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THE SCANDI NAVIAN AMERICAN Third District Election In the coming special election June 7th in this state's 3 Third District, Democrats have the opportunity to retrieve : some measure of the political fortunes sacrificed last No vember as the result of disunity. 1 It will not be hard to replace the late Fred Norman, whose career, recently ended by death, was so undis tinguished as to have left no record of accomplishment to be lived up to by a successor. ' The important thing to the people of the state is that ‘ he be replaced by a. Democrat. Norman, a Republican, I squeaked through last November in a political reversal that sent many similar nonentities to Congress, in face of the fact that the state had never been so well served at Washington as during the period when our congressional delegation was preponderantly Democratic. This is the period that gave us great power develop ments at Bonneville and Grand Coulee, which, in turn, laid the foundation for what could be a vast peace-time industrial development. Now, in less than a year after political reversals stripped the Democrats of their con gressional majorities, we see the Republicans in the Na tional Capitol reverse the Democratic policies which had held such great promise for our state. § The Third District election; to fill the vacancy left by the death of Norman, offers Democrats of that section of the state opportunity to start a countertrend calculated to demonstrate to the people of the nation that the policy of Washington Democracy toward public power and recla- ‘ mation is the PERMANENT policy of the majority in the Pacific Northwest. This can only be proven by election of Charles H. Savage to succeed the late Fred Norman, This. more than any other immediate consideration, is reason enough to urge Democrats to triumph in the Third a District. With the issue still alive in the National Capitol, ‘ where cuts in appropriations threaten to slow up and ul timately halt power and irrigation developments in the ‘West, nothing could so completely refute and repudiate the destructive Republican policy in Congress as to elect a Democrat to succeed a Republican in one of the Western States most affected by the proposed cuts in appropriations for reclamation and power. But the Third District election has an even wider sig nificance. From here and there have come evidences of a swing away from Republicanism. Results of the spring municipal election in Chicago are by no means conclusive, but it gave Republicans no cheer to see their candidate for mayor snowed under by an avalanche of votes for Demo crat Kennelly so soon after last fall's Republican victor ies in the Windy City in the Federal and Cook County elections. More recently. in the Waukesha Congressional District of Wisconsin, where a special election was held to fill a vacancy caused by death. the Republican candidate was victorious by the squeakiest kind of a majority in a dis trict normally heavily G.O.P. If Democrats in Washington‘s Third District will get Lund Sheet Metal & Appliance C ”‘30 E. Madison. EA. 7373 SEATTLE BEST WISHES II. S. PLYWOOD WRI’ORATION ‘k 13l9 W. Nickerson Seattle | ‘ Andrew C. Clauson has recently “been renominated president of the lNew York Board of Education by 1Mayor William O'Dwyer, His term texpires in 1954. Mr. Clauson is of iSwedish extraction. [—..—_g, ,, Wick and Dahlgren GENERAL CONTRACTORS I700 21%! r‘VI‘. Sn. St‘zlnh' 44 (A. 3|?” GREETINGS O O Gwm. Whfle 8: 0 Prince. Inc. Sales Agents For Fruit Growers Co-opcrativcs Skinner Building Seattle Gust Johnson, 78, Flies To Sweden An air travel enthusiast at 78 is Gust Johnson, of Portland, Ore- { gon, who is pictured here recents-I 1y at La Guardia Field 'as he boards a Scandinavian Airlines plane for Stockholm. With him on i the right is his son, Henry. Mni Johnson. who was born in Upp-l land, Sweden, in 1869 and came, to the United States in 1902. has. been a resident of Portland since: 1910. He makes his home with| his son at 526 North Failing St”? Portland. 1 together and elect their candidate to Congress. it will con tribute greatly to the jitters felt by Republicans through ' out the nation who are faced with growing evidences that I the same voters who sent them to Washington last fall on the basis of their promises are getting ready to pitch l them out because of their apparent inability or unwilling i ness to give the nation the enlightened, progressive type i of administration which today. in regretful retrospect. ‘ our people remember they had learned to expect from the I Democratic Party—to which, in ever increasing numbers. i they are giving every evidence of a desire to return. World Gymnastic Festival In Stockholm l949 ‘ STOCKHOLM. April 20. _ (By1 1 airmaill—Official invitation to the i ISecond Lingiad, the world gym-- inastic festival in Stockholm in; ]1949, has been sent out in six; different languages to 60 nations.‘ ; This meeting. which honors the' imemory of Per Henrik Ling H1776-1839l, and August 13 and; lwill be combined with a World; i Congress for Physical Culture and i i a Gymnast Camp at Malma Field. j lsixty miles south of Stockholm.- Courses and lectures will also be‘ arranged. As in 1939, when the iF‘irst Lingmd took place, the ‘ main events will be staged at the' lStockholm Olympic Stadium. At lthat time. more than 7.300 gym inasts from 37 countries partici pated. T The Ling‘iad idea is not basedl lion competition between various teams. but on demonstrations ishowing the development of gym lnastics throughout the world. It aims at giving leaders and in structors an opportunity of study ing in concentrated form the progress achieved along these lines in various countries and of learning from each other. At the ‘same time the event will constifi 'tute a general means of propa-' 'ganda for gymnastics and physi cal education as a whole King Gustaf v. of Sweden is‘ royal patron of the Second Lin-l giad and the (‘rown Prince is vice ’ patron. in addition. the King has instituted a special Lingiad Med-i at. President of the executive? ;committee is Carl Albert Ander-' .son. Chairman of the Stockholrr.‘ :City Council. Agne Holstrdm is | secretary. i Mr. Johnson plans to stay in Sweden for an indefinite time and his son for two months. The tire Johnsons flew from Portland to New York via United Air Lines. Queried in New York as to how he liked the flight, the elder Johnson remarked that it was a nice experience but not thrilling enough. “There was more excitement in the taxi ride for five blocks in New York Ctv than the entire 3000 mile flight," he said. NEWS IN BRIEF: Professor Herbert Olivocrona. famous SWedish brain surgeon. who studied with the late Prof. Harvey Cushing at the Peter Brent Brigham Hospital in Bos ton. is now on a lecture tour of several South American repub lics. He also attended the Sec ond South American Surgical Congress in Santiago de Chile April 21-28. His lecture schedule includes the following: Cities: Rio de Jaiiioi‘o. Sao Paulo. Buvnos Aires, Cordoba. Santiago. Cali. Bogota. and Caracas. PEAT BELTING AND SUPPLY CO. )l.»\.\‘l‘l-‘.\(‘Tl'RI-ZI{S ()l“ LEATHER BELTING Bq-lt Rq-pnfrim: Bvlt IDr-m‘ing (‘le and l' lmathvre -— Ruer lh-lling mul \ Bolts 2430 1st An-nur 5., Svattln- L Slim _______.__________—____———— E TELENEWS 1 The Only 'l‘hmtro Shmyin: (‘nmph'tc \\IIRI.I)-\\H)F. ! NEWS ——- l’lm lnu>uul and 'l‘inwl) Shun \uhwcls i New Stroumlinv Shuw Sturh‘ I‘Im-h FRIID‘H at n PM. I ‘ o i 0 BLACK MANUFACTURING 00. Seattle. Wash. 3 "Swedish Wartime ,4 Cartoons" ‘ "There is a very interesting s-x ‘hibition of ('artoons in the gab lery on the second iloor of the ‘Liberal Arts Building on the campus (of the State University). The display consists of a large 'number of Swedish wartime car toons which are in America. ‘through the cooperation of The American—Scam]inavian Founda tion and the Sverige—Amerika Stiftelsen, the corresponding org anization in Sweden. ' "The barbed wit of the car ltoonist, his ability to say much with just a few lines. the biting .scorn of the social philosopher are all evident in these remark able pictures. To appreciate theirI Idaring it is necessary to remem *ber that Germany surrounded :Sweden during the war and was lconstantly applying pressure to ‘force Swedish compliance. Swe jden was almost out off from the :outside world. It is to the etern ‘al credit of the Swedish press, iwhich even in wartime did not. iknow any censorship. that car« jtoons attacking Fascism were 1published day in and day out and ithe artists of Sweden were al ilowed to sharpen their pens iagainst the powers of the dark iness and tyranny that stood al most on their threshold. These ’Swedish wartime cartoons em. ;phasize the fearlessneSS, convic~ ,tion. and courage of the Swedish. iPeople." j Material for 1,200 tons of paper ifor the publishing of literature ion the rehabilitation program or ithe World Council of Churches in :Europe has been purchased in ‘Sweden with American Protest ant funds. The literature will be distributed primarily in Germany. according to Dr. S. C Michelfel ‘der. American member of the council and chairman of its mat lerial aid division at Geneva. who 1reported on the project to Church 1World Service. through which the ’purchasing funds were provided. lThe materials include cellulose and paper pulp. Karl's Shoe S'l'ores 116 Pike St. and 130:} Second Ave. Seattle Wash. Greetings and Best Wishes Golden Gate Cafe 407 Pike St. I‘Il‘int 9‘22] > Sc-attlv