Newspaper Page Text
-si:- Tm» & #"7 fiV! HOPE PIONEER. 'OFFICIAL JODBKAL OF STEELE COUNTY, The Minneapolis Sunday Tribune has reached 20,000 circulation, requiring more than tbrte tensor 6,000 lbs. of white paper for a ^•ingie inane. Price, $2.00 per annnm. For Sole. & One yoke of oxen, well broken and sound, -for Bale cheap. J. H. MCLEAN, Pickert P. O., Steele county, D. T. sis:?': For Sale: J, One good milch cewanda yearling, heifer for salo. AMTHONY KOHNNEK, i~ Manitoba Section House, Hope, D. T. Wanted Agents to place Farm Loans in every county in Dakota. Address Lock Box V, Grand Forks, Dak. Ty. Blank notes and chattel mortgages for Bale at this office. c. J. Paul loans money for final proof •-a oa better terms than can be secured elsewhere. Seed Wheat for Sale. Cargill Bros, have on hand in their elevator at Hope, for sale, 2,000 bushels of Saskatche wan seed wheat and 500 buBhela of flax seed, an well cleaned and ready for seeding. Call at elevator or address ARTHUR ROBERTS, Agent, Hope, D. T. 8 HEIUFF'S SAIJE. .UU1, V/ Territory ot Dakota, County of Steele.—ss. spoor Mackey vs. Charles R. Black. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an exe cution to me directed and delivered, and now In my hands, Issued by Tbos. N. Lee, a justice of the peace within and for Steele county, Dakota terri tory, upon a judgment rendered In said court In favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, I have levied upon tbe following described personal property of sold at tendant, to wit: 1 k. One Iron gray pony, one set slpgle harness, one buggy, one sewing machine, one cook stove, five pillows, one robe. And that I shall, on Tuesday, the Twenty Seventh day ot April, A. D. 1k8H, at the hour of Two o'clock p. m., ot said day, at the front door of the Hope House, In the town of Hope, In said county and territory, proceed to sell all the right, title and Interest or the above named Charles R. Black In and to the above described property, to satisfy said Judgment and costs, amounting to Eighty-one Dollars and Thirty-four Cents, together with all accruing costs ot sale, and Interest on the same Irom the luthday of April, 188ti, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash. B. F. WALDEN, Sheriff. Mediation & MacLaren, plaintiffs attorneys. Dated Hope, Dakota, April 12th, 1BU6. aprl6-23 gHERIfF'S SALE. Territory of Dakota, County of Steele.—sp. Minneapolis Furniture Company, 1 a corporation. vs. Charles R. Black. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an exe cutlon to me directed and delivered, and now In my hands, Issued by Thos. N. Lee. a Justice of the peace within and for the county of Steele, Dakota territory, upon a Judgment rendered In eald court In favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant, I have levied upon the following described personal property of said defendant, to wit: One Iron gray pony, one set single harness, one buggy, one sewing machine, one cook stove, five pillows, one robe. And that I shall, on Tuesday, the Twenty Seventh day of April, A. D. at the hour «t Two o'clock p. m., of said day. at the front door of the Hope House, In the town of Hope, In said county and territory, proceed to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named Charles K. Black In and to the above described piopeity, to satisfy said Judgment and costs amounting to JTlfty-Nlne Dollars and Ninety-Seven Cents, to gether with all accruing costs of sale, and Interest on the same from the 10th day of April, lKHti, at the rate ol seven per cent, per annum, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. B. F. VTALDEN, Sheriff. McMahon 4 MacLaren, plaintiff's attorney. Dated Hope, Dakota, April 12th, 11*80. aprl6-23 VV" jgHEttlFF'H SALE. Territory of Dakota, County of Steele.—ss. Cornelius W. Knapp vs. j. Sfary-Y. Pickert !i Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an exe cution to me directed and delivered, and now In my bands, Issued out of the clerk's office of the Sixth Judicial District Court, Territory of Dakota, y, in and for the County of Barnes upon a Judgment rendered In said court In favorof the above named Plaintiff and against the above named defendant, have levied upon the following described person al property of said defendant, to wit: Six hundred bushels of No. 1 wheat now In bin on section fifteen (15,) township one hundred and forty-five (145), range fifty-five (55). Steele county, D. T. And that I shall, on Wednesday, the 28th day of April, A. D. 188R, at the hour of 11 o'elock a. m-, of said day, at the front door of the barn situate on section 15, township 145. range 55, In said county and territory, proceed to sell all the right, title and Interest of the above named Mary V. JPlckert In and to the above described property, to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting te TwoHnndred and Twonty-Slx Dollars and Forty Cents, together with alraccrulng costs of sale, and Interest on the same lrom the 12th day of April, 188tS. at the rate of seven ner cent, per annum, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. B. F. WALDEN, Sheriff of Steele County. HcMataon & MacLaren, plaintiff's attorneys. Dated Hope, Dakota, April 16th, 1886. aprlO-23 HEBIFF8 SALE. Territory of Dakota, Counties of Barnes and fltftfilfl gs The Piano Manufacturing Company, 1 a corporation, I vs. Mary V. Pickert. l&L Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an exe cution to me directed and delivered, and now In my hands, issued out of the clerk's office of the Sixth Judicial District Court, Territory of Dakota, In and for the county of Barnes upon a Judgment rendered In said court in favorof the above named flalntiffleviedagainstthe and the above named defendant, have upon following described per sonal property of said defendant, to wit: One thousand bushels of wheat now in granary on section seven (7), township one hundred and forty-six (146), range llfty-slx (56), Steele county, .. D- T. And tbat I shall, on Thursday, the 29th day of April, A. D. 18fctt, at the hour ot 11 o'clock a. m-, of eald day, at the tront door of the barn situate on section 7. township 146, range 56, In said county and territory, proceed to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named Mary V- Pickert In and to the above described property, to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting to Three Hundred tlfty-0 Call at his furniturA warerooms and look It over. Notice to Builders. BXPlftdsen,clerk of Newburgh Softool Tovrnshsp, Steele County, will receive proposals to build a school house in said township. Bids received until Saturday. May 15th. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Plans eaft be obtained at the res idence of the clerk. BBNDICK PLADSEN, Clerk, RO. Hatton, Traill Co., D. T. Millinery I Millinery 1 Having noted putot the O fl A RIO BUI 1.0! |i C, 1*01. In »ten dan. bttw on b*eA Mi Millinery Cood«P and Pumps N :y-One and 48-100 Dollars, to- getber with all accruing costs of sale, and Interest same from the 12th day of April, 1886. at theme of seven per cent, per annum, at public anetlon, to the highest bidder for cash. B. F. WALD1N, Sheriff of Steele County. McMahon & MacLaren, plaintiff's attorneys. Dated Hope, Dakota, April 16th, 1886. aprl6-23 Furniture! Furniture! K. 1. 8TEW.VKT hi.-: has just received a large supply of New Household Furniture. vicinity awrespecttul- aui milUoeir establishment tedto«al and miner?. Merriell Bros. & Luce Ktsp the Pioneer Ha/rdveere and Machinery Depot of Steele County, where can be found, a full line of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. TINWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows and Flying Dutchman Gang Plows. GDutchm Tricycle Sulky Plow and Furst & Badley Sulky Plow. and Fanning A full line of "Wooden Pumps and Fanning Mills, and in fact all that the farmer wants in the way of first-class farm machinery. Buggies, Wagons and Carriages: OPEN AND TOP BUGG-IES AND PLAT FORM SPRING- WAGONS, THE KRIOK WAGON—Farmers' Choice, always Relia ble THE MILBURN WAGON, the Old Stand-by FLYING DUTCHMAN SULKY PLOWS, &c., &c. We also have a In connection with our business, where we are prepared to do all kinds ot Job Work in Tin and Sheet Iron on Short Notice. OTICE OF JIORTliAtiE SALE. Whereas, default has been made In the condi tions of a certain mortgage executed and deliver ed by Nelson K. Jones and Nancy Jones, his wife, mortgagors, to Mi's. Elizabeth B. Headley, mort gagee, dated the .'list day of August, A. JJ. eigh een hundred and eighty-three (1889) and record ed as a mortgage In the office of the register of deeds of the county of Steele, In the territory ot Dakota on the 1st day of September, A. D. eigh teen hundred and eighty-three (1883), at 5:15 o'clock p. m., In book A ot mortgages, page seven (7), on which there Is claimed to be due, and Is now due, at the date of this notice, the sum of four Hun- any part thereof. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale contained In said mort gage. and ot the statute In such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein describ ed, which sale will be made at the front door of the county building, at Sherbrooke, In the county of Steele and territory of Dakota, wherein the said land Is situated, at public auctl*n. by the sheriff of said county, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 1st day of May. A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-six (1S8B), at eleven (11) o'clock In the forenoon of said day, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with interest thereon and costs and expenses of sale, ?.nd an attorney's fee'of litty ($50) dollars, as stipulated In said mortgage, In case of torecloseure. The premises described in said mortgage and so to be sold, is that tract or piece of land situate in the county ot Steele and territory of Dakota, and de scribed as follows to wit: The south one-half of the southwest quarter of section twenty (20), town ship one hundred andforty-ttve (146) north, range fifty-four (54) west, containing eighty (8U) acres, more or less, according to the U. S. Government survey thereof, MRd. ELIZABETH B. HEADLEY, Mortgagee. Dated March ltlth, 1886. T. K.Hulme, attorney for mortgagee, Hope,' D. T. mh 1 P-2tlapr2-tt-1 d-28-30 ^'OTICIS.—Timber-Culture. Complaint having been entered at this ofilce by Henry D. Carpenter against Carrie H. Potter for failure to comply with law as timber-culture entry No. 5,421. dated April ltlth, 1881, upon the S E Uof Section 80, Township 140, Kange fi5. In Steele County, Dakota Territory, with a view to the cancellation of said entry contestant alleging that the said Carrie H. Potter has failed to plant or cause to be planted to tree seeds, seedlings or cuttings, live acres of said tract since the expira tion ot three years and prior to the expiration of four years from the date of said entry, or ten acres of said tract at any time since the date of said entry and prior to the commencement of this con test, tbe said parties are hereby summon to appear at this office on the 28th day of April, lK8t), At 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. erriell Bros. & Luce U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T. 1 March 1st, 1880. igUMMOSIS. E.C.GEAREY, Receiver. C. J. Paul, attorney, Hope, p. T, mh2Bftpr2-9-10-28 jpKUBATE NOTICK. Territory of Dakota. County of Steele.—ss. In Probate Court In and lor Steele County. In the matter of the estate ot Andrus Anderson, dfiCflflflM The administrator of the above estate, P. G. Enger, Esq., having presented to this court his petition, praying amongst other things that an order may be made by this court for a final ac count herein and tor a distribution of the said estate amongst the teveral persons entitled there to. It Is by the Judge of said court hereby ordered tbat. the said application will be beard by said at the ofllce of the undersigned, at Bher ln eald county, on Monday, the third day U)HH, at 2 o'clock p. m. b/s hergby further ordered that this notice and order Be Pwteftgrtfor at least three weeks fceforeeaM bearing, JhWeHra-E FIOMEBB.a news paper published and i^uijittng fjx sald &teei* *5£tedHarch 27th, 1888. A. T, DRAkeLILI, Jodtpitf ffvbftte Court tor Steele cotwt/.jDa ,n*^^JffC%^rt ISVI MACHINERY. The Best Seeders, Harrrows & Drills: The Tiumph. Seeder. The Prairie King Seeder. The Hoosier Seeder. The Straw Bridge Seeder. The Tiger Seeder. The Hoos ier Shoe Press Drill. The Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow. The Boss Harrow. The St. Paul Harrow. Territory of Dakota, Counties of Barne3 and Steele. District Court Sixth Judicial District. James Douglass, John Tomllnson, and James (jalt. copartners, as QtlMJIOXfr. Mills: Summons. Douglass & Company, vs. Matthew cavanagh. The Territory of Dakota to the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to an swer the complaint in the above entitled action, which will be filed with the cierk ol said court at Valley city, D. T., and to serve a copy ol your an swer to the sakl complaint on the subscribers, at their ofllce, in Hope, in the County of Steele and territory aforesaid, within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of euch service: and If you fall to unswer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will take Judgment against you for the sura of two hutidred and four dollars and interest at seven per cent since the 3(jth day of October, 1X84, besides costs and disburse ments. Dated February 23d, A. D. 1880. McMahon & MacLaren, plaiiitiCs' attorneys, Hope, D. T. To the above named defendant: Take notice, that the complaint herein was filed In tilt, office of the cleik of the above named court, at Valley city. County of Barnes, Dakota Territory, on the 24th day of February, 18BB. Dated this 111th day of March, 18HH. McMahon & AlacLaren, plulntlffs' attorneys, Hope, D. T. mh 1II 2i ap2 II 11 2&^ (gtaiMOJvH. Territory of Dakota, Counties ot Barnes and Steele.—ss. The J. I. Case Implement Company, a corporation, Mary V. Bickert District Court, Sixth Judicial District. vi. The Territoiy-of Dakota-to the above named de fendant: You are hereby summoned and required to an swer the complaint of the plaintiff In tbe above entitled action,, which will be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of tbe Sixth Judicial District, In aim for tbe counties of Barnes and Steele and Territory of Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the ..ggbscrlber, at his office In Hope, In said county and territory, within thirty days alter the service of thlreummons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service ana it you fall to answer the said complaint within tne time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will take Judgment against you for the sum of Three Hundred and Eighty-Nine Dollars and Seventy-Five Cento, with Interest at the rate ol 7 ner cent, per annum from tne lllth duy of August. 1K85, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. Dated March Uth, 188U. C. J. Paul, plain tin's attorney. Hope, D. T. Totbeabove uamea defendant: Take notice, that the complaint herein was med (n the omce ot the cierk of the above named court ut Valley c»y, county of Barnes. Dakota territory, on the 8th day of March, 188ti. Dated this 24th day of March, 1880. C. 3. Paul, plaintiff's attorney. Hope, D. T. mh26apr2-9-lft-2B-BO OTICE. -Timber-Culture. N U. S. Load Office, Fargo, IX T. Marcb 8th, 1880. Complaint having been entered at this office by George Saunders against Orrln H. Foster for fail ure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 5,420. dated April lllth, 1881, upon the 8 E Viol Section 80. Township 145, Range 57,In Steele county, Dakota Territory, with a view to the cancellation of said entry contestant alleging tbat tbe said Orrln H. Foster has failed to break or cause to be broken five acres of said tract since tbe date of said entry and prior to the expiration of one year subsequent therto, or at any time prior to the commencement of this contest, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this fla-nf A prn, 1880,at 10o'clock ana iunilsh testimony concern [edfijjjjnre. E.C.GEAI :lmony concern ARKY, Reoelver. !»W6?^JW8 •***«-c® "J^OXICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Default has be made In the conditions of a cer tain mortgage executed and delivered by Marshall D. Miller mortgagor, to Margaret A. Collins, mort gagee, dated the fifteenth day ot November, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and recorded as a mortgage In the office of the register of deeds of the county of Steele, In the territory of Dakota, ed to be due at the date of this notice, the sum ot three hundred and eleven dollars, and no ac tion or proceeding has been Instituted at law or In equity to recover the debt secured by said mort gage or any part thereof. The said mortgage was duly assigned by an in strument thereof, duly executed and delivered by the said Margaret A. Collins to Gaar Scott & Company, dated the eighteenth day of February, A D. 1880, and recorded in said office of the reg ister of deeds on the twenty-sixth day of February, A. D. 1880, at 11 o'clock a. m., in book E of mort gages. on page 493. Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue ot a power ot sale contained in said inoitgage, and ot the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mort gaged promises therein described, which sale will be made at tbe front door of tbe sheriff's ofllce, In the town of Sherbrooke, in the county ot Steele and territory of Dakota, at public auction, by the sheriff ot said county, or by his deputy, duly ap pointed. on Tuesday, the twentieth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and elghty-slx, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then bo due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses of sale, and fifty dollars attorney's fees, as stipulat ed in said mortgage In case of foreclosure. The premises described In said mortgage, and to be sold, are the lot, piece or parcel of land situated In the couuty ot Steele and territory of Dakota, and known and described as follows, to wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), in township one hundred and forty-five (145) north, range fifty-six (50) west, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or less according to government survey. Dated at Kargo, Dakota Territory, this first day of March, 1880. GAAR SCOTT & CO.. Francis & Southard, attorneys for assignees ot mortgagee, Fargo, Dakota Tenltory. mh5-l2 1 »-2Papr2-n-l(l (gUM3IOXS. Territory of Dakota, County of Steele.—ss. Harvey L. Smith, plaintiff, In Justice Court, vs. before Thomas N. Lee, Mary V. Pickert, Justice of the Peace, defendant. The Territory ot Dakota sends greeting: To Mary V. Pickert, defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear before me, at my ofllce at Colgate. In said county, on the 2(Sth day of February, A. I). 18811, at 1 o'clock p. m., to answer to the complaint of the abovo named plaintiff. Harvey L. Smith, who claims to recover of you tlie sum of Fifty-seven dollars and Twenty six cents, being the amount due for tbe price and id value of goods and merchandise sold and deliver ed by said plaintiff to said defendant at her re que*t. And you are hereby notified that if you tail to appear and answer said eomplalnt as above required, said plaintiff will take Judgment agoinst you for the sum of Fifty-seven dollars and Twen ty-six cents, with Interest from and since the 13th day of November, A. 1. 1885., at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, and tbe costs cf this action. Given under my hand this 18th day of February, A. D. 1880. To the sheriff or any constable of said Steele county, greeting: Make legal seivice hereof and duo return. np%f„$? Assignees of mortgagee. THOMAS N. LEE, Justice of tlieTeaceln and for Steolc county, D. T. To the abovo named defendant: Take notice that tbe complaint herein was filed in the ofllce ot the above named justice, at Colgate, in the coun ty of Steele, territory of Dakota, on the 25th day of February. 1880. Dated this 20th day of Februaiy. 880. C. J. Paul, attorney for plaintiff, Hope, D. T. Territory of Dakota, County of Steele.—ss. Henry J. Merriell. George H. Merriell, and Charles G. Merriell, co-partners as Summons. The Territory of Dakota to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to an swer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled action, of which a copy hereunto an nexed and herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, in Hope, Steele county and territory of Dakota, within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service and If you fall to an swer thef said complaint within the time afore said, the plaintiff in this action will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated January, 20th, 1880. McMahon & MacLaren, plaintiff's attorneys, Hope. D. T. To the above named defendants: Take notice, that the complaint herein was filed in tbe office of the clerk of the above named court, at Valley City, county of Barnes, Dakota territory, on the 1st day of March, 1880. Dated this tlth day of March, 1880. McMahon & MacLaren, plaintiff's attorneys. mhl2-l»-20apr2-IM6 uiHiiioais. Territory of Dakota, Counties of Dames and Steele.—ss. McCormick Harvesting Machine **'s In Justice Court, before Thomas N. Lee, Justice of the Peace. Merriell Bros. & Luce, vs. Charles R. Black. The Territory ot Dakota sends greeting: To Charles U. Black, defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear before me, at my ofllce at Colgate, in said county, on tlie 20th day of February, A. D. 18K0. at 1 o'clock p. m., to answer lo the complaint of the above named plaintiffs, who claim to recover of you tbe sum of Thirty-seven dollars and Forty-two cents, being tbe amount due on a certain promissory note made by defendant and now owned and held by said plaintiffs and for the price and value ot goods sold and delivered by said plaintiffs to said defendant at Ills request. And you are hereby notified that you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required, said plaintiffs will take Judgment against you for the sum of Thirty seven dollars and Forty-two cents, with interest and the costs of this action. Given under my hand this 18th day of February, A. D. 1880. To the sheriff or any constable of said Steele county, greeting: Make legal service hereof and due return. THOMAS N. LEE, Justice of the Peace In and for Steele county, D. T. To the above named defendant: Take notice that the complaint herein was filed In the office of the above named justice, at Colgate, in the county of Steele, Territory of Dakota, on the 25th day of February, 1880. Dated this 20th day of February, 1880. C. J. Paul, attorney for plaintiffs, Hope, D. T, UU1MOXS. s_ Territory of Dakota, Counties of Barnes and Steele.—ss. District Court, Sixth Judicial District. The Red River Land Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Alfred D. Williams and Mary W. Sea. defendants. District Court, Sixth Judicial District. Company, a corporation, vs. Rozel F. Pickert and James A. Pickert, copartners as Pickert Bros. The Territory of Dakota to the'above named de fendeant: You and each ot you are hereby sum moned and required to answer the complaint In the above entitled action, which will be tiled with the clerk of said court, at Valley City, D. T., and to serve a coyy of your answer to the said com plaint on the subscribers, at their office, in Hope, In the county of Steele and Territory aforesaid, within thirty days after tbe seivice of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such ser vice and if you fall to answer tbe said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In tills ac tion will take judgment against you for the sum: of Five hundred, forty-seven and yo-100 dollars, with Interest on 8870.00 thereof from 'Augu&t 27th, 1884, until October 1st, 1884, at 8 percent, and at 10 per cent, slnco said last date,- ahdrwlth Interest on S177.30 thereof since October lit 1884, at 7 per cent., and for $40-00 attorneys' fees besides costs and disbursements. Dated February 20th, A. l. 1880. McMahon & MacLaren, Plaintiff's attorneys, Hope, D. T. To the above named Defendant: Take notice, that the complaint herein was filed In the office of tbe clerk of the above named court, at Valley City, county of Barnes, Dakota Territory, on the 24th day of February, 1880. Dated this 10th day of Marcb, 1886. McMahon & MacLaren, Plaintiff's attorneys. mhl9-26apr2-9-10-23 N OTICE OF F1SAL PROOF. LAUDOFFICE at Fargo, D, T., I April ttth, 1880. Notice Is hereby given that the tollowlng named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and Becure final entry thereof on the 7th day of Juno. 1880, viz: John W. Croxford, H. E. No. 8,880 for the southeast quarter of sec. 22, tp. 144 north, range 50 west, and names tbe following as bis witnesses, viz: Thomas Sussex, John Sussex, Thomas Smith, Jefferson Gurnsey. all of Hope. Steele county, D. T. The testimony to be taken before W. H. Francis, Judge of the district court, and In Jjls absence, C. H. Ward, clerk of tbe district court, at Sherbrooke, Steele county, D. T., on the 1st duj of June, A. D. 1886, at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. McMahon MacLaren, attoneys, Hope, D. T. aprt)-16-2y-U8my7-l4 "J^OTICE OF CONTEST. U. 8. Land Office, Fargo. D. T., I March 2fith, 1880. Complaint having been entered at this office by Karrle M. Johnson against James Thomas far abandoning his Homestead Entry No. ll.llilo, dated Dec. tli, 18K2, upon the S W yi of Section 22. Township 140, Range 57, Steele county, D. T., with a view to the cancellation of said entry the ??. parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofilce on the 12th day of Mar, 18H0fat 10 clock a. m.t to respond and tarnish testimony concerning eald alleged abandonment mmmmm *%*%•j\h\"' WE ABE AGENTS FOB JOHN DEERE GOODS PLOWS, HARROWS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC. FARMERS! JUST LOOK AT THE NEW DEAL GAHG, ECLIPSE HARROW, MONITOR OR VANBRUNT & DAVIS SEEDERS. AGENTS FOB Universal Gasolene Stoves. Most powerful burners in tho market, having the latest improrents. Also we carry a full line of Hardware, G-arland Stoves and Ranges, Etc. L. N. WOOD & CO., Hope, D. T. C. N. Nelson Lumber Co., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP IttiKiil LUMBER, LATHS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Building Papers, Etc. A Large and Well Selected Stock Kept Constantly on Hand, YARDS WEST OF RAILROAD TRACK. B. K,. "WTaitney, Manager, Hop©, 3D. T. FIIAXC1H President. IV. It. ROiilKSOK, See. and Treasurer. THE BEIDLER & ROBIHSON LUMBER COMPANY HAS JUST RECEIVED 1,000,000 feet BRIGHT AND NEW, WHICH MUST BE SOLD DURING THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS FOB O S O A S We will give you BOTTOM PRICES. Don't buy elsewhere before yon have seen our stock and cot eur prices. We mean business. We have also in stock fresh JIME, CEMENT and BRICK, with a full line of SASH, DOORS, MOLDINGS and PAPER. "JP. jmoss. rr« feoltdry of Dakota, Counties of Barnes and Steele.—ss "In District Court, Sixth Judicial District. Heiirj J. Merriell, (ieorge 11. Uorriell and Charles 6. Merriell, copartners as Uerrlell Bros. & Luce, Mary V.jhckert. The Territory of Dakota sends greeting: To Jlilry V. Pickert, defendant: FRANK N. OILMORE, Manager, Hope, D. T. Ag-ain on A E^ew Town! A Riew Store! And 3D. Takes pleasure iu announcing: to his friends autl former patrons that lie has just opened bis New Store in the town of Siierbraoke with a full and complete stock of goods, coinpriug You'are hereby summoned and required to an swer the complaint of the plaintiffs, which will be Hied with, the clerk of said district court, at bis office. In' ihe court house, at Valley City, Dakota territory, and .to serve.a copy of your answer upon the subscriber. at bis office, In Hope, Steele county, D.*T., ftMJhln thlrt) days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive pf the day of such service, and If you fall to answer this complaint wltblu ihat time the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-three Dollars and Four cents, with interest thereon from tbe Uth day of October, 1885, be sides the costs ot this action. Dated at Hope, D. T., this 17th day of Febru ary, 1886. C. J. Paul, plaintiffs' attorney. To the above named defendant: Take notice, that the complaint herein was filed in the ofllce of the olerk ol the above named court, at Valley City, In tbe couuty ot Barnes, Dakota territory, on the IHth day of February, 18WS. Dated this 10th day of March. 188ft. C. J. Paul, plaintiffs' attorney, Hope, D-- T. mhri-l lKi(Sapr2 -^TOTICK OV FINAL, I'll OOF. Galesbure, Traill Co., D. T.. March 10th, 188B. Notice lshereby given tnat it is the Intention of of the following named settler to makelinol proof In support of his claim on the 1 fith day of May, 18811. viz: William M. tev.nrt, D. 8- No. 14,740 for the N. W. of Sec. 24. Tp., 144 n, R. 54 w. and names tbe following ns bis witnesses, viz: John E. Mutot. Charley D. Falkenhagen. Thomas HcPberson, and Aberham Jeurgensen, all of Uules burg. Tmlll Co., D. T. Tbe testimony to be taken befote Thomas Ashford. Justice ot tho peace, GaJesburg, Traill co.,D. on tbe 15th duj of Hay, A. D. 1880, at his office. Ory Goods, Groceries, Provisions and General Merchandise. With an experience of several years, I flatter myself that I shall at all times be able to meet the wants of the farming community, and with a determination to keep on lmnd only FIRST CLASS GOODS, which I will sell at the Lowest Gash. ]Prioes! conficeutly ask for a continuation of tho patronage heretofore enjoyed. A full line of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FELT BOOTS, RUBBER GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS,' Etc., will be kept censtautly on hand. Remember THOMAS 4SHFOHD. Justice of tbe Peace. t, 8, HoufJ'.Wn, ««enw* A W I N S LOW-PRICED CASH STORE, Sherbrooke, in the Center of Steele County. SHERBROOKE is the County Scat of Steele Couuty, and is situated in tlie Celebrated Goose River Country, the Greatest Wheat Region in Dakota, and offers unparalled inducements to parties who wish to locate in business of any kind. Now is the accepted time to catch on. Correspondence in re gard to lots in the town of Sherbrooke solicited. Information in regard to business locations, etc., cheerfully furnished on application. Address Summons. D. P. BALDWIN, SHERBROOKE, STEELE COUNTY. DAKOTA. U3IBIOM3. rA tAbf .- of Lumber, Territory of Dakota, Counties of Barnes and Stogie In District Court, Sixth Judicial District. Henry H. Wasem I vs. Summons. t.<p></p>Pickert.. Mary V. The Territory of Dakota sends greeting: To Mary V. Pickert. defendant: You are summoned and requited to answer the complaint ol the plaintiff, which will be filed with tbe clerk of said district court, at his office. In the court house, at Valley City, Dakota territory, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber, at his office. In Hope. Steele county, D. T., wltblu thirty days after the service ot this summons on you. exclusive of the day of such service, and If you fall to answer this complaint within that time the plaintiff will toko judgment against for tbe sum of Eight Hundred and £igty Dollars and Fitty-four cents, with Interest thereon from the 27th day of November, 1885, besides the costs of ibis action. Dated at Hope, D. T., this 10th day of Febru ary. 188b. C. J. Paul, plaintiff's attorney. To the above named defendant: Take notice, that tbe complaint herein was filed In the office of tbe clerk or the above named court, at Valley City, county of Barnes, Dakota territory, on the aiird day of February, 188H. Dated this 10th day of Marcb, 1 C. J. Paul, plaintiff's attorney, mhl2-19-: Hope, TyjoRTeACE SALS. -Default having been made In the sum of ?W,. Hundred, Sixty-nine and 18-100 Dollars which Un claimed to be due at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered.: by Valentine Replogle, ot Hope, Steele county, Dakota territory, to I. C. Button, of FltUifleld, McHenry county. Illinois, bearing date the 28th day of September, A. D. 1883, and filed for record en the 2«th day of September, A. D. 1883, at 2:26 o'clock, p. m.. and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds In and for the county ol. Steele and territory of Dakota. In book A of mort gages, on page 18, and the mortgagee having elect-: ed to declare the whole amount, both principal and coupon notes, due, and the taxes for the year A. D. 1885, amounting to S10.35, having been, paid by tbe said mortgagee and Included in tho above amount as provided in said mortgage, and' no action or proceeding at law or otherwise hav- ,, lng been Instituted to recover the debt secured by •eald mortgage, or any part thereof Mow, there fore, Notice Is hereby given, That by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage and pur suant to the statute In such case made and pro vided, the said morigagewlll be foreclosed, and tbe premises described In and covered by said mortgage, viz: Tbe southeast quarter (s W of section twelve (12), township one hundred and forty-four U44). range fifty-seven (57). containing' one hundred and sixty acres according to the gov ernment survey thereof. In Steele county and terri tory of Dakota, with the hereditaments and ap- gurtenauces. IJHE ST. PAVli, JIIX.\EArOLIS MANITOBA RAILWAY. With its 1,600 miles of road, is the only lin extending through the I'nrk ltcgion of Minnesota, to all practical points iu RED RIVER VALLEY. fi fifl 7 06 7 20 8 00 9 15 0 20 0 45 10 25 10 65 11 215 Deck! Byew, Fresh Goods! WI3ST Trains oi jHcrstTftwV Kcnyon a Bodge O. A stato w£'ifK,s^Moberl: lH Uli I Centra on on HOMCCW PWC89, 8T. PAUU. D.T. r2 9-16 l9-2oapi OTICE OK FIIAL PROOF. Land Office at Tarco, D. T., March 3th, 1886. Notice hereby given that tbe following named settler baA flled notice of bis intention to make port of bis claim and secure llnul jiroof li»eupport of bit final entry, tbeioof: Horace '&-3eott, D. S. No. 5,' ot Sec. 14, To. tallowing as his ilesburg, Hugb Davldsou.of Galesburg, of Galebburs, chailes Falkenhagen, 8Imony 1 ,722 tor-the North west quarter ot Sec. 14, To. 144 n, 54 w, and names tbe (allowing as his witnesses, vis: John Matot.of Galesburi J. S. Kemp, all of Traill county, I.<p></p>GaleSburg. all of Train county, D. T. The tes- of witnesses to be takei McMabon. notary public, at Hope, Steele ooun mony of witnesses to be taken before £. J, leMabon. notary public, at Hope, Steele county, D. T., on tbe 26lb day of April, A. D. 1886, at his office. Testimony of claimant will betaken be fore register and receiver at Fargo. D. T..on April HOBACE AllSTIIs Uegister. nkiiu£aeftjBHw 880. & Tbe only line in the Northwest running Pull man's eleeant BUFFET SLEEPERS AND COMBINATION SLEEPING AND CHAIR CARS. Popular Houte to Chicago and tho East. THE SHORT LINE TO St. Lottie, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Galvetston, SEW OBtEASS AXI).uJ°' Through to all points SnutTi, uasTauS^Wat without change of Depots. 'n will be sold at public auction, to the Igbest bidder for cash, to pay said debt and In terest. and the taxes, If any, on said premises, and fifty dollars attorneys' fee, as stipulated In and by said mortgage in case of foreclosure, and tbe disbursements allowed by law which sale will be made by the sheriff of said Steele county, al the front door of the Hope House, in the town of Hope, In said county and territory, on the First day of May, A. D. 1880. at Two o'clock p. m. of that day. subject to redemption at any time with in one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated March 18th, A. D. 1888. J. C. BUTTON, Mortgagee. McMahon & MacLaren, attorneys for mortgagee,' Hope, D. T. mh!9-2Bapr2-tH 0-23-80 NORTHERN MINNESOTA, NORTHERN DAKOTA, and to Devil's Lake and Turtle Mountain Districts. TIME TABLE. FBOM Tn St. Paul. 7 80 p. 8 05 12 00 12 21 12 38 a. m. 12 48 12 58 1 17 1 S)2 1 57 2 22 5 00 5 07 5 25 5 58 6 13 fi 85 6 48 STATIONS. Leave St .Arrive St. Paul. Paul. StLouis andEansasCiiy Chicago, Waterloo, and Dubuque Randolph, Nortbfield, +8:00 a. m. Faribault, DodgeCen ter, Rochester, Austin and Lyle accui'dntion ij ST. p. +8:20 p.m. $7:00 p. m. §9:25 a. m. tl:30p. in. +11:16a. m. in. Tn.ioa. m, +Daily ex. Sunday tex. Saturday kx. Mori day. RAYMOND DU PUY, Gen. Sup't H. M.LITTELL, Gen. Pass. Art And the famous Albert Lea Route. TWO THROUGH TRAINS From St. Paul and Minneapolis to! CHICAGO Without change, connecting with the fast trains of all lines for the East and Southeast The direct and only line running through cars between St. Paul, Minneapolis and DES MOINES, IOWA. Via Albert Lea and Fort Dodge. Solid through trains between St Paul,Minneapolis & St. Louis, And the principal cities of tlie Mississippi Val ley, connecting in Dnion Depot for all and (be only line running two trains daily to Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison, male-' lng connections with the Union Pacific and Atchison, Topeka & Sante pjrrailways. R^C oae connections made in Union Depot with a trains of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Northern Pacific St Paul & Du North west83'8' aBd to a11 & j$v- r$ te-'- Ts Paul. 1. ra IT «L 41 It ... .Murdock .... 3 05 II ....De Graff .... 2 48 II ..Benson .... 2S5 II —Clentarf.... .... 2 21 II (1 .. ..Morris .... 1 32 II Breckenridge.. .... 9 30 p. .. Wnhpeton.. II 9 57 II .... 9 03 II Walcott 8 28 II Kindred... .... 8 10 II —Davenport.. .... 7 48 II Addison... .... 7 57 II Durbln.... .... 743 fl Everest .... 7 33 «l Casselton... .... 7 22 1* Rlpon 5 10 II ...Absaraka.... 5 00 Ary 4 35 l'age City.., 3 55 .11 Colgate... 3 20 I* 2 50 days, and Saturdays. Sleeping car service between St. Paul and Cas eelton. Tickets to all points in the United States and canada can be procured of Arthur Turney, ticket agent at Uopo. C. H. WARREN, Gen. Pass. Agent, t. Paul. J^ISIXESOTA & OKTIiWEST" EBN RAILWiY COMPANY. Chicago & St. Louis Short Line. MINNEAPOLIS &ST. PAUL JWinnesota jJorthafesfeeim fl Railroad, ^yC Austin v, O Austin LMona H»nly MO Uyle VL O CONNECTION** Waterloo a town •TSoTi"**"" Ori/pfllON. .Moatemma Oil. r\ flE ButikaloosaJ/ 'a* s"ioiKES^^ri=* Centre fescliclW' KcltlMliurg Gldo*oodu% te* a? F* fl KJrksville D- y. PEORIA A \'ilf 5 -1 DATTVV I: I 1 points South and South- .y eaBt. Many Hours Saved ioiats T.icketa' etc., call upon the nearest ticket agent, or write to S. F. BOYD faen'l T'kt aud Pass. Agt. Minneapolis, Minn. HE. H. II. BALDWIN, Physician 1 Surgeon, 1 can bo found at Dr. Philip's old office, Boom «9, Second Floor of Hope HOMO, until Dr. Philip's return- Notice. '4: pound en short notice and on re^ •ooable terms, by N. P. Ba»nC,4 vi Hwtiou 28, ToWMhly 114, Baog« 97, Jims '•Vuf frw •v0$ j'3 '1 North and REMEMBER the trains of the Minneapolis & ot Louis railway are composed of COKFORTA BLB DAY COACHES, MAGNIFICENT PULLMAN GHr 3uBUy C8lebrated pai-