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f* HOPE PIONEER PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. MnbRcrlptloo, per Vear SixHenths,.... ..8*.00 ... l.OO ADVERTISING KATES. Advertisements two Inches deep or larger will oe Inserted without special oontraet at the follow ing rates: For first Insertion, single column, 50e per lncb double column, 90c per Inch 3 columns wide, $1.20 per Inch. Each subsequent Insertion one-hall above rates. We make special uniform rates on contracts of 3 months or upwards, which In every case win be allowed to advertisers who send orders without waiting for correspondence. Reading Hotces, 10c per line for first, and 5c for each subsequent Insertion. TERMS:—Cash with order or undoubted references. Final Proofs $5.00 Contests $5.00. Other Le gal advertising at legal rates, payable In advance. TIME TABLE. St, Paul. Minneapolis A Manitoba K'y In effect Sept.9, 188!). TRAINS TCBST TBAINS EAST 7 00 pm St. Paul 7 30 am 7 45 pm Minneapolis 7 00 am 5 10 am .Breckenrldge 10 40 pm 5 25 am Walipeton 10 05 pin rt 40 am Walcott 8 50 pm S 45 am Everest 7 00 pm 1)55 am Rlpon 5 55 pm 1025 am Klgln 5 20pm 11 05 am Page 4 40 pm 11 45 am Colgate 4 05 pm l«15pm Hope 800 pm ESyTlckeU to any point on the continent can be procured at the ticket office, In Hope. CHAS. A. BABLOW, Act. RcligiouH. CONGREGATIONAL—Church services at 11 a. in. and 1% p. m. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. RBV. K. F. NORRIS, Pastor. HOPE, AUGUST 15,1884. 3fPur» cider vinegar at Burrows' bakery. t5T*Chatt«l mortgage blanks for sale at this office. 253"$45,000 to loan. & Ward. Inquire of McMahon I50"C. J. Paul loans money for final proof on better terms than can be secured elsewhere. grGo to Black's and get a novelty folding table. JfgTBlack invites the public, to call and in spect the new folding tables he has just re ceived.- gyNoveity folding tables, just the tiling for use in Dakoka, at C. R. Black's. jsgrit will save time and money to make final proof before W. P. Miller, Clerk of the District Court for Steele county, at liis office in Hope, D. T. 52tf Honey to Loan. Apply to PICKERT BROS. Pickert, Steele Co., D. T. For Sale. N. P. Rasmusson lias a second hand thresh ing machine for sale cheap, and on time. Call on section 28,144,57. aul-lin Wanted. A competent girl to do general housework and cooking in a small family. Nona but one who understands cooking need apply. Apply to D. P. BALDWIN, Grand Arcade, Hope, D. T. Caution, Tax-Payora. All tax-payers in Steele county are hereby cautioned against paying any taxeB outside of IIi« comity. N. H. BSIKFLI, 32tf Treasurer Steele Co. To Capitalists. The school board of Highland whool town ship, Steele county, offer for sale the school bonds of the township to tho amount of $",000, at SI8 cenls on the dollar. Said bonds are re deemable at the end of eight years and payable in fifteen years, and boar interest at the rate of 7 per cont. par annum, and are secured by a lien upon all tho taxable property of said school township. Parties desiring to purchase will address FRANK LOSSING, Clerk Highland School Township, jylS Hope, Steele county, D. T. Take Noticc. Coal by the car on track at Hope, D. T. Pittsburg *..$ 8.15 Willow Bank S.95 Iowa Lump 7.10 Lackawanna Nut 10.80 Lackawanna Stove 10.80 H. L. SMITH, Hope, D. T. Spring and Summer Cloth ing Samples From G. W. Simmons & Co., Boston, Mass. Samples representing the stock of one of the largest Clothing Houses in the country, have just been received. To secure- UaiectioR of choicest styles, leaveejuiforders. ma2 .-IV. "P. BALDWIN, Hope, D. T. 'ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at niglit and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of catting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is in calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf fer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no inistako about it It cures dysen tery and diarrhoea, regulates tho stomach and. bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re duces inflamation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for children teothing is pleasant to the taste, and the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all drug gists throughout Uie world. Price 25 cents a bottle. What a Woman Says About the Be eelpta in the Famous Albert JLee Cook Book. Your valuable Cook Book came to hand, for 'which accept my thanks. It's a treasure, for its receipes are plain, and the book is well gotten up ite typographical and general make uj speaks well for your department in doing so much for the "Women of America." May your road bo as successful as every woman will he who follows your Cook Book, and every tnan W1K «ats thereafter. Yours truly, Mas. M. R. KARSTERS. This beautiful book contains 144 pages with Sllumtnated -covers. Sent on receipt of Ten cento in Stamps or Cash. Address, BABCOCE, FORT & Co., Chicago, 111. None Bnt First Class Goods. In Watches, Jewelry and Silverware one •flioukl havo tho bCBt or nono. Messrs. Shurley -ft. Co., Chicago, are making a spocialty of fine goods, and if you need anything in watches, in dust and water proof cases, solid silver or triple plated ware, solid gold or rolled gold jewelry, .send to Shurley & Co., they will send a single articlo at the dozen price. They are vouched for and endorsed by the United States Express Co., American Express Co., Southern Express Co., F. W. Palmer, Postmaster of Chi cago, Gen. A. C. Smitli, Ex-State Treasurer, and many others. Goods. sent ou approval, Avith privilege of examination, enabling you -to do your purchasing at home. Remember Shurloy & Co., 77 State Street Chicago, 111 -Send for Uwlr new and beautifully illustrated •oatalogue. 25-12 W* I A?' fir LOOKING FOB AH OUTLET. Hndmon's Bay aa a Routefor Shipping drain. The Kewfoundland sealing steamship Nep tune—tlie same which two ytars ago was sent in search of Lieut. Greeloy—sailed from Hali fax, N. S., July 22, in command of Lieut A. R. Gordon, of the Canadian meteorological service, for the purpose of establishing stations for scientific observations in Hudson's Bay. The stations are to be located in the following places, six on the strait and one on the west shore of the bay: No. 1 at Cape Clmdley, at the southeastern entrance to Hudson strait No. 2 on Resolu tion Islaud, at the northeast entrance to the strait, and about 45 miles across from station one. No. 3 at Cape Hope, or on the south sido of stations one and two. This will be tho chief point of observation. No. 4 will be loeated directly north of No, 3, on the north bluff of one of the islands close by, according to cir cumstances. No. 5 on the southeast end of Nottingham Island, about 200 miles from sta tion four. No. 6 on the north side of Mansfield Island, some 150 miles from station fiv*. Ob serrations of the northern part of tho bay will be made from this point. No. 7 at Fort Churchill, at the mouth of the Churchill river, on the wost shore of the bay and about COO miles from station six. At all the stations the usual meteorological observations will be made heavy tidts will bo measured the drift of water will be no ticed, and the conditions and state of the ice. Each station party will consist of two uieu and au Esquimau interpreter, besides the officer in charge, and sufficient provisions and fuel for fifteen months will be tupplied. The observa tories are made in sections, and will be taken out in tho steamer, and put up ou the sites se lected by the commander as the vessel pro grosses through the strait. Next year these stations will bo visited, and other parties left in charge. The most iinportaut work the par ties will be called upon to perform will be to carefully watch and note the breaking up of the ice, the tides, and all other characteristics perlinent to navigation. Tho sum of $70,000 has been appropriated by the Canadian government to make these ex plorations, but the immediate end in view is practical rather than scientific. It is thought that notwithstanding all the unfavorable re ports so far received, it may be found that Hudson Strait is open a sufficiently long period in the late summer and early fall of each year to mako it profitable to ship grain by that way to Liverpool from the Winnepeg Yalley, which is directly counectcd with the western shore of Hudson's Bay by the Nelson and Churchill rivers. Lieut Gorringe investigated this ques tion about threo years ago, on behalf of the Northern Pacific railroad company, but he re ported thai any successful trade in this way was impracticable, on account of the foes as well as the ice, which would hardly leave au average period of six weeks for tolsrably safe navigation, while even this period varied with the season, and during such time navigation was often interrupted. The Manitobans are not yot convinced, however, and the recent rapid growth of that province has induced the Dominion government to send out this expe dition to mako a more thorough Investiga tion.—Scientific American. Han and His ^Miseries. Man that is of woman born is small potatoes and few in the hill. He riseth up to-day qnd flourislietli like a rag-weed, and to-inorrow OK Hie day utter the undertaker has him in the ice box. He gootti forth iu the morning warbling like a lark, and is knocked out in ono round and two seconds. In the midst of life he is la dpbt, and the tax collector pursueth him wherever he goes. The banister of life Is full of splinters, and he slideth down with considerable rapidity. He walketh forth in the bright sunlight to absorb ozone, and meeteth the bunk teller with a sight draft for $357. He cometh home at eventide and meetetli the wheelbarrow in his path, and the wheel barrow riseth up and smiteth liim to tho earth, and falleth upon him, and rumietli one of its legs into his ear. In the gentle spring-time he putteth on his summer clothes, and a blizzard striketli him far away from home, and filleth him with woe and rheumatism. He layeth up riches in the bank, and the cashier speculateth in margins and then goeth to Canada for his lioalth. In the autumn he puttott'^n his winter trousers, and a wasp that abiuetli iu thorn fill eth himself full of intense excitement He sittoth up all night to get the returns from Ohio, and in the end learncth tiiat-ihs other fellows have carried it "!Efe ucyetliTwateh-dog, and when he com eth home the watch-dog treetli him and sittoth beneath him until rosy morn. He goeth to the trot aud betteth his money on the brown mare, and the bay gelding with a blaze face winneth. He marrieth a red-headed heiress with a wart on her nose, and the next day her pater nal ancestor goeth under with few assets and great liabilities, and cometh home to live witli his beloved facm-iji-Jaw.—Fuck. llope as a Remedy against Uissasc. Br. 3. Mortimer Granville has been lately rather severely handled by the mcdical press of London, because he wrote a letter on this subject to one of the daily papers. He is criti cised as having performed an unethical act iu thus advertising himself in an unprofessional manner in a lay journal. This question we will leave to our transatlantic brethren, while we say a few words upon the subject matter of his letter. But little touched upon, hope as a remedy against disease is, if wisely and judiciously employed., one of. the most valuable and useful means that the phyiicta .can employ. Call it what wo may, and reason about it AS please, no man of experience will for au iustant ques tion that Imagination, the prejudices, tho mental condition, the conviction .of the pAtient in many coses, exerts a most powerful and most real influence upon the progress and termina tion of diseased conditions. Has it not hap pened to every one ot our readers (It repeated ly has to us) to discover aceblep&lly, to speak, a condition of chronic disease, which has evidently been present for years, and yet the patient has maintained fairly good health, and is, at the time of the discovery, in no ini. mediate apparent danger yet when told that he Is afflicted with an incurable disease that may carry him off in a few days, or that he may lire for months, immediately wilts, like the sensitive plants wh«n touched, ##d dies in a day or two? Again, do we not all know of cases of chron ic disoaae, in persons with a happy, hopeful, contented disposition, disease that we felt sure would soon prove fatal? And yet we see them go on day after day and year after year enjoy iug apparently good health. Of course we are familiar with and thoroughly recognize the fact that worry, that mental anxiety, is dia iHetilcjilly opposed to good health and long life and in this fact wo recognize tho expla nation of the infiueiico/jf depressing opinions and advice -for if wo tell a yifh a ucr VOUB temperament that he may die in A JEW days, from that moment all peace and content ment vanishes from his life, while anxiety, worry, and unrest take posssession of his whole being. The practical point to be dcduced from these reflections is that it will redound not only to your patient's advantage, but also to your own professional reputation, to make it a rule al ways to take the most hopeful view that is possible of the patients condition, especially when tho man or woman is ono of tho "ner vous, worrying kind," and always to remem ber that "hope kept alive" is tlio great sccrot of success amoug quacks. Let us steal their thunder.—The Med. and Surg. Reporter. Our Presidential Campaign Offor. It is proposed to send tho Woekly Pioneer PI-CSB to any address in the United States or Canada, postage prepaid, for eight months for seventy-five cents. To tlioso who are already subscribers to this excellent journal, it is un necessary for us to extol its merits but to those who arc unfamiliar with its columns we would say that tho Weekly Pioneer Press stands at tho head and front of journalism in this country. For full and complete nows and miscellany, interesting correspondence from all parts of the world, accurate and- complete market reports, it is excelled by no weekly paper Kast or West. Those subscribing uow will receive the paper during the ontiru presidential campaign and until after the assembling of congress, flext fall. We hare made a clubbing arrangement which ponnits us to offer the Weekly Pioneer Press and tho HOPE PIONEER for eight mouths for $1.25 cash, and confidently expect that every farmer and mechanic in the county will avail himself of this opportunity to sucuro his home paper and a first-clasB metropolitan paper for the Buiall sum above named. This offrr will be open until next September, but iu or der to cover tho full campaign, subscriptions should be made at once. For the Campaicn. The great political battle of 1S84 has opened. Its events and incidents will bo faithfully re corded in the Pioneer Press, tho people's organ of the great Northwest. None of tho features that have'made this reliable journal a welcome visitor and house hold authority will be omitted. The newB from all quarters will bo found iu its pages. Putting the price down to cost and allowing no commission to agents, we propose special rates to the people on the Woekly Pioitoer Press as follows: Single subscriptions, S mouths, 25 cents clubs ot five, to one address, 3 months, $1.00, which is only 20 cents for each subscriber for 3 months. This offer holds good only till September 1st, 1884. Mcney may be sent by draft, money or der, postal note or registered iettcr. Address to PIONEER PRESS CO., St. Paul, Minn. Specialists. The farmer who is specialist is nlinoBt cer tain to fail. oxceptious, but they only go to provo the rule. Farming is an oc cupation that demands variety. If shoop are bred the meadows must be attended to in order to provide the winter's food. Grain is alio to be provided. We do not wish for a moment to bo understood as speaking of those who broed fine sjoclt exclusively wo mean the ordinary farmer. Ireland wa» OUOB a tei'fible example of the thing we discourage. Previous to the disastrous famine of 'IS, the inhabitants de pended upon tho potato for food. Since that timo the people have learned wisdom and no Ion gat bisa {lieir.liopes of subsistence upon the success or failure of one (slop. In sur country there is a good deal of the same sort of thing. Dairying is pursed by some to the exclusion of everything else, and when the market is dull, tlie fannor is poor. So of other hrauches.—Ex. .• 1* The Hay Crop. We hear a great deal about the big corn and grain and vegetables of Dakota, but the grass cro') is not receiving the uotice which it merits. The praise all over jg covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, superior for giving a iil hay to any of tho tame grasses which are grown east. A heavy cut of hay may be taken from any placo iu the whole country, and it has fat tening jji'Qppj-ties equal to the coininou grasses of other sections with gfaiij Sjj}4ed' If TERRITORY MIL ttl8 grass of Dakota could be turned into beef it would supply the wayjfets of tho world for tlie next twelve months. This crop ia ag good as gold, and the day is not far distant when not a single spear wi!( be -Ulowed to go to waste.— Mitchell Itepublican. New Orleans Exposition. The front of the gre«t World's- Bxpssitioa "UuTIding anJewTji'ieaus jg ready to receive the msusive group iu bronze entitled ''America," now beiug made at Canton, Oh|o, Tennessee, among other things, will send to Hie World's Exposition a marble temple show ing specimens of marble taken from various parts of the State. Jfc'or County Treasurer. Please announce my name as an liulepend »t candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Steele County at tlie coming general election In November. SAMUEL J. AXDAHL. A Caid. Beiug called away on account of sickness in my family, I aye loft uiy notes and accounts with John P. Worth ft* flection. Those who are indebted to us will please remember this when they sell their wheat. E. P. WmuilT & Co. OF DAKOTA, I County of Traill, District Court, Third Judicial District. The Chemical National Bank of NewYoik,^ Plaintiff, I against Rozel F. Pickert, Defendant. Tho Territory of Dakota to tlie above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the PlaintilT In the above entitled action which Is Hied In the office of the Clerk ot the District Court of the Third Judicial District, in and for the County of Traill and Ter ritory of Dakota, and to serve a copy of your an swer fo t'ie said complaint on the subscriber, at their oillife in tie city of Fargo in the County of Cass and Territory-' of Dakoto, within thirty days after the service of this Suuftupijs upon you ex clusive of the day of such service ainrlf you tall to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the J'lalr.tlll' lu this aeiion will take Judgment against you for the sum of Twevty-Klve Hundred and Eighty-Six Dollars and sixty-Nine Cents, with Interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum from the ilth day of May. A. D. 1870. to gfctl^r with the costs and disbursements of this aetldh. J.F-B ft flalntifTs Attorney*, Dated 'Favgo, Dsirota Territory. 1 id at Furgo, Dak-, June 28$, 1884. rpmuroKV District Court, Third Judicial WstifcjL Henry S. Billings and Victory £. Wctniore, 1 co-partners uuder the firm name of Billings Wetmore, Plaintiffs, against Roiel F. Pickert, Defendant The Territory of Dakota to tlie above named Defenuan!: You are heiiVy summoned and required to an swer Uio colnfilajnt ot lit PjalntlUa In the above entitled action, which Is filed f» tlw office of the Clerk of the Dlstrlct'i oUrt of 111' -. TJil.'d Judicial District, in and for the County of'Traill-and Terri tory of Dakota .and to serve ii copy of yirur answer to the said complaint ou tha fjiilV-crlbers at their office lu tho city 01 Fargo In the County of iss and Territory of Dakota within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service ana If you tall to an swer the said complaint within the time afore said. the Plaintiff in til's fiction will take Judg ment against you for the sum of Tweuty-Two Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and Eighty-Nine Ceuts, with interest at the rate ot 7 per cent, per annum from the 1st day ot May, 1879, together wil the costs nud disbursements of this action. lillXEf it Cril L'lifiE, i-iiilntlhV Attorneys, Firgo, Dakota Territory. Dated, July 11U-', 188*.. /«. •VTOTICE OF FISiAIi PKOftF. -J- Laud Office at Fargo, 1. T.. 1' August tlth. 1884. NotI»e Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim and secure llual entry thereof on the 8tl day ot October, 1884, viz: George S. Christian, H. K. No. 1U.410 tor the north east Quarter (n 14) of sec. 8, tp. 14U n, 6(1 w. and names the following as his witnesses, vis: Georse Story, ol Kllsbur}-, Uarncs Co„ D. T., Thomas J. Sussex, Henry N. Barrett, Winfleld S. 01 f[6(1, of Hope, Steele county, D. T. The testi mony to be taken before Alexander HcComiell, clerk of the district court at Valley City, Barnes county, D. T„ 011 the 80th day ot September, A. B. 1884, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Keilster. E. .J. McMahon,att'y. aul5-2y-2»sep5-l2-10 OTICK OF FIXA1/ PROOF. Land Office at Fargo, D. T., I August 4th, 1884. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and secure final entry theieot on tlie 22d day of September, 1884, vlx: James R. Iteasoner, H. K. No. 11,770 for thes i.i of sec 20, tp 1-14 n, r54 w.and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Ben jamin F. Waldren. Robert A. Fope, Sidney C. Fuller, Howard MeGovney, all of Hope, Steele county, D. T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to bo taken before Charles A. Renwlck, Judge and ex-oRlcIo clerk of the probate court of Steelo county. D. T., at Hope, Steele county, D. T„ on the llltli day of September, A. D. 1R84, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN1, Register. "N"' C.J. Paul, attorney. nuS-15-22-L",)ae|i."-12 \TOTLCE OF I IXAI, PROOF. -i-( Land Office at Fargo. D. T., I June 2fl, 18X4. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice, ot his Intention to make final proof In support, of ids claim and secure filial entry thereof on the 2tHh day of August, 1884. vl-: Andrew M. Thompson, II. E. No. I2.!tr0 r«r the of sec 8. tp 14411, 54 w, and names the following as his witnesses, vi»: Howard UcGovney, W. 11. II. Honey, Benjamin F. Waldren, James Wlilsnand, all of llope, Steele county, D. T., the testimony of claimant and wit nesses to be taken beforo Charles A.ReuwIck. Judge and cx-ofllclo clerk of the probate couit of Steele county, D. T., at Hope. Steele county, D. T„ on the 2:ld day of August, A. D. 1884, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. C. J. Paul, attorney. iylS-2raut-8-15-22. \rOTICE OF FLXAI, PROOF. Land Office at Fargo, D. T., I July yilth, .1884. I Notice Is hereby given thatthe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof 011 the ltitli dav of September, 1884, vl/: Marcus Nelson, H. E. No. X,U:iH for the Vj of 1/4 and 01,3 ot iu of sec 34, tp 147 11, 55 w, and names the lollowhig as his witnesses, vis: Osten ltaddeiand, Erik Engen, Johannes Tiotum, Ole A. Odden, all of the post office ot Portland. Traill county, D. T. The testi mony of claimant and witnesses to be taken be fore W. P. Miller, clerk ot the district court, at Hope, Steele county, I). T.,on the lijtb day of September, A. D. 1SK4, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G. A. White, attorney. auS-1 !-22-2!lsep!-l2 "VT OTICK OF FIX A I, PROOF. _i_\ Land Office at Fargo, D. T., I July 1, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has illed notice of his Intention tomuke final proot lu support of his claim and secure final entry thereof 011 the 25th day of August, 1884, viz: Arthur M. McLaughlin, H. E. No. 13008 for the sw 14 of sec ft, tp 144 n, 51! sv, and names the following as his witnesses, viz Edmund C. McLaughlin, Henry H. McLaughlin. Andrew K. N.vho, John Knutson, all of Hope, Steele county. D. T., the testimony or claimant nnd witnesses to be taken before W. P. Miller, clerk of fhe district court at Hope. Steele county. D. T.. on the 2yl day of August, A. D. 1884. at his office. to HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jy4-1 l-18-2oiua-8-l 5-22 "VTSTHS FI^JAT, PROOF. _I_S U. S. Land Office, Farpo, D. T„ I July 8, 1884. I" Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention m:.lce final proof in support of his claim and secure fin al entrv thereof 011 the 22dday of August, 1884, viz: Christian Ostenson, D, S, No. 102K2 for tlie 11 14 of sec 12, tp 147 u. 5t! w, ami names the following as hts witnesses, vU: Hans E. Haugh veldt, Ivor Fogurs, Siver Holen, Hans Gllbertson, allot Steele coufity, D. T., the testimony to be tiiken before W. P. Miller, clerk of the district court at llope. Steele county. 1). T.. ou the 20tli day of August, A. f., 1SM4. at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. jyll.-18-25aul-8-l5 •VTTOTICB OF CONTEST. U. S. Laud Ofllcc, l''argn, D. 1\, I July llth, 1884. Complaint having been entered at this office by John N. Henrlcy against Joseph Boucher for abandoning his homestead entry No. 11703, dated Nov. 21,1882, upon the northeast quarter W of section 82, township 148 north, range 57 west, lr the can hereby summoned to appear 21st day ot August. 188-1, at 10 o'clock a. 111., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said 1,4J UI scuUUii lUVYjibiuj) iiorcu, ruilgC West, in Sfceie county, D. f., wjth a. .. A, 1), eighteen hundred and eigty-tour, r&<, ,,,3 a.rrr.-itr view to cancellation ot said dntiyi the said parties are reby summoned to appear at this office on the alleged abandonment. E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. "VTOTICE OF COSTEST. iX l'. S. Laud offios av Fnmo, D, T,. I August 1st, 1884. 1 Complaint having been entered at this office by Jeise J. Bugbee against Lydla A. Sears for aban doning lier homestead entry No. 11,040. dated October 2Hth, 1882, upon the 14 of section 1, township 148, range 57. ill Steelo county, I). T., with a view to the cancellation ot said entry tho said parties aid hereby summoned to appear at this office ou the ltitli day of September, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. 111., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. au8-l5-22-2!tsep5 HORACE AUSTIN, Register. XTOTICE «F CO.NTKST. _L\ U. S. Land Office, Fargo, p. T„ I .|uly8d. 1884- Complaint haying been entered at this' by Robert B. Cochrane against George A.Dyer for abandoning his homestead entry No. 10,84(1, dated June 20, 18S2, upon the 14 of sec 14, tp 147 11. 5rt w, In Steele County, Dakota Territory, with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tije 28th day of August, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. m„ to respond and fumls) tos|,IniQuy poi'^erninj oitid alleged abandonment. LulUCE AUSTIN, Register. Jyl8-25aul-8-lS ^/fOltTGAfiE SAfcE, .ivjL Default lias been lnijde lu the conditions of a certain mortgage executed ahd delivered by John J. Erstad and Aniia J. Erstad liis wife, mortgagors, tp Mw y. Storer, .Mortgagee, dated the27th day of March, A. Ii. el&hteen hundred and eighty and recorded as a mortgage in the office of the Register of Deeds of the'County of Traill I11 the Territory of Dakota, 011 the 20th day ot Match, A. I). 1880. at 0:30 o'clock a. in:,In book of mortgrigtss. on pagps Oil an(l 07, on which theie is claimed to be duo at tle date of this notice, the aniouut of tour hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy-one cts., ($4t57.71) and 110 action or proceeding has been Instituted at law or III equity to recover the debt secured by said murtgage or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and ot the statute in such case made and provided, the said mort gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, which sale will be made at the front door of the County building in the village of Hope, lu the Comity of Steele and Territory ot Dakota, at public auction by the deputy, duly ap for that pur ql September, at 2 o'clock "or that pi 101 In ilia afyennion, |o satisfy the amount which .|ttl the in- •rjsed of sale, dated in said mortgage In case ot foreclosure. The premises described lu said mortgage, and so to be sold, are the lo{., piece or parcel of land situated lu the County of Steelpiind Territory of Dakota and known and desorlbod 11s follfiwji, to Wit The northwest quarter VJ) of section No. two (2) in township one hundred and forty-eight (148) north of range No. fifty-four west (r54wjof the fifth principal meridian, containing one hundred and titty-eight and seventy-two hundredths acres, more or less, according to government survey. MARY F. STOKER, Mortgagee. MILLER &GRKENE, attorneys for mortgagee. Dated, Fargo, D. T., July 14,1884. w. IP. Miller, ..' Attorneyst-i-aw. Real Estate TOWN LOTS and Farm Lands Sold ou Commlfclon. W. P. 31 II!T, Cicrli hiiifriclCourf. MOXKY WAX ISO FOll FlXAhVKOOFS. Do You TIUT LGRRiLLARD'S St.Paul, V-' Minneapolis ....AlO).... Manitoba RAILWAY, WITH ITS 1,400 MILES OF ROAD Is the only line extending through the Park Region of Minnesota To all practical points in ItED ELVER VALLEY, N011TJIER.N MINNESOTA, NORTHERN DAKOTA, AN1) TO Devil's Lake & Turtle Moil ntain Dist's, Containing over 9,000,000 ACRES Government Lands! The Land Department of the St. Paul, Minne apolis & Manitoba Railway has exclusive charge of the Company's lands In -Minnesota, and all correspondence relative to the purchase of lauds, terms, description or price of any particular tract should be addressed to that Department. Maps and pamphlets describing Ihe country, giving rates of fare to settlers, etc.. mailed FREE to any address, by AS. IS. FOWliB, Land and Immigration Commissioner. C. II. WAR11KX, General Passenger Agent, St. r. M. & M. R'y, St. Paul, Minn. llr. F. E. McCutehiiis, E N I S HOPE, D. T. HOPE Meat Market. «EO. J. Itl-ITK J/V.I5, Prop. Fresh and Corned bleats, llama, Bacon, Ss:lt Pcrlr,Spice Roll, &c. O. W.XNAPP, Contractor and Builder. Estimates furnished 011 all class es of Buildings. The best work men employed, and all work war ranted. HOPE, I). COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a stanflfir4 of oxoellenco which admits of no superior. It ooutoins every improvement that inventive gcniii*, skill mul money can produce. Those excellent Organs are celebrated foi olume, quality of tone, quick response, varictv of combination, artistic design, beauty in limsri, crfcct construction, making them the moat ill motive, ornamental aiid desirable organs foi homes, scuooly, churchcs, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABI,!SHEB BEl'JJTA'nOy, V3l'£tIIAL£I) FACILITIES, NIUILED WOltKMEJf, PEST JIATEBIA1, coMMNiin, M.»KE Tina THE POPULAR 0B3AN Instruction Books & Piano Stools Catalogues &. Price Lists, on application, FREE. O uykiis' uide The Chicago Cottage Organ Co. Corner Randolph and Ann Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. Tlic sale prices diyect (q consumers ou all goods for personal or family uso, Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books coir taiij information gleaned from tlie mat» kets of the world,' Wo will mail a. copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage—7 cents. Let us licar from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & Abox CLIMAX PLUC TOBACCO with Red Tin Tag Roup Fine Cut .Oliow ln Navy Clipping*:, and Cl.-sck, Brown and Yeiiow fciiiiifl'n are the best and cheapest, Quality considered? Gome and T. THE I A O B. K. WIIITXEY, Manager, is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8J1IIJ inches, with over 3,300 illustrations—a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole CO. UtT 4e 220 Wal»ash Avenue, Chicago* 111. jOa week at home. $5.00 outfit free, i'ny «lf)OOabsoluto!y sure. No risk. Capital not required. Render, II you want business at wlilch persons of either sex, young or oM. can malic great pay "All tt)o tlnie iliay work, with absolute certainty, Wrlte'ior iiartlculrtrs to II. HalUitt A. !o., Portland, Maine. 31-1(1 A r1 T? XT rri Li wanted tor The I-ives ot XVVX 1 Oall the Presidents of the U. M. 'J'lie largest, handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest sell ing book In America. Immense profits to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Anyone can become a successful agent. Terms free. If allctt Book Co., Portland, Mftlue. ill-31 |)p7f/l? -Send etoi'Qpntsforpost 1. lilacs', and receive free, a costly of goods which will help' iron to more money right away than flnythlua filse lu thl« world: AU, of either sex, suocecd from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the werk crii, filMOluttily sui'o. Co., Augusta, Malno. CK know At ouco address, True 4k 31-8] 'l /"V 1' V,,r t'le working claw. Send 10c V/ I I /for iiostflso. and we will mall you free, a rojal, valuable box of sample goods that will put you In tlje way of making more money In a few days than you over thought possible at any bUHlnewi. Capital nut required- We will start you. You can Vsork all the tlnie or hi spare time only. Th« work 1." ..\i iWMsftlly adapted to both nexcit, roung and old: Y011 can easily earn lhm 50 sculp tp sr, every (ivenlti That all who wapt irk'r 1 Full particulars, dl:cjtloiM, eta., SCUt too- For tune will 1,0 made iy tboso who give their whole time to tk^ work. Ureal success ab io:ulcly eure. fioii't delay, bltul uow. Addreu. SrluMon A Co., Portion (VMftlne, 3131 H.' "-Vt Vv,y 'S*» l-fi v. a.--* -P® DEALERS IjST BEHOLD THE PROOF! CiUtMfi-LV.'i-t.a SIX PIECES IN THIS USED ON ARE DOING THE WORK OF Thirty NOW WATCH the other Machins-men squirm and claim IMAGINARY IMPROVEMENTS. See of anything In our lino at bottom prices. Our Kolto: LUMBER! C. ML the Oeering Binder, ?„nd gvatify YOUR CURiOSITY, if nothing els® Aro Agents for the following lirst-clas-s goods: Tlie KRICK WAGON, the Fl'RST & BRADLEY SULKY PLOW, the CANTON SULKY PLOW, the CASSIDY SULKY PLOW, tho KURST & BRADLEY GANG, the BUFOIU) GANG, tho 1IILEURN WAGON and CARRIAGES, and other IMPLEMENTS, and also have a full and complete line of IEAEtnWAUE, 8TOVKS a«»! TIK W'AitlB of all de- ecrii'tlonL'. Remember the firm, and give us a cn'I, nud we v.-iSl trj- and eutkly the v::uitc of all In need '-'A'tet. Nelson -All kinds of—• LATH, SHINGLES SASH AND DOORS. "5Ta,rcis west of GRMD ARCADE TO ALL BUYERS OF MERCHANDISE, OLD SETTLERS AND NEW COMERS, THE G-RAND ARCADE IS NOW FULL IN ALL its SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS, BOOTS and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CENTS'FURNISHING GOODS, Groceries and Provisions, FLOUR AgtiD FEED, Wholesale and Retail. WE CANNOT MENTION IN DETAIL HERE The THOUSANDS of ARTICLES COMPRISING- this MAMMOTH STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, SUFFICE IT TO SAY WE HAVE COT WHAT YOU WANT, AND WILL SELL AT PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH THE OLD FOGIES, AND MAKE ROME HOWL. P. Beidler & Robinson, Building Material FK/VKEE. GII/MOBR, manager. 9UV& Pieces THES The Deering I Other Binders. KNOTTER CJSED ON Tost as Vosivaelf." Lumber 3rt. JR.. HOPE, D. T. I'-'- r- Co.. saimm 1884 of Ail Kinds, HOPE, D. -W 'Mi