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FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925. _] COMPROMISE 808 1 SOLVES QUESTION ' And now It's the "compmmmoi bob™ ; Meeting the question of bobbed | Mir on a 5050 basis, Jonphlno' Norman has side-stepped ihe neces sty of making one of those lmvg portant decisions that furrow the | feminine brow, Josephine, a DeMille | Actress, possesses a wealth of wavy | brown hair, and couldn't quite make up her mind to go to the barber Finally, however, she compromised, leaving her attractive tresses un. scissored except at the sides. where | & curving bob curls against nvr'; cheek. ; Josephine's new idea In colffures | will be esen in “The Road to \'u~l terday.” in which she plays an im. hoflupt part. Joseph &‘llfldkrlul.l Jotta’ Goudal, Vera Revnokis and | William Boyd are being featured mi this production, which was adapted for the screen by Jeanie Macpher. son and Beulah Marie Dix. ! A' - - ] BUPERSTITIOUS DIRECTORS ' Joseph M. Schenck seems to have a fondness for superstitious direc tors, Dimitei Buchowetski still clings to a European belief that | little white pigs bring good luck. | He had William Cowan. his Assist. | ant, hunt up a little white pig and | take it on the set before he lurnmli @ crank on the picture, “Grau- | stark,” i which he directed Norma | Talmadge. Sidney Franklin had a ' superstition connected with the | flipping of a coin. Just before ho | starts a plcture he flips a silver! dollar with Scott R. Beal. his' assist. | ant. If Scotty wins, the ph-mn-g will be a success; if Scotty loses | there is danger ahead. ‘ l et | ;‘llllllllfi‘l.lllllflllllg r O /i w i CAPRKTOY § E NOW TILY SAT. \;'TII-‘ E = EDMUND LOWE = - in d &a “ - = “Greater Than & « ~ 32 : alrown” & = Added Attraction! A . FISHER E - Celebrated "Cellist = COMING STNDAY = a “THE GOLDEN BED” =& Elllllllllllllll“llllls . u ) § T Asass § ® 10ces .3 15c @ g “THE DIXIE E E HANDICAP’_f = . CRANK NKEENAN. % - T - = Riddie GREA‘tg = B Amateurs M ! \‘ | | Ov = = Tonight . N = E 7:30-9:30 SEASO E TabaRERERERE RN aanE R e s TOMORROW— THE MIRACLE MAN OF 1925 It's a Sensation— A Romanee of New York's Underworld—You'll Grip Your Seats—You'll Cry—You'll Love It . - SCUNEEEEE NEIL HAMILTON 5 3 L PERCY MARMONT TR T g 7 MARY BRIAN P “ eR 2N ¢ Ly Made by the Man Who 7 T Created “Peter Pan” ails i i - “Melodies You Crave” LTI, 7. Arranged by B g SANTAELLA < ."“"7/‘;"'-‘ 7,{ Played by the ) BT 08 il STRAND ORCHESTRA W X ?c,","EA‘fi\.l" (O] > bk LY ) 1 /- ‘ ' & ) B T : ","" f 1 —ENDS TONIGHT— ki g ' HARRY LANGDON A VA R e : ' L ) “HIS MARRIAGE W 4 o WOW” T ‘. 7 ) i nnil M s ™ WO ) 05T—A WIFE” 0w B {"” ’ o .’:«'i’ ¥ ,'; with ' - AN Adolphe Menjou PR A g ‘ (“. G : ;,',_7 W ] N L AT TN, | e e+ e e | | “Iron Horse"” to tell story of firsterailroad, at Liberty; Colleen Moore to star in “The Desert Flower,” at Coliseum; “Street of Forgotten Men” is next attraction at Strand; Virginia Valli and Eugene O'Brien featured at Colum- | 1 bia; “Eve’s Lover” starts run at Blue Mouse Saturday. A e & R i e - i SRS oo BETSw GO LA R i PSR A aIY. OO Rl IR PIRI S e o e L L ; (1) Clara Bow and Willard Louis in a scene from “Eve's Lover,” to open Saturday at the Blue Mouse; (2) Vir ‘l ginmia Valli and Eugene O'Brien in “Siege,” coming to the Columbia; (3) Percy Marmont and Neil Hamilton in a L dramatic moment from “Street of Forgotten Men,” beginning Saturday at the Strand;: (4) Coleen Moore, star of : “The Desert Flower,” to be shown at the Coliseum next week; (5) George O'Brien and Madge Bellamy, who head the I cast of “The Iron Horse,” schedwled for the Liberty starting Saturday. it bl oo ity uiali ; e 'PAT DOLLS UP FOR 2 ‘ i i PORTRAYAL OF DUKEI i Thess are parlous days for Pat) L O'Malley. i After playing “rough and ready” || parts for years, such as the gang- | ister in “The Fools' Highway" lnd! | the coster monger in "My Ohd | ’l‘)utch." Pat is now to be a polished, ' {eynical Russian grand duke In a, :l'nl\-rrrnl production, which nmrtsé { next woek. . { { As a resuit, the distingulshed Mr, | lu‘.\lullry is distributing his !Imnz f“ present between a barber, a hair- | | dresser and & manicurist, In ad~é | dition, he must soak his hands hl'l i freckle lotions a half dozen times| %du"y. and refrain eotirely from his ! chlef hobby, dissecting his automo. | ibile. The sole compensation is that| ;H'm part will give him a chance | {to demonstrate his pet theory that| in skilled actor can handle any role | | competently, { { e ] : i f Burton King starts to work next| I; week on the production of the Ln-; l'my Scott novel, "The Counsel !nr‘ .Hhe Defense.” No cast has been | | selected as yet. i _—_—_——————-————————-————'é St e NOW PLAYING— -7 SKAPPY 7 { * ACTS * | Headlined by SYNCOPATED ~ SEVEN e ™ FRANK MERRELL . The World's Champion Athlete “SHACKLED LIGHTRING” T e 1 Midnight 10c, 15, 25 eiy e PALACE HIP r::"n ; l\u't \:‘ I \ 1 .;.l.:ul 1 :') 1')..1\ ?” WILL KING & CO. “HIGH FLYERS” B e T Ky ) ' i GRUTHE 8&Bl B 88l Aeds o T Bk bQo s Yil s vt Moie e S LAST TIMES TODAY HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S Famous Story “RE-CREATION OF BRIAN KENT” TOMORROW—YOU’LL SEE viaivia VAL L) e 013 ) IS =2 L BRIV r\No) 1 ' | | SRR B T\ LY R P | From SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS’ tory which appeared gerially in Collier's Weekly | . " SIEGE' is a real achleve | g RN ment.” New York Sun } ) “ 1t would be o blegsing |f GREA‘E more pletures ke ‘SIOCH' ‘ ' X ‘ 4 IVI'HIHI*,\',:V‘, Vork Times ) A Y ¥ Hoth fory and peting n‘ ‘ ) ) - nlondid ‘ i \ ,': New York American iOv!y ‘ “ Columbin ALArtist - i : J ,'k‘ ’,"j '“l”"llv‘v'vnnr!lv-n\:‘ "‘ "l no ‘ THE SEATTLE STAR e YU TNy - LAY for e (gl LC el NOW ! \ ‘ in H\ ', ‘» ROMOLA DOROTHY Gis /i by - / ‘ GREONGE LI | ——————————————— ' VAUDEVILLE and | PICTURES The Popular Scereen Slar | JOHNNIE WALKER IN PERSON ! ALSG l ON THE SCREEN | IN HISB LATES UCCLEKS i “THE RECKLESS SENY [ SIX OTHER ACTS | A Today I ntil Saturday STHE MLOODHOLNDT Fenturing DO CUSTER Kpuse No, 4 of “Tim PACH MAKERNT lON NEWS - Antonios’ Orchestra Also G Twoe Clever Dancers N g 5 e s ...__M_.‘l ’ WRIGHT FILM COMING ! The Columbla has booked **The Re-Creation of Brian Kent' for un; engngement, starting next Nulunlu)'.i Kenneth Harlan is in the lflldlflli role. “"The ReCreation of Brian' Kent' was one of the most success- | ful novels ever written, and ideal for i film adaptation. Harold Bell \'-'rixh!' Is the suthor of this fumous story, aj{a) : (2] {=]{u]{=]{a]{s][=]{a}{s]=]m]=nieimamECE b Bismege =] SANITARY A SNSRI ey - || . oBA ND coRNER M LU U U & RTLETT —_— AR = = s CERY Do o g bta“ 45 sanitary Mark FRANK Sw t e g - ~|\(‘l]()-()' 2 for Lower ""'"r“ Std“ 45 OLL ee w & Edgemon S 0 LDS vormety woutake arver | EXT 00" atermelons, 4cb. £ S Wakomont Cracksrs, phE. ... 20¢ Stall 102 Corner o Bananas i : D CERTO, per bottle s DKGe -+ ¢ #5740 1B P fat and 2 c°"ler Market KATZ Yakima Canlal()[lpes O B omplete line of Sc ;"“"l”'v' 5 . 25¢ EC| Market—Lower Floor = 'sts i g wvian Specialties AL ' O i \W\We 1 IHE CITY - & e Butter 52c U R = ‘ r 52c Lb =] —_— . = E]] BOLDT’S Saturday E FRESH RANCH The ThAKES THE Loss E Qant W swealn . & e Coroe Wbkt ower ¥ Specials ggS aZC DO Murray o[:;‘,"‘ cost of meats is O @ 20_01{;.114 1 Assorted “v“‘:"nr‘ " EE-stsir At i Z. Pl'icos{ STILL SELLS at ;;‘e“_P. lbut O BOLLY \i\ :3 b & ”rl U-H”m on Lb. : sSe ow % 11--,nll:u.lurulll:\:n( :H\i:l' l|”“"\” f 2 -55 ——?—y-—s—:—lis Fresh Kl”ed Chicken % 0 ancy Spring Chi i B @ SUNSET FIsH MARK We Challenge Comparison Leg veal g hlcke“s - 28*0 E E lr‘i.Mf‘"\ 31.33—Sanitary ET cotta gch R 'lO Fanc l E [E] hll.:t.“:.l.t':l!w' ib, : é‘flw‘_l""“"' Floor Our Owr g\ aese oaSts R -2- Ofl y egslzl ° E EJ ll:;::::'].,-“”.\,. reasaNAg .. PN v ; :.;:9:: :.l‘i\,"‘l \\| illiui‘lw. I c ShOUlder f L amb e i % | N”m"'“ "‘rr:mg_ jar ; "l.(‘) tich Cream 5 o amb 18] Pete’ RO, by it e Try Our b. Steer Pot Ro : 7-1- O (] s Trout T 25 UNSALTE asts. . E Fresh _‘\‘l;lth"”lcklers Per Jar 3-0(" \';“’..“:'l ED BUTTER Steer Sh : a 2 D & _________Lf_’_‘_“__j Ev“,“"“"" your eyes Mil ort Ribs, 4 lbs. 25¢ = E Del us and Nutr 3 lfl’f!?l’creamery : k-Fed Veal R D \\hr;: HE Home ¥ Go SB S 10.’12(: - O ST ALTH BREAD Mayonnaisé""é od Steer Steaks 121 = c-] BEGINN\!é‘”fiXE‘Un Gwe GRREEN fo: “9C Ib. MußßAv’sw 25 2'2’C L heed naat . \"l’uuln. D 1 2 llrnl Ave, \","‘En"v %}-'IOP | ““\R" |E EN : S ;.:1t.:"..‘1(\ 94.96—Pike St., L“lfi‘sfllufiTou MKT g g PIK ' 8 ":I::'::. skl |‘~‘|' i "';:":r- MURRAY MEA.rr Market, Lower Floor 3 O O ; SLiot- 1848, Entranc fi g F'—E——E"E"L“A'—'C——EAND E . co.'\'u"i(‘;:’;l Market = Fresh J ON ' ' s ersey BUTTER T MA = D I ::‘K Steln ROOT BHEE ' 'b' 500 _——_-—K_E[L fi Fresh “'"""‘\ nt |”|'ll;:‘\l|(||"|' 5 u G “'r n ranch exms, fanc I hI ; TNQ g q COW :;x-r.u:"ran‘lyln'l'(':.'::'r:'v::l nml?um!flh- e 3 ;l( (.L.l\\'rvl'lllll,ltlo (;ROCEII\- \‘ E D Y l'.ul, Pike _“u. Lbs- 22c . F HAST E 1. Arende ob DN GRDEER 3 INGs CUT-PRICE E [x] % Seore LAWN ): e 1523 Pike Place M GROCERY [s] Visit SHARPENED MOWEILS SPECIALS G AR @ f the ‘ N Work "‘"‘\.:) REPAIRED CARNATION S GOOD FOR A \WEEK E WHOLESALE lar ew nnd ( anteed O D EEK @ PRICES EVERY DAY | ”n:;m-n- . Old Mowers for Sale r FEDERAL M| L K tall 4 [=] CANMNATION § ‘l'\n\;\l?--“. ¢ ‘;::...'.'.::.'_'"'i‘“:‘m;:":bmr. é .\"“b_"‘“"‘ Hawaiian Pi e9O l~:“““ E E {ET § I—\W he Re- large 1 Pine Fo MILK I 1 CALI Vheels Te-T \rge cans, 2 neapple, Brok us T 4 [Meli Camn 3GO 'l";\u-r § | reamig AT ""l‘"'l"‘\ l:;.l.(dl‘ ::“" Mason Jars for ........ » Broken Slices; E . GAIL ST our ) “100 -——-—“ € Jeonomy 2 al as JArs—pints, ao eTS e 8 [ ___‘_______l_ll_l_ ei | New Dy O s A eso e o 8 or Foot L 1 OST OFFiay Feanomy dir Cap, o S lee g . . b TOW ER TLOOK (‘“;”;\ii"l::‘ll:l ‘:\'n:\p,. 10 1:::\ Chena ~Egg @ o Sold with Factory Money-Bacl ..w r“m“'”‘ ('-“u‘lll:'; lu‘r._-.. plg., 2 for.. el E@] ; n yv-Back Guarantee -. Aihl).\ 'S ““N‘drl;.. :”:gl‘ bottle. ... Shaves eTR | d y Soli P Rosedale .._' : .R']N' ives. pi Covisak yahaes "D" PETERS l\“()‘!:;lh ' SHO usi'a RA?\' Iwrl ::"’Th;kgl.lirl.w:sm“l)"l- ‘lturl:.':.:-l;‘u::m" T 7és E ‘ We dar i Case (2 .21 g M“:“ have speciallzed el Es PIKE PLL.;" nmRANCH :f:l‘:‘ l“d ‘Ruh_!n:r: |((.|‘.:,, Aok e _3.:-; E ‘ g hl’""‘\ 'r";ll.ll',‘l,':"“x: """:!uw"||.|.~l;M;;,-,.“ vll»l:nn“" SAV —‘—_EE_!A_B.&EJ l.(‘-'.:fllml l-..\ lnl-::\ky- (F.l.i": “'-Im.- ju.u.;;. (“ .26¢ E " { nd SMART APPE noted for E |oc L eliance Coffee. Fag ela P quarts. .. 7¢. D ‘|ll.(h' formen, wome ARANCE, b. I'::ul._\- “"""i"nlnu I".ht-:m\ 49¢: :*-l‘hb el 20¢ ‘ REMEMBER—They ",ll«n 'm.'l Joniiitait ang ON :'unuw:l o BARE, 8 'l-lnu_ 3 1b5.... '-.¢ ans §1.48 & e SHO rEeptEn Tco F F I 8 G, White Soan, 10 b, llllase @ | Naca Fratardi Cut Mace .""f "'"."" 1 Ibs. Selin eeo ke ORRRREEE Marke _“”"lno-_ Yorto woni or Spaghetti, 3 Vi o e Sind e »E ____:_:_—-——-E—IERI-_A-:“—”—E: By buyi E E :'“'rt"\'\ 1:‘\“.“::}\" lb \I::-"I(: ;l‘ll:|l.;’!‘ll'(\'t) e 3 ;gg % E STAR wAuT An Stall l.h-ql" "“s"'6"' Us in Bulk Al Rl‘]-(l Mg e h"""l":';;; : |l|h§' 2:: ol Obtten 3 Lbs. (A S GOODS e ) E POST OFFICE, PIKE ”s\“”B?TATIon Good ('.,n(..._m,cl_ s:'.ls j\.!|l.:“'li|"':"‘i lurge phkg 2 20¢ fi' ATI & D | o LOWE Al . MARKET Goo 5e i ‘_'. be, 40e, dbe .z"‘;_“_'*- arge pke.. & ST X E !l:"\‘;':"“::Iln'(l";'jl“:' ':,:‘“""'ll"’d«,' 'S:h:fl : (Ih' | D 0”; K "‘-‘,—-mu- and 60¢ Lb, ‘h:::;;‘,::m?l.;\:'i":“- '“"rl;v nl\'.:..v:-lf::: § a«‘{:\\‘:f ‘}‘E‘S," ; g S A Tosi ? I-w— nsertion OVFI'ER wrs (s apioca, Ihopkg oX/£ . ] o __________________E_s |it B 8 w2O = all 8, Pike PL Mkt L. Floor e ‘.\""""‘l'\'\“lnti‘l\l 1R ’\7}-"&‘3 N = % wm Flour, No, 10 i (”"lt.h% ) us H = | : I o N HORS R oekßukeion l COMES §—~ E B R ributi ! © TA A Seamevsu%ggat‘c’r l ATURDAY TO THE [ oA= Movie Season BER TY g Film Stars Can’t Be Bothered With Men Under Thirty Years I Believe It or not - Mary Astor, featured film player, has an antipathy for, young men. : It you uré®@hetween the ages of 1% and 30, altho that Is u fine sge from a military standpoint, you haven't a chance with this beauti ful young screen star., She posi tively will have nothing to do with men under 30; hates to talk to them; won't have them around. “Men have to be over 30 or | can’'t be bothered with them,” sald T ————————————————————————————— b ) e PRy M (BB TOMORROW g . L .- 7 b I e Mos Il i ’ffi'" : Riotous [' I 479 » % Comedy .' " % Drama of Ly : _ ‘ ,-" the Year: ’\ '. A ) - P, Ii "I\2 e\ 4)7‘” Y m , 2 -l I 8 g " /% 7% 2% SO l: - s WM. SRRI 4 ~Ef ; / il oy | ‘ ‘ ’ %ot— ~ "__ I i Ve S A A 4 OVer’» IRENE RICH ~ [ E BERT lATELL 1A :‘..'é”:fl::: "AND . WILLARD LOUIS R N i' and CLARA BOW AN, Bt o : Tm ht RIN-TIN=TIN 22 T ender 25;‘ i = 0 g CTHACKED IN THE '-\o\\‘(“! NTRY iI 1.=.1-‘ ANY DAY - ANY, TIMER" ' N . ---m_-ufl (e T T =B (S S = e= = === - s e R o ErRRRRTY SRR R et To e Mary the other day when the writer || talked with her between “shots” in| | *The Pace That Thrills” in which | she 18 co-featured by First National | | with Ben Lyon. : | “Young ‘men from 19 to 30 weem | to be just blah’ All they think |, #bout are flasks of whisky or gin In.l the hip pocket, automobile rides’ and pétting parties. They haw,? | nothing to talk about; if they have they don't know how to tell it ; “But a man between 30 and 50 In an interesting creature. He has 15 TRy ) MWGRAIL'S GAMENESS S Two broken ribs, tonsilitis and in: fluenza failed to deter Waller Més ’l;mil from completing his f i"heuvy" role in “Havoce,” s attained poise. He has passed his flighty days. He is sensible, ;“,“:- can talk about things other tham: self, botlegging and petting. He knows the world, has had experi= |¢.~nca in making his own way, He knows life, can offer » gl ons. and give dßvice, 1 can talk for | hofirs with men of this age, ;Ff’ hate to talk five minutes with the young cubs” 5 ;“, i METROPOLITAN NOW PLAYING MATINEE SATURDAY MRS. FISKE CHAUNCEY OLCOTT THOMAS A. WISE JAMES T. POWERS . LOTUS ROBB AND OTHER STARS ‘ “THE RIVALS” By Hichard Brinsley Sheridan i 'rlvl.‘yn \l“lu\! ”\l-‘wlnl l"l:l‘lll;'l:;:"l:“(; | B Dramatic Artists of America : “' ;"f'\.:.'.'f' ae, oiin olam {Beg. Mon., Aug. 10th MATINEES—WED.-SAT, § HENRY DUFFY | PLAYERS | PRESENT Jemmiaee ST "ABIES IRISH ROSE' | SEATS NOW Sensible Prices {‘ Nights—2s¢, 50c¢, 75c, | sl, $1.25 l Mats.—2s¢, 50c, 75¢ e e