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THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Imports from Hard Currency Countries to Be Cut in Half STOCKHOLM—According to a plan formulated by a Government export and import committee, headed by Axel Gjores, Minister of Commerce, Sweden's imports in 1948 from the hard currency countries should amount, at the most, to 1,465 million kronor, or a decrease of almost fifty per cent as compared with an es timated import value for the cur rent year of 2,800 million kronor. and one of 1,900 million in 1946. Total Swedish imports from all sources in 1948 are calculated to be worth not more than 4,000 mil— lion kronor against an estimated 5,000 million this year, or twenty per cent less. 0f the 1.465 million for 1948, 285 million kronor will be prelim inarily allotted to foodstuffs. 445 million to coal and oil. and 449 million to machinery and instru ments, textiles, leather. hides. and skins, iron ore and steel, non-fer rous metals, chemicals, pharma ceutical goods, etc. The import cut affects primarily dispensable goods. The fears expressed in cer tain quarters that the import plan may lead to the rationing of tex tiles and shoes are discounted. An adequate supply of such goods is forecast. Thanks to agreements recently signed with the Soviet Union and countries in the sterling area. Sweden will be able to re place to a considerable extent her usual imports from the hard cur rency regions. Paper Export to 1', S. A. to Be Doubled in 1948 Sweden's exports in 1948 will be considerably greater than in 1947. and will to some extent be directed more toward the hard-currency markets in America, Switzerland, Portugal, and Turkey. Exports of paper to the United States are ex pected to be doubled. while the shipments of wood pulp are esti mated to yield up to one billion kronor. half 9f wh'ch will be in hard currency. In 1947 the export of cellulose to the United States amounted to some 500,000 tons, valued at 300 million kronor. Agru-oments with Great Britain And Russia Help Sweden's Trad:- Balance According to its new trade agreements for 1948 with the Un ited Kingdom and the Soviet Un ion, Sweden will be allowed to buy from Great Britain one half mil lion tons of coal, besides machin ery and instruments valued at about 200 million kronor, 50,000 tons of iron and steel, textiles for 180 million kronor. and motor ve hicles for 55 million kronol‘. From Russia Sweden may , purchase among other items, 50,000 tons of wheat and 15,000 tons of rye. In return. Sweden will export to Brit ain 150,000 tons of mechanical pulp. as well as other forest goods and products, and to Russia iron and steel. ball bearings, breeding animals. etc. The tota! value of Sweden's export to Britain is es timated to be 500 mmlon kronor, while Sweden's imports from that News In Brief The nation-wide paper salvage campaign is expected to net 100,- 000 tons by the end of the year. This means that twenty-rive per cent of Swedene' annual consump tion has been recovered. The value of the salvaged paper. cardboard. and newsprint is estimated at 64 million kronor. The collection will also not the Swedish European Aid mind over a million kronor. The Swedish Social Democratic \Vorkers Partv will hold its 18th congress in Stockholm. May 9-14, lfl8a1'he elections to the Congress will be held at the beginning of next year. but all motions must be submitted in December. Captain Sigfrid Ericsson. master of the M. S. “Gripsholm” of the Swedish American Line, has re ceived the medal of merit of the Swedish Rod Cross for his contri bution toward the work of the In ternationu Red Cross in the ex clunge of diplomats and other na tionals during and after the war. country will be worth 750 million kronor. The Russo-Swedish ex change of trade, which is inde pendent of the crcdlt agreement between the two countries, com prises only 30 million kronor in each direction. l The two agreements constitute a measure of relief in Sweden‘s ‘present import situation. according Ito Minister Gjores' statement in the leading Government organ, lMorgon-Tidningen, of Stockholm. ’“Several items on the import side are goods that are little or not at all affected by the hard-currency 'situation. The British coal deliv ,erfes are a welcome surprise to us ‘and they will not cause any reduc ‘tion in our coal imports from oth er countries. The import item of 200 million kronor for machinery is larger than we had been count ing on. From the outer sterling area we anticipate imports for about 250 million kronor of goods of the traditional type, including substantial amounts of oil. The combined imports from the whole sterling area should thus reach in value next year over one billion ki'onor." ' Shortage of Electricity Called Temporary STOCKHOLM—(By airmaillru The present shortage of electric power in Sweden was described as “temporary" by Waldemar Borg quist. head of the Government Water Falls Board, at a recent meeting in Gothenburg. attended by 400 electric power experts. A large number of new water power stations are now under construc— tion, he said. or else being planned. It is estimated that by the au— tumn of 1955 they will have in creased Sweden's electric supply by fifty per cent. So far as can now be judged. the rationing of electricity will probably continue for at least two more winters, although a ye a r from now it may not have to be as strict as it is now. During the ensuing debate. representatives of the Fuel (‘ommission emphasized that no Christmas illumination in the streets will be permitted. On the other hand, shopkeepers and department store owners will be allowed to light their show win dows during each of the three Sun days before the holidays. This has long been a custom in Stockholm and elsewhere, and has always brought out a big parade of win dow shoppers-a, big stimulus to the Yuletide trade. Aerotransport Workers Go on Strike STOCKHOLDE—(By wireless)— About 1,200 employees of the Swedish Aerotransport Company. which maintains inland lines and a number of routes to the Conti nent and the Near East, have gone on strike after negotiations for a new collective agreement failed. It looks as if the strike would be of long duration. and in the mean time Aerotransport'a fleet of twenty planes is idle. ‘ Scandinavian Airlines System is not directly affected by the strike. but for the time being it will use Copenhagen, instead of Stockholm. as the terminal for the New York and South America lines. Ivar Starkenberg. veteran artist and regarded as one or Sweden's wittiest and men incisive political curtoonisls. recently died in Stock holm at the age of sixty-one. His drawings appeared regularly in Morgan-“dningem chief Labor or gan. as well u in my maxulnes. ‘Tirpitz’ Norway’s Newest Iron Mine : OSLO——The German battleship ‘ “Tirpitz,” once the pride of Hitler's ‘navy. has now become Norway’s 'newest iron mine. Lying bottom-up ion the shore of a north—Norwegian i fjord near Tromsoe. the huge ves sel was recently sold by the Nor wegian Directorate for Enemy Property. and breaking-up opera tions are now under way. The “Tirpitz,” built at a reputed icost of $140,000,000. is still of con- Isiderable 'value. The Norwegian lsalvage firm which has under taken the job expects the ship to fyield 20,000 tons of iron and steel as well as quantities of machinery and equipment— all valuable to Norwegian industry. Much of this equipment is in excellent condition as a third of the vessel has never been submerged. and at least 100 electric motors have never been touched by water. Not only will these motors. transformers, cables. and other electrical equipment find a ready market in Norway, but there have already been inquiries regarding the ship's three steam turbines—each generating 50.000 horsepower. At present. however, they represent an unusual salvage problemwfastened as they are to the "ceiling" of the capsized ship. VVater-damage in sunken sections of the ship has been reduced, thanks to quantities of oil floating within the vessel which greases the equipment twice daily ~with each tide. New under-water metal cutting methods will be extremely valuable as some of the armor plate is 12 inches thick. with each plate weighing 40 tons. Workers will have to operate with extreme cau tion as there are several thousand tons of explosives aboard the “Tirpitz.” It is also expected that the bodies of hundreds of German marines are still imprisoned in the massive hulk. These. according to the contract. are to be turnele‘er to the Norwegian Navy for burial. Commerce of Sweden And Great Britain To Be Increased STOCKHOLM (By wirelessl A supplen-ent to the credit agree ment between Sweden and Great Britain. of March 6. 1945, was re cently signed in London. It will be in force until the end of 1949. It was agreed that the volume of trade between Great Britain and Sweden should be increased. and it has been assumed that the Swedish trade with the sterling area will be balanced. To allow for seasonal variations it was de cided that both parties be per mitted an overdraw of eight mil lion pounds. Amounts in excess of this sum will. after May 1, 1948. automatically be paid in gold. If one of the parties. at the end of 1949. is in possession of more than five million pounds of the other party's currency, this amount should then also be paid in gold. Swedish exports to Great Britain. will be brought back to pre-war normal. and it is ex pected that Britain will be able to export more machinery and certain raw materials for the tex tile industry. Deliveries of iron and steel may also be increased. There was no definite promise of a resumption of coal deliveries from Britain to Sweden. but the British referred to their promise. made at the Paris Conference. that if the Marshall plan material izes the coal shipments will be re sumed. In that event. Sweden will receive her share. The Swedish representatives“ pointed out that if no coal is re-i ceived from England next yearn? Sweden may be forced to recon-I sider the question of wood pulp; deliveries to Great Britain. A} Swediah trade delegation arrived; toward the end of November in; London. where Swedish-British ne- l satiation: will be resumed on the basin ot the supplementary agree ment. Radio Speakers Draw Soviet Union Protest STOCKHOLM—~(By wirelesslv » The Russian Embassy in Stock holm objected to the appearam-e of a Swedish author and a Nor wegian poet on a special radio pro gram sent out by the Swedish Broadcasting Company on the re cent thirtieth anniversary of the Soviet revolution, because of their “unfriendly attitude” toward the Soviet Union. The Foreign Office refused to intervene. and the two writers delivered sharply critical addresses. ' They were Arnulf Overland, Nor. way, and Eyvind Johnson. Sweden. Other speakers were Prof. E. Lonnroth of Upsala University. Sven Jerring' radio commentator. the Danish author Martin Ander sen-Nexo, and Erik Blomberg, Swedish novelist. Commenting on the incident, the leading Labor or gan, Morgon-Tidningen, wrote that it. was only natural that the For eign Office turned down the Rus sian request. “This attempt from the Russian side to interfere must be regarded as pure lack of tact. or as an un derstandable ignorance of the democratic principles of freedom of speech." ' "Dar Pomorzo," training ship of ‘the Polish merchant marine, has ‘rpaid a visit to Gothenburg. Caught 1,by the outbreak of the war when [on a visit to Stockholm in 1939. {the vessel made an enforced stay ;m the capital until the end of the Q hostilities. PINE STREET MARKET Delicatessen Groceries HOTELS and RESTAI‘HA NTs st'PPLlEn no Pine st. EL. 6272 SEATTLE No Worries (‘lt‘an Heating Oils from PECK'S 717 Elliott AVI‘. “'est (G Arfit'ld 1315 BILL SIMON AUTO REPAIR BODY AND FENDER REPAIR I'lll OLIVE WAY NORTHWEST POTTERY Sl'l‘l’LYING THE NORTH\\'E§T 3320 Airport Way PAINTING DECORATING PAPERHANGINH Commercial and Residential Free Estimates ERNEST H. JOHNSON 4902 l'hllmey .-\\e. Row. l'hone MI-Llruw HL’l (PAYMENTS 1‘0 sl‘lT \Ul‘R m nun» Complete One-Stop Repair in the Heart of Seattlek Fishing Fleet Mooraues at ELECT R0 MARINE, Inc. ‘ ELMER J. NELSON - ELMI‘IR DRl-IKKI'Z "If We Can't Save It Scuttle It” 2601 W. 54th St. Sl‘. 63w Norway Shares What She Has OSLOw—Only a few years re moved from Nazi occupation, and still familiar with long ration lines, Norwegians are neverthe less losing little time in going to the aid of less fortunate European neighbors. European Relief, the Norwegian help organization for aid to Eu rope, has just announced that it has already collected and distrib uted over 3,300 tons of food in various European countries and that a new money-raising (am paign is now under way During the fall. a series of radio pro grams stressed Europe‘s food needs, and the organization's film "Here‘s How They Live in Eu rope" is now playing in five Oslo theaters. Week-0nd public collections at well-attended fall sporting events have already brought in over 25‘- 000 Kroner ($5.000M most of which will be used for cod liver oil purchases. The Norwegian group is sending its aid to those lands where the need is greatvst. GIRL M. LIISTEAD Mfg. Silw-rsmilh 0 (mid and Silu-r Plating 0 Baby Shmw Bronzed O Repairing 01' \ll Kinds 102‘: l’lKl-J ST. )l\. .333“ SEATTLE E. L. SKEEL Insurance Building BEST \VISHHS WILLIAM "OAR 'IIIN‘iI'“ 0f ”11‘ Prat-u ( nunlyfil) Bldg. Scull"? Seattle Brake—Tuneup SEATTLE Red Clay Flown Pots Seat (Iv 5 ATTORNEY Seattle Slim-ca 1895 El- 8845