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6 Use Of Finnish Debt Is Urged To Train Students In U. S. A. A resolution supported by 10 leading Senators of both parties to reward Finland. the little na tion which never defaulted on its debt. was introduced in Congress recently. Its effect is to provide that all further payments by the Republic of Finland on its 1919 debt be set aside in a special fund to be used for the education of Finnish youth in the United States to fit them to help rebuild their country. ‘ The legislation has impressive bi-partisan backing. Introduced by Senator H. Alexander Smith (R) of New Jersey. second rank ing Republican member of the Committee on Foreign Relations. it is supported by Senators Lever ett Saltonstall (R) of Massachu setts; John W. Bricker (R) of Ohio; William F. Knowland (R) of California; Carl A. Hatch (D) of New Mexico; Henry Cabot Lodge. Jr. (R) of Massachusetts: Elbert D. Thomas (D) of Utah: Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D) of Wy oming, and Lister Hill (D) of Ala bama. As a reason for making this proposal. Senator Smith pointed out that Finland alone, of all the countries who owed money to the United States after World War I, had never defaulted in the pay ment of its obligation. The origin al debt of Finland to the United States was $8,251,926.17. This ob Desdamona Club ‘ BEER - - - WINE 1397 Franklin Phone 1082 Astoria Larson Dairy. Inc. MILK - CREAM - Bl'TTERj 415 Commercial - Phone 371 Astoria FOSTER TAXI CO. D'AY OR NIGHT WE GO ANYWHERE —- ANYTIME Insured Carriers — Safe. Courteous Drivers 162 12”} “'9 nft‘c-r you free rhu-k-up. and guarantor repalrs at reasonable oust. No fouling around you bring it in and we give you a time mtimatv if it isn't worth the cost of repair—We will tell you. We repair all types of batterirs for boats, autos. trucks. trax-tor-x, light plants, etc. HAMILTON BATTERY CO. CITY GARAGE 1014 { 'ommrn-lal o o I Union Fishermen s (Io-0p 0 Packing Co. PACKERS 0F “GILLNE'I'I‘ERS BEST" SALMON AND TUNA 321 Taylor St. Telephone 110 Astoria A Complete and Thorouvgzriilrsr'wflodiefififlgfial— Serving Asitplzi-a an! Clqtsop County COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 326 16th St. ligation was incurred for the relief of Finland in the period immedi ately following World War I. ‘ Only bne to Pay “Since that time. 28 years ago, when other nations. great and small. rich and poor, have de faulted on their debt payments, the heroic people of little Finland have repeatedly demonstrated that they place integrity above comfort or convenience," Senator Smith de clared. “They ha ve constantly made payments on their indebted ness to the United States as those payments fell due. “These remarkable people, whol contend with adverse destinies igl a severe climate and who strug gle for a living in a land which nature has treated with so little generosity. appear determined in a world of forgotten principles to make their country an example of integrity. “A distinguished American who traveled over Finland during this past year has expressed the belief that if the people of that country' were free to go to the country of their choosing. 19 out of every 20 1would emigrate to the United {States immediately. Circumstan ;ces. of course, make it impossible {for Finland to send them here in iany large numbers and, of course.| Eobviously the suggestion is im ipractical. l “But there is something We can ‘ Economy Markei‘ MEN'S SHOP CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN .338 Commercial - Phone 1244 Astoria (‘all Astoria 74 CHARLIE FOSTER. Mgr. ASTORIA 24-Hour Service C. O. MOBERG, Supt. Astoria QUALITY MEATS Phone 4-15 - 446 514 Commercial Astoria, Oregon BUSH'S Astoria. Oregon Phone 2185 Phone 76 do to aid them in their grim strug gle against disease, destruction‘ and want. We can extend to them the hand of friendship in their? desperate need by offering to help‘ them train a new generation of technical experts to replace their war-lost generation. On the basis of population. Finland’s war losses were ten times greater than those of the United States.” Cites SeveQéilr Vlgu-edents Senator Smith noted that there‘ is an important and historical precedent for the proposed action.‘ He called attention to the turn ing over of the Boxer Indemnity some years ago to China to be used for the education of young Chinese in the United States. He also pointed out a similar prece dent in the case of turning over to the so-called Belgian-American Educational Foundation the funds that were remaining in the hands of the Commission for the relief of Belgium after World War I. “These two acts of friendship with China and Belgium. respec tively. are outstanding landmarks in our history which have closely cemented the cordial relations, and the affections of the people of the United Sattes for the Chinese and for the Belgians." Senator Smith said. "In the light of these experi-l enqes. in the light of Finland's} need, and following our own gov ernment‘s goodwill actions with China. I am introducing a joint resolution on behalf of myself and my colleagues to authorize the President of the United States to hold in a special fund the payment made on Dec. 15. and any subse quent payments, which the Gov ernment of Finland in the future makes in the discharge of its World War I indebtedness to our Government. “This fund shall be used to fi nance the studies. instruction, technical training and other educa. tional activities of citizens of Fin land in our American institutions." Temporary Halt in Building Activity Stockholm. —— (By airmaillflA temporary stop in building opera tions in Sweden has been declar ed. This does not concern houses in the process of being put up. but no new building permits will be granted for the present. The rea son for the edict is that the author ities want to try to establish a balance between building opera tions and the supply of materials. At present there is such a short age of certain materials that some thing must be done to keep sup ply and demand more in step. The Government Building Loan Bureau 'points out there is nothing in the new measure to cause alarm, since it is primarily aimed at allowing the many large construction jobs now in work to be finished with out too many obstacles. ASTORIA ABSTRACT CO. E. V. McNEELEY 120 11th Phone 149 Astoria Asi'oria Foundry IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS 18th and Franklin - Phone 257 Astoria, Oregon BAY VIEW COTTAGES South End of Astoria Modern Units Accommodating Up to Six People 783 Taylor Phone 872 Relations Between Sweden and Russia Are Discussed Stockholm.——(B‘y airmail)— Since the end of the war Sweden has been confronted with then del icate problem of how to maintain an equipoise between East and West, Mr. Dingle Foot, during the 1war Parliamentary Secretary in ‘the British Ministry of Economic Warfare. writes in an article in the October 17, 1947, issue of The Spectator of London. “When a year ago the Swedish Government signed the trade a greement with Russia, despite a strong protest from Washington. some observers in this country in ferred that Sweden, like Czechoslo vakia, was being drawn into the Russian orbit. They were there fore agreeably surprised when the Swedes accepted the invitation to take part in the Paris Conference on the Marshall Plan. Both the in ference and the surprise were un justified, The Swedes are a stiff necked people who do not readily yield either to threats or to more subtle forms of pressure. For ex ample, they are at the present time incurring Russian displeasure by affording sanctuary to a steady trickle of refugees from the Baltic states who escape across the sea to avoid deportation to Siberia. “There has indeed during the past twelve months been a steady hardening of opinion vis-a-vis the Soviet Union," Mr. Dingle Foot continues. “The trade agreement is widely criticized. Its effects have not as yet been very great. since the Rus sians have still to place the bulk of their orders. When they do. however. the strain on Swedish economy may be considerable. The agreement is for a credit of 200 million kronor a year for five years. If this maximum figure is reached, as may possibly happen ‘in the fourth and fifth years. and if at the same time there is a continuing shortage of labor, the consequence must be a serioua in crease in inflationary pressure. Moreover. it is unlikely to bring any long-term benefit to Swedish industry. Russian demands so far have been for particular articles (9. g.. special locomotives) which do not fit into the ordinary pat tern of production and for which there will probably be no repeat orders. So the agreement is de finitely unpopular. The opposition parties do not quarrel with it in principle. But they criticize the manner in which the Government agreed. "In an address in Stockholm Octo ber 30. the Swedish Prime Mini ster, Tage Erlander, said that the Swedish-Russian credit agreement is so constructed that the size of the credits will depend on the Swedish industry's ability to de— liver goods. "This. however. is not the main reason for the present state 0! Swedish opinion. Undoubtedly the chief cause is the behavior of the Soviet delegates at the Security Council... The persistent use or the veto by the U. S. S. R. has shocked the Swedish- public more than anything else that has hap— pened in world affairs since the end of the war..." Experiments initiated by the Swedish Defense Research _Insti tute during the war and later con tlnued by the Government-owned Cea Works. at Strltngnlta, have re sulted in a hlghly successful meth od of printing color photographs. A ao-called three-color camera simultaneously exposes three films through one lens. After the rum have been developed in the ordi nary way, they are printed on ape clally colored printing paper, one for each of the three basic colors. These are then placed one on top of the other, and the result is a picture of surprisingly natural color. The experlments have been led by Dr. G. destedt and the Stockholm photographer, Benno Movln-Hermea. who recently ex hibited a number of color photo graphs of this kind at The Archi tectural League in New York. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Power Shortage Hitting Norway OSLO—Electricity rationing in Oslo made necessary by the dry summer and the depleted water re serves has struck at both domestic heating and communications in the Norwegian capital. Street car transport has been halted from two to three hours each day while suburban lines have been forced to limit their service. Many factories depending heavily upon electric ‘power have also been hard hit by the shortage. Though recent rainfall has added to water reserves, it is estimated that it will still be some time be fore electric service in the Oslo districts can be restored to nor mal. In Trondelag, however, water supplies have improved to such an extent that rationing has been dis continued in many districts and the outlook for the winter months is considerably brighter. ‘Confidence Returning To Sweden’nErlander‘ STOCKHOLM—(By airmail) - “The year just past was in some ways one of disappointment." writes Prime Minister Tage Er lander in “Dagens Nyheter" re cently. “The peaceful reconstruc tion work met new obstacles, and the tension between the Great Powers seems to have increased rather than the opposite. Com merce has been forced to accept new restrictions. and the dearth of dollars. caused by a. general penury, has shaken nation after nation. The situation has been further worsened in many coun tries by a catastrophic draught. Our own country has not escaped the effects of these conditions. “Such a development could not have been foreseen. Everybody regarded the situation optimistic ally, and that made us. as well as others, over-estimate our resour ces. Now we must adjust ourselves to the present state of affairs. This means that we must do with out things we should like to have. On the other hand, there is no need for panic. We. intend to carry on with all major reforms. so im portant for the masses of the peo ple, notably the increased old age pensions and the grants to chil dren. And we will try to keep our housing production on a level which somewhat corresponds to our needs . . . “We will hold steadfastly to our resolution: We will surmount the present difficulties. During the last months of 1947 there could perhaps be perceived certain signs which might be interpreted as promises of better material 'con ditions for Europe in 1948 than we dared to hope for last summer. It seems as if the prodmtion pow er is on the increase -—v our most recent trade agreements are re flections thereof. Like the British we do not quite dune to say that we have passed the turning point of the cr‘sis, but it is evident that confidence is returning." 3 Considerable quantities of tex jtiles will be assured Sweden ‘thanks to a number of recently signed trade treaties. Larger ship ‘ments than probably ever before will come from Great Britain, while consignments will also be sent from France. the Netherlwds and Czechoslovakia. An institute of international law, which will give special at tentlon to matters of double tax ation and the regulations govern ing foreign stocks and sham. has been established by the Swedish General Export Associetlon. In le gal matter: it will assist Swedish business houses abroad. Head of the new institute is K. G. A, Sand strom. formerly head of the GOV ernment Tax Bureau. There will be no more hot water in any oil heated house in Sweden. according to a ruling by the chair man of the Fuel Commiaston, and the unount of oil allocated for the beating of houses will be I'C‘ duoed.