»rfr.rmai»«a of thoee great
• tam of the poet, Chriety Mathewaon.
Chief H*ad«»r Horde' al Hrown. BaU
Atlanta and wthera.
Walta ftoet la ona of tha gama'a great
eat pltrhero Hla performance In the
world e»*rtea waa not merely a flaah. 11
waa a typical lloyt perfarmanca
Hoyt will do M| thlnga for the
Tankeea In ItlJ or I mlae my gtiea« He
alll b# a much better pitcher than ha
waa laat eeaoon.
Hr h*n th# r«nfl'l#nr« hnro of aUffAU
Wendvrful >n it rug* with whleli nitlur*
hM •ii(]o»«<l him. *
Prexy ltoldt of the Seattle ball
club, with Secretary Jimmy Klehard
■on and Manager Walt MoCredle,
plun to leave tomorrow afternoon for
the schedule meeting of the Puclfle
Count league at San Francisco.
The Zcllartmrh Paper company'*
Heattle employe* have organised a
four team bowling league, which will
bowl twice h we<k. Weil in day and
Krlday evenlngH, on the Orpheum
a I ley*.
SxetzS" O
What will Wttll# »l«»l 49 ttafim
U# iimw mt Itff?
Hey*. |iri*r I* Ih' wartat mHm,
mmm knmmn w m very gmri |»itrh#*.
7. ih«* InllMlflr with
hi* mark, be km regarded M a great
Ill* arraad »Irtury rame after a
mar h ffraaler rffarl. To mo. how -
ot«r, It wao o more brilliant perform
•a'W than hie ehat«Mit tlrtary. tie
vm In the hole tat le«et half a dw'n
time*, whore «a haar hit woald h«%e
inranl tho Imbll game Karh tlmr he
lightoaecf up, and either made tho
daa|ftr«tia t.tanl bettor wblff, or pop
their heads off for him.
It's to be regretted that
college athletics don't
have more men of Ed
mundson's type at the
The Sun Dodgers, man
I'or man, realize that they
Five Star
Cage Tiffs
Are Billed
Ben Pari* Billiards vs.
Dandy Bakers in Big
Schedule Game Tonight
FIVK mmn art- twin* played t»
night In Th* Ht»r Junior banket
ball league The arhedule follow#:
at hkij» not sk
lUIUrd < utw *a. \ «al« r AU>
Mir dub, at (1:30 p. m.
A*ahl Junior* ft. Nliuwr A
Wolff. iU 7 30 p. m.
Hadiliiflon I'ark *». Collin*
Culn>, ai R:3O p. m.
AT KNimiTM or < 01-1 MB! H
IU-n Piiria HI 11 Lard* »». lixndy
llakiiif IK alp *p m.
Wr*l Ikilllii v*. I'irat4-a, ai
7 p. m.
Tha manager of th* Pirate team
la aakad to bring the detailed i'
ault of hla litm'i game to Tha Htax
nfter I lie game tonight.
Tha t>Urg*'it gam<- on tonlght'a
echedul* ia tHe tiff at tha K. of C.
Moth tha Han J*arta and Itandy link
ing Co. IcAmn ar* contindcm for
th* tit)* and u guood giune should
be on tap.
Tomorrow naght on# of th# big
f#«t gam«** of. th# wil! b*
booked at thr Knight*'of Columbua.
with lt*n«-ry C playing Stacy
Hhown* Th# yam* Blurt* nt 7 j). m.
Saturday nifht th# following
ached ul# will be in effect:
W Umon • M H C. %• Htmcy fthown*. at
"St P m at ii «rf (',
hatiary C vs ii#p*riala. at SClba* eiub.
at a |> ru
ftora* riub »a. Olilna Cul«. at
Kiba t tub. it ! |i m
I'sm! t fiaktr.ir < a Taalar A. C., at
K. a( C., at I it p. m»
Tha elimination tournament Teg
llirkard la llnlnK up for Martlaon
Hquar* Garden wlfi be a Kood thing
for the name, and wlil aettle Ihe
varlou* arc iment* on who phould
meet Champion Jitk. Kred Fulton
and B»b B*per mill meet In the
ftrnt of the matchet on Jan. IS and
another l»>ut for the aame date to
bring Oene Tunne.r and Battling
bevtngkr. American light heavy
weight champion, together la under
Bob Roper ha* not yet rlgned
article* to meet Kuttofl. In cane he
la not obtained. Bill Brennan will
be offered the fight, according to
New York report*.
O'lfoiirn. who played a gtAr *ame
at quarterback for Yal«» laat aoaaon.
In out with an injured kore. He aua
tulnM * muarlo ruptur* In a rocent
hockey name and la out for the rest
of the weapon. Yale cxpecta biff
thing* from him In football.
Svra<u«e l.'nlverelty and the T'nl
veraity of California will meet In a
wile* of lawn tennla malefic*. which
will be played at Syrucuee. June S.
Both alnglra and doublea will be ar
Since Johnny Wllaon rati out of
hla match with Harry CJreb, the
Plttabyr* light hogvywetrfht haa
algned to meet Mike McTique in
et«>ad ut the Garden nr*xt month.
Glrn Kllllnger. Penn Htatu'g all-
Amrrlcan quartorhack. ha#i been
rhoaen aa coach of the DlHtlnnon
Ctillego foottiali twim, accortflng to
a recent announcement-
When Walter Camp selected
Hrtiwuh nf I.Mfayette, pevtne of lowa
and Muller of Chicago on his All-
America team, It win the first time
it player from then® Institutions wu
to honored.
link man and Jimmy l>uffy
will head the Northwest Athletic
club'* Inn inn show Tuesday night.
It waa announced at the CryaUil
Pool lost night.
.11 NltHt MKTS WIN
Completely outclassing the nine
Diamoml nix. the Junior Meta puck
chasers won their game at tho
Arena yesterday, 15 to S.
Patronize Restaurants Displaying This Card
This card, wherever it is displayed, represents good
Americanism, collective bargaining, the 50-50 plan of
industry. It is the emblem of cleanliness, of peace
and of self-respect.
will have the stiffest kind
of competition this year,
especially from Califor
nia, when they play the
Golden Bears here in a
few weeks. The Idaho
Vandals and the Oregon
Aggies also are powerful
quintets this year.
New Ice
Is Certain
Previous Winners in Star
Races Have Left Seat
tie; Entries Now Open
AN KW i hampion will be crowned
In Th« Htar'* third annual i<e
litem '.hat ar<- booked to ft under
way at the Arena ne*t wfk be
twffn period. at the hockey game.
T'hll Donahue, who won the flrat
race two year* ago. and Jimmy Mc-
Orath, who beat out I-Minahue taut
year, have both left the city. Dona
hue la now In Calgary, Canada,
while McGrath In In Ban Franc) aco.
Kntriea for The Htar rac«-a are
now open and all that I* n««ree»ary
to enter la to aend your name and
addre** to the aportlng editor of
The Htar Kntri«"* will alao be ac
cepted at the Arena. There are no
The prellmlnarlea will conalat of
eight lap* around the Ar<«na In front
of the hockey nets, while the final*
will be IS laps. It will be n-r<»-
aary for a racer to win a prelimi
nary before becoming eligible for a
pla<e In the final*. Kach racer will
be given two cbaxicea to win a pre
Tti'ic race* are open only to
amateur akatera.
A allver cup will be given the
winner aa ha* been the custom in
the paat two reaaona.
L KADI NO all the way. the H. XI. Ft.
Raleigh crew norcer team de
feated the Wft Seattle team of The
Star senior soccer league yesterday
afternoon, 6 to 2. The sailor* have
one of the bent team* ever seen In
the city. The tilt was staged at
Hiawatha playfteld.
BalHgh (•) W. Seattle ff»
I'lU* 111 O I*
Mutrt <J > I I* Keropion
Hyde 111..........0 lUrvlrk
Kllltan I IL Burns
I'arter O It ...Mckoluon (t)
Short (I 1....... I* If B. Maronay
Smith (t) C II 11.... Ildlriiii <c»
Frank* ...K. H II Htron*
Malromb F. B Mcl>ougali
Uwfffin F U 1"l • n
l(Mihco<« O McCftJl
Untimaa —Ho per
The regular Star league monies will
be played Sunday. Three roccer
teams will he Idle, the Woodland
Park, Falcon A. C. and the Allen
Athletic association not playing this
Boetnf Aircraft club ra. Maple T<*afa.
at South I'ark. at 2lt p. m. Refer aa.
Bob I.»mon
Poatnffive <ra Seattle, at l.lncola
park, at I p m Ileferee. Billy Waller.
Ballard *» llan Parte Billiard*, at up
r*r W««rtland park, at 2 p. ra. Beferea.
johnnv R»ekt
Waehlnglnn Park ve Cowan Cigar On.
at Waahlngton park, at 2p. m Referee.
Billy Blooman
Hawthorne Juniors ra South Park, at
Columbia, at 2 p. ro. Referee, George
H oaf line
CHANS!X>n A 1 .YON ami Ballou
& Wright took three ntraight
game* from the Hunaet Electric com
pany and Alfred Ayerat, Inc.. respec
tively, In the opening evening of the
Mcond half of the gaaoline bowling
marathon. Hay Hillman. of (Miann
lor & I,yon. had high game, with 231.
and high total with 603.
Italiou * Wright... tni 7»5—?&«o
Alfred Ayerst. Inr 131 T7l 70—2371
Chanslor A I. yon ... *RS ■?? TM— 2111
Sunset Electric-Co 111 714 7««—2
Htudrhaker •1» Til 7>t—■?!•*
Sunset Motor Co I 0» 7*o ill—2«t
Haaeball fans the country over are
wondering if Judge will Insist
on carrying out the Huth sentence
to the limit. A greiat many of the
fans are of the opinion that a lighter
sentence would have upheld the dig
nity of the judge, and are hoping he
reconsider* It.
Washington's basket
ball team has its eye on
that Coast conference
championship, but not
with the glare of overcon
fidence. If Washington'*
team loses out, the players
will accent it like sports
men, and defeat will not
be accompanied by alibis.
McKay and
Ingle Win
Their Goes
Middle Champ Kayos Ed
die Daly; Ingle Ha* a
Close Call with Dunn
CRT a* wl* (fuy»
were explaining to
the rwt of the
Crystal I'ool crowd
la*t night that Gor
don il' K.iy l« clev
er with hi* duke*
but pack* Do wal
lop, Gordon |>arke4
a row of knucklas
on fiddle iMly'a
moon like face, aort
of low and to OH*
Mile of the xphera.
fuller* lor the n»xt half hour were
told that "Mr. iJaJy la out." Which
he vu. •
Jn the tlrrt half of tbe twin main
'vent Oorgt- Ingle managed to keep
hla coaat lightweight crown on hla
l>eak, altlio Joe Dunn, the Portland
136-pounder. had a lien on the Jew
eled hatband during the flrat three
canto* of their punch feat. Dunn
la a clever, heady worker, and both
ered the champion with a left Jab.
Ingle took the fourth round handily,
off Betting Dunn'a early lead, and
wad awarded the call
I»aly. In the language of the pro
letariat. "had unthin ." The ehifty
McKay made a monkey of the
cliiiwy, fat Easterner In the first
two rounda. In the third epaam a
right-hand poke aent Wisconsin** rep
resentative down for the count of
10. Daly got up, blocked a serlee of
• wlngn with hla chin, yelled "women
and children flrat," and anfik.
Krankle I'suitley's experience waa
Just a bit too much for Kddle Neal.
one of I'ete Moe'a Anacortea miller*,
and the M«-attle 118-pound boy copped
a clowi decision.
Sailor Colsey of rtutte and Johnny
Coggln*. a Rutte featherwleght.
staged the be»t acrap of the even
ing. In the second round the boya
atood toe to toe and gave each other
and the rnllblrda who like to nee
heavy socking the kick of their lives.
Cogglna copped the go.
Young Wllderman won the w*y
over Sailor Joe Dunn, the Ran Diego
welter. In the curtain raiser.
Tha Nawj wanta IU Iff* fHliraa
fwne with tba Army U kw be 14
Pecaabw t.
Philadelphia MfN boys may
eomp*te In an interacbolaatle folf tour
nay among themftelvea neat auramar.
Alma Rlrharda. of tha Vfilearstty of
Routhera California, la gpe« iailxtng In
dim ua throwing. Neat ha wUI
represent Loa Angelas A. C.
Inrladrd In r«*rk mil Marl la-.
IVfiHrlTMl* Mat* trarfc tram la <
Alan Hrlfrlrh. holdrr of lb* National
Amateur AlklfUc anion M*-/al4
Ootfll Jfm Ten-ICyck. #f has
four \arslty on rum on from the If 11 crew.
It Is eipected over 100 aspirant* will
turn out January SO when work la
started to tba Lank.
Tele's eiew running track, en the stta
of the eld football field. Includes a 220-
yard straightaway, something ths Blue
athletic* needed.
The Anhspslks academy hs« all mt
Its rhsni|ii<vn eight -owred vandty
rrew le depend upon In tlUa year's
dual and other reg-altaa.
Tsnsda went* Kn*tf*h roflefre crews to
sttand Its squatlr niret held in conjunc
tion with thn * porta program at the
Toronto exhibition.
Michigan A Kir I* authorities are ronalri
erln* th* erection of a new etadlum to
•eat 60.000 cmmt %::*,qqq. a
•tat* appropriation' la daairod.
T*nl**ratty of Mlrhlran will try to r*-
Jurrnal* Ire hockey among tha Wnltra
■ ' ChampkHUliip
vs. Seattle
Wednesday, Jan. llth
8:30 P. M. Sharp
•1.00 —'Tu lOr—Total at.lo
$l.l7 —Tax 13c—Total $1.40
• I.so—Tax 16c—Tolal $1.75
Reserved sea's on sale at
the Arena. 1110 Fifth ave.
Phone Main !4»S. Keserva
tlons not called for by 4 p m
Wednesday will bo canceled
and resold.
Beginner*' Night Kvery
Skating 8:15-10:30.

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