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IHE SCANDI NAVIAN AMERICAN Professor Gunnar Myrdal Honored at Dinner in N. Y. NEW’ YORK, June 8.—Profes sor anmar Myrdal, former Swed ish Mn ister of Commerce and at present Secretary General of the United Nations Economic Commis sion in Europe, who is on a three week‘s visit to the United States. was honored last night for his contribution the solution of the Negro problem in America at a banquet given at the Waldorf-As toria Hotel in New York by the. Connnntee of 100. Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. Professor Myrdal spent four years in the United States head ing an inquiry into the condition of the LOIOI‘Cd race sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation. The re sult was published in 1944 in “An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy." “World politics will be increas ingly concerned with the demands for equality raised by underprivi leged colored people throughout the world," said Professor Myrdal. “The way America. handles this problem will have truly crucial im Difference In Value Between Sweden’s Export, Import Less STOCKHOLM. (By airmail) -» During the first quarter of 1948, the value of Sweden's export was considerably greater than during the same period last year. At the same time, the import surplus de-j creased in value with 85 million‘ kronor. Sweden's imports during the first three months of this year were worth 1.164 million kro nor, against 984 million kronor in .1947. Exports were valued at 745 million kronor, as compared with 480 million kronor during the first quarter of last year. For one year. beginning May 1, Poland will export goods to Swe den valued at about 275 million kronor. The biggest item on the list is coal and Coke for almost 200 million kronor. Sweden‘s ex ports to Poland are estimated at 145 million kronor during the same period. In comparison with the trade treaty of 1947, the pay ment arrangements of the new agreement are more advantageous for Sweden. Thus only ten per cent of the estimated total import must be paid for in hard cur— rency, as compared with forty per My. ~ (SQ) "SUPER"POWER-SPEED -- HOISTS .1 a 7'" / I . f ' ,. 1‘" $7?ng wm. NEW town: [OADING HEIGHT .“ , er Dump bod-cs '07 all chossisxonvenhonol. .K’A;» ' C O E, six wheelers and sema-Omilers Nelson Truck Equipment Co., Inc. 1228 Westlake N0. /"”_,,—- $922, i- -» ‘ a“ 95%;? ‘p ’2’. L. . ' ~ «’ ’ VT {2,} ' «1% i § In theWest it's . O “1W ,,,I’___._-—————-'—_—'_-_——--_I-_§ SICKS’ SEAITLE IIEWING l MAlI’INO CO., SEAI’TLE, U.S.A. plications for the country as a world power." Other speakers at the dinner were Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who introduced the guest of honor; Bartley C. Crum, publisher of ‘the newspaper PM. and Walter White, secretary of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People. lit-rind Tribune Editorial' Lands Myrdal In an editorial this morning, the wa York Herald Tribune calls Professor Myrdal's book “one of the greatest collective works of research of our day," which is steadily building its cumulative impression. The tribute to Dr. Myrdal, the paper states, should also be a congratulation to the Carnegie Foundation for its wis dom‘ in commissioning the study and the inspired choice of this man from Sweden for the job as di rector. "We hope that an increas ing number of serious readers are hereby led to discover the Myrdal work." Norway Vital Statistics 1947 NEW YORK, N. Y. —— Provis ional statistics set Norway's pop ulation at 3,164,000 as of Dec. 31, 1947, with the similar figure for 1.946, 3,126,000 and for 1945, 3.- 083.000. During 1947. the excess of births over deaths was 12.28 per 1000 inhabitants, against 13.31 per 1000 for 1946. cent hitherto. According to a new agreement about trade and payment matters between Sweden and Western Ger many. Sweden is to export goods to the American and British zones in Germany at a value of 190 mil lion kronor during the remainder of 1948. Deliveries to Sweden from these two zones during the same period is estimated at about 150 million kronor. Sweden has also signed a new trade agreement with Switzerland. which will run for two years. It envisages a balanced trade be tween the two countries, which means that Sweden will drastically cut down its imports from Swit zerland. Despite this reduction, the import will still be bigger than that of before the war. even con sidering the rise in prices. Seattle. Wash. Swedish Centennial [ Exhibition f Opened In Chicago NEW YORK. May 3 ~(ASNElg' ,,_A reception and tea for six‘ hundred persons in the afternoon: of Sunday, May 2, at the Chicago5 ‘Historical Society ill Lincoln Park, i iserved to open the Swedish Gen-1 itennial Exhibition. 3 major event1 ‘in the 1948 Swedish Pioneer Cen-é itennial which will be celebrated} ithroughout the Middle West in} iJune to commemorate the one; hundredth anniversary of the set: tling of the Swedes in the midwest. : ern States. The exhibit featurest ‘the famous Olof Krans primitive? paintings of the Bishop Hill Col—1 ony, which are now being shownf in Chicago for the first time. Also} on display are many personal ef-1 fects of early Swedish immigrants.1 A sterling silver chalice, a gift ofi the famous singer, Jenny Lind, tol a group o'f Swedish church people; in Chicago, in 1851. was lent byl the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. The primitive paintings of Olof Krans record in color life at the 19th century Swedish community} experiment in Illinois. the Bishop! Hill Colony. Located one hundred} and sixty miles southeast of Chi-i cago. the colony was founded byi a group of religious dissenters ini 1846. It was a Christian commun-[ al organization. in which property: responsibility. and work were shared among the men and wom-t en. It was dissolved in 1862. and the area now belongs to the State of Illinois. Krans Served In tho Cival “'ar ! Olof Krans, who died in 1916, came to Bishop Hill from SWeden as a boy. He was born Olof Olson, on November 2, 1838, in the north ern province of Vestmanland. In August 1850. with a 7group of‘ eighty people, 010! and his fam ily set sail for America. and art rived at Bishop Hill while the col-v ony was still young. Olof went tol English school and used to attend‘ the oxen. whose role in the colony'sl history he later depicted on can. vas. He took the name of Krans when he enlisted in the Illinoisi Volunteer Infantry during the Civ-I il War. After he had married and‘ moved to Galva, Illinois. he start ed painting the Bishop Hill p1c-! tures from memory while conval escing from a leg injury. They have been purchased by the State; of Illinois as a permanent memor-‘ tal, and are kept in the colony‘ church in Bishop Hill. Twenty one of the collection have been llcnt to the Chicago Historical So ciety for the Pioneer Exhibition. 5 The Jenny Lind chalice bears ithe following inscription in Swe idish: "Given to the Scandinavian iChurch of St. Ansgarius. Chicago. lfrom a fellow countrywoman. A. .D. 4851." Beautifully wrought in {sterlingr silver. it symbolizes the 'tree of life. The cover is topped 'by a cross. mounted on a small ;silver ball; the silver paten which accompanies the chalice is sur grounded by a crown of thorns. Carl Milles Donates Statue to Swedish Save Children Group NEW YORK. — Professor Cari Mines. noted Swedish sculptor. who has been active in America for many years. has donated a bronze statue to the Swedish Save the-Children organization. It rep resents a winged figur. holding aloft a lyre. The statue will be taken to Stockholm by Mrs. Elsa Bjorkman-Goidshmidt. a Swedish writer, who is now on a lecture tour of the United States and (‘an ada on behalf of the Save-tho (‘hiidren society‘ The pronwds of the sale will be used to aid needy children on the European contin ent. The same statue. but in natur al size. was earlier made into a memorial to the late Swedish ac tor, Gdlta Ekman. The United Nations . . . o . . SWEDEN SVERIGE GUN/VAR ragga; iron and mechanical industries are also important amongr its ex ports. With an area of 173,347 square miles she has a population of approximately 7,000,000 inhabitants. The Government is a con stitutional monary with a two-chamber Parliament known as the Riksdag. Sweden is represented at the l‘nited Nations Headquarters by an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotenciary. Mr. Gunnar Hagglot‘. The Swedish flag is blue with a yellow cross. Special Festivals In Sweden to Greet Swedish-Americans STOCKHOLM (By airmail) — Special reception festivals will be held in Sweden this summer and autumn in honor of visiting Swed ish-Americans. Arranged in con-l iiection with the Swedish Pioneer: Centennial, they will be staged principally in the district from which the emigration to the Unit-l ‘ed States has been particularly ‘strong. Descendants of S w e dis h ‘settlers in Canada will be likewise honored. Many interesting tourist [trips will be arranged. so that the visitors will be able to acquaint 'themselves with changes that have taken place since the days of the emigration and familiarize them“ 'selves with the present economic land cultural conditions of their |old counties and parishes. The in [terest in these reception ceremon ‘ies is everywhere in Sweden very great. Sunday. September 26 will be ob- Served all over the eouiitry as a “Sweden-America Day." A eenii'al committee has been appointed. and local branches will later be set up in the various rural districts. The idea for these receptions was formulated at a meeting May 2’) in Stockholm. attended by repre~ sentatives of the Pioneer Cemen iiial Swedish Committee. the Swed ish Tourist Traffic Association. the Vasa Order, the Swi-dish Insti tute, The Anierieuii-Swedisli News Exchanges. etc. Twenty Per Cent of Swedish Husbands Help With Housework STOCKHOLLLv (By Air Mm!) ——According .to a recent investiga tion by the Swedish Gallup Insti tute. 20 per cent of Swedish mar ried men regularly assist their wives in the tasks 0f housekeeping and looking after the children. About 50 per cent of those interru gated claimed that they giw their better halves an occasional hand in washing or wiping dishes. house cleaning. making beds. and attend ing to the children. An averngr of 30 per vent. or chry third hus band. takes no intervst \t'hntvwr in the actual care oi home or Chil dren. The survey showed a marked disparity in the attitudovof city dwalling husbands and their op posite numbem in the mumry, In itho city. the husband is a handier helpmate around the housv than in rural district. Wives in the coun. ,try complain that their husband 'show the traditional male aversion [to women'l work in the how. Mon; children. 38 per cent of The Kingdom of Sweden occupies the east ern part of the Scandinavian peninsula in northwestern Europe. which it shares with Norway. Although of broken, mountain ous topography, Sweden has much pro ductive land. and is well known the world over through her forest products. Textiles, the girls above the age of sew-n, ‘and 29 per cent of the boys of a. ‘similar age regularly assist their ’niothers. while 51 per cent of the jgirls and 45 per cent of the boys 'lend a hand now and then. Eleven ‘per cent of the girls and 26 per ‘cent of the boys never help at all in the home. This tandem-y is 'most evident in the Cities. where j36 per cent of the boys never give iany assistance. as compared With ‘22 per cent in the country. The isame applies to girls who rue much lmore helpful around the house in ‘the country than in the city. ‘KING Ul'STAf TALKS TO [SA in" RADIO ox ms NINETIETH BIRTHDAY E STOCKHOLM, Juno 8 ~(By air ‘mail I-ern King Gustaf's ninetivth ‘birthday on June 16 a grouting to the United States and to the Swed ish-Americans was sent out by Columbia Broadcasting Systom ‘und probably also by Mutual Broadcasting Systom. The king ‘imadv a record of his words on :Juno 3. at the Drottningholm Pal ilaco, near Stockholm. and the discs N'vre flown to New York. Th 0 ‘imonarch's message was heard at Ithv 0nd of spocial programs svnt ’diroct from Stockholm. (‘olumbia‘s ;broadcast was hoard and also the :Mutual. VVilfrvd Floishvr comment ;l‘d for (‘BS and Birgvr Jambson il’or Mutual "THEY KEEP ADDING TO MY ROUTE!" /‘ fo .\ ,’—'\\, j ‘V- \l"'\ V\ (, ‘ 7. ‘ 1 ,‘ \ \f‘. v.5. a 4 1 X f‘ -1 z ’IJL ,/ w’,“ ‘ in“ / ai‘ 9 \ £ "‘ ’ kw ..4 {x ‘5' 4 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ \k y. 4;” J l', LR: “ . . noarh a thuuund mules sun“, “’40 . . . 220 mil“ last \¢-.nr3\M\ ruuu- no“ nncn llfil.‘ nulm of polr line and I'm n [In go .14 hulHK a (in uu‘r ru‘n Im II of n?" ELM [Kilt'fi urn lhn-v Ur lnun- “ml" -~o um “In sm' ulu burr ww rowms a xtlhsmmial m-m m I?“ in\(‘\lmrnl \.|Iuc n§ a [my pow” wslrm And (min .u!d~ ing a mllr of ulrr radix nun»- wnh a 1m 09 mnnm. \nt urh i\ (he I(\\' M unr ‘um mx but the mnn~hm|n fur unsyaanmn roq nuch mare. [00: ”GET SOUND POW‘R CV LIGHT C0. "ANK MtLAUGHHN, P'lhdc'“ 3