Newspaper Page Text
14 * BUSINESS —Finance, Produce, Agriculture, Shipping, Real Estate, Building -. American Machines Honk in a Hundred Languages " The American automobile “honks" | " in every language of the world and| _ Ido.l business in every climate, It "’ sounds its warning in over a hundred ] different countries, colonies and s " lands, and renders service from loe - Jand at the Far North to the equator © and thence to the most extreme southern line of human habitation Flgures compiled for the Trads Record of the National City Bank of . New York show that the number of .~ passenger machines exported from " the United States in the last decade . was 562,000, and of commercial ma . chines, including motor trucks and ~ buses, 135,000 | - DECADE'S EXPORT WORTH | HALF BILLION DOLLARS 4 The value of the passenger ma " chines exported in the last decade Is $534,000,000, and of commercial ma " chines $288,000,000. If we should Pearry the record back to a dozen " years and include motorcycles, which S are In fact “automobiles,” the total ‘number of machines exported, in cluding those sent to our own colo niles, would reach a million, and the = Yalue a round billion dollars : Even this total of approgmately | a billion dolizrs of automobiles of all | 55 types exported in the Jast dosen | I years does not fully tell the story, & for the value of “parts of’ machines Toxponed for repair purposes aggre i gates In that period about $350,000, . 000; the value of automobile tires ex. " ported in that period was §150,000,. f._}'};}m. and the engines about 830.000.-’ E 900. | ~ TRADE SHOWS GAIN ' - OVER LAST YEAR ' 5 These figures showing the enot " mous exportation of motor vehicles allll" especially interesting at this mo " ment when the latest trade figures | | show tremendous Increases over the “ corresponding period of last year, ur[ | passenger machines alone, the total | g‘ exports in the nine months endoing | * with March, 1923, are, according to| §§m reports of the government, | £ 82454 against 23,694 in the same i period of last year, and of motor i« trucks and Dbuses 11,338 against f 4,226 in the same months of 1921, | i One especially interesting feature | © of the big Increase in exports during | " the current fiscal year occurs in the | © fact thag the large increases are | . chiefly ™ movements to European | é; countries and their colonies. l S - ] ) . - | Financial Flashes | | From James Macfarlane & Co. | e 811 Second Ave. | Twenty industrial stocks averaged © 79.22, an advance of .12; 20 railroad | | stocks average $3.51, a decline of A 1 . Fisher Body year ended April 30 ~ last earned $33.98 a share on com " mion versus $11.85 preceding year. " Sharp advance in London market | caused an Increased buying of cop " per and resulted in sales at 15 and , - cents per pound delivered. | " Weakness in Mid-Continent raso . line market first became apparent a} _few days ago, and |s becoming more " Widespread, acyding to Oil City "j;; jck. New navy gas is reported .@8 available in large quantities n‘ % to 12 cents a gallon from both ' vefiners and marketers. | ~ More cars were loaded with au __';f',;; on New York Central ~ lines during May than in any - other month on record, A special court in St. Paul ap % proved, after nine years of litigation, i "”; the merger of S. P. and Central Pa. | gific rallroads. It held the trans. % lation act is binding, instead of . the Sherman law. . Stock of New York Central, ac " eording to the New Ybrk Herald, ‘1?,6 ! be placed on a 7 per cent basls at * & meeting of the board of directors fi;fi , the step being influenced by ~ impro edkarnmgs by the road and i 8 desire on the part of the manage . ment to provide Incentive for the ‘ ponversion into stock of the $100,000,- & 0 ‘convertible 6 per cent debenture - Woolworth for the first five ~ months this year shows large in ~ trease in earnings compared ~ with 1922, according to reports. ' No news accompanied advance in " General Electric and Westinghouse, ~ tho both companies are supposed to .be heavily booked with forward busi ess ' Anaconda Copper s reported to " have made an offer of 70 for ali out ¢ standing bonds of the National Con ~ duit & Cable Co. | New Issues ‘l g N ’ . 8. W. Straus & Co. have purchased ,;{fan issue of $900,000 first mortgage . 6% per cent serial coupon bonds se ';{ by the new 10. story Palmetto . apartments, to be erected at the - southwest corner of John R. st. and &neock ave., Detroit, Mich, The ' bonds, which mature In 214 to 17 . years, constitute a direct closed first ;mortme on the land, building, fur. * nishings, and equipment, and are the . direct obligation of the Palmetto gxnlldlng Corporation. Interest con. I pons are payable June 1 and Decem. B ber 1, o . Meetings ] The Seattle Real Estate. agsocla. 4‘ wll! meet in the Hotel Butler - banquet room Thursday at 12:15 ~p. m, Former President Woody will ~‘be the honor guest, and R. G, Greene “will be chairman of the day, e -’.{ 2 ; Y ?.(r‘ b - RE SCRIP ~ In financial circles, “scrip” 1s a . temporary paper or certificate to be _exchanged later for money or a per. ~ manent certificate, or whatever the . &crip entitles the holder to receive, The term is used in other lines to . cover temporary certificates Igsued 1o be exchanged for specified {tems at @ later date, the best known he. 1, J '_garhnpn. the “land serip,” issued by the government to be exchanged : ’“nnrnment land, , New York Stock Market R EEEIEEEENTENIIIITTITITTENNERRRRRRRRRRARRRRRRRRRRARNRORGRRTTTT WALL STREET JOURNAL FINANCIAL REVIEW NEW YORK. June 138.—With New York Central railroad dividend meat- Ing scneduled for this morning, the speculative Interest centered in this stock at the opening of the New York stock market today On the initial transactions, 2,000 shares changed hands at 101, an ad vanee of a full xolnt over the previous close. Other ralls were steady and chanses in the industrial st were confined to a fractional area, l)penlnfi prices included: United States Steel, 85, ur l', American Can, h“.‘. ur +: General Electrie, 180%, off 14: California Petroleum, mt‘. up 'y: Pan-American B, 67, off \'\; American ’l‘oloyhmu & T-le‘ 134; Studebaker, 110, off \t Southern Rallway, 36%, of b: Sinclair, 268 Gen~ eral Motors, 4% Ba dwin, 129%: United States Ru r 493, up % Cos don, 144, off %, : ¥ TN LR YSy I SVCL A - e S - * » 1 CHICAGO, June' 12.—Grain prices were genorvally lower at the close of | the Chicago board of trade today, ! The weak undertone in wheat con- | tinued thruout the session, induced by the absolute lack of forelgn de mand and absence of speculative buying The damage Lo cropa, t.ho resulis of {loods in Kansas and Ne braska. will be heavy, advices sald while Minnesota reported peed of alns lin scattered sections Corn weakened with lack of de mand and shading of premiums | Carh prices were lower and crop news was favorable Feeder In- l < jes were absent and country ele- | vators reported a sufficient supply | wi hand to meet trade requirements. | tats showed conslderable weak- | noss Cash demand was slow and | crop news was favorable except | from the flood-stricken Southwest, | I'rovisions were higher { -.- ! * | Chicago Board of Trade Tuesday's Quotations { Wheat Open Migh lLow Clm' Fuly SLIL LI SLOBT fLIO% | Sept LOSK LOON 108% 1004 I Lith LUIN LIO% LN 5 m July £l% "ny LY -‘"\} Nept % 11N h ..('.I D« c 61 §Th gy %) Oats 1 JUIY . o oiss % A% N N Bept A 8 s ATN Ay | D . PN % % Y | Lard- i July 10,27 11.45 1137 11.43 ‘ Sept. .. 11.53 1168 1093 1168 Hibs ] July AR ey e e ] 8ept...... 935 537 .30 pa | -. . : Liverpool Grain s Tuesday's Quotations ! Wheat— Open High Low Ctoooi July, faNd 98 4 S TRd MaTha! Oet... Palid SeßNd Pebiid P sidl @i P . ! Chicago Car Lots | Tuesday's Quotations | Furnished by Logun & Hryan { 810 Second Ave., Seattle i Graln—- Rects. Cont. Estd. LL.Yr. | Whest : se- 28 14 " 16 Corn Ssnsesve 348 135 AR 44 OBLB.ivenessas 104 148 154 162 BRIOE Vs dne o nhens 1 ih 1 & Barley . .cc.oooo 10 .t i 421 -.- i Cash Wheat i CHICAGO, June 12.—~Wheat, No. 2| hard, $1.13. .- s . ! Foreign Exchange | NEW YORK, June x:.—-l-'onun| exchanged closed ateady. Sterling, $481%;: franes, so.ouoa; lire, | $0.0463 15, off e/ marks, #1915 1o the dollar, off 7,107, ! j e | ‘ . ‘ Portland Grain ' Tuesday's Quotations i Wheat--Soft white, 91.10; Western white, $1.10; Hard Winter, $1.05; Northern Spring, $1.05; Weastern Red, $.105. ‘-- - f E Portland Produce , Tuesday's Quotations ! [n-uu—wq {4c. | Egge-—244 26c. j'leenv——”?llc. Heas-13@ 1% ‘ g 8 ® . San Francisco Produce Tuesday’'s Quotations l.‘ls(:b-fix(tu, 48¢; primae firsts, Egxs—-Extran, 30c¢; extra flntz 2%¢; extra &ullcu. 27¢c; undersized pul lets, 20¢. Cheese—California flats, fancy, 27c. . o N. Y. Sugar and Coffee | Tuesday's Quotations !.finr-—wuker. Raw, $7.66: re ned, dull; glnullled. f’.?.’)%‘lfl). Coffee—No. 7 Rio, spot, 11%¢c; No. 4 Santos, 1434 @ 15c. - - - . .. Fo:::zn Securities | Furnished ;‘ & Dryan 810 Becond Ave., Seattle Bid Asked Russian 6155, 1921,..... 11 13 Russian si3s, 1926...... 113 12% Russian 6s, 1919,,......, 12 1314 French s, 1931......... 48 485 Fretich 45, 1917, ... c. 0.. 39 391 French is, 1920......... 47 i 5 British ss, 1027...,..... 98% 100%% British bs, 1920.,....... 98Y; 10015 British Viet. 45......... 8615 884 British Ref, 48......... 85% 874 Belgium Restor. b 5..... 47 183, Belgium Premium ..... 5034 52 Japanese 48 ........... 81i5 8114 Japancse lirst 4digs., .. '."J‘," 931 y Japanese Second “'3" o 9235 928 United Kingdom, 1929..113% 114 United Kingdom, 1937, .103% 104 Italian Con, §5......... 41 1% ;- - - Il BANK CLEARINGS e | Seattle | | | Clearings .... .....$6,849,622.04 | Balances ..... ..... 1,129,578.19 } Portland ! Clearings .... ..... 5,735,612.47 | : | Balances ..... ..... §560,000.16 | i Tacoma | | Total transactions.. 3,353,000.00 | I “.' R = Y '_""'-““""’w"“““‘“"'x I . . . Seattle Stock Market ' Furnished by H. M, Herrin & Co, ! 117 Cherry St, Pank Btocks- Bld Asked ! Amerfcan Savings Bank...s 76.00 § $5.00 [ Bank of Californin........ 210.00 211.00 | Canadian Bank of Com... 100.00 200,00 | Dexter Horton National... 220.00 %%6 00 ‘p',.-x National....oovioue. 300,00 210.00 Marine Nati0ma1,......... 115.00 122.00 Metropolltan. . ...oo.ovvves 330,00 240.00 | Xational Bank of C0m,... 31500 317.50 Nattonal Clty. ..ovvvvvvns 170,00 180,00 Seabonrd Nat10na1,....... 16500 170:00 Beattle Nati0na1.......... 27600 ~ ... Beattle Title Tru5t........ 110.00 115.00 {Unlon Nat10na1........... 140,00 146.00 ‘ Industrinl Blooks— ¢ ALDOTs, COM. s vivvivaienes 45,00 50.00 | o pldioiciiiiiiiiing 8260 $7.00 L Aero Alarm, €0m........." 1.60 2,00 Alaskn Steamship......... 89,00 93.00 Carnatlon Milk Prod., pfd, 101.00 102,00 Canterminl MUL .......... 100,00 116,00 i Pederal Telegeaph .. ...... 4,50 b.OO | Fisher Plouring Mills. ... 95.00 97.60 Ceneral Petroloum, eom.,. 24,26 34 60 Globe Graln & Milling, com 65,00 58,00 do pld ..iiiiiiiiiiiiie 9600 Bid Goodyenr I'lre & Rubber (Cal) pfd...... 8760 88.50 Hawalian 8ugar........... 8360 34 60 Honalulu Plantation,...... 49.00 &0,60 char M LMY 00, 9300 95.00 New World Life.......... 1150 13.00 Northern Life, ....ooiivui. 146,00 165,00 Oahu BURAr. .....oovveuiee 3700 RBig Owl Drug, pfd............ 102,60 103.00 Pac. Alaska Navigation,.. 77,00 5500 I]"-rlllc Car & Foundry.... 96.00 100,00 pacific Const Blscult. .. ... 110,00 129,00 lr-cmn Gan & Blaotrie, pfd §9.25 g 9.60 G Pac, Tol & Tel, vfd. ..., 04,00 450 | Pionoer Mills (sugar)..... 27,60 24,50 | Puget Bd. Power, 6% pfd.. 80.00 8300 [ Tteld Bros, eom. .v.oiiane D6OO 9300 dO PR vviseviiiineanvis 90,00 04,00 | Bperry Flour, ¢OM....cevu 44, 70,00 ! do Prd. iovviiiiiiiannis 93,60 100.00 || Buperior Portland Cement. 112,60 117,00 "Todd Bhipyards. ......00.0 52,00 64.00 n".fblflh. COMsvivnsvnuns .'a” 95,00 N. Y. Stock Market Vurnished :..!nu & NBryan | 810 Necwnd Ave, Seattle Stock— High Low Closs Amul-‘u Tobaceo,, . J4T% 84 14dY Advancd Rumely.. ... 13% 13 13 AJax Rubber. ........ 0% MmN Alnska Juneau. . ...v 1% 1% 1 Allls Chalmers, ... ~, 2% ily 41% Amor, Agr., Chom. ... ITk 1% 1 Amer. Beet Bugar. ... 37 1 MYy Amer, Nosch Mag,... 9% K % American Can.,.....100% #il 4 Amer, Car & My, .. ATI% 171 leely Amer. M. & Lahr, prd dbly 46 4 American loe. ... ....103 11 3 Amer, Intl, Corgan. ... 3% 3% Y% Amer, locomotive. . . 142 140 oy Amer, Ship & Com. ~ 12% 1y 12% American Radiator. ~83 MH% M Amer, Smelting. ~ ... 3% 1% aoy 00 PO s obuncinnrs TR - N M Amer. Bleel Fudries, . 318% 348 Amer, 8ugar......... 3% Ti% NU% Amer, Bumatera. ..... 30% Wy B Amer, Tel, & Tel.., . 10% 104 y IMN Amer. W001en,....... 31l ey % Anaconda Copper. ..., 48 4% 4% Assoclated Dry Gooda, 51% 9 N Associated OM. ... ... 114% 114% 112 Atchison .. ceeraa 03N JOIN 10ANY At Guit & W, 1....,. I¥ 1N 17N Allled Chemilenl,. ...., TBO4 6 0w Amer, Bafety Rasor.. 6% oty e Atl. Coast 1ime...... 121% 11% 1 Austin Nich01e....... 33% 21% 22 Beechnut, cvvvinvives 87 o 66l Baldwin Locemotive 132 138 10N Baltimore & Ohlo., .. 2% s sl Bethlehom Hteel B. ~1% (18 % Butte Copper & Zine. I'% h ™ Butte & Superier...., 3% BH 4u Callfornia Packing. .. 31y sy N California Potroleum 1114 1078 107% Canadian Pacific, ... . 100% 1025 181% Central Leather,...., 2§ WY N Cerrod ¢ Pasco. ...... 1% 9% 2% Chandler Motors. ..., 61 M Y% Chesapeake & Ohlo. ~ SSO 54% ©l% COhl Gt Western pfd. 14 13% 1N C, Mam F....... 2% 3% 22 G 0 PEA . cocoeveenns 40 81% BIY Chi. Northwestern, ... S % SO4 M Chile Copper. ........ 3% 2 "% Chino C0ppet........ 31% 234 23§ Cocn Cola....oovvvuvs 2N My 0% Caddo Ol .. v vvivvsnie 3% % N Callaban Zine & Lead 7 % N colo.'ml.: 1Y:1.....::“ ::: ::: Colorade Southern, . Oug:hud Ga 5..... 1% 61§ €% Continental Can...... 4§ 4 “y Consolidated Textlle., 8% " % Comn Pr0duet5.......180% 131 y 151 N 000 >iv 02 sesnrinse T Ml UM Crucible 8tee1........ T 3% 1% TN Cuba Cane Bugar..... I'% 114 1% B 0 Plßccccocssssnin 40% 48 " Cuban Amer, Bugar... 30% 8% 0% Dupont .ovovicrese iy 134 123% Division Chemical. .., 33 BN N Dome Mines. ...... LR TO NH Del. & Hudson .., ....113% 113 132 Endicott Johnson. ... TO% €% 9% Brio:cccccasssnsvsans 33N 129 125 Q 0 19t POA. cuanieres 31 1% 194 do Ind pfd. ccovveil 0% 18% LN Elk Horn Coal. ...... I%y 8% s Famous Players. ... ... ¥¥ My MWy Foderal Smelting pfd. 40'% N N CoIdWYR. covecionease B% . s General (.Hun.......n“ LIY i General ectric.....100% 1804 1% General Motors, ...... 16 ¢ MY % Goodrich Rubber..... 30 ny Gt Nor, Ore, etfs.... ¥ " nn Great Northern pfd. ~ 74 TINO Gulf Btates Steel. .. .. MY 311% MY Granby Consolidated. 24% :c& b 4 ) \ General Asphalt...... 31 D L] Guantanano Sugar. .. 7% % ™ General Tank......., 68% 53% % Houston Ol ......... €3 i a 4 Hudson Motors, ..., 35% 3% % Hupp Motors. ........ 32 % 1 liinols Central...... . 112% 111% 111 1n5pirati0n.,......... 33% 31% 31§ Intl, Harvester....... 19y TR Y Bl POPOr.c.socsvves §8 4% 4 Inth Nickel. . .oooov. 1% M UN Hinvingible 0f)........ 11% 13 13 Jewell Ted.......... 19§ 1% IS K. C. Houthern...... 23§ 21% 1Y Kely Springtield. ..... 12% 413 4% Kennecott, ........oo 0% 30y MY Keystone Tire. ....... &% ' % Lae Tire & Rubber... 25% 234 N Lahigh Va11ey....... 4% 1% @ly Loulaville & Nastiville 93 iy M Loew Theatars....... 178 6% 164 Lima locomotive..., 66l &% ltk Mack Truck, «........ 9% 71§ ™ Maxwell Motors A. ... 475, 4% Gy 0 B.icivesesninss 15% 15§ 10N May Depart. Storea. .. 8%, 8% iy Moxlcan Seaboard Ol 18 1718 GO elfm. ....ovuvnees 100 G 18N 18N Midvale Shell & Ord, 2, N 28N Missouri Pacific. ..... 15% M% 14y GO Pld vosoconvives §1 N Yy Montgomery Ward... 23 N 3 Natlonal Lead.....,.122 121% 1%0% New Haven.......... 18% 1% 11% N. Y. C0ntra1!.......108% 100 10 Nevada Consolidated, 137 13% 114 Northern Pacific. ... T¢%§ 73 Ty North American..... 21 0% 0% Otls 8tee1........... 3% 9 s Owen 80tt1ing....... ¢4l 44 as Pan Amer Petroleum T 4% 734§ 71% 0B 1. vvisviceics 898 87 1% Plerce Arr0w,....... 9% "% "y Pleres 011, . .ovvevid® 3% 2 i Pacific Ofl. . .o.ovvuus 388 35% 35N Producers Refiners... 40% 49 i Republic Tron & Steel 15 40% 454 Replogle Bteel . ....... 18% IBy 1% Sears-Roebuck....... 77% 1% TBy Binclalr Consolidated. IBy 24 % Houthern Pacific..... 92 Y oy Southern Rellway.... 3T% 8% 6% G 0 P& «vs Susarens 49% 4T 4T3 Btewart Warner...... 827 80% 90 Stromberg Carburetor 71'% . 70 60 Studebaker C0rp.....111% 109% 1103 Htanlard Ol Cal, ..., 83% bly 83% Texas Company ... ... 4% My o« Timken Bearings.... 38% 7% = Unlon Pacific........ 187% 136 1236 U. B. Rubber........ BOY% 49 i U, 8 8me1ting....... 29 " MYy U. K. Bteel C0rp...... 96'%, 884% 04 dopfde..ovovvvies 118%° 114 115 Utah C0pper......... 8% 641 64% Vanadium Steel. ..., .13 Y ny Westinghouse E1e0... 6577 683% 6l Woolworth .... ol 243 m 31 . . - i Foreign Money Status Tuoesday's Quotations | Farmshed by Logan & Bryan 810 Second Ave., Benttle Normal value Presont value $4.866.....8ter1ing ......... .!4‘.1,1 14 SI.OO ~...Canadian ..... 075 etn, 19,30 cts. . French franc.. 643 cta, 19.30 etu. . Belglan franc. b. 54 cts. 19,30 cts, . SBwian franc.., 1798 cts, 19.30 cts..ltalian 11ra.... 1,66 cta, 23,82 ctu, . German mark. 00012 ct, 26.80 cta, .Swedish krona., 26:59 ota. 26.80 cts. .Norway krone. 16.68 cta. 26.80 cts. . Danish krone.. 17.50 ctx, 16.00 ¢ts. . Greek drachma. 3,00 cta, . . - . Liberty Bonds Tuesdny's Quotations Furnished by Logan & Hryan 810 Second Ave., Seattle Borlop— High Low Close First 3%s ....101,03 101.02 101.01 WIXEL 48" v ocv 08.08 Becond 48 .... .... 4o 98.07 I*lrst A4B ..., 9817 98,12 ORI2 Hecond 4%4n ... 08,14 08.10 08.11 Third 4%s ... 98,25 D 8.20 98.21 Fourth 4%s .. 9817 98121 9813 New 4%n .... 90.27 90.26 99.26 . . City Lots to Be . Sold at Auction Giving another ilndication of the renewed activity in Seattle real es. tate, 107 view lots in the Jefferson Park district, adjoining the wolf links, will bé put on the market Saturday. The tract has been held by u non-resident owner, The lots will be sold at nuetion, one at a time, to the highest bidder, by J. E. Barnett, ductioneer, This method of closing out entire tracty s novel to Heattle, hut haws long heen A popular selling method in and around New York city, THE SEATTLE STAR : ’ How High's Sugar? (From The Financlal Review) The merry press agents are busy trying to show that sugar, relatively, is not high at current wholesale prices of 9% cents. The following Is a table of pverage commodities with current prices as compared with those of a year ngo! Current Yr, Ago Inec % Wheat.....cse 30,43 SLD 10 RIDEE 55 s 04N hOO Mwy LTI 8 PIOUr s sonnns 675 e 18, ¢ 5uger........ A 9% .058 741 KRN avisisas 2530 12.00 10 L 7 sauss o AROB 11.00 18 Cotton. 0v...0 27.38 20.7% na Printclothe .. Uil 4% U 1 POR. s ccviess 8850 2450 264 Bwel vovoiee 4600 $5.00 ne *Decreass. VEGETABLES Prices Pald Wholesale Dealers (The prices given are those made to retall dealers by wholesalors, With a few ‘.-n-mul exceptions, prices to producers 'um be flgured by deducting the cost of [ transportation to Neatlle and approxi mintely 16% for haullng, storage and sell- Ing vost. ) Artichokes—Cal., per d0x.... 758 135 BEDBIREIR i) i sasvasiaiess s DY 51 Beoans-Cal, por . ....cionees 400 18 Looal, new, sack SRR A 3.50 Beets-Cal, dox. bunches ..... A 0 Local, new, per sack ........ 2000000 Cabbage—Cal, por th, ..... 04% 0 080% Currols—Local, dos, ~..vvv..0 HOO 00 Naw, sack ..., carrese 2750000 Cuunliflfower—Por crate . ....... 100 Cucumbers Local hothouse .. .1 000200 DI PIR W." (cisiescinsvens 10 Lettuce —Local, per orate ... ... 2750000 Onlons-Cal. brown L 000060 Loeal green, per dox e Parsley - Loc, dos. Irg. bunches 28 Parsaips. Per pack shses 50 s 5003 TE Peppers—Mex ~ por 1b........ 149 .20 Greoen Peas-Per IV, ..oivvvies 00 A 0 Potuloes Cold storage, fancy .......20 0003500 Common, cold storage . 16.00000.00 Neow, per I, e NN LT BN Sweol Polatoes. La., hamper. ~ 1.1 Radishes Local, dor, bunches, . A 0 Rhubarb—Local, per 1b,..... .02@ .08 Rutabagns - Fer sack .........0.000L028 Spinach—Local, new, crate . ... 1.50 TODRE PBIO o iihsots vakavias 115 Tomnloos - Mex , lug, repack .. 250450 Turnips—Dox. bunches ........ A 0 FRUITS & Prices Fald Whelesals Dealers V.uo- NOWLODE . ocvovivnenne 113 Winesaps, extra fancy ....... 27500078 m«o-mhn ate L.l LTEQLIE —Per ™., . ciranne 20% 9 11 Cantaloupes--Standard ~...... 0259550 Cherrlen—Ning, b, ....000000 110 30 TOIArIAR. . . covvinsnesionsee: 380 30 ROYE! ABDS.cvovrsonersnasnee 30 Pie cherrie® . ...covvennvres 350 A 8 Coeoanule~Por Aol ..covcisuvs 1.58 Dates--Dromedary, 1t .pky. box. s Figs-Dried Cal, 160 4-0 n phas, i Goosebersios ler 1y R 0 B Grape Frult--Florida, box ..... 0609750 Cal. ... R sernen e+ .3504.00 Haney~Comb, per case ........ 435004078 Stratned, ™ saressssanes 330 13% Lomons ot DOk .. .coiiveee 8150T.00 [Oranges—Por Box ~....00000, 0000550 | Plaespple—Per cuve . .00 ... 1.40 | Strawberries—Clark Seediings. . / 173 i Van Diemens ~...... 1000195 Marshalls . ..... e L 8 @OB TangerinesHiandard box . ....5.5008138 NUTS Frices Pald Wholesale Dealers Sack Lots . Almondsl X. L, per ™, ..... g 8 Peanots—Va, per B, .....cuoe Je Poenns—Por M. oovviivivernane 210 42 Mized Nuto—Per B, ..c.ocvves 10 Walnuts—-Cal, No, 1, per ..., a 1 Jumbo budded, per b, ...... a 4 Fancy budded, per ™, ....... g 8 DAIRY PRODUCTS FPrices Fald to Shippers Butterfato . A grade, Seattls delivery . ... As Egus—¥reals ranch, white shell, 23 FERROE RO 6% o 2 avibe viens e J 3 PR S e e ean el A% Milk—Cwt., f.o.b. Heattie supply. 150 F.O D condensary ......... 20 DAIRY PRODUCTS Prices 1o NRetall Dealors Buller—Local creamery, cubes, Rit ! Local prints, wrapped ... .... As | Egge—Fresh ranch, white shell, , 2% P:l‘l::‘ OO s ocissiinsanense A 7 sebernvasivanssnnnnneres 520 23 Cheeso ’ OF - Uripletl oo ioicivissavena L Wisconsin cream briek ...... 40 Block BWiiS ivovio.ciibiinese A 0 Wash, tHDMLE i..cciienierse J Tllamook triplets, old ...... .240 .30 POULTRY AND MEATS Prices Pald by Wholesale Deulors to Shippers tntflkn—uchomo.’r: ..o/ 300 21 ' Rocks and Reds, 10, ..000000s 23 Capons Live, fat, per b, ..... a 2 PRney, . D cisdrnisnisevasn a 8 Mens—i ' Ibe. and Up. ......... 21 Medium, live, 34 to 4% Jbe. . .18 Live, light, 5 to 3% Tm...... a 4 l’:.ucy dry picked 3 conts abown e, Geeso—Live, 122, 9to 13 Iha. ~ a 8 llrxu Heres—4¢ e and up.. a 2 Fancy 4. p., 815 Iy, ~ 390 TAvB, IRt PO ID.civeivniens 233 Roosters—Old, live, por b, .. ... A 9 Hogs— = OBolod BBt oo iiiiiiiviees; A 0 Choloe MeAYY ...ovovvivenae NBO 09 Yeal— Paney; MBS .ii iesiviorolane A 3 Fancy, heavy, 160300 Iba. . 100 .11 Modium, heavy, 150200 Iba, 04@Q .09 Medium, hoavy, 150200 ha. .. 079 .09 POULTRY AND MEATS i Prices Pald Wholesale Dealers | Dueks~Dressed, por 1, ....... a 1 Hena—Dressod, heavy, 209 .21 Drassed, NEBL. ... .vivvvue 250 .28 Live, hoayy, IDisiserssivie 48 s lAve, LB M o 5 iviistsnss s 24 Brollers—l923, per Ihooiiviees. A 5 Geese—Drossed, por b, .. ..., .30 Tarkeys—Fancy, dressed . ..... 400 .42 Lhve fURCY, I, viiivesvsnvse a 2 Beiglan Hures—-Live, per b, ~ A 1 Dressed, per Ib. ............ 200 21 Cown—Country, dressed, Ib. .. .06@ .08 Hogs—Fancy, bloek ~........ J2¢.11% Veal-—-Fancy, Hght .........4.. .u: AT I Heavy, COAT®O ~ .civvvenves 090 .12 Medlum, dressed . ........... 110 .13 LIVE STOCK Quotations at Stockyards Cattle— Primé 5teer5.......00i.000 7508 800 ‘ Medhim to good. ... . ..., 7.000 7.50 Priwvio cows and helfers. ... 6.00@ 6.50 ' Calves ..vvvicsvinivierinn. 0,600 ',OOI [ Bulls .oiseirnnpirivivives 2,260 4.00 i Hoge— ‘ Prime..cioovvissvnvecness 7.8650 5.00 I Hmooth HeaYY......civvve. 6,009 7.00 PINR. ..o cvoviivinenhonasers 8,760 1.7:.[ ! Sheep— \ ] | Prime Inmbs. ooouiiiia, 106061100 i Common to ch01eé0...,...., 7.00010.60 | YOArllngs, .o cvivnivivivies 7000 8.25 Wethers ... i ciiiiverees 6,000 800 ‘ Ewes VWi ivanwndsiriiass 3,000 600 FLOUR AND SUGAR Wholesale Prices Flour—Family patents....... 7.60% 7.50 Sugar—Cane, per ewt.,, .. ~., 10,80 | Boeet, per eWleioiiviisoviean 10.40 HAY, GRAIN AND FEED ] Timothy—=Flrst- grade. .. ... 18006 21,00 Timothy Hay—D, G......,... 10000 ::.‘oo‘ Alfalin Huy—irst grado. .. .. 17000 10,00 BUPAW . coivviidiirie i« 11.00012.00 Corn=Whole, yellow, 120', .., ....,. 49,00 Cracked and foed menl, 100'5...,.61,00 Barley—Wholoe feed, 1008, ~....,,.41,00 Holled and ground, So°'%-100's, ..., .61.00 Onts—Whole feed, 100°8. ... ....,....47,00 Rolled and ground, 70's-80', ..., 40.00 Whent—Reclonned foed, 125'a,....,,60,00 AllGrnin Chop==Bo'B .., o 0 40,00 PChlek Feed 1000 o 0 oiiiiviue i, 66,00 Chick 18, M. Mashloo's .00 ~ 67.00 ltmmlng Foed—-100'8 .« ivviriiesseny 88,00 Growing Mash- 100 . oooue i, 02,00 B Mash—<loo'B . .. oovivviwiiisid 04,00 serateh Feed <IOOB o .oiiiinvnii, 04,00 Coconnnt Menl—<loo'o ... oouuuesu,,, 04,00 tottonseed Meal<loo'% .\, vuuy. ~ 00,00 Linseed O Meal—-100'0 ~ ..., 07,00 Soy Bean Meal=<loo'o, . oouviivis. ~ 66,00 AVI Mendoeoo'B .(i iv v vinnis, 82,00 Bone Meal-<loo'm . .ocvvvnivivnin,. . b 7.00 Bone—~Granulntod, 100'8 o iouuiueus, Vo [ ChnrconlHardwood, 60's . ..., .., .07 o? |l’lah Menl<loo'B ... v iveiviiivein, R 7.00 | LGeit—Limextone, 1008 ~ .o iviyiai 18,00 ] Granite, 100°8 .o vviiiiinoranes 80,00 Ment Sermps Daatorn, 100's ... ..., 104,00 l Dalry: Pile manure over 60 fect l from where cows nre milleed und over ‘ 100 feel from the milk house, This 18 o state luw, “How’s Crops?’’ Is Big Question This Season Farmers Have Chance to Get on Firm Foundation BY GEORGE BRITT DES MOINES, la, June 13-~ When you overhear the rustic In quiry of “How's cropa?” you want to perk up and take notice of the an pwer, It's a far more vital question In the United States this present grow: ing season than almost ever before, For 1023 is the farmers' year of fate, No less an authority than 0. E. Bradfute, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, is back of that statement, | PIN HOPES ON PRESENT YEAR “The outlook so far is good, but If it doesn't pan out, it's all up with thousands of farmers” says Brad fute, ““They can't run along on paper uny farther, The level of agricul tural depression has lifted since late 1920, “The farmer can see daylight now. His accounts are not so deeply in the red Ink figuren as they were (wo years ago. But the time is simost here when he must be paying off his mortgages. The banks have got to be cared for, “Unless this turns out to be a good crop year, 1 am afrald we shall aee foreclosures snapping all around us."” RENEWED OPTIMISM IS MATERIAL HELP The farmer this year has n falrer fighting chance 10 overcoms his handicaps than any time recently, Bradfute points out, His greatest gain, perhaps, has been in the In. tangible quality of renewed optimism, He 15 cheerful again and believes he can pull out of the slump. On top of that he has the machin ery of the newlyamended federal warehouse act to help in marketing. He ean hold his crops to adxJ them when the market is rigny, stepping into the position of the middleman and dealing more directly with the consumer. A second advantage from legisla. tion s the new rural credits act which makes it possible to get long term loans on advantageous terms. The Farm Bureau Federation is try. ing to come to the rescue still further by weeking reduced railroad ratgs on agricultural products. !(‘ONHKR\'A‘I’ISN 15 ‘ ONLY SAFE POLICY “Hut in this eritical period, the only safe policy for the faymer is Lo conserve what resources he has” de clares Hradfute, ‘ *“ln at least one of the states, the president of the State Farm Bureau has advised the farmers not to bny‘ anything that is not absolutely os sential, The reports from the le mail order houses say their business in growing, 1 wmmmn-I ing s that the farmers are seeking to buy necessaries by mafl and save a few cents on each purchase undn" the price at the crossroads store, DESERVE HIGHER LIVING STANDARD 2 “PDuring the war period of prosper ity, farmers got used to a higher e ————— e e S A A e B Ship News ' . - ’ } i Tides in Seattle | WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JUNE 13 JUNE 1 First Migh Tide First Migh Tide 2:63 6. m, 103 £t |3:37 & m., 10.3 fL.]] Tirst low Tide | Viest low Tide | 1615 am, 0.7 fLito:idam, —3l N ‘ second Migh Tide | Second Migh Tide | $:36, 100 £, 16:10 p. ey, 10,4 ML Second Low Tide Secand Low Tide 10:40, 69 L 1133 p. M, TO ML . 0 Weather Bureau Report TATOOEH IRLAND, June 128 A, M. ~farometer rising; cloudy: wind west, alwi smlles an howr, Caseea 0, str Cas. cade, at 6:20 a. m.; otr Lake Francis, at 1198 m. . s e . Arrivals and Departures ARRIVED=—June 11-—Motorship Tima from Htockholm via porte at midnight; str Africa Maru from Hongkeng via Shanghal, Kobe and Yokohama, at 3:15 p. m.; str Jefferson from Houtheastern Alaska, at 2:30 p. m.; str Nome Clty from San Franecisco, at 12:40 p. m.; str Port Angelea from San Pedro via Ban Francisco and Port Angeles, at 4:35 p. m.; atr Drechtdijk from Rotlerdam via | porta, at 7:30 p. m SAILED—June 128 tr Blue Triangle for Tacoma, at 4:06 a, m,.; str La Purl sima for Port Ban Luls, at 3:30 a. m.; str Went Notus for Pluenos Ayrea via poris, at 1:40 a. m.; atr Kaga Maru for Hong kong via Yokohama, Kobe and Bhanghal, | at 10 a. m. June 11--Btr Curacao for | Ladysmith, B, €., at 650 p. m. sir] Nome City for Tacoma, at 4:25 p, m.| str | Thoe Crowley for Tacoma, at midnight; motorship Kina for Vancouver, B, C, at fpom i 0 cal Alaska Vessels Valdez~June 11-—Halled, =»ir North western, southbound, at 2:30 p. m, Juneau—June 10-—Hailed, »tr Admiral Watson, northbound, at 9:30 p, m, Ketehikan—June 11-—Halled, str Alas ks, northbound, at 12:30 p, m, . e e ‘ . Vessels in Port at Seattle #Bmith Cove—Plor {l—Btr Kaka Maruy, sohir Bpokane, barge Bartram. Bell Btreot Terminal--U, 8 C, G. Bno - homish, motorship Lima. Grand Trunk Pacific Terminal-—Btr Ad miral Rogers, Pier 11-Beßtr Owego. Pier §—Btr Port Angeloes, }Plar §-Btr Africa Maru, Pler 2--Btr Latouche, str Redonde, Pler I=Florence Luckonbach, Pier A—Btr Admiral Nicholson, Pier B—Btr I, ¥, Alexander, str Admiral - Rodman, pacific Const Conl Bunkers—U, 8, L. I, | T. Heather, {l, 8. Bhipping Poard Moorings—Btr Anna 15. Morse, gan Jusn Pishing & Packing Co.~Btr Jefforson, Lander BStreet Terminal--Btr Pennayl l vanian, gpokane Btreet Terminal--Btr Dreshtdijk. ast Waterway Dock & Warehouse (o, Str Bantlam, Todd Dry Doglis-—~Btr West Ison, sty Bi]. verado, sty West Nilus, str President Madieon, sty Eldridge, Puget Bound Hridge Dredging Co.~Btr Patterson, Amen Shipyard & Terminal-—~Btr Gritfau, Heffornun's Drydock—Bktn Gratla, stimson's Mill=Hßarge Henry Villarg, bark Virginia Olson, . winslow Marine Rallway--Bchr Melroge, woht Detwy Ttoss, barge Coquitiam City, whalers Star Now, 1,2, 8, 2 - Denver Live Stock | Tussiny's Quotations | Cattle—Ttecelpts, LIOOO market 10¢ | higher, Bteers, $8a@10.856: cowy and helfers, SSALO@RBO; stockerp | 5 nnd rr(c-dvl“n,‘ lfl}]"ff;ll&. Hogs < ocelpts, 28700 markot 5 3 higher, Top, $6.60; bulk, u;q.r,;,'fl);,' ‘ NEanR tpte Hpß Sheep—Hßecelpts, 208 market stoady | Bpring b, sl9. 70881476 ',‘,“:,"',;' $0Q0; yourllngs, $lO4 11,60, . 0. E. BRADFUTE \ standard of living. They got auto. mobliles and Victrolas and silk wsox and sent thelr children Lo college, Farmers now are fighting to main. tain that standard, and they have a right to those things. | “In some Instances, however, 1 know that they are keeping up that pace at the expense of their capital Investment, They are letting their farms go without fences and fertilizer and paint. That means that they are consuming their farma' | One other angle to the situation s pointed out. In the states where co. operative marketing prevalls, and on crops so organized, the recovery to ward prosperity is greater than in the non.cooperntive states, That may be simple coincldence, Bradfute admits, But it is a fact, | . . . l Building Permits ’ UNDER 81,000 Orfental American Hank, 610 Main, al teration to shop, SIOO, J. A. Dunford, 32¢ 2ind N, retaining wall, §lso. C. O. Rudd, 117 W, Dennett, addition to residence, §SO. C. A, Palmer, 131 Bellavye N, ahied, 1300, Mary Johumson, 1036 W, 6ls, sddition to residence, 200 o::‘..:nuu. fllß 10th N. E, guarage, Bhell Company of Californla, 1301 West lake N, wreck bldg, SIOO, O, M. Polson, 1223 Firet W, garage, 155 J. B, Wiison, 3118 N, slnd, garage, SIOO. Mr. Bernth, 710 22nd 8., garage, §IOO. Lo M. Adamns, 633 Luclle st., garage, $560, Mra. B. Stricker, 103 W, Comstock, gar age, 150, B, Lindbolt, 9001 15th B W, garage, SSO, Joseph M. Gilman, 3414 First W, gar sxe, 340, C. A. Boldue, 2203 B, kth, stand, S6O. J. M. Coulson, 7613 Latons ave, Ear age, 35 Harriett E. Zeller, 61078, 75th, alteration to residence, §SO. Sheil Company of California, 1201 West. lake N, retaining wall, 125, E. Y. Murphy, 903-11 Poplar pl, wreck apartment house, §IOO, M. Neubert, 4324-28 Thackeray pl., gar age, §l6O. O, . Oson, 1953 11th W, garage, SSOO, J. B Curry, 412% Juneau, alteration teo residence, §2O. Mrs. Hibb, 1330 Sixth, alterstion to store, §75. H. C. Peters, 3063 McKinnon road, gar age, SIOO, H. C. Peters, 5053 20th B W, garage, 1100, a.'c. Peters, 8513 35th & W, fflid.m.] 200. H. ©. Poters, 5027 21st 8. W, residence, §SOO, n.'c“l’oun. 003 21st B W, residence, 200, ll.’ C. Peters, 2020 aNrion, residence, ¥96. u..\':..° Peters, 8028 3ind 8. W, resldence, 200, H. ‘(’. Peters, 5020 Barton, residence, S2OO, K. Chikato, lesses, 615 Charles, alteration to store, 75, Mra. Ida Amundson, 311 B, 66th, altera tion to residence, §4O. OVER §I,OOO Hazel Corwin, 4504 Stone way, frame store 48xi0, 34,000, C. D. & E. L. Bverett Co., 7103 Wayside, frame residence 26x24, 12,500, Pooth & Co, 2314 K. Lynn, frame res! dence 23x36, §3.%04, Booth & Co, 2314 £ Lyon, frame resi dence 32x26, $3.000, Beck & Rasmussen, ¥4i Emerson, frame resnidence 36x26, 34,500, L. ¥. Knight, Box 187, Bremerton, frame residence 40x24, $4,000, J. B. Barton, 4765 190th N. E, frame resl dence 38x268, 35,2060, Rutier Hotel Co., shop niteration, SIO,OOO, Robt. 1. Proctor, care bldg. dept, frame residence 81x27, $4,000, Btephen Herg, 3402 Woodlawn Park, apartment house 107x50, §50,000, New Calls for Bids Coral B. White, manager of the National Surety Co., reports the following new calls for bids: | GRADING AND PAVING City council, Spokane, ‘Wash, bida Juna 20, paving lllinois ave, and curbing Hallom and Mallon aves, Willlam Manier, clerk school dis. trict No. 1, Olympia; bids 7:30 p. m., June 21, clearing sight of new Washington school. ROADS AND SEWERS County + commissioners, Seattle, bids 10 a. m, June 18, construction A. Solberg road. Geo. E. Goodwin, distriet engi. neer, bids 2 p. m, June 28, National Park Station, Mont, Construction 10 miles of road, County commissioners, Grays Huarbor county, Moniesano, bids July 2, sewerage construction, sewerage improvement district No, 6. John T, Habiult, city recordever, Silverton, Ore, bidg § p. m, June 26, sewer construction, | BUILDING | CONSTRUCTION 1 Board of regents, University nf‘ Washington, bids July 9, construe. tion library bullding. J.o B Hall, school clerk, Distriet No. 400, Bnohomish county, l)hla‘ June 20, additions to high school and Riverview =chool, Commissioner light and water, Ta. coma, bids June 19, construction masonary bullding. W.o o Willlams, city olerk, Ren. ton, bidg 6 p. m., June 19, construc tion ¢ty hall bullding, Board of control, Salem, Ore., bidy Published Dally at 1307 Seventh Ave. | Beattle, Washington | Subsc-iption Rates BY MAJIL IN ADVAKRCE ‘ IN THE BTATE MOBD .usnneronsennssneesßOßo o 0 MON'hS ..vvvennssssvnnss t 1 x u’aouuu secssesserasenseses SAY F o ssesssssososesnssssee - Yy CXRiE TN G | A O et rtion (eou':t six words to | ) ........................“.u o 0 consecutive Issues. cves . l | BUSINESS | ! SERVICES - i | Q“mm&t-uw Advice free. Jomeph Allen, ||"".! All canes, 607 Leary Bld, Fll. 2946, J7P Ball-Wrn, Diall, 215 Hurke Bidg., 905 24. All cases. Fess moderate. | Collateral Loans | flfirfl LOANED ON Al.i,"Al!T;- cles of value. THE RELIABL 1107 Third ave. _ Dog and Cat Hospl & | Pon AND CAT SPECTALIST 11, t t;nnuln; to the dn..! uouzt.\ ulss, urgery most. n l“’. 712 Hl'lu‘v.rz l'.o. _E@_ 3 ”ldlim T ROUGHT—BOLD—RENTED W. MONTELIUE PRICE CO., Beattle. kuumlu’l“_. PUGTET BOUND MARDBLE & ORAN "n Co., I#t and Virginia. Estab shed 1874, 5 Qp!fik_-i_an}nd Optometrist Or. Bdmunds, Vraser-Paterson (o, _P_!Jnhlm. Surgeons | Sr.wAncul.'fiih’Wo,"Pmc'u Tidg. omen's ailments and disorders. Patent Attorneys E Fredeorick P, Gorln, U, & and F"-.?i-'i’fh Patents secured, developed, sold. Barsh lock, milk bottle handle, cash bonus and royalty: tooth brush, malke offer, IK.'.J-‘.‘ Central Rldg.. Beattle, phone Main 0390, 600 F st. N. W. a’u-hlnnon. D. C. NOLDS. Established Seattle, 1£92; 2 years examiner U. 8. Patent Of fice. 402-6 Lyon 814. Elliott 5075, Mason, Fenwick, Lawrence, estab lished 1861, Advies and booklet free. 432 Burke Wide. Harry Bowen, Patent Expert. Fee 275, all cost. Terms. Pantages Bid T FIANG PONIRE . ZPIANO Tuners—liuniness Director PIANO TUNING, $3; REPAIRING; work :ununlrrd. John Strom, Main 3030. 510 Broadway. e ~'f",?i_m_,‘!_.______ H. WILLIAMS 2322 White BlMg. ARE you MASTER of self and con ditions that govern your life? IF not and you want Happiness, Suc cesn and Health, SEE ME. 1 teach Paychology, Silent lnfl{ruce. Per sonal Magnetism and defelop latent FORCES Strictly Confidential Hours: 10 a. m. to nf‘ m. Phone M. 1542, Bunday and evening by appointment, 3 PERSONAL ANYONE KNOWING THE WHERE abouts of Mra. Nellle Songer please write P-70, Btar. I am the father gf her two children, VIRIT THE LONESOME CLUB, RAT nier Grand hotel, Tuesdays and Fridays. Main 2202 or Elliott 2801. 5 LEGAL NOTICES TG WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that R. H. Parsons has made an application to erect a public guun at 1216 Willard ave, east 31.7 of south s 0 of lot 1. block 26, Comstock Sup. Addition. Anyone desiring to protest such oc cupancy must file such protest at the office of the Bundln' Degcrt ment, Room 505 County-City Bldg., prior to June 23, 1923, Bection 808, Ordinance No. 31578, ~ CHICAGO, June n.-ummn‘ Field & Co., in their weekly review ‘of the wholesale dry goods trade, say: “Current wholesale distribution of dry goods continued lin about the same volumes ag last week, but didl not reach the figure of the cm-re-I sponding perfod a year ago, when | the semiannual pre-inventory sale was held. Road saileg were in ex. cess of the total of a week ago, altho they were somewhat less than during the same week last year. ‘Sales for Immediate delivery show a considerable Improvement over both last year's and last year's figures, indicating increased retall activity. “There were fewer customers in the market than during the same week in 1922, altho there were con siderably more than last week. Col. lections were about equal to last vear during the corresponding pe riod, ~ “There is every reason to belleve that the prednventory sales to be held next week by the Chicago ‘wholesale houses will attract a greater volume of trade than last year."” 11 a. m, June 19, one.story dormi. tory building, school for blind, salem, . Board of control, Salem, Ore., bids 9 a. m., June 19, building state hos. pital for insane, Pendleton, Ore, Board of control, Salem, Ore., bids ® a. m. June 19, bulldings for Ore gon State Soldiers’ Home, Board of Control, Salem, Ore., bids 9 a. m, June 19, buillding for | Oregon state tuberculosis hospital. | MISCELLANEOUS WORK AND EQUIPMENT Otto Beatty, school clerk, district No. 188, R. ¥, D. No. 3 Auburn, bids 8 p. m. June 15, heating plant, Algona school, Reuben W, Jones, secretary, school distriet No. 1, Seattle, bids 11 a. m, June 21, heating Central School and Clinic building. Reuben W. Jones, secretary, school district No. 1, Seattle, bids 11 ay m, June 14, kitohen equip ment Garfield high school. C. B, Bagley, board of public works, Seattle, bids 10 a, m. June 15, 40th ave. 8. W., water mains, fire hydrants; Greenwood ave, pav. ing. N, D. MeKillip, school clerk, Montesano, bids June 15, heating. Rye Forecast Has . Slight Decrease Rye in Washington on June 1 averaged 85 per cent of normal as compared with 92 on May 1. The orop Is now expected to amount to 204,000 bushels against 169,000 bush. ¢ls in 1022, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1928. et "et eel .-, e e o 5 LEGAL NOTICES TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN: This is 10 certify that ¥. ¥ Hart iaub has mads an apglication to erect and maintaln a garage st 406-10 Elghth ave. N, lot 8, block 85, D. T. Denny's Home Addition Anyone desiring 1o protest such oce cupancy must file such protest st the office of the Bullding Depart ment, Room 505 County-Clty Dldg., prior to Wednesday, June 27, 1823 Bection 904, Ordinance No. 31578, 6 LOST AND FOUND GENUTNE BLACK VPIN €EXT, | purse, left in rest room of Mc ‘ Dougall & Southwick Tuesday af ternoon, Liberal reward, Bunset | 1568 L LORT—FEMALE TOY ¥OX TER rier, Fort Lawton distriet, white, black spots on back, brown ears. 'inrllo.-lfwfl-l( Heward X LONT HAND ~ BAG: LADIES shoes, children’'s clothing. Maple "\'.llr;,' run'i_ Hunset 7‘.'7‘!!_____~ : PARTY WHO FOUND SHEET, BUN | set 4088 ———————————————————————— 7 FEMALE HELP WANTED DR ZAMORA C. CAUFFMAN (BPE clalizing in Dermatology) says that hundreds of women owe thelr RESTORED relaxed faclal and neck muscles to her patented CHIN STHAP and skin foods, Bent anywhere for $1.50 and full par-, ticulars for home treatment. Ad dress Dr, Zamora C. Cauffman, 1620 drd ave., Beattle, Wash, CONTINUALLY PROGRESSING, BE ginning this week we will be completely 'qui,)pcd to handie all fancy grades of silk, ete., in our new hand wash department, where M’rrxlhlnx will absolutely be hand washed in Lux. “Box, we darn 'em” New Richmond Laun _dry, Main 5256, WOMEN AND GIRLE FORK RASDP berry picking, excellent field, new quarters, beautiful spot for sum mer outing. For particulars write F. A. Bexton, Sumner, Was}, eroute 1, Box 19, HKASPBERRY PICKERS WANTED. Women and girls preferred. Good sceommodations and excellent picking. Also have cherries, cur rants, ete. Write for particulars. C. W. Orton, Sumner. _ _ 10 RASPBERRY PICKERS WANT ed, women and girls over 11, 4 in party. Best accommodations. Free goulou. Write for particulars to ._[wmunu!.__flumne_r_, Wash. PERRY PICKERS WANTED— Bainbridge Island, Vashon Island and Bellevue Districts. Inquire at auy berry field HEMSTITCHING Reducedmrrlcn. 414 Eite] Bldg., Sec ond and Pike, over Bartell's, HEMSTITCHING, 6c YD, MACHINE embroldery, buttons covered, leating. 304 People's Bank Bldg. fi'%‘&'m ING t_g_u%l. 506 Pine st WE HAIR BINGS. 4738-M. 8 SITUATION—FEMALE DAY NURSERY./bbe. ELL. 6630-J. —————————————————————————————— 9 MALE HELP WANTED et ———————————— HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTED FOR GOOD DOWNTOWN ROUTE AND LOADING BUNDLES ON STL!EE‘I CARS. EXTRA SALARY PAID FOR LOADING PAPERS. APPLY +* AT THE CIRCULATION DEPART MENT, THE SEATTLE ‘STAR, SEVENTH AVE. NEAR UNION. ’ ’ 1 Coeur d’Alene Mines Wanted—Miners. $5.80° undergroun anted—Miners, 3 tlmbermelln_k“: %-hour shift; nfl mines :3 ing every day, include« ing Sunday and the year ‘round. Modern boarding and rooming houses, with b.fh. ‘steam heat, electrie lights and reading rooms, eve ng furnished. No fees for employment: no labor trouble. ‘Write for further information or apply fif Geo. T. P‘mm{m‘ o‘r‘t’g:, r n Employmen _mluee. f«'mm 7 § OUTING TROUSERS, $5.00 Fine stripe serge outing trousers, only $5.00. Buy upstalrs and save money. Ll'.\'l)al,'!ST-LILLY _____Green Bldg. ith & Pike. SHIRT MANUFACTURER WANTS agents to sell shirts direct to wearer, Earn big money. Be your own bosa. No experience or capi tal required. Write for free sam ples. Madison Mills, 507 Broad oy, New York., . . . YOUNG MAN, 18 TO 30, WHY I'F fdle the next two weeks? Vaca tion with pay, s2l and all ex penses and clothing. See McDon ald, Battery B, .\r_n_xg;u»_.\‘nlllo. CARPENTERS WANTED TO BID ON little 5-room bungalow, Queen Anne neighborhood. Information and plans at 501 Arctic Bldg. WANTED—HARD ROCK TUNNEL miners, $5.75; chuck tenders, $5; muckers, $4.75; also concrete la borers, $4.75. Apply 617 Lyon Bldg. BOY WANTED TO CARRY GOOD downtown route. Appl;}hlt the circulation department, e Star, 7th ave., near Union st AT ANNEX, 2004 Bth, near Westlake ve., clean, furnished, steam heated Endrooms {men); free bath and phone. Trans. 20c: weekly SLSO. it Sam Welsfield can't repair your watch, throw it away. 302 Union. _Bix Green Clock. Opp. postoffices 10 YOUNG MEN WITH SOME knowledge of horses. See McDon ald. Battery B, Armory, Seattle. 9 MALE HELP WANTED FIRST CLASS BLACKSMITH FOR logging tools. Glendale 1397, 10 SITUATION—MALE RESHINGLING, DOWNSPOUTS AND gutters. Roofs treated. Osborn Bros., Sunset 3419, Melrose 4718, ROOMS KALSOMINED, $3.50 UP; experienced painter. Reasonable. _Main 6055. PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING. Brown. Beacon 2983. FLOONS SCRAPED. ~ELL 5630-3. —————————————————————————————— 13 PARTNERS WANTED T T PARTNER WANTED $250 will buy half interest in auto paint shop. Will teach you the trade, Call Glendale 0040, 14-A PUPILS WANTED EPERIENCED THORO TBACHER will tutor in common branches English, Private or class lessons. Home or central classroom. Rates reasonable. Bast 1674 or EIL 1437, —————————_————————————————— 17 MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTRED—SO BERRY, owtEß“s‘:rb pick raspberries and blackberr (:a- Have 25 acres excellent borrl:’s- Picking will start about Junr -'.- and last until October 10. No t‘>ra ers or invalids desired. Write ‘t“l‘i McClane, Manager, Sumnor, for fu information. W. H. I‘nulhnnml: T RED RASPBERRY PICKERS I 0 June 25 to August 10. anlllfil ?:_ women and children over 11 t?;n good houses. a pleasant k;fl:lrold and good picking, Write Ha RS Yoster, Riverbend Farm, Sumntt Wash., WANTED 30 berry plekers. Write for |nfs>t‘l!l!ll' tion, (. H. Rehberger, Puyallub, Wash, R. No. 3 Box 100. BERRY PICKERS: WOMEN P&fi; forred; wood, water, spring | 50 free. Accommodations good; conts, S, F. Swary, sumg-_fifi HRASPRERIY fr““'thxf(;}‘s ,\;M,,N?u. Write for informa , LK, ner, l"u,\'nllup. wash,, IR 2, B°____.* o 19 FURNISHED HOUSES X FOR B_’2__..—-—-—-—" ! [ =T K, MADISON ST s-room modern ‘bungalow: °‘r°|:z place, S2O, 4-room mod!’l’ftl“‘“ sl6. Also unfurnished g:dlwl\. lake view. Call 2003 18, Ma % AR Gy TOT DURBAIOW Adams at\Fauntieroy for bung oW