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g 1 SMITH SILENT -~ ON DRY ISSUE ‘Democrats May Be Forced ~ to Accept Wet Plank | | BY LAWRENCE MARTIN f*‘op)r\xm. 1828, by United Press) B WASHINGTON, June 12 Gov AL Smith, of New York, is golng to ako it hard for the democratic fparly to reject his wet plank in | 1934, = With the assistance of Tom Tag 3"]‘l, of Indiana, and George Bren flm‘ of linois, with whom he will ,E{jmflwuw at French Lick, Smith Is a 4 position to put in & hole the %fllotmls woo either wan! to avoid Seitirely the prohibition issue in 1824 E}: pussyfoot on it. Two develop ; tx are likely to grow out of the | Phench Lick conference. ‘These are f 1. Parmulation in definite tarms % the Smith-Taggart - Bronpan \\«‘lé | L 8 Coumter ‘movement Ly other) %flmla to head off the wet trium- | ate and preventing their domina- | of the 1924 democrutio conven- | Eh ow it resolutions commitiee, %Z?Ro poligeal conference in years e 5o riveted Jdemocratic attention | B 8 this one. Whether Smith intends | 10 be a presidential or vice presk lgmm or & senatorial candidate ar| F-“p candidate. at all is beside the f‘mlon to democratic lnlx!h‘}.‘ns_; s’“ his dwnlals: of proesidentlal as. i tions mean nothing to them, 'mml Point of the conference i+ wheather | the Smith-Tdggart-Brennan group Wnd the politicnl idea they represent shall dominate democratic party | destiny. ! WET PLANK WILL | BE CLEVERLY FRAMED i C Their weot plank will bo cleverly | iframed. It will not attwek pro ihibition as expressed thru tbe 18th| amendment. Neither will it attack '-'E‘ enforcement. It will, however, | Bttack as senselass aml nnnh.'lho} hypocrisy the Volstead I:].'\"!' mtandard of Intoxicatior—the one- BAlt of one percent alcohol limita tion the Volstead act fixed. * Their appeal will be to tle com-| *," sonse of democrats, who will ] e told that they had better sipport | ® “sane” progrum hased on Teason. able liberalization of the Vols\emli Jaw or they will find themselves dined up with the “bone dry” m.’ pablicans—in whose position the Wpt democrats see nothing sbort oti aypoc: and sham-—or with the | YA mists, who woulM destray pro.f hibition altogether and who fherw. | jore, are running counter to the| ebuntry’s public sentitzent. } . Finally, Smith's allbmes with the | powerful Taggart-Brennan forces, is motice to the rest of the democratic party that he cannot Le written oft - fg_,.wu‘iblo factor. t el * . - . Ask Aid in Finding Ehpr - ~ Shell Safe Bandits . Failling after a thoro search of the ity 1o locate three yeggs who blew -88 ‘fii the Shell (Nl company sta- Westlake ave. Sunday night, after tying up the watchman, police eEAR & canvass of the Northwest fuesday, enlisting the ald of the rious police departmmints of the ate to help in the manhunt. Hobert Atkinson, the watchman, i mecovering Tuesday f)-om severe ~,jg bout the head, faflicted by theJ_ BES | he. was slagged and robbers secuged abou * Ish from the safe. B o s T BarGAIR BASEMENT ~ Every dollar connts. Interest works twenty-four hours a day. Buy in the Bargain Basement. Count your savings. Luck? Look! 568 Pairs WOMEN'S LOW SHOES Including Odd Lots Closed Out by the Blyth-Fargo-Hoskins Co., . Kemmerer, Wyo. / nrrow widths 1 - {Z Sizes \ . Sizes 4/, 2Y, to 4 P N to 8 : Width— 1214] 3 [B4] 4 [4l4] 6 1614 6 164 7 14| 8 | SIZE AAA ... [ | [6]iß[2o7 4. (82214075713 CHART BA .......] | | [b5[12]26(165[12(/19/10/23 6 A c.ooooedl | | | 85[9]16]10]8116(2012] B ey Bi i 2 eRSeIR 10 (1102 LT At Coeooeeee . /1 B[B6[2lßd] [ [BT2IB] | ‘;" R e P R L TT . - i M.”{’ Knife Pleated Remnants! o e i i . Bleached Muslin . SV\H‘HIUFEL po Irts 3,000 yards, 86-inch dn i | e 19¢ Yd dintn |l Silk Popli . I‘l pim s -95 Soft finish, fine quality, # Roshanara Crepe Fraint i | 36-Inch White Voile ['an, sand, platinum and gray. Fine Quality Sizes 26 to 31 yard........'. Sy 29c ————————————————————————————————— ———_—————““"—-_—————-_——————————.—____.____ ’ JOBBER’S CLEAN-UP—32O CORSETS Many styles and fabrics. All sizes in the lot, 50c, SI.OO, $1.50, $1.95 vttt it D e ekt o it T(_{wlz and gqyl_gtry _‘Li!zlg:ed North Trunk PI an Pushed Map showing how proposed improvement would effeet a direct connection between Dexter ave, and Stone way and relieve traffic congegtion between the city and the growing district north. A comprehensive plan for the link. ing of the district north of the Lake Washington canal with the center of the city by an arterial highway is to ba presented to the streets and sewers commigfee of the city council by the Nomh Trunk Highway Boosters' league Thursday, According to members of the leaglie, 40 per cent of the city’s pop ulation now live across the eanal and are handicapped in getting to the center of the city by the lack of an ‘arterfal highway that would per mit uninterrupted traffic, Thig plan includes the condemna tion of Dexter ave, thru from Den. ny way to Second ave, and thence to First ave, at Stewart st. The main featurs of the establishment of the highway would be the complete elimination of street car traffic, the widening of the street to 120 feet and the construction of & low wall in the center of the read, to mink mize the danger of collisions. Alonx‘ thiy wall a lighting system would | be established that would eltmidiate ! the necessity of bllnding Mghia on atutos at night The league also favors the Denny hill regrade project and points om| that the regrade, combined with the Dexter ave. condemnation, would result in an expenditure of alightly more than $2,000,000, whereas either one of the projects, If, attempted separately, would cost but slightly less than §2,000.000, The construction of a short via duet on Denny way, reaching from Ninth ave. to Boren ave., and cross. ing Ninth, Westlake and Terry above grade, which will connect the Capitol Hill and Renton Hill dis tricts with the proposed Denny Hill business district, also is planned by the Boosters' league, and fs included in the plan to be submitted to the gouncll Thursday, THE SEATTLE STAR IS UNCOVERED! Reveiation of the theft of lu.oool worth of bonds from the Skinner &I Eddy offices, in the L. C. Suaith| bullding, July § 1922, was made | Monday, when a suit to stop lhw. ety cashing the interest coupons from the bonds, was filed by L. n.i Stedman, attorney for the ship | pilding firm, The bonds were stolen when the office safe was looted, Private de tectives traced tnem to Chicago, where they were found in the pos. sesslon of Joseph Stein, president of the State Commercial and Huvln;-’ bank, of Chicago, who purchased them from another party in return | for $5.000 worth of Kansas 01l leases, ‘ Suit has been started In lllinois to/ recover the bhonds. ' The sult filed here sceks to pro hibit the payment of interest on $6,000 worth of local mmprovement bonds, which were included in the ot of stolen securities, pending the outoome of the suit to recover the bonds, 2 . Meeting to Launch . Palestine Movement A Jewish mass meeting will be held in the Masonie temple Tues. day night, to begin a drive to] eatablish a Palestine Foumhuon% fund, for use In the rehabllitation | of the Holy land, | Two speakers, Habbl Emeritus| Joseph Silverman and Dr. Alexan. der Goldstein, will addreas the meoting. They are widely known | and prominent workers in the I'|l~| estine movement, 1 ! Away he C W School Out Friday! way to the Country We Go! , \ (1l "\l : \ i " \ \ \ i W ' k. l 1 \ | ; N A \ : \ t N g \ ‘ \ ! i f ' ‘ '|- ' A 7 -"‘" A% oW o SLNG d N o T “ m . . . . B 5 N RRS e Each year The Bon Marche makes special preparation to provide needed things for == b i \_/ summer homes and camp comfort for all the family. Here is just an inkling: w Striped Couch Covers $2.00 Printed Curtain Scrim 12%c Durable Cretonne 19¢ Striking Egyptian stripes, in the new decorative All-over and border effects in white Good-looking chintz and floral designs, manner, grounds. Many colors, sultable for draperies and cush. CGood wearing quality, and colors especially suited to summer Good colors, In floral and bird designs. Peactical ton home use urtains for s fr camps, - Net Panel Curtains. Each 98 Pren C' "“'fi ”:S . 95 36-Inch Heavy Cretonne 33c¢ et fanel Lurtains, Lach Joc ross-bar ocrim c Linenized effect—so durable and good Heavy net, finished with deep bottom fringe. Border and all-over designs. looking. Very popular and practical curtains—and s 0 reasonable at this Blue, rees and gold ("'.:mbmn n the color Newest designs and colorings In a quality that price. schemes: 36 inches wide. Very durable. will give long service: Fourth ¥} The Bon ) . e { ST Miagviehe e M Fine Sheer Voile 29¢ Windotw Sh Seconds) 79 e e : indotw Shades (Seconds) 79c Effective color designs of blue, rose : . N 3 and gold, oil Opaque Shades, in light colors only. lnex’)en"ue for summcr Homea All.over and border patterne, 38 inches wide. f‘_”‘y“""'“d spring - roller; 36 inches wide, and 4 . Makes really lcvely curtains, i KNS Towels and Beddlng Cotton and Jute Damask 47c Striped Couch Covers $1.75 Turkish Towels 25¢ 72x84 Bedspreads $1.95 50- and 54-inch widths, specially suited Effective Roman stripes; durable qual- Good weight, bleached. Size Good weight, crocheted Mar- \O‘W"‘“cr“ and slip CO"(”"-‘*- ity. : _ : 20x40 seilles. patieris r«l.;;m( n «f[ green, v.;ln. :;.!um,, rose, blue, gold Made with and without fringe. Good for town » o $ 2 - and gray, vxeeptional values, or country use. 17x33 -'\""'i;"“"‘ Towels 72x86 Bedspreads, $2.25 Fourth Floor—The Bon Marche . Heavy crocheted Bpreads; Heavy weight, assorted col neat patisrns '4:’:,’:;;" OFR4 - RarGass. y Bed Sheets, Each SI.OO / A ISoIflCh (l'n&h TO“‘O'"IK 50 dozen Micached Sheets. 3.4 ? For Summer Home or Camp 10¢ good welght, soft finish, with \"-‘: j-‘ Heavy, unbleached Kitchen flat coenter ssam ] R 0 «":'; 5 e 2 ey Lt ket £ Combination Cooker $1.85 Crash TDWC'R, 3 for 25(‘ 1,600 yards unbleachod towel \1;1,." 4 : Booth Mill Crash Towels, 8i26 {5 18 fnches wide: heavy, ab A useful utensilt for thn'summcr-ns it 14x18 inches rnr“al’fll quality ; i C C h. ' f;‘"lkfis "z very little l{'oom wilen not in ;:* : s i) am ushions <§ 1e cooker consists of a S-quart covered ket. ”rii‘?‘d:)‘:‘l;(‘)l\"leli ;l“(()c e All-Linen Crash 25¢ p tie, a strainer pan, a pudding pan and a . bleachied quality, size ' w . 85¢ ke tube. By combining 2 15x24+In¢hes. e M:il‘«x:”:w:lm:fiu‘q::‘whiaku;‘)::':::: S i O, ;1‘1)‘ gx‘u'm ¥ combining 2or more of lheg HUCt TOWGIS ldc both splendid value; 18 inchex Filled witt ,’h =lt 5 /i Steamer, Cooker, Cake Pan, Casserole Well bleached, good weight. yeide. T A ™ and Rice Boiler : % . tures, Made of pright cretonne, ~ Size '17x34 Juchea. Feather Pillows, Each §1 combined with plain shades of . "[’ » Turkish Towcls 20“ For tho summer camp or blue, Moo or orchid, m \ 30'Plece COttage Sets Soft and. absorbent] well - cottage. Size 17x24. Som pil- Third Floor—The Bon Marche S bleached. Size’ 18x36 inches, lows, in striped and novelty 3 3 b sz 50 81x90, Bed Sheets $1.45 ticiings. e C g : Good welght, seamles, _ Sheet, Blankets Cozy Hammocks *--;—;.:.'-;:?"J Pure wkite semi-porcelain dinnerware in 81x90 Bed Sheets $1.85 Y Pair $2.50 250 =1 a plain, practical shape. The sot consists of: Extra fine quality, seamless, Cotton Sheet Blankets, size s . 6 Dinner Plates 6 Sauce Dishes 90x108 Bed Sheets $1.95 6ix7s, in gray and white, with Tightly woven. A hardspun 6 Pie Plates 6 Tea Cups Extra large, heavy welght; tan, pink and bluo borders, yarn in c.ose canvas weave 6 Tea Saucers -} moft finish. Third Floor—The Bon Marche bright-colored stripes. Union Street Basement—The Bon Marche Upper Main Floor A M S S. t C t d D Gift Suggestions From the Art Shop any Jummer ouits, Loats an resses : o 54-Inch Madeira Table ne- 1Y ess Covers at SIO.OO The pattern, as sketched, . . - . . o o . Than the Orlglnal PY!CCS is a basket, worked in eyelet m | Aty _ X and seed stitch on good qual- % 2T v e Odd lots, only one of a kind in most cases. Both silk and wool suits. Dresses ity white Irish linen. The T itae et : of Canton, flat and Georgette cro!w-»t'uffctu and all-over lace, Coats-in tan and edge is finished with rose gt navy. Second Floor—The Bon Marche point scallops. C]uny Doilies | “M - - h Slightly Soiled D . S A . 3- .”.'d 4-Inc IOC Included are small, ainty dummer Accessories Mme. Chernoft D%llh‘es, P‘lqtchl, .+ vound and oval Doilies, at : ; : ain white linen with 39¢, 19¢ and 39¢. Bridal Veils Will Lecture rose point scallop edges. Art Shop—Third Floor ‘ 75 D W $3.75, $7.50, $9.00 and SIO.OO Wednesday on Made of very fine nets and silk illusion, finished delicately with “H . 3 tiny hems or scallops. Elaborate embroidered designs, Cut In ow to Reduce Vlvadou s both round and square styles . W . ht” elg . L Handkerchiefs 25 Why w ' . ' y awn Handkerchiefs 25¢ iy weigh more than you alnty ol etrles Very fine hand embroldered Irish lawn. White with embroid. rll‘mlldl—nl('rlllclng comfort and ered corners and spoke bems, and with novelty colored borders, I" nuty~when it Is s 0 easy to Mavis Powder, all shades, BO€. Aavis Cold Cream, jar 50¢. ‘ Also some pongee and pure lincn, o Just as slim dnd svelte as Mavis Poudre Creme, all shades, ; w Cald O 50¢ ! 1 . you wish? 50¢ Lady Mary Cold Cream, ® iy . » v y . 6 Handkerchiefs 60c L That it In eany to reduce, with | \at DOr Powder, all shades, A4y Mary Vanishing Cream, In packages, Very sheer lowns with imitation cords; % inch i n':\;ll:lp‘l“\";\’r\':“‘«!;1:':: “;‘u(”n.\tiil?\g' 706¢. 50¢. ~ hemstitched hems, Al white. :x‘ih“"‘lz;ll;:)l;::“:'llIl):(ln::“l;'o\ll.:;((‘i'-.fln'd flu( Mai D'Or Talcum, can BO¢. Mavis Lemon Cream, 50"0 y T : g vodudtion of flosh 98 UMY Mat Q'Or Duotint Rouge Com- Maj D'Or Cold Cream, SI.OO. & _ Moire Ribbons 50c SR Dot Ay pett pact, BOE. Lady Mucy Perfimer one REOO New orisp Molre Ribbons, In I‘l\.n useful Sdnch widths, Shades """I";: double ehins and thick Mal D'Or Periing, o= 52.08. Mavis Porfume, oz, $1.78: i cf ‘l;.]:wl(,m\vll(nlnlv;lunm'lr.". |)ln|l<. (clm'r\nhnm n, brown, tan, green, ““.‘..;|:"~“dn‘_ 2:30, in The Bon Mavis Liquid Brilliantine, 50¢. La Boheme Perfume, oz, $2.80. chie wurple, Y I'OBo, Tl'ed ‘(i ' YA IV ’ » . o a ’ WOy ; R A e Upper \lululI“Im,:r"—’—’l'llllcl-(ll;::::“ \lurolu Marche Auditorium, Fourth Floor ?l"‘m !'M', “'"“"".“n" L Mal D'Or, 'all shades ocagipash Sy ! ] » Mat D'Or Toilet Water, bottle, SI.OO, J 82,50, Upper Main Floor ] T ——————— ————————— . BT (Do ey aa (A P b ) T S\ & Special Lunch Wednesday 30c | ’ : = Lamb Pot -Pie with Vegetables .) @ @1 [\/) @ m ’W e Mashed Potatoes Bread and Butter -t b L @ ) Strawberry Shorteake PIKE STREET—SECOND AVENURE-—UNION STRELT - Coffee ‘or Milk R —— . Lunch Counter—Upper Main Floor—The Bon Marche 'KING TUT HAD . " SMALL MENUS I Al BT e BBBBE BTHAEE T W T ll~' THERF. iy anything you want to know (If it be a gues {] ton of fact or information) write | to The Star's information buyeas, ' 1332 New York ave, N. W. Washington, D, C, stating your I question ciearly, giving your name and address and inclosing a two.cent stamp for return post. age for a personal reply, ! Q. What food was esden by | the Egyptians in the tlme of L King Tutankhamen? ‘ A. 'The food of the Egyptians con sisted of fish, game, and vegetables, ' Dinner was rather informal and | lasted many hours, the diners being | entertained by music, dancing and iu-rub«m- feats while they ate, The | glaves passed among them while they *fe-ulrd. filling thelr wine cups and giving them fresh flowers, and gur. ')Andu to wear. One ceremony of the 'lvut was the passing of the mummy lamong’ the guests. Bach was sup posed 10 touch it ax u reminder that even in the mudst of life and merrl ment there s death, . Oregon Guard Units - - Ready for Training | BALEM, Ore, June 12.--Joined byl .:o!hcr troops as they go Bouth, mcl ;lOcnl headgquarters company of coast artillery, National Guard, will lmvo; Ilonlum for ¥ert Barry, Cal, for [two weeks' training. | . Newport and Toledo troops will 'board the train at Albany, while ium Marshfield company will join at Kugene, | ot ot ] ] | | of Co-operators The Western Cooperative Farm ers’ assoclation, orgunized to bring about better pelations belween organ- ) ized labor and the farmer, opened a | | four<day convention at Auburn Mon {day night. Delegates from all sec ! i ;Hunn of the state were In attondance | Tuesday to prepare for the co-oper- | | ative meeting 1o be held at 3 p. m. | | Prominent speakers, including W.| |D. Lane and Councllman Oliver "‘; Erickson, of Seattle, will ad dress the delegntes, who numbered |IOO Tuesday and who will arrive in | greater numbers later in the week, ' i Elmer Bmith, Centralia attorney, will alno address the farmers. ! ‘ Willlam PBouck, president of the | | assoclation, was 1o speak at 140 Tuesday and his address was to be followed by & co-operative meeting | between labor representatives and | farmers, | Wednesduy's session will include | {n speech by Elmer Smith and an | suto tour of Black Diamond, Buck- | ’lr;‘. Green river gorge and other | points of interest, Many of the dele gates drove to the convenijon and! L other cars are beling supplied by the people of Auburn, according to the commitiee in charge of the entertain. | ment of visitors, Weddesday's ses | slon will close with an address at| Fraternity Mall by ¥, H. Culter, of | | Portland., | i l SHELBY PLANE '~ DOWN; 3 HURT ’ ’ SHELRBY, Mont., June 12.-~Three persons were injured today when an aeroplane distributing tickets for the !ln-mlmryli:blmuu fight erashed Into {n teleshone pade at Livingston, | Mont., according to word receifed | here | Loy Molumby, state commander ;uf the American Legion, suffered | mlight body injuries. The ‘small son of Mayor Johnson, of Shelby, sus 'umml a broken srm, while Maj. ;(:rne Lane, wealthy lumberman, had | five riba broken ‘ Earl Vance, the pilot, escaped in | Jury, it was reported, Portland’s Rose | . Festival Opened PORTLAND, June 12-<Portiand's 'sumuul rose festival opened today. . With seven ships of the FPacific ' flest here, and hundreds of sailors m special guests, the 2day expo. sition s expected to surpasyg all previous similar events. Daily features, culminating in the | plg rose parande Thursday, are In ;cludod in the entertalnment ar ranged for the thousands of visl '!orn and Portland residents who 'mll enjoy the festival, | . . i Fights Police Who ~ Try to Arrest Her ; Battling two police officers who 'mought to arrest her as o narcotics ' nddict, Mrs, Helen Hapgood, 45, lfuugm the men until her clothes were in shreds, Monday aftérnoon, it is alleged. She was at length overpowered and taken to jall, where she was held on e l - RS Sr—) i 1 JOHNSON HAS . 1 ' NEW OPINION | WASHINGTON, June I.—Senator :.lllum Johnson of California has 5 | somewhat modified his views on .1 the European situation as ‘he resyit lot his contact with European peg. - | Ple and nlul-»-:m;-n’. Benstor Spencer, . Missouri, ;t’nl. odny on his return , | from & European tour, Bpencer called on President Harding g the | White House. £ ¥ if He and Johnson called logether {on Vremier Polncare of France and | Johnson seemed much Impressed | with the French attiiude, Spéneer | mala, ‘ Hpencer told the president that | Germany seemed prosperous and { that France is united solidly pe. ’:hlntl l‘f:{hfh": reparations stand, ! “ 2 . Oregon Klan Takes b | 2,000 New Members ! '| PORTLAND, June 11~Twe thoy. |sand novitiates were initiated inyue Inm Portland klan, No. 1, of the Ku | Klux Klan, st o gigantie outdoor | ceremionial last night, ‘ Five sthousand wspectators wit. '| nessed the event, while more thafy, 12,000 klansmen were in attendance, It Is estimated. Roads for miles in jall directions from the scene of the fmlnluonn were blocked with carg., . Most of the new members were from Portland, with some from As : toria, Albany and Corvallis, it was | reported, T T LA | & charge of disorderly tonduct. As & result of the fight Patrolman Dan || Hogan was nursing a badly bruised |1 eye, Tuesday, T ————————————————————