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20 Sunken Ships Raised At larvik OSLO—The north Norwegian harbor of Narvik. scene of ; heavy fighting during the Ger ‘ man invasion, will soon sur render over 20 ocean vessels which have rested on Its bot tom since April of [940. Many of t’hem were scuttled by Norwegian and British forces during the Narvlk hat tle. Three Norwagian firms will join to raise the estimated 100,000 tons of ships. Golden Example (Editorial in The Christian Sciencé Monitor i Hamlet the Dane plotted re venge. but not the modern Dane. Today Denmark extends the Gold en Rule to the strangers (and even the enemies) within its gates. We commend its example to Congress. where the Senate Foreign Rela tions Committee recently author iZed United States membership in the International Refugee Organ ization and approved an appropri ation of $75,000,000 for United States’ share of the cost, ‘butvre jected any concurrent relaxation or readjustment of the immigra tion laws. During the war thousands of Danes were deported as slave la rbor. consigned to concentration camps, or killed by the Nazis. But when 200,000 Germans fled to Den mark from eastern Prussia before the advancing Soviet troops. Den mark accepted the responsibility of giving them d&ent care and is still performing that function with extraordinary enlightenment and generosity. These 200,000 Germans equal 5 per cent of the Danish population and require a caretaker staff of 10,000. If the United States had to bear an equivalent burden. it would be feeding, housing. and in part schooling about 7.000.000 ref ugees, requiring a staff of 350,000 guardiansn To do the job as well as the Danes are doing it would cost 3 per cent of the national in come. An American writer in Survey Graphic. describing the model con ditions in the refugee camp out side Copenhagen, quotes the cbm mandant of the camp as follows: You can be sure we want these people to go back to Germany . . . But while they are here we shall not give them any reason to go back with hatred for us in their hearts . . . And, besides. we must treat them well if we wish really to teach them what it is to be democratic. This combination of practical humanity and enlightened self-in terest might well teach some Americans the cost~and the val ueA—of international good will. Denmark Gets Subs COPENHAGEN ——- Three sub marines which Denmark hired from Britain will shortly leave for Britain. where the Danish crews will receive their final training. Swedish Composer Visits USA Gel-Inn! Tersmeden. the Swedish Gershwin. urlvod recently on the Swodlnh llller “Grlpcholm." Accomplnlod by his bride-to-hu‘. Mr. Ternmenden brought so Jun opera In his brlelcsao. ‘ Negro-co." u may ounpolluon. In. finally been told to Metro-Goldwyn- Mmr. . 1:: g . “2:: '5’); 3 _, 9% QM;- “' ‘ ' ’4 Serving the Scandinavian-American Population of the Great Northwest Vol. 3, No. 4. Parley In Oslo Sat For Youth 0f 60 Nations More than 1.300 delegate: from more than 60 nations are expected to attend the World Conference of Christian Youth scheduled to be held in Oslo. Norway, in July. This is the second conference of its kind. The first met in Am sterdam in 1939. just before the beginning of World War II. All that time, it was hoped that a world organization of youth. in spired by Christian ideals. would be formed as the outcome of the deliberations. But these hopes were not to be realized and many of the Oslo delegates and leaders will be meeting after six years of isolation and suffering. Like its predecessor. the Oslo Conference will seek answers to the important question of how, through a deeper understanding of Christianity. a world more worthy of the future may be built from the ruins of the past. . Careful preparations are being made for the July meeting. Dele gates are being specially chosen from the various national study groups, which have been examin ing for months past a series of 10 questions embodied in small book lets. The groups have been sketching for discussion purposes the domi nant issues facing youth today. Some of these issues probably will not seem so urgent to one group. but are burning questions to an other in a country with a different background. Among the organizations which are initiating this conference are the World Council of Churches. the World's Alliance of Y. M. C. A and Y. W. C. A.. and the World Student Christian Federation. The International Missionary Council and the World’s Sunday School Association are sponsors. The Rev. Francis House, organizing secre tary. is making preliminary ar— rangemcnts at the World Council of Churches headquarters in Geneva. Fight Cancer the Killer. Mail your check to —‘-CANCER. SE- A'l‘l‘LE! SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, APRIL, 1947 Swedish cruiser Gotland Returns From long Trip STOCKHOLM — The Swedish cruiser “Gotland” has just retum ed to the icy Swedish waters after a five-month cruise to South and North America. Among the souvenirs which the 550 Swedish sailors brought home with them, besides live alligators and South American sombreros, was a num ber of sports trophies won in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and other countries. The soccer team. headed by one of the star players of the well-known Norrkoping team. which made a successful tour in England last summer, won ten victories in sixteen matches. Swedish gymnastics were also demonstrated in many places, In all ports at which the "Got land" touched —— Casablanca, St. Vincent, Rio de Janciro. Recife. La Guaria, Willemstad. (Tarta gena. Vera Cruz, New Orleans. Port Hamilton. and onrto — the Swedes were received with great hospitality, and the SWedish war ship attracted much attention. says the commander of the ship. Henning Hammargren. on arrival in Gothenburg. About 10,000 per sons visited the ship in the var ious ports, guided during their tour around the cruiser by special records in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The “Gotland”, which .has a displacement of about 5,000 tons, was launched in 1933 at the Gota verken shipyard. She was origin ally built as an aircraft-carrying cruiser but was in 1944 converted into an anti-aircraft cruiser with a large number of AA guns. British Tanks Haul Lumber STOCKHOLM — 01d Br i t i sh tanks are giving valuable aid to Swedish lumberjacks The Kop parfors Company in the province of Gastriklund and other forest :owners in northern Sweden have ‘bought from British war material ldepots a number of tanks, which they are now employing in this year's wood-cutting campaign. These tanks. which are being used as tractors and for building new roads for timber transports through the forests, have proven very useful owing to their great strength and easy handling in any lterrain. . Sweden to Mix Barley With Wheat Flour i I STOCKHOLM, March 6A~(By iwireless) ~ The Swedish stores of I wheat are now very small, and the Food Commission has therefore lowered that five per vvnt of bar- E ley be mixed in the wheat and ! flour to eke out the dwindling l stocks. The severe cold all over Sweden may also delay the harvest. which cu: luv. seriou- and {shunning consequences nor the Swedish food rgtlonmg. ' ' Noted Swedish Artist To Decorate The New SAL Liner “Stockholm" Kurt Jungstvdt. SAW-dish artist. whu did some of thv murals on l the old “Kungsholm.” is visiting in the United States sud ohiaining 1 new ideas before tackling the job of dw‘onting thr nmv Swmllsh { liner “Stockholm." now undvr construciion in (ioihonhurg. With 1‘ him arr his wife- and (laughh-r. New Casting Method Perfected STOCKHOLM — When theI Swedish statue-caster P. G. Berg-1 man recently left Sweden by the? “Drottningholm.” on a three-1 month trip to the USA. he had! in his luggage. among other} things. a couple of spruce twigsi cast in bronze. reports a Stock-} 4holm daily. The bronze twigs con-: lstitute an example of a new cast-j ing method which has now been perfected after experiments car |ried on for forty years by Mr. |Bergman and his father. Herman‘ iBergman. whose sculpture east lings are internationally well }known. Among other things. they ‘have east practically nll works terented by Carl Milles. : Extremely accurate costs can be obtnined by the new method; er. Bergman mentions as an ex ample that he had tied tWo twigs ttogether with a thin sewing ‘thread. which he forgot to re~ imoVe before the casting. This Ithread was also reproduced in the feast, and one can clearly see [where it has been cut off. Direct seamings of lem'es. on which all ‘the fibres can be seen. have also ébeen made in the Bergman work shop in Stockholm - experts had considered surh matings impos~ sible to nmkei On one of the fleaves Sits a small grasshopper. Wallace To Norway . OSLO Oslo reports that Henry A‘ Wallace, odxtur nr tho "Nu-w Rw public" and further I' S. Sm-w— tury of (‘ummrn‘e will spmk in Norway's capital on April 19th. Haakun Lie, sooretry of the Nor ,wvglan Labor Party. has announc (d that Mr. Wallace will midi-Hts1 inn Oslo meeting of the Norwegim E lubor My It thnt time and that i I public manna; h “3&le hy mm tou- a. (chewing any. Iand on careful examination even lsuch tiny details as the fluff on ithe grasshopper's legs can be dis écerned. | How the method works is still {a professional gem-9t. Mr. Berg (man's American colleagues had iexpressed their doubts regarding lthe results he had reported. The jcasts he has taken with him will 1serve to convinoe them. Sweden Still Has 949 Sailing Ships STOCKHOLM The annual re pnrt of the Swedish Sailing Ships‘ Association shows that during 1946 the association's fleet num ln-red 949 auxiliary sailing vessels. ‘mtalling 86.991 gross tons. i A largv number of auxiliary :ailing vvssels were sold during 1946 to Denmark. Norway. Iceland. ’Panama. Brazil, the West Indies ‘nnd other countries. while 13 ves sels were lost. Many new vessels were delivered from the yards, :hUWever, and many more are being luilt. Greenland Not For ; Saleullenmark COPENHAGEN -- Denmark docs nut want to son Gn-en- ‘ land and is not willing to no- ‘ gotiato with any nation on‘ such :1 3:110, Foreign Miniater Gustav Rasmussvn said re cently. Speaking in Parliament. he repudiated recent reportn that Denmuk wu negotlntln‘ win; the United sum on tho all. of cm 10¢ a Copy