Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1923 - Make It a Point When You Think of Want Ads to Call Main 0600 First < 30 FOI RENT-—HOUSES §l3 NORMAN ST ns and bath; electric e gas: large yard, with ’ t Liees Rent §34§ 300 WESTLAKE AVE A houseboat of & rooms n lake Union all in goud con dition; batl and electric light Rent §2 14 BLAINE 8T Desirable S-room house; newly renovated thruout good vard with rfruit Rent $27.50 3840 FREMONT 8 rooms and bath electric lights and gas Hent rea sonable West & Wheeler Reliability Second and Marion NO CASH AND 315 PER MONTH, makes you the owner of this pew t-room colttage and ‘4 acre in West Seattle It's resdy (0 move # in. Phone Elllott 0372, H. C s PETERS 726 3rd ave. Adams at Fauntleroy for bungalow, 21 UNFURNISHED FLATS AND APARTMENTS GOOD FLATS 108 Harrison, § rooms ~..,...33000 811 James, 3 rooms .......... 20.00 1107 12th ave, 3 rooms ‘ 217.50 1132 19tk ave, 3 rooms ixaa- B 0 1502 16th ave, § rooms ..,... 35.00 308 25th ave 8, J rooms . 1500 Carter, MacDonald & Miller 208 Columbia St Elliott 5874, NEW 3-ROOM APARTMENT, §38.50. Fine location. Sunset 0863 18035 Market = FINE NEW, STRICTLY MODERN, $36 or furnished. $33. Capitol $414, ATTRACTIVE., MODERN APART ment, reasonable, East §70% 23 FOR RENT— FURNISHED ROOMS § LIGHT SLERPING ROOMS, NO car fare. Elllott €282, 1318 éth av, 24 FURNISHED APTS. AND FLATS CORNER T ROOMS AND THEN ette; hot water; nice furniture; large yard and windows; lots of sunshine; free phone {u. light and heat. S3O. 320 14th N. Phont Capitol 2518, | 3. 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS furnished or unfurnished; modern; well lighted: heat; phone Prives very reasonable. Manhattan Apts, Fono Elliott 3858 AND 4 ROOMS, MODERN. WELL lighted; heat; phone; private bath; downtown. Summer rates. War ren Apartments, Gar. 0218 § AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTE: G walking distance: modern: sum mer rent. 912 E. Pike. Eaat 3347, § AND I-ROOM APARTMENTS {umlahod and unfurnished: close n: freshly renovated. East 0038 FRUNKS MOVED, oc.EAST 301 37 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 et e et e e .st Gulbransen Player Pianos l Are very superior In numerous WAYS. r"hc ”workmmblp is asholutely first-class; no but tons, no devices, no tricks to : confuse—just the real hand playing reversed. A small child can QMIHmp & GULBRAN SEN PLAYER and produce real music. Hundreds of enthusias tic users of the GULBRANSEN in Reattle. Ask any one of them about it. They are sold at one and the same price s every city of America, the cash price bfln{‘ branded in the back of eac ?uno at the factory. Prices rom $420 up. Easy terms See our window display this week. Hopper-Kelly Co. 1 1421 Third Ave. R T T lied on pu urct-‘?.um B e e e : Siake Duys. seiIsTVTH Tk W@ 1 42 LIVE STOCK ; /" PABTURE FOR HORAES AND CAT- - tle; 20 acres; 32 yearlings, §2 cows, $4 horses, month. Fresh Jarng{ and Guernsey, with heifer calf, §SO. F. R Plerce, R, F. D, No. 1. 292 75th E. and 4ith N. E. 44 POULTRY _ WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS Feabruary, March, April and May hatched White ILeghorn pullets; Hollywood, and Gilbert strain. Can supply In large quan tities. Our pricea are leas than others charge for stock and light ?uulty, Queen City Hatchery, 7th and Stewart Elliott 2034, WE WILL BUY YOUR POULTRY, one or a thousand. H. D, SHOE MAKER & CO., 504 Weller st. El- Hott 2291, e ————————————— 45 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE You save conalderable when you bg; your electric fixtures UPRTAI from the man that makes them. WAGNER'S LIGHTING FIXTURES 1810 Westlake Ave., Times Square. WE INSTALL THEM FREE SLAE WOOD P"";‘ seasoned, never in water, $4.50 a ‘load anywhere. Also 4-foot slabs. Sunset 0114. = SHINGLBS——Common Stars, $1.25 M. Common Clears, $2.00 M. Lake Washington Shingle Mill Kenwood 2589. . - 12-inch Fir, Millwood $7 A CORD DELIVERED ; $19.50 for 3 cordn. Beacon 1004, N 17 INCH WILL WOOD, S6BO A . ?Jgd l'n‘ o’o cg)‘rd lc:’u: 165{ foruz , $4.9 cord; $7.00 a cor and up, Kenwood “35. CEDAR WooD, BTOVE LENGTHS, ”7"0 cord. Sunset 6296; nights, 2 A SRS R S R R N MUSIC LOVERS bam in mind. House of Du Barry, 108-108 Union st iR e L L . Guaranteed malnspring, ‘ Btafford & '.‘ichwnrs 400? Are‘XQ. FULL, CORD OF BTOVE-LBNGTH mill wood, fC delivered. Secattle ; Fuel Co. Elllott 0142, !afllxfiflfl hou stores. DEMA R OREABLE BLDG. CO. : 821 RoE 8t Capitol 3922 pecial bargains in our ex c?’laio department. Meyer-Toner, 1321 4th ave., Cobb Bldg. ; EEU“FUI. NEW VICTROLA FOR | ;‘le. reasonable. 5547 Walling ford ave. Mealrose 5496. Rougfl Planer Ends %-“ fir oad. Main 4964. ¢ Des xchange, 210 James ot 7;‘ Bells and Exchnuru flie urniture, Main 7388, 0 - heads, 110 up. Repalring, renting. Main 1936, "Pizs hoss ok, ' WEBUY AND SELL LADIGE GOOD used clothing. Garment Exchange, < 1 Union, L 1 5 A o A It now, 320, Best Navy paint money ‘can buy. 1904 Ist ave. % chair, high chalr and rocker. _Phons Sunset 5081-7-11. MILLWGOD, §3.30, DVL, BON. 0313, Wfim and furs, The Owl. 181 First. OP ~Star Want Ads 5 MISCELLANEOUS FOR ~ SALE O. B WILLIAMR COMPANY 1943 First Ave, 8 BASH AND DOORS |s-Inch codar aiding, per M. .. SIO.OO i Flour bins S S sOO ':;m,bunord doors PRy 1,85 Sash 20x25, 4-) i l“lc-;iu'rl\ t‘lnuru . ight . .i, ° “.’ I":“‘ or inclo r sleep Yore 'r“, '.\u ean doors -’:":"L’r!. r:lt ‘\'\‘fm“,:‘. .‘_‘ . ,llllonkfnul nook tables and seats. jironing board and cabinet com _Plete with sleeve board $15.00 llmr-:.- doors, 4-Bxß-0, glazed 850 Window glans by the Hght or by the box l“l::'; Rlass windshields put in your 0. B _WILLIAMS COMPANY 3e e e Electrical Fixtures 4 Summer Wood Pri | Single load, $4.50: double lnud(‘?‘ 1 | loads, lllto te SRBY { | wood for hot gg‘;:‘ L'l‘p:n 084, - {FOR SALE, CHEAP—SET OF GOLF i ©clubs; dresser, Bush upright plana, | box couch, ‘upholstered leather | :‘:\"ll:fr ¢ 'lnlnlol clock, \\'...“,.3. ! «'lll_(nl.ln:”u"\r..' electric plate. 1603 I $l5O-—IBET RADIO i RECEIVING SET FOR ! LESS THAN HALF '\\ l‘” install same to buyer, Junction Liarage, West 13235 SPECIAL MILL WoOOD, #1 LOA ¢ double; forest wood, $5.50. d:\:b‘lo $10; n»uxh planer ends, $4.50, dou ble §% It extra large loads. Mel ~loßo6 3434. o et ! 12-Inch Mill Wood §l—Per Cord. DELIVERED—3S7 Lots of nice blocks. | e Deaoon 3380 any time No. § extra clear hoavy Wttt g Shingles {B3 Per sh‘ Delivered. West 0334 | . Gays orMVest 4588 eveniangs. | . SEWING MACHINE MARKET I 10-year guarantee on used machines, lowest prices; dependable repairs | 1638 Westlake ave. Main 3547, {SILK CANOE BATIL 310, BEACON Lo BORAR. o pe | SECONT WAND SAFE VOt SALE |t SIRE. | [ HARDWOOD WLOORS. ELL 5880-7., KAVANAGH HATSH 35000 1008 lat. 54 GARAGES 1 PORTABLE OARAGES., CAPITOL . | 55 AUTO ACCESSORIES Harroun Parts & Service ‘Ray Pattison, 1617 Boylston. East i R 56 AUTOS FOR SALE | et i, © | i A FEW | | BARGAINS { IN GOOD USED CARS l 1918 Saxon (1) roadater ! ‘ ‘ 1%17 Chevrolet touring i | 1 1817 Maxwell touring | 1822 Ford touring ' | | 1926 Maxwell touring || i ; 1917 Dodge touring 2 | 1821 Ford sedan | | 19198 Maxwell inclosed touring | 1 1521 Claveland touring | | 1820 Haynes touring { | | | 1918 Studebaker touring [ 1918 Chandler rtmdpe ’ 1520 Chandler roadster | 1920 Stutz sport touring | 1920 Velle touring | 1920 Dixie Flyer roadster | 1821 Ford roadaster We will verify all these yearly models and the condition mechanically of each and every car. Your Inspection Invited OQur Terms and Trades Ares the Very Best Ofca Eveninga 2 Seattle Automobile Sales Company 1 East 0972 1414 12t Ave. | Ue o b o v ) e ——————————— Used Car Specials Dodge roadster ..........5150 Dodge roadster .......... 835 fitudebaker Special Bix PORAILAT ....vsvineisisl,o2B Studebaker Special Bix LOUIBE sorsvsuavisnvss. JOU Ford sedan ....ccoeiievee 500 Ford coupe ....cooceveee. 350 Essex roadster .......... 700 600 E. Pike. East 0674, HUDSON AND ms*r%sl%%}'(rmzs | e e m{ifiVß Late Chevrolet touring; motor just overhauled; brand new top and aint, Here is a little car with K)u of (?mnr and class. Bargain. ROWLAND & CLARK, “511" East Pike St ____onn nvem_nga. ‘fi\mg! Hurry! The Sale Is Still On! Better Used Cars Times Square Auto Co. Whole Block Long 511 Olive St. DAY BY DAY WE SELL THE BEST in used cars on the easiest of terms. OPEN EVENINGS AND BUNDAYS. HENRY MOSSEACH 915 E. Pike. g East 2651 ix H'ung! Hurry! The Sale Is Still On! Better Used Cars Times Square Auto Co. - Whole Block Long ‘ 511 Olive St. i BORYBBDAN ¢ ;o 1921 Ford Sedan; in wonderful me chanical condition; just revar nished; upholstery like new, Fully equipped; demountable rims; nick eled bar radlator; sgpeedometer; automatic swipe, ete. Your own terme. ROWLAND & CLARK, “511" KEast Pike St j Qgen ovenings, Hurry! Hurry! The Sale Is Still On! Better Used Cars Times Square Auto Co. Whole Block Long 511 Olive St. i 1 C LE O y looks and runs like new; Hewett cord tires; motor has been over hauled. 375 down, balance to suit o, 4 RngAND & CLARK, "“511" E, Pike Fast 0086, Wi SELL CHANDLER PARTH FOR lean. We also have some Maxwell parts to be sold cheap. Front end drive chains for all makes of cars, SEATTLE AUTOMORBILE BALES CO, 1424 11th Ave, © Kast 0462, $.9 Rosie’s Used Car Place WE BUY, BELL AND EXCHANGE, Established 7 yeuars, Reliable, 200 Westlake North, at John Kt PHONOGHAPH WANTED - WILL nccept phonograph or furniture ar first panyment on late model Ford or Chevrolet, mur terms on bal ance. 614-618 15, Pike st ngb“ifi ON AUTOS, TRUCKS. 502 onecr Bldg., opp. Totem Pole. 6 AUTOS FOR SALE P e =g THE "SANDS PLAN" { % The | I Envelope Tells the Truth | ! One of our customers told | ; the boss the other day when he signed his order | ’ that he had talked to lots | of salesmen and lots of i | salemmen had talked a lot, ! butl Sands Motors salesmen i had talked less than any of ! i them ‘ The boss asked him how he 1 happened to buy from .us anu hea sald the salesman ‘I seemed to give him credit i for having some sense of ’ his owp and did not seem ! to assume he was an g i‘ noramus, und that 2ihe Sands Plan and The kKn- I‘ velope Tella the Truth made i the whole proposition so | plain and simple that it was sasy to do business which { he did with confidence 1 l: I:'.'o Auburn Sedan i 1 19189 Chalmers Touring 1820 Chandler Touring l 1":& Dodge Touring 1920 Oakland Roadater 1920 Btudebaker Npecial Six i 1919 Studebaker lilg Kix = { BANDE MOTORS O I_‘ 1016 K. Pike East 088) | sttt g it s | Hurry! Hurry! , The Sale Is Still On! l Better Used Cars . v | Times Square Auto Co. Whole Block Long ‘ 511 Olive St. ‘6B WANTED—AUTOS |LET U 8 §ELL YOUT CAIL ORUWE I will pay cash for It , MENRY MUSSBACH 215 K. Pike. East 3651, 62 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE e e e omo i l ONLY $250 CASH | , New 4-Room . , Bungalow ! Large lot, 83x100, corner; good 1 A view; near car, We have a ) I fine new bungalow of 4 ! rooms; hardwood floors: l ‘ firoplace; breakfast nook: basement; fixtures, Only | { $3.500, ! | McCauley & Co. 5 Gar. 2017 EIL 3862, ! 1209 American Bank Bidg. Booi e o=t ol 1 Woodland Park | . Bungalow—s2,soo | IThis is equa! In value to above, and | 8250 down and $25 per month will give you the key. z PAVED DRIVE TO CARAGE | This bungalow I 8 neat as a 3!1!,1 rooms hqo and well arranged, | YOU CANT BEAT THIS VA.LUE 4500 Stone Way. Melrose 0671, Root Bros., Realtors OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS slo.soo—New §-room, modern Qnun Anne bivd,; double nnw: .r:Q lot; facing two sireets. 111 take smaller house as first payment. Schooley & Ta!lor 717 Heaboard Hullding Elliott 1696 Res. Garfield 8572-R. WEST SEATTLE $1.750 {-room house, with large attie: and full basement; fireplace and bath comc,hu; unobstructible view of w r and city; lot 75x100, 3400 h. FIRESIDE REALTY CO. 1006 Third Ave. Elllott 3828, A———————————————— S2OO CASH IMMEDIATE POSSERSION SPLENDID VIEW Three-room bungalow, hardwood floors, in fiood condition: lot 4ix 100. Sacrifice at $1,550; §2OO cash, balance like rent. ANOTHER ENAP FOUR-ROOM COLONTAL Filrepince, full basement, laundry trays, bulit-in breakfast nook: $3.006; S3OO cash, balance like rent. SEARING *.LQL"_}é,“L_.u_..’_‘.’_.M_%L‘fl'M'!s £2.000--PHINNEY RIDGE A DANDY LITTLE HOME—~Living room and dining room across en tire front, kitchen, bed room and bath; newly decorated; food basea ment; a nx;andld double Tnm-: level lot 40x100, alley: fruit, ber ries and shribs xfloro. Immedi ate posseasion. bout one bhlock to Pgmnoy enr. 'sl:oo cash will han dle. H. A, SCHROEDER, 443 Cen __tral Bullding. Main 0061, OWNER LEAVING CITY AT ONCE Only $3,100, Furnished T-room residence, near Woodland park; fireplace: concrete founda tion and basement; level lot in lawn; half block to car and boule vard., Wil arrange terms with re sponsible parties. Phone Mr. Gar rett, with ¥ BELL & CO. 1228 N. 45iTH. AT STONE WAY Melross 2637, FEvenings Sunset 6061, Ewm&and Clark REALTORE A neat 3-room couafq on 11th ave, 8. W., with good lot, only SI,OOO, on your own terms. Ewmq and Clark 404 Marion de. Main 5100, REAL ESTATE SERVICE Are You an Economist? heroom bunfilow: amall lot; located west of Mt Baker car line, in . hollow, Price only $2,100; SSOO cash, A. Cohan & Co., Realtors 208 Marion Bldg. Main 0193, S2OO DOWN AND A BMALL MONTH- I{y payment will buy an attractive our-room bungalow, located on ~ lot 60x240; close in on Bothell highway; has breakiast nook, fire place, city llfhu and water; $2,- 000, Call Ellfott 2264 dlltime. or _last 6767-R avenings and Sunday. 6 R A ‘AND 1 asked for return of 2 blue and white striped canvas awnings with lcslloged border; 8 feet £ inches long, 3 fect high and 3-foot exten slon; taken from auto at Second and Marion Bt, Saturday evening. (!, K. Sturtedant, 317 Marion Bldg. Main 3907, MY HOMBE—MUST BBLL THIS weelk rexardless of price: best of fering takes it; cash only: wife de-d:"olni Kast. 7716 26th ave. N. W. Ballard 28th ave. car, SI,OOO—BACRIFICT—§I,OOO North Park home, 7 rooms, {u-t ra finished, only S2OO cash, balance to ‘#uit; Z2-car vuco: worth $£2,500; yours for $1,900. Hurry lir 1:you want bargain, Owner, 1000 Pike St. _Phone Bast 6718 evenings. . University Bungalow 5 rooma;‘uznscr coment basement; garage! few blocks from univers city. $4,650; terms. Bond, with I, B, Ollinger Co., 361 Empire Bld. 0D A-ROOM HOUBE, TWO fenced lote, at Allen Town; 2 min utes to Renton ear. Torma, M. D, (lllsnoaomou. 529 Ploneer Bldg, Main FOR_ BALE-—4-ROOM BUNGALOW ~and lot, a bnrffln nt $1,700; teris, 1. D. Getehell, Port Angeles, Wn. ‘m .E "lllll.fil'” for Einfilo?. | THE SEATTLE STAR 62 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE §xx.\xx,\.\xxxx.\.\; !.§ LARGENT & RYAN SPECIALS : | N 3500 CARH GIVES POSSESSION X {X § ROOMS, ON PAVED STRET X | X COMPLETELY FURNISHED X ‘.\ TOTAL rnl\‘{‘: ONLY #3600 X IX Wo conslder this one of our X I X best buys in this besutiful X X district. It is & real coay N | X home, all: large rooms, sur- X i\ rounded by expensive homes; X ’\ §O-foot frontage on a muni N X streot; all assessments paid; X [{X has a wonderful lawn, exceps N\ X tionally nice shrubbery; close X {X to Lincoln high, grade school, X X church and stores. You could X X not ask for & better location, X (X The furniture is extraordin. X IX ary, and consists in part of 3 X X genuine Wilton rugs, fumed X X oak dining set, genuine leath- X | X er duofold, leather seated X X rockers, brand new sßi Ohlo X IX coal range, good gas range, X X two complete bedroom suites, X N refrigerator, cooking utensils, X X dishes, curtains, drapes, stc. X X We know you will like this X X one. For appoinument call at X IX our office or phone MEL- X | X ROSE 5825, X B X X LOOK THIS.OVER X IX -ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN X ‘\‘ VIEW BUNGALOW X |\ FOR QUICK ACTION X | X REDUCED TO 33,700 X 1 X ONLY 3400 CASH X | ¢ X This s one of the real city X (N homes, with unobstructible X (X view of both mountain ranges, X '-\ Sound snd canal; has con- X {\ crete garage and bulkhead X [N that equally cost §1,100; close X i\, to new North End boulevard X {X and car line; has massive N {X firepluce: cablnet kitchen; X X cony breakfast nook; full ce- X X ment .‘unwm; furnace; X N laundry trays; eoxtra large X X Jot, 6&0x110, with Jots of X X shrubbery and 11 fruit trees, X I N If you want a real home with X {X & wonderful view, SEE THIS X | X TODAY, Remember, this X X home was not built to sell, X ‘X but for a permanent home by X N aprominent banker, and only X X 3400 will give you possession, X X We have exclusive listings. X \\ PHONE MELROSE 5820 }( X LARGENT & RYAN, INC, X X REALTORS X | X 1325 North 45th Bt X (X Office Open Evenings § \\ "We ‘Serve and Satisfy” 2 XXX XXEXXEXXEEEXEXX {&-_.-u.s._'____..__.—.—————-fl i | Only SIOO Cash [ You may move right in this 6- || room .holllf'v Houne now vacant | Price Only $2,250 | | This houss has been newly deco i rated inside and out; first-class | shape in every way, llrand new | | bath fixtures, best of fixtures; ; aleo extra pretty lighting fix -1 tutes; also, has nice tile fire s:arm Why throw away your nt money when you can own | a home at such & price and | terma? I Phone Melross 1235 or 0320 Hl Only SSOO Cash § YOU MAY MOVE RIGHT IN THISE BRAND NEW HUNGALOW UNIVERSITY DIIITRICT Massive living room exténds full width of house, beautiful tile fireplace, unusual, lovely hard wood floors, French doors con neét lyving room and dining room. There are stalrs to lnrcbo floored attic, extra large breakYast nook, lovely llgbunc fixtures, very best bathroom fixtures, tile floor, Roman tub, ete. Why Not SBes This Todl{? Phone Melrose 1235 or 0320 YOU MAY OWN THIB | NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW | Only $3,250 | This has fine hardwood floors, | lots of windows, full eement [ basement, furnace, close in. Fhons Melrose 1335 or 0330, ! Burroughs Realty Co. 1310 NORTH 4iTH Close to 48th and Stone Way OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS | WE WILIECALL FOR YOU )ss A At e e O NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE Just finished, neat home of four rooms (3 bedrooms), 2 bHlocks from Callifornia ave. and car line: deep, wide lot to alley: good community; garage, This ome can be bought on very e,uly terme. Why pay rent? $2,750. IMPROVED ACRE One block from car and paved streot; B-room house; Earage; city water; electric lights. Property fenced. All in garden ! and young fruit. Almost new chicken house, late model electric lighted: room for KOO birds. This tmgfoved acre, to rnmr with 500 chickens, for 3.5t00; S6OO cash, balance like | rent. ‘ E. R. THOMAS & CO, INC. fßealtors) | 1020 Third Ave. Elliott 3142 Y oet e e s o 0 . Read This Careful]iy LARGY COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM HARDWOOD FLOORS FIREPLACE 2 BEDROOMS CABINET KITCHEN CEMENT BASEMENT HOT WATER HEAT LOT 40x108 PAVED STREET UNIVERSITY DISTRICT HALF BLOCK &9 CAR $3,500; VERY EA TERMS Now lU's up to you to hustle out here with t.devmu. “Nuff sald.” J. McGill Realty Co. 4515 Meridian Ave, Mel, 0037, [ $2,150-—6-room house, on corner lot: half block from i paved street; house in good | condition, with fiood cement basement. Sacrifice at the above price If sold by June 15. Call 0-23, Henry C. Ewing Company 200 Alaska Bldg. Main 7134, “Sure Bervice Since 1881" Two cholce lots on W. Howe, all street improvements illd. Fine view Bound and city, Lots 40x125 each, David P. Eastman 1024 3RD AVE, That Rare Chance Owner moving ot of state, Clean, swest, GOOD Madrona home, 6 rooms and den, on splendid comer: paved alley rear; handsome and com plete; cement basement; fur nace, Priced to SELL. $4,260; 3750 cash and small momhl& payments, Get buosr quick, Mr. Cowell, Main 1740, Geo. A. Spencer & Co. 206 Hinckley Bldg. INCOME $2,500 YEARLY; FOR SALE ~(jood lease, 4 acres, all in fruit; fi-room houna; ehlcken houre, eto, Including Jersey cow; 160 chick ons; 12 ducks: near city limits; SI,OOO full price for all: termas, COLLEGE REALTY 1034 University Way 3-ROOM COTTAGE; A BARGAIN; large lot, close in, only $076, Your own terms, HATUPIN INV, CO. 215 Yale I3ldg. Opposite I, O, 62 FOR SALE—REAL _ESTATE , | West Queen Anne Hill a $3,350 ! You furnish the family, we'll | furnish a dandy 6-room bun | gnlow, in good conaition; | paved district: closs to car | line and school: reception i '1I'|l“ ll(\ Alnr" n,ml cl\svu'ual room, Ccanine i chen, edroomns and bath; full cement base ment laundry trays, furs nace: nice garden space. lo mediate possession 500 ' cash, 40 & month, Bese M Whipple, 2121 Fourth ave t N Gar, 0335 . N > | | Geo. A, Spencer & Co. ~ Realtors lfl3 FOR SALE—WATER l FRONT | WATERFRONT AND INSIDE LOTE | on Bound; good boat service; cheap, East 3175 e ———— 64 FOR SALE—VACANT LOTS | View Lots Close In '\'nur plek of 34 eholes view lots on I Magnolia Point; all street improve. { menta in and paid in full. Sold on { lerms | ’ 1 David P, Eastthan | 1024 SRD AVE '65 FOR SALE—WEST , SEATTLE [— e o i { $50.00 ONLY $50.00 A good 4-room house with full rlumbm. (connected with sewer); , arge view lot, with ehieken bouse; | range in and connectsd; 3 hlocks to carline and only 20 minutes to ‘ the city: all of this for §1,2560; 350 { cash, balance very eany, .‘The Gatewood Realty Co. ’esas Calitornia Ave West 5150 | P Don’t Miss This 3-room bungalow, with sleeping pomh: fine plumbing; good loca~ tion; near school and car line. Thin Is really cheap. Only $1.500; §250 l cash, balance 320 a month _l-‘o’r!gcm—d-room bungalow for year, i o | W. T. CAMPBELL C'.momu Ave. and Admiral Way. ' T 3HOOM, i MODERN lFmo lot; 2 short blocks to car: won ‘ derful view; graded streetl; garage, lawn, flowers; A-1 location; all fur $750. Terms. Lot alone worth the money, JUNCTION REALTY CO, NWLI A R Brand New Bungalow {4 rooms and attic; oak floors, fire { guve. breakfast nook, cement ; asement, trays; heautiful view; | only u,soo, fmo down, This Is a | dandy. California Realty Co, | 2636 Cal. ave. West N]_t | A REAL BARGAIN b<room modern cottage; basement; i arage; fruit and flowers, My !11l oqult{ for 3425 cash, balance ISLB A 2 P3B par motith. WWast 3745, J B KinFEI 310 Hoke Hid ABNeE 66 WANTED—REAL | ESTATE \ WANTED—{ Ol 5-HOOM TUNGA- “ :ow. 'l‘"dwoo:ood"g?r:}i 'l-uggr;‘h rays, in an striet; about $3.006. Dona, with F. 8. Ollinger. Co., 361 i‘.mgln Bldg. 67 FOR SALE—ACREAGE North Trunk Highway Lands 2-acre tracta §4OO, B-acre tracis $750. ane pastes property, Good soll, of water. 18 miles from atile FPostoffice, Ird and Union, Tracts sold on easy terms, Excel lent berry land. David P. Eastman 1024 SRD AVE, THURSTON COUNTY ° §294 Nine miles southeast of Olympia we have a tract of 7.35 acres of good logged-off land in a sood com munity, on a good road, and 1% miles from d?ot and on main line of 0.-W. R N. and N. P. rail roads. Thix land ia lovel, and has & large running stream across it FIRESIDE REALTY CO, 1008 Third Ave. Elliott 3928, NORTH END ACRE LOW PRICE-~EASY TERMS CLOSE IN 16TH AVE. N. E. AND E. 818 T ST. Thin i an excellent acre of land, in A close«in, accessible and growing loeation; clty water, enough wood for several years; excellent invest ment. Prica SI,OOO, $1560 cash and 81::" month. This Is unusually go . Will furnish lumber or ‘ulld you a house on it If you de sire. A. F. NICHOLS CO,, INC. Haller Bldg. Main 0253 ~ LAWRENCE PLACH FRUIT—BUILDINGS--§1,575 ¢ Attractive house, nicely . finished! lawn, flowers, shrubbery, young orchard, several thousand straw berry plants, loganberries, rasp berries, currants, ete; all of land cleared; with water system over place; electrie lights; finely im proved district; convenient for lngflbm.\ employed in town, Terms, $250 cash, balance s£ls monthly. Burke & Farrar, Inc, 203 New York block. CHEAP NEW LAND NOW READY FOR SETTLERS 10 TO 40-ACRE FARMS FEW MILES FROM SEATTLE Deep, rich goll; numerous nprln?n and creeks; good roads, schools, markets; stores In town nenrb‘yz deliver groeries to settlers. Wor at fair wagea near land. PRICE ONLY 3356 PER ACRE; easy terms, Northwest Land Settlement Asso ciation, 301 Hoge Annex, 709 Sec ond ave, Seattle, $1,760 BARGAIN Only 2 miles from city limits of Seattle, near Interurban and good schools, This price Includes two ncres fina soil, with good 2-room house, with spring water piped in to house; one acre theroughly cleared; eleotric lights: nglemfld neighborhood, Terms, $350 cash, balance $25 ?or month, See Owner, 301 Mutua! Life Bldg., Flrst ave. and Yesler, : Sl §IOO CARH—SALT WATER FRONT Almost 7 acres with beach frontage, also touches little fresh water ?ond: Almber for builldings and uel; good fishing, hnntlng, clams and berriea. Total price 8675, SIOO cush, balance within 4 years. See this In our auto. Charles Somers Co., Alaske Tidg. ) FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR BEAT tIe, 2 acres half cleared, balance pasture; nice J-room bun{.low. electrie lght available; fruit, ber ries;: garage, lnrse chicken house, 70 chickens; £2,200; terms. Chap ell, 3156 Crary Bldg. FOR BALE—VERY CHEAT; 10 0K 20 acres; some hottom land; 6 ncres cleared and seeded to clover: by the mall road; house, barn, out houses; good well; good fence, Take the hoat, Pler 3, to Poarson. Own ar, J. R Lakti, Pearson, Wash, {7 ACTES FOR SALE OR TRADE: 25 mcres cleared; good buildings; paved highway llon% front, Have more 100(’ buy s, hris Nellsen, _Box 463, Enumclaw, i el BARGAIN—IB ACRES BEST BOT tom land; 2 nores cleared, balance in tlxllgbetr; on %%wnrtp’:ml rlv‘oar;i near loster, s ", Wik ae. Satn gedst o xmxn}n’m:pmu ‘acres Hunset H6OEF, W b ‘ » . - " . 167 FOR SALE—ACREAGE/ | FOR BALE-—FIVE AURES, BEAT-! | tle Heights; T-room house; barn | chicken house 35 inrge fruit| I *veen; small frults and berriea; | fenced and cleared; real bargain, | #ee and make offer, | COLLEGE RIEALTY l 4034 University Way | 68 FOR SALE—FARM a | LANDS 4 | Mr, Land Seeker {Never again can you buy good, well | located land as cheaply as we are | offering this today Just think of ’ it, only 330 per acre for real rich kit loam sofl, In the garden spot ! of Buchomish county; paved high- | WAy (rom Beattle; fine trout stieam thru the tract L H. E. Nelson , 927 Beaboard Bldg | i 72 FOR EXCHANGE— ‘ * : REAL ESTATE 'l'”l'll-l(lblh\! MODERN BUNGA-| ‘ low, large corner lot (uun? Hai- | nier Bivd,; plenty of room for an other bungalow or store hmldm.;| will show good net income on'! equity at present time; want car i for equity or will el on casy | I lerms { MEHRRITT REALTY CO, ’ 3234324 Walker Bldg., Hecond and University, Main 3887, ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED HOUBE | boat. Terms, Main 4501 74 BERRY AND POULTRY | FARMS | OUTHID CTTY, CONVENIENT T 0 car, 4-room cottage, bath, station- | ary tubs in pantry, glassed-in | sleeping porch, large fireplace, | French doors batween living and dining rooms, lawn, flowers and fruilt trees; houses for 706 chick ene; 3 lot 410x100; terms; very rea- | sonable. Phone Bunset 4800 ! —————————————————— 80 BUSINESS ! OPPORTUNITIES ! ROOMING HOUBE, § ROOMS, NEAT and clean: clears 3-room apart ment and about S3O a month, Buy this and save your husband's| WAgßes: S4OO full price. Call 822 Besbhoard bullding 12 HOUREKTEEPING ROOME, GOOD location; .lnv'- fuil, Must sall on account of sickness. Cheap. 419 Jeffarson st ————————————————— 84 FINANCIAL BCAN. AMER, BK. WARRANTH purchased. 502 Amer, Bk. Bidg. | W 85 STOCKS AND BONDS ’ We Will Sell 1000 Alaska Pet. & Conl. 1820 Amalgamated Gold Mines, 12’00 American Workers 011, 00 American Bottis Cap. 1000 Alaska Development, 100 Aero Alarm com, LOO6O Haker Steam Motor, 10 Coast Tire & Rubber, A 100 Durant Motors, Callf, {IO6O Futrell Coupler {IOOO Hirst Chicagof Mining, 600 Harvey Him & Wheel. 1000 Homebullder M. & Dev, 100 Heborn Electric pfd, 56 Ko-Fan, Inc 1000 Kelly Mines Co.. 50 Johnston Piston & Ring. 1000 Johannesburg Mining, 200 Nutlanal Life Preserver, Wyd. 5000 Red Desert Ol % 50 Rickenbacker Maotors. 10 Refrigerator Car Equip. 60 Waneta Power Co., Litd 1000 Western Bmeiting & Power, 60 Western Auto Bupply, Prd. We Will Buy b American Securities Units, 10 King's Food Products Units, b Western Finance Units, 1060 Beach Royalty. 1000 Wichita Royalty. 100 Frank E. Best Co, &0 Star Motors. 1000 Keily Mines, 100 Samson Tire & Rubber, 200 Lambert Tire & Rubber. ’ Durant’ Motors . Our facilities for handling this se curity are unexcelled in the West Onl¥ brokers with private wire facilities such as we have can ‘ln ¥lon the proper service on this fast uctuating stock. We handle all issucs, including Escrow Certifi cates, Prices on all maturities gladly furnished upon request. We solicit your linquiry regarding any listed or unlisted stock or bond. STOCKS AND BONDS 208 Hcifa Bld? Annex o Main 3875. Watson-Moore Company Established 1807, N 115 Columbla Bt. Just off 2nd Ave. Ground Floor ¢ Tel. Elliott 6486 . BTOCKS . 5 BONDS We Will Sell 400 Alaska Development ~Cheap 100 American Nitrogen —Bid 500 American Bottle Cap 5000 Baker Steam ‘mo Beacon Coal -Buf'dn 80 F. K. Best Lock ~-In our office 1000 Falcon Mining 1000 Hirst Chlu{or 50 Johnston Piston & Ring —Cheap 1000 Kelly Mines 3000 Krikwen Axle —Your own price 500 Marchant Calculating 60 Rickenbacker Motors 650 Star Motors 1000 Western Sm. & Power —-(‘hns IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY T CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING, We Will Buy 50 American Securities Units 500 RBurly Ofl . 60 Durant Delaware (Escrow) 100 F. E. Best Lock . 1000 Kelly Mines 10 Kings Food Products ‘ 100 Star Motors (Escrow) 10 Western Finance All listed and unlisted securities glven immediate execution over private wires with connection in all principal cities In the United States and Canada. We rly cash over the counter for all issues when delivered to us. You will counter for all sgsues whn delivered cxeerlenco no delug at this oglco. WATSON-MOORE COMPAN Licensed Brokers Under the Blue Sky Law of This State. .. H. M. Herrin & Co. Established 1896 STOCKS AND BONDS DURANT MOTORS, INC. KBELLY MINES NEVADA BELLEVUE COPPER Bought, sold and quoted. Special service on above and all other marketable stocks. C. J. STEEPLE STOCKS AND BONDS Operating Under State Blue Sky Permit and Federal License Careful attention given buying and selling orders n bank, industrial, mining and 01l stocks, Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Van couver listed stocks handled at exchange prices and commissions. SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN American Workers 011, Bottle Cap, Swastika Oil, Alaska Petroleum, Best Lock, BSmith Cln_l‘glng Mach. AND MANY OTHERS 118 Chierry St Main 5899, BLLIOTT 6306, 117 CHERRY ST, - We Will Sell, Subject 1000 Wichita R%yalty ~Cheap 60 Frank B, Best, Inc, 10 Vitek Oil & Relg, ~Bargain 11000 Wilson 01l Co. -—Bid Get our prices before buying or sell ms in Mideontinent fields, We are fo vnl and state licensod brokers, Phoned 1911, 8118,‘E.Ib. 3026, Pacific Securities Co. © §oo<6ol Becurities Bldg., Seattle, Greater Stap Want Ads are read every night by many thousand people, * o e You can get your message to ' o these eager ‘“buyers” by placing your Want Ads in STAR WANT AD COLUMNS. Phone us your Ads, or leave them at Bartell’s Drug Store No. 2 QIO Second Avenue, s aess ettt s ———————————————— DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED it st : : $250 CASH : FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ° - ! S A-REAL SACRIFICE! Cozy little cottagq close in on paved street in very desirable distriet. It is arranged : for two families, with four rooms in front B and a large sun parlor and kitchenette in ; > rear. You can live in one part and rent the other. House is newly painted and re- 3 decorated. All assessments paid in full If T can make a sale before June 15th S will accept $2,760, with $350 cash; or will edt the price to $2,850 if you can pay SBSO cash. Might consider a lats Ford car as /3 part trade. This is an exceptionally good buy—so would advise you ‘to see it at ! once. Inquire In rear at 712 17th Ave, ] close to Providence hospital. i IF PROPERTY APPEALS TO YOU PHONE KENWOOD 4767 Globe Wall Paper Co. 907 SECOND AVENUE Their Entire Stock of Picture frames, framed ard sheet pictures, oil paintings, photo graphs, phatogravures, etchings, engravings, decorated china, Indian baskets and curios at from ; y &3 we must vacate on July 1 to make room for incoming tenant. THE LARGEST ETOCK IN THE NORTHWEST J 3 AT YOUR PRICE oo 85 STOCKS AND BONDS | Wa Will Biy 20 Durant Motors (Escrow) 500 Frank fi. Best &.ock 500 Sound übber 500 Rothert Process Steel 2000 Alaska Petroleum & Coal 1000 Kelly Mines We Will Sell - 500 Alaska Petroleum & Coal 500 American Workers Oil ' 500 Wichita Royalty 1000 Hematite Iron & Gold 'Hml) Alnska Endicott Copper !‘.'ooo Red Desert Ol | WE SELL GERMAN MARKS ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We can give you excellent service in | buying and selling Durant stocks. James Macfarlane & Co. 821 Second Ave. Elllott 1336, _ Main 0693, WANTED-—-1000 WICHITA ROYAL ty: 1000 Alaska. Pet. & Coal; 100 Best Lock. No brokess. - 602 Se curities Bldg. Aottt st 86 CHATTEL AND COL t LATERAL LOANS e ettt temesisnimmd bt 3156 TO SIOO LOANED } Without Delay for 1 WEEK TO 90 DAYS On Salaries, Automobiles, \ Furniture, Trucks INSURANCE POLICIES AND 502 PIONEER BLDG 50 . | OPP. TOTEM POLE LOANS ON AfiififlfißlLEK FUR niture and vacant lots. 4079 Ar- . cade Bldg. BILL, WARNER HAS BARRBDLS OF money to loan on automobiles 409 East Pine st 87 SALARY LOANS MONEY IN FIVE A PLACE for salaried mén and women and wage-earners to get money whenever they want it, on just plain note, no security, no indorser required. Most liberal loan cot‘npanx in clty. DON'T care who you owe or what you want the money for. Just satisfy us you will make, small weekly or monthly payments and you can get the money without red tape or‘&mbarbusmeut. . Loans on Furniture, Pianos, Autos, Ete. Any Amount, $lO to SIOO Without ‘nylnz An exorbitant rate or boinq mposed upon In any way. Strictly Confidential YOUR employer, friends or neigh bors need never know. You will be surprised how quickly and howl easy it is to open an account here, City Loan Co. 227 Seaboard Bldg. SECOND FLOOR. FOURTH & Pike " JSALARY LOANS MEN AND WOMEN Can borrow the mnne; they need‘ from this SOSIET on thelr PLAIN NOTE. No -oeurhy. no In dorser, and strictly confidential No ilnvestigation or Inguiry of friends or ne|‘.hbora. Jlo O SIOO Loaned for any pur%n. EASY PAYMENTS LO RATES Emplgxees Loan Society IRE B - 214 l-condlk‘v]:..noornmndlm; | | Vital Statistics a BIRTHS | Births In their housaliolds are re ported by the following men: ,Galunw. Mike, 340 15th ave., girl Hall, SBamuel Johnson, 1009 E. 40t st.. boy. {Jacobson, Olaf, 411 Ninth ave. N ! girl g i Becker, Solomon, 139 N. 82nd- st., gir! ;Hx;)mm'k. Frank EL, 2025 B 65th st o¥. : |Lane, Harold Herbert, § W. Etruri st., boy. g Burton, Handley Perry, 1620, 13t ave., girl 2 : 3 Thomas, Clarence Melvin, 5544 14t] ave. 8, girk . Bogeu. Francis R., §2§ Dawson st oy. ‘ Gra‘nl)y. Charles Roy, 503 N. 36th st gir i Swanson, Arthur, Port Ludlow, boj) Walker, ,(.‘harlea Hall, 1204 Shelb; st., girl G Kotchenreather, Peter Mathew, 35 W. 46tH st., gir. Wagner, Richard Gustgve. 2707 May fair ave. girl, 3 Morimoto, Sakutaro, 6983 Duwamis] ave., girl ‘ Okalble, Kinpie, 209 Boren ave. N girl ] l{lhlul'n, Ichimatsu, 104 17th ave rl § TaEmuchi. Kojiro, 1536 12th ave. S oy, ’raguka. Sokichi, 309 Maynard ave, oY, A Hirac}e. Kametaro, $lO 18th ave. S girl, |Arl\’|xn. Tasaburo, 810 Washington st. | oy. » ‘MacMillan, Perry Andrew, 1707 Belle vue ave., boy. : Beardsley, George, 8631 30th ave. S o Wy DOY. \ ‘C'L"' Walter M., 2343 33rd ave. S oy, : \Blec)}mnn. A. Louis, 304 20th ave. girl » Petani, 'Bliagio Antonlo, 1220 Walker st., girl 3 Johneon, Clarence Edward, 5206% Ballard ave., girl B"FT" Gilardo, 1306 20th ave. S rl. R \’ofl‘a:n. Dominick, 841 Thistle st rl Br“scoe. Arthur Kenneth, 4712 Inter: lake ave,, boy. ' ! Mg‘\ianus, Hugh, 5210 47th ave. S, oy. Couch, Joe Howard, €047 41st ave 8 W, erl. ¥ Crowe, Frederick Stanley, 5940 40th ave. S. W,, boy. Su::fl:l. Toshiyuki, 120734 Yesler way, girl. Harada, Hikosaburo, 1005 Yesle: way, girl i Balt’ake. Iwagiro, 2005 Charles st, oy, \ | 'Hidaka. Toyotaro, 807 Eighth ave. S, boy. . ¢ Name and Residence. Age. Leonard, Roy 8, Seattle ......Lega Watson, Agnes Belle, Chicago .Legt Smith, Harry Paul, Seattle l} Davis, Elanq Seattle ...ooooai. 8 Kirchenbauer, Edgar Emil, U, 8§ # S, Reno I! Mac Van, Edythe, SBeattle .........32 Richards, Chester, Des Moines .. ..31 Crane, Lucille, Dern Moines ~..... 2 Wells, Harvey W., Tacoma ....Legal Hall, Ilorence M., Seattle .....Logal Flanagan, H. West, Maltby ... Legal Dearle, Eva, Seattle ... . .. Logal Anthony, Charles Joseph, Seattle. . 3 Brown, Mattie Alice, Kellogg, JORNO 2 icasa B h win s 4 0.0 4 0 sRATE Stringer, Thomas KB, Seattle . .Legal Small, Lura, Sefttle . ... ... . Legal Sewell, William, Tacoma ... .Lexli Johnson, Lulu Katherine, Ta- } GO 5¢ 4 vivbin's nd &ove on b vide s v White, Crawford, Seattle ..., .Legal Johnson, Adella, Scattle ... Lega “Tharp, Victor 8, Snogualmle .....a \Mch'ennoy. Myrtle L, Seattle soeoodd g 15