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4 Anti-Espionage Activity to Be lntensified in Sweden STOCKHOLM *7 (Byairmailiew Recent political events abroad have made it necessary to in crease the activity of the Swedish anti-espionage police, states Min ister of the Interior. Eje Moss berg; in a Government bill. Based on the suggestion the the Com— missioner of the Swedish State Po lice. Mr. Mossberg is asking the Riksdag for a grant for the next budget year of 2.890.000 kronor. as compared to 1.500000 for the current year. Part of the money will be used to keep a systematic check on radio sending and receiv ing stations. It is also pointed out in the bill that the situation may develop in such a way that the security activity may have to be even further intensified. In such event. it should be permissible to exceed even the asked-for grant, so long as the Government agrees thereto. KELSO Ke!sc's Leading Cafe COLUMBIA HOTEL COFFEE SHOP DALE ROGERS. Mgr. - Lunch - Dinner Breakfast BANQI‘ ETS OI'R SPECIALTY Phone Kelso 575 Kelso Bargain House 212 Aflen St. KELSO Baker Lumber Co. COMPLETE LINE OF BI'IIJHNG MATERIAL Ph. K9150 4141 310 5. 3rd St. "Baker Bros. Hardware Phonv K9150 l7 201 Allen Twin City Glass Co. THE HOME OF PLATE GLASS MIRRORS Mirrors of All Descriptions Auto (1'th 8th and Catlin “'Pst l’HON E KELQO 929 Columbia Concrete Co. DRAINAGE TILE 8111.015“ TILE SEPTIC TANKS 101 Cedar Ph. K2180 150 Kelso . Hopkin's Union Service Trucks For Rent —- You Drive and‘Save Half 303 NORTH PA(‘II’I( Cowlitz Dairymen’s Association filfy S: Pacific iHas Passed Away ‘83-Year Old Pioneer I After a short illness John A. Lund passed away at the Overneu (nursing hr-mv. Burlington. \Vash., !at 6 a. m. May 20, 1948. Mr. Lund was born in Jamtland. Sweden. July 7. 1864. He came to iAmorica. Washington State.' in 11891" During his stay in Washing 1ton he lived around Stanwood and {Cedar-home districts. Mr. Lund jworkod at various occupations but jwas a carpenter by trade. i In 1898 with Peter Henning of 1Stanwood, Washington. David and Charles Strandberg of Anchorage land Fairbanks. Alaska (also oth ivrsl he went to the 'Klondyke over [the Chilcot Pass. Bringing their [outfit down the Yukon River to ‘Davu'son on scows and boate of {whipsawed lumber. During his stay gin ch-ndyke he worked at placer ‘mining, on several creeks. some xiimos’ in association with the :Stx'andborg Bros. With them he 1went to Fairbanks in 1904, work ed for them until the stampede of ‘Iditamd in 1910. A great deal of jhis life was spent there working‘ lat his trade. also as construction iman. FIT-:11 1931 until 1942 he \x'm'kod with the Happy Creek :Mining' Co. at Flatt. Alaska. For a short time he resided in Anchorage but for the last four years he made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson of Arling ton. Wash. Mr. Lund was a very skillful and dependable man. There was noth ing,r around a miniing camp he could not do and do it Well. Mr. Lund was a member of the Grand Iglo Pioneers of Alaska, joining in 1915. The old pioneers are passing away one by one and John Lund was a real pioneer who has done his share in developing Alaska. : Mr. Lund leaves a sister. Mrs. Emma Strandberg. in Sweden. He ’was interened at Cedarhome Cemeo ‘tery with Rev. Hoavig of Stan 'wood, Wash, officiating. In connection with the observ-. ance of the thirtieth anniversary of the declaration of independencel of Lithuania, Estonia. and Latvia,i the Baltic Committee in Stock-} holm sent an appeal to American; Secretary of State. George C.'. Marshall, and the British Foreign? Secretary. Ernest Bevin. not to, forget the Baltic nations in their‘ struggle for freedom and democ-1 racy. ‘ l Phone 913 Exrellvntly Prepared Food 106 W. Main Phone 2492 Kelso PARIS GLEMERS 209 Ash AI'TOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS Pacific at Pine Ph.‘ Kelso 260 KELSO. “CASH. BI'TI‘ER CHEESE TEXAS GIFE 0p9n All Night Better ("leaningr Pressing Alterations Phone 782 Kelso STANDARD AUTO PARTS ( Incorporated) PHONE KELSO I95 Kelso 618 Captain of the “Svealand” Home to Sweden-in Gfipshgm } Captain Bror Anderson returned . ’to Sweden as a. passenger aboard! jthe Swedish American motorliner' i“Gripsholm" recently. i g In the picture he is shown Wright) shaking hands with the‘ lLine's port captain. J. O. Fetter-I 'Radar Revolutionizes iBa‘ttlevAgainst Sea Ice STOCKHOLM (By Air Main—I Sensational results have been ob-l talned with radar during this win-' ter in the usual campaign against} the heavy ice of the Gulf or'Both-i near. reports Captain E. Kekonius,‘ master of the big Swedish Govern- i ment icebreaker Ymer. I Extensive experiments have been ; made with the newly installed ra-i dar equipment in order to find‘v out its practical uses for ice-; breaking. Solid ice. drift ice. icev ridges, pack ice and open water register differently on the radar screen. showing seaacapes surpris-. ingly similar to ordinary land scapes, says Captain Kekonius. But there is no risk of confusing: sea and land. Twenty miles off,‘ radar spots an icebound ship in; need of assistance, revealing the nature of the ice within a Large area. The best way of approach. which is never the shortest. can be selected. using stretches of less . solid ice, drift ice and occasional‘ rifts with open water. The experiences gained ~with ra- ‘ dar in icebound sea lanes are ex pected to have far-reaching ef fects on both mercantile and naval navigation. Unusually early spring weather in combination with the campaign of the Swedish ice-breakers have made it possible to resume ship ping on the North Swedish timber export ports nearly a' month earl-i ier than normal. . g The Swedish Airplane Company‘ ,ln Linképing (SAAB) will deliver . two, aircraft to the Sega] Air :Transport. Ltd. in New Delhi. In-‘ die. The machines will be used for taxi and training flights. “'0 young Swadish instructors. Arne‘ Bertilson and Stig Holmgren. have ‘ accepted an otter to fly the planes ‘ _tn India and to retrain there for two years an instructor: at the ’Air College in New Delhi. This‘ 'will be the longest delivery night .on record from Sweden. The )our- ‘ i ney, which will go via Perle. Cairo. 3 and Baghdad, is expected to take . - from :1qu taunt-might -' . l Isson. Captain Anderson has been !in the employ of the Line for 31 ‘years. 17 years as Master of the "Svealand." He is now returning to take up a “landlubber's life" tin Ramlosa, Skane. Oslo Plans Drama-tic Festival NEW YORK, N. Y. -— Present ation of Norwegian plays. both classical and modern, will high light the Norwegian National The ater‘s summer Dramatic Festival in Oslo scheduled for the week of June l3th-20th. Theater lovers in the Norwegian capital as well as thousands of visitors from abroad will have an opportunity to see the best in Norwegian dramatics. In addition to the world famed classics of Ibsen. Bjornson and Holberg. modern plays by Norwe gian writers Helge Krog and Jo han Borgen are to be included in the week's program. ~ Longviow Plumbing ‘& (‘ompirie Plumbing. Heating and Repairing Contacting - Remodeling Jobbing Commercial Bettina-sum ’ Call Longview 185 1146 Commerce hip/kw Hand's Buyrifebmgs Longview, -Washington J. W.'TORRENCE “Insurance — That's All" Wins; “'Isflngton 1227 Broadway , Ph. Lgv. S ”Myra the Health We CABINET STEAM BATES AND IIASBAGE TKERAPEUTIC LIGHTS (‘lunn m 1|!“de Upon Your Ham! Pawn (‘ommercbl Wtfl m. I . ' ' « Plat-0W8“ THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN Swedish Centemiial Commission Named NEW YORK, June 8—By leg‘iS< lative authority Governor Thomas E. Dewey has appointed a special State commission of nineteen members to participate in the ob servance of the Swedish Pioneer Centennial during the week of June 28. Sponsored in the Legislature by Assemblyman E. Herman Mag nuson, of Jamestown, the bill car ries a. $5,000 appropriation. Appointed to the commission by the ‘Governor are: Carl A. Aspe grcn, president of Aspegren Mann. tacturing Company. the Bronx; Dr. Howard Hanson, director of the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester; George, P. Johansen, publisher of the SJW e d i s h language newspaper. Nordstjernan, New York; Oscar A. Lenna, president and general inan ager of Blackstone Corporation. Jamestown; G. Hilmer Lundbeck, Jr., managing director of the Swedish American Line in N e w York; Edward Magnuson. presi dent of the Magnuson Products Corporation. Brooklyn; Dr. Theo dore 0. Peterson. president and chairman of the board of the Kall man's Children’s Home in Brook lyn; Dr. Ernst F. W. Alexander son, former consulting engineer of the General Electric Company. Schenectady; Brig-General Oscar N. Solbert, of the Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, and Jeseph M. Wennerberg. president of the Swedish Club in Buffalo. ‘EEKI—éViEW“ WE PAY I'NION WAGES Cowli‘l'z County Denial Clinic "BEST IN MODERN DENTISTRY" Ph. 770; Res.. Phone 494 GROCERIES - FRI'ITS VEGETABLES - MEATS 1215 Commerce Phone 359 MLI‘I'Z MEETING 00. GEO. F. CAIRXCBOSS. Owner Heath; and Ventilating (mu-actors Shu-t Metal Work Furnaces and Oil Burners 785 volume-roe "THE FRIENDLY STORE" ~ WAGNER-800'" Corner 01 Comm 0: Broadway ‘J.$H.‘VKILI:Y PLUMBING -.HEA'I'ING “Always Good-Work" 1151 Gum-tom *l‘h th 187 Since '23 Phone or “'dte For Appointments 11-112 Barnes Bldg. LONGVIEW THE MART Longview Phone 716 Longvlew J EW'ELEBS Winn. ; Washington