Newspaper Page Text
meSD.-\Y JUVINE 13, 1928, A ——————————— The Star’s Daily Short Story “Her Returning,” by Margaret Widdemer ANOTHER COMPLETE SHORT STORY TOMORROW s sure 1 wanted to come) =i Ritty's yoice: the uldi S P“g.m, halt laughing, | j - ! - It was really Kitty, ly- ! 'h per chair, with one =) foot on the fender in the laais WAY. The fll\‘“‘h\; % o ber hair and made rosy | o her flowered gowi. And l B of alsence and silence | this moment and their | ! i elad OUL, “Kitty! Kitty dar-) 'aad gripped the arms of the | s had nearly started from, l Sl, it~ sald the old ten. | ekiag Voice. i . ’-'“ pever come before- | S word or sound—and T've o 50— wanted you so ter- | Sou, oh Cliff darling, truly! san't my fault; believe that, | R sow? Because I had to u«!; JilP FOR EXPECTANT L MOTHERS Many Cases Reported of Women ;m Kept in a Normal, Healthy " Condition by. Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetabfia Compound Mothers transmit to their children e b r dlhedg:yc?md:n §a How important, therefore, for B 33 wall as for the mother, it she should carefully guard her julth during the trying pre-natal wal. Preparation for a healthy ity is mm‘d by the il Lydis E. Pinkbham's Vegeta e (ompound, as evidenced by the l.:r?: I took Lyd Lm - .__u - i. B e ey . on ceof m for nervousness and wuk’- o | was irritable, cranky and wly worried. Housework seemed whid and at times [ was really gitdoit. Lydia E. Pinkham's § Compound overcame this ;; nervousness disap e o g t I °“"'£"“"‘"’u Nrw tion to "—Mrs. Lo ¥ 188 Ave., —u ¥ - ARRMIE S SB, BWNE &y RABE, BV # E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon “Ailments i to Women” will be sent you free uzon uest, . fseo the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., n.rguw da This book contains valuable ln!ormau{::. THE BUYEKRS GUIDL _ ' $25.00 IN CASH PRIZES CAN YOU FIND THE MISSING LETTERS? ighieen letters have been purposely omitted from the advertisements B page. The eighteen letiers, when correctly arranged, will spell 10 Read the Ads.” ™ the omitted letters, tell us where they were omitted from, and mail Famswer to the Contest Editor, care The Seattle Star, :l ‘ £ = Ll L é Wi e ;'- i .i Delicious Is the Z Word i § Yor those Boldt's cakes, | W You'll fing sponge cakes W #4 layer cakes and Devil's W od—an apptizing va- : g Nty for every occasion. mc one for your next g Bicheon, or get one to- B Mebt for dinner, IBOLDTS ; :, N - I:S 8%9 Second i 414 Third L 53&”" ket ' B Quee ar [ =xfner Public Market L L Look for My :“',.‘;g ; ¥ New Store 1 A Watchmaker and L deweler | Now at 108 pike St \M 90 Fer Cent of Our [ Customers ,'l’/ y / /& l ] I ) /4 ," [ e "% succenary)) make Oxfords w‘m ’““)l ’rl:“ Bhoes, ;1 "9 Call loy and Dellvey, i nzer & Jackson xml'"flhm- Hebullders | i owell, KEll, 15567, h’ Blooky North of Pine You. Nothing elso mattered. One of the old feelings—you remember, dear, when one of us would know the other wanted us? And it was so strong that I fought thru everything—l had to come ™ E He sald, “As long as you've come, nothing matters.” She smiled over at him, “But you always knew our love was eternal. That I would never be. long to any one but you." He reached out his hands to her, little and siim and rosy in the big lchntr they had always called hera ' “No dear,” she sald, MNfting her band, the bracelet he had given her slipping down its wrist, He recolled, a lttle chilled. He wanted to touch her and hold her, now she was here again and his. But she had always been ke this—elusive. He must be patient, He would reach for the lit tle hands, the little body, when she t\\mn talking Intently and off guard. And she would laugh and yleld car. ressingly in the old way. “No Praise Too Great” Litehfield, llL—*‘l took Lydia E. Pmkhum'anhNoCanroundbo— fore my son was born as | was not strong after the birth of my first child. No praise is too great for vho:.h it has done m Wm ter was u :’edcdm gave it to borwdplt re lieved her pains. Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done a gut deal for me and many of m; ends.”’ Mrs. J. B. MARTIN, 71 Clay Street, Litchfield, liL It Helped Mrs. Harris Miami, Mo.—*“l was a nervous wreck before my child was born and often had to remain in bed with cramps and sick stomach. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and [ gained ltmfihundbe‘lth. Itis unequaled for thmm and I recommend your at “every opportu nity.” —Mrs. Jo W. HARRIS, Lone Maple Farm Route 2 Miami Mo Are You Looking for Results? An ad placed regularly in the Buyer's Guide will bring them. It is liter ally a guide for buyers. Tell the 75,000 readers of The Star your mes sage thru this medium. A few dollars invested here will pay big divi dends. Barber Shops o OF DISTINCTION A CLEAN HOT TOWEL For Ech Customer PETER G. SMITH 1421 Fourth Ave, 910 Second Ave, [ BN Our rate of divi il | dend has not I o beo-‘,l:o:- than !‘» 1 sAvVINGS | ride _ . TaleStia: | "',« =S V" SEATTLE | SAVINGS & LOAN il ASSOCIATION "lu 909-3nrn. AVE, . She leaned to him again, talking in that quick, carnest way he had been walting for, It always came, slipped In between her laughter, CHEL, did you dream about me late- Iy? Oh, CHff, do you remember, when wo'd only been engiged & woek, how one night 1 dreamed that we were In o wood together, talking and love-making, and we promised in the dream that wo would always come to each other when "we needed muh' other-—and that night you'd dreamed it, toot™ “Yex, 1 remember,” he sald, thrilledl “We did that five times. And we always found out that he had had the same dream.” | “But hasn't it come to you since— | lately ™ she looked at him wisttully. | “Because twice—lately—it has come to me™ He stared at her, half-terrified. Buch dreams had been very far from him since Kitty's departure. He had fought all dealings with the unknown those half-gay, half-eerie affairs with the borderlands that Kitty had led him inte. A man drops such things ns ha gets older. And yet—how did : she know? It was true, Twice late. it S P . . ‘ Will Give Chehalis - - Chief a Fine Dog A valuable Liswellyn setler ac companied Capt, E. L. Hedges of the Seattle police department as the latter's gift to Chief of Police Norton Wynn, of Chehalis, When Capt, Hedges left Seattle Wednes. day for that city, In company with Mrs: B, L. Hedgoes, Mrs. Joe T, Mason, wife of Capt, Joe T. Mason, and Katherine O'Nelll, city hospital nurse, . The canine, a special pet of the police captain, will ba presented Yo Chief Wynn as an appreclation of the many hunting trips on which Wynn has played host to Hedges. The trip will be made by motor, the party returning later in the week, , M SISTER KNEW HER DOG Grandmother had come to visit ber won, the pastor, and Mary, her five-yearold granddaughter was en. tertalning her with the story of a wonderful dog. Mary—And the dog flew and flew and fleeow away up into the aky. Grmndmother (reprovingly)—Now, Mary, tell it right; you know a dog can't' Iy, Mary (triumphantly) - Oh, yes, grandmother, that dog could fly; it was o birq dog.~BSt. Louls Christian Evangelist. BUILDS POCKET NEST LONDON, June 13.-A wren has made her nest in a pocket of an old army blouse. An exwsoldler had left the tunic hanging in a saw.mill at Linslade Bucks. - Neatness and originality, as well as correciness, will count, A Prizes will be awarded once a month and prize winners will be an wunced in The Seattle Star the first Wednesday of each month. A new set of letters will be somitted from a new set of advertisements on the first Wednesday of each month, 03 o | U.aj |\°\) e -,u“%@ S " ~,%5%"“:‘ ¢ > ‘ RO A S Men’s and Boys' Snappy SUMMER CAPS Light colors. llex'nlar £2.00 nlue, V. Yox s vigak outyi L. AN We wllr rebloek, free of charge for one year, any cloth hat bought here. P. S. HAT & CAP MFG. CO. 1308 Fourth Ave, Entrance Stunrt Dldg. Direet from Maker to Wenrer, The Couch Printery 500 Cards 100 Letterheads 100 Envelopes 700 for 82.50 19 Pike Place Market, Lower Floor e Thra advertising In the Buy~ ery’ Gulde :':m may rench, at small cost, thany thousnnds of people who are prospective buy~ ers of your goods or of your service, PHONE MAIN 0600 YOUR OLD HAT MADE NEW BOWLER’S 517 Union . Main 3985 ee e et e ettt | . . Your Family Washing 000 tiniked, 15 T, .........51.20 On week-ends ... .oviiiioe.. 8105 MODEL ELECTRIVU LAUNDRY 1201 Ist Ave, Mnain 0507 e ——————— ————————— 4 For any information regarding this page, phone Contest Manager, Main 0600 THE SEATTLE. 8T AR Iy he had walked in a dream-wood with Kitty, whom he had tried to for, ket And now, he did not need to forget her—-now she was here, and his for always! “Twice, lately, to me too, Kitty" he sald awed, “Then we were right,” Blio laughed out, as a child does, for sheer happiness, *You, wo were right, Our love was forever—but we always knew it was." *Yes,” he echoed her gravely, “We always knew it was. And yet—" “There's no “yet—" there's only “always!"™ They looked at each other, knowing that. He would have found it hard to say what they did and sald then. Their Jove had never been po curious- Iy quiet and perfect. The tima went on ax If there way no time; no place even just they two, lavers since al ways and for always, And after a time she suddenly rose, *1 must go now-Tfor a Nttle while,” she said, smiling. She flushed a lit. tle as she sald 1. Her orisp sum mer frock, thin white with its print ed pink roses, nearly brushed him, and her eyes looked thoughttully in- gk ! What aroma| ~—. aswells (offee arte PANAMATHAGTC %5 It's Warm, '. All Right fi And you will cer -1 et tainly appreciate < n PANAMA, %\) Why not let ns rebloek your old / onet The Cos Is Trifling CHURCHILL’S Now at 402 Union Main 4321 \Des Moi Spend your Sundays and Holidays on the Beach Good Bathing and Pienic Grounds FREE WOOOOD AND WATER Des Moines Beach Pavi'ion ; DANCE EVERY | SATURDAY NIGHT e ee e e e e e e e e i —————— N —————— i | Phone Main 3783 Do You Knwe Stacy Shown The Jeweler I NOT, WHY NOTt L. C. Smith Bidg., Third Floor e c————————— T S———————— HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED 1 examine the eyes, write the lpracrlpuun, doslgn, make lhrl Glasses when needed, to con porve and restore eyesight, DR, CHAS, SCHWARTZ Optometriat and Optician 232 Peoples Dank NDidg. Cor, 2nd and Plke. Mnin 2581, Ank About Our $5.00 Glasses, s TS S M —————— DR. MAYFIELD | Ex-Mlilitary and Flllllwn'y l)omor' | N & ormer Lecurer at | \= [ n Medienl Clinte | W 30 Yenrs' T'reating Men, Medicine Free Washington Bldg. \/ 706 First Ave.. | ot———v—— | S O S At s} e ’ Let’'s Play Whist— Where ? At the Centrnl Whist Cluh, 421 Ollye St Mualie 0521, Lndles nnd Gentimen, Afternoon 2110, Kvenings Nillo, l Heads Kiwanis ] Edmund F. Arras, of Co lumbus, Ohio, who was elect ed international president of Kiwanis clubs at the inter national convention in At lanta, Ga. to his. “I wonder why I thought you needed me so dreadfully.” “I always do—l always wilL” “Yes—~thut way-—1 too. But just now-—the particular urgent thing, Don't you know? You always knew lbc(on." Ho shook his head. That was a {trlvlll thing compared to the fact that, for ever so little a while, he was not to see her, ’ “But It won't be a moment NOwW-—— or it wilt only seem like a moment before we are together for always Our love's forever, you know, my dear. 1 wonder what it was you ;nerded me so for--" Bhe stood for « moment smiling up at him, still with her look of per plexity. “Kitty!" he flung out his arms to Kkeep her, but she was gone, with a little lgugh, before he could clutch more than her dress. Ha stood up, catching his breath suddenly, Something was atill in his hand, a brittle something like a but. terfly wing, He knelt to the fire. light and opened his hand, slowly, carefully, as If in a dream. Yes, there lay something in his hand-—it had been flowered muslin once. It was ashy and crumbly now, and the tracery of roses was dingy brown, He rose from his knees, white and trembling, and the ash fell from his palm; such an ash as muslin might make after four years n%ut under ground, ¢ There was a sound of vmny feot on the stalr, and voices calling him. “Cliff, she's ready now! Helen's ready ! ™ Helen came down slowly, tall and stailing In her golngaway gown, ready for him, How could he tell--how could he have known it was eternal; the mar. riage with Kitty, who had died when First Prize ..............SIO.OO Second Prize ............ 5.00 tThird Prige ... civevi 300 TTN AT e s PRI 1 Ye S N STy, PSYCHOLOGIST DORA A, FRIEND 41156-16 ARCADE BLDG, Paychic advice and help given on all domentic, financial and businesd affairs, Bring your problems to me. 1 will show you how to overcome them, HOURS 10 A.M. TO 5 P. M, | e et ettt W | Your firm name and nddress will he written out in full sev ernl hundred times a 1 month It your ad appears on this page. It ean't fall to Increase your business, 'hon& Maln 0000, e ————— e ———————————————————— It your gums I arc nore and Y bleeding you have Pyorrhen. This i N disense Is n 7 mennce to good ‘ health and aliould ) be cured hefore It ) ‘ ] In too Inte. This Cod office apeclalizea it in treatment of I'yorhen, Examination and Estimates Free UNITED PAINLESS DENTISTS 608 Third Ave. Elliott 3633 i ————————— s eo—————————————————————— ——————— TYPEWRITERS All Makes Repnired, Sold and Rented, Specinl Rental Rates Glven to Students SEATTLE TYPEWRITER REPAIR CO. 4004 Arvende Bldg, Main 3018 e —_— ot DR. WO | CHINESE DOCTOR Nature Chinee Herbx | Remedien | M. Hee Wo Chinese | | Medicine Co, | 208 James St, Cor. 2ad Seattle Mnin 2105 s o ——————————— ————————— a————————————. L ——————— g SEmeTee—— i They Say Tinney Gives e Furniture Away ~£ R With a Smile! Ay 100 Bth Ave. \ ?g’ near Pine oy '(—/ —————— MALT SYRUP AND HOPS || MAIN 5046 ¢ C, 0, HART 109 UNIVERSITY ||| FREE DELIVERY ioo “nalince™ss. ot amier Member American Homes Bureau We challenge comparison of values. We challenge better selection of patterns and styles. This sale has set a new mark for prices and values in furniture selling in Seattle, Attend this big Challenge Sale and reap a harvest of bargains in furnishing your home on a’small payment down, We pack, ship freight prepaid to all parts of Washington, Our easy payment plan offers you an opportunity to share in the savings of this sale with a very small payment down, y You Can't E?ual This y Walnut Dining Room Suite g g 4! N s].]. 0 S oam T B B L L Six beautiful eces of wonderful unluxx‘n': \:. tion, n n ‘ .-- ! , William and Mary or Queen L~ ] & o .‘."—.‘ o> Anne period. Large, masgive k™ - 2 . g Buffet with French mirror; O ißinch Table that extendsto _ r s ”/I!: ; 6 feet; four blue leather seat SRy iem— ~, -fb‘.q./"'” Chairn ‘These Sultes were L l 'Y ) priced much higher Bpecial - ~ L for this sale ’ 81 1'7.50 G 5 F'S ) ‘. Just mix suites to be seld " 9/ “r { A, 1 r ¥ B i . 3 /‘ 25 Upholstered Living Room Suites ¢ ¢ ; --il v e | B 50 | jam | . - | \ : /'l / - '._{.v EACH P —SAle==—aN 4 ‘RMS " CONVENIENCE & 'f(.‘_-—_g] :fl T:RI o¥ ()\H"Tll‘ CE ‘/ ! 27 Down Weekly a“ . - .‘ ! lu"(:;u"”: Payment ‘!‘a)‘ment i ‘ - R 50 | 8 1.00 SI.OO . e 8 756 8 3.00 $1.50 Anyone can afford to own a fine overstuffed Living Room Suite SIOO $ 5.00 $2.00 at the price of these, We have sclected 25 Sultes from our Jarge S2OO SIO.OO 852.50 stock and priced them for quick selling. Tapestry and Velour $250 $12.50 $3.50 upholstery; good spring cushions. These Suites were sold at §275 S3OO $15.00 ! $4.00 and $285 each. Challénge Sale Price, 5pecia1...........5197.50 . $375.M Smtes at CE A oSZ?S.M . No Interest Charged $325.00 Suites at. . ...$225.00 - 208 Pine St. Near Second Ave. thelr first child was borp? How could a lonely man go thru all the years unmarried? And yet—" He looked down with terror at the Fourth Prize ..S2OOI Fifth Prize .....ocvesosess I.oo‘ Sixth Prize ......creooso+. 100 TAUGHT PRIVATE LESSONS— -10 A M. to 10 P. M, Dally By Thomas N. West, a pupil of McAdam Normal School of Los Angeles. Call Enst 0176 for appeintment., SANIPRACTIUC RBLDG. Pine at Broadway We Match Your Coat and Vest (Copyright) -0, Boys, come here for your first long pante; special $3.95, Pants for Dress, Business and Sport Wear, All-Wool Serges and Tweeds, $4.95 to 80.93, Speonlty Pants Store Co. 704 First Ave,, near Cherry Pl T MG g, R S T sl TReßes i T‘f""‘f.»".-"“,’-"'fi A 4 p “»““;"‘, “‘&9’ Al ¥ L G K SLI ENNGNCRE) " 72 0 TP RSN gy S i R \| Pey S apppelos KO Y This ix one of our famous|| wagons that was fined for giving too big n lond, That's better thaa a smnall one, Phone us today for a good big lond of conl or wood, HENRY HECKMAN PHONES: 1211, 1517, Main 3762, Deacon 0032 Curtaine stretched, without pin holes, 40¢ palr. Best equipped blanket and cur tin cleaning plant in the West, Strictly hand work. Aetna Curtain Cleaners Cor. Sixth and Westlake Main 7301 \ ST. PAUL STOVE REPAIR &|| - PLUMBING ©OO. Furnace, Stove and ange llex:lrllx‘ Water Bac an | Colls Pout In and Conneced, Main 0878 | , 808 Flke St \ - | . e —— ——————— . e ‘ it damp ash, clinging to his fingers] still. l “Come, ClLff!" called his hrklc'lll volee from the stair-foot. He went!] Advertising Spreads Your Reputation Your customers help to spread your business reputation, but they do this slowly. Advertising is a much quicker process. It tells thousands of people about your good service and your good merchan lise, while the customer may be telling only his next door neighbor. Thru advertising in the Buyers’ Guide you may reach, at small cost, many thousands of peo ple who are prospective buyers of your goods or of your service. Phone Main 0600 Phone Elliott 1693 for your Malt, Hops, Caps, Cappers, Crocks and Bottles. Ballantine & Pabst Malt To Any Part of the City ’ Westlake Bottlers’ Supply Co. d 1621435 Westlake Ave, near Pine | Opp. Freerick & Nelson, ‘ UHL BROS. Incorported WALL PAPER PAINTS Murphy Varnishes and Enamels . 511 UNION ST. Phone Main 5598 {orwaird to her, “Thank God!"” he said silently over and over. **Thank God Kitty did not know why she came!” | Seventh Prize .....c......51.00 |Eighth Prize .............. 1.00 | Ninth Prize ........c...... 1.00 %\ Sl Y 0 LV |3 2 4#?l \\\. /] ¢ N )/T A/%- /| A ,'; ‘ i - ~ \! ’ : " ; 7y ; Attend Our | i Saturday Night Dances | Alder Beach Manor The most beautifully appoint ed Inn in the Northwest, sit uated at Des Moines, on the high-line ?uvement to the shoreline of the Sound. Newly refurnished and reec orated, and the ballroom equipped with beautiful light ing effects. Club, lodge or society dinners can be arranged for by tele phone. DES MOINES: MAIN 133 e 'F. G. NEIL IS RECOGNIZED as Seattle’'s Lead ing Consulting Psychic, One visit to him will prove all that is claimed of him, His power Iz not meant to gratify the idle curlous, but to direct, advise and help those who are {n trou hle and susense concerning the every day affairs of life, He points out the sure road to suc oess in business, health, happiness, do mestio and personal affairs. Teaches power of control and influence, Knows what is best to do in any undertaking. All business strictly confidential, Hours 10 a. m, to 6 p, m, 410 PANTAGES THEATRE BLDG. . Mr. Business Man Do you know that the de cisfon to buy is most often made in the home? The Buyer's Guide goes home and the ads are very carefully read, This should mean something to you. Think It over and then phone . Main 0600 7