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10 Swedish Airline Acquires Fleet of Domestic Made STOCKHOLM; (By airmail).— The Swedish Airlines (ABA) reJ (may signed a contract with the} Saab Aircraft Company, in Lin- ROping. for ten “Saab-Scandia"! passenger planes for their Swedw ish and European lines. The pur-E \‘nasing sum is reported to b'ei about 54200000. and the planes‘ will be delivered successively until] the end of 1949. l The “Ssandia” is a twin-engine.| T')'.\'-\\'ing monoplane, capable of: turning ‘24 to 32 passengers. The‘ fuselage is of all-metal design andi two 1450 HP Pratt & Whitney‘ engines give the craft a cruisingl speed of 224 miles per hour. For; high-altitude flying. the plane mayl be equipped with pressurized cabin‘ and two 1.650 HP engines produc-; ing a cruising speed of 248 miles; per hour. Its moderate wing load‘ contributes to flving safety; flapsj are used to reduce the landing speed and extend along the greateri King Gustaf . .. (Continued from Page 1) disaster. He wanted to keep Swe den out of the war, and he was mnvinced that the three Nordic countries ought to act in concert. In December 1914 he invited the Kings of Denmark and Norway!‘ to Malmo to discuss questions of‘. common interest to them all. The ‘ meetings afterwards provide to 2 have exercised a profound influ- ‘ mnce on the Nordic cooperation‘ during.r the war. I The Nordic nations fortunately} escaped being involved in thew First “'orld War. During the in-' ter-war period. King Gustaf, in! Collaboration with his Government] and the Riksdag, sought to give alll possible support to the actionsl taken to establish peaceful inter-' Tiltiflmll relations, and Sweden1 took an interested part in the work? of the League of Nations. Appealed for War-Stricken ‘ Peoples l Klli‘,’ Custaf‘s attitude when the is mm; World War was approch-‘ ing was the same as it had always mm. to support the work for‘ run . He hoped to the very last fur :. pwawful Settlement. Once‘ 11:33:: h» invited the Nordic Kings 2.. S’ l'khulni together with the T’l‘lm‘l-Yil of Finland for discus- Bu? Uh: ruins» of events in Sr'miiiiuu‘t'm this time turned out1 1’ hr wry (llfft'l‘t'nt from that dur-" .ztg th-- First World War Sweden‘ was ‘hv only ruunlry in the North lhal e-scapwl 1th terrors of war‘ 87“, ‘H ‘llpfltltvl‘. Dun-n: the war the Swedish peo ple wil'lwl mnrw nnitwlly than ever mun-i the Klllfl as A rational sym bol. King Gustaf gained the re spect and admiration of all strata If the populal'un for his Inlll‘zlflo and wunllltSS m the most Ililflr-ul?‘ Sltllfi’l'lnh‘. and fur his v-xmnplnrv exerrme of his authority. He worl-wl indefatigahly for Sweden‘s reutrality. which he considered all important if the country was tn be able to maintain its liberty and if it was to be of any assistance to its war—infested Nordic neighbors. But he did not hesitate to raise his voice in lupport of those who part of the Wing, as well as under the fuselage. It is equipped with tricycle landing gear. The sym metrical location of the passenger accomodation in relation to the center of gravity of the aircraft considerably reduces the effect of bumpy air. The “Scandia” is now on the as sembly line in the Saab works. One feature which impressed avia tion experts most when the plane was first demonstrated was that it could take off and ascend on one engine only. The taking-off dis tance required is only about 2.200 feet. making the plane easy to handle even on small fieldsj The deél has attracted great at tention in Sweden aviation circles and in the Swedish press, which emphasizes that Sweden is now entering the field of international competition as manufacturers of large passenger aircraft. had been subjugated: he wrote personal letters to Hitler, appeal ing on behalf of Norway and the Norwegian people. and to the Head of the Hungarian State, protest ing against the treatment of the Jews under the Nazi government. During and after the two World Wars Sweden has sought to the best of her pOWers to assist the war-ravaged countries. King Gus taf has in every way, in public and privately. supported these ac tions, in which also other mem bers of the Royal Family have been engaged, notably his brother, Prince Carl. and his nephew. Count Folks Bernadotte. who in 1945 succeeded Prince Carl as President of the Swedish Red Cross. A Popular King King Gustaf enjoys a deep rooted and sincere popularity and respect among all groups of the SWedish people. All those who have come into contact with him can bear witness to his personal friendliness. He is simple in his conduct, and he never deliberately seeks popularity. He has always disapproved of unnecessary pomp and circumstances. but whenever the occasion demands it. he dis plays a dignity worthy of a reign ing monareh. King Gustaf's physical agility is{ too widely known to require much: comment. Tennis has always been; his favorite recreation. and until‘“ a couple of years ago "Mr. 0."; was playing his daily game, often! with the country‘s best playors.‘ it was with great regret that hel had to follow the advice of his! physicians to leave the tennis’; mun, but he is still frequently; sot-n among the spectators at ma-; jor tennis ovvnts. He is also an‘ enthusiastic huntsman, and takes‘ :1 rt-gular part in the season's elki vvr partridge shooting, and in sum-f mvr hq- likes to an fishing in the; wntvrs round his beautiful sum-' mvr residvncv Tullgarn. neari Stm‘khnlm. I Bark l-‘rnm mum. In Good ileum; A year ago. King Gusts! re-E sumed his old habit of leaving} SWeden for a spring holiday on the‘ 1French Riviera, handing over the Edutles of government to his son,‘ Norway Exports Up-- Key Imports Lag NEW YORK. N. Y. (RNIC) —— Norwegian exports during April (excluding ships) set a new record for the month with a value of 182,- 400,000 Kr. (5 Kr.—$1.00). Ex ports for the first three months of 1948 have averaged 150,000,000 Kr. while the April figure for 1947 was but 126,000,000 Kr. Shipments of fish and wood derivatives for the month reached new highs. and were largely responsible for push— ing exports during the first four months of 1948 to 637,000,000 Kr. —~-some 205,000,000 Kr. above those for the same period last year. Though April imports were great er than for the previous year. im port increases over the first four months of 1947 represent a mere 36,000,000 Kr. l Fish exports during these first ifour months totalled 192,100,000 ,Kr. against 111,200,000 for the lsame period last year; wood pro ‘ducts exports, 172,600,000 Kr. [against 130.900.000 Kr.: metals 96,700,000 Kr. against 67,200,000 Kr.; and cod liver oil and whale fat 82,800,000 Krragainst 39,400,- 000. It is noted that practically the whole of the 1948 export in crease can be attributed to expan- Ision within these four categories. I While the export program shows !satisfactory results, the picture is {not equally promising as far as import licensing and foreign ex change are concerned — especially iwhen viewed against the planned: import program. Licenses grantr ed from Jan. lst to April 15th cov- ‘ er imports of 668,980,000 Kr..§ while by May 1st, goods valued, at 934,900,000 Kr. had been im-: ported since the first of the year.‘ As the licenses issued cover deliv-l eries made at considerably later} dates. imports are expected to drop " off toward mid—year. Shortages of: U. S. dollars and Belgium francsI represent weak spots in the im-t port program. Licenses for dollar‘ imports as of May 15th totalled' 182,000,000 Kr. against the 340,- 000,000 Kr. anticipated under the program. For Belgium francs, the figure was 21.40.000 out of a pro~ posed year figure of 164,700,000. Key imports such as iron and steel lag far behind program es timates—84,400,000 Kr. licensed against 269,800,000 Kr. planned for the year. The college chorus. Prof. G. J. Malmin. director. gave their fifth concert of the school year Sunday. May 16, when they sang in Trinity Lutheran Church in Enumclaw. ; the Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf] His latest trip to France a few months ago attracted special at tention on account of the sudden rumors spread abroad that the King was seriously ill. It was with great relief the Swedish people‘ heard that these rumors had no real foundation. When King Gus taf returned to Sweden on. May 15. sunburned and in good health after his two months‘ holiday, he was} as usual, wished welcome back by large crowds of cheering Stock holmers. l Sweden Prelinred For Birthday H All Sweden has prepared to cele brate the King‘s 90th birthday The festivities will probably be 0 -a quieter character than on pre vious occasions, owning tn King Gustaf's great age: the main pub lic event in Stockholm will be a procession through the town ir which the King and most of th members of the Royal Family an taking part, This evening. King Gustaf is giving a gala dinner at the Royal Palace. ’ As on previous occasione. the iKing's birthday is also being eele Jhrated bv the issuing of jubile istnmps. A unique feature of thn ‘eelehrzitinn is the relay race whie iwas started some time ago frmr 5various parts of the enuntry and traveling toward Stockholm. Th1 flast men in this race arrived at the Royal Palace today. June 16 ‘where they will deliver messages; from their respective parts of the [country to the King. Norway Exposed Strategetically, Says.lange NEW YORK. N. Y.——(RNIS)—— Addressing a Copenhagen political rally marking Denmark's Consti- Ition Day on June 5th. Norwegian ‘Foreign Minister Halvard M. Langc called for continued efforts by the three Northern Countries to secure a closer policy allign ment. Special stress was given to the recognition of individual prob ‘lems which “can not always be lsolved in accordance with a joint :northcrn policy line." and which lvary for each of the three lands :dcspite the broad areas of com ;mon tradition and interest. “Th-3 ‘clear recognition of these difficul l‘ties is in reality the best founda ition for the practical and realis ‘tic cooperation which must con stitute our policy." noted the Espeaker. “To call for 8. Customs lUnion, for example, in the hopc 1that such an organization will isolvc all of our problems of eco— lnomic cooperation, is in no man 1ner sufficient. The same applies to foreign policy. Were we not aware of it before, the war has at any rate tought us that the positions of the several Northern Countries do differ. We have all had our own experiences." Minister Lange paid high praise to the caliber of public debate on these differences, however, and termed 'open public discussion a pre-requisite for closer cooperation. Looking to the future, he admitted that it is not yet possible to ascertain the course of developments. “The only thing we know. unfortunately, is‘ that they entail serious elements of risk, and that we must now face this truth without being gripped by hysteria." A strong case was made for co ordinating the peace-time defenses of the three lands. and it was re commended that investigations be . fimtings to gigs mogat flights; THE SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE extends a cordial welu come to His Royal Highness, Prince Berti], and the official dele gation to the Swedish Pioneer Centennial being celebrated during the month of June throughout the nation. To the Swedish Pioneers and later generations of Swedish settlers, many of whom traveled on the White Viking Fleet of the Swedish American Line, we pay respectful tribute. We are pleased to co—operate in endeavoring to preserve the records of a rich and colorful past and in fostering a deeper ap preciation of the lnfluence of The Swedish Settlers on American Communities and Regions. The Swedish Pioneer Centennial is being celebrated in Chicago. lll. June 4, 5, 6; Rockford, Ill. June 8, 9; Bloomingion, lll. June 10; Juliet, lll. - Waukeegd'n, lll. June 1!; Detroit, Mich. June 13, 14: Escanaba, Mich. June 15; St. Charles, lll. June 17; Pine Lake, Wis. (Hartland)-Lincoln, Neb. June 18; Omaha, Neb. June 19, 20; Rock Island, Moline and Galeslmrg, lll. June 21; Des Moines, la. June 23; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. June 26, 27; Philadelphia, Pa. June 29; and New York, N. Y. June 30. S\VEDISH AMERICAN LINE 636 Fifth Avenue. Ney York 20. N. Y. w ' The White Viking Fleet 23.") White-Henry Bldg. Sent“? 1, Wash. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN made as to the possible extent of “practical military cooperation." even though Norway. SWeden. and Denmark may not be in complete agreement on all foreign policy questions at the present time. “We in Norway." continued the Foreign Minister, “feel that developments in war technique during and fol lowing the last war have resulted in our occupying a very exposed position, strategically speaking. We therefore believe that it is cor rect to assume the realistic view «that chances of keeping our country out of an eventual war are not particularly great. Earlier. in a review of Norway's economic development since liber ation. Minister Lange paid high tribute to the Marshall Plan as "an aid to self help." He explained how reconstruction planners had counted on augmenting war-end exchange reserves with .foreign loans contracted on a business basis. Though developments were favorable during the first two years after liberation, 1947 con fronted Norway with problems the same as those facing the nest of Western Europe. “It was there fore that Norway welcomed the Marshall Plan: not only because we ourselves would be directly benefited. but because it will aid in furthering cooperation in the economic field among European lands, and will help Europe as a. whole to its feet. “The Marshall Plan is a grand and generous effort on the part of the American peoplewone prob ably unique in history. It aims at leanding aid to self help which is just what we need. For," concluded Foreign Minister Lange. “we wish "to the greatest extent—to pull through on our own."