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10 Short Notes On Denmark Denmark has a. population of about 4 million people living on an area of 16,500 square miles, an area about twice the size of the State of Massachusetts. It is com monly believed by foreigners that Denmark is primarily an agricul tural country. the majority of the population deriving its income from the Danish soil. This. how ever. is not quite correct. The fact is that only onethird of the Danes belong to the agricultural sector, while another third is occupied in a variety of industries, and the last one third comprises all 0 t h e- r occupations —— business, trade, transportation, administra tions. etc. The Danish soil isAcontrary to what is commonly believed—~com paratively poor and can in no way compare with the black soil of Southeastern Europe or the vast grain producing areas of the West ern hemisphere. As this is a factor of utmost importance to the whole Danish economy and one of the most im— portant causes of our troubles to day, I might be allowed to make myself a little clearer on this point. The Danish farm system today is a factory for animal food. In normal years. we had a production of 2 to 300.000 tons of bacon, about 200,000 tons of butter. and from 100 to 150,000 tons of eggs. to mention only the three main prod ucts. These figures are, as a mat— ter of fact, very large when com-‘ pared with the area of the arable land and the fertility of the soil and the fact is that this production was only made possible by means of an import of nearly one million tons of oilcake, 6 to 700,000 tons of feedgrains and the same amount of fertilizers. In other words, Danish agricul ture is in exactly the same posi tion as Danish industry. Denmark has hardly any raw materials within her borders and both agri culture and industry therefore have to import the raw materials needed for the production. Our only raw material is labor and what we do then is to add labor to the imported raw materials, and export a large part of the fin ished products to pay for the im port. The whole system necessi- i I The FIRST STEP '1 Before Your Trip j To Scandinavia 'j IS A VISIT TO luggage Co. :1 w . y, .7 ..., Qualify Luggage af ‘ LOWEST PRICES ‘ w?“ '2 IN 1 : \lk)"\l}\’\ ” ix: \Iu‘nln'll: 31‘}: "A‘! ~| ”Mix 1' ‘!‘."“r (,,.,«]« i . COMPLETE LUGGAGE I REPAIR SERVICE | 2122 Third Ave. “mum-n lm-n-vu A HlJnl‘hArd ‘ mm 1572 Soafllo 3 By Gunnar Seidenfaden tates an extensive foreign trade and it is therefore quite natural that we find Denmark one of the countries of the world that has the largest foreign trade in relation to its population. When a country with no raw materials within its borders wishes to maintain a high standard of liv ing. the only way to do this is to see that the goods exported are leaving the country in the most highly finished stage possible. and contain the greatest possible amount of skillful labor. Whereas a country with large mineral re sources. with rich soil and huge reserves of raw material is able to maintain a relatively high living standard with a minimum of ef fort and a great percentage of un skilled labor and simple farming methods. the same result in the countries without raw materials can only be attained by means of continued coordination of science and techniques and a very high percentage of skilled labor. ‘ This is the underlying factor that explains to a great extent the social structure of Denmark. The development of an elaborate edu cational system has been‘neces sary. Our schools and universities are free to all to a very large ex-- tent. After the ordinary gram-l mar school. nearly all continue their education in business train ing schools, technical schools or agricultural schools. A great part ;of the young people attend not only the high schools but also schools comparable to the educa tion received at American colleges. ‘IMany students continue their edu- Ication at one of the two Danish ‘universities or the institutions for ‘engineers or for agricultural sci lence. The development of the idea of folk high schools is one of the ‘Danish institutions best known {outside Denmark. It might be natural to mention the Danish cooperative movement in this connection because this sys tem has only been made possible through the average high level of education reached. by the farmers. I would also like to mention the Danish system of social security since it might be said to have been developed from the common un derstanding of the essential im portance of labor or of the whole human element in the Danish eco nomic structure. Our highly devei oped system of insurance against sickness. accidents, unemployment and old age has grown out of this. and our free hospitalization and medical care. our health inspec tion, vacation-with-pay s y s t e m. school lunch program. maternity assistance and so on. all prove the importance of the human element in the Danish economy quite apart from the humanitarian aspects. A main factor in the develop ment of the Danish industrial ex port is the cooperation that took place during the reconversion years between agriculture and in~ dustry. Scientists and engineers took on the task of building the most efficient machinery for the cooperative dairies and slaughter hnuses. and we found that this ma ehinery itself was competitive in foreign markets and could be ex ported. D a n i s h slaughterhouse and dairy machinery was sent to many parts of the world and with them went technicians to teach other nations—mainly in countries n\'erseas~h0w to use the Danish methods. Other industries grew out of this collaboration with the agricultural sector. I can mention for instance the pharmaceutical industry that produces drugs such as insulin and many types of hormones from the hy-products of the slaughterhous es. Danish insulin is found every where in Europe and has given a new life to thousands of diabetic patients. Or I might mention the Danish breweries that mainly have found a market for their beer in overseas countries. and the yeast factories that grew out. of the sci entific endeavors of finding the best type of yeast for the brewer- Giant Generators for Swedish Power Station Stockholm. — (By airmail) — A power plant, which will be Swe den's biggest, is at present under construction at the Harsprénget waterfalls on the Lule River, north of the Arctic Circle.. The station will be equipped with three gene rators with an effect of 105,000 kw. each. Designed by the Swedish General E l e c t r i c Company (ASEA). in Vfisteras, they will be the biggest water turbine driven generators ever-made in Europe and only surpassed by the 108,- kw. ones at the Grand Coulee Da'm in the United States. The diameter of the stator will be about 32 feet and the total weight 900 tons. The water tur bines, which also will be of record capacity. will drive the generators at a speed of 167 revolutions per minute. Since the generators are far too big to be transported by rail from the works in central Syeden to the power plant, the largest components, the rotor rings. will be assembled on the spot. The Harsprénget power plant is expected to start operat ing in 1950. The station will be capable of delivering 6,250,000 kwh a day at maximum production. ies. Also the Danish factories for refrigeration machinery grew out of the close cqnnection with agri culture. Many pther examples migh’t be given. Another sector of Danish indus-‘ try is based on the only mineral3 resources foimd‘ in mountainless‘ Denmark. namely clay and chalk. Danish china is well-known in nu merous foreign countries. and Dan ish artists have found a working field in the many bigger and smal ler earthenware factories whose products are being exported on an ever increasing scale. Most im pdrtant financially, however. is the cement industry, where the fact that the raw materials for cement production are located close to the ocean. has favored a considerable export. Here something similar happen ed as in the food industry. The development of the cement and clay industries in Denmark boost ed the enterprises which manufac ture machinery for these indus tries with the result that Danish methods and Danish machinery have been widely used in the con struction of cement factories all over the world. Besides these groups of indus tries that have directly grown out of Danish agriculture or are based on our raw materials, we have a third group of industries which have as their competitive basis the skilled workers. It is evident that the products from these industries must be finished goods with the smallest possible supplement of imported raw materials and a high percentage of labor. In this category we have small factories for radio equipment. electrical and scientific instruments, small mo tors and dynamos, vacuum-clean ers. silverware. motor-bicycles, etc. Although the greater part of the Danish population earns its liveli hood by agriculture and industry. it would be wrong. even in a short survey as this. not to remind you of the fact that Denmark com pared to its size has a very long coastline and many excellent har bors. Therefore. the fisheries nat urally are rather an important factor in our economy. Due. to our geographical position close to densely populated industrial na-- tions most of our fish can be ex ported fre-sh. but some canning is also done. The Danes have always been a sea-going nation and the Danish shipbuilding industry dates far back in history. Today most ships under Danish flag are. built in Denmark and many of them are occupied in foreign waters earning foreign currency amounting to considerable sums in the balance of payments. Furthermore a con siderable tonnage is built for for eign countries. especially of the Diesel motonhip type which orig inated in Denmark. Norwegian Export Show; Progress r OSLO. —— An encouraging re port on the success of Norway’s present export drive was recently presented by Arne Meidell. Chair man of the Norwegian Export Council at the group‘s yearly meet ing in Oslo. Both in volume and value, Norway’s exports have risen spectacularly since liberation, and according to Chairman Meidell, there is every reason to expect still further increases. Exports for the first half of 1947 which are estimated at 860,000,000 kr. ($172.- 000,000) are expected to top the 2 billion kroner mark by years end ($400,000,000). Net exports for the base-year 1938 were 780,000,000 Kr. ($156,000,000). while in terms of volume present exports are now 83% of 1939. Chairman Meidell paid tribute to both Norwegian capital and la bor noting that “In view of the disturbed working conditions in a number of countries abroad, we can be grateful that we have en joyed such quiet and stable condi tions in Norway.“ He warned. however. against the possible ear ly end of the seller's market and urged exporters to render good service. fight against restrictions. and develop and maintain their markets. Disapproval was voiced regard ing any export duty on such goods as fish, canned goods. and tim ber products. He also pleaded for more timber for the wood-proces sing industries and called for in creased aid to existing export en terprises. Fresh and salted fish exports for the first half of 1947 were listed at 125% of the 1938 rate. while canned fish exports were 160% for the same period. Total value of fish exports for the first six months was set at 214,000,000 Kr. ($42,800,000) including 58,000,000 Kr. ($11,600,000) in canned fish. Chemical fertilizer exports for the O I Octonek Kmttmg Co. Creators of Charmed Land Knitted Sweaters QUALITY MEN & WOMENS SWEATERS Swim Suits and Beach Wear for Men & Women 528 Union (6th a: Union) Seattle MAln 2296 m...— M The church by the Sula of the Road SEATTLE’S GREAT REVIVAL CENTER Open Every Day 7:30 to 8 A. M. Dally—Sunday 8:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. ’ 2nd Avenue and Stewart street Also 148th Ind Main, Seattle~Tsoomn "In-1y “Where God’s Glorious Gospel ls Pmched" Radio Services — Station KXA—(‘l‘lo KIL) MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 7:30-8:00 A. M. REV. LOUIS JOHNSON—Pastor REV. FRANK McALLISTER—Assoclate Pastor YOU ARE WELCOME — Please (‘01! Chapel Phone EL iot 4438 SEE THE ROBOT-TRUSS FIRST THE TRIYSS WITH A GUARANTEE Free Demonstratlon of Its dh‘or- (‘omplote llnes of Elastlc not slfle‘d 3'0!!!“qu whirl:hcann‘ot b“ let-y. Brassleren, Maternlty. Sac clalme or an 0 0r runs. ' Over 25 years 03’ successful t-x- rollao Ind Pout-Operative Sn pawn“... ports. 3. H. (amp Gunman“. No Rpulurr- Can Be Properly lu-talnod Unless the Truss In Accurately Filled. WRITE OR PHONE FOR FREE ROBOT BOOKLET ENGBERG SURGICAL APPLIANCES l2ll - 3rd Ava. Scuttle- Opp. Telephone Bldg. MAln 4289 Seattle Towmg & Garage, Inc. WE NEVER CLOSE — CALL US ANY TIME . 2! llOl'RS SERVICE 2125 Fourth Avenue SEneca 0051 SEATTLE THE SCANDI NAVIAN AMERICAN first half of 1947 were 104% of the 1938 rate. The value of all chemicals exported during the pe riod was 70,000,000 Kr. ($14,000,- 000) with fertilizer exports set at 52,000,000 Kr. Total volume was 237,000 tons. Paper and cardboard exports are 133% of pre-war, in contrast to pulp and cellulose which were a mere 35%. Total value of timber products exports for the period was set at 220,000,- 000 Kr. or 252,000 tons. Oils and fats were 75% of 1938, or 120,000,- 000 Kr. for the half-year period: hides, furs and leather were 84% with a value of 20,000,000 Kr. and e l e c t r o - metallurgical exports reached 79% of 1938 with 75,000,— 000 Kr. for the same period. The Norwegian Export Council, established in November 1945, is receiving over 500 inquiries month ly and plans a broad program of on-the-spot market research to de termine the needs and tastes of foreign importers. Swedish Firm Building University City and Hospitals in Iran ‘ STOCKHOLM—(By airmail)— Swedish engineers are at present building a large university city In Teheran. capital of Iran, as well as fifty dispensary hospitals and four highway and railway bridges in different parts of the country. The Swedish firm engaged in this work has been operating in Iran since 1933. As early as 1939 it received a contract valued at over $10 million for the building of the university city. which will include new quarters for the faculty of Teheran University. laboratories. etc. However. the project had to be postponed because of the war. Recently work was resumed.