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NEGROES HAVB/il Champion in THE REPUBLICAN VOL. V* NO. 4 CULLINGS OF PRESS Discussing the Many State Candidates. PIERCE IS LOOKING FOR The Fat Places With Many Applicants. NEWSPAPER CHIT-CHAT White I,abor Only— Four Candi dates for Congress—Postal Sav ings Banks—Senator Turner and Free Silver-No Interest in the School Elections—Denies That Southwest Combination Is Push ing Hon. Allen Weir. < The Aberdeen Packing company of Fair haven is to make an innovation in canning salmon this year, by employing nothing but white labor, if it can be procured. The company is advertising for 210 white em ployes.—Aberdeen Bulletin. Permit us to suggest to both the company and yourself that you had better advertise for 210 American employes instead of that many white ones. In this country a man should be given work who is willing to work, regardless of the color of his skin. Some of the blackest rascals that are hung wear the whitest skins and some of the whitest men that ever walked wear the blackest skins. Lay aside so much of your damnable color and race prejudice and use American labor, regardless of its color or nationality. It is already known that there are at least four candidates who have a congreb sional bee buzzing in their bonnets. They are: J. C. Taylor, of Orting; L. D. Camp bell, Frank Cushman and Col. Thad lleuston, 01 Tacorua. Thus I'ierue county is well represented with congressional timber, but then it might be well to re member that there are other sections of the state that may strongly demand a represen tation also. —Puyallup Independent. Yes, and very likely there will be four more before the time of holding- the con-" vention for, if the The Republican is creditably informed,quite a few dark horses, even in Pierce county, believe that they hold the congressional joker up their sleeves, which will be on hand for use at the next Republican convention. Speaking as to the nomination of Hon. Allen Weir to congress from the west side the Olympia Capitol comments on The Republican's article as follows: The Seattle Republican "Pie-maker puts the "southwest combination" behind Allen Weir's congressional aspirations. Republican politicians who have toyed with that combination will not be disposed to congratulate Mr. Weir even should the rumor prove true. The Olympian has the following to say about the matter as a comment of what was said in this paper: The following is from the Seattle Repub lican: "Ex-Secretary of State Allen Weir is being urged for the nomination to congress from the west side of the state and he is making considerable headway in that di rection. Mr. Weir is one of the most sagacious politicians in the state and he has always succeeded whenever he at tempted anything in the way of politics. But recently he took hold of the city poli tics of Olympia and to the surprise of all he elected the entire Republican ticket, and that too when the entire state administra tion was lending the Fusionists a helping hand. The Pie-maker understands that the southwest combination has decided to support Mr. Weir with all their might and main, and that being true he will come pretty near the nomination." While all this is very kind, and indicates a friendly disposition, Mr. Weir is too modest to claim so much. His services in the Olympia municipal election were simply those of an old time political wheel horse, and while the result was not as sweeping as claimed above, it certainly did prove a surprise party to the opposition. The southwest combination, so called, has probably not decided as yet whom it will support. Still Mr. Weir has many strong friends in every one of the southwest counties and strnds the best chance of any to secure their support in the coming state convention. He's a winner, all right, Bro. Cay ton. A short time ago a Seattle father named Bradley was horrified to find that a de signing wretch named ScheJderup had ruined two of his daughters. Bradley got a gun and killed Schelderup on one of the main streets of Seattle. Last week a jury promptly acquitted him of murder on the ground of temporary insanity. The verdict was just, the only fault being that for so H THE REPUBLICAN. CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. righteous a vengeance a father should have to set up the insanity plea to secure an ac quittal. A defense of justifiable murder would have been more fitting.—Chehalis Bee. But he is acquitted and right, and by no means Bradley, was vindicated. Seattle firms have their catalogues with prices of articles attached and these books are sent out by the thousands. In glancing over the pages it occurs that Centralia people could buy most of the articles as cheaply at home and keep the money here. Centralia merchants are enterprising, keep large stocks of goods and should be patron ized liberally. Keep the money at home. — Centralia News. Now you do not believe what you have said yourself, for it is as unreasonable as anything can be. Don't wort yourself about Seattle. It is a disgrace that, out of a possible 450 eligible voters in the coming school elec tion only 146 should have taken enough interest in it to register in time to vote. Not over eighty per cent of these can be reasonably expecied to turn out. In other words 110 voters will decide the fortunes of the largest school district in the county for the coming year at least. Heretofore the turnout to the school election has been very general and considerable interest has been taken in it. The vote cast has been one to be proud of in fact. —South Bend Journal. There seems to be a general lack of in terest taken in school elections, which is a disgrace to Americanism. About eighteen Silver Republicans, led by Senator George Turner, met at the office of Graves, Wolf & Graves on Monday night of this week to declare that the silver issue is not dead and that they wanted no more offices in the next fusion circus than they had before. Both of these declarations are refreshihg. The silver issue is not exactly dead, but it is dying as fast as human nature will let it and faster than anybody hoped. Nobody is talking silver any more except office seekers nd thej do not talk it except when forced to do so. When the wheat chart and silver parted company and when prosperity began to come to the people in spite of the protests of the silver men, the beautiful theory of 16 m 1 lost its charm and the people began to wake up. And they are waking up at a rapid rate —so rapid that but few will be left by the time of the next election. As for the of fices, they took the lion's share last time, aad if they take the same amount this year, it will be a hog's share. With a U. S. senator, congressman and attorney general, to say nothing of a multitude of minor of fices, they did not do a thing to their allies They were ten times as strong as they are now and they only ask the same amount of pie. We think that the Populists and Democrats will have something to say about this, and as this is the last rattle out of the box for most of them, what a scrimmage it will be.—Spokane Outburst. The free silver Lsue was certainly an issue "for office only" and the Republican part of the combination certainly worked it for all there was in it. The Republican press does not dare to openly antagonize postal savings banks, but it is puffing the school savings banks as a substitute. The fact that the savings must go into the regular banking channels and become a part of the '' best banking system on earth" makes it, in their eyes, a much more meritorious measure. The widows and orphans who have been buncoed out of their savings will not agree with their find ings.—OlympiaCapital (Pop;. The Republican press does not oppose any good measure, though it accidentally traces its origin to some wild-eyed Popu list. It's always on the alert for any good ihings. Postal savings banks are, in the opinion of a large majority of the Repub lican press and lay Republicans as well, a very meritorious measure and they want to see them given a fair and impartkl trial. An Army and Navy Memoranda book is what you have been wanting. The Northern Pacific has it. It contains cut of the Maine, map of Cuba, list of U. S. and Spanish naval vessels, in terior drawings of a battleship, illustra tions of U. S. and Spanish ships, glossary of navy and army words, table of distances, commanders of TJ. S. ships and army corps, list of U. S. regiments and their com manders and other information very useful and valuable at this time. The book fits the vest pocket and is up to date. Send Chas. S. Fee, general passenger agent N. P. R. St. Paul, Minn., ten cents and the book is yours. ICE- _ICE Seattle Ice Company.... Factory and Office First Avenue South and Charles Street. 'Phone Pike 67. Meagher Grocery Co. —Dealers in— Clioice Groceries Select brands of Eastern and California Butter 614-16 Pike St. Tel. Pike 28. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY JUNE 17. 1898. Reported from the Front during the En tire Week Near Santiago. Saturday —Three men were killed by explosion of a torpedo while being placed in the river below Jacksonville, Fla.—The Monterey puts into San Diego for coal, having encountered storm in which 87 tons washed off her decks. This was replaced and sha put to sea same day.—Canadian secret service men watch every move of Lieut. Carranza and Senor Dußosc; they sail for home the 25th.—The hammering of Santiago forts still continues. For past week the Spaniards have tried to replace their guns during the nights, but a few shots each day will keep the fortifications in their present weak condition until troops arrive. During the whole bombardment not an American ship or man has been injured.—At evening session of British parliament Harcourt, liberal leader, said: "No one is more anxious or more eager for closer and more per manent relations with United States than myself. Ever since I have had anything to do with public life my foremost object has been the culmination of good relations with the United States." Chamberlain, secretary for the colonies, added: "And the more close, the more intimate, the more definite they are, the better I shall be satisfied." Sunday —The marines at Guantanamo found evidence of hasty retreat by the Spanish; watches, hammocks, amunition, etc., were scattered about the works every where. Lieut. Col. R. W. Huntington, commanding marines, was attacked at 3p. m. Saturday, battle lasting 13 hours; our loss was 4 killed: Assist. Surg. John Blair Gibbs Sergt. Chas. H. Smith, privates Wm, Dunphy and James McColgan. Corp. Glass wounded in hand. Spanish loss not known, but was much heavier. Ships kept their searchlights on the woods all night, revealing many skulking parties. The launch from Marblehead, with machine gun, kept up a fire on the woods. The main charge came at midnight, when Spanish came close enough for hand to hand fight, but were re pulsed; at daylight this morning reinforcements were landed and 2-pdrs. used to drive them out of range; it was trying for our men, being outnumbered, in darkness and in strange land, 48 hours without sleep, but everything was as orderly as if at target prac tice. Spanish reinforcements are coming. Our new uniforms prove a success, being invisible at 200 yds. The outer bay is being held by Marblehead, Yosemite and Vixen; Oregon coaled and left for Santiago.—Cruiser St. Louis captures Br. str. Twickenham, with coal for Cervera. She had been at Fort de France, and warned off; a Spanish officer had charge of cargo, but threw his papers overboard.—Statement by war de partment shows that in 30 days it has loaded 19,126,945 rations; at beginning of war it had 20,000,000 small arms cartridges, and secured as many more since; deliveries now are 700,000 daily; smokeless powder issues to all field and siege guns; railroad fares for troops averaged less than IJc per mile.—The new war loan is to be a popular loan, in which the smallest subscribers get theirs first; subscriptions close July 14; blanks can be had at postoffices, express offices and banks; as low as $20 will be received, bonds offered at par, and draw 3 per cent interest. Monday—Stores and equipment for the.second army of invasion, supposed to be Porto Rico, being rushed by department; they will probably leave about June 25.—in response to cable, Gen. Linares, at Santiago, answers "Hobson and seven men are all well."—Admr. Camara's reserve squadron turns out to be short of men and unfit for sea. —Letter from an officer on Br. cruiser Talbot at Havana says poor people are slow ly starving, and wealthy people reduced to hardships; the troops are underfed, but will put up good fight if kept in good spirits. Blanco has abundant small arm amunition. —The President signs the war revenue bill, and it is now a law.—German Asiatic squadron is concentrating at Manila. From articles appearing in the semi-official German press it appears the egotistical emperor is aching to get a finger in the Philip pine pie; they applaud the admiral for grabbing a slice of China, and reason that as the Philippines will be incapable of self government, they must secure the same con cessions as from China in order to guarantee protection to German interests. Spanish papers give color to the rumor that Germany is to lead in the long-hoped-for interven tion, and receive coaling stations in Spanish waters in return. —Final report of marine inspectors show str. Centennial unfit for use as a transport.—Montana volunteers at San Francisco mutiny over poor food and refuse to drill—Part of transports which left Tampa are at Key West; no one but officials know why, but they are non-committal News from Honolulu says when the Charleston appeared there Sunday morning May 29, the whole city turned out at the signal, expecting it was the transports. Churches were deserted. When the Charleston came up the harbor she was greeted more warm ly than ever any vessel had been in those waters.' To the officers it seemed like a welcome in a home port; the men were given the freedom of the city. The citizens want every American soldier to feel he is on soil that longs to be American, and among people who are American. B Tuesday— 3soo soldiers leave Camp Merritt and go aboard strs. China Colon Senator and Zealandia, to leave for Manila.—Reported that 3 Spanish ironclads arrive at Manila to assist the garrison. If it is true, Spain is now 3 ships short —Navy de partment posts notice that Lieut. Blue completes a 70-mile tour around Santiago "har bor and saw and recognized the entire Spanish fleet.—A Rome special says a report to the pope shows that only two ships, the Pelayo at Cadiz, and Cristobal Colon at Santi ago, are worth anything.—Orders received at Chicamauga for 15 regiments for Porto Rico. It will consist of 20,000 from the 4th army corps, under Maj. Gen John J. Cop pmger.—Sir Julian Poncefote assures state department that Spain will be compelled to sue for peace as soon as Havana has fallen. Wednesday—Efforts to exchange prisoners for the brave crew of the Merrimac results in Blanco declining.—Substantial recognition of Hobson's crew given by the navy department in the promotion of each as follows: Daniel Montague master-at arms, to boatswain, from $600 to $1300 a year; Geo. Charette, gunner's mate to gun ner, $600 to $1400 a year; Rudolph Clausen, Osborne, Diegnan and Murphy coxwains to chief boatswain's mates, increase $20 a month; Geo. Phillips, machinist, to chief machinist, $40 to $70 a month; Hobson's reward will come through congress' All will receive medals.—The Spanish continue to harass the 600 marines at Guantanamo firing scarcely ceases. The tents have been struck and rolled up to form breastworks on the trenches. The attacking party fights like Indians. In Tuesday night's battle Sergt. Maj. Henry Goods and private Tauman were killed and privates Wallace Mar tin, Roxbury and Burke wounded. The Spanish were forced to retire, and left 15 dead on the field. The cruisers tossed canister into the enemy. The Dolphin destroyed the Spgnish water station and followed the fleeing garison with shells.—lt is claimed the French company owning the Guantanamo cable will refuse to handle Sampson's dis patches after it is repaired.—lndications are the war loan will be largely oversubscribed before July 14.—The vote in the house on Hawaiian annexation was 209 to 91 —Sec ond Manila expedition leaves San Francisco at 1 p. m., with one battalion of the 23rd and one of the 18th U. S. infantry, Colorado volunteers, Utah light artillery detach ment of U. S. engineers, 10th Pennsylvania, and Nebraska regiment on board' Thursday— Marines and Cubans at Guantanamo routed 400 Spaniards with only one man slightly wounded, while the enemy lost 10 killed. 100 Mauser rifles and 10 --000 rounds amunition captured. They destroyed the telegraph line to Santiago by which movements of American forces were reportedt—Dynamite cruiser Vesuvius tries gun cotton on Santiago forts, and proves effective, carrying death and destruction each shot. Ihe explosion of a 13-m. shell is a mere rifle crack compared with the gun cot ton. It shook the blockading fleet 2 miles off.—Gunboat Suwanee lands 70 000 rounds amunition 5000 rifles, 1000 carbines and large supplies of provisions for the'insurgents 12 miles of Santiago.—The next Manilaexpedition will sail on the Indiana Ohio Mor gan City, City of Para, City of Pueblo and 3 Northern Pacific strs [Continued p 3 WHY CUBA REBELLED. She Had to Yield Spain an Annual Tribute of , $20,000,000. Official data which have lately come to hand serve to throw increased light upon the subject of Spain's oppressive misrule in Cuba. Prior to the last revolutionary outbreak the amount of yearly tribute which Cuba was forced to pay into the treasury of Spain fell little short of the average sum of $25, --900,000. In view of the comparatively small number of people living in Cuba the enormous burden entailed upon them by this exaction becomes at once apparent. In 1884 Spain extorted from Cuba in the way of revenues the outrageous sum of $34,269,410. She applied $12,574,485 of the money thus collected to the payment of old military debts incurred in subduing popular out breaks in Cuba; $5,904,084 to the use of the war department in carrying out needed improvements, and $14,595,095 to the pay ment of salaries, pensions, etc., to Spanish officers and clergymen. Out of the im mense revenue collected from Cuba in 1884 only $1,195,745 returned to Cuba in the way of benefits. This fact in itself, without the prolonged effusion of blood which drenched Cuba's soil in consequence of her effort ot free herself, more than vindicates the righteousness of that cause which the United States has assumed in undertaking to expel Spain from the Western hemi sphere. Such is the vast material wealth which belongs to Cuba that she is destined within the next few years, under the benign influence of free institutions, to become one of the richest and most progressive centers of the globe. In reward for what she has suffered, Cuba will soon find herself in the fullest enjoyment of freedom's recompense. —Atlanta Constitution. UNGLE SAM'S MINERAL Wealth as Shown by a Well Known Statistician and Compiler of Such. The enormous mineral wealth of the United States is strikingly set forth in the j interesting publication which Mr. Kichard P. Eothwell, editor of The Engineering and Mining Journal, has recently com piled, showing the total output for the past ; calendar year. This total output foots ' up in value the immense sum of $746,230, --982. In comparison with the figures for the preceding year, there appears to be net gains to the extent of $8,272,221 in the figures for the past year. The aluminum product for the past year aggregated nearly four times the amount mined in 1896. The value of the product is not given, but its quautity reached the handsome bulk of 4,000,000 pounds. With respect to the gold product, there were 2,864,576 ounces of the yellow metal mined in 1897, against 2,558,433 ounces mined in 1896. In value, last year's gold product aggregated $59,210,705. Of this amount Colorado, which is now the largest gold-producing state in the Union,furnished $19,579,637. In 1897, there were 56,457. --292 ounces of silver mined, against 58,488. --810 ounces mined in 1896. Last year's silver product aggregated in value $33,755,815. Of iron ore, there were 18,316,967 tons produced in 1897, valued at 31,138,344, against 16,000,056 tons produced in 1896 valued at $31,200,889. The output of lead increased from 174,692 tons in 1896, to 197,710 tons in 1897, the valuation not being given. In like manner the output of nickel increased from 17,170 tons in 1896, to 33.700 in 1897. Of zinc, there were were 100,387 tons produced in 1897, against 77,637 tons produced in 1896. Of anti mony, there were 1,500,000 pounds pro duced in 1897, against 1,226,000 pounds produced in 1896. Of copper, there were 510,190,714 pounds produced in 1897, against 479,806,183 pounds produced in 1896. Without going too much into detail, we notice that the total output of coal for 1897 aggregated 200,259,243 tons against 187, --657,250 tons for 1896. Of coke, there were 12,742,340 tons produced in 1897, to 10,360,015 tons produced in 1896. Mr. Rothwell states that the mineral output of the United States for the past few years has surpassed the combined mineral output of the whole of continental Europe.—Ex. ■ ■• m —.<• "■ THIRD AVENUE THEATER. So successful has the} dramatic season at the Third Avenue theater proven that Manager Russell has made arrangements j with a strong company to open at the Third Avenue theater next Sunday night for an engagement of one week in one of the strongest melodramas ever seen here— "Hands Across the Sea." This will .posi tively be the last week of drama at the Third Avenue for the present, and, inas much as it is the strongest attraction of all, it is bound to do a big business. No paper givei as much political news as The Republican. PATRONIZE HOME Industries TEL. MAIN 305 PRICE FIVE CENTS ALASKAITES WRITE Of Ups and Downs in the North. MANY THOUSANDS ARE Awaitiner the Ice to Break to Sail. AS VIEWED BY MANY Riggs Gives a Vivid Pen Picture of tke Lake and the Waiting Workmen—Mr. Walker Ready to Run the Gauntlet—Mrs. Clark Tells of Her Trip to the North. [Special to The Republican.] Lake Bsnkett, B. C, May 30.—1 bow write you a few lines as I am about to leave on my way down the lakes. I will leave here this afternoon as our boat is already built and in the water. There will be a great rush of boats leaving here within a few days. It is said that there will be 5000 boats leave here within the next ten days and from le,ooo to 20,000 people. There are a great many ladies on this trail, and it is astonishing to see them working and to see them hooked up to their sleds drawing 200 pounds and going right along the same as a man. I was walking out the other day when I saw a man and his wife have a saw pit erected and the man was on top of the scaffold while his wife stood underneath and the two of them were whip sawing lumber to build them a boat. It is a very common thing to see a woman with a pack of fifty pounds on her back going right along with it. I saw Walker a little more than two weeks ago. He said that he was camped at Lake Tagish. Joe Braxton and Geo. Smith and the St. Paul boys are at Lake Linderman. I think they will be dovr.i here in a fa.w days, although I have been expecting them for some time. They may catch us at Tagish also. Mr.and Mrs. Brown are at Linderman. They say that they will leave some time in June for the gold fields. They also have with them Mr. Fields, an old Seattle man. Tommy Pierce is also at Liderman. He is with a white man that was once with the P.-1., Fletcher is his name. They wil! also be down in a very short time. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were thinking of going in soon, but I think they have about given up the notion. He said to me when I last saw him that he thought his chances were better in Dyea than on this side of the summit so I don't think that they will go farther. The last time I saw Mr. Rosco Dixon he thought he would stay in Dyea this summer and if times got better he would move his family up, so I don't know whether he still has that notion or not. Walter Brown was with him but expected to leave soon for Skaguay. I will close for this time bidding you a long farewell. I will write you soon after my arrival at my destination and give you all of the particulars. I remain as ever your true friend. Oh, by the way, I for got to give you the number of our boat. It is 1315,a1l boats between the summit andTag ish are i umbered. You can say for the benefit of those who expect to come this way that if they want to avoid trouble they must come prepared to go twenty miles below Lake Bennett before they stop to build their boats because yon are not allowed to cut timber anywhere between the above named places without they buy the lumber and lumber is selling here now at twenty rive cents per foot. You are not allowed to cut a stick of timber until you get below Lake Bennett. The members of my party are C. J. Boyd, A Stewart, J. T. Comber and myself. J. W. RIGGS. Walker and His Party. The I. I. Walker party writes that they too are now ready to sail and would leave as soon as the ice had broken sufficient to sail down the lakes and rivers. "Many have already sai'ed," writes Mrs. Walker, "but we did not care to take any chances, hence we will wait a few days longer. We have one of the best boats that has been built hereabouts and when once we get started we hope to push right on to the interior without interruptions from any source. We are all well and hearty and in splendid spirits. I might add that we have been exposed so long to the burning rays of the sun while crossing the trail that every one in our party is burnt as black as a nigger. I have been out boat riding quite a number of times and therefore can speak personally of the good qualities of our craft. There are many thousands of persons here waiting the breaking up of the ice prepara tory to sailing down the lakes to Dawson City and other points." Twenty persons have ordered The Re publican this week. That shows whether it ir read or not.