Newspaper Page Text
7. HOPE PIONEER. ,'V PUBLISHED jgVKRY FRIDAY. .- ^*l»fcei|»tt#«»,p«r Year...-.,,.-.....S8.00 *1* «••***..: l.OO HOPS, HABOH 27, 1886. fe£sf ADYKBTISINU BATES. ''^ssMlTeiUsements two laches deep or larger will ,Ji^lo»ert©lwithout special contract at the follow ing rate*: For first Insertion, single column, 60e Iter Inch dqnble ooltunn, 90c per Inch 8 columns wide, 31.20 per Inch* EachiiubaequeBt insertion one^ialt abore rates. We make special uniform rate* on contracts of 8 months or upwards, which In erery cage will be allowed to advertisers who seni! orders without waiting lor correspondence. Heading Notoes, 10c per line tor first, and 5c lor each subsequent Insertion. TERMS.—Cash with 'order or undoubted references. :'. .' sKnal Proofs S5.00 Contexts $5,00.' Other 1» gal advertising at legal rates, parable in advance. TOHIJBKCBUIEBB. yourpaper Is not received promptly, you will confer a favor by notifying the publisher at once. When this paragraph 1* marked it signifies that Uie subscriber is In arrears forthsPiONKjm, and such subscriber Isrespecttully requested to send us the money. Official Directory. .« TKBRITOBIAIi OmOSRS- Delegate to Congress—J. B. Raymond, Fargo, •tiovernor—Gilbert A. Pierce. Secretary—George H.Hand Treasurer—William H. McVcj,^"" *-t u,h Auditor—(J. L. Ordway. Jft iw, superintendent Instruction—W. H. H. Beadle. Suueyor-General—Cortei Fessenden. Chief-Jus tloe Sup, Court—A. J. Edgerton. Justice Third District—S. A. Hudson. District-Attorney—W. Ball 't. COCHTT OFTICSR8. County Commlseloners--J. A. Gray, Stein 11. Nelson, L. C. Gopierud. Begisterof Deeds—E. S Seymour 1 District Attorney—T. K. Hulme Sheriff—B. F.-Walden. 4 CletkDistrlctCburt—Wlllatxl P. Miller Treasurer—L.'X. Jacobspn. Assessor—OleJ.Cdltum. Probate Judge-B. L. Smith. County Superiniendent-G. W. Wlnchell. Coroner-HenryThumm. .. County Surveyor—Chas. Connor. Justices of the Peace—T. Lee. J. H. McLean, -E. J.-Etstad, Silas Taylor. Constables—B. R. Whitney,"Ole 0. Benson, T. Evsnson, Andrew Thumm. TIME TABLE. 4K MC Paul. JHinneapoUs rBallway, In 6ffpt'January 11,1885. ?T" snAiioss. Manitoba KABT. 8t Paul... Minneapolis Breckenrldge......... Wahpeton Dwlgnt Colfax Waleott.. Kindred Addison.. JDurblu Casselton.. Ripon...........i.i. Ayr ...... Page City Colgate Pope. 5 80 a. m. 7 55 a. m. 10 25 p. m. 10 20 p. m. 0 57 p. m. (115 p. m. 8 55 p. m. 8 2tt p. m. 8 10 p. m. 7 48 p. m. 6 40 p. m. 5IOp/-m. 435 p. m. 8 55 p. m. 3 20 p. m. 250 p.m. 7 00 p. ra. 7 85 p.m. 4 45 a. m. 5 07 a. m. 5 22 a. m. 6 00 a. m. 6 18 a. m. 43 a. in. 7 11 a. m. 7 28 a. 7 55 a. nr. 9 35 a. m. 10 05 a. m. 10 45 a, m. 1115 a.m. 1145 p. m. 'Trains on Hope branch run Tuesdays, Thurs dus, and Saturdays. Sleeping car service between St. Paul and Cas selton. Tickets (o all points in the United States and Canada can be procured of C. A. Barlow, ticket agentat Uope. ®""Clatt«l mortgage blanks lor sale at tliis •.office. Satisfaction of chattel, mortgage blanks lor .'sale at this office. Money to,loan for final proof and on mort gagee. Inquire of E. J. McMalion. Native seeds- can be procured from •'•ir 1 f. ADVICE TO HOTHEHS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain 6f cutthigteeth? If so, send at once ,,t.,and get a bottle of Mrs. Wiualow's Soothing ^t^yrup for children teething. Its value is in calculable. It tvill relieve the poor little suf fer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, thereis no mistake about it It euros dysen teiy and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gnins, re dttcea infUunaUon, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and the prescription, of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physician's in the United States, and is for sale by all drug- G. Madland, the North Dakota seedman, Fargo. |l»l I MP| II H', C. J. Paul loans money for final proof on better termg than can be secured elsewhere. Send to J. G. Madland, Fargo, D. T., for garden, field, andtred seeds, plants, trees, and nursery stock. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. If you want garden, field, or tree seeds that you can depend on groWing, send to J.G. Madland, the North Dakota seedman, Faigo, D. T. For Sale. The east half of section 20 (320 acres), town 143, range 5S. Price $6 per acre terms $800 cash or secured notes, balance in three yean time, with interest at 9 percent. Thereis a good hoase.on this place, 12x24, and 15S acres under cultivation. Don't miss this rare Bar 'rjg^n. Apply to OESEB BROS., Colgate, V. T. Farm for Rent. The northwest quarter of section 6, town ship 145, range 86, contuning 126 acres ready for. crop. There is a good painted dwelling, granaryi bqru, .weUt -etc., on the place. There is seed wheat (did hay on the farm.. This is a rare chance for a good tenant For particulars apply to T. K..HULME, Hope, D. T. ttrnakeaaMs, or the l.Iqnor Habit, can be Cared by Administering Dr. Haines' tioldeu Hpeclflr. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking it, ef fectlng a speedy and permanent cure, whether the pattent tea moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own freewill. No harmful ^^cffects result from- its administration. Cunts. guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address Golden Specific Co., 185 Bace street, Cincinnati, 0. gists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. it %'r How to Travel, Atthi* season of the.yflar mwiy who have 'Ifflpeijt flMMmmer«n their claims, or who hnve ¥been out fa^eeXor years, are going east to spend tybfi wtetff WlttrOW Wends and acquaintances, i^faepi jrw bqy jmnr ttirougb ticket adc for it ia*h0 ^WLlto^^^ftomBt Panl to Chi j0. ,lWe'have trftveied of^ werr road 1»- Wd"8t IWali liidiit haw no ljei.1- friiJtaUopsii(JwlyjsS»g ourftjen^fo travKlover the ^'AotAilRoci*,"- TrSjiaTdd ialso that it Is Iwst Foufe^ibe frodd'ft.SziMrilioir-at •yewOrteaan. b-.8t1TO(U4 lilctiwiU'/.-Frec. A gfaod 6Q0-)iagejllctio(tary .1^Jte wntt^rbe JeiveiTPW^MndliiBflforlliei 'ml ttfr£^-B^wr' m. Ibis O^Bsstat^rswr« 4tmihi (fouroiifawwjiogl f.Cedar 'U i-., .' vL mnis or immm. Easter tails on April 6.-r DIminuUve, wire-tailed pugs are becoming popular. tola's income lias averaged $60,000 ay em: for six yearn The Spaniards shout "Oye! oyer' ("Hearl hearln) when using the telephone, In Porto Bico an outlay of $2. will clotbifi 'ati. entire family «f six parsons for a year. Ijoudon lias 28,000 people who get their llv ing by appearing in public on the (M'ge. An English clergyman recently''performed 108 baptisms and nine marriage* on one Sun- dW. In view of a possible famine of boxwood, glass is now utilized for the wheels of roller skates. The hens of this country must needs be in dustrious, Forty-five million eggs are con sumed daily. A Macon, Ga., man is trying to devise a method of sawing wood by electricity on a plan of which lie dreamed. New Yorfc has a man who^advertises trochee for dogs which are guaranteed to make the breath of poodles and pugs fragrant A novelty in head gear for ladles' wear is a tiny bonnet made of natural flowers. Of course, it is good for one appearance only. Henry Bergh is opposed to Scotch terriers kissing ladies on this cheeks, because cosmetics have a deleterious effect on the dogs. The bell in the Botnan Catholic church at Kaskaskia, 111,, is 144 years old, and was a present to Uie parish from the King of France. The new English Postmaster General, haying gone down to his office and let himself in with a latchkey was promptly arrested by a detec tive and held until identified as a non-dyna miter. Many instances are cited by a statistician in the endeavor to prove that nearly the majority of the men who live to a great old age are those who suffered unusual hardships as sol diers or sailors. While Pennsylvania petroleum yields 70 per cent of kerosene, with a large residuum of lu bricating oil, the Caspian product yields but 28 per cent of kerosene, with a refuse fit only for fuel. The pastor of the Presbyterian cliurclt in Palmyra, Mo., draws his check for his salary once a month in advance, the arrangements being such that the amount is charged to the deacons. It is estimated that the grand balls- given by tbe President of tbe French Bepublic cost from $15,000 to $20,000 each. About 8,000 guests attend each of the ballB, of which two are given every year. A gang of eight men raided the China houses at Huntington, Ore., the other day, and secur ed about $2,000 from the inmates, who were .forced witli halters nroand their necks to give up their money. Edmund Yates says that when Mrs. Langtry first burst upon London society the dowagers declared "she had only two frocks." The next year, with, unabated malace, they wanted to know "who paid for all her gowns." At bis own request a Georgia farmer who died receetly was buried in a plain pine coffin, not even painted, and a pocketknife that he had carried for twenty years, together with a tooth pick aud pocket comb, were placed in his pock ets. .Under the delusive idea that she will receive a large reward for 1,000,000 canceled postage stamps/ a faraale resident of Newburyport, Mass., has succeedod In gathering half a million of them, and is eagerly striving for knottier 500,000. A stage wns upset in Applegate Creek, iu Southern Oregon, the other day by a ruBii of salmon. The horses were cut loose and the driver escaped on .their backs. The salmon crowded the river from bank to bank, and the school was over a mile long. Arsenical floors, in addition, to wall papers of that kind, are threatened in England. A corresponds writes of the London pa pers showing that an architect directs the washing of joiste for cellar floors with an'ar senical solution to prevent dry rot. Russia has la,231 doctors and maintains uni-' versifies at Kazan, Kiel, Charkow, Moscow, Warsaw, Helsingfors and Dorpat "The pro fessional men flock to the cities. In the coun try thousands of people die for want of med ical and surgical attention. «». Vail Plowing: •luwpn Harris thinks that farm horses can be put to no better use in autumn than pulling, the plow. In the September Agriculturist l?e Bays: "There is nothing pays so well as fall plowing, and getting land ready for spring sowing. The longer I live the more I am im pressed with this. fact. I say nothing on tbe disputed question in regard to breaking up sod' land in the autumn.. It is possible, as'some claim, that there is-A loss from drainage. But if any one will piow my land in the fall, I will run the risk. But what I have specially in view is, land not occupied with crop—corn land, potato land, bean land, stubble land aud weed laud. Stick in the plow if you can spare the time if not, harrow or cultivate. Better still, do botli. Light sandy land, plowed and pre pared in the autumn, can be sown in the spring without plowing. Heavy land, if plowed aud worked iu the fall, may need plowing again In the spring, but Uie work will be easier aud the land better. Keep the horses busy until snow flies. But the earlier the work is done, the better. One plowing while the land Is dry is worth two plowings when it is wet Hope Public School.'^1"''*' The following is a report of the above school as furnished by Mrs. Hogue: Week ending March 14. Boys. Ulrls. Total. Number enrolled... Average attendance Per cent of attendance... Cases of tardiuess. 15 5 20 14S 4.9 10.2 95.83 98 9(1 0 0 0 Week endiug March 20—Enrollment for week, boys, 13 girts, 5 total, 18: average attendance, boys, 12.4 g'irls, 4.8 total, 17.2 porcent of at tendance-boys, 95.88 girls, 1W total, 95.55 cases of tardiness—boys. 8 girls, 8 total, 6, Pupils tardy during two weeks—Edward Carpenter 1, Charles Mayliew 1, Bennle Wasem 1, Anna Williams 1, Carrie Williams 1, Edith Williams MBS. L. D. F. HOGUR, Teacher. .... I .. .'{HH Aa recable to Everybody. C'oL botwrt (i. Xing, for ten years D«puty Collector-Internal Revenue, Baltimors, Mary laud, writes: I endorse the Bed Star Cough Cure. 1 h^ve used it iu my family for a vio lent cough and found it excellent Its tun was entirely free (from the depressing effects of other cough remedies. It can readily be taken, and agrees with and benefits everybody suffer ing from throat and lung tronblrs. Tbe relief is permanent, and there is no reaction. i.SK S.v'.r.-,- WheuflUorney McMaiion, of Hope,was em ployed "to, defeat tlie county seat removal sdiemers, he was attacked in every way and finslfy aiwsted oia a trumped up charge and jteket) &om Bismarck:liot|e to answer a crlmi n^Ijciiw^. According TO y» last HOPE Pip KEKg Jioi^s dowsoed his and is on fep. Hi*-ene»BT «nd *t*ftoer«u»IW4» 4mm* Unles tor Weather Forecasts. When the temperatue falls suddenly there Is a 6torm forming south of you. a storm fohning ijortb of yotj. 1 xc^oa of fair wemtber to'a region whfere a swrmls forming. Cirrus clouds always move from a region where stonn is in progress to a region of fair weather. Cumulus clouds always move from a region of fair weather to a region wheroa storm is forming. Wiien cirrus clouds are uiovlug rapidly from the north to northeast, there will be rain in side of twenty-fonr horn's, no matter how cold itis. When the cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the south or southeast, there will be a cold rainstorm on the morrow, if in summer, and if it be the winter there will be a snow storm. The wind always blowB in a circle around a storm, and when it blows from thenortli the heaviest rain is east of you if it blows from the south the heaviest rain is west of you if it blows from Bast the heaviest rain is south of you if ft blows from the west the heaviest rain is north. Whenever heavy white frost occurs, a storm is forming within 1,000 miles north, or nortli west'of yon. A Possible Derivatlon or "Neirs: The word Is not, as many imaging, derived from the adjective new. In former years (be tween the years lo!)5 and 1780) it was a preva lent practice to put Over the periodical pnhllv cations of tbe day the initial letters of the car diual points of tlio compass, thus: N W- importing tiiat those papers contained intelli gence from the four quarters of the globe, and from this practice is derived the term of news paper.—Iiaydn's Dictionary of Article "Xcws." Fine So. 1 Hard (Seed Wheat for Sale. I have several thousand bushels of well cleaned, choice No. 1 Hard Seed Wheat, which I will sell at as reasonable a price as it can he bought elsewhere. J. K. JOSLYN, Hope, Steele Co., D. T. Oats Wanted. I want to buy BOO busheis of oats. Apply to D. P. BALDWIN, Postoffice, Hope, D. X. Bonds aud Orders Bought and Hold. Parties having county and school bonds aud orders to soli, will do well to call ou me, as 1 am both buying aud selling county and school bonds and orders. E. J. MCMAHON, Hope, Steele Co., 1). T. Wood Por Sale. I have about 300 cords of good oak fire wood which I will sell cheap for cash. Also fence posts, ground feed and oats, for feed or seed. N. P. BASMCSSOX, Section 28, tp 14-1, range 57. Saskatchewan Fife Wheat for Sale. Parties desiring a choice article of the cele brated Saskatchewan Fife wheat for seed, free from cockle and foul seeds, will do well to call on Win. Faulkner, east side of the railroad track, between Hope and Colgate. Seed Wheat for Sale. I have on liand a large amount of strictly No. I hard fire wheat for seed, which I will sell to farmers for cash or on time. For par ticulars apply to E. J. MCMAHON, Hope, D, T. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL Railway Is the Fast-Mail Short Line from St Paul and Minneapolis via LaCrosse and Milwaukee to Chicago and ail points iu the Eastern States and Canada. It Is the only line under one management between St. Paul aud Chicago, and is tbe Finest Equipped Bail way in tbe Northwest. It. is the outy lino running Sleep ing Cars with Luxurious Smoking Booms, and the Finest Diniug Cars in the World, via the famous "Biver Bauk Boute," along tbe shores of Lake Pepin and the beautiful Mississippi Biver to Milwaukee aud Chicago. Its/trains connect with those of the Northern lines in the Grand Union Depot at St Paul. No Change of Cars of any Class between St Paul and Chica go. For through tickets, time-tables, and full information, apply to any coupon tiekct agent in the'Nortbwest B. MILLER, Ass't (Jen'i. Manager A. V. H. CARPENTER, Gen'l. Pass. Agent GEO. H. HEAFFOBD, Ass'L fjreu'J. Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. W. H. DIXON, Ueu'l. Northwestern Passenger Agent, St Paul, Minn. KING'S EVIL? •Was the name formerly given to Scrofula bectiuso of a superstition that it could be cured bv a king's touch. The world Is wiser now, and knows that .SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purlflea rion of the blood. If this Is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Bolls, Carbuncles, Erysipelas. .Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kiduey and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayer Safcaparilla5 I* the o)Oy powerful and always reliable Mood-purifying medicine, THE KO VKRS3iKXT ftXOOKBKS The America^ Agriculturist. From the Tenth Census. vol. 8, juet published "ThC Ainerican Agriculturist.'liespecially worthy of mention, because Of the remarkable success that has attended the unique and untiring efforts I I a latlon. Its contents are dui of Its proprietors to Increase and extend Its circu— lation, its contents are duplicated every month for a Herman edition,which alaocliculntes widely.'' This tribute is a pleasing Incident in thfe mar vellous nearly HALF A CENTURY career of this recognlxed leadlnR-Agricultural Jour nal of the world. What it is To-Day! •Six month ago the American Agriculturist en tered upon a new career of prosperity, and to-day it is far superior, to any similar periodical ever produced In this or any other country. Klcherln editorial strength richer in eneravings printed on finer paper, and presenting in every issue 100 columns oforlglnal reading matter from the ablest wrltera, and nearly 100 Illustrations. Dr. George Thurber. for neariy a Quarter ot-a century theedi tor-ln-chlet of the American Agriculturist. Joseph Harris. Byron D. HaUtead. Col. M. c. Weld imd Andrews. Fuller, the other long time editors, to gether with the other writers who. have made the American Agriculturist what It Is to-day, are still at their posts. WHAT, FREE??? Every subscriber, whoso subscription Is Imme diately forwarded us with the price. 81.50 per year, and 15 cents extra foi postage on Cyclopaedia, making $1.85 in all, will receive the American Agriculturist for Dec., 1884, and all of 1885, and will be presented with the American Agriculturist: Family Cyclopedia, (just out). 700 pages and oyer l.OOp engravings. Strongly bound In cloth," black and gold, This entirely new volume Is a remarkable store house and book ot reference for every department. of human knowledge. Including an Agricultural Supplement by Dr. Thurber. beud three 2-cent stamps for mailing you spec imen copy American Agriculturist, an elegant forty-page Premium List, with 200 Illustrations, and specimen pages of our Family Cyclopaedia. Canvassers wanted everywhere. Address Publishers American Agri culturist, DAVID w. JoMi. Pres't. ., fpQfn«r It Is so effect, nal an alterative that it eradicates from the system -Hereditary Scrofula, and the Kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en rtclws and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat Regenerative Medicine to composed of the jrenuine fnrsapariUa, JBondurat with Uiigta, fellow Dock, StfL the Iodides of Potassium Iron, and and Other ingpeqients of great po tency. carefuiiv and scientifically com pounded. Its formula, is generally known to the medical profession, and (he best physicians constantly- prescribe AYBU'S DAKSAPARILLA us an 'j Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to tlic high cst practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects arc clairacd, ahd is therefore the cheapest, j' as well as the best blood purifying modi cine, in the world. ^l|Ayer'8 Sarsaparilla, was xftarAmto ir Dr. J, C. Aj/w &*Ce., IqwqII, Matt. ._ Analytical Chemists.) ,' Sold by all Druggists: Price M: SAM'L BDRNHAH. Sec. 751 Broadway, Xew fork. tub I A O Has attained a .standard of excellence which Udmitn of no superior. It contains every improvement that Inventive genius, skill and money can produce. .* :¥AH- excellent Organs are celebrated for S ty °Lt0?». quick response, variety wt'sUc ficsign, beauty in flnisn, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental 'and de&ir&ble onz&na foi* homes, sohools, church^ lodge" «ocieS" ete! ESTABLISHED REPEXATIOjr, UJfEQUAtED FACiEITIES, SKILLEB WOBKJIES, BEST MATERIAL, COJUJINED, MAKB THIS THE POPULAR OBQAN Instruction Books & Piano Stools Catalognea «t Prlco Lists, on applioatlon, FBKE. The Chicago Cottage Organ Co. Randolph and Ann Streets, CHICA6Q, ILL. ffllNMEAHULIi& ST.LUUISRT AND xn* "FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A ST.MN SUraten Tbe abore Is oorrect map of tbe ALBERT LEA ROUTE, •ml Its Immediate oonnijctlona. Thri.ngh Trmiju dally ft® ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS TO CHICAGO, without change, connecting with all lines CAST and SOUTHEAST. Tho only line rnnnlng Through Car. between MINNEAPOLIS and DBS HOWES, Iowa. Through Trains between MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS, ^'J&KS&SiF^-Wert. p,nyyA'' pAtAo* stnpixb Through Tlckeia. and bag- d? SSf'SSf,to ^""nation. For time tablet, rate ol we, sic, cal) upon nearest Ticket agent, or address S. F- BOYD, C'Tkt.*Pu». Ag't.mnMapriii. Art Independent (Newspaper of Den cratic Principles, but not Controlled\ tny Set of Politicians or Manipulator! Devoted to Col I ecti ng and Publishing a he News of the Pqy in the n^ost Intei ssting Shape and with the greatest poi iible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai ,'iality and to the Promotion of Demt iratic Ideatfand: Policy in the affairs aovernment'Society and Industry. Halt*, by Nail, PotljMtUh IAILY, per Year 1/HLY, per Month I N A a fAILY and SUNDAY per Year WEEKLY, per- Year $6 O .8 1 0 7 0 I 0 .lMre/0. IBB BPS. Sem Torit OUy. \i/ ITVT -money than anrtblnK 61*e by XXN tiiMax«n:nt:euey tor the )wst selling {took out. Begjuusns suocerdgninijly. None full Jems tree, iF .1, :S ....noe.. St. Paul, Minneapolis -A.,.AND..,. Manitoba BA1LWAY4 WMRITS I,BOO MILES OF ROAD Js the only line extending through the Park Region of Minnesota 1 Toallpractical points Iu RED ltrVER VALLEY,C:^? NpTHEEN klNNESGTA, DTlie Land Department of the St. Paul, Mlnne apolls & Manitoba Hallway has exclusive charge of the Company's"^ lands in Minnesota, and ul correspondence relative to the purchase of lands, terms, description or price of any particular tract should be addressed to that Department. Maps and pamphlets describing the country, -glvlng.rates of fare to settlers, etc.. mailed FREB to any j.rates ot tare to settlers, etc.. mailed to any. address, by is superb iu all its appointments steel rails, elegant coaches, aud its rates are always as low ami time as quick as other lints. THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS SSMW8P 1 ... ^OKTHERN DAKOTA, ir%&m Devil's Lake&Turtle Mountain Dist's, co talning over #,000,000 ACRES Govenuuent Lands h'- JA». It. POWER. •»v Land and Immigration Commissioner. C. H. IVARBUX. -s- General Passenger Agent, St. Pi M. & II. B'y, St. Paul, Minn. The People's Line. FARGO & SOUTHERN PLAJXVW.A.'Sr. -, Now completed between Fargo ahd Ortonville iis prepared to handle both Freight and Passenger Traffic with promptness and safely. Cininrcting at Ortonville with tlie Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul system, the Fargo fc Southern thus makes auother Great Trunk Line to all Eastern and Southern States. The People's Line At nVJ ft. V" Ci "daily each way Between Fargo and St. Paul without change, connecting at Union depot, St. Paul, With all Eastern antV Southern lilies. When you GO EAhT or COME WEST try Uie Fargo 6c Southern. Trains leave Fargo for Minneapolis, St. Paul and intermediate stations at 7:80 a. m. Arrive •at Fargo from St.. Paul and Minneapolis at 8:15 p. m. Tickets for saleat all principal stations for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago and all Eastern and Southern states. For further information address 'Sy C.J.EDDY, Genl. t'r't. and Pass. Agent, Fargo. 'Ilie KUYERS' GUIDE is issued HOI'CK and Sept., eacli year,-. 224 pages, 8Jxll iujiies, with.over 3,300illustrations— a ^^•hole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on all goods for family use. order, and cost of ev use, drink, have fun inValuabl( personal or Tells how to gives^ exact ervthing you eat, wear, or with. These books contain information gleaned iron the markets of tuo world. We willmail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage—8 cents. Let us hear from you. Eespectfully, Is jasE wiat its nr.sis implies a iPureiy' ecis directly upon '.he Dh-er curing the trianydiseases iijcidwjAo that im portant organ, and ^ewsEting the na* merousailments tKMerise from its .iercuscd oribra^^ction, such as 'OTsdico, Biliousness^ ^'r.ria. Sick-headache^, etc. It is therefore bruisnsvt.h To htvc Good Health the Livcr'must fcc kept ia order." BE. eXaT32D'3 LIV£E Ii: vIGOEATOB. Invicoralc8 the Liver, F.(- ul::les tlie Bow el?, S'rcugthens tho Byplcin. Purifies the BI ol. .Vssists Dijrostinn, Prevents Fevers. Is iv Household Need. An Invaluable I"atuHy Mcdicinc for common complaints. JJB.iBAHPOED'3 UVEa IU7IQ0E/.T0B. ^experience of Forty years, en# JVwif* •tend* of Testimonials prove it* Merity FOB 8ALB OT AIT. XKAI,EB8 Et MEDICIKES. 3Por f-ill informal ion *md jrour addreas for 100 MEoIVwIt on I ho Livr and Its dlmuas," fiEfcuwoBs Hi jnr*** nq imW'TQta van AX PPT7T? HeiW six oeiitu lor post IvXr Ef. age. and'reoelve tree a coxtl) bos I goods nljicli trill lielprou to more' muner right away thanunjthingelee in this World. All. ol Either eex. succeed trom fit*t hour. The hrood road t" fortune oi«ns bctore the workers, aheolrtelv wire. At once address. TrOb a Co., Augusta, Maine. In presents trlven awai end u" $200,000 nl us 5 cents In and by inati you will sw ties a package ei of large value, tbat wiliitart ypu lu work that will at once bring you lo moiior taster than anythiac el- In America. 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