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g THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Norway Terms Greece Symbol 0f Big Power Suspicious OSLO—Addréssing the U. N. Political and Security Committee. Norwegian Communications Min ister and delegation head Nils Langhelle recently outlined his country's views on the Greek question. Listing causes, the speaker pointed to tension between Greece and her northern neighbors as well as to the sharp conflicts within the country itself, noting how minorities on both sides of the border “naturally attempt to seek support from their co-nation als in neighbor states." The real danger was seen. however, in “the fact that we are here dealing with a conflict in which the interests of different powers are engaged." lHe then expressed Norway's views on the U. N. Commission of Investigation‘s report. While “aid and support" to Greek guerillas from across the borders of the three neighboring states was rec ognized. a still more basic cause for unrest was seen. “Such aid does not seem to have been given on any large scale." he stressed “and I can not see that the evi dence bears out the contention that this aid and assistance con stitutes the main reason for the existing state of unrest wihin Greece." He noted, however. that the failure of governments con cerned to stop this activity con stitutes “a grave sin of omission in relation to the obligations laid down in the Charter." The speaker continued to empha size that. “The inner antagonisms of Greece which, as will be under stood. in the opinion of the Nor wegian Delegation are the main causes of the present disturbed border situation. do not in them selves constitute a danger to in ternational peace and security." The main threat was seen to be "in the faet’that these inner con flicts and this international ten sion work themselves out in a region where Great Power inter ests and world ideologies clash." Minister Langhelle voiced his conviction that the Great Powers together with all the United Na tions desire to see a free and in dependent Greece. “But.” he em phasized. “we havee-all of us, 1 am sure. a strong feeling that each of the Great Powers fears that some other power might take ad vantage of the disturbances in Greece and use them as a pretext for interfering with a view to se curing its own interests. It seems clear to me that the mutual sus picion between the Great Powers in this case. as in so many others. is among the main causes of the present difficulties." In a three point proposal, he called for (1) the immediate halt of all frontier activities in viola tion of the Charter and of estab lished international law as well as the restoration or normal diplo— matic relations between Greece and her northern neighbors: (2| in. ternal appeasement with the help of outside economic aid; (3) and the bending of every effort to "overcome the mutual suspicion among the Great Powers in this question. Here. he emphasized that the Norwegian Delegation, ”has no doubt that in this respect. the difficulties would be greatly lessened if and when the Greek Government in agreement with the powers concerned could see its way to dispense with the presence or foreign military forces on Greek soil.” Disagreement was expressed with the United States resolution placing full responsibility for the present disturbances on Greece's three northern neighbors. The deie. gstion doubted "whether the evi dence produced by the Commission of Investigation and its subsidiary body justifies such s definite con clusion, especially in the case of Bulgsria." In closing Minister Langhelie added his country's support to an earlier Swedish proposal calling for I new commission charged not only with the supervision of men urel to auburn bener relation- and the prevention of border in cidents. but with the conducting of “an objective analysis of the underlying causes of the existing tension between Greece and her northern neighbors." Stanley T. Williams of Yale University to Lecture in Sweden NEW YORK—Stanley T. Wil liams. Sterling Professor in Am— erican Literature at Yale Univer sity and ex-Chairman of the Eng lish Department. will give a course of lectures this spring at Upsala University, Sweden, on the great American writers of the nineteenth century. The visit is financed with a part of the $50.- 000 donation to Upsala University made in December last year by D. S. Gottesman, New York mer chant, in recognition of the help ‘Swoden gave to Jewish refugees lduring and after the Second World ‘War. 1 Professor Williams was born at iMeriden. Connecticut, in 1888 and ‘was graduated from Yale College iin 1911. He received his Ph. D. de gree there in 1915 and has been Professor in English since 1932 ‘and Sterling Professor since 1945. His special field is the Golden Age of American literature in the nineteenth century. For some years he has given courses on Washington Irving, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Herman Melville. and Walt Whit man. Among his books are “The American Spirit in Letters." “Am erican Literature." and “The Life of Washington Irving." The first half of the current academic year he spent as a lecturer at the Uni versity of Mexico and after_ July 1. 1948. is engaged to give a course at the University of Hawaii. Hon— olulu. Next fall he will return to his regular work at Yale. Mrs. Williams. a graduate of Smith College. and a daughter. will ac company him to Sweden. Under the. auspices of the Gottesman Foundation his lectures will later be published in book form. MrCGottvsman Donates Scholar ship to l'psala Student In addition to his above men tioned donation. Mr. Gottesman has made a further grant to Up sala University of $2.000 as a scholarship for a student in the English language and American literature to attend an American university for one year. School children of W'ilmington. Dcl.: Philadelphia; Bishop Hill. “1.; Rockford; Minneapolis. and Lindsborg, Kansas, have compiled a detailed history of the Swedish population in each of the six com munities. “'0 copies \vcre pro duced. of which one was sent to Swedvn. The other was on d‘splay in Rockford, Ill.. during Decom bcr. The initiative to the project was taken by Miss Theodora Van De Mark. Junior Red Cross Di rector of Rockford. Sections of the book are profusely illustrated. some parts with photographs and others with original drawings and designs. A group of twenty—one students lrom Sweden. Norway. Denmark. and Finland arrived in New York on December 28 on a Scandina vian Airlines System plane. The flight represented the first time that such 0. large group of stu dents had made a transatlantic {crossing by air. The young boys ‘nnd girls, rsnging in use from six teen to nineteen years. will re }main two and s hslt months in ‘the United Sutes. Their visit is ‘being sponsored by the New York ‘Metmpoiitan School Study Coun-‘ 'ril, the New York Herald Tribune. .and the Scandinavian Airlines. lCiimax of their stay will be their ’participation in thr- Hernid Tri bune Youth Fomm at the Wal dorf~Astoria Hotel in New York on Much 6. ESpitzbergen Coal Mines Producing OSLO—Norwegian coal mines on the arctic island of Spitszber gen, all but destroyed during the war, are expected to produce 280,- 000 metric tons of coal this year. according to recent estimates. Above-ground installations at the Svea mines have now been rebuilt while repairs have been progress ing steadily at the Kings Bay site. Storage and loading facilities at Longyear City have been repaired as have power plants, warehouses. and barracks. 1 The new Longyear City is in [reality three different establish ;ments. built in three different gparts of the valley. A modern hos }pital there. complete with X-ray. ‘,a fully equipped operating room. 5 and all modern facilities, was com 1pleted late this summer and is tcapable of serving a maximum of !3.000 workers. At the present ‘time, 900 miners are expected to lwinter at Long'year City and 270 lat the Svea Mines. i Kings Bay mines will probably Ibe manned by a crew of from 250 gm 300 men during the coming ‘season. Next season, it is hoped jthat the Longyear City and Svea j Mines will be able to produce 700,- !000 tons, with the Kings Bay jworks turning out from 150,000 to j 200,000 tons. News In Brief; An exhibition of seventy-five drawings by the Swedish painter Ernst Josephson was recently held at The Dudley Peter Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College, Ohio. The draw ings. which are lent by Dr. Sten Lindeberg. of Stockholm, have never before been shown in Amer ica. Ernst Josephson (1851-1906) is regarded as one of the greatest figures in Swedish painting. Ar rangements for :he exhibition were made partly by Miss Ellen John son, art librarian and instructor at Oberlin College, who spent last year in Sweden. Eleven Austrian scientists. who for some weeks have been conduct ing research studies at various Swedish institutions as guests of the Swedish Government, have now returned home. At a farewell re ception at the Austrian Legation in Stockholm a spokesman for the group expressed his and his col leagues‘ thanks to officials and private persons in Sweden who had helped to break their spiritual isolation. Lars Berg, Swedish Star boat ‘ehampion, won first place in the ‘two races he entered in the recent international Star boat contests at Portoflno, Italy, In the second race. his nearest competitor was eleven minutes behind. Italy had mustered a fleet of twelve Sta!- boats. Mr. Berg. who skippered his boat. “Stardust." had earlier captured the Swedish champion ship for craft of this class. COMPLETE BOAT REPAIR Three Ways Service for boats up to 136 Foot EMERGENCY HAUL-OUTS FULL MACHINE SHOP Experienced Shipwrights Mechanics Electricians Astoria Marine construction 60. Phone 2170 Emergency. Nights, Sundgys. and Holidays—(VIII 680-]! or 580 Astor“. Oregon News in Brief: A group of some twenty Ameri ‘can students. who for a year have attended special courses at the University of Stockholm under the G. 1. Bill of Rights, ended their studies on December 16, on which occasion a special farewell session was held. H. Freeman Matthews, United States Ambassador to Swe den, greeted the students as "pio— neers" and also thanked the uni versity for having planned and ar ranged the courses. Early in Jan uary a majority of the young men and women will return to the Un ited States. Technical research work in Swe den in the field of television will be directed by a new agency, called The Committee for Television Re search. Among the members will be representatives of the Govern ment Technical Research Council, the Royal Institute of Technology, the research bureau of the Na tional Defense. and the L. M, Er icsson Telephone Company. Space and instruments have been donat ed by the Stockholm Institute of Technology. and sufficient private ‘donations have been made to guar lantee the expenses of the Com— [mittee for two years. More than half of the Swedish people have health insurance. In the last seventeen years the num ber of persons insured have risen from one half million to over four million. Each year some 100.000 more are added. The benefits which the insurance companies are able to offer are constantly im piOVed. At the annual meeting on Janu ary 8 in New York of the Cruis ing Club of America. Alfred F. Loomis. yachtman, writer, and associate editor of “Yachting." showed colored motion pictures taken by him last summer when he followed the Sandhamn legatta in Sweden. Next summer Mr. Loomis hopes to take his boat. "Hotspur," via steamer to Europe to compete in Scandinavian races in both the North Sea and the Baltic. PLI'MBING HEATING SHEET METAL Sales and Service Arne Abrahamsen ITS Bond Astoria GRADE .\ MILK. CREAM, Bl"l"l‘ER\lll.K BITTER EGGS CONSUMERS 60-0? DAIRY JOHN AHOLA. Mgr. 116 10th Phone 1173 W V m" _ Astoria GENERAL MARINE PRODUCTS 00. DISTRIBUTOR OF GENERAL PETROLEI'M Foot of Columbia St. Phone 2083 Astoria. Oregon Van Camp Sea Food Co. ALBACORE Tl'NA . . . I‘IH‘HARDS ' Phone 1232 Astoria. Oregon jAmerican Singer Triumps in Stockholm STOCKHOLMn »(By wireless)-- 1 Miss Christine Lindberg. Ameri van singer of Swedish extraction, recently made her debut at the Royal Opera in Stockholm as “Amneris” in the opera "Aida.' Warmly received by press and public, she scored a unique artis tic triumph. Miss Lindberg has never before appeared on an op eratic stage, but was engaged on the recommendation of Fritz Busch, Metropolitan Opera orch« ostra conductor, who used to live in Sweden before the war. The artist is only twenty-one yeais old. She was born in Texas of Sww Lu‘ish parents, and studied singing. ;with Mme. Karin Branzeli. cele ibrated Swedish contralto, who fm _many years was a member of the ‘Metropolitan Opera Company. It lwas Mme. Branzell who called iMr. Busch's attention to Miss iLindberg and thanks to his help :9. six month contract was signed. despite the fact that the directors iof the Stockholm Opera had never seen or heard the young singer tprobably the only engagement of {its kind on record. A biography of Emanuel Swe denborg. the Swedish philosopher and theologian of the 18th century. has been written by Signe Toksvig. who received a Guggenheim schol arship to do this work. It will be published in March, 1948, by the Yale University Press and will contain some 500 pages and sev— eral illustrations. LOVE LL AUTO COMPANY BUICK - CHEVROLET CADILLAC Duane 8: 14th Astoria Hiafl's Bakery HAROLD I. JONES. Owner Specializing Cakes Pastries Specialty Breads Wedding Cakes Birthday ("de 318 Commercial - l’hone l9?) Astoria. Oregon Phone 1222 7 Phone >6