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10 North Dakota Inscription Could Be Relic 0f Viking Expedition Submerged beneath the waters of the Missouri River near Deapo lis, a grain-elevator station in Cen tral North Dakota_ 3. large boulder which has twice emerged atVJVe the stream when drought had re duced its flow. is reported to bear a mysterious inscription which, it is surmised. may be Runic in character. It is near the site of an early Mandan Indian village. over which Big White was chief when Lewis and Clark's expedition stopped there on its return from the Pa cific Coast in 1805. He accompan ied them to Washington. The “ . o @ Optometrist OFFICE IN BARTELL'S DRUG STORE WESTLAKE AND PINE PHONE: ELIOT 0941 it» \m: E»: Exam neJ Exrry Two Years by a Rx‘g‘s‘crcd Opiomcmsf Flowers In Seattle . _ u “ Phones Answer 3: 1300 m—Ww SEE THE ROBOT-TRUSS FIRST THE TRI‘SS WITH A GUARANTEE Free Demonstration of “5‘ diver- (‘omplete lines of Elastic Hos sified teehnlque \\ hich cannot be iery, Brassleres. Maternity. Sac claimed for any other truss. - . Over 25 years of successful ex- rollac and Post Operathe Su [,,.ri,.m.,._ ports. 8. H. (lamp Garments. Nu Rputure (‘an Be Properly Retained l'nless the Truss ls Accurately Fitted. WRITE ()R PHONE FOR FREE ROBOT BOOKLET ENGBERG SL'RGICAL APPLIANCES I‘ll! - 3rd Aux, Seattle Opp‘. Telephone Bldg. MAin 4239 _— MITTELSTADT MORTIIARY Ballard’s Leading Mortuary E. E. MITTELSTADT . OTTO II. MITTELSTADT 1766 Market DExter 0682 GARAGES 112x20 $295 Erected (‘omplete on Your Property See sample at 7010 lSth N. W. OLYMPIC PREFABRICATORS Day or Night — Call HE. 0701 stone seems to have been held in some religious respect and awe by the Mandans, who regarded it as their medicine stone .and consulted it in the spring of the year for its oracular prophesies. according to notes made by Lewis and Clark at the time. The reason for lts magic signi ficance lies in the inscription, which to date no one has been competent to translate. Whether it be an Indlan pictognaph, an early settler's fanciful attempt to make some record, or as Hjalmar R. Holand suspects, a relic of the 13th century Norse expedition to IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 18x20 $415 Minnesota of which he has writ ten so much, remains to be de termined. Because the Missouri River changes its course so freduently, teh stone may now be more infre quently revealed than it was in Lewis and Clark’s time when the Indians visited it annually to learn its message, for it has recently been exposed only twice, once in 1894 when an interested group studied it casually and reported upon its strange markings which they were unable to decipher: and again forty years later it was again reported by another inter ested group when it was again exposed. The interesting relationship about the matter is that the Man dan Indians were both physically different in their lighter pigmen tation and culturally more ad vanced in the character of their activities and settlements from neighboring tribes. and conse quently the inference had been drawn that the Norsemen were adopted into the Mandan tribe and affected its blood and culture. Norway Hunters War On Wolverines OSLO—Wolverines, which killed over $10,000 worth of stock in the n o r t h Budbrandsdalen section alone last year, are now being hunted in Norway as never before. During the year ending in June, 1946, Norwegian wolverine hunt ers did well by themselves—«kill ing 80 of the savage animals and collecting bounties totalling well over 280,000 Kr. ($56,000). At that time the bounty was set at the equivalent of $700 per head. One enterprising hunter in the Finn mark district shot six of them in a single day and went home that night a comparatively rich man. Despite the high bounty on wolverines in Norway ever since 1846, a mere 4147 of the animals had been shot by the time the bounty was discontinued in 1932. By 1942. however, sheep, goat, and reindeer losses were so heavy that a bounty was again offered. This was raised in 1944 to the all-time high of 3,500 Kr. ($700). Some doubt has been raised as to whether Norwegian hunters-m not necessarily exact as to inter national boundaries—mi‘ght have been shooting their pney in Swe den, or Finland (neither of which pay bounties) in those sections where the three countries join. Sefh Green Machine Shop “AT YOUR SERVICE” 1331 Northlake MElrose 8525 EMayf/ower§ E Radiator 3 E 5‘01” i b E. A. NORDSTROM { L Proprietor ‘ : RADIATOR REPAIR A ‘ ’ SPECIALTY 1 ’ Exp"! Workmanship ‘ ’ Work Guarantevd ‘ ’ Our-Day Svrvire ‘ D 1 i 1105 Vorth 92nd Street { ’ (East of Aurora) ‘ ’ \‘Ermont 1664 { THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Sweden Has Her Own Airlines To Most European Capitals : STOCKHOLM —— The Swedish Air Lines (ABA) have recently in creased their traffic on Nice and Ankara to five and two services a week respectively. The services on ABA's internal Swedish lines have also been extended. Thus. the number of services on the tourist route between Stockholm and Vis by on the island of Gotland in the Baltic has been increased from two to four a. day in each direction. Traffic on the line between Stock holm and Lulea, not far from the Arctic Circle in the north of Swe den, has been resumed after hav ing been in abeyance during the winter owing to climatic condi tions. Through ABA’s network of air services, which at present has a to tal length of 20,000 miles, Sweden has direct air communications with the following cities: Amsterdam. Ankara, Athens, Bagdad, Barcel ona, Brussels, Copenhagen. Frank fort, Geneva, Helsingfors, Istan bul, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Mos cow (ln cooperation with Aeroflot) Nice, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Reykja vik, Rome, Teheran. Warsaw, and Zurich. The inland network con nects the following towns: Stock holm, Gothenburg, Malmo, Karl stad, Visby, Sundsvail, and Luelea. The company's fleet consists main ly of DC-Ss and DC-4s. but at the end of this year it will be enlarg ed with 10 ultramodern Douglas DC-fis, fitted with pressurized cab ins and thermal de-icing equip ment. The special pride of the company is its safety statistics: Throughout the 23 years of the line's existence only one passenger has been killed during a scheduled flight. and he would probably have survived if h( had made use of his safety belt. During the war two ABA planes were shot down by the Germans, involving the loss of several lives. Europe's largest hangar being Built at Bromma Alrport At Bromma airport, Stockholm, ABA has set up an extensive tech- I.:(‘al organization, including four large special workshops of the most modem design, which are also partly handling the work of overhauling the machines of the ‘ The Swedish Consulate General 1in New York has opened a special loffice at 19 Rector Street which iwill handle all merchant marine ‘matters, such as the mustering on ‘of crews. the welfare of Swedish ‘seamen. etc. It will be headed by Consul Stig Deneus who will be assisted by attache Gunnar Ljung dahl and two secretaries. MONTGOMERY FUEL CO. COAL SPECIALISTS We have a Coal for Every Purpose— City-Wide Delivery 6320 15th Ave. N. W. SUnset 8260 0 Seattle Towmg & Garage, Inc. WE NEVER CLOSE — CALL US ANY TIME 24 HOURS SERVICE 2125 Fourth Avenue SEneca 0051 SEATTLE ' 'I’II Church by the Side of the Iload SEATTLE'S GREAT REVIVAL CENTER Open Every Day 7:30 to 8 A. M. Dally—Sundny .380 A. M. to 9 P. M. 2nd Awnuo and sum-Ir! Street Also 148th and MAin. Seattle-Tacoma leny “Where God's Glorious Gospel In Prom-had” Radio Services — Station KXA—(770 KIL) MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 7:30-8:00 A. M. REV. LOUIS JOHNSON~-Paslor REV. FRANK McALLISTER—Assoclate Pastor YOU ARE WELCOME — Please Call _ V . Chapel Phone EL lot 4438 ‘ Scandinavian Airlines S y s t e in. ABA's largest hangar at Bromma. has a free floor space of 395x165 feet, an area corresponding to that of a football field of international size. This hangar, which is the largest in Europe. will however be surpassed by a new one now undel construction, which will be half as large again. With its area of 495 by 205 feet, this hangar will be capable of housing four Boeing Stratocruisers. Underground engine-mung chamber with complete sound installation. ABA's engine shop at Bromma is equipped with an interesting un derground engine-testing installa tion. When the new testing cham— ber was being built last winter, a number of special constructional problems had to be solved. partic ularly on account of the proximity of private dwellings, which made it necessary to provide for the best possible sound insulation. The technicians succeeded in solving the problem so effectively that the observer, who sits in a special in strument room and watches the propellerless engine on the test bench through a glass window, can only tell with the help of a loud speaker installation if the engine in running. Immediately the inspector starts the engine that is to be tested. the steel doors to the testing chamber are automatically locked an d warning lights appear. so that no one can enter the chamber by mis take while tests are being made. When the engine stops, an electric relay ensures that the doors can not .be opened before fans have forced fresh, cool air through the room. Mrs. E. M l ’ on gomery s ; Private Convalescent and Boarding Home 1 Beautiful and Comfortable“ Surroundings DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED MEALS 621 34th Ave. CA. 5777 New Addition Available Soon