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THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN First Jet Fighters To Norway Air Force NEW YORK, N. Y. —~ Four Vampire Mark 3's, thr first jet propelled fighters to be added to the Norwegian Air Force. arrived at Gardemoen Field, Oslo during the first week of May. Purchased in England. they are to be tested under Norwegian weather condi tions and if satisfactory will pos sibly be followed by latnr orders of the same model. The Vampires are powered by Goblin jet-motors and am armed with 4 cannons. Norway Returns Borrowed Rifles NE\V YORK. N. Y. -.- Norwe gian hunters and sportsmen who volunteered their rifles to the NO?- wegian armed forces at the time of that country's invasion by the Germans in 1940 will soon receive compensation. According to a re cent decision by Norway‘s ministry of Defense. everyone who gave his weapon at that time will re ceive a high-powered Krag Jorgen len army rifle. Ammunition voi unteered to the Norwegian forces will be repaid with doners receiv ing the same number of cartridges that they gave. TACOMA MRS. RUTH BETHEL And Staff 1 Pierce County Superintendent of Schools GREETINGS FROM THE MODEL GRILL 912 Commerce Tacoma John 0. Wells Auto, Casualty and Fire Insurance SI'RETY BONDS SIS Rust Bldg. TACOMA NATIONAL AUTO PARTS ”WE HAVE IT" 400] Pacific Ave. Phone GA. 3303 Philip Hardware Co. 1510 Pacific TACOMA COMPLIMENTS 0F BERT". E. JOHNSON ATTORNEY 505 Rust Bldg. s Tacoma Swedish EXhibition for] Pioneer Centennial T In Middle West ' [ STOCKHOLM,~(By wirelessi—w [An exhibition of photographs. de rpictinp; modern Sweden in many 1different phases —— as a tourist ‘eountry and as a progressive na— ition in the realm of social wel 1' fare ~ 7 will be shown in more than twenty cities in the Middle West Iin connection with the Swedish .Pioneer Centennial this slimmer. {The exhibition. which also high ilights Swedish business, industry, 1trade. labor. transportation, as :Well as the country‘s cultural life, jeonsists of twenty-six folding screens which can be transported easily on, a truck and be put up in varying combinations. depend ing upon the space available. It has been devised and designed by ‘Anders Beckman, who was re sponsible for much of the statisti cal and pictorial data about Swe den shown in the Swedish Pavilion‘ at the New York World‘s Fair, and is being,r arranged in coopera ‘tion with the Swedish Institute and at the request of the Pioneer Csntennial Swedish Committee. The way in which Mr. Beckman has solved the difficult problem of the portable screens is praised in the Swedish press, Svenska Dagbladet, emphasizing that it constitutes a fine example of mod ern Swedish exhibition technique. There are two hundred photo graphs in all, enlarged to heroic dimensions. each picture accomp anied by an explanatory caption in English. When the show arrives in the United States. several color photographs. taken by Goran Al gaard. will be added. Mr. Algaard. one of Sweden's foremost color cameramen, is now in New York. At Easter the Swedish people were again allowed hot water in their apartments. The Fuel Com mission dccided that houses heat ed with coal could use hot water .luring the period March 17-3177 that is. about a fortnight. In oil heated houses. the hot water pe riod lasted only one week. March 19-25. PRESfiRIPTIOI OPTIGAL COMPANY A. J. JORGENSON 205 Medical Arts Bldg. Main 4151 Bremerton DEAN Milli 60. Professional Pharmm-ists Agents for Whitmans (‘andy “Yardlu-y's" and “Old Spice" 'l'nilt‘tries 26F: Sixth Ave. Main 2128 TACOMA BR. 3642 JAMES W. ANDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LA“' NOTARY l'l’BLK‘ 310 Pavlflc Savings Bldg. BR. l570 TACOMA FRESH DRESSED POI'LTRY TI'RKEYS AND EGGS J. 0012‘ & SONS "48 Market Street BR. 4875 Bunker, Tanner & Watt: (‘ortlfled Public ANountunts BR. 3109 923-”5 Fidelity Bldg. “A Living Gift Is A Loving Gift" SMITH FLORAL nxmr DESIGNING 12.000 Square Feet of Glass mo Sam- apn- _ . 0.54494 . mwotu‘ ‘ Tacoma Everett TACOMA Greetings TACOMA, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergen With Charlie McCarthy On The “Stockholm” Gangplank Famous Wooden Stalf‘Aws— Axel‘ McCarthy Among 395 Passengers in the Swedish American Motorlim-r “Shwk holm.” l Edgar Bergen is leaving in tho 1 S w 9 dis h American moturliner “'Stokhoim" which sailed from lPier 97. N.R., Saturday. June 5. ‘lTravoling with a photographer. er. Bergen is going to film a travelogue in Swodvn which will Ibe the first of series. The nar lratm‘ will be the world-famous ,\\'oodon starlCharliv (Axeli Mc iCarthy. Mrs. Bergen is making |her first trip to Swudvn. Tho Byr ‘gons will also visit Denmark, Eng iland and France before returning :in the “Gripsholm.” July 30. [ Among the 395 passengers sail ;ing are Hans Kraopelien. presi dent of L. M. Erickson. with his ifamily; A. Sobulov, assistant soc ;‘rotary general of the United Na }tions, accompanied by his wife: iMrs. Helen Nelson Englund. secre— Sweden Has Telephone Contact With Most Parts of the World STOCKHOLM (S.I.P.B. ) , - Most of the telephone communications between Sweden and other coun— h‘ies that were severed during the war have now been restored. Dur ing the last few months traffic to Germany. Portugal, Japan and Java was resumed. The communication to Portugal is maintained by wire to Switzer land and from there by radio tele phone. while there are direct lines to Berlin. Hamburg and Frank furt-am-Main. After this exten sion Sweden has telephone con tact with all European countries except Albania. Gibraltar. Greece. Spain and Turkey. The communi cations with Eastern Europe go via 8 dirth line to Prague. and there is also telephone contact with Moscow and Leningrad, via Hel singfors. Many oversea countries can now be reached from Sweden. Thom is a livcly traffic to North Amer— ica and. moreover. thorv are com munications with most of the Lot in American countries. The traf fic to the Dutch Indies. just open ed. goes via Amsterdam. and to Japan by two radio connections via New York. Sweden is. how ever, 'still lacking telephone con nections with. among other coun tries. Australia. New Zealand and South Africa. owing to the (act that the London station transmit- ting these calls is already being utilized to capacity. HEARTY BEST WISHES North Pacfiic Bank Note Company PRINTERS LITHOGRAPHERS 117 South MI! Stud TACOMA 206 lat Ave. Snu- SEATTLE tary of the Chicagii Chapter of the American Scandinavian Foun— dation; Erik Handelin. director of the Finnish Red Cross and secre tary of Mannerheim League of Child Welfare; Miss Kay Marten. free lance writer doing an article on Sweden for McCall and other magazines; and the artist Michael Werboff, who is returning to (in am-ther portrait of the King of Sweden. who will be ninety years of age on June 16. Others on board are R. A. L. Eriksen. executive officer of Pub— lic Information at United Nations. with Mrs. Eriksen: Helge S. Ploug mann. well known Danish tennis player, Consul General Sven Ka rell. Swedish consul in Lima. Peru. and Mrs. Karell. Sweden’s Political Course Defined In Four Points GOTHENBURG (Air Maill — "The Swedish people observes the cleavage of the world into an East. em and a \Vestern bloc with great anxiety," said the Swedish Prime Minister, Tage Erlnnder. in a speech in Gothenburg. “It is im portant to make clear. at home and abroad, Sweden's independent political course. in order to avoid any misunderstanding. It can be defined in {our sentences." the Prime Minister said: “Fight against the enemies of democracy at home: defense of Sweden's na tional independence: freedom from alliances and engagements which would make Sweden a pawn in the international struggle for power: and, finally. wholehearfid participation in the collaboration for the economic reconstruction of Europe." Potronize Our Advertisers COPE’S POULTRY MARKET All Kinds 0f Quality Poultry Live or Drvssrd 1 Strictly Fresh Eggs 1036 Pacific TA COM A HUDSON MACHINERY MI". I“. All Kinds 01 Mill Marhlnl‘ry IRS. Electric Motors \' Belts and She-veg l'. S. Reduction Gents 608 East 1)“! Main 2617 TACOMA Norway To Exlrm't Insulin From Wlmlvs NEW YORK. N. Y." (RNIS' - Aboard Norway's newest whaling factm'y ship. the ‘Thorshovdi" launched in Denmark in mid-April, will be a modern hospital and lab oratory designed by the D a n l s h physician William Sterling. To gether with Dr. H. C. Hagedorn the Danish insulin specialist who has just returned from 3 months of research in the Antarctic. Dr. Sterling has been investigating the possibility of extracting insulin from the pancreatic glands of whales. “In the wrale.” m .1“; Dr. Sterling “this gland reaches a. weight of 7:3 kg. while the pan creatic gland of a pig. from which insulin is normally extracted, weighs a mere 75 grams." Though insulin content of the whole glad is 50’}; lowvr, it will neverthele'ss provide over 500 times more insu lin than the present source as it is over 1000 times larger. “Ex— traction will bo fairly expensive," continued Dr. Sterling. ‘but mun-y cannot be decisivu when it is 3. matter of saving human life. In. many countries people are dying each day due to the present high cost of insulin." Patronizv advertisers of The Scandinavian American. ANDREWS LETTER SHOP Mime-"graphing - Nlult igraphing; Slouugraphiv MailinLIr m1 Rust Bldg. BR. 3533 TACOMA Greeting Our Scandinavian SlXTH-N-KAY TAVERN & GRILL “‘hrn- Dining ls Aways A l’le-asant Exlwrlem-v Own 8 a.m. - I a.m. 110! Sixth Ave. Phone 3‘5” TACOMA FAMOUS FOR ()L'II FRENCH BREAD K Street Bakery “'a-dding and Birthday (‘ukc-s Hearth Brrad - Pastries I‘ll!) Sou'h K I’h. Main 3383 CLIFF T. WELSH & 00. “'apsknneta Machine Knh'u Sauna, Sn“ Tools. Bits. 153.”) Pm‘l fir (3A. “06 MAIN 7472 . IRIGET’S IIITo SUPPLY ”THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND BARGAINS‘ Purts ma Act-0mm»- 136 PACIHC 5 TACOMA L. T. BARKER Telephone Svn‘im- Alldn-ssing Friends TACOMA DISTRlBl'TORS Spar & Jukmn “Oldfrfi. Filow Tacoma I'HON E BR. 3863 AUTO Id." And Whoknok TAVOMA 3m. 7472