Newspaper Page Text
rilg iy» ZW' mm -®er-Ye«r. ADVERTISING BATES. jAdTeittsementt twolncbes deepor largerwffl ie inserted without special oontiact at the ioilow ^as rates: -For first WerUon, tingle column, 50e per In eh double column, 90c per Inch 8 columns wide, $1.20 per inch. Each subsequentlnsertlpn «ne4ialf above rates. We make special uniform rates on contracts of 8 months or upwards, whleh ttt «very case »1U be allowed to adYertlserswho fc. send.orders without waiting for correspondence. Beading Notoes, lOoper line for first, and 5c for a :«Wb -subsequent Insertion.- TMUIB:—Cash with ^er br undoubted references. %lnal prooits 85.00 Contests S5.00, Other Le ^f" Sai«aratlslng at legal rates,iMurahle In advance. Official Directory. SK ||§l|! OOUHTTOmCSBS. •". ft* Commlsaloners—J. A.' Giaj Stein H. Nelson, L. 0. Goplerud. Register of Deeds—E. S. Seymour. £??i| District Attorney—T. X. Holme 'i I -B. K.Walden. Cleric District Coort-C. H. Ward. Sprtasorer—L. A. Jacotoon. fpjAgsessor-^-Ole J. Cnltum. E^SPiobate Judge—H. 1. Smith. I'm i!A Bent. Comfortable cottage for rent in the eastern pl, i^ortion of Hope. Will rent cheap, vfe'&J&fc ?°Pe Co- T. $JggL- r.'»» [/•VhM JBaby was sick, wc save her CASTORIA Wben abo wasn CiiUd, she cried for CASTORIA hen she became Ml??, elio clunj to CASTOBIA I eh« h»d Chlldreo, «lie garc them CASTAJ i? f0-f -j„ ,, _, FI03STEER. JCVJ31Y SMD^X. 1.40 T., JuiiY 81, 188S. re SVMCBtBEM. "fKloW iWiper is not received promptly, yoo will Jlefcopler a laror by notlfrlngtbe pubtisbto at 'onoe. %&ffliWk tbli paragraph 1» marked it signifies that "subscriberkstnuman forttta PiowntB,and subscriber la respectfqU/reqnestedto tend us iUisnionej. :.-' ps^n^ .SBHiCXafiMB Jaunty Superintendent-G.W. Wlncbell. *, -^joroner—Henry Tbuimn. ^jpountySurveyor-Chas. Connor.! ViJostlces of the Peace—T. N. Lee, J. H. McLean, ®retad, SllasTayior. Constables—B. R. Whitney, Ole 0.Benson,T. .jBronson, Andrew Thumm. MfivMoneyto loan lor final proof and on mort gages.. Inquire of E. J. McMahon. C, J, Paul loans money for final proof onbetterterms than can be secured elsewhere. Apply to Vf '-VwMt. One good 8econd-land mowing machine for =flale cheap for cash or «h time.' Inanire of f' H. D. CABPENTEB, Hope, D. T. Bo»d8 and Orders Bought and Sold. Partiea havine county and school bonds and .oiders to sell, will do well to call on me, as I am-both buying and selling county and school bonds and orders. E. J. MCMAHON, S r( Wood Vor Sale. lave about 100 cords of good oak fire wood hich I will sell cheap for cash. Also fence j^pstsT' "ibf. P. RASKUSSON, Section 28, tp 144, range 57. W ood for Stale. oak, box elder and bass wood for sale at $8.50 and $4. per cord. JOHN PATES, two miles north of Gallatin P. 0., on the Sheyenne river, seCUon 18,145^58. For Sale Cheap- One second-hand mowing maahine and one sblky xake rake almost as good as new. Ap ply to H. H. HOSFOED. ADVICE TO HOTHKB8. .. "* yon disturbed at nigbt and brolcipinof your rest by a rick child- suffering and crying ^»lth pain of cutting teeth? IF so, send'at once and get a bottle of Mrs." Window's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is in calculable. It will relieve the poor Httle suf •ller- immediately.' Depend upon It, mothers, l&ere is no mistake about it Itcures dysen tery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomacii and I 'bowels, cures wind colic, softens tiie gums, re duces Inflamation, and gives tone and energy to tlie whole»syBtem. Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ^ring Syrup for children teething is pleasant to I'tte taste, and the prescription of one of the Oldest and best female nurses aiid physicians In.^e United States, and is for sale by all drag throughout the world. Price 25 cents a j" £5ew Preeeu «r Sncar-SfaUmg. ^e new process of sugar-making discovered 'U iVotaeh, el Berlin, will, says Bradstreet's, If it prorea equal to ailihat is claimed for it, com^eMy r«volaUonize the sugar trade. F»r -yeare lthas been coooeeded that the present melliod of extzaeUag the sagar from tfae cane isdefeciiveand eipeu»ir& .-The aew process ^uudlspeDsee altogeUier with crushing aid presa &>£• Tbe cane being cut into strips, the water is first extracted by alcDholie vapor, the sac charine being left in the cw% TiUsis then twated with liquid aloohci. It ia asserMd that ibis extracts all the saccharine. Afterward Ihe sugar is extracted from the alcohol'by b^Dg filtered throogh lime and chalk. If this IjprbceM proves successful, it will at once add a |tiiird to the present production of cane sugar, i#r at least 1,500,000 tons. a S Inyears pkat Cape If ay has, justly or unjust §)y^tome the reputation of being somewhat in «dvance of the age in the matter of bathing $Jkdlt8 for ladies, says a correspondent of the ^Philadelphia Press. A careful and consclen ,,^it^tiou8 inspection of the seashore shows that ff'ftfiis year, at any rate, there is no foundation i^fov any such Charge against the modesty of the Cape kay ladies, perhaps because they are of a "atyle. that needs no advenUtioas setting off in the way of excessive abbreviation of attire. A max iooking for ^formation on this subject to-^ay watchfcd the" rise and fall of the bathers (if. the inviting bUlowa. A bit of wreckage i^jgiffldajed ashore neat him. It had black eyes, -dark hair streaming te the waist, and too wavy «^tO»hangfit strings, And plump cheeks softly Incowned. A big breaker hid tumbled it some Ji^liati butjtt did not seemsnioiiily damaged. It dSiu't look tightened, and the man. ventured -W tetrodnce himself as a meek and lowly seek-' after knowledge i'fAre—tltttt i^ iOt^UiV wear-^I mean—well— bathing suits shorter than usual this fear?" 'fllS*kJlng teelh.iliumined the reply, "Why, think therehave bMnenengh 4 a iti^OD.nerved, -Ute man tried again. SpUdito't^wJenrtwid Imeantto ask, ttiatis, tritate&'to SwVt ^orv, U, I mean tha^ is, if that the ladles* •hotter thaniwnal tUls seaeoii^' ##t^sUp^»red feqt stole from un a *Urt. A slender WW® W|n,'P!iHed tl»e Mt/tfei ffiek- kaflttfa jwm Mdt «db«e4 toA lurir:s*^e r-w fCJi 'i 1 5j IMM OF 1WMBMT, A colony of 100 people wilt leave Fulton county, Pa., for Dakota on August 15th." The rsductien of the treosui7 force by 11S clerks effects a saving of f136,000 a year. Many steckmfo vci going from Northwest, •m Nebraska into Daketa te get range facili ties. :•. -S The Chinese restriction bill has been passed through the dominion senate Without amend ment. At Hilisbore, Ohio, there was a snow storm on'Uie 28d, and the. boye enjoyed snowballing for some hours. Mii» Jeannle Jerome, when she became Lady Randolph Churchill, added about $500,000 to Bandy's slender fortune. W\, Twenty-five thousand retail elerki iu New York city who have to work Sundajrs are or ganizing a movement to have free Sundays. Passengers on a train a few miles oat of Washington saw balls of fire rolling along the Mils before and behind the train. A thunder Btorm Uien began. A Cin«annatT firm got the contract for fur nishing carpeU fer government buildings in Washington, over Boston, New York and Phila delphia competitors. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., four of his wives are waiting to testify at the trial of Aid. William Yatiller, for bigamy. He married and deserted four of his wives within six months. Cattlemen having interests in Indian Terri tory are howling over the president's order of exclusion from the Cheroked' Strip. The order affects ISO leases and over 1,000,000 cattle. Pat Donan has written a wild, frenzied epie tle to the New York Sun on the hot weather and on the advantages of rolling in a blanket at Devil's Lake to keep out the persistent frost. Bradstreet netes certain signs of encourage ment in the business outlook. As this is the first time for many months that Braditreet has admitted anything of the kind, it is reasonably certain there is something in it ,It is definitely announced thit the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy will build to St Paul. The projected route Is on the east side of the Mis sissippi, and will give the Buriiilgton a short and effective route to the Northwest Judge Jamss Walker, who died recently in Beilsfontalne, Ohio, wa» a very prominent worker iu the aati-alavtry cause with Gen-itt Smith, Horace Mann,: Joshua Qiddings, Wen dell Phillips ahd William Leyd Garrison. Bebert Clark, ef Cincinnati, has a photo graph of Gen. Grant taken early in 1866, which was pronounced by Grant's father to be the beBt picture ever taken of him. It was the first photograph ef the general taken after the war was over. The State department at Washington is ad vised from Honolulu that the terrible disease of leprosy Is increasing in the Hawaiian islands so rapidly that there is no hope of ridding the kingdom of it. The leprosy wis introduced there about forty years ago. A notably goed authority in Milwaukee, just back from Europe, says the stocks of flour in store there are low, and that dealers do. not ap preciate the fact of the small crop of wheat in this country. .When they wake up to this fact, he sa&'prices will ge up booming. Nebraska has about 250,000 acres of growing forest on which have been set 600,000,000 young trees. Besides this, there have been planted 12,000,000" fruit trees, over 2,600,000 grape vines, and a vast number of berry bushes and plants and ornamental shrubs. A movement has been begun in Brussels to prosecute certain papers of that city for pub lishing indecent extract* from the Pall Mali Gazette regarding vice in London. The mayor of Brussels denies that English girls have been inveigled to this city and placed in disreputa ble houses. Commissioner of Agriculture Colinira docs not believe in the seed distribution system of the bureau, and will advise in bis report that it Ije discontinued, as it is no part of the govern ment's business to furnish formers with-seed. He thinks the bureau might as well furnish the farm machinery as seed. A Vtillable Book. Hon. W. B. Bitrly, the able editor ot the Grand Forks Herald, has codified the laws re, lating to the powers and jurisdiction of county and township officers. Mr. Brierly has had considerable experience in this line and his new book is of undoubted value to all officers in county or township. In fact the possession of it might often prevent the mistakes that oc cur, either of commission or omission, on the part of such officers. '*vg Hor^ Than a Million. Nsw OBLKANS, LA.—A reporter of the Times Democrat who recently completed a tour of this and neighboring StatesVisiting every city, town and hamlet, states that he interviewed ail the wholesale and retail druggists and store keepers, as well as transportation companies, with'a view of learning the volume of trade in certain articles. The statistics, thus gathered show that during the past two years over one million two hundred thousand bottles of St Jacobs oil were sold in thii uctfon alone, and that this quantity largely exceeds the total combined sal ft of all other similar remedies during that period. He adds that dealer^ as well as the public, continue unanimous in their praise-of the wonderful pain-curing pow ers of this unapproached remedial agent Tbe XsAleal Use ef Xggm. For burns and sealds there is nothing 'more soothing than the white of an egg. It Is softer is a varnish for a burn than, collodion, and be ing always on hand can be. appllod immediate ly. It is also more cooling than the "sweet oil and cotton," which was formerly supposed to be the surest application to allay the smarting pain. It is the contact with the air which gives the extreme discomfort experienced from ordinary accidents of this kind, and anything which excludes air and prevents lnflamation, is the best thing to be at once applied. The egg is also considered one of the very best rem edies for dysentery. Beaten up lightly, with or without sugar,, qnd swallowed at a gulp, it tends, by its emollient qualities, to lessen the iDflamation of the stomach and intestines, and by forming a transient coating on these prgans, to enable nature to assume ber healthful sway in the diseased body. Qoopsrstown Courier: The intense heat of Wednesday was foliowedatS p. in., at Coopers town, with a lieaFy rain, which extended near ly to Bald Hill creek. At about 7 p. in. black clonds Tolled in from the north before it-{^eavy wind* and rain and hall fell for twenty min utes* Sostawjj was the breeze tlvat glass was shattered In several b^Udin^s, and throughout a limited area considerable datnage wasdone .Wherever tlie hail struck the damage to Hie crop varles'from fire to forty per cent Among the sufferers are Allen Breed, P. M. B^kwell,' E, C. BroBhy, James Uankin, Gee. W. BaUiey, B. B. Brown, Sealer Slmpkine, Mark 8atber lapd. Hall Brothere, John Kennedy, Mr, Ax dahl, Herbert Chamberlain, AndreWQosel,, pt»rtef Busel, Beizlafl Brother*. Frank 0Bn- OUR ill TO EXCEL. PWter, ^^toI»tUc^ ^iU^ jetoii. Messrs. gtwk, BlackwUt'^flft fymfM, fbe.othee ilemzeneet TRrFlitbitd ^hdrwtaaows slightly ••ttefigured. Thursday tmtitog tiler® waa a 4 general bluenees lu the lamblent air, but wb have now" recovei-ed our second wind, and find that we were more scared than hurt Our al leged contemporaries iu other towus, ^rho are employed by the liail insurance companies, we hope will niot magnify this incident. While we sincerely sympathize with those who have lost their hard labor, and will bare to. rustle around to get along, it Is a Cpupoling thought (to those who were not visited) that the loss in the county.isso small as to hardly amountto any percentage of the aggregate crop. TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: -SSXASZ Gentlemen: My father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufierer from Serofi ula, and tlie Inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayer Sarsaparilla- has had in his ease. I think his blood most have contained the humor for at least ten yean but It did not show, except In the form ef a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about 'five years ago. Prom a tew spots which Ap peared at that time, It gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly afflioted, and an object of pity, when he began nslng your medloine. Now, there are few men of his age who en joy .as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persona Who would testify to the facts In his case, i. Tours truly, W.M.PHaWM.,».. FROM THE FATHER: "It Is both* pleasure ant a duty for me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Ayer Sarsaparilla. Biz months ago I-was completely covered with ft terriblo humor and scrofulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the £lood to flow in roany places -whenever I moved* My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that timo. My condition began to improve at onoe. The sores have *11 healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respeot—being now able a good day'a work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a euro in my case, and tell them, as I have here triod to tell you. AYER'& SARSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21,3882. Sours gratefully, HIRAM PHILLIPS." SARSAPARILLA ctires Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Eiysljp* clas, Ecxema, XUngworm, Blotches, Cores, Boils, Tcunors, and Ernpttons' of the Skin* It clcars the blood of all impu rities, aids digestion, stimulates tho action of tho bowels, atid thus restores vitality and Itrengthens tho whole system* 'v riUCPABEP BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Ma8»r ^8old by all Druggists ?1, six bottles for IS. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received tip to the 1st day of August, 1885, at tho office of John M. Keens, clerk of Lake School Township," ou section 34, town 145, range 54, in Lake School Township, where plans and specifications may be seen for furnishing material and building three (8) school houses two (2) to be built by the first (1st) of October, J685, aud one (1) to be built by the fifteen (15th) of May, 1668. The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.: JOHN M. KEENS, "'4-. Clerk of School Board. THE I A O COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained standard of excellencc which •omits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can producp., excellent Organs are celebrated for .volume, quality of tonu, quick response, variety efJjjmbinatlon, artistic design, beauty in fimsn, Ppusfroption, making them the most ornament"*! Rptf deelrpblc organs for homes, schools, churches, leges', nosfeBps. etc. ESTABUSHED BEPl'T.VTIOS, IVNTVAIIED FACILITIES, j,i Sltll-IED WOKKMEV, »W JBiESfT JfATEBIAE, -1' coMBrsien, HASH THIS THE POFULAE OBDfAH Instructipo Books & Piano Stools Catftlpgqeg&Price Lists, on application, Center Randolph and Ann Sireeie, CHICAGO, ILL *h':j Is jasc what its name Implies iPurdjr Vegetable' Compoiind, that acts directly upoa theDhrer curing the many diseases iacidjMn fliat nwt portaat organ, and granting the ntbt tnerons ailmwits tKligarise from .its derangetl or ibmySction,. each as Pyspepsi^ Twjiaice, BQioosneiqi es^Mftlaria, Sick-headache* etc. »It Js ther^foro XT OTICK OJ FISAL mOP. JLM Laud Office at Targa, D.^t., ,, June 24tu. 1985. Notice is hereby given that the Itfllowlng named settler has. filed notice ot his lnteutlon Jo make nnai proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 20th day ot August, 1K85. v!i: Abraham Lafson, l)^ 8. No. lfi,r44Ior the IS. to_of the^S. K. of Set. 24. Tp. 14(1 North, Rnuge 55, West, ana names -the fouowltigas his witnesses, vu: M. KOTICE 1ST V. Oojighnour, William oureh, Sumner Smlili. Johb Tlsher, all of Sherbrooke, Steele county. D. T.'A The'testlmony to be taken before C. H. AVard. Cleri of the Dlrtrict Court.' at Sherbrooke, Steele county. D. T„ on the 15th day ol August, A. t. 1885. at his office. HOBACE ADSTIN, Register. E. .McMalion, attorney. Jun2ftJly8-10-17-24-31 OF PIXAl PROOF. Land OOlce at Fargo. D. T., 1 June 30th, 1885..T Notice is herebyslven that the following named. settler lias filed notice of his Intention to make anal proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof onrthe 21st day of August, 1886, via: William H. H. Honey, H. B. No. 10,(522 for northeast quarter (n *4) of sec 8, tp 144 north, range 64'Rest, and names the following as his witnesses, vi»: B. F. Walden, H. 1. Pepper, H. H. Wasem, Chas. G. Merrlell, all of Hope, Steele county, D. T. The testimony to be taken before C.IT. ward, clerk of the district court, at Sher brooke, Steele county, 1). T., on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1885, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. E. J. HoMahon, att'y. Jly8-10-17-24-81au7 XTOTICB OP.COSTEST. JM U. 8. Lhad Office, Fargo, D. T., I July 10th. 1885. Complaint having been entered at this office by Iver A. Flatbraaten against Archibald Armstrong for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 9,717. dated February 27th, 1882, upon the N. E. it of Section22,Town8hlp 147, Range 55,in Steele county, D. T., with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 20th day of August, 1885, at 1(1o'clock a. m.. to respond and furnish testimony Concerning said alleged abandonment. 15. C. GEABEY, Receiver. jlyl7-24-31au7-14 OTICE OF KISiAJi PItOUF. Land office at Fargo, D. T. 1 July 10th, 1885, Kotice Is hereby given that the lollowlng named settler lias filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 28th day of August, 1885, viz: William B. Jones, ILK. No. 11,828 for the S. W. li of Sec. 14, Tp. 145 n. R. 57 w.and names the following as his witnesses, viz: 11. J. Pepper, H. II. Wasem, James Loney. John Mooers, nil ol Hope, Steele county. D. T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses tobe taken before O. H. Ward, clerk of the district court, at Sherbrooke, Steele comity, D. T., on the 24th toy of August, A. D. 1885, at his Office.. HORACE AUSTIN, Register, jly 17-24-31au7-14-21 •VrOXICK OF CONTEST. D. 8. Land Office, Fargo, D. T.. I June 2(lth, 1885. Complalnthavlngbeen entered at this office by David Long against Susan N. Wares, her heirs, cxecutors or administrators, for abandoning her Homestead Entry No. 11,8»!, dated December 5th, 1882, UP0I1 the E of the N£U and E of the S E of Section K, Township 147, Range 57. In Steele county, D. T„ with a view to tbenan cellaflon of said entiy tbes ild parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 6th day of August. 1886. at 10 o'clook q. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. •]ly8-10-17-24r81 AT OTICE OF C03STK8T. i|' U. S. Laud Office, Fargo, D. T.. I July 0th 1885. Complaint having been eutered at this office by Stedlle Frank against Louis P. Levassein tor abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 11,7U2. dated November 21 st, 1882, upon the N. W. 114 of Section 32, Tpwnslllp 148, Range 57, In Steele county, D. T., with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hefeby summoned to appear at this office On the 20th day of August, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Jly 10-17-24-31 au7 E. O. HEARISY, Receiver. VTOTICK OF CONTEST. _[| t), S, Land Office, Fargo. D. T„ I June 2Btll. 1885. Gomphilnt having been entered at this office Uf Johuune Haakensen Dabl against James C. Crn jg for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 0,tl40, dated February 13th, 1^82, upon the 8. E. 1A of Section 5, Township 148, Range 57, li» Steele county, D: T„ with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are beroby summoned to appear at this office on the Uth day of August, 188, at 10 o'clock a. in., to respond and furolsh testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. Thompson & Krogh, attorneys. "XT OTICE OF COXTEST. _IAI Laud Office at Fargo, D.T. 1 July 23,1885.) Complaint having been entered at this office by John W. Lara more against Catharine Corrlrian for abandoning her homestead entryNo. 12,052, dated June ttth, 1888,upon the southvwgt quarter, northwest quarter and lots 8 and 4, sfeetlon 4, tpwpphjp 144, raiige 56, in Steele county. D. T., with a view to the°°eaneellaViorf' of s'ald entry the said parties ure hereby summoned to appear at this office oh the Uth day of Sentember, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and turuish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment. HORACE ADSTIN, Register. Jr31 au7 14 22 20 St. Paul, MinneaDolis ....AND.... Manitoba S WITH ITS 1,500 MILES OF IIOAD Is the only line extending through the ParkRegion of Minnesota 10 05 O 45 11 .15 11 45 To have Gao& HpaStflj thelive?DEiu3t be kept in ordet'i saotoiw'B vmotmr Invigorates the Liver/Rcgulatea tie, Strengthens the System, Puriflea tUtt Blcoc^AssisteDigestion, Prevents Fevers Is a Household Need. An Involuabla family Medicine for common comDloiots ®B.»BAaryoED'8 ttvza, ihvickikatos. An aepertohee cf Forty yeara. and ThoaZ aand*qfTeMmonu3kprot«iit,i[ertt. SAKE BY Alili DEAI^SBS W HKDICBRSIS. taim ••Vjf&rtsg Hi^Ai To3.11 practical pointsiq vvV ilEB EIVER VALLEY, NORTHERN MINNESOTA, „, NORTHERN DAKOTA, AND TO ,R 8i. Panl.. V., Devil's Lake&TurtIeMouiitaiuDist's, fU|E TAB|,E. Slimtcupolis Rnllway, STATIONS. 7 00 p. 7 85 1185 Wllmar 1157 ..St. John 12 18 a. m... Kerkhoven FUEE. The Chicago Cottage. Organ Co. 12 81 12 44 .........Murdock,. ........iDe Graff ..Benson !I 2 13 5 00 5 07 5 22 00 0 18 II 43 7 00 7 11 7 23 7 40 7 55 t) 35 ........ ...RlSop 5 10 ....jfty.......... 4 35 r! ..........Page City ..8 65 Colgate.....v.. 3 20 ...Hope......... 2 50 Tr^ns on Hope braucl'i run Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Safurdftys. sleeping (^r service betwppp St. Paul and 0»s? selton. Tickets to all points in the Halted States and Canada caii be procured of Arthur Turnpy. ticket agent at Ilope. C. H. WARREN, Pen. Pa«g. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Do You Know THAT LORRILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Bed Tin Tag Bone Xear Fine Cut Chew mg Binvy CMppuigg, and Black, Brown and Yellow Msatk are the best and cheapest, quality considered? C. V. KNAPP,ft: Contractor and Builder, HOPE, D. T. Carpenter Work done in first-class oiauccr, Repairing and Jobbing promptly attended to I'LANS, SPECIFICATIONS ANO y- vV, ESTIMATES on Bitplieation,,,^ #4. '1 to Annual Statement For the Year BaAiig Dee. 81, A. D. 1884, .. of the condition and tSflhirs ot tliie' Fire Insnrance OF rnnADEiPin^ organized under the laws of the State of Pennsyl vania. and made to the Auditor of the Territoiy of Dakota, In pursuance of the laws of said Terri tory. President—THOMAS H. UOXTOOUKBT. Secretary—ALBKKT C. L. CRAWFORD. Principal offlce-808 Walnut St. rhlladelplilL ^Attorneys for service of process in the TerHtory ot Dakota: Second Judicial District, E. T. White, Yankten, Yankton county. Third Judicial District, C. n. J. fcllss, Fargo, Cass couuty. Fourth Judicial District, Bilggs & Robinson, Sioux Falls, Mlimebaha county. Fifth Judicial District, B. J. Templeton, Pierre, Hughes county. -J Sixth Judicial District, Geo. H. Falrchild, Bis marck, Burleigh county. Organized or.lncorporated Feb. 28,1810. Com menced business March 12,1810. III. Capital. Amount of Capital Stock actually paid In cash J, 400 000.00 IVJProperty or Assets oftlie Company. The.value of its real estate Is 137,100.00 The cash on hand In its office Is.. 8,tiui.fl7 The cash on deposit In bank is.. 74,374.It! The cash In hands of agents aud in course of transmission Is..... 48,648.43 Loans on bond and mortgage, be ing the first, lien on real estate worth double the amount of the sum loaned thereon. 803,139.50 Total carried out at market value $1,01)0,804.10 Total carried out at market value $ 35.000.00 Ail other sums due the Company.. 15,334.03 iV''^Total aaets.. 81,768,092.26 3 V. Liabilities. Amount of losses yet unpaid 112,884.34 Amount ot claims for losses resist ed by the Company 15,801.04 Whole amount of unearned pre miums on'outstanding risks 851,092.78 Amount of dividends declared aud due and remaining unpaid 445.00 Amount of all ether existing claims 075.75 Total'llabllitles 5 001,449.51 VI. Income tturlus tlie Year 1881. Whole amount of cash premiums •received.... ... ............ $ 829,995.74 Whole amount of cash •.. .. .. premiums received on policies mitten In the territoryof Dakota $0,158.41 Whole.amount of interest money received 81,439 01 Whole amount of Income received Irom all other sources 10,316 01 Total Income 921,751.56 VII. Expenses During the Year 1K84. Whole amount of losses paid dur lngthe year 1884 ... $ 589,598.97 Amount accrued prior to preceding state ment.. $'03,184 67' Amount accrued sub sequent to preceding stitement 490,414 40 Amount of losses paid upon risks taken In the territoryof Da kota Amount of losses ac crued subsequent to the preceding state ment.. ApiQunt .pf dividend! the year: 1884. 40,250.00 Amount of commissions and fees paid to officers and agents during the year 1884 104,177 OS Amount or taxes paid during the year 1884 27.170 R« Amount of taxes paid -=ia/u tu the territory of Da- it,004.98 9.604.98 Pllit) dur]na kota during the iti'o83t'o| lees'-pui'd 3I^1Q'17:2^ 62.41 Aiti'oBflt of 'fees'paid the Auditor of the Territory of Dakota during the year 1884 (not iucludliig taxes) 5800 Whole amount paid tor salaries of officers and agents during the year 1884. Whole amount ot all other expen ditures during tho year 1884 States stocks and bonds or In bonds §9ges ot re Rl estati floubia t|(S amount'!. gaged, and they are the above described officers of said Insurance company. (Signed) THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, President (Signed) ALBERT C.L. CRAWFORD, Secretary! Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th dav of February, 1885. (Signed.) SAMUEL L. TAYLOR", for the WWiry ot Dakota. TBBHITOET ACDIIOH'S & lllnultoba To ST. Paul. 4 00 3 84 8 15 8 03 2 52 2 83 •M 1 50 1 ar .........HftneosJ,- Breckcurldge 10 25 v.m ........ Wshpoton 10 20 ..........Dwlght......... 9 87 ...CoMsx..,. 9 15 Waleolt........ 8 55 ../.Kindred....... 8 26 ..........Davenport 8 09 Addison 7 57 ...........Durbln 7 48 .. ..i „.Everest........ 7 25 OP In tesllmou.—'—* hand and A, D. 1885,. [tieifl] (Signed) 1 DAKOTA, I ADDITOH'S OEPICK, Insurance Department, t" I, B. W. Caldwell, Auditor of the Territory of Dakota, do hereby certify that the above Is a true copy of the original statement now hie In this onice. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand audafflxedthe seal of this office at Bismarck this 20th day of April, 1885. [Seal]' E, W. CALDWELL, Auditor, TKBItrrOOT 0®..»AKOTA. OFFICE, Department of Insurance, COMPAKT'S CBRTTFIOATK OF AUTHORITY. Where,its, the American Fire Insurance Com a corporation organized under the lawsot le Stale of Pennsylyaiiia, has filed iu'this office aswonT statement exhibiting Its condition and ncterof the securities, and the financial standing of said Company, conrorm to tho requirements of the laws of this Territory regulating the business of Insurance and nWheteas, the saldxiombay has filed In this of fice a duly certified copy of Its charter, with certif icate ef organization, and has appointed the nec« essaiy attorneys in th|a Territory, upon whom & a the insurance laws aforesaid Now, therefore, I, E. W. Caldwell, Auditor of the Territory of Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said mws, do hereby oertlfy that the above named Company Is fully empowered through Its author ized agents, to transact Its appropnate-business t(J of Are Insurance, lu this Territory, according the laws thereof, until the Slut day of Decern A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-five. «r, whereof, have hereunto set my at Bismarck, this 20th day of April, E. W. CALDWELL. Auditor. OLSON & PEPPER W5AL8BS TIB Finest Varieties of LIQUORS and CIGARS. Six Billiard and Pool •vir Tables, t, t^*Fresh, CkoV Lager Beer, Cider aiid Pop always on hand.' Our Temperance Hall locate)} (fl llip JIopp House, where tlipre pre o) tobies, bu^ the plnpe esate lo on tsloi blfliard anil ppoY tabfes, bu^ (lie plnpe the "boys" gejjpj*uy poneMBatp lo ptoeie avenue, near Lues 4 Mernolifg sjorp. fe A E S E N K®~0iir readers, for 32 eonts lu postage stamps to pay for wailing and wrapping, and names of two book agent*, will receive FfiHl! Mtcel fartor Kagtavlac of ati Oor PireMldentsj jiwludlng Clevelund, elie aa* '^8tn.^wottb"" er Pab.Co»Chleaxo,III i* 4.- ..., 3^ 5= ti elevator. O a a 125,241.11 6,200.87 T9&1 usaSsSi® VIII. Illskg. Gross amount of risks taken durlug the year 1884 882,117,281 Gross amount of risks taken In the Terri tory ot- Dakota dur lng the year 1884... -832,451 Whole amount of risks outstaid. -Jp«. i«88,000,225.00 Whole amount of losses Incurred during the year 1884, Including those claimed and not yet due... 605,050.38 Whole amount ot losses incurred during the year 1884, lnclud- 1 .'i lng those elnlined and not yet .'' due, in the Territory of Dakota. li.972 92 Number of agents In the Territory of Dakota .....87 a_ss| Thomas H. Montgomery, TreBident, and Albert C.'L. Crawford, Secretary, of the American Fire Insurance Company, belug.duly sworn, depose and •ay that the foregoing Is a full, true aud correi statement of the affairs ot said company that the: said Insurance comphny is the bona Bde owner of at least one hundred thousand dollars ot actual cash capital, Invested In tlie State"and United' nocks and bonds or In bonds apd mort -t reRl estate' unancum'tieitttl',' aW *iSth oubia ti}e amohnt'Ibr wglch the same Is mort- Infants and Superior !a eiosehesB of TLe BtrYEns'- GUIDE is itjsaed, and Sept., eaeli yeur 224 puges, SJxlli' inches, withover a \yholo picturo (gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct (Q cpiui^vrt on all goods for personal *.' family use. .Tells how to order, and pv«i exact cost of ev ery tiling you ^LMB ns^ ^rinlc, hivye. fun wyalnahlQ cat, wear .or with. *4'hes8 Jxwjcg poptain miormation cleai^ed froin tho markets of tbo^world., ^p'\rili mail a°°BJf Ice to-aoy auaress upon receipt of the postage—8 cents. L$t us hear from you, Beepecifully,' moot Ills every requirement, or tan be made todoto by flight clumaet tartly arrivedat by cor reiponilence. 149 editions littvo been issued. Sent, pest-pald. to any address lor lO cents. Write to QliO. P. KOWEIiL CO., KBWSPAPEIt ADVERTISING EUHKAU. (io Spruoagt, ?rt»ti Pq:)| vork. JOHN G.MYERS, House, Sign, and Ornamental v? Tainter andOrainei'M HOPE, DAKOTA. TEEMS MOOEBAIE AKD' ~SA TfJSFdC !TIO$QVJB£lla'EE& Children. «Cftito^{gii^welladapWtoCliiIdrenlbat I Ciutorte euros Colic. Conrtipation 1 recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. ARCHER, M.D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn N. T. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. •..TOC.JSV, Without injurious medication. '-. lfe': THE CESTAIT. CosrANT, 182 Fulton Street TO THE OF IsTEW jyORK. *4t comes tp tlie ftinuers'i|scue and risks liev Gash Assets! To indemnify liiiu against loss by Hail., TI\is compaiiy is not officered and managed tinmen who swindled tbe farmers of Iowa, neither is it a resurrected company that failed a few j^ara ago and went under without paying its losses. It has not been recently organize^ as atfexperiraent Does not advertise an thorlzed" capital, nor dues it Attempt to:do business on wind, but has assets ainountinir to $8,000,000 more than any other company. I The Old ContiMital! -il I.—Pays your actual loss, be it $5 or $10 per acre, computcl at the market Vnlce at liitf nearest" I 2.—Pays lt8 losses-the tame as afire risk, and does na 8.—Insures your grain until it is in the half bushed ripened." -Offers insurance at a low rate and on most favorable terms, taking tlie farmers'notes, without interest, duo after threshing. Do not pay out your money for noili'inff, but if you want actual, bona fide insurance against hail, do not iusure until you have seen E. Ja A N Agent for tho Continental Insurance Company, of New Yort. T.K.HULME, attorney AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. FarmlLands and Town Lots BOUGHT ANDI SOLD ON COMMISSION. MONEY LOANED FOR FINAL PROOF. . HOPE, DAKOTA. The ONLY imported BREECH-LOADING MADE ENTIRELY BY MACHINERY. fitting oafl fisSflh to any Aaericaa in PTt7,PT7T? rT-TmrT7.Tr. ,V mji. y. Tho PIlLPEH CT-Jl T^eQcuiaare maj1' There is nothing equal to them in the markst for tha mnnaw at wholcs^e oiil? by SGHOyERLINQ, 3,300illustrations— 1 1- Aii ordew.wlU receive prompt attention, 4kau. W O I I DAliY & CALES, 84- a 86 Shambes-3 Si„ NEWYORkJ WiseoHsIn, a A 'THE RACINE" FARM AND WAREHOUSE FANNING MILLS DUSTtESS GRAIN Sg^BATOBS AND UND ROLLERS. Iteeo Mills end Separators have lotiRbMB tiecd by the Fanneiy, prominent Millers,Grain and Seed Dealers throusrlibct. tho Unite#, .. 7 s^k. you to wait till fall. and- cot till "five days after it lias fully HOPE, DAKOTA. States, who bifj'hlyrecommondthciaae beloff viljo Bcst iVIaehincs cv^rjuade for clgahiojf^ '^d grading TThoat, Jlorlcy, pate, Com/azul Bceda of every dfrscrlption. Thuy do tho work rooro thoroughly and havegceater capacity than any other jnachto*. Thcr art strongly built of (ho Very beat material, highly finished, &ad aromado iu sis different sizes, twei for farm tlso^ubd four for^Warehpuse^Bevotot and MUlera' nso* The Bollera are tlio most durdbZc, JJIEST and caEAi»Ksx in tho market for tb» xnoney. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for illustrated^ circulars and p^iets before buying. can Yonch for tixo roliaJbUity of this firzni—Editor. People's Line. RAILWAY. Between is prepared to handle both Freight M: Alioolt pf |oq pages. U'lio Jest book Tor an adyertisev ta eon suit,', lie ho .expert enoea or otherwise, —ors an4 estimates „iic advertiser who ar, finds lu ittbo In- of«MC«$tottaYertW wants to spend one formation no Soutlnsru thus makes nnouler Great Trunk Line to.f£»U Eastern and Southern States. Thje People's Line iseupirb in all its appointments steel rails, elegant 'poaches, and its rates are alwojs as low and time as quick as other lines, THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS u«!y eiich way between Fargo and St. Panl ^thoitticllaug«v JBounectUig at Union depot, St Piifal, with aU Eastern and Soiitheialines! Wheifyou GOEAfeT orCOMB WEST try tiia Fargcr Southern. Traifes leave Fargo for Minneapolis, St Paul and intermediate stations at 7 50 p. m. and?A) Arrivo at Fargo from St. Pnul audMin ne»pol|s*t8:Q0vni.aud8u»p.ui. erineiual steUoM tot 8k Paffl/Muueapolis, Chicago and all Eastern and Southern states. -ww •3*or fmtlwf%foniiatiop nddrees tosUlfrit, and TMsAgwi.^&'Bi.. WIN booKoati ^Tgmwj' tuore moWj thiiii unjthlcjf also an ugeuey (ortbe-Mst eellliK mers sBeoeeajraudiy.i ifaae Wl. $oas A I .. GUN, I \4* SIS A. V% I 'I ii and Ortonvilll JSi v-m Ciiipnga, FaTK0* ^•nx ».trorti«i4,Jlftin^.-