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MONDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1922, Member Antfrlctn Hemes Rurttii (JRUNBAUM'BROQ Liberal Credit s,xTH F Extended Grunbaum Building ft JBiKißfll of the remarkable values offered Btore *** convincingly featured below. mWr WdSywl Exceptional values are shown in our Houaefurn llffl L ?/%■Steffi ? Department and other departments in IBL ® n^ cl P ation °* Thanksgiving needs. The Dining SuitM shown are values to take advantage of Feature Special (as pictured) 11 Mll 8-Piece Jacobean Kg ■SI Oak Dining Suite— Consisting of A Buffet $4 /v prf .00 tSKFI Extension Table I ■ ■ -- IaEI £ Arm Chair | I gZu IWmL 7 Five Dining Chairs " Leather Seats J 3 Fajar anovrfi far tka atialii world «wK ba road* from the bamboo and Rtfmkes Hkary Eyes wmmam When Your Errt feci Dull mA Hmry. aae Moto. U In- Sr... «♦ H.rmW. boU *iv4 Win kcwMMkrAllDnwo. IHmI numvjkß An Investment That Fully Meets the Requirements This is Puget Sound Power & Light Company's Six Per Cent Cumula tive Preferred Stock. At the market price of SB6 it will yield the unusually high return of more than seven per cent ANY INVESTMENT SECURITY must have back of it ample prop erty or ample net earnings. A security that is protected by both prop erty and net earnings is HIGH CLASS. The Dividends on the cumulative six per cent preferred stock outstanding of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company have been paid IN FULL since the organization of the Company. The net earnings of the Company, after paying all operating expenses, taxes and in terest, are more than two and one-half times the dividend requirements of the pre ferred stock. The property value of the Company Is greatly In excess of its bonded debt, notes, prior preference stock and the cumulative preferred stock, Including this Issue. Dividends on the cumulative preferred stock must be paid in full before any dividend can be paid on the common stock. .. _ Preferred Stock Investment The money received by the Company from the sale of this stock is put into the prop erty to provide extensions to its service. The preferred stock is preferred as to assets and dividends and Is preceded only by the bonds, a small amount of notes and prior preference stock, all of which represents cash put into the property. 1 SEVENTH I |T|IVJ U TELEPHONE AND OLIVE IJJ ■ MPI MAIN 5000 -itaaa aavmnnah puwa of India much .haapar than paper can ba made from wood pulp, rhemtata aaarrt. rm WO Chin*** Dortar IK * j Mature ChliiMa Harba V*f _ Jp/V M. Ma* Ma rblaaaa ■VA Medtrlaa (a. M JUMa at., cm, m Matfe Mala Ilea Hoquiam Officers of K. C. Installed IIOQT'tAM. Oct. »» MUea Gun nine wu named (rand kn!«M at tha Installation of offlcara of lloqulam fCntghta of Columtm* council No. 1*74. Fred W. Haatert. dlatrlct depu ty, officiated. THE SEATTLE STAR FIGURE THIS OUT L. ... __ . The Three Pumpkins AT a Halloween party three pumpkin* were brought In. numbered >■ the one* ihown The large*t pumpkin waa offered ■■ a prl*e to the boy Khn could arrange tha pumpkin* In a row an they formed a numlwr of three flgurca that could ba divided by eleven. How did tha wlnnrr arrange tha pumpkln*T (Rolutlon on page 9 ) Use Public's Land and Make Millions Oil! WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.- Having cleaned up approximately (90,000.000 (preeent markat value) on tha Teapot Dome naval oil reaervea laa»a. tha Mammoth-Hlnclalr Htamlard oil com bination la now turning Ita atten tion to collateral matter®. According to Ita advertisement*, the ftlriclalr Consolidated Oil corpor ation la now offering for aale 1100.- 000.000 worth of I per cant cumula tive preferred etock which la being pyramided on top of 11it.000.000 com mon atock of tha corporation, and Juat underneath 1100, 000. 000 worth of flrat lien collateral gnld bonda. In addition, aay* the advertlsa (nent, there are eome |(0«*.000 out etandlng equlprneut, iiotee, mort gages, etn. Has Never Felt Better in All His Life Thousand of frail, nervoua people ' and Minvaleacanta ararywhara have teatlfled to the remarkable power of Tanlan tn bringing hark their health, •trength and working efficiency. It Meiru to quickly Invigorate tha con atltuUon and la a i>owerful foe of I weakneaa. Mr A. Hrlgga, of MOSH ' Eaatlaka, Seattle. Waah , Mye: -J WA n m a general rundown eon* dltlon from lo*» of appetite and In dtgeetlon. fait worn out all tha tlma ami waa growing weaker er.ry .lay. Teniae rtd ma of tha Indlgaatlon. put a keen edge on my appetite, built iria up aaveral pound*, and now I'm almpiy brimful of llfa and energy." There la not a alngle portion of tha bodv that I* not benefited by tha helpful action of Teniae. It enable* tha atomach to tutn tha food Into healthy blood and muacle. purine# tha eyatem and bullda you bark to normal weight. Oat a bottla today at any good druggUta.—AdrrrUae mart. And It further ehowa that tha nat j annual earning* of tha company for tha paat flva yeara hava averaged In exceea of J: 1,000.000. Thla 1* from flva to eight tlmra all dividend re qulrementel Thaaa are aotna of tha reaaon* why ao much Interact la felt hera In the ! forthcoming Investigation uf the Tea : i>ot IMima leaae*. The ftlnclair com pany la owner of tho Mammoth company, and the Mammoth company In owner of the le»M> on the 9.1(1 acrea of naval oil land reserves set apart by the navy department aotna ten year* ago for future una. but leased by Heoretary I all last year to tha Hlnclalr people on a royalty baata. The argument of Henator 1m Fol lette. and other* who agree with him, that an Inveetlgatlon "la Indicated." la that theae private leaaea have made and are making altogether too much profit out of the public land* of Uncle Ham They want to know why the public, who own the*e land*. can't realise * handsome profit, too. DRAW KNIVES IN CAFE STRUGGLE i W# of bandl* who entered U~ Meilran (hlle Parlor. I'nton at., at MO a. tn. Monday, were [nit In rout after a Irnlfh battle by John Halin. tha propri etor. and were punuir-d for aor eral blorka bjr Patrolman R. \V. Arnold, who fired a fualllade of »hot» at them. One man. giving tha nama of Jjt*. ter folley, l», waa arretted by Pa trolmen A. B. Duggtn* and ft A. J«mea. at Ninth He. and Howell at. half an hour later. Colley wai bare headed and cut about the arm*. Jfa waa taken to tha city honpttal for treatment and later hald In Jail lon an open oharg*. Tha attack occurred whan tha thraa men an tar-ad tha ah op. and. after an argument, attempted to •trocg-arm" Kahn. Tha lattar put up a fight tn which knlvaa waia drawn. Tha thraa man wera forced *• Arnold, attracted by tha nolee, roahed to tha acana and draw hla ptotoL lia chaaed tha bandlta thru tha downtown aaotloo. firing at j them aaveral tlmee They aacapad at fourth are. and Ptna at. Polloa found a oap. a knlfa and a black-jack In tha chlla parlor, which 'hey aay belongad to Colley. Collar declared that ha had no part In tha holdup, but waa unable to account for hla wounda and tha loaa of hta hat Ma la employed by tha Alaska Junk company and lire* at tha Bt Franela hotel. u« fnlon at. BIC ANTI-DOPE MEET TONIGHT With delegate* (n attendance from *0 different civic, patriotic and fra ternal aorietlea. tha newly-organlird Seattle Antl-narnotlu Federation will hold Its first meeting at > p. m. Monday at tha Chamber of Cotn merce to decide on definite and lm medlata steps to be taken against tha dope evil. Tha various organisations which have accredited delegates to tha fed eration have a membership In exceas of 300,000, which m*«na that Just about two-thirds of tha city's entire population la actively Interested In the rntl narcotic. movement. Hospitalization, reclamation, col lection and segregation of Informa tion regarding the dope traffic, and the apprehension of narcotic peddlers will be the most Important matter* to come before the opening meeting. The meeting will be for delegates only, and persona unabla to show proper credentials will not b* ad mitted. WHAT'S IN THE AIR I'KOOKAM Mill MONDAY, <HTOHI.II :I0 KFC— II:IS a. m ; 3 to 8 p. m ; 6:30 p- nv: € p. m : 6:20 to 6:46 p. m.: 9:16: 9 25; 10:16 P. m. KHZKIO J0 to 11 a. m. and 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. dally, and 7:16 ! to 1:16 Monday, Wednesday and 1 Friday. KJll—H'l6 to >:IS p. m. KZC — 6:46 to 7:15 p. m. K(JT —.Sundays and Tuesdays. . 8:30 to 9:30 p. m.; Fridays, 8:30 to | 9:45 p. in. ■> I It starts drcuUUm^his scatters congestion The in flimmation disappears— and along with it the paisi JtaUeraa 11 ill rheumatic twta«M too. Warveaadaaaee backer tiee. pea ralgla. colds la chest. Keep U baadr. Unln»nHfl&A«fl»; THE RHODES' EE, K. I). /. E. Radio Program Tonight by M. Wit mark & Son-v—7:l.", to 8:l-'» A Sale of Millinery Opportune Values at Bin Savings 200 Wljfi.pX S (/yjf // mt I ) A regular Una of our Wlntsr Millinery, selling formerly tor ,u "' priced tor quick cleanup. 'Th» »HOO«t CO Untrimmed Shapes Banded Sailors Special — $1.95 Special — $1.00 100 Hat Shape* In black, navy, brown. Handed Bailor* of hatter'* plush, acme of purple, taupa and .and .hade*. Formerly .r'" 1 **** T* ' ' „ ed with leather or groagraln ribbon. For s2 #5. )3 95 and 15.95 each. merly fS 85 and U 95. 200 Crush Felts Ostrich Edging Special —$1.95 Special 25c Soft Crush Kelt Hata In plain oolora; al»o Hat Edging* and Bandings of ostrleh, In •tripped Felt Hata In plain colore and two- colore of gray, navy, brown, henna, turquots* tone effects; value* aelllng formerly at 13.95, and Copenhagen. Formerly (1 05 and 13.25 a |3 95 and 14 95 each. length. 1,000 Yards of Fine Veiling—Special 39c Main Floor Veiling In a wide assortment of colors and pleasingly colored chenille dotted patterna. Copenhagen, grotto, henna, epark. orange. Jade en black, and navy and brown meshea aro in cluded. A special purchase offered at 394 * yard. "Y" Lecturer Will Give Talk on Light 1M Thara Ba Llghtr wtU ba tha ■ubjact of tha laetora Monday night In the T. W. C. A. by Dr. A. W. Evans Thla will ha tha flrat lactura of tha T. W. C. A. Lyceum courae. Sunday night D' Evane apoka to a group of peraona on Heart Pow er," and waa followed by F. A. Haaet Una. chief of tha Northweat prohibi tion forc-ea. who dlec-uaeed "Tha En forcement of tha Prohibition Law." Joseph Thomas to Be Guard Captain WAIA.A WALU. Oct. *O. —Bur coedlng John T. Burke a* captain of guards aol assistant superintendent at tha ateta prison here. Joseph Thomss will assume hta new duties November 1. Thomas waa formerly a Ira valine guard. Illness of Burke's wlfa, who requlrea a change of ell mata. In given aa tha reason for hla retirement. KELSO. —Several thousand dollars damage done to sheds of MCLane I .umber A shingle Co. by fire of un known origin. VAN OOTTVKR, Wenh. Pacific Northwest prune* outsell California product, according to thla yeur'a re port. =Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. " —— S&ISt£OMI?@>AV£NUC AND UNION RKET. A SENSATIONAL SALE OF 5,000 FIkSES OF MILAN ' >7 WHITE ENAMEIWARE at OSe Milan is the best quality ware— 'y double coated, white, with blue bead 5b II and will jjive long service. Every J J item a bis: value at YOUR CHOICE OF— vW 1 No. 6—Convex Kettle "€]» \k £% A (With Enamel Cover) W if m _ 1 No. 6—Convex Sauce Pan /jf V j (With Enamel Cover) fl- —4 p*r II No. s—Tea Kettle 1 \\\ / II No. 13—Dish Pan (Side Handle) Vl /II No. 10—Oval Dwh Pan No. 2—Coffee Pot No. 3—Kitchen Pot 1 y No phone or C. O. D. orders " CUPSANDSAUCERS ™ «« SET OF SIX ,or Tuesday at Q Jim 98c ?8c jfk Accurate tlmekeeiKT* — None delivered tailed In nickel. U. S. to "Look On" at Peace Meeting WAHKINOTOV. Oct. I#.—The United BUtw wH be represented at the Tanaanne KMT East peaoe con ference en November II by observers. It «u announced officially &7 the ■tat* department today. Secretary Hu«haa lnetrueted DYED A SWEATER AND SKIRT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Every "Diamond Dyea" package tells how to dye or tint any worn, faded garment or drapery a new rich color that will not (itreak. rpot. fad" or run. Perfect home dyeing la guar anteed with Diamond Dyes even If you have never dyed before. Just tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether It la linen, cotton or mixed goods. For fifty-one years millions of women have been using "Diamond Dyea" to add years of wear to their old, shabby waists, skirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, stock ings. draperies, hanging*, every thing!— Advertisement. Page 5 Parte and Roma to taU fflnw— maata that wfcOa the United wonid not be repraeeuted by m pted> potaatlary la the T 't»»"inne confer ence because this country wa« not at war with Turkey. It would eand ob. eervere. in view of the American In* tereet Involved In the Near Eaat eat -11 anient. SLOW DEATH Ad**, Pdns, nervousness, dM& culty in urinating, often meat serious disorders. The world*) standard remedy for kidney, Uvea bladder and oric add troubl— i LATHROP'B onano brtaf quick relief and often warf M deadly diseases. Known as the nttiotw remedy of Holland for more than MS yeera. All druggists, la three alase. *a+ C~U w For Sale by the Owl Drag Co.