Newspaper Page Text
2 NARCOTIC MEN - SHOW RESULTS ‘Total Terms of Convicted | Men Is 2,814 Years !;4.' s S B Jnoreaseq activities by federal fßArootic agents during the year 922 thruout the country have re. fßulted in securing 65 per cent more ponvictions than were accomplished bfluring 1921, and have sent violators : prison for terms totaling 2,814 ‘ s, according to a report sub 1“0(! Monday by the narcotie en. ment bureau at Washington, . C. [ _That the narcotic situation is well in hand about the country is ovi denced by the report which shows BIBAt the greater number of arrests Snd convictions was due to In © g activities by the operatives Bnd not to an increase in consump tion of drugs by addicts. I{o‘ May 1 of this year the nar golic bureau was reorganized and Xwo new divisions were created, paking & total of 15, From Janu Rty thru April, during the present bear, fines totaling $163,272 have hbeen levied on narcotie violators, hecosdi to the report. During [the sama period of last year fines Amouating ‘o $77.756 were levied Sentences for the same period of -;g amounted to 1,888 years, while Fing the first four months of 1922 gentences totaling 1,047 years wero iyburin: the entire year of 1922 the parcotic enforcement department s allowed $750,000 with which to f on its work. The collections fines and from other sources Fhich were turned back to the ‘ asury amounted to $1,269.039, iecording to the report, making a .fi gain by the department of $519, 3 . - Washington Legion g - ~ Subscribes $3,700 . Contributions totaling $3,700, sub ribed by the American Legion : 'k of Washington for the perma. ent decoration of: the graves of imerican soldiers in France, will 9 forwarded to headquarters of the Legion, at Indianapolis, some time this week, according to Henry A. Vise, state adjutant. This amount # onethird more than the state ota, according to Wise, . GoOD 'CIGARETTES . 10° =8 Bull- R s oy ad i) | ‘. | | ‘Aimericon B 2 | Jimerican Deauty I ELECTRIC IRON 1 The best iron made \ Pay a trifle more at first and l be assured of the samesat isfactory results after years ‘ * | of use, asupon the dayyou 1 buy it. ’ Sold by Dealars and Electrical : Compan' s Everywhers. ; Manufactured by American Electrical Heater Company, DETROIT ° | Oldest and Largsst Exclusive Makers. Eoublhhod‘sufl. WHITE KING & ////"GRANULATED 7 SOAP 2. - ‘.‘:qé LB E__v \ | Half a 4| ¥ == g ( P teaspoonful e{ ; . " ) of White King I in the bathroom bowl makes a - wonderfully cleansing suds. A ‘ simple, safe way to wash your dainty delicate garments. ' . So easy to do b d and such a saving Erickson Says Carline Has Made Good Showing Makes (‘umparisl{fi With San Francisco's | Lines at Counceil Meeting Declaring that Seattle, struggling under impossible obligations in the purchase of its municipal rallway system, has made a record for efficiency and economy that has at tracted the commendation of trae. tion experts of the nation, \‘nuu| climan Oliver T, Erickson at Mon.| day's council meeting gave a com: | prehensive comparison of Seattle land San Francisco municipal ur' | systems, g | Erickson's statement was made in the form of a letter in answer to criticiam of Seattle's car operation by Edwin F. Dreher, 2007 Califor nia st, San Franoisco, It was road {and made a part of the records of | Monday's council meeting. My, Erickson calls attention to the suc. 'cenu of the city light and power { utilities and quotes from P, E. Troy, | San Francisco utility and tax ex i pert as follows: I | “Your street rallway department | report surprises me. To Keep operat ‘lnx cost down to less than 76 per cent of revenue is certaiply success. ful street rallway operation in these times of high wages and high costs of material. You include deprpcia tio nand amortization in operating cost. Hundreds of street rallway companies do not make any way near as good a showing as Seattle, even by excluding depreciation and amortization from operating cou(.“l Such commendation does not indl| cate ‘petty politics’ to any extent,| MANY IN SAN FRANCISCO ] MUST USE STREET (AR i “In answer 0 the question, 'lf San Francisco lines can be oper-] ated on a G-cent fure, why can't Seattle's, I did say the area of San Francisco is only onehalf that of Seattle. If I said the population is one-third larger than Seattle's that was & slip of the tongue and 1 should have sald two.thirds larg. er,” Erickson said. “I also sald that approximately 150,000 people daily come in and out | of San Francisco at the Ferry building. That they cannot come In by automobile and must use the street cars. This Is a condition that does not obtain in Seattle, and adds at least SIO,OOO a day to the revenues of the San Francisco sys tem. I did not say all of them must use the street cars all the time. 1f I had my figures would have added $15,000 a Guy to the revenues of the car lines, By making it SIO,OOO 1 allowed for one third walk. ing or taking other mnvtynncu’ from the Ferry bullding. i “You question these [figures nml§ (say you have watched people com. ing and going and but fow of the ferry passengers take cars, 1 have watched them, too, many lmes, and think my guess better (han yours. 1 have come in there and gone out In cars loadel to suffo cation. 3 SAN FRANCISCO CARRIES MORE PASSENGERS “The important part In this (if. forénce of opinion Iy that my as sumptions are borne out in actual operations of cars in the two cities and yours are not. The list an umd report ¢f San Franeiseo mu nicipal lines—page 18—shows the number of passengers carried per mile as nine and a fraction, lln Seattle during our recent S.cent.fave period the number of passengers carried per car mile was six and a fraction. To be exact, 42 per cent more passengers are carried per car |m|lv on the municipal lines In San | Francisco than In Seattle. “If our carg had carried the same number of passengers per car wile under the S.cent fure as are varried ion the San Francisco municipal lines, the income would have been $17.000 & day insteand of $12,000, With such an Incame we could have maintained the B&.cent fare, paid all our expenses, met our bond obligations, set aside $5600,000 a year for depreciation and had a sarplus of $50,000, PROBLEM IS NOT ONE OF “PETTY POLITIOS” | “The general criterion of atreet rallway management i the ratio of expenses to revenue, Figuring 11 per cent of gross revenue for de. preciation in both cities, the cost of operating the San Francisco munie ipal line is 84 per cent of groas revenue. Now, what Jjustification has the Jay Thomas league or oth. ers for slamming the administra. tion in Seattle, where the ocoust of oporation is but 75 per ecent of Rross revenuc? ““The street rallway problem in Se. attle fs not one of bad managemer! for "too much petty pelities.” The ‘ in the report gquoted above, prove It s not. Our problem is one 5«1( having pald two prices for our aystem, automoblle competition, a sparsely settled city and making the ecar riders bear the whole burden of our troubles.® Funeral of Wells Set for Tuesday The funeral of John Wells, 63, Seattle freight agent of the North. ern Pacific Rallway Co., who died at his home, 385 Whesler st., Sun. day, was to bo held Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from the Bonney Watson un dertaking establishment. . Wells had been a resident of Seat. tle since 18580 and had been in the employ of the Northern Pagific Ralflway Co. during that time, He Is survived by his widow, one son and two daughters, Suffers Internal . . - Injuries in Crash Struck by an sutomobile which plunged down Necond ave, Monday afternoon and crashed inlo the sidewnlk near Main st, H. F. Mos gaard, 59, of the Interurban hotel, was taken to the city huspital suf. fering from internal injuries and we. vers brulses, The driver of the auto deserted the car after the acctient and fled uudownmdlq.mmtbow e e e e e by Radi The wonderful curative power of Radium has been known for years Howevar, tha benefits of thisx pre cious beunnii‘vm‘ subsatance have in ths past en only within the means of persons of wealth! 1 Since the invention of Degnen's Radio-Active Sglar Pad, nn}r man or woman, poor or rich, can afford this [treatment which offera so much re [lief from suffering and disease, l . Degnen's Radio-Active Holar FPad [lx worn next to the body day and ‘night. It pours u constant siream jof radlo-active energy into the sys {tem while you work, play or ll"b.! jhalfln‘ to build up weakened nerves iand tissues to a strong, healthy icondmon. It ereales wu anrmui {eireulation of Bieod, thus removing | congeation, whi i is the real cause {of most diseas: | | To prove just what this rwmnk-; (able treatment can do for you, we | will send our appliance on trial with | the understanding that we will not | eharge you a cent {f it falls td give | satisfactory results. This offsr s ;ogan to undy person who has gun iof any Kind, nerve weakness, high | blood pressure, stomach, kidney or [ liver romrln\nl‘ biadder trouble, or | diseass of the lungs or heart, | { No matter whatl your allment or {how long you have had it we will izudly et you Airy the applianes at our risk. Write today for free |u-| erature giving complete informa tion. Radium Appliance Co, 279 Bradbury Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif. ‘ —Advertisement. - % '«'ki' . G May Greatly Profit by Attending the Vacation School * of the Y.M.C. A, Men teachers, Program combines efficient study with athletics, swim ming and hikes, —Covers work of ith, 6th, 7th and Bth grades, Enrollment limited to 105 boys. ~Term opens June 185th and rung for six weeks, United Y. M. C.A. Schools Fourth and Madison Plione Main 5208 )T 7 PO TR ———" DR, EDWIN Sk BROVYN'S King DENTAL OFFKICES 106 Columbis St Seatie's 154 Lending Dentisg G«/ fer More Than 311 HNCY Xears i THE BEATTLE STAR HAVE YOU PICKED A SONG FOR KARLE TO SING AT STADIUM POP('LAN song réquests for the Theo Karle concert, to be held in the Unlversity of Washington stadium, June I§, are now coming in good numbers to The Siar office. The “votes" will not be counted until & few days before the concert. Remember that the Seattle public has been invited to assist In making out the concert pro. gram. Karle, who will be pre sented in the city's flrst open alr concert, will sing four groups of songs and one arla, The firat two groups will be of his own selection. HMe has invited Seattle to choose the latter two and the Aria, stating that he will be pleased to xing those popular songs that the musie loving pub. lie desires most to hear, Send your song requests into The SBtar ns soon as possible, Men Charged With Viola ting Prohibition Law Indicted by a federal grand jury en three counts charging violation of the prohibition laws, Clarence H Bhively and Charles 0. Clark, two former Seattls police officers, will be tried in federnl court Thursday The two defendants are sald to have made sensations! charges aguinst Willlam M. Whitney, assist. ant state director of prohibition, clalming that he was lintoxicated when he staged the rald that reauited inh the arrest of the two men at the Jackson apartiments, Thelr charges were denied by Whitney, who will be the star witness against them in fed. eral court - LAW VIOLATOR SPOKANE, Jupe 12.-'""The extent rrrn- hed by vielatlons of the prohl bitlon law Is alarming #nd has the offect of degrading all law,” sall VFederal Judge Webster in sen. tencing three confessed moonshin. ern. } “These violations must stop, and 80 far as 1 have any authority they ‘will stop. These are nol crimes un. dertaken on Impulse, bt are enter ed upon coolly, deliberately, with the intention of making the breaking of the law a Lusiness *“The intent of the law I 8 not to punish the individual offender and the punishment is not meted out in vindictive spirit, but thal others, by the example of the punishment, may e deterred from committing the same offense, The enforgement of the law can not be made a milk and honey affalr. 1 wish (o commend the attorneys in thix case who have not come into court seeking to ex cuse the Inexcusable. Nuch conduct tends 10 Lring the law into higher repute.” As an incentive for enrolling patriotic floats In the Fourth of July parade of the Ameriean Le. gion, the “Americanus” Pageant so ciety has offered SIOO In cash prizes for the best three entries depicting wome outstanding event in the his. tory of this republic, It was an nounced yesterday by Darwin Mels. nest, business manager of “Ameri. canus"” 1 Because of the patriotic theme upon which the pageant-drama “Americanus” ls founded, the execu. tive committes felt that it could. contribute to the Fourth of July celebrution In no better way than to encourage the display of floats portraying events or epochs with which the production deals, In a letter to Darwin Melgnest, Malcom P. Andruss, chairman of the parade committee of Rainier Noble Post, No. 1, American Legion, sy “It Is with a sense of deep satis. faction and gratitude that the Lo glon Fourth of July committee ac. knowledges and accepts the kind of. for of the executive committes of the ‘Americanus’ to furnish eash prizes totaling SIOO as an Incentive for the eniviing of patriotic fioats for the Fourth of July parade.' Seattle Boys Are . Graduated in South University degrees wers conferred on John A. Logan and John H, Con nell of Beattle nt the recent gradun. tion exvrcises held at Santa Clara university, according to word re. ceived here Monday. ~ Logan, who played end on the ‘Santa Clara football team, was grant. ed a degrea of Bachelor of Laws, and Connell received n Bachelor of Arts degree. Logan will continue to study law here, and Connell will enter busi. ness in Seattle, Eyeglass makers can supply glnsses to correct any one of 134,704 Idclbetn in vision. DR, WO | Nature Chinene Tesbe @ M. "rl:"\"\r:»“:,ltlnele ‘ Medlicine Co, H A R enttin, Nain ’-1'.‘..?..'"’! e i Only #38.25 Round trip from Seattle | to 1 Yellowstone gy Park 8 ‘ 1. l'l:h';:-lmn WY E L G e lll;;ml":'-‘ollrl'lnul.'\“\"v. | 1 Hundreds of Decorated Cars | s . i to Be in Park Procession | - . m—— ' ‘ The RNainler National park open: | Ing day parande next Friday after| 'mmn at 4 o'clock will be one of "\"l; .lnuunl and at the same time most | | beautitul processions of fidral deco ‘ ‘rulml automobiles ever seen in Seat | tle, nccording to Licut, Gov. W, J. fL‘nylo, grand marshal, who an | nounced plans for its formation and the line of murch Tuesday morning A detachment of mounted police will form the head of the line and | ifnlhmlng them will come cars m'(:u-, ipled by Governor Hart, Muynr] Jllmun. Chief of Police Beveryns, | members of the park board, officers | | from Camp Lewls and Fort Lawton, | the Bo.plece band from Camp Lewls, {3O cars entered by the Rainler Nas tional Park company, the Seattle fire Fdegartment, curs entered Ly more {than 25 Seattle auomobile dealers, l Wagner's band, privately owned ¢ars, floats and sight-seeing cars, | The parade will form with {ts head |at the corner of Becond ave, and | Virginia s, facing south on Second ave, and with various units forming on Lenora antl Blanchard st. 1t will move south on Hecond ave, to lew»f jart st, west on Stewart to First| ‘u\‘v-. south on First ave. to Yesler way, east on Yesler to Becond n\".‘ [ north on Becond to Btewnrt, eamt un: | Btewart to Fourth ave. and thence | | north on Fourth and disband ! | The procession will be one of flora) | beauty, flowers forming the greater [ part ¢f the decorations of all cars in INue. Two prizes ure offered, aggro. {gating $2560 in value. First will be | | three days’ stay at Paradise Inn in ! | Ralnfer Nationa! park and, second, [two dayw' stay for all membera Of‘ the parties in the winning chrs, | Rooms and all mesis will be Invlud«l, {and trips with guides to the glaciers | lur on the Sky Line Trdll each dl)‘.’ lull necessary clothing and equipment {also to be furnished. The winning ! [party may select any time during | [July or August except Baturdays or ! { the duys preceding holidays and with | ;nw further exception that 48 hours' | ‘innnce must be given. ‘ l Police asked to Investigate ‘l, “.’ | W. stickers pasted on. windows of | | Grand Trunk dock. . g i - - - | Rogers Hornsby susd for divorce | by Mre, Barah E. Horpsby in 8t | %ouis. !e & i | Boy swimmaers set fire !o-l‘mnn? Nationa] forest near Westwood, Cal. - - . Thiet steals automobils helong- Ing to C. R. Hellyer, Portland de. teotive, o K. Harold Ramage, son of 8. C, Ra. mage, formerly of Heattle, was drowned In an irrigation diteh at Fresno Sunday, according to. word reaching M? R s & M F9i A 8., L. Hogwe.yploncar merchant of Alaska, dles at Petersburg, i g ’ R. O, T. €. at University of Wash. ington wina citation from Washing ton, D, C,, officers. First English theater was begun In 15656: previoum to that plays had' been given on temporary plat. fornis erected in the courtyards of‘ llmm. i T = If in Doubt About = & Your Eyes = § Drop in and lot us relieve E = you of that doubt g Honesty Our Slogan § = Huteson-Donahey = = Oplical Co. = g 105 Pike, EIL 1010, g ST s T DT LT TR ! OF Constipation Can Be Quickly Overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE = :;IVCIR PILLS, . urely vege m;h—act sure CM!T! "‘E'E and gently on the lfvef. Re- IVE lieve bilious. 44 I p'L ness, head. : ache, dizzi geu and indigestior.. They do their uty. Small Pill-—Small Dose —Small Price a Dr. Mayfield | Ex-Military nnd fi NMallway Doetor LR o Former Lecturer at n Medlenl Clinle a 30 Yenrn' Practice Medicine Free Washinkton Bidg, ‘. " 700 First Ave, One X-Ray Free | ‘\\ /B 7 T, B A\ R - 7',‘,:*_/ NHfVmfiiN' ;» In the extraction of teoth we | | say to our patrons: I we hurt || you don’t pay-could we guy more? Set of Teath from $5.00 UpP Gold Crown and Rridges Work from $4.00 UP Boston Dental Oilices 122 Second Avenne We Stand the Test of Tims t ¢4 Yours in Gue location SRR M MDU AMERICAN HOMES BUREAL, VOR BETIER AMERIC AN Huwl.-- oy m I £\ I - ! w ¥ TEY I 4, el - : i v’ ' X }'\(» 7 | o 'l , J ’ > ’,/’ |4! ‘ %‘fl i | ‘, | { snre . i | J | | 1 \ | )) \ " ¥ = A it S 8 & “ 8 = i ."' Py oy Wiime A “BUY NOW” LIST 5w ~OF HOUSE WARES - o s ~ . [ e . D _ ] s, P many other items besides these r e at greatly reduced prices— \ y 3 - - i fl I—Colonlal glans basket. As plctured | / ~~§'. o Regular price 66 OIS s caabeecordne 48C i. * s 2~ plain samooth deslgn percolator, .l - As plctured. Bpecial, . sSO DBO s 0 e 000 D B 4 3 ~hroom Very good quality, » Hegular price 85« BDOCIRL, cooooo9oooooe e 39c d--nickel erumb tray and scraper, Regular price 66c: Bpecial.os..vivvintvees 39C - B cholee of glans or brass washboard a 8 = Hegular price §1 Special, | testsnane 79c g G-gulvanized gurbage can. 16. in, size ll!NS ’ Regular price $2.80, Bpecial,..vevvrivenes T=cotton clothes line. < : \ £ “"'“, BBN YRIND 525209 shens sadons siotais loc \‘ 8--egxg beater Family slze I \_T_‘ Tk Regular price 60¢, Bpecil. ..oovivesescne 39C { §--good, heavy, galvanized wash tub. No. 1 Pt »-‘f size. Regular price $1:~, 8péecia1........ 79C za -/? AT 10-net of § nluminum #aucepans. 1,1%- and 17 “leite 2.qt, sizes, Regular price $1.50 89 A /] Y Hpecial sosd st ssnienis esvanaPssninenes c g oey & 11-family scales, an pletured. Welgh to 25 Ibs - Regular price $3.25, ssn6v “‘. Hpecial . e I 2-—— 11 12« imported wooden rolling pin, 2 e S Regular price 450" Bpecial. . ...cocviveees 9C 81 C&mr;pxp 13—galvanized water pall, 10. qt, size, 39 gy Regular price 50c, Special. ....ovvvevenne c 12 l4~heavy 13%-quart aluminum double boller, .1 - . v Regular price $1.75. Bpeclal.cesceeciiocns : o : 15--dust pAn. Black japanned ware. As pic ",‘3l tured. Regular price 16c. 8pec1a1....... 9C 80 ;’-;\{ y 16-genuine Vacuum lunch set. As pictured. .259 o 8 DO L s v sisaianatßas e anks adveihismnss e d“ g 17—Wagner cast fry pan. As pictured. 29 P b Regular price 50c. Special......covovoues C 2 ~ " 15—white enameled bread box. Size 12x17 ins. '149 20 18 Regular price s 2—. Bpecial....ceveoevese -_— I#—enameled bird cage. As plctured. '305 ~ . Regular price ss—. Special.....ccsesses - —— e 20—glass syrup pitcher. As pictured. 29 NN RegulaY price 40c. Bpeclal, sveeevsscvonse c '; il " 21—cotton mop. As plctured. 19 | F \ Regular price 36c. Bpecial..cvesiveecosee C ;.;. -‘ ‘ { 22 —aluminum e, xactly as pletur .y | i 22 lumi ladl E ! lctured, 29 )j\ Py \l ,( Regular price §oc. Special......cooooes. C ! Sl 23-—-aluminum teaspoons. HRegular price Sc 4 2s 14 SRCh!” BDOCIAL, QAL icsitsstscesnsisesnrse C PT TS 24—anluminum hoillow handle knives. Btee] 7~ vllo&*,‘!'!b/{ . blade. Regular price $2.50. $4959 RS E Bpecin], 9ot Of MIE. .. .00600 6t dvsscssssnnne l-- fx.y“’% | B . L .o§§.§‘ o 25—white enamel sink strainer, HRegular 39 L n\\ price:-§OO. 8pecia1........i i hioosoen 000 C 7 m 28-—wood basket. As pictured. 89 ) ' Regular price $1.26. Special......ccceeee c —— 27—splint clothes basket. Medlum size. 89 ‘. 15 Regular price $1.25. Speclal. ..ciiveniees C 28—set of 3 glans utllity jars. .ch " s ‘ 102, 4-Qt. 81808 Ics 425000000 000nsnes s o ‘q X ' = 29—10-qt., round, aluminum e AT A LA S . 2 ‘1 'fi b’,b.‘ L M | Gish PAN ....oliiiiiiiisvscsossessssanses g | b | '“‘““fi 30—heavy sheet aluminum ‘l—— g~ £ s ; m RORBURY: o o aihiavon o o'okin st vhonassdopiponse s 4 e ‘o 31—12. qt. Wagner cast aluminum kettle, '398 20 b i [- == Regular price slo—. Special. .. ceccccnces - Ty U 32--sqt. cluminum tea kettle, ‘l__ S y Beamless SPOUL . .. ..t svsssssssnsssenss ' 160 33 —spring mop and bandle. 19 BDOOHL: scisnisn soinnsessnsbesadtssisssns C / 34—8x10:n. plate glass mirror, 39 . . ‘ -// Regular price sl—. Bpecial. .. oivecneses C g v / 36 I.pound, gass butter jar. 39 28 \«:‘~> ‘ Regular prios B 8 .. scosisssdsstcssnse sos c ' S N / ol / ZOAN u 17 et }‘r . .‘"‘“ "H SRR 4 i:“i:w "“""nfl i ‘ i ’ :f;":}‘.“" . . { FRRNN 23 s R ’f; FEYRE YRR —t - b i XTI N ‘.'.J / (f’(\' A‘A. C 19 18 -.“.-_“ . LIST YOUR WITH OUR FREE HOMES FOR RENT m RENTAL DEPARTMENY | —gisit ewr ’ complete /rd‘\ MARK . |z¢-t --s A e TID medern N FAGRER K . \ ] \ et f : bungalow. ~esTABLISHES p ) Je6d~ () P 22aTILE L Aot nlony, TACOMA SO AT 3 ; Deputy Discharged After Auto Crash IDxputy Sheriff Asa lLee was dis charged from the empicy of the county by Sheriff Muatt Starwich Monday following ‘an investigation of the joyride which ended when Joseph C. Tennie, cigar dealer of abuwhofiubyAme.mdn«" by MBRIT, drop the more heavily the higher they go. BUSINESS TRAINING Bawnu;fi?fiq. May we help you? - WIL/SONS RO PN RURP o e ; e 7 g 3 . 2 § o T “. e Js b ’ ; J K @,a " et . R v k. o G Wl L 2 N Rl o ‘-.'.,7 R it 5 e |LG AT X DR, JOMN H, PUGH GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Our examinntion is 'as perfect ns skill, scientific Instruments and yeurs of experience coan devine. Glasses $5:00 Complete FREE EXAMINATION GLOBE OPTICAL CO. 1514 Westluke Ave, Noar V'onrth and Ulke 2344 Minor ave, and I»e were in jured and the car wrecked. Peter!| Dahl, driver of the car, was re-| leased from the county jall Monday under SSOO bonds. He l= charged |’ with reckless driving. 1 heg S 0 ’ m 0 ’ (l N 'hv g ! / ] R g A So— -5 'J: N Was the most divect trans- X continental route swhen it ,_% was blased ~—and IS NOW < But it's easier to "negotiate® now than then, and the REDUCED round trip ), », SUMMER EXCURSION ) FARES N 4 In Effect Daily to September 15 . over the ‘,/ i\\ e U'N'ION PACIFIC SYSTEM | et will make it very attractive. Study this table. T A= Danver ......8 8000 Duffalo ......$120.62 Si) Omaha ....... 7200 Pittsburgh ... 119,76 e Kansas City.. 7200 Washington .. 14156 8 St. Louis ..... SLB3O Philadelphia . 14492 .:J “\ ChicßßO «....v NBOO New York.... 14740 N, / Detroit ......, 105,62 Boston ...... 153,80 P \ Cineinnati ... 106.30 Atlanta ...... 117.58 (N . Toronto ..... 113,78 Montreal ..... 13278 LK h corresponding fares to other i nt cent y @ ‘ mll ramn?lmfllog:bn? Sllt.j' l‘l‘.f!;.:r':l ucwo?:r 2 R privileges going and returning. Ay SREE ] ’ A side ‘ri%to Yellowstone at small additional 79, TV cost will eiford the experience of a lite time. NS TL w'ORA = Call us by phone and let us make all your arrangements. I ) ) V'l ‘fl N 1t costs no reore and willsave you lots of worry. T w ‘) H. A. LAWRENCE, | W.H. OLIN, A, G. I o - G. A, PD, 1403 i&I A, Oregon- Nk g Fourth Ave, Near Washington Stas- Then! Unlon. tion. Telephone Main 6833 i " uuufi‘-‘fi.\ ¢ i s ; " : Now! "’\w‘“‘*’ 000 ' " § : I i 3 .1 LA S RS "‘ i: i ;A:i.i' ; Ui g 5 Pvl T ;_, L 4 B o siiiabiaaaii . . 7 “"’0 | . : % Y o fi o ) Ve TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1923 Deer are doing much damage in New Zealand; there are estimated to be 300,000, all of which came from 111 imported between 1861 and 1909, )