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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1928 LIBERTY g o e, = HAROLD LLOYD £ - e B £ siy las 2 ?llll;li!hllil;lrllllllli;]filllnlil.l.lla “The Exciters” T BN BBV (ORI IS 0o s S 0 WKI D eLR 2! = skt ‘:.lilll""l AN = ® MEIGHAN = - 2 AL RIS . - in REXN BEA . - "The . M Ne'er-Do-Well” g B e arcos B R TR SEENEENNEEEARD \ A T, O P o R \"‘x&‘ 5 D N . ' Coming Saturday, ’ ’an Event— ‘ ¢ laner's * , A 4 5l RRSY P e A ! 2 e / e A NNV B o H " [T % | '.\\ ’ LR\ () .‘\ \\ ’ '\\ NN \\\ \\ A% 4 b \ 5d sy . “ L - 4 “—y 1 ’ World-famous study ’1 of ruthless sex | conflict— '1 g ¢ | g &g ¢WOMEN” ¢ ’ with " Lionel Barrymore | ’ and " Alma Rubens : | dewawwuwd Are you dissatisfied with tlwi house you are living in? Why not buy one of those new Bungalows that -are being advertised thru !hc[ Want As. You can buy them likei : ~ N e s rEE e S ~ 3 '-; i «’- "’1 \ 4 P p ' = Strength is essential in almost any undertaking. In the banking business it is of fundamental importance. This is a strong bank. Our invested capital is $1,000,000. Our resources are over $26,- | 000,000. We are subject to state, federal and clearing house supervision. Moreover, our officers and directors are men of proven ability and large responsibility. A Strong Bank for Your Sc.wiuys : bEA & },( THe H {3 1) SeatfleNational Bank B\ ‘J/j SECOND AVENUE at COLUMBIA o Organized Over Forty-One Years Ago Port Awaits Word on Skin- E ner & Eddy Site Word from the shipping board at Washington, D, C. tentatively ac. cepting the offer of the Seattle Port commission to take over the Skin. ner & Eddy shipyard site No. 2 for §600,000 was accepted by George B, Lamping, president of the port com mission Wednesday, he sajd. Lamping completed a conference In Portland recently with Senator George F. Chamveriain of Oregon, A member of the shipping board, who promised that he would do all In his power to put the deal thru, sccording to Lamping, Chamberlain arrived in Washington, . C.. late Monday and was to wirs Lamping the board's decision Tuesday, “Chamberlain favoras the port ownership of the property and told me he belleved the board would ac. cept the port's offer. He promised o do all he could to complete the deal” sald Lamping Wednesday, A wire from Washington, D, was recelved here Wednesday which quoted Commissioner Meyer Lissner of the shipping board as saying that the deal had been temporarily halt. ed due to the possibility of legal difficulties préventing the carrying out of the plan. Lamping stated that a test suit on the sala of the port commission bonds, which wero to be used to buy the site, would remove all legal difficulties now in the path of the port commissioners. The date of thiy test suit has not been set and port commissioners will arrange it within a short time, according to Lamping. | Gov. Gen. Leonard Wood has been Awarded the Roosevelt medal for the promotion of naval defense. ¥l Re.elect Dr. H. G. Stub, of St. Paul, as president of the Norwegian Lutheran church of America. 9:05.8 Forty members of the Seattle Ad vertising club will. attend the Pa. cifie Coast Advertising Clubs' acso clation convention at Spokane, June 17 to-21. : . . - Andrew MoQuaker Is the new president of the Mutual Husiness club for the next six months, with Tracey E. Griffin ay vice president, . . . Rev. Mark A, Matthews, mastor of the First Presbyterian chureh, Is be. queathed the entire estate of Thom. ag J. Smith, $6,000, retired business man, according to the terms of Smith's will, - . . Clifford Marsh, mail carrier. sus. tained a broken arm Tuesday in an effort to crank the officlal govern. ment flivver, 70,0 The prize-winning drum corps of Seattle Moose lodge, No. 211, will have charge of entertalnment at the tourist auto camp .uu: woek. - The literary and comic monthlies of the university, the Columns and the Sun Dodger, appearsd on the campus Wednesday, In combined form, embracing the final issues of cach, . L e Wedding bells rang out for Craw. ford E. White, attorney and state president of the Eagles, when he married Mrs, Violette Adelia John. son, of Astoria, . - . . The first woman to receive the highest. office in the Ancient Or. der of United Workmen was hon ored Tuesday, when Bertha Kule was chosen master workman of E¥ergreen lodge, No. 2, A church In Kengington, Eng., has a clock which strikes the hours on bells but which has no face. NEW JERSEY KU KLUX INITIATES 600 Up Guards,and at ’em! Wriggling Army at Bay Phalanx of “Last-Stand” Southern Pacific Officials Squir? })ilflqn »Cgterpillar Mass CORVALLIS, Ore., June 13.—Two high officials of the SBouthern Puaeific and a trainload of crude 01l weres or dered into the breach today In an effort to halt the caterpillar caraven In hospitals, large / offices, fine homes where immaculate ness is demanded, Calol Liquid Gloss is known best, used most. Cleans and polishes—floors, fur niture, linoleum, etc., like magic. STANDARD OIL COMPANY { California) CALOL LIQUID GLOSS THE BEATTLE SBTAR which is delaying traffic on the New port branch line. The crude 011, & whole train of it, s being generously deluged onto the roadbed and the right of way beside the tracks: in the hope that it will huave a fly paper effect and halt the advancing worm legions. The officlals, Charles 8. Fee, pas. senger traffic manager, and John M. Scott, general passenger agent, are hurrying here in an effort to ascer twin what manner of creation would hive the temerity to hold up a Southern Pacific train. They will superintend further spreading of the 011, which is the method of attack akreed upon as maost likely to stem the tide of wrig glng worms. However, there ia some probability that the caterpillars will use braln work, with the ad vance guard acting in the nature of a sponge 1o absorb the gooey 011, and permitting other millions to grawl forward to the attack over thelr dead bodies., Yesterday's local, having had some success in breaking thru the day be fore by using two engines, hitched on a third, and skidded along the worm-covered tracks with only a few minutes’ delay, But using three en gines to pull a lttle traln which one should be able to transport easily is not the Southern Pacific's idea of economy, henice the campaign of ex termination against the lowly cater pillars, But should all antl.worm crusades be doomed to failure, and there is every possibility they will be, this unexplained antipathy for the South. ern Pacific which the caterplllars are showing can only last just so long. Soon,. unless they are a special brand of caterpillars, they must en. ter the pupa stage, from which they will later emerge full grown and - : 7 Sal . -~ . | ) ] Y gahab : :,T;' Tl &‘ s | (W TR \ \'\ ‘.:..:.*:7..:)-;" - y |DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR EYES Have them examined by an experienced optometriat, FREE EXAMINATION here by n regintered optometrist of long experience, BEST $2.50 GLASSES ROTHWELL OPTICAL Co. 227 Unlon Street, Seattle Bet. Second and Third Aves, EXTRACTION FREE DAILY \/" '\\. ™ | OHIO PAINLESS (Pl Uu. yecvti plate, which doonl not cover the roof of the mouth 1 you have two or more teeth. ' Notrot Teeth ... $5,00 4T OROWNS .covv.ont 54.00 L | o o o o Deonng o 5:‘"33?03" wlorky 12 still kiving x%?.i ' satisfaction, All work funrantced for 16 ;eara | Examination free, | OHIO CUT RATE = Yetahahad 20 Vanen , fecond Ave. and liulv"_-lt! St. ’ ot Kb, et som o) [ ] ) N Take the Boat TACOMA Lowest Fares vSO T Way QU T Trip | Leave Colman Dock Daily I 7911 a. m. « l-?-SJ-D p.m. ' PucerSounoNaviGATlON (o, | Above candidates are kneeling before the flaming cross and taking the oath of allegiance at the initiation at Clarke's Landing, N, J., when 600 new members were ad mitted to the Ku Klur Klan. Below is ¢ woman officer of the Ladies of the Invisible Empire, unmasked, guarded by Royal Riders.of the Red Robe, e ————————————————— . ’ Editor’s Funeral Is Held Tuesday Funeral services for Misg Martina Johnston, a resident of Seattle since 1587 and for many yesars editor and publisher of the Catholic Northwest Progress, were held at St. James cathedrul Wednesday moming, and were followed by Interment in Cal vary cemetery, Miss Johnston died Sunday, beautiful butterflies, flitting hither and yon over the greensward. And, realizing this, even the most pessimistic Southern Pacific employe Is hopeful. ¥or no one hams ever heard of butterflies Joining in a massed attack to hold up a railroad train, resh from the | factory | g—* FRESH : now 15¢ ////lllumumn\\\\\\\ ‘ * MAYNARD'S ADDITION There ;]s]a number ot(xi_ = s each lot correspon ing TO JO“OI’SOH Pal'k DlStflCt ing with the number on the map. Sale -to be h_eld The Owner Has Authorized the Sale of She opery IR . NI : Saturday, June 16 Sunday, June 17 1 At 2 P. M. each day J. E. BARNETT, f Auctioneer ] Elliott 2408 ‘ . to Be Sold Without Limit. Sale Takes Place on the Property LSk ' Saturday, June 16—2 P. M.—Sunday, June 17 See the property be fore the sale. Each lot , = HOW tO Get Thel'e | plainly marked \\'.l‘th lot U 7YNATOS L 8 W Take Jefferson Park and block numbers. \ N car, No. 12, on Srd Ave- Those interested can 2 gue, t(i'ansftgi}' toB city arrange to see the prop- T q 2 us. Get off ‘at Bran l‘l't‘\' by Qa”ing @ % 5””//00” = don St. Go one blOCk T 5o Lol west. Motorists can 7] u= 31 7 drive right to the prop carter i e fi M erty. Our signs will ] [l s 7 ; < uide vou. U)(I)(/) ERIE U) ™ g ¥ M n Id ug boS . MACUONAIA | =i e To The Public & 1y ;? ey ¥ - Would you buy a lot | & Mlller QQ&* N at your own price? If ‘ =] g o] iqo, attend tl(;is_ sale arll)g | 1 HHEH BHEH he convinced it can Incorporated -7 Eg // done, as lam author f Autos at Your Service Orcas Sracer P ERANL Da A ized to sell al.l lOt.s re | Phone Elliott 5870 e Svenabas \] {ACCI9BS F e | R | | —— . | Title insurance to E BA RNETT 1 . each purchaser. Lots J. " Terms o' sale ‘ ' will be sold free and , I‘glthel cash wm“ 5 ‘ . clear of all=®encum- A t' pe: C(z;ltt dclsg%unlt)a(i;nzci 1 | er ¢ a | brances, assessments uc loneer ‘ ilt $lO per month and 6 ‘ paid in full. Taxes per cent interest on de- | paid to date. N e RO ferred payments. | } Full Information by Calling CARTER, MacDONALD & MILLER, inc. | Elliott 5870 Sales Agents 18 QI7TO F. KEGEL, President ———————.________,_—-——-——m————————‘———_———-—_—_—— ’ Tomorrow, Thursday, at g:00 i A Special Purchase P | Go on "Sale dt " 2% ; 5y g \ - k\(‘é ' & . /\’,’//{L 1 ‘\‘\ 1 ) T $ 75 //’\7..; < { />. ; )= ) - NS A sl O | F e | \‘// //’4‘\‘4 ,/'{ \ } Bought to Sell for llp \# Il 1 Much More f \gfig ffz‘ § :;f* ‘ Sizes for Misses and T\\ % % " fi Women Uk T_: b : Every frock in keeping with fashion’s /%o;q ;%] demands —in materials —in colors —in = styles. Values such as these are rare, in deed, and this will be a record-breaking : L \Q sale. Choose from the following: COLORS: Blue, orch,id. black, gray, brown, tan, paisley. MATERIALS: Prints, moire, flat crepe, crepe de chine, Canton crepe. Dresses Suitable for Street or Sports Wear l 3