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4 \ 3 . R ' 2 All goods sold by us ave guaranteed to give sat isfaction or money refunded. Our Cash and Carry plan saves you 50 on Wall Paper and 309 on Paints. WHY PAY MORE? Wall Paper Catalog to Out-of-Town Customers on Request Kitchen Papers |™gue i 7c [ o | 8¢ roll and Uy . » MLING, B ondans TS 206 I e III‘I AVY vlll A CEILIN sc Bedroom Papers | oumewxen, 248 | 08 room lots, 8¢ roll Up e s b g e el Ha" Papers FLOOR VARNISH, SBN ahe VD lll\‘t!ll ll‘\l VAR slan REMNANT LOTS ; - ‘AR -5¢ roll and Up NISH, qua 31.22 Y Parlor Papers (“'\jl‘lrl:;ll‘\‘llff';,-lh. p\..;.53c Se and Up SIZING GLUE, REMNANT I,«»;‘S I ' 34C RSty | viLpues | 20c Oatmeal Papers Se=lh, DEADENIN( i 0:"';_‘"_:.““" PAPERS, lsc ‘l'il.l.'l'."“-.‘:!. 7 ~i'l 81-75 B U 16c | RIEREYTC $2.45 | | Western Wall Paper Co. Largest Wall Paper Store in Northwest 1921 Second Avenue HOTEL WASHIN(‘.TON_’IS ACROSS Miom Us - L m NOW! > W £l fi% \ 7\ A AN ) TN IR e oren o wonderful love story— “TRIFLING WITH HONOR” ROCKLIFFE FELLOWES BUDDY WESSINGER FRITZI RIDGEWAY A Unlversal-Jewel BABY PEGGY IN “TIPS” L. HAUPTMAN'S ORCHESTRA ° Columbia , iiaad -=l; ! “ONLY n | il . with ll : Wallace Beery | E Estelle Taylor m E Mae Busch I | ; Tully Marshall 3 Andy Henri C. : Ward ILe¢ Bel II ’ 1 His N r Ei' mll;amlm ()r(::‘n:::zt - | |1 M o WBIUESEBISE I St %’ “You’ve Got to B i g ‘ The vox:llynri\ylgof t!hll mne!ur. self-starting fox. Bl 11 s wane ; ) t;pr.dfinen' veru/an of it Cotumbia fiecord by The i Georgians, 1 * % t “You Tell 'l:ler——l - is the ¢nsc'o‘::t:‘t'xmbu on E the other side. i At Columbia Dealers ;' —— A-3857 r // ol % 75C (@uhilegr ' T L ; O LA 2T 2 eTWo) rd sy . Columbla i = . Graphophone Co, v e e e e e e e B e # e L r - OPPORTUNITY - Star Want Adsg An old meda), stamped with the seal of the University of Washing: ton, and dated 1563, was unearthed Saturday at Madison park bathing beach, by B. 8. Roden, a city em ploys who was excavating at the spot. The medal 1s of sterling allver and was buried two feet beneath the surface of the ground. It was in a perfect state of preservation. The relic evidently was mads one year after the university was founded and wis lost on the beach, later be. ing covered by sand and brought in by the waves. Several old colns have been found in the vicinity of the beach, the mosat recent being a $5 gold plece, unearthed by Mike Johnson, None of the professors of history at the university was abloe to throw any light on the medal, which Is shaped ke the shield of a Roman gladiator. MORENO IS CAST WITH POLA NEGRI Antonio Moreno, having finished his work in “The Exciters,” with Bebe Danlels has returned to the Lasky studlo at Hollywood where he will play opposits Pola Negrl in “The Spanish Dancer,” an adaption of “Don Caesar de Bazan,” which Herbert Brenon will produce, BOOK SOLD FOR $2,350 LONDON, June 13.—A copy of a rare edition of Bacon's essays, pub. lished In 1598, has been sold here for $2,350. It once could be bought for a_penny. The book wasz found re. cently on the floor of an unoccupied room at Betley Hall, near Crewe, MADAME'S POTENT THUMB Lawyer—Madam, you lost your thumb in the trolley acecident: but how can you prove it is worth the $2,000 you have sued the company ;fbr? | Madame—Tlt, sir, was the thumb ;l kept my husband under—Judge. LAST TIMES The Screen’s Most Charming Actress MARGARET DE LA MOTTE in “JUST LIKE A WOMAN" Starting Tomorrow CHARLES JONES In “T'he Noss of Comp 4" Comedy News Ny A% < : 165 149, é ALY b 3 BET PIKE<PN S Wednenday and Thursday Only “A FOOL THERE WAS” I AMATEURS TONIGHT ! Starts Soon Entries Now Open—Cnll or Phone Contest Manager f '-'/‘/,r i 3 POLY NEIGR In “PASSION” 10¢ } STAGE \WWORLID SCREEN : : of MAKE-BELIEVE » “ TODAY'S PROGRAMS SCREEN COLISEU M—Themas Meighan ln “The Ne'er Do Well” ur&:nn'-umu Lloyd in “Safely .t BLUE MOUSE—Estelle Tayler and Mae Busch in “Ouly & Shop Girl™ STRAND—Hebe Danlels and Antonle Morens In “The Excitens.™ COLUMBIA —Kockeliffe Vellowes and Prital Ridgewsy i “Trifling With Honor, " WINTER GARDEN—Marguerite De La Motte in “Just Like a Woman" COLONIAL-—"A Yool There Was" PRINCESS—PoIa Negrl in “Passlon.” STAGE PANTAGES —Vaudeville program fea turing “Youth." PALACE HIP-Vaudeville pnw and photeplay feature, Gladys ‘al ton In "The Town Scandal.” OLYMPlO—Vaudeville, comedy, girl revue and pheteplay feature. LIBERTY Harold Lloyd's “'Safety Last,'' his first seven.reel comedy feature, which 18 showing now at the Lib orty, Is heralded as the greatest lnugh-producing pleture ever made One critlc sald: ‘'He causes rusty laugh glands and frozen faces to blow up and set off bombs of mirth for miles around.’" “‘SBafety Last" has about every concelvable comedy thrill for a motion picture, and be sides tells a delightful huwman story, the romance of a boy and girl, It shows what havoe a little white lie, all for the cause of Cupid, can cause There are scenes in a department store that are rich with satire. Mil dred Davis is agnin the star's popu. lar leading lady and gives one of her best portrayals “Safety Last'' will be here only until Friday night, which is the end of ita third week. - . - BLUE MOUSE “Only a Shop Glrl," the screen adaption of the great stage suc cess of Charea E. Blaney, is prov. ing an excellent attraction at the Blue Mouse theater now., Tha plo ture Is heralded as a good old fashioned drama of 25 years ago, solidly constructed and played by a good cast. It also is sald to mnrl tain an wvlemént of mystery ‘"di suspenss and to closely adhers to the story as it was originally pro. duced. No player is featured, tho thers are nine popular atars in the cast. They number Estelle Taylor, Wallace Beery, Mae Busch, Willlam Scott, Tully Marshall, James Mor rison, Clalre Dubrey, Willard Louls and Baby Josephine Adair, |A - . STRAND 1 Bebe Daniels and Antonia Mo renc hLave interesting -rhnrac!finm-‘ tions In “The Excitera™ the l'aru-l mount feature now showing at the Strand theater. Miss Danlels plays the part of a flapper whose mlddlol name is “speed” and who is the chief “exciter’” of society with her racing In motorboats, utos, air planes and every other kind or‘ vehicle, Moreno has an unusual part as & United States intelligence service agent, who is for a while mistaken for a real member of the gang of crooks with whom he !x working. Both stars give excellent portrayals and have the best of support. Cyril Ring and Burr Me- Intosh are principals in their sup port, " COLISEUM Rex PBeach's famous novel, "“The Ne'er-Do-Well,” in picture form, Is an interesting production. It is now the feature offering at the Coliseum theater. Thomas Meighan plays the name part, that of Kirk An. thony, the ne'erdowell son of a wealthy man. As the result of a Yrank he finds himself on board n steamship bound for Panama with. out a cent in his pockets. When he arrives the fun begins. Luckily, tho, he meots a woman of means who obtains a position for him as u railroad conductor. Whils thus em. ployed he encounters and falls ln] love with a beautiful Spanish girl. Their love romance is prolific in many interesting developments and makes the story a most interesting one. Lila Lee plays opposite Melg han and a good cast i 3 seen in thelr support. L I i COLUMBIA ~ The crack of leather againat a ‘baseball bat within the gray walls of iu penitentiary as the Gus Pipe Kid clouted a homs run into the prison fleld had {ta echo on every sand lot in Californla. And that echo rebuilt ‘u crook’s soul thru the voice of a itouzh alley kid. Rockeliffe Fellowes, a 8 the crook, and Buddy Messinger i MOVIE VAMP ’ Estelle Taylor is well fitted for the role which she plays m “A Fool There Was," which is now at the Colonial, Her part is that of the vi vacious vampire who lures all men with her indifference and charne, THE SEATTLE STAR “Bright Shawl” Richard Barthelmess as he‘ appears in “The Bright Shawl,” the picturization of Joseph Hergesheimer's famed book, which depicts Cuba's struggle for independence. Barthelmess gives a dramatic characterization and receives the best of support from Dor othy Gish and Jetta Gouda?, who are featured in the pic ture, ‘ an the boy, have admirable roles In “Trifling With Honor," a Unlversal. Jewel photoplay now showing at the Columbia theater. Fritzi Ridgeway and Hayden Btevenson are also fea. tured. .- WINTER GARDEN Marguerite de LaMotte is the star of “Just Like a Woman,” the présent feature o! ‘he Winter Garden thea. {er. Bhe plays the part of Pegxy Dean, who plans to teach her aunts a lesson after hearing of a slur cast upon her dead mother, who was an actress, Peggy dreases as a mlulon-} ary, goes to the aunta' home to live, and forces them to give up most of the Innocent pleasures which the aunts have enjoyed, The pictures has n human interest and a love story. Halph Graves and George Fawcetl are prominently cast, | . . \ COLONIAL | “A Fool There Was" a pleture founded on the famous poem, ““The Vampire,” by Rudysrd Kipling, s the photoplay attraction now at tho‘ Colonial theater. The picture Is & ‘dramatie one and an excellent cast ja wecn in its presentation. Estelle Taylor N?:- the part of the vam. pli: and Lewls Stone is *"the fool™ Besides these two stars, Irene Rich, Muifel Dana, Marjorie Daw, Mah. lon Hamilton, Wallace MeDonald, Willlam V. Mong and Harry Lons. dale, all of whom are well known, bave featured roles, | . s » PALACE HIP " | As the lead In the chorus of o Broadway musical comedy show, Giadys Waiton, In the rola of Jean Crosby, in the Universal attraction, “The Town Scandal,” which ia being shown at the Paince Hip lhuuri now, leaves nothing to be desired. Her superb figure and her daneing lubnuy fit her well for the pm.l ‘The play was adapted to tle soreen by Hugh Hoffman from the story, i‘“‘l’ho Chicken That Came Homa to Roost,” by Frederick Arnold Kum. mer. King Baggot directed the ple ture, . \ . .. PRINCESS “Passion.” one of Pola Negri's greatest pictures, a European pro. duction, is at the Princess theater now. The plcture tells the life story of Jeanne Dußarry, the fa. mous French adventuress, and is sald to be highly dramatic thruout. S.S.S. stops Rheumatism And with it pain and its prob ability of reaching the heart. “Rheumatism? Me? No, indeed, it's all gone, every bit of it! It's sunshine and joy for me now for the first time in years. I feel a o) Jy' L,-/» 1 > ol . ~ _’ &, £/ " MR - *My Rheumatism is all gone.” wonderful glory again in the free motion I used to have when my days were younger., I look at my hands and think of the twists and swellings they used to have. I bend way over to the floor. 1 haven't been able to do that in many years. I can thank 8, 8. B. for it all! To me it was a rising sun of joy and liberty. Brothers and sisters in misery, do not close your eyes and think that health, free motion and strength are gone from you for. ever! 1t s not so. It {8 here and now for all of you. B§, 8, 8. {8 wait- Ing to help you,” There {8 a rea son why 8. 8. 8. will help you. When you increase the number of your red-blood-cells, the entire system - undergoes a tremendous change. REverything deponds on blood-strength. Blood which {8 mi. nug sufficient red.cells leads to a long list of troubles. Rheumatism 18 one of them. 8, 8. 8. s the great blood-cleanser, blood-builder, sys tem strengthener, nerve invigora tor, It stops skin eruptions, too, pimples, blackheads, acne, bolly, ec. zoma, It bullds up run-down, tired men and women, heautifies com. plexlons, makes the flesh firmer, Start 8,8, 8. today. It Is sold at all good drug stores, The larger slzo 18 more economical, akes you feel SOSO s. ;'g‘ y"“’?"}"’g“i" R-\ - /Ct\ g 1/,\," N FRASER-PATNERSON CO /'(v\]r\ e .A r-\ )Jl ~)d SECOND AVENUE AND_UNIVERSITY STREET —————————————————————————————————————————————— R R AN ERO AR RRNRR =R =™, ] [able Cloth 4.75 Pure Linen Table Cloths at $4. 100 pure linen pattern Table Cloths and 50 dozen Napkins are offered for Thursday at unusually low prices. Heavy quality—several attractive designs including scroll and stripe, rose, shamrock and Grecian key and marguerite and spot. Table Cloths, 68x68, $4.75; 68x84, $5.95. Napkins to match, 20x20, §5.95 dozen. ~Becond Floor Pure Linen Towels Man’s Size Bath Towels 300 pure linen hemstitched Towels with Extra large size and extra heavy quality. damask borders and space for monogram. W gt gk W i Heavy q\;ullit(:'l.:4 ‘{’e(r;lzbsorbent. Size 18 s@c h.ue 25x52 inches. ,”""h ;,r'ade Towels, 69@ x 32 inches. Remarkable values. highly absorbent. Very special, ~=Hecond Floor ~fecond Floor Special Price Basement ’s. . - The Bargain Center Women’s Lisle Union Suits A special purchase of women's fine lisle N, ° Union Suits. White only. Bodice and ég;-. Pl n regulation top styles, Sizes 34 to 44. c A ~First Floor - i‘w A\ Dr ST \\‘\\\\\ fi" esses Special in the Trimmings Section A \\\\c s]l2 95 Clasps and Ornaments, 35¢ and 75¢ \ \ \\\‘ ° A special purchase of 300 just received—beautiful \\‘ S novelties of all kinds, including a wide variety of col- A\NS\U 04 Dresses of Canton crepe, ors and combinations in metal and bone, plain and in ‘\ DU Printed crepes, Taffetas, Shi- colors. Some in metal and others in bone. For wraps g kira crepes and Pharaoh and dresses, —First Floor WV Pl e ¥ ”‘E" Uil Straightline, Side Drape, UHNEE Long Panels, Jacquette, 4 : f|{/4] Basque effects, Flowing Remarkable Bargains in i §iie Sleeves, and other popular ‘ i';-' styles. : ey le% ! |MI# Dresses for Street, Afternoon, Sec d H d \' ‘,' ,52"' Informal Affairs and for ond-rian 18 ;'; : Sports wear, = 4 AL g &"7‘7 A sale that offers unusual Se M }un , R sot wing WNlachines }f* Sizes for women, 36 to 44. o Sizes for misses, 16 to 34. ‘! \_lM:‘&.A‘:“ SINGER “ '-——l&li‘ O Morning Dresses ‘ “-" - WHITE $1.95 =l L= FREE Nine attractive models; well 1 ' N/a made and serviceable, of 'y—\( :: ’. DOMESTIC striped, checked g'ln{l{uma and pl:ir:i gcglttl,ir linen fin- ' N\ ish material. Fashioned in s ne, wrap- y around and sash models. Sizes 36 to 46, ; Y NEW HOME | =) WHEELER Sport Skirts Slip-on. Sweaters $1.95 & WILSON ss 95 Hundreds of good looking . Sweaters at a remarkably low ’ - price, £ P A ; Pra o ;?:.:, ::::‘,m?,::rh::,;:: Wool and Mohalr Slipons In V. PI'ICQS fr Om $5 Up button trimmed. Rich plald. neck and other .l”‘;:fip.l;ui: g : : , And fancy weaves, % faa and brown, blus and piain colors. Sold on Convenient Terms green and plum and black. All sizes from 34 to 44, —Bewing Machine Dépt., Fifth Floor ) Constance Talmadge has finlahed work In "Duley,” her latest comedy. Norma Talmadge will have completed “Putple Pride” (formerly known as i —————— S ——————— New Discovery Makes Superfluous Hair Leave (Roots nnd All Qulieckly Depart) As halr or fuzz on the face Is such an embarrassing thln*, every woman so afflicted will welcoma the Information that these diafigure ments now can be completely re moved-—roots and all—in the privacy of one's own home, without the as sistance of an ngon. The new method will astonish and “nlhght. you. You never saw or hoard of anything like it before. It is not a depllatory and not electrical. Just ;{M a stick of phelactine from your cvuTglAl and follow the simple di rections. In a Jiffy you have re moved the offending hairs com pletely. With your own eyes you see the roots come out, Phelactine fs absolutely harmless, non-<poison ous and odotless —Advertisement, . Sound Kidneys Save Su erizg ave Suff The hustle and bustle of modern life often cause weak Kidneys, Overwork and worry invariably create polson faster than the weakened Kidneys can filter it from the blood. Pains in the back, nervousness, and lack of ambition are some of the warnings that the kidneys may not be functioning prop. erly. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy should be used for beneficial action. For 60 years this de. pendable remedy has proved its value in helping nature to restore these organs to a nopy. mal condition, Wamer’s Safe Remedies Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy Warner's ' Safe Diabetes Rom: edy Warner's Safe Rheumatic Rem. edy ' Warner's Sufo Asthma Remedy Warner's Safe Nervine Warner's Safe Plils (Constipa. tion and Blliousneas) The Rellable Family Medioines Bold by lending druggists everywhere, Bample sent on receipt of 10 centw, Warner's Safe Rlemedies Co, Dept. Bot Nochester, N, Y. “Ashes of Vengeance™) by June 185. And Buster Keaton has completed the editing of “Three Ages' his lat. est comedy which will soon be re. leaged. DR. EDWIN J, BROWN'S i DENTAL OFFICES L 106 Columbis St Yoy Seattle's , Leading Dentist f.&/ for More Than 31 O ”, Xears i 4 4‘s*‘ DR. N, YOW o Physician and Rur. - geon, usss Chinese e roots and herbs in > . treating all discases § i g of men and women, it g Speclalizes In stom- Fove, | o ach trouble, and ¥ ok other allments, Dr. N. Yow Chinese Remedy Co. 116 Yesler Way, Maln 4398, Seattle, YWash Matinees, 2130 Nights, 7 and ¥ e L S —————— Maud Danlel Presenty ‘“ " YOUTH Coming stare of the future A cast of 10 inimitable kiddies featuring Mary Caroline Danlels and Madine Hamilton m O'Mears & Landig m DOWNING & O'ROURKE m Adonis & Co. m LaFRANCE BROTHERS M Pantagescope MH. MILDRED ANDREE & GIRI S m GENERAL ADMISSION ; Mntinees, 25¢ Nights, 40¢ and quick to act. You got none but good effects from J O'TO Gives quick relief from in. digestion and other stom. neh o troubles, sick head. nche, billousness and con. stipation, with no un. d plensant effects 500, Rl, 8150 pkyw, All Drug Stores JOTO Coy, Ine, Hellingham, Wauh, | North End property of all types iand sizes can be purchased thru |Greater Star Want Ad columns. gl’.Mh'r look over the offers today. | 'Th AwayaWig {Belng almost completely bald, James B, jAllan bought an expensive wig. A friend !nd\-uu\ him to try Kotalko. He did so. {His halr grew anew, covering his head. |He threw away his wig. Many other such jcases, Get a box of genuine KOTALKO {at a druggist’s or write for free Proof | Box to Kotalko Office, 46-A, Station L. !}“-»w York.—-Advertisement, Piles Can Be Cured Without Surgery An instructive book has been pub lished by Dr. A 8. MeClen;{. the noted rectal speclalist of Kansas City. This book telts how sufferers from Piles can be quickly and casily cured without the use of Knife, scis sors, “hot" iron, electricity or nnx other cntllnf or burning method, | without confinement to bed and no {hospital bills to pay. The method has | been & success for twenty-four years and in more than eight thousand cases. The book Is sent postpaid free to persons afflicted with lpilen or other rectal troubles who clip this item and mall it with name and ad !drl-.-u to Dr, McCleary, 647 Parkview Sanitarium, Kansas City, Mo.—Ad | vertisement. ; SALE “C'FR'MAN " (N A No. ‘2:5. Hl'lhen typa | 5 L A kenuine alx-powen i ?.-i - “Foth" prism glnocu - ( IR lars, magnifies slx times, i il TS P G:I :)h')‘elfl six mllr: Ll L Ma Appear | ey ! !! Uy Iy one m!rel\vay : - L ‘- ;n\n stage 200 feet ! 1 L way appears i F o g SDOUE 30 160 pons 1 you, Splendld il \ S fumination, large A -4 field view, Pgfltn s b ] mrchrnluk to:‘- . ! R struction, Especi. | B SRemP «lly sultable for | W[ | races, hnmln,), L yachting and (rnw"nfl. Retallaeverywhere at S4O. | Our special price Includes. genuive leather plush lined case -48. fine leather strap, for °"'YB2‘.“ SI.OO must he sent with order, balance C. O, D, | (No orders fitled without dcpoah.) | Genuine Imported German Automatic Pistol | “SAUER"” @ mewragt | Ne. 508 Cal 32 N —e P | Highest \v‘n and P e | Anest rllto in lppnu‘lu \ | a 0 well as in construction i | tver brought.over, Taken / \ | 32 cal. ULS, Colt nytomatic \ | eartridges, shoou\ shota to aloading. \! | Greatest accuracy, Madeof finest blue \ | steel with hard rubber handle. | \ | Real 830 value, $1.2:50 | Dur Speclal price only | ... | N:. All’. glenulnho a“to&nnnfi S}-‘u(e_r.‘ Cal, 2! Shoots 7 shots, takes 1, 8 Co! S Cal, | Automatic cartridges, Special price only ’l2'_:2 | No. 511, Genulne Imported German Autos {nnthlc (\"|Mnuor““i h‘hon)l‘- ‘Lo -hmln, 32 Cal v 8, Colt Cartridges, egular value | SIO,OO. Our .p-.en.Fp.m. :.. Gisansiey ‘132 [ No, 510, Geuulne Imported German Autoe !r.ut‘!c (".hl‘l.';"":“l;! shon;‘c Ol -houl. 25 Cal, |U. 8 Co wriridges, egular value, $28.00. Our speclal price. ~.. 5 ,13;-5—0 | No. 316, Genulne Imported German Autos I!ITN\‘ On,‘hn. ’;h;;au l') shots, A 2 |(‘4|al. U 8 | Colteartridgos. S.OO value«—our sapecla :\r‘vl‘rn:‘nls'. . Vo oR s : g ’11:—-” | V:n. M(;I.“('-‘onulcha Am:mh.“c l)l;w(ovltnl Gére man Ortgles. Shoots 8 shote, 25 Cal, ‘ LS, Colt cartridges, Speelal price. .. ... SM FREE -Genulne Leather Holster with overy KD Deposit of ss¢ with order required on guns. Buls mee C.OD, Satlsfaction |unuulfla or yous 'nnm-r h}rk. You will enjoy these bargalne=— sargaing like thess don't come orlm. Order "odly. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1923, Take tl\oe Boat TACOMA Lowest Fares 45h 807 it bR e PuceT SounoNaviGationCo. | l i DR,/ r~A % Ay /(AJ - . Cuticura Taleum Soothes And Cools After a warm bath with Cuticura Soap there ia nothing more refresh ing for baby's tender skin than Cuticura Talcum. If his skin is red, rough or irritated, anoint with Cuti cura Qintment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for all toilst uses. Sample Rach Pree by Mall. A :'qumshb: oy A Y wticura Soap shaves without mug. =l‘klt.*l*l*lk.xl= lU.S.NAVY YARDFE | | We\Fe | | X Bremerton-Charleston- * | | Port Orchard [ | ot Take Fast Steamers at x | | Colman Dock | | R REGULAR SCHEDULE . Leave Seattle Dally ‘G:ZW. T:ls, B:80, 10:30, “:30 Ao Mo; 1:40, 8:00, 5:30, 6:30, 11:30 | M. u : *Excopt Sunday ; SPECIAL: NIGHT SERVICE by Yrom Seattle to Bremerton ) Snl\mluy and Sunday, 8:530 P, M . re and Dally, 6:30 and 11:80 P, M, W P AUTOMOBILE FERRY - 'Y Seattle to Bremerton Dally ). : 16, 8:30, 11:830 A, M., 3:00, 0:.‘!0 M lhu'u trip Sat, & Sun, 9:30 . M, R [ | Passenger Fare, 80c Round Tripf | ™ NAVY YARD ROUTE I 3 Colman Doch Main 3992