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i. Sec. 562. P. L. a: u. U. s. POSTAGE ' P A I D ' Seattle Wash. 5 . . Permit No. 4513 fig ~ “V .. 4% $3.1 ' w _ 4 Serving the Scandinavian-American Population of the Great Northwest Vol. 4, No. 6 King Gustaf Celebrates 90th Birthday On June 16 World’s Oldeffiaiérch Has Reigned 41 Years As this issue goes to press the Swedish people will celebrate the 90th birthday of King Gustaf V, the world's oldest reigning mon u'ch and the first king in the moo-year history of the SWedish kingdom who has reigned for more than 40 years. In December last. on the fortieth anniversary of King Gustaf's ac cession to the throne, Sweden's Prime Minister Tage Erlander re called the unparalleled social, cul tural and economic progress that has taken place in Sweden during the last few decades. “During this period, King Gustaf has stood as the foremost representative of Sweden and all that is Swedish. He has gained the respect, loyalty and affection of his people. and he stands out, in bad no less than in good times, as the rallying fig ure the respected and beloved Father of the Country," the Prime Minister said. King Gustaf ascended to the Swedish throne in a period of rapid and promising development. Swe den's union with Norway had been dissolved, but the issues and prob lems arising out of that crisis had been settled. Democracy was re plscing the old patriarchal system of the 19th century. and King Gustaf took up his duties along democratic lines, declining to be crowned. and adopting the motto: “With the People, for the Country." ' Bince' that time. the‘ process of democracy and parliamentary gov- SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, JUNE, 1948 ernment has permeated the entire SWedish community. But this de velopment has never involved any serious opposition to the mon archy. King Gustaf, with simple integrity and faithfulness to his duty, has succeeded in stabilizing a new type of monarchy in the hearts and minds of the Swedish people. He is “The Democrat on the Throne." willing to cooperate quietly with his Government, whatever its colour, always con scious of his responsibility towards his country and his people. But he is also a marked personality. who does not hesitate to hold his OWn whenever he thinks that the situation demands it. Keen Spokesman {or Scandlnavlan (‘oopention Lengthy travels in early years contributed to give King Gustaf experience and a broad outlook on domestic and international af fairs. and to bring him into con tact with rulers and statesmen of other countries. He assisted his father King Oscar in his duties, and he took a personal part in the promotion of Sweden's commercial and cultural relations with other countries. By the time of the outbreak of the First World War. King Gustaf had acquired a peculiar Insight into matters of international pol icy. He had long been convinced that the policy of the Great Pow ers was bound to lead to tragic (Continued on Page 10) New Norwegian White Book NEW YORK, N. Y."Shortly af ter Norway’s liberation m 1945. the Norwegian and Swedish Gov ernments agreed to publish offi cial White Books presenting each of the Governments’ versions of their relations with each other dur- ing the war period. It was agreed that the publications were to ap pear at the same time and were to follow mutual consultations in the interest of clarifying misun derstandings growing out of the war years. Second volumes of Norwegian and Swedish White Books have now appearedfieach of them cov eering a similar period of Nor wegian-Swedish relations during the war. Both cover King Haakon‘s half-hour in SWeden during the German air attack on Drevsjn in 1940, diplomatic representation to 1943 when Swedish Minister Bock— Friis was accredited to the Nor- wcgian Government in London. the activities and inconveniences of the Norwegian Legation in neu tral Sweden, as well as a member of other issues. A particularly in teresting chapter in the fiorwegian “publication, however.’ deals with the attitude of the Swedish Press toward Norway's struggle. and that of the Swedish authorities toward the press. Considerable space is also allotth to a review of the transit of Germany’s Engel brecht Division following Ger many's declaration of war against Russia. Price Rise Again Threatens Norway Wages NEW YORK, N. Y. —— By April 15th, Norwegian prices were again approaching the danger point. Based on 1938 averages. the mid- April index figure was 160.3 only .5 of a point below the maximum rise permitted under existing wage contracts. Nation-wide labor-man agement agreements, which have given Norway over three years of unbroken industrial peace since war's end, will be at stake should this rise continue. One of their basic clauses gears wages to prices, with the stipulation that Labor will be permitted to make new wage demands in the event prices top the 160.8 figure. In an effort to block this trend. the Nor wegian Price directorate has an nounced a reduction in the price of sugar—~40 ore (8 cents) per Kg. with the resulting difference to be met from state funds. Consider ing the increased purchases of su gar anticipated during the sum mer months it is expected that this move will keep the general price level below the danger mark. Drawings and paintings execut ed by pupils in five hundred Amer ican schools will shortly be on view in Stockholm at an exhibition arranged by the Swedish Junior Red Cross. The art work. which also includes an album devoted to the Swedish immigration into the United States. has been selected by representatives of the Ameri can Junior Red Goa. Lundbeck Jr Honored By Upsala College For the second time within a week G. Hilmer Lundbeck. Jr.. American managing director of the Swedish American Line, has been awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, being one of five individuals honored by Up sala College, East Orange. N. J.. at the commencement exercises, S'Efixrday, June 5. ‘Dr. Evald B. Lawson. president of Upsala Col lege. awarded 160 degrees to the largest class ever graduated from the fast growing college founded 55 years ago. Mr. Lundbeck was made an honorary Doctor of Laws at the Augustana College. Rock Island, 111., last Monday. Others honored by the New Jer— sey institution were Andrew Clau sen, president of the Board of Edu— cation, City of New York., the Consul General of Sweden. Len— nart Nylander. Emil O. Deere. re tiring dean of Bethany College. Lindsborg. Kansas. and Blanche Thebom, the Metropolitan opera star. Dr. Karl J. Pearson. member of the board of trustees of Upsala College and professor of business administration made the presen tation. Dr. Kenneth B. Murdock. professor of English at Harvard University delivered the principal address. 300 Reindeer From Norway To Newfoundland NEW YORK. N. Y. (RN15! — Prospects of the overseas trans fer of 3000 reindeer from the Lap districts of Arctic Norway to Newfoundland are indicated in a recent Oslo dispatch. According to the report. a New York business man has approached the NorWe gian Export Council offering to purchase a preliminary lot of 1500 animals. The offer calls for ship ment from Norway Between July lst and September 1st of this year with approximately 1500 deer in the first transfer. The purchase offer has been sent out to Lap reindeer owners in the various northern districts, but no inter ested sellers have yet appeared. It is still to early to say how the transaction will develop. notes the Export Council. Although Nor way‘s policy has stressed expan sion of domestic reindeer herds. it is possible than an eventual sale would be authorized in View of the offer of dollar payment. Minnesota Sponsor Bilingual Souvenir A unique, bilingual souvenir piece will be sponsored by the Minnesota division of the Swed ish Pioneer Centennial at the “Swedish Day" celebration in St. Paul, Minn, June 27. It will be cacheted with the of ficial “Swedish Day" emblem and will receive a special machine can cellation in the Swedish language on the five-cent Swedish Pioneer commemorative stamp. The can cellation reads “Svenskarnas Dag" (The Day of the SWedeS) and is believed to be the first foreign language cancellation in U. 5. post al history. 10¢ a Copy Collectors should forward their names and addresses, plus 25 cents each or six for $1, to “Swedish Day," General Delivery. St. Paul, Minn. Any profit from this en terprise will be used to hPlp d0- fray the cost of the Juno 2? cele bration. Letter To Oslo School Girl Ends Eisenhower Story NEW YORK. N. Y. ~ Spetula tions in the Norwegian press as to General Eisenhower's Norwe gian ancestry were ended recently when a little Olslo school-girl re« ceived a letter from the General‘s adjutant. Until then, various Nor wegion dailies had sought to con firm that the General‘s mother iwas the daughter'of a Norwegian Pimmigrant who had settled in Wis consin in the 1850's. One of the papers even went so far as to print a photo of the settlers in question. It was this photo which little Rita in her entliumasm sent to General Eisenhth-r. and this is the reply she received “Dear Rita: General Eisenhower is on va cation but I know he will be very grateful for your thoughtfulness in sending him the newspaper clip ping. I‘m afraid l'll hau- to tell you, however. that the persons in the picture are not related to the General. as his mother came from the state of Virginia where her parents lived before she was mar ried. Ancestors of the General‘s father have lived in Pennsylvania for many generations. Thank you for your pleasant letter. 1 will see to it that the General receives it immediately upon his return. Kind est Greetings, Major C. Craig Cannon, Adjutant." Swedish Cover Girl Arrived 0n Gripsholm The motorliner “Gripsholm” of the Swedish American Lina. ar- m— rivod at New \‘urk last \N'vdnvs day from Swadon. carrying 1215 passengers, among whnm was Ann Mari Roson. Stockholm cover girl. lwho hopes to continue ht-r model ing career here.