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THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Danish Expedition To Explore Northern Areas Of Greenland COPENHAGEN — A party of ‘_ Danish natural scientists, equipped! with two ships and an amphibious‘ plane, is undertaking a three-year“ exploration and research in the; frozen north. , Peary Land in the extreme north of Greenland and north eastern Greenland are to be the scene of their investigations, which take on added importance in view of the fact that future in ternational air lines will go via this country, the world's largest island. Weather conditions or this vast region of ice and snow are among the things to be studied. ThP area The FIRST STEP Before Your Trip To Scandinavia IS A VISIT TO luggage Co. : 4 I ’ i, “I I . ' I Qualify Luggage af LOWEST PRICES 1+3;- 7 “fir , \\ «rumours . srm ms ’ ’nu NM . MA'nmn >1 l5 '1 \\ () Sl’l'l'LRS (umplvu- line of lx-ulu-r (winds at COMPLETE LUGGAGE REPAIR SERVICE 2122 Third Ave. , chcrn Lunum & “IJIKIMHI ELio’ 1572 Seattle S. H. CHRISTIANSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 6822 34th Ave. N. W. Sl‘nset 6393 SEATTLE . _ BONNELL'S AUTO SERVICE A A A 24-Hour Towing Service ' GENERAL :‘l'TO REPAIRING — MOTOR TVNE-I‘I’ LIGHT \VELDING “'1“. E. BONN‘ELL, Prop. DE. 4961 Night: 4466 .5919 Phlnney Aw Seattlv 3 REAL ESTATE — CITY and SUBURBAN IIOIES ,3; , BUSINESS LOCATIONS APARTMENTS - ACREAGE m ”-3 LEASES - INDUSTRIAL l i 1* WATERFRONT PROPERTY WEST & WHEELER . REALTORS AND INSURORS Marion Bldg, . 5.“!th Eliot 5252 will be surveyed, and botanical. zoological, mineralogical. and paleontological investigations will be undertaken. It is hoped to find good landing sites for planes—sites that later may be used by regular air service. Greenland. a territory of 844,- 000 square miles, of which 700,000 are icekovered. is under Danish sovereignty. but the United States assumed a temporary protectorate during the war. The expedition is expected to be the first large party to winter in the region to be explored. North Greenland has been visited by many expeditions before, but they were reportedly sledge parties which had to return after a short stay. “The expedition falls in two parts." Mr. Knuth said. “One takes place this year and the other he gins in the summer of 1948 and lasts until 1950. "We are leaving by the end 9f June for a three-month stay in Greenland. during which time we shall establish our stations. a main station. and two supplement ary ones. They have to be winter resistant. with real wooden houses, so that we can live there during the long arctic winter. “Our static base will be in the northernmost district of Green land and there we shall try to hold out during the three years necessary for our work." This year's party will comprise 12 men. while next years‘ expedi— tion will number 10. , I Ingram s Drive-In Restaurant 1401 N. 45th at Interlukv (.Ius't 3 minutes from L'ni \'(‘1‘Sit)' 'Distl'ict) COMPLETE DINNERS from 75c Short Orders - Steaks Fountain - Dining Room Open Daily from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Clased Tuesdays Swedish Model Visits New York Hjordis Tersmvden, known as the most beautiful mudrl in SWHh-n. sm-n as she arriw-d at Lub‘xuurdia Field in a Scandina \i:nl Airline-s System plum. 8hr intc-mls tn spend hm monlhs in New York, Pc‘rmission to import )5 million l'ricks .—.-(mi Sexgium m 1544‘ has been requested by the Industry Commission; Under the presunt huilding program there will be a shortage of 20 million bricks this year, but it is hoped to remedy this by the use of porous concrete biocks. The recent import regula tions have caused a further tight zning of Swedish building restric tions. Much needed construction will have to ba postponed. Each ssparato case must be carefully in vestigated, and only small repairs and maintonance work may now he done without special permits. CORRECTION In the May issue we gave you a news story about the Ballard Boat House and gavr the address as 607 Scaview Avenue. Seattle. This should be 6207 Seaview Ave. Pay them a visit for the best fishing. R. S. HANSON Marine, Fire and Auto Insurance 10‘: (‘ulman erry Terminal Elliot 3349 Paul Thorgaard Plumbing Co. Plumbing and Heating Coniracfors 2025 E. Madison - EA. 7580 Effects Of Tobacco Studied At Hospital In Stockholm STOCKHOLM ---< A comprehen—r sive inquiry into the effect of to: bacco-smoke on the heart of smok ers of various grades has been: carried out by Dr. Berti] Von Ann at the Serafimer Hospital in Stock- ‘ holm. The experiments were car-: ried out on 27 habitual smokers and 23 beginners or non-smokers. The results of the investigation; show that .no injurious effects were observedmthough this does not contradict the vimv that many years of smoking might injure the heart. at any rate in the case of sensitive persons. The first part of the inquiry comprised experiments on several really heavy smokers, among them a 67-year—old businessman. who for 49 years had smoked hetm-en 10 and 30 cigars a day. and :1 ~19- year-old female school Leather. who smoked 30 cigarettes 11 day But their hearts were found to be healthy and they chain—smoked a surprising; number of cigars and cigarettes respectively without ainj.‘ unpleasant effects. The later ser ies of experiments which has now been published in Svenska Lakar tidningen 4The Swedish Medical Journal» comprises 23 pe'rsons be ‘tween 13 and 40 years of age. of .whom 13 Were beginners or had smoked for a few months only. .while the rest had never tasted ;tobacco. All of them undertook to 7chain-smoke cigars or cigarettes for as long as they were able to do so. the 13 beginners inhaling. while the non-smokers could only smoke through the mouth. Two of the non-smokers were already suffer ing from heart trouble, while all the others were healthy. It was not possible to establish any appreciable effects on the heart. Chain-smoking did not, as a rule. cause any appreciable re— duction in the physical output in the course of n‘iedium-heary work. How the perSons experimented on would have reacted after more ar duous tests. (xg. cross-country run ning. it is of course impossible to determine the report says Short— ness of breath is a common symp— ton during: a certain period of smoking. but usually it soon passes over. Tobacco tolerance varied within wide limits. A 17-year-old student. who had smoked 3 or «i cigarettes a day for a year. was surprisuiglr little affected after inhaling the YOST SHEET METAL WORKS * SHEET METAL WORK OF ALL KINDS * EVergreen 1 511 ROOSEVELT AIR CONDITIONING LEONARD “LEN" OLSEN Rossuc ()il Burning Equipment Furnace Specialists — Rcmodcliug and Replaccmcnt — Vacuum ('lcaning‘ and chairing On All Makes 01]. SI’.~\('I-I HEATERS 6816 Rouscvclt “'ay Klinmmd 7909 DR. J. R. WALSH, DENTIST DENTAL PLATES BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT PALATE Au Long as 1.") Months ~ Ray NO MONEY DOWN 0n Apprmal nf Yullr (‘rndfl NU RED 1' \PE. N0 DEL\Y NU ('.\RR\ INN (‘IlARGES EASY CREDIT DR. J. R. WALSH. Denfisi‘ PlKiETXygui‘leE I 5 2 o w E s T I- A K E EXECISKZQR 11 smoke of twelve cigarettes. A 40- year-old farmer. who had never previously touched t o b a c c o. smoked five cigars one after this other without any ill-effects be yond heavy perspiration and a transient feeling of nausea. but after half a cigarette more he had to give up the experiment. N0 pathological changes in the rhythm of the heart or in the functioning of the Coronary arteries were ob served. nor any case of angina. pectoris. the Swedish doctor writes.‘ Two "Blue Babies" Successfully Operated On In Stockholm STOCKHOLM. June. —-~A new surgical treatment for so-called "laluc babies" was recently intro duced at the Crown Princess Lovi. sa Hospital for Children in Stock holm by Dr. I’. Sundblom. He has so far operated on two such chil dren. with apparently good results. Dr. Sandblom used the method developed in the United States by Dr. Alfred Blalo‘ck and a pediatri cian. Dr. Helen Taussig. which con sists of transposing the main ar— tery of the arm to the main artery of the lung: The blood circulation in the lungs is thereby increased. and babies who are born with a. highly defective heart. causing dis coloration of their skin and fre quent attacks of asphyxia, regain normal color and usually escape from the otherwise ultimately fatal attacks. The children so far treat ed are now in flourishing health and their skin is a clear pink. Before performing these ex tremely difficult and elaborate op erations. Dr. Sandblom. who had studied the method in America, had made experiments on dogs. OLYMPIC CLEANERS Cr DYERS AT \‘OI’R KHKVICE “'I I'll .\ \‘l‘1l{\ I'HOFICnLV'I‘ IH'ILE\ I-lN\ SERVK'E o 244“”er \‘n-nin- \\:lililhl0 DExter 2616 Nth :unl \umru 3424 Interlake Ave. i Dental plates. set with modern life-like translucent teeth. are made and acclaimed I? many dentists for thhir dainti 93‘s and light weight. Their realistic appeannca should please the most discriminating ’ Ilin “l4